Re: Password Field Question.

2009-12-28 Thread Matt Roberts

On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:00 PM, Angel Dockham wrote:

> I have a friend who is having difficulty with password fields we are
> trying to get VO to tell us what character he is typing in but instead
> it says nothing. is there a way to get VO to tell us what character he
> types in the password field?

VoiceOver will not announce what is typed in password fields.  You can tell 
your in a password field, because you'll hear a clicking sound as you enter 

Matt Roberts


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Writing an iPHone App

2009-12-28 Thread M. Taylor

I'm starting to get serious about writing an iPhone app.  

I would appreciate any off-list communication from anyone who knows how I
should begin or who may have any suggestions.  

Years and years and years ago, I used to program and I fancy that I was
rather good at it.  So, instead of wishing for something, I've decided to
make it happen, myself.  

All replies welcomed.  

Yes, I know it will cost 99 USD in order to become an Apple developer--not a
problem.  Yes, I have a Mac but I'm hoping I can program in Windows but I'm
almost positive that won't be possible, eh?  (Smile)

I eagerly await replies.


Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.  Mastering
others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.  (Lao Tzu)

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Re: Password Field Question.

2009-12-28 Thread william lomas
but we will still hear the keyboard as we find the keys before  
entering them in password fields?

On 28 Dec 2009, at 08:38, Matt Roberts wrote:

> On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:00 PM, Angel Dockham wrote:
>> I have a friend who is having difficulty with password fields we are
>> trying to get VO to tell us what character he is typing in but  
>> instead
>> it says nothing. is there a way to get VO to tell us what character  
>> he
>> types in the password field?
> VoiceOver will not announce what is typed in password fields.  You  
> can tell your in a password field, because you'll hear a clicking  
> sound as you enter characters.
> Matt Roberts
> --
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i pod touch

2009-12-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi list,

 Can anyone tell me what the battery life on the new ipod touch, is like

 Is it better than the Iphone or just the same?


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IPOD touch sizes

2009-12-28 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi list,

 I'm just looking at the ipod touchs and I know the 32 And 64 gig versions
are new models with voice over if I'm not mistaken.
 But I see a listing there on the apple site for an 8gig version as well, 
Is the 8gig version going to support voice over useage? Or is that using the
older hardware and therefore not vo compliant, even with the 3.1 firmware?




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Skype - adding people who call to a conference

2009-12-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hey folks.
I'm trying to figure out how i do to add a person who calls me to a conference 
i'm in. On the pc, there's a function called something like "answer and join", 
which answers the incoming call and then joins that call with the conference 
i'm in. Is there a similar function on the Mac version?


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Re: iTunes and time jump, can it be done?

2009-12-28 Thread peter apgar
Esther your the best,

are these apple scripts functional with SL?
I would like to thank you for all of your postings they have become a 
Mac bible for me. Best wishes for the new year and thanks in advance for any 
upcoming posts.

On Dec 27, 2009, at 8:49 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Lynn,
> The easiest way to do what you want is to download the "RestartAt"  
> AppleScript from Tim Kilburn's VoiceOver Downloads page:
> I'm going to shortcut my explanation and point you to the last  
> detailed description I wrote of how to use this from the  
> macvisionaries archive:
> (Re: finding playback position in ituens, was creating ringtones)
> Skip the first 3 paragraphs (which were about setting start and stop  
> times for making ringtones), and start reading  at paragraph 4, which  
> begins, "An easier way to make these adjustments is to get a copy of  
> the "RestartAt" AppleScript from Tim Kilburn's VoiceOver Downloads  
> page…"
> The rest of the post describes how AppleScripts work, and how you can  
> set this up.  Basically, for any track that you start playing in  
> iTunes (whether podcast, audiobook, music, movie, etc.), if you select  
> the track, and then run "RestartAt" (which will appear as a menu  
> option in an AppleScript menu on your iTunes menu bar once you  
> download the AppleScript and put it in your Library/iTunes/Scripts  
> folder), you'll be prompted for the time at which you want to start  
> playing the track.  If you carriage return, it will use your current  
> position (which you'll also be informed of in the dialog window).
> HTH.  Just make sure that you actually started the track playing and  
> paused it before you run the script.  There's a shortcut sequence that  
> used to guarantee the track was selected, but with all the recent  
> tweaks in iTunes behavior, I wouldn't want to try running down the  
> sequence and checking the circumstances under which that works right  
> now -- simpler to just tell you to make sure the track is "active".
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Lynn Schneider wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  Is there a way to do a time jump in iTunes?  I like to  
>> put on a podcast to relax myself before I fall asleep, and many  
>> times I will have listened to an hour or so of the podcast before  
>> drifting off, so the next day, I want to skip ahead to a specific  
>> time.  I know about command-option-right and left arrows, but that  
>> is very slow.  I did see something while poking around in the  
>> information menu that says start time and end time, but I can't  
>> quite get that to work.  Any assistance with this would be most  
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Lynn Schneider
>> MSN Messenger
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Re: We better keep this going!

2009-12-28 Thread Chris Hofstader
Thanks CQ.

I wish I had the time or the luxury of retirement so as to be available to 
projects like assembling accessible online resources as well as things 
available without extra cost on GNU/Linux and Macintosh.  A nice mysql database 
with an adequate search functionality is all that it would take to get it 
started, users could login and add items or make further comments and it could 
grow organically.

Unfortunately, I haven't the cycles to get it started yet but may in the 
Spring.  These sort of things, along with gonzo weirdness and articles written 
by people expert in one thing or another, will be the new  I may 
also put up a "Hall of Shame" where people can report accessibility nightmares, 
and maybe get others to sign on and get something to the owner of the 
inaccessible web site or application.

Happy Happy,
On Dec 27, 2009, at 7:16 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>  Chris, thanks for this! Now if we could just get people to use their 
> spell-checkers! lol!
> Seriously though, info on resources such as the one on which you've posted, 
> and the many conveniences built into the Mac OS for the alleviation of 
> illiteracy, are truly welcomed here!…
> Smiles,
> CQ :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> If you really want to learn almost all of the important aspects of writing in 
> the English language, the reference I use with frequency is "Elements of 
> Style," by Strunk and White.  There is a no cost online version that you can 
> find with google. 
> For listserv posts, the grammar needn't be too great as long as your meaning 
> can be easily derived.  In business and other correspondence Professor Strunk 
> and EB White have pulled my butt out of lingual disasters pretty often.
> cdh
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 12:55 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Ah your correct and my error. THanks for pointing my mistake out, it will 
>> help me remember and improve. :)
>> On Dec 27, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Because I was an English major in graduate school, I can't help myself:  
>>> You wrote, "sometimes, "There is no right or wrong answer here Erik, merely 
>>> objective points of view..."  This is "subjective" rather than "objective" 
>>> points of view.  An objective measurement of a computing device might be 
>>> how quickly it sorts a set of items - this results in a metric which can be 
>>> compared without user influence on the outcome.  Subjective is, "I like the 
>>> iPhone because it feels really nice  in my hand." which has no way to 
>>> specifically define a metric for "feels good" so falls into subjectivity.
>>> Kill me before I turn entirely back into Conan the Grammarian!
>>> cdh
>>> On Dec 23, 2009, at 11:57 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
 There is no right or wrong answer here Erik, merely objective points of 
>>> --
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Re: IPOD touch sizes

2009-12-28 Thread Matt Roberts
The 8GB model does not have VoiceOver functionality.

Matt Roberts

Sent from my iPhone using VoiceOver

On Dec 28, 2009, at 5:06 AM, "Simon Fogarty"   

> Hi list,
> I'm just looking at the ipod touchs and I know the 32 And 64 gig  
> versions
> are new models with voice over if I'm not mistaken.
> But I see a listing there on the apple site for an 8gig version as  
> well,
> Is the 8gig version going to support voice over useage? Or is that  
> using the
> older hardware and therefore not vo compliant, even with the 3.1  
> firmware?
> Cheers
> Simon
> --


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Re: pausing on an IPod Touch

2009-12-28 Thread Kaare Dehard
do a two fingered double tap with the machine unlocked and that will pause/play.
On 2009-12-27, at 8:15 PM, carlene knight wrote:

> HI;
> Is there any quic way to pause an ITouch as I have lost my ear buds already.  
> I have others but they don't have controls on them.  My husband says there 
> isn't a way but I hope he's wrong as I am having a devil of a time finding 
> the pause button.  I have just been pulling the headset out.  I apologize if 
> this is off topic, but I don't have time to join another list.  This will be 
> my last related post.  Thanks.
> --
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Re: Password Field Question.

2009-12-28 Thread Angel Dockham
I don't hear a clicking noise when I am in password fields online the
only time it does the clicking noise is in system password firleds for
like installing new programs and stuff. Its never done it in online
password fields.

On Dec 28, 4:58 pm, william lomas  wrote:
> but we will still hear the keyboard as we find the keys before  
> entering them in password fields?
> On 28 Dec 2009, at 08:38, Matt Roberts wrote:
> > On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:00 PM, Angel Dockham wrote:
> >> I have a friend who is having difficulty with password fields we are
> >> trying to get VO to tell us what character he is typing in but  
> >> instead
> >> it says nothing. is there a way to get VO to tell us what character  
> >> he
> >> types in the password field?
> > VoiceOver will not announce what is typed in password fields.  You  
> > can tell your in a password field, because you'll hear a clicking  
> > sound as you enter characters.
> > Matt Roberts
> > --
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Re: slingbox

2009-12-28 Thread Keith Brown
thanks Darcy 
I read  somewhere that it could control such things as a PVR and could schedule 
recordings so either they were wrong or maybe the new slingboxes offer this. 
thanks for the info though it's appreciated.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Darcy Burnard 
  Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 2:34 AM
  Subject: Re: slingbox

  Hi.  The sling player software is quite accessible on the Mac.  There are 
some unlabelled buttons, but there are keyboard shortcuts for everything, so it 
works extremely well.
  It is worth noting however that the slingbox itself does not record tv shows. 
 What it does is it takes a television source, and streams that over the 
internet.  When I say television source, I mean analog cable, a cable box, a 
satellite receiver, a Tivo, etc.  So if you're looking for something to record 
television, a slingbox may not be exactly what you're after.

  On 2009-12-27, at 6:21 PM, Keith Brown wrote:

how well does the slingbox work with a Mac? are all controls accessible? 
I.e. recording  and playback of recordings.


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how do I share my ethernet connection securely?

2009-12-28 Thread John J Herzog
Hi listers, 
How can I share my mac's ethernet connection to the airport with security 
enabled? Whenever I go into system preferences and enable internet sharing, it 
creates a base station with no WEP security. Alternatively, when I try to 
create a network by going into the airport menu, I can get the Ipod to connect 
securely with the mac, but the devices connected to the macbook cannot access 
the net. 
What am I missing? I want to both create the secure network, and have internet 
sharing on. 
How can I do this? 



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Re: iTunes and time jump, can it be done?

2009-12-28 Thread Lynn Schneider
Esther, thank you so much for your help with this.  I tried this script this 
morning and it does exactly what I have been wanting for so long.  I put on an 
episode of the Mac Break Weekly podcast last night and fell asleep after about 
a half hour.  This morning, I was able to use the script to advance forward 30 
minutes very quickly.  This is just great!  Thanks again.
On Dec 27, 2009, at 8:49 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Lynn,
> The easiest way to do what you want is to download the "RestartAt"  
> AppleScript from Tim Kilburn's VoiceOver Downloads page:
> I'm going to shortcut my explanation and point you to the last  
> detailed description I wrote of how to use this from the  
> macvisionaries archive:
> (Re: finding playback position in ituens, was creating ringtones)
> Skip the first 3 paragraphs (which were about setting start and stop  
> times for making ringtones), and start reading  at paragraph 4, which  
> begins, "An easier way to make these adjustments is to get a copy of  
> the "RestartAt" AppleScript from Tim Kilburn's VoiceOver Downloads  
> page…"
> The rest of the post describes how AppleScripts work, and how you can  
> set this up.  Basically, for any track that you start playing in  
> iTunes (whether podcast, audiobook, music, movie, etc.), if you select  
> the track, and then run "RestartAt" (which will appear as a menu  
> option in an AppleScript menu on your iTunes menu bar once you  
> download the AppleScript and put it in your Library/iTunes/Scripts  
> folder), you'll be prompted for the time at which you want to start  
> playing the track.  If you carriage return, it will use your current  
> position (which you'll also be informed of in the dialog window).
> HTH.  Just make sure that you actually started the track playing and  
> paused it before you run the script.  There's a shortcut sequence that  
> used to guarantee the track was selected, but with all the recent  
> tweaks in iTunes behavior, I wouldn't want to try running down the  
> sequence and checking the circumstances under which that works right  
> now -- simpler to just tell you to make sure the track is "active".
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Lynn Schneider wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  Is there a way to do a time jump in iTunes?  I like to  
>> put on a podcast to relax myself before I fall asleep, and many  
>> times I will have listened to an hour or so of the podcast before  
>> drifting off, so the next day, I want to skip ahead to a specific  
>> time.  I know about command-option-right and left arrows, but that  
>> is very slow.  I did see something while poking around in the  
>> information menu that says start time and end time, but I can't  
>> quite get that to work.  Any assistance with this would be most  
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Lynn Schneider
>> MSN Messenger
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Re: Skype - adding people who call to a conference

2009-12-28 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

As far as I'm aware, this is impossible at the moment. Mac on Skype is 
currently the 2.8 version, which probably means it's just as functional as the 
2.8 version on Windows, although Windows of course has much newer software. Mac 
also seems to have tremendous issues where conference calls are concerned. 
Sometimes, adding people works just fine but most of the time it doesn't seem 
to. What I've started doing is simply to decline the incoming call, search for 
whoever called me in my contacts list and add them to the call. A bit of a 
pain, but if anyone knows of an actual way of doing this, let me know. I'd love 
to hear it.

I draw the conclusion about  functionality in 2.8 on the Mac from the 2.8 
version on Windows. I believe the features were exactly the same. Regardless, 
though, I certainly would not mind an update. And even if I'm wrong, which is 
very likely, I'm surprised if this is an oversight.

Skype: Kvalme
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yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Dec 28, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hey folks.
> I'm trying to figure out how i do to add a person who calls me to a 
> conference i'm in. On the pc, there's a function called something like 
> "answer and join", which answers the incoming call and then joins that call 
> with the conference i'm in. Is there a similar function on the Mac version?
> /Krister
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Re: i pod touch

2009-12-28 Thread Brett Campbell
I don't have details for you, but the battery life on the iPod Touch is much, 
much better than the iPhone.

Brett C.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi list,
> Can anyone tell me what the battery life on the new ipod touch, is like
> please?
> Is it better than the Iphone or just the same?
> --
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Re: i pod touch

2009-12-28 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

That's probably because it doesn't have all those services the iPhone does. I'd 
imagine the battery on the iPhone would be pretty equal to the iTouch if you 
turned on Airplane Mode.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 28, 2009, at 6:36 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> I don't have details for you, but the battery life on the iPod Touch is much, 
> much better than the iPhone.
> Brett C.
> On Dec 28, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Can anyone tell me what the battery life on the new ipod touch, is like
>> please?
>> Is it better than the Iphone or just the same?
>> --
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Re: how do I share my ethernet connection securely?

2009-12-28 Thread Jon Cohn
I believe that the macintosh's firewall is advanced enough to be able  
to support this ability, but the simplified interface to it provided  
by "System Preferences: is insufficient to do this.

Your choices are:
1. Look at a separate piece of hard ware (ie Airport Base Station ) or  
other wireless router. I think you might even be able to manage with  
the Airport Express.
2. Install software that controls the firewall ie  I believe there are  
at least three packages out there. I have never reviewed them.
3. Learn the configuration file for the internal Apple Firewall and  
configure as you feel appropriate.'s  Rich Mogul had a  
long piece about the Leopard firewall changes shortly after Leopard  
came out.  I have not specifically seen any discussions about Snow  
Leopard changes to the core firewall.



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2009-12-28 Thread John W. Carty
Is anyone out there programming in the xcode environment?

How well does vo perform?



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Re: xcode

2009-12-28 Thread Chris Hofstader
VO performs pretty well but you do need to do some poking around with mouse 
On Dec 28, 2009, at 2:04 PM, John W. Carty wrote:

> Is anyone out there programming in the xcode environment?
> How well does vo perform?
> John
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Re: xcode

2009-12-28 Thread louie
I have used xcode as a editor only. It works great.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 11:04 AM, John W. Carty wrote:

> Is anyone out there programming in the xcode environment?
> How well does vo perform?
> John
> --
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2009-12-28 Thread Joe Plummer
This is a test.



JP ( Joe Plummer)



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Re: pausing on an IPod Touch

2009-12-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

It has been my experience that the 2 finger double tap  only works while in the 
music app itself.  If your in safari or mail for example, it will not work.  Do 
you guys have the same results?
On Dec 28, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> do a two fingered double tap with the machine unlocked and that will 
> pause/play.
> On 2009-12-27, at 8:15 PM, carlene knight wrote:
>> HI;
>> Is there any quic way to pause an ITouch as I have lost my ear buds already. 
>>  I have others but they don't have controls on them.  My husband says there 
>> isn't a way but I hope he's wrong as I am having a devil of a time finding 
>> the pause button.  I have just been pulling the headset out.  I apologize if 
>> this is off topic, but I don't have time to join another list.  This will be 
>> my last related post.  Thanks.
>> --
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Re: Password Field Question.

2009-12-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

that is the case on the iPod touch/iPhone but not on the Mac.
On Dec 28, 2009, at 3:58 AM, william lomas wrote:

> but we will still hear the keyboard as we find the keys before  
> entering them in password fields?
> On 28 Dec 2009, at 08:38, Matt Roberts wrote:
>> On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:00 PM, Angel Dockham wrote:
>>> I have a friend who is having difficulty with password fields we are
>>> trying to get VO to tell us what character he is typing in but  
>>> instead
>>> it says nothing. is there a way to get VO to tell us what character  
>>> he
>>> types in the password field?
>> VoiceOver will not announce what is typed in password fields.  You  
>> can tell your in a password field, because you'll hear a clicking  
>> sound as you enter characters.
>> Matt Roberts
>> --
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Re: Password Field Question.

2009-12-28 Thread louie
What I do is open textedit and type my password. Then I copy the  
password to the paste board. Now when in password edit field press  
command v to paste in password.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hello,
> that is the case on the iPod touch/iPhone but not on the Mac.
> On Dec 28, 2009, at 3:58 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> but we will still hear the keyboard as we find the keys before
>> entering them in password fields?
>> On 28 Dec 2009, at 08:38, Matt Roberts wrote:
>>> On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:00 PM, Angel Dockham wrote:
 I have a friend who is having difficulty with password fields we  
 trying to get VO to tell us what character he is typing in but
 it says nothing. is there a way to get VO to tell us what character
 types in the password field?
>>> VoiceOver will not announce what is typed in password fields.  You
>>> can tell your in a password field, because you'll hear a clicking
>>> sound as you enter characters.

>>> Matt Roberts
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Re: Skype - adding people who call to a conference

2009-12-28 Thread Søren Jensen

It is possible, but it doesn't always work for me. Try the following when 
you are in a confrence:
Choose the confrence window using the window chooser. Then interact with the 
scroll bar, and find the name of the person you wanna add. Move the mouse to 
the VO cursor by pressing VO command f5, and click on the name by pressing 
Vo spacebar. Then find the popup button with the Vo cursor, and choose add 
contact. Sometimes I can't find the popup button which is pretty weird.

Best regards Søren.
- Original Message - 
From: "Nicolai Svendsen" 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: Skype - adding people who call to a conference


As far as I'm aware, this is impossible at the moment. Mac on Skype is 
currently the 2.8 version, which probably means it's just as functional as 
the 2.8 version on Windows, although Windows of course has much newer 
software. Mac also seems to have tremendous issues where conference calls 
are concerned. Sometimes, adding people works just fine but most of the time 
it doesn't seem to. What I've started doing is simply to decline the 
incoming call, search for whoever called me in my contacts list and add them 
to the call. A bit of a pain, but if anyone knows of an actual way of doing 
this, let me know. I'd love to hear it.

I draw the conclusion about  functionality in 2.8 on the Mac from the 2.8 
version on Windows. I believe the features were exactly the same. 
Regardless, though, I certainly would not mind an update. And even if I'm 
wrong, which is very likely, I'm surprised if this is an oversight.

Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
Facebook Profile
My Twitter

On Dec 28, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hey folks.
> I'm trying to figure out how i do to add a person who calls me to a 
> conference i'm in. On the pc, there's a function called something like 
> "answer and join", which answers the incoming call and then joins that 
> call with the conference i'm in. Is there a similar function on the Mac 
> version?
> /Krister
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? about sling box and TV tuner's for the mac.

2009-12-28 Thread Michael Huckabay
Would some one be able to reckimend a TV Tuner and software that is excessible 
for watching TV on the mac and recording it. 
When  I Mean recording being able to skedule and set up recordings on it.
Thanks Mike.


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Questions about moving through songs and podcasts in itunes

2009-12-28 Thread Lauren Greer
Hey, I'm a new user as of 3 days ago, and I'm pretty much in love. I don't 
think the honeymoon phase of this relationship will ever end, in fact. The 
ability to search archives of this group has helped me immeasurably.

I just have a couple questions (for now, heh). Is there a way to fast-forward 
through songs with itunes? I can't find a slider, and holding down on the next 
button simply moves to the next track. also, how do you delete episodes of 
podcasts once you've listened to them? It was just suddenly downloading and I 
had no idea where it was being saved. It's really bad for a person to be 
outsmarted by the operating system, right? :) 

I'm sure these are both really obvious, but my google searching skills have 
come up empty. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks a lot!



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Re: Questions about moving through songs and podcasts in itunes

2009-12-28 Thread Scott Howell

You can move ahead by locating the "Track Position" adjuster and you simply 
flick up/down to move through the track. There is a button for skipping back 30 
seconds as well.
In iTunes each podcast can have settings adjusted that determine if the episode 
is kept or not and this can also be done as a global option. I do not know if 
your using a Mac since you did not specify from what I recall, so please let me 
know. If your using a Mac I can help, if your using a PC, I won't be able to 
help since I have not used iTunes on the PC.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 5:09 PM, Lauren Greer wrote:

> Hey, I'm a new user as of 3 days ago, and I'm pretty much in love. I don't 
> think the honeymoon phase of this relationship will ever end, in fact. The 
> ability to search archives of this group has helped me immeasurably.
> I just have a couple questions (for now, heh). Is there a way to fast-forward 
> through songs with itunes? I can't find a slider, and holding down on the 
> next button simply moves to the next track. also, how do you delete episodes 
> of podcasts once you've listened to them? It was just suddenly downloading 
> and I had no idea where it was being saved. It's really bad for a person to 
> be outsmarted by the operating system, right? :)
> I'm sure these are both really obvious, but my google searching skills have 
> come up empty. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks a lot!
> Lauren
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using Facebook on the Mac?

2009-12-28 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Anyone had much luck with this?  I'm trying it out, and finding it  
very hard to get around and figure out how to do things.  If anyone  
has tips for using Facebook on the Mac, I'd appreciate any info.


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Re: using Facebook on the Mac?

2009-12-28 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
 Try using It's the mobile version of facebooi. Hth, 
On Dec 28, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone had much luck with this?  I'm trying it out, and finding it  
> very hard to get around and figure out how to do things.  If anyone  
> has tips for using Facebook on the Mac, I'd appreciate any info.
> TIA,
> Donna
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Re: Questions about moving through songs and podcasts in itunes

2009-12-28 Thread Lauren
Hey Scott,
I'm sorry I wasn't more specific. I'm using a macbook. I can't find
any place in the itunes window to skip songs. I'm just in the main
window with the songs, sources, etc options. I might need to be
interacting with something, I'm not sure. Thanks for replying so

Scott Howell wrote:
> Lauren,
> You can move ahead by locating the "Track Position" adjuster and you simply 
> flick up/down to move through the track. There is a button for skipping back 
> 30 seconds as well.
> In iTunes each podcast can have settings adjusted that determine if the 
> episode is kept or not and this can also be done as a global option. I do not 
> know if your using a Mac since you did not specify from what I recall, so 
> please let me know. If your using a Mac I can help, if your using a PC, I 
> won't be able to help since I have not used iTunes on the PC.
> hth,
> On Dec 28, 2009, at 5:09 PM, Lauren Greer wrote:
> > Hey, I'm a new user as of 3 days ago, and I'm pretty much in love. I don't 
> > think the honeymoon phase of this relationship will ever end, in fact. The 
> > ability to search archives of this group has helped me immeasurably.
> >
> >
> > I just have a couple questions (for now, heh). Is there a way to 
> > fast-forward through songs with itunes? I can't find a slider, and holding 
> > down on the next button simply moves to the next track. also, how do you 
> > delete episodes of podcasts once you've listened to them? It was just 
> > suddenly downloading and I had no idea where it was being saved. It's 
> > really bad for a person to be outsmarted by the operating system, right? :)
> >
> >
> > I'm sure these are both really obvious, but my google searching skills have 
> > come up empty. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks a lot!
> >
> >
> > Lauren
> >
> >
> > --
> >
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Re: using Facebook on the Mac?

2009-12-28 Thread Tom McMahan
Disabling Cursor tracking helps in a lot of situations such as  
comfirming firends and so forth.  The game applications though, well,  
haven't gotten a way to play those since they are flach based.  Can  
do the gift exchanges within the game systems, again (cursor disabled).

Of course with (cursor disabled, it is wise of coure to move mouse to  
where V O is) Command Option Control and F5 on standard keyboards,  
don't know about laptops, but it's a common move so those with would  
know how to do that I'm sure.

Facebook chat, I use Adium and just have it set up the acount.

Posting comments, well, haven't done that, don't have much to say I  

Walls work fairly well.

Their e-mail system is kind of a bother, but I hate web-mail of any  
sort from the start prefer my Apple Mail.

Have had some limited success with (Snowball Fighting) but that may  
not be your style, that reminds me, I've been pelted with 5 of them  
by two different people, so should get back over there and pelt them  
back huh?

But it's navigation at best is still a hastle over there.  Not sure  
if what I've suggested has been any help to you, I'm sure others have  
other ideas as well, but that's my experience in dealing with  
facebook for the past couple of weeks since I've been there.

A lot of alternating between Cursor tracking on and off.


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RE: using Facebook on the Mac?

2009-12-28 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, try this link out it is much better than the Face Book mobile. It is
called Face Book lite. See link below.

JP ( Joe Plummer)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chantel Cuddemi
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: using Facebook on the Mac?

 Try using It's the mobile version of facebooi. Hth, Chantel. 
On Dec 28, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone had much luck with this?  I'm trying it out, and finding it 
> very hard to get around and figure out how to do things.  If anyone 
> has tips for using Facebook on the Mac, I'd appreciate any info.
> TIA,
> Donna
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Re: Questions about moving through songs and podcasts in itunes

2009-12-28 Thread Scott Howell

Sorry, I can't retrieve your initial message, but I bet I gave you bad info 
thinking you were referring to an iPod TOuch. :) Okay, well in iTunes you have 
a few options. If your listening to a track you can simply hit left or right 
arrow to move backward or forward between tracks. TO move rapidly through a 
track you are listening too, you can hold down the command and option keys and 
press either the left or right arrow to move back/forward through a track.

As far as setting the podcasts up, you can make some global settings if you 
wish by doing the following.

1. First go to the sources table and choose podcasts.
2. If you navigate past the songs table you will encounter some buttons and one 
of these is the settings button. This is after the subscribe button as a 
reference. IN the settings menu you can configure change how often podcasts are 
downloaded, episodes to keep, etc.
3. You can also change each podcast such as setting auto delete etc. You do 
this by going to the songs table where you can select a podcast. Please be 
aware that each podcast will appear as a collapsed tree which can be expanded 
by interacting with the table, selecting the podcast, and pressing VO-keys-\ to 
expand or collapse the tree.
Once you have selected the podcast or individual episode, you can interact with 
the item and press VO-keys-shift-m to bring up a context menu where you can 
choose a number of options and one of those is to auto delete the episodes as 
you listen to them or just that particular episode.

I hope this helps and if you need further help, let me know or if you want to 
talk via Skype or something, I can try to help that way as well.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 6:55 PM, Lauren wrote:

> Hey Scott,
> I'm sorry I wasn't more specific. I'm using a macbook. I can't find
> any place in the itunes window to skip songs. I'm just in the main
> window with the songs, sources, etc options. I might need to be
> interacting with something, I'm not sure. Thanks for replying so
> quickly!
> Scott Howell wrote:
>> Lauren,
>> You can move ahead by locating the "Track Position" adjuster and you simply 
>> flick up/down to move through the track. There is a button for skipping back 
>> 30 seconds as well.
>> In iTunes each podcast can have settings adjusted that determine if the 
>> episode is kept or not and this can also be done as a global option. I do 
>> not know if your using a Mac since you did not specify from what I recall, 
>> so please let me know. If your using a Mac I can help, if your using a PC, I 
>> won't be able to help since I have not used iTunes on the PC.
>> hth,
>> On Dec 28, 2009, at 5:09 PM, Lauren Greer wrote:
>>> Hey, I'm a new user as of 3 days ago, and I'm pretty much in love. I don't 
>>> think the honeymoon phase of this relationship will ever end, in fact. The 
>>> ability to search archives of this group has helped me immeasurably.
>>> I just have a couple questions (for now, heh). Is there a way to 
>>> fast-forward through songs with itunes? I can't find a slider, and holding 
>>> down on the next button simply moves to the next track. also, how do you 
>>> delete episodes of podcasts once you've listened to them? It was just 
>>> suddenly downloading and I had no idea where it was being saved. It's 
>>> really bad for a person to be outsmarted by the operating system, right? :)
>>> I'm sure these are both really obvious, but my google searching skills have 
>>> come up empty. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks a lot!
>>> Lauren
>>> --
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Re: using Facebook on the Mac?

2009-12-28 Thread Israel
Hi Donna,

I will say up front, I am not computer savvy at all.  I joined Facebook after 
my friends insisted and have been on since March of this year and after buying 
an IMac in June, I've found FB to be much more enjoyable and accessible for the 
most part.  My only major problem started in September when for no apparent 
reason, VO would not recognize the edit box labeled "what's on your mind"  
Prior to that September, Monday afternoon I could post my status updates on the 
main FB page without a problem.  To go around that, I started using but do much more prefer the main FB site.  While I appreciate 
the mobile site and some of the other options such as FB lite, I find myself 
more lost when using those as oppose to the main site.

I find I can respond to friends' statuses, comment, like their updates, check 
in box, view and share links, activate every link and have recently begun 
playing with various applications/games on FB and find that with enough time 
spent playing around with them I can access over 97% of FB related material 
without having to resort to different tricks or adjustments to VO settings.

P.S. In recent weeks, I've noticed that VO is recognizing the edit box "what's 
on your mind" for a bit before resorting to skipping over it completely again 
so it makes me think this has to be a resolvable issue.  Again, I didn't have 
this probably for a few months after setting up FB account. I also found that I 
can update my FB status through an ap when using my Twitter account

If there is any specific issue you're having I will do my best to explain how I 
do it, if you need.

Israel Antonio

On Dec 28, 2009, at 5:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone had much luck with this?  I'm trying it out, and finding it  
> very hard to get around and figure out how to do things.  If anyone  
> has tips for using Facebook on the Mac, I'd appreciate any info.
> TIA,
> Donna
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Appending text to clipboard

2009-12-28 Thread VaShaun Jones
Listers often times I find myself needing to append text to the clipboard and 
would really benefit from this feature. Does anyone know of a way to do it on 
the Mac or do you know of a third party who has developed such application?


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Re: using Facebook on the Mac?

2009-12-28 Thread peter apgar
it is far easier from your Iphone.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone had much luck with this?  I'm trying it out, and finding it  
> very hard to get around and figure out how to do things.  If anyone  
> has tips for using Facebook on the Mac, I'd appreciate any info.
> TIA,
> Donna
> --
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Re: how do I share my ethernet connection securely?

2009-12-28 Thread John J Herzog
Hi all, 
Actually, there is a simple and elegant way to share ethernet connections 
securely. Basically, go into system preferences, and then click on sharing. 
Next, highlight the service of internet sharing in the table, but do not check 
the box yet. VO right, and you can choose where your connection is, i.e. 
firewire, ethernet, etc. and what you want to share it to. In this case, 
airport. Next, VO down to the bottom of the screen, and click on the airport 
options button. This is different from the airport options under the network 
pane of preferences.  From this screen, you can choose whether you want a forty 
bit WEP key, or a 128 WEP key. If you want a forty bit key, type in a five 
character long password. If you want a 128 bit, then enter thirteen characters 
twice. Now, you can close that window, arrow up to the table including your 
services, and check the box to enable internet sharing. 

Hope that helps somebody: I did not realize that creating a computer to 
computer network was a completely separate thing from sharing ones ethernet 
connection. Apparently it is, however. So do not go into the airport menu if 
you want to just share internet among computers. 


On Dec 28, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Jon Cohn wrote:

> I believe that the macintosh's firewall is advanced enough to be able  
> to support this ability, but the simplified interface to it provided  
> by "System Preferences: is insufficient to do this.
> Your choices are:
> 1. Look at a separate piece of hard ware (ie Airport Base Station ) or  
> other wireless router. I think you might even be able to manage with  
> the Airport Express.
> 2. Install software that controls the firewall ie  I believe there are  
> at least three packages out there. I have never reviewed them.
> 3. Learn the configuration file for the internal Apple Firewall and  
> configure as you feel appropriate.'s  Rich Mogul had a  
> long piece about the Leopard firewall changes shortly after Leopard  
> came out.  I have not specifically seen any discussions about Snow  
> Leopard changes to the core firewall.
> Jon
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esc key suddenly stopped working

2009-12-28 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi list,

I don't think this is a case of me being a bully on the macbook, but i just 
noticed that the escape key doesn't work anymore. Most of the keys you press 
make a boink sound when you're not on an element, but the esc key stays mute.

Is this something i might have done wrong, software wise, like a conflict, or 
is it a case of using my warranty?

If anyone had the same problem and can shed some light

Thanks, and best


Yuma Decaux

Light has no value without darkness
Skype: shainobi1
Tel: +85513623378


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PDF files in Preview

2009-12-28 Thread Amber Pearcy
Hello list,

So far, I have been extremely happy with the accessibility of PReview to blind 
Mac users, and the ease with which PDF documents may be read.  However, I have 
noticed recently that more and more of my PDF documents will not read in 
Preview.  I contacted the accessibility department at Apple, and they did not 
seem to have much advice.  They just said that the PDF may not read because of 
the way in which it was produced.

Therefore, I am writing to see if any of you have some other resources or 
advice for navigating PDFs that just won't read in Preview.  To give an 
example, when I open a PDF that will not read, I simply hear "text" and nothing 
else is spoken.  

Thanks for your help.  By the way, if this is an old topic, please feel free to 
direct me to the archives.  Forgive the new member!




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installing apps that don't have an installer

2009-12-28 Thread Mary Otten
Hi all,
I just downloaded the vlc media player. The instructions in the read me file 
say you are suppose to drag and drop the .app file to the folder where you want 
to put it. I know there is a drag and drop process for voiceover, and I'd 
rather not go there just yet, as a rather new Mac user. Can I copy this file 
with command c and paste it where I want it with command v? Or do I have to do 
that drag and drop thing> Sorry for the beginner question.



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keyboard focus when using the web rotor

2009-12-28 Thread Mary Otten
I have noticed that when you browse the web in dom mode using the rotor, say, 
set to headings, if you then press the tab key to try to get to the first link 
after the heading where the vo cursor is located, you are instead taken back to 
the first link at the top of the page. Keyboard focus does not follow vo focus 
when navigating with the web rotor. Is there some setting I'm missing to make 
this happen? I realize I could change my rotor from headings to links, or use 
the vo command to go to the next link, at least, I think that would work but 
haven't tried it. But that's a lot more fingers and keys involved than it would 
be to just press the tab key. Anybody got a hint?  Thanks..


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Re: slingbox

2009-12-28 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi.  I would agree with you that the on screen remote does not work with VO.  
However there are shortcut keys for each button on the remote, so this presents 
no problems.
As for being able to access the program guide, you couldn't do this accessibly 
if you were sitting in front of your television.  So access over the slingbox 
is at least as good as it is from the tv itself.
Personally what I do is use the slingbox in conjunction with a Tivo.  I can 
schedule recordings through the web site.  I can see what shows have 
been recorded by accessing the built-in web server of my tivo box.  The tivo 
makes a number of sounds while navigating its menu system, so in almost no time 
I can get to the shows I want to watch, and delete the ones I don't.
I've recently started using the app on my iPod Touch.  This allows me to 
browse tv listings, and if I find something I want to watch, I can schedule the 
tivo to record it right from within that app.
So my solution is by no means perfect, but it works for me for the time being.  

On 2009-12-27, at 11:36 PM, Dean Hudson wrote:

> I'd have to disagree here.  The SlingBox app is quite inaccessible.  There 
> are many unlabeled buttons, and an entire graphical area showing the remote 
> control, that VO can not even navigate.
> While it is true there are keyboard commands to do some things like change 
> the channel, the main functionality of the app is to give the user access to 
> the same information presented if they were at their television.  THings like 
> the program  guide, and their specific remote.  You won't be able to access 
> any of this.
> SO if you only wanto to change the channel, and play/pause TV shows, then go 
> for it.  Otherwise you should look in to another app/service.
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi.  The sling player software is quite accessible on the Mac.  There are 
>> some unlabelled buttons, but there are keyboard shortcuts for everything, so 
>> it works extremely well.
>> It is worth noting however that the slingbox itself does not record tv 
>> shows.  What it does is it takes a television source, and streams that over 
>> the internet.  When I say television source, I mean analog cable, a cable 
>> box, a satellite receiver, a Tivo, etc.  So if you're looking for something 
>> to record television, a slingbox may not be exactly what you're after.
>> Darcy
>> On 2009-12-27, at 6:21 PM, Keith Brown wrote:
>>> how well does the slingbox work with a Mac? are all controls accessible? 
>>> I.e. recording  and playback of recordings.
>>> thanks
>>> Keith
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Re: slingbox

2009-12-28 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi.  I would agree with you that the on screen remote does not work with VO.  
However there are shortcut keys for each button on the remote, so this presents 
no problems.
As for being able to access the program guide, you couldn't do this accessibly 
if you were sitting in front of your television.  So access over the slingbox 
is at least as good as it is from the tv itself.
Personally what I do is use the slingbox in conjunction with a Tivo.  I can 
schedule recordings through the web site.  I can see what shows have 
been recorded by accessing the built-in web server of my tivo box.  The tivo 
makes a number of sounds while navigating its menu system, so in almost no time 
I can get to the shows I want to watch, and delete the ones I don't.
I've recently started using the app on my iPod Touch.  This allows me to 
browse tv listings, and if I find something I want to watch, I can schedule the 
tivo to record it right from within that app.
So my solution is by no means perfect, but it works for me for the time being.  

On 2009-12-27, at 11:36 PM, Dean Hudson wrote:

> I'd have to disagree here.  The SlingBox app is quite inaccessible.  There 
> are many unlabeled buttons, and an entire graphical area showing the remote 
> control, that VO can not even navigate.
> While it is true there are keyboard commands to do some things like change 
> the channel, the main functionality of the app is to give the user access to 
> the same information presented if they were at their television.  THings like 
> the program  guide, and their specific remote.  You won't be able to access 
> any of this.
> SO if you only wanto to change the channel, and play/pause TV shows, then go 
> for it.  Otherwise you should look in to another app/service.
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
>> Hi.  The sling player software is quite accessible on the Mac.  There are 
>> some unlabelled buttons, but there are keyboard shortcuts for everything, so 
>> it works extremely well.
>> It is worth noting however that the slingbox itself does not record tv 
>> shows.  What it does is it takes a television source, and streams that over 
>> the internet.  When I say television source, I mean analog cable, a cable 
>> box, a satellite receiver, a Tivo, etc.  So if you're looking for something 
>> to record television, a slingbox may not be exactly what you're after.
>> Darcy
>> On 2009-12-27, at 6:21 PM, Keith Brown wrote:
>>> how well does the slingbox work with a Mac? are all controls accessible? 
>>> I.e. recording  and playback of recordings.
>>> thanks
>>> Keith
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Re: pausing on an IPod Touch

2009-12-28 Thread carlene knight
I've gotten real unreliable results using this method.  I have even been having 
Voiceover go off and I can rarely get the music to stop like it's supposed too. 
 I now have a headphone adapter that seems to work better.  If I get as mad at 
this thing as I was this morning too many times, I don't want to think about 
what will happen to the poor thing.  Thanks to all who replied.

On Dec 28, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hello,
> It has been my experience that the 2 finger double tap  only works while in 
> the music app itself.  If your in safari or mail for example, it will not 
> work.  Do you guys have the same results?
> On Dec 28, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> do a two fingered double tap with the machine unlocked and that will 
>> pause/play.
>> On 2009-12-27, at 8:15 PM, carlene knight wrote:
>>> HI;
>>> Is there any quic way to pause an ITouch as I have lost my ear buds 
>>> already.  I have others but they don't have controls on them.  My husband 
>>> says there isn't a way but I hope he's wrong as I am having a devil of a 
>>> time finding the pause button.  I have just been pulling the headset out.  
>>> I apologize if this is off topic, but I don't have time to join another 
>>> list.  This will be my last related post.  Thanks.
>>> --
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Re: installing apps that don't have an installer

2009-12-28 Thread Randy Stegall
Yes, you can use command c and command v.  I do this all the time when 
installing apps.

On Dec 29, 2009, at 12:35 AM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just downloaded the vlc media player. The instructions in the read me file 
> say you are suppose to drag and drop the .app file to the folder where you 
> want to put it. I know there is a drag and drop process for voiceover, and 
> I'd rather not go there just yet, as a rather new Mac user. Can I copy this 
> file with command c and paste it where I want it with command v? Or do I have 
> to do that drag and drop thing> Sorry for the beginner question.
> Mary
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Jailbreaking your IPhone?

2009-12-28 Thread Jess
Hi all IPhone users,

Have any of you jailbroken your IPhone? If so, did it impact VoiceOver at all? 
Did it cause your IPhone to become a brick? What are the benefits of 


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Re: Jailbreaking your IPhone?

2009-12-28 Thread Matt Roberts
I have one suggestion about this topic. Don't do it! You will probably  
void the warranty.

Matt Roberts

Sent from my iPhone using VoiceOver

On Dec 29, 2009, at 2:24 AM, Jess  wrote:

> Hi all IPhone users,
> Have any of you jailbroken your IPhone? If so, did it impact  
> VoiceOver at all? Did it cause your IPhone to become a brick? What  
> are the benefits of Jailbreaking?
> Jess
> --
> .


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mophie juice pack air

2009-12-28 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi list,

Just adding, with the interest i have in the Ivy skin's smart case battery 
pack/case for the 3g/3gs

Check it out (google it). Problem though is that its out of stock

Oh here's a review of it

Yuma Decaux

Light has no value without darkness
Skype: shainobi1
Tel: +85513623378


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Re: Jailbreaking your IPhone?

2009-12-28 Thread Charlie Doremus
Don't do it! You WILL void the warrenty.


On Dec 28, 2009, at 9:34 PM, Matt Roberts  wrote:

> Don't do it! You will probably


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