Re: VO says "clickable" after reading every line in an article on the web

2009-12-15 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello James,

To read articles on the Web, I switch to DOM mode using a keyboard commander 
hot key I've created. I then use the Web Rotor to select the level 1 heading 
with which most articles begin. I use VO-a to read the article.

In general, I prefer Group mode, but when reading articles, group mode puts all 
links together at the end of each paragraph turning the whole thing into 




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Re: Readiris pro 12 initial setup

2009-12-15 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mike,

Here are the instructions I posted to MacVisionaries a few weeks ago  
on registering Readiris Pro 12.

Initialising and registering Readiris 12

• Open Readiris application;
• Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to enter your serial  
number. Just type your serial number and press Return. There is no  
typing echo.
• Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to register your software  
licence. If Talking Alerts is on, it will read this box. Press Space  
to register later or Return to register immediately. Return will  
launch Safari, where pressing the Tab key will put you in the correct  
edit box in the registration form, much of which is already filled in  
for you.
• Unvoiced dialogue box in Readiris, "Please select your preferred  
output format and target application". The default values are RTF and  
TextEdit respectively. Just press Return. You can change these values  
later using the Text Format dialogue in the Settings menu.

Readiris is now active, but you may have to toggle VoiceOver off and  
on again.

Known bugs in Readiris 12:
1 Initialisation sequence not voiced and not VO accessible.
2 The settings Page Deskewing and Detect Page Orientation do not stick  
and must be activated at each execution.
3 The Recognise and Save function is only available via a button and  
not a menu command or shortcut.
4 The buttons on the righthand side of the window are not labelled for  

All these have been reported to the Iris team but duplicate reports  
will add to the pressure to get them fixed quickly.



> Hi all, after reading some posts suggesting that readiris was accessible I 
> purchased it.   
> I'm running a Macbook pro with a fully up to date snow leopard.  
> The install seemed to go just fine and completed successfully.  WHen I launch 
> Readiris Voiceover tells me that Readiris has no windows.  I did try toggling 
> Voiceover on and off with no effect.
> Has anyone experienced this and if so any thoughts on a solution would be 
> appreciated.  
> Mike
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mac mini's

2009-12-15 Thread Simon Fogarty
Sorry list but I've got to ask a crazy question.

  Has anyone tried running windows 7 on a mac mini? 
 I mean either in bootcamp or as the primary os?.?

Yeah I know that would be crazy, but we're looking for a small but poerful
and able to be almost hidden  pc to use as a media machine in an
entertainment  room, and as the media servers are ms server 2k8 it's
suggestted that  windows 7 be used as the os. Rather than osx!


Simon f


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Re: VO says "clickable" after reading every line in an article on the web

2009-12-15 Thread James & Nash
Hi Anne, 

Thanks very much for this advice. I'll try this.
Speak soon - hopefully on Skype over Xmas.

On 15 Dec 2009, at 08:14, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello James,
> To read articles on the Web, I switch to DOM mode using a keyboard commander 
> hot key I've created. I then use the Web Rotor to select the level 1 heading 
> with which most articles begin. I use VO-a to read the article.
> In general, I prefer Group mode, but when reading articles, group mode puts 
> all links together at the end of each paragraph turning the whole thing into 
> nonsense.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: mac mini's

2009-12-15 Thread Ricardo Walker
Windows 7 runs fine on any Mac running snow leopard through boot camp.

On Dec 15, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Sorry list but I've got to ask a crazy question.
>  Has anyone tried running windows 7 on a mac mini? 
> I mean either in bootcamp or as the primary os?.?
> Yeah I know that would be crazy, but we're looking for a small but poerful
> and able to be almost hidden  pc to use as a media machine in an
> entertainment  room, and as the media servers are ms server 2k8 it's
> suggestted that  windows 7 be used as the os. Rather than osx!
> Cheers 
> Simon f
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waaaaaaaay ot: Optacon found

2009-12-15 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

First, my apologies for this obviously very off-topic post, I'm hoping  
that someone on this list might be able to help me out.

My husband and I are getting ready to move, and while going through  
some boxes in the basement, we found my old Optacon.  It's not one of  
those nifty smaller models that came out later, but one of the larger  
original models.  Anyone have any idea what I can do with this thing?   
I have no idea if it works or not, the last time I turned it on was  
probably 30 years ago.  If anyone knows if there's any way to get  
these things serviced, or, lacking that, a museum for antiquated  
technology *grin*, could you please write me off-list at 


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Re: questions about NVDA

2009-12-15 Thread Chris Hofstader
Microsoft didn't exactly "invent" accessibility standards but, rather, were 
pulled into them kicking and screaming.  In their defense, though, they had a 
whole bunch of issues ripping their accessibility efforts apart.  The AT 
companies threatened anti-trust action if MS actually tried to make Narrator 
into an even credible solution.  The AT companies through fits if MS changed 
things "under the hood" in a manner that would break miserable techniques like 
video hooking.  AT companies (except GW) fought MSAA and, when it came out, 
they refused to use it as their proprietary heuristics would break.  Because MS 
really had no reasonable control of a screen reader for Windows, they ended up 
with a landscape of solutions filled with nasty hacks, kludgerous work-arounds 
and some dark magic that would often cause major league instability.

Apple has the good fortune of starting with a clean slate and a pretty good 
accessibility API from which VO can safely derive data.  Solving the stability 
problem inherent in most screen access tools on other platforms is, in and of 
itself, a huge step forward.

Apple's use of semantic containers with which the user must interact is a great 
idea (one that us research types have been discussing for a long time).  Once a 
person has a decent level of knowledge about the program, navigation takes far 
fewer keystrokes and, using the spatial relationships between such containers 
provides valuable contextual information.  In fact, I think more of these 
containers should be added - all of the controls in iTunes from volume to 
search to LED, etc. could be put into a nice box, given a nice name and let one 
hop right over it if they are just trying to get to the sources or song lists.

The TrackPad Commander is probably the most important innovation in screen 
access tools since JAWS 3.31 (1999()()and its first ever true virtual buffer 
for the web.  Trackpad Commander provides context in a way we've never had and 
once one has grown accustomed to using it, the increase in efficiency is 

VO still has a bunch of stuff to do but it's moving along faster than any such 
program I've ever seen before.


On Dec 14, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> If I recall correctly, Windows sort of stumbled into accessibility as far as 
> keyboard controls because early Windows machines didn't have a mouse. So they 
> had to work pretty hard at making sure every menu and widget was usable from 
> the keyboard, at least until the user got tired of it and went out to but one 
> of those fancy rodents. Apple shipped the whole package of OS, computer and 
> mouse. So they never had to deal with full keyboard control as a barrier to 
> entry for any substantial part of their user population. In some ways they 
> have the advantage of years of hindsight and a clean slate. If you were to do 
> it all over again from scratch, how would you make a GUI accessible? 
> Microsoft may have "invented accessibility standards" with their keyboard 
> controls and later with MSAA, but I think Apple did a lot of things in a 
> novel and better way. The whole idea of drilling down through a UI or content 
> by interacting is pretty intuitive if you're not trained to think through 
> everything linearly. Some of the limits of linear navigation can be reduced 
> with jumping around to landmarks or search, but linear just doesn't scale 
> well as things become more complex. Get me to the right building, then the 
> right floor, then hall, then room, then chair. It's a hierarchy of 
> information and if structured well I can ignore lots of distractions because 
> they fall outside my context of interest. Apple's navigation works in a 
> similar manner and once up to speed (both myself and the implementation), 
> will be easier to use with lower cognitive load.
> CB
> erik burggraaf wrote:
>> I can't whole hartedly agree with you on this one.  Given the level of 
>> functionality built in to voice over, it would be rediculous to expect 
>> developers to try to compete.
>> On top of that, there are other factors in accessibility besides a screen 
>> reader.  There is your own level of proficiency for one thing.  Then there 
>> are the limitations of your opperating system and the design of your 
>> software application for others.  Taking your web page links as an example, 
>> they may not read in safari.  But if you use the latest version of web kit 
>> then it might deal with the design of the page differently and allow the 
>> links to show.  Similarly, if you view the page in firefox or opera it may 
>> render the page totally differently and provide a higher level of access 
>> using the same voiceover screen reader.  Or the links may be designed 
>> completely without labels and there may be nothing there for a screen reader 
>> to get a handle on, in which case it would make no difference what browser 
>> and screen reader you used.
>> In the case of microsoft, th

Re: mac mini's

2009-12-15 Thread erik burggraaf
You couldn't ask for a better media senter than the mini, though I have to 
disagree.  Windows 7 should run quite happily on the new minis, but if it's 
media center applications you want then Mac OS is the way to go, especially 
since you're bying an apple.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2009-12-15, at 3:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Sorry list but I've got to ask a crazy question.
>  Has anyone tried running windows 7 on a mac mini? 
> I mean either in bootcamp or as the primary os?.?
> Yeah I know that would be crazy, but we're looking for a small but poerful
> and able to be almost hidden  pc to use as a media machine in an
> entertainment  room, and as the media servers are ms server 2k8 it's
> suggestted that  windows 7 be used as the os. Rather than osx!
> Cheers 
> Simon f
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Re: MacBook Pro and the trackpad

2009-12-15 Thread Robert Carter
Hi All,

I discovered that my multi-touch trackpad is working fine without VoiceOver 
running. Even though the use trackpad item is checked under commanders, 
VoiceOver stopped working with the trackpad.

I finally fixed the problem by unchecking the use trackpad item and restarting 
VoiceOver with the trackpad turned off. I then turned the trackpad back on in 
VoiceOver and it now works again.

It seems that VoiceOver got confused about the state of the trackpad on off 
switch. I report this just in case anybody else has the problem.

Robert Carter
On Dec 14, 2009, at 9:47 PM, peter apgar wrote:

> it is possible that you downloaded an update and it shut off the track 
> commander.  check under VO controls, and turn it back on.  I have had this 
> exact experience  happen when  running updates.
> good luck
> Pete
> On Dec 14, 2009, at 9:22 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have a one month old MacBook Pro. Today the trackpad was not working. I 
>> restarted the computer and it worked again as expected. This evening, 
>> however, it is not working again. I really enjoy using the trackpad with 
>> VoiceOver. Does anybody have any idea how to troubleshoot this?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
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RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-15 Thread Dónal Fitzpatrick
Interesting mail Chris.  I am smiling here because not 5 minutes ago I was
walking back from lunch with a colleague and, having shown them the
accessible iPhone over lunch (I'm in a CS department and they're all geeks
so loved it) I commented that I reckoned the new trackpad and iPhone
interaction was the most innovative screen-access solution I'd seen.  Just a
question though.  Going way way back into the dark ages, do you remember the
OS warp screenreader designed by IBM in the early 90s?  This built on their
DOS access solution and was a very nice screenreader.  I was only a 1st year
undergrad at the time so I'm relatively clueless regarding this, but wasn't
OS2 designed with accessibility in mind?  I seem to remember IBM built the
necessary hooks into the OS.
Oh and sorry for dragging this off-topic, but I'm genuinely curious.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Hofstader
Sent: 15 December 2009 13:04
Cc: A place where VoiceOver nerds can discuss almost anything they want.
Subject: Re: questions about NVDA

Microsoft didn't exactly "invent" accessibility standards but, rather, were
pulled into them kicking and screaming.  In their defense, though, they had
a whole bunch of issues ripping their accessibility efforts apart.  The AT
companies threatened anti-trust action if MS actually tried to make Narrator
into an even credible solution.  The AT companies through fits if MS changed
things "under the hood" in a manner that would break miserable techniques
like video hooking.  AT companies (except GW) fought MSAA and, when it came
out, they refused to use it as their proprietary heuristics would break.
Because MS really had no reasonable control of a screen reader for Windows,
they ended up with a landscape of solutions filled with nasty hacks,
kludgerous work-arounds and some dark magic that would often cause major
league instability. 

Apple has the good fortune of starting with a clean slate and a pretty good
accessibility API from which VO can safely derive data.  Solving the
stability problem inherent in most screen access tools on other platforms
is, in and of itself, a huge step forward.

Apple's use of semantic containers with which the user must interact is a
great idea (one that us research types have been discussing for a long
time).  Once a person has a decent level of knowledge about the program,
navigation takes far fewer keystrokes and, using the spatial relationships
between such containers provides valuable contextual information.  In fact,
I think more of these containers should be added - all of the controls in
iTunes from volume to search to LED, etc. could be put into a nice box,
given a nice name and let one hop right over it if they are just trying to
get to the sources or song lists.

The TrackPad Commander is probably the most important innovation in screen
access tools since JAWS 3.31 (1999()()and its first ever true virtual buffer
for the web.  Trackpad Commander provides context in a way we've never had
and once one has grown accustomed to using it, the increase in efficiency is

VO still has a bunch of stuff to do but it's moving along faster than any
such program I've ever seen before.


On Dec 14, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

If I recall correctly, Windows sort of stumbled into accessibility as far as
keyboard controls because early Windows machines didn't have a mouse. So
they had to work pretty hard at making sure every menu and widget was usable
from the keyboard, at least until the user got tired of it and went out to
but one of those fancy rodents. Apple shipped the whole package of OS,
computer and mouse. So they never had to deal with full keyboard control as
a barrier to entry for any substantial part of their user population. In
some ways they have the advantage of years of hindsight and a clean slate.
If you were to do it all over again from scratch, how would you make a GUI
accessible? Microsoft may have "invented accessibility standards" with their
keyboard controls and later with MSAA, but I think Apple did a lot of things
in a novel and better way. The whole idea of drilling down through a UI or
content by interacting is pretty intuitive if you're not trained to think
through everything linearly. Some of the limits of linear navigation can be
reduced with jumping around to landmarks or search, but linear just doesn't
scale well as things become more complex. Get me to the right building, then
the right floor, then hall, then room, then chair. It's a hierarchy of
information and if structured well I can ignore lots of distractions because
they fall outside my context of interest. Apple's navigation works in a
similar manner and once up to speed (both myself and the implementation),
will be easier to use with lower cognitive load.


erik burggraaf wrote: 

I can't whole hartedly agree with you on this

Re: Loss of Speech

2009-12-15 Thread Matt Roberts

On Dec 12, 2009, at 7:16 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:

> I also lost speech this week when doing a sotware update after reaching the 
> dialog box when the update was completed.
You need to enable speech on the log-in screen in the VoiceOver Utility option 
by pressing VO-F8.  In VoiceOver Utility, the option to enable speech at the 
log-in screen if disabled by default.

Matt Roberts


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Re: Loss of Speech

2009-12-15 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

A correction. This is not done through the VoiceOver Utility. Following these 
steps should take care of it, however.

1. Locate System Preferences, and open it.
2. Find the "Accounts" button and VO-space.
3. Find the table that says "Accounts, groups and login options" and interact 
with it.
4. VO-right until you get to the "login options" group, and then stop 
5. VO-right until VoiceOver announces "Use VoiceOver in the login window", and 
check the box. Of course, you want to make sure that the "Click the lock to 
make changes" is checked if you have that set.

Good luck.

Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Dec 15, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:

> On Dec 12, 2009, at 7:16 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> I also lost speech this week when doing a sotware update after reaching the 
>> dialog box when the update was completed.
> You need to enable speech on the log-in screen in the VoiceOver Utility 
> option by pressing VO-F8.  In VoiceOver Utility, the option to enable speech 
> at the log-in screen if disabled by default.
> Matt Roberts
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Re: System access to go on a mac

2009-12-15 Thread Matt Roberts

On Dec 13, 2009, at 2:57 PM, .dan. wrote:

> There was a thread about this alternative web based screen reader.  It is 
> intended for use on a windows machine.  Has anyone ever tried it using a 
> mac with vo?

> System Access to Go will not work on a Mac.  It needs to download software, 
> and that software is not compatible with the Mac OS.

Matt Roberts


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Re: mac mini's

2009-12-15 Thread Jim Fettgather
Because the Mac mini is the perfect form factor for an entertainment
center, I'm wondering what applications could be used for recording
television broadcasts?  Playing DVD's appears to be no problem, as my
experience with Front Row has been very positive in that regard, but
the missing piece of the puzzle is using a TV tuner card to record and
to play content from cable television.
Any recommendations will be highly appreciated.

On 12/15/09, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> You couldn't ask for a better media senter than the mini, though I have to
> disagree.  Windows 7 should run quite happily on the new minis, but if it's
> media center applications you want then Mac OS is the way to go, especially
> since you're bying an apple.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 2009-12-15, at 3:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Sorry list but I've got to ask a crazy question.
>>  Has anyone tried running windows 7 on a mac mini?
>> I mean either in bootcamp or as the primary os?.?
>> Yeah I know that would be crazy, but we're looking for a small but poerful
>> and able to be almost hidden  pc to use as a media machine in an
>> entertainment  room, and as the media servers are ms server 2k8 it's
>> suggestted that  windows 7 be used as the os. Rather than osx!
>> Cheers
>> Simon f
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new user asking skype help

2009-12-15 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi list,

Lately, I attempted to get some knowledge from a mac user over skype, but 
that turned out not to work because we have been trying to have a skype 
session for days, and it just hasn't happened. Therefore, I'm turning to the 
list for help. I'm a beginner on the mac, though not so much a beginner in 
computers in general.

I can't seem to feel at home on my new mac. Things are quite different, and 
I would love to understand what I'm really doing. Would any of you be 
willing to help me get started a bit? I'd like to get to know the finder, 
and how to use it. I'd like to get a feel for all the different screen 
elements. How do I have macintosh HD appear in the finder when I first open 
it? How do we use the side bar? When attaching a file to an email message, 
how come that mail keeps saying: "mail busy, mail busy, mail busy", until I 
Do you know of interesting things that are good to know of? Could you 
perhaps give me some feel at home knowledge regarding the operating system 
itself, and the programs it contains that are accessible for us? The amount 
of new things to learn is fantastic, but you can easily get lost

I am open minded, and ready to learn about the new operating system. As 
shown, I need general but thorough beginners help.

The mac has many advantages, but to do every day tasks, I need a bit of 
help. If you are the "I love the details" kind of person, who likes to 
explain a lot because it feels good to know what you are doing, please email 
me privately, or add me to your skype contacts. I think I will be a thankful 
teaching object. My skype name is pjepje.



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2009-12-15 Thread Chris Hofstader

I am using Adium to communicate with friends who use various IM services.  For 
MSN, I have a Windows Live account and, in my contacts, I can see who is and is 
not online.  Oddly, though, I always appear offline to those using Windows Live 

Any ideas why?



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Re: mac mini's

2009-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
There were some discussion threads a while back on the accessibility of 
eyeTV which hooks in the elgato USB TV tuner. I think the consensus was 
it had some measure of accessibility but there were holes here and there.


Jim Fettgather wrote:
> Because the Mac mini is the perfect form factor for an entertainment
> center, I'm wondering what applications could be used for recording
> television broadcasts?  Playing DVD's appears to be no problem, as my
> experience with Front Row has been very positive in that regard, but
> the missing piece of the puzzle is using a TV tuner card to record and
> to play content from cable television.
> Any recommendations will be highly appreciated.
> On 12/15/09, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> You couldn't ask for a better media senter than the mini, though I have to
>> disagree.  Windows 7 should run quite happily on the new minis, but if it's
>> media center applications you want then Mac OS is the way to go, especially
>> since you're bying an apple.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 2009-12-15, at 3:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>>> Sorry list but I've got to ask a crazy question.
>>>  Has anyone tried running windows 7 on a mac mini?
>>> I mean either in bootcamp or as the primary os?.?
>>> Yeah I know that would be crazy, but we're looking for a small but poerful
>>> and able to be almost hidden  pc to use as a media machine in an
>>> entertainment  room, and as the media servers are ms server 2k8 it's
>>> suggestted that  windows 7 be used as the os. Rather than osx!
>>> Cheers
>>> Simon f
>>> --
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Which player is best

2009-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
I wonder if Voice of DAISY works well?


Scott Howell wrote:
> Currently the software to do so does not exist to the best of my knowledge. 
> However, it is possible and could be done provided someone developed such an 
> App. Thus it is possible that would be addressed by the NFB EReader, but of 
> course I have no idea exactly how this will work or what it will support.
> On Dec 9, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Christina wrote:
>> Does the touch play daisy or NLS or RFB&D books?  I did not think it  
>> would play NLS or RFB&D.  Although I realize not everyone has access  
>> to these services so it depends what you want to play on your device  
>> to decide which one will be best for you.
>> Christina
>> On Dec 8, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
>>> On Dec 8, 2009, at 6:14 PM, carlene knight wrote:
 I'd like to know what you guys think is the vest player, the Victor  
 Reader Stream, PDP1 Booksense, or the IPod Touch?
>>> What do you want to do? If you are looking for a daisy player only,  
>>> I'd look at all of them.  If you want a music player, read MP3  
>>> books, and read Audible books, then I'd get the touch.
>>> Matt Roberts
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Re: converting tv to video?

2009-12-15 Thread Chris Blouch
OSX will recognize a number of video input devices so if you get one it 
likes then you can use it with any number of apps, including iChat or 
Skype. I haven't tried it recently but somewhere I have a box that was 
ntsc or s-video input and firewire output which the Mac would recognize. 
>From there I could pull video into iChat, iMovie or the like to convert 
old analog sources like VHS. This was years ago so I don't know if they 
even make the box anymore. Ahh, here it is in a review from 1999:

Today you can probably do the same thing by piping your analog source 
into a basic firewire video camera. Probably some similar USB2 cameras 
which do the same thing out there as well.


joe quinn wrote:
> maybe the subject's wrong, but, I've got a device for my windows 
> machine that will allow me to connect a video source to it, then 
> broadcast that source over Skype or msn or some such as if it was a 
> webcam... anyone know of nay device for the Mac that will work?
> --
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Re: converting tv to video?

2009-12-15 Thread bmustillrose
What your after is a usb or firewire capture card. This will do what
you want, but I'm not sure about what ones work well under osx or not
- on the pc end, haupauge are pretty good.

On 15/12/2009, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> OSX will recognize a number of video input devices so if you get one it
> likes then you can use it with any number of apps, including iChat or
> Skype. I haven't tried it recently but somewhere I have a box that was
> ntsc or s-video input and firewire output which the Mac would recognize.
> From there I could pull video into iChat, iMovie or the like to convert
> old analog sources like VHS. This was years ago so I don't know if they
> even make the box anymore. Ahh, here it is in a review from 1999:
> Today you can probably do the same thing by piping your analog source
> into a basic firewire video camera. Probably some similar USB2 cameras
> which do the same thing out there as well.
> CB
> joe quinn wrote:
>> maybe the subject's wrong, but, I've got a device for my windows
>> machine that will allow me to connect a video source to it, then
>> broadcast that source over Skype or msn or some such as if it was a
>> webcam... anyone know of nay device for the Mac that will work?
>> --
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Re: Which player is best

2009-12-15 Thread william lomas
this sounds superb

On 15 Dec 2009, at 21:11, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I wonder if Voice of DAISY works well?
> CB
> Scott Howell wrote:
>> Currently the software to do so does not exist to the best of my  
>> knowledge. However, it is possible and could be done provided  
>> someone developed such an App. Thus it is possible that would be  
>> addressed by the NFB EReader, but of course I have no idea exactly  
>> how this will work or what it will support.
>> On Dec 9, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Christina wrote:
>>> Does the touch play daisy or NLS or RFB&D books?  I did not think it
>>> would play NLS or RFB&D.  Although I realize not everyone has access
>>> to these services so it depends what you want to play on your device
>>> to decide which one will be best for you.
>>> Christina
>>> On Dec 8, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Matt Roberts wrote:
 On Dec 8, 2009, at 6:14 PM, carlene knight wrote:

> I'd like to know what you guys think is the vest player, the  
> Victor
> Reader Stream, PDP1 Booksense, or the IPod Touch?
 What do you want to do? If you are looking for a daisy player only,
 I'd look at all of them.  If you want a music player, read MP3
 books, and read Audible books, then I'd get the touch.

 Matt Roberts


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>> .
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RE: mac mini's

2009-12-15 Thread Frank Ventura
Can anyone point me in the direction of instructions on how to setup
boot camp and install windows on a Mac with SL?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 4:49 AM
Subject: Re: mac mini's

Windows 7 runs fine on any Mac running snow leopard through boot camp.

On Dec 15, 2009, at 3:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Sorry list but I've got to ask a crazy question.
>  Has anyone tried running windows 7 on a mac mini? 
> I mean either in bootcamp or as the primary os?.?
> Yeah I know that would be crazy, but we're looking for a small but
> and able to be almost hidden  pc to use as a media machine in an
> entertainment  room, and as the media servers are ms server 2k8 it's
> suggestted that  windows 7 be used as the os. Rather than osx!
> Cheers 
> Simon f
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RE: mac mini's

2009-12-15 Thread Simon Fogarty
It's more the size of the machine that I'm after.

 I'm running two media servers, one with all my dvd movies on it, ripped
from disks. And the other with avi files movies tv music etc. and I use the
dvd drive to play movies from it through the 32inch led. 
 I'd rather have windows 7 with remote as I can't see  benefits in having
the osx on the machine 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of erik burggraaf
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 1:49 a.m.
Subject: Re: mac mini's

You couldn't ask for a better media senter than the mini, though I have to
disagree.  Windows 7 should run quite happily on the new minis, but if it's
media center applications you want then Mac OS is the way to go, especially
since you're bying an apple.


erik burggraaf
A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 2009-12-15, at 3:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Sorry list but I've got to ask a crazy question.
>  Has anyone tried running windows 7 on a mac mini? 
> I mean either in bootcamp or as the primary os?.?
> Yeah I know that would be crazy, but we're looking for a small but poerful
> and able to be almost hidden  pc to use as a media machine in an
> entertainment  room, and as the media servers are ms server 2k8 it's
> suggestted that  windows 7 be used as the os. Rather than osx!
> Cheers 
> Simon f
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