RE: cannot quit applications on macbook

2009-10-17 Thread Frank Ventura

John, were there any open dialogs for either either one of those
programs waiting for input? Long shot but worth the thought.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John J Herzog
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 2:12 AM
Subject: cannot quit applications on macbook

Hi listers,
Twice today, I had something odd occur. First, when using textedit, I  
was unable to quit the program. It was still responding, and would let  
me manipulate text, but I was unable to press command Q. Also, the  
quit option was dimmed in the menu bar.
The same thing just happened with Safari. Again, I could go to  
different web sites, and everything was otherwise working fine. But I  
could not quit the program. Note: This happened even after I restarted  
my macbook, thinking it was just acting up.
Does anybody have an idea of what is going on here?


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VO and watching TV

2009-10-17 Thread Frank Ventura

Hi does anyone know of a VO friendly program to watch streaming
television on the Mac?

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not importing

2009-10-17 Thread william lomas

hi when i try and import a cd audiobook it is asking me to 
chose the  
destination. doesn't the mac even know where my itunes library is it  
is daft lol it just dumping all the tracks into the folder not into a  
dan brown folder as i would have expected

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RE: skype and voiceover

2009-10-17 Thread Michael Busboom

Hello Christina,

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an easy way to determine the status
of your contacts.

As far as the labeling of buttons goes, I have had the same experience, i.e.
I have had to relabel them a second time.

Sorry for not being more helpful and best regards,


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christina
Sent: Wednesday, 14 October, 2009 23:06
Subject: Re: skype and voiceover

Thanks everyone.  Is there a way to get vo to read the status of my  
contacts.  The thing I've been doing is just making the call and  
seeing what happens.  It would be nice to know the status of  
people.One strange thing is that I have labeled some buttons in  
skype twice because every time I go back the buttons are not labeled  
anymore.  It's weird.

I did not know I could have VO auto read the help tags on buttons and  
such.  I had been using vo plus shift plus h to get vo to read the  
help tags.  Those were the buttons I was able to label.  Otherwise, I  
would not have known what the buttons were.  So, do I use VO utility  
to set VO to automatically read the help tags?

On Oct 13, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:

> Christian, get the new version of skype which is 2.8.722.
> It's very accessible with vo.
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Christina wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to
>> be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this
>> version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving
>> to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on the
>> name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the
>> buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled the
>> video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more
>> accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I have
>> no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used to
>> something and then find out later that the new version isn't
>> accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than
>> the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able to
>> do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to
>> call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the  
>> chat
>> portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth  
>> with
>> someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.
>> Wow, I hope my questions make sense.
>> Thanks so much,
>> Christina
> >

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Re: VO and watching TV

2009-10-17 Thread Darcy Burnard

Hi.  There is the sling player app which is completely accessible.  Of course, 
to use that, you need a SlingBox, so that may not be what you are looking for.

On 2009-10-17, at 3:15 AM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> Hi does anyone know of a VO friendly program to watch streaming
> television on the Mac?
> > 

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2009-10-17 Thread May McDonald

Hi everyone.  Are there accessible games for the mac?  If so, where  
can I find them?

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Re: games

2009-10-17 Thread John J Herzog

Hi May,
Unfortunately, your best bet for games is still windows. In my case, I  
use Vmware fusion, and boot into windows. Note that if you do this  
with snow leopard, you may want to turn voiceover off completely. In  
games such as top speed, shades of doom, and technoshock, your arrow  
keys work significantly quicker when voiceover is off.
To my knowledge, there are one or two accessible games, but they are  
incomplete, and not on par with windows counterparts by any stretch of  
the imagination. I hope this situation is resolved soon though.

On Oct 17, 2009, at 3:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Hi everyone.  Are there accessible games for the mac?  If so, where
> can I find them?
> >

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missed calls in skype

2009-10-17 Thread a radix
Hi everyone, I can see my contacts list fine in skype and i can call 
traditional phones but how can I see my missed calls list, i cant seem to find 
it by scrolling through the main window...
Thanks in advance,
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: games

2009-10-17 Thread a radix

Hi, yes there are go to tere is an interpretter for the 
mac called zoom. I myself didnt really get it to work (at least when opening 
saved game files) but it should do it so maybe you have more luck.
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "May McDonald" 
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:02 PM
Subject: games

> Hi everyone.  Are there accessible games for the mac?  If so, where
> can I find them?
> > 

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Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-17 Thread Christina

Thanks.  Yeah, I can't seem to get the labels to "stick".  I've  
labeled them several times and they still don't want to stay.  Oh  
well.  Well, at least I know there seems to be no easy way to find out  
someone's status.  I thought I was missing something. but I guess I'm  

On Oct 17, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Christina,
> Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an easy way to determine  
> the status
> of your contacts.
> As far as the labeling of buttons goes, I have had the same  
> experience, i.e.
> I have had to relabel them a second time.
> Sorry for not being more helpful and best regards,
> Mike
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Christina
> Sent: Wednesday, 14 October, 2009 23:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: skype and voiceover
> Thanks everyone.  Is there a way to get vo to read the status of my
> contacts.  The thing I've been doing is just making the call and
> seeing what happens.  It would be nice to know the status of
> people.One strange thing is that I have labeled some buttons in
> skype twice because every time I go back the buttons are not labeled
> anymore.  It's weird.
> I did not know I could have VO auto read the help tags on buttons and
> such.  I had been using vo plus shift plus h to get vo to read the
> help tags.  Those were the buttons I was able to label.  Otherwise, I
> would not have known what the buttons were.  So, do I use VO utility
> to set VO to automatically read the help tags?
> Thanks,
> Christina
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>> Christian, get the new version of skype which is 2.8.722.
>> It's very accessible with vo.
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Christina wrote:
>>> Hello List,
>>> How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to
>>> be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this
>>> version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving
>>> to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on  
>>> the
>>> name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the
>>> buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled  
>>> the
>>> video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more
>>> accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I  
>>> have
>>> no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used  
>>> to
>>> something and then find out later that the new version isn't
>>> accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than
>>> the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able  
>>> to
>>> do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to
>>> call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the
>>> chat
>>> portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth
>>> with
>>> someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.
>>> Wow, I hope my questions make sense.
>>> Thanks so much,
>>> Christina

> >

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Re: games

2009-10-17 Thread May McDonald

Smile, not a problem.  Just thought I'd ask.  I don't have vm fusion  
yet.  I'm waiting for my copy of sl to get here and then going to buy  
windows 7.
On 17-Oct-09, at 12:09 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi May,
> Unfortunately, your best bet for games is still windows. In my case, I
> use Vmware fusion, and boot into windows. Note that if you do this
> with snow leopard, you may want to turn voiceover off completely. In
> games such as top speed, shades of doom, and technoshock, your arrow
> keys work significantly quicker when voiceover is off.
> To my knowledge, there are one or two accessible games, but they are
> incomplete, and not on par with windows counterparts by any stretch of
> the imagination. I hope this situation is resolved soon though.
> hth
> John
> On Oct 17, 2009, at 3:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Hi everyone.  Are there accessible games for the mac?  If so, where
>> can I find them?
> >

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tip for reading Bookshare books on Mac OS 10

2009-10-17 Thread Ryan Mann

Hello.  I thought some people might want to know that I found a way to  
read Bookshare books on Mac OS 10.  You could do the following:
1.  Unzip the book.  I just use the unzip command from terminal.
2.  From Finder, go into whatever folder you unzipped the Bookshare  
book into.
3.  There should be a file with an .xml extension.  Vo+downarrow to  
the file.  If Quicknav is on, you can just hit down_arrow.
4.  Once the cursor is on the file with the .xml extension, Hit vo 
+shift+m.  Then arrow down to "open with"
5.  Hit right_arrow to go into the "open with" submenu.  Select Safari.
Safari should display the file like it does a normal web page.  You  
can use the normal VoiceOver navigation commands to go heading by  
heading, read the current paragraph, ETC.

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Re: games

2009-10-17 Thread a radix

Hello, I am not sure if you are interested in muds (online text games that 
you reach via telnet or a mudclient) but that is still a bit difficult on 
the mac. There is a java based client and the programmer is interested in 
making it more accessible but I am not sure how far he is. for the moment I 
just use windows+mushclient for mudding.
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "May McDonald" 
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: games

> Smile, not a problem.  Just thought I'd ask.  I don't have vm fusion
> yet.  I'm waiting for my copy of sl to get here and then going to buy
> windows 7.
> On 17-Oct-09, at 12:09 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi May,
>> Unfortunately, your best bet for games is still windows. In my case, I
>> use Vmware fusion, and boot into windows. Note that if you do this
>> with snow leopard, you may want to turn voiceover off completely. In
>> games such as top speed, shades of doom, and technoshock, your arrow
>> keys work significantly quicker when voiceover is off.
>> To my knowledge, there are one or two accessible games, but they are
>> incomplete, and not on par with windows counterparts by any stretch of
>> the imagination. I hope this situation is resolved soon though.
>> hth
>> John
>> On Oct 17, 2009, at 3:02 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Hi everyone.  Are there accessible games for the mac?  If so, where
>>> can I find them?

>> >
> >

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Gestures help.

2009-10-17 Thread Jesse Bollinger

Hi all,

I just started getting into the trackpad gestures with my macbook. I  
read the help and it said to use the rotor by rotating two fingers  
around the pad. I move my fingers in a circle but nothing happens. It  
just moves me across the screen. Is there a trick I'm missing?


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Re: Gestures help.

2009-10-17 Thread peter apgar

good afternoon,

it is more like keeping your pointer finger in one location and  
sliding your middle finger around your fix pointer finger.  in testing  
this with mail it rotated between words navigation and careactors..

Good luck.

On Oct 17, 2009, at 4:55 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just started getting into the trackpad gestures with my macbook. I
> read the help and it said to use the rotor by rotating two fingers
> around the pad. I move my fingers in a circle but nothing happens. It
> just moves me across the screen. Is there a trick I'm missing?
> Jesse
> >

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RE: Gestures help.

2009-10-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Move your fingers as if you were turning a knob.  Don't move your fingers in
a great circle around the pad.  Put down two fingers as if they were
surrounding a knob and then turn your fingers as if you were turning that
nonexistent knob.  .

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jesse Bollinger
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:55 PM
Subject: Gestures help.

Hi all,

I just started getting into the trackpad gestures with my macbook. I  
read the help and it said to use the rotor by rotating two fingers  
around the pad. I move my fingers in a circle but nothing happens. It  
just moves me across the screen. Is there a trick I'm missing?


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Re: missed calls in skype

2009-10-17 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Go to the menu bar, to Call, and the second to the bottom item should  
be "view call list."  It's a table, so interact with it and there you  
are then.

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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FTP Client

2009-10-17 Thread Mac Cougar


I need an FTP client that will work with Snow Leopard.


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Re: FTP Client

2009-10-17 Thread a radix

Hello, the only one i know of is transmit, it is not free though but it 
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "Mac Cougar" 
To: "Mac Vissionaries Vissionaries" 
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 1:29 AM
Subject: FTP Client

> Hello,
> I need an FTP client that will work with Snow Leopard.
> Thanks
> Steve
> > 

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Re: iPhone like KNFB?

2009-10-17 Thread Victor Tsaran

It's N82's Flash that does the real trick and not so much the 5MPX camera.
On 10/12/2009 7:56 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Not sure the camera really does the OCR function. That's probably
> software after the photo is taken. That said, KNFB runs in the Nokia N82
> which has a 5 megapixel camera while the iPhone 3GS is just 3
> megapixels. Not sure how much the megapixels mater but for OCR more is
> probably better. If you figure even a relatively low res flatbed scanner
> will do 300 dpi, that means an 8x10 image will be 2400x3000 pixels or
> 7.2 megapixels so the Nokia is already a compromise. None of this has to
> do with the OCR software being able to run on the iPhone CPU. The OCR
> software isn't going to do a very good job if the quality of the image
> it has to work with is low.
> CB
> Rich Ring wrote:
>> The camera on the iPhone is not powerful enough to do O/CR.
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Ryan Dour 
>> *To:* MacVisionaries 
>> *Sent:* Friday, October 09, 2009 3:49 PM
>> *Subject:* iPhone like KNFB?
>> Hello,
>> What apps could be added to an iPhone at this point to provide
>> similar functionality to a KNFB phone? The key featuresthat could
>> help are:
>> * OCR of documents, signs, product boxes, etc.
>> * Talking pedestrian directions such as "You are approaching the
>> corner of North Michigan Avenue and East Heron." When you get to
>> the corner, "Turn right." and in a few more feet "Continue to the
>> next corner, St. Claire and E Heron."
>> * Color detection, providing reasonably good color matching or
>> description.
>> * Barcode reader with the ability to detect the barcode anywhere
>> in the picture frame, not just across a red line on the screen
>> that makes use difficult when you're only sure of the general
>> location of the code. Ability to pair with external BlueTooth
>> barcode scanner as an alternative could be sweet.
>> * Talking compass, something very similar to the built-in feature,
>> but with names of directions quickly spoken.
>> Here's the great part, some of the apps exist, but don't offer
>> full functionality.
>> * A Voice Compass - Literally a talking compass with great
>> accuracy. It even cuts itself off if you turn it really fast,
>> listen to the directions in an audio blur if you so choose.
>> * Around Me - Great for POI, but that's where the fun ends. Also,
>> great for getting phone numbers to places quickly.
>> * Maps - Great for finding out where you are, and general
>> directions. However, no warnings about distance as you move.
>> I've found apps that offer functionality beyond the typical
>> blindness offerings that make life just sweet. For me, local apps
>> can be fantastic:
>> * CTA Tracker - Easily the most accessible CTA tracking app. If
>> you live in Chicago, this app provides complete details of busses
>> at your local bus stops. Find a bus, wait for it to pull up and
>> announce itself, then track your way to your destination with time
>> estimates. Simply awesome for commuting. If you leave the VO
>> cursor on the next stop in the list, and turn Auto Lock off, VO
>> will announce the stop the bus is approaching once a minute. Turn
>> on your iPod, and let VO be the Dj telling you where you're at as
>> you travel without having to keep one ear open for the bus PA system.
>> * Chipotle - Order some yummy food while you're on your way home.
>> You can put together your order, choose toppings, sides, and a
>> drink. You can then place a note on the order to let the great
>> staff know you're blind, and to look out for ya when you get
>> there. It has been a really amazing experience using this app. My
>> reason, sometimes the restaurant is so loud that the staff start
>> simply pointing at the toppings and looking for feedback from the
>> customer. When you try and explain that you're blind, they don't
>> speak up enough, or it really throws them off and they start
>> missing toppings. Using this app, you get exactly what you wanted
>> without the confusion of the Chipotle assembly line. Even better,
>> your credit card never comes out of your wallet.
>> *
>> *
>> *I've got many other apps, but these are some that I've used in
>> the last few days. They provide me with tools that enrich my life.
>> There are others out there I know I'm missing, as the app store is
>> the hottest most crowded marketplace for software I've ever seen.
>> If anyone else has ideas for apps that make the iPhone
>> specifically a brilliant tool for a blind user, please let us all
>> know. Beyond the Twitter and Facebook apps we all love, I'm
>> looking for apps that help enhance real life activities ha

RE: iPhone like KNFB?

2009-10-17 Thread Simon Fogarty

The mega picsal rating on the phone means a lot when it comes to OCr.

 Think of it this way.

 The higher the megapicsal rate, the clearer the photo that is taken.
 Therefore the easier it is for the OCR  / scanning software  to more
correctly interpret the text it is attempting  to recognise.

The 8mp cam on the 86 makes a big difference to the knfb readers ability.
 -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Victor Tsaran
Sent: Sunday, 18 October 2009 2:26 p.m.
Subject: Re: iPhone like KNFB?

It's N82's Flash that does the real trick and not so much the 5MPX camera.
On 10/12/2009 7:56 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Not sure the camera really does the OCR function. That's probably
> software after the photo is taken. That said, KNFB runs in the Nokia N82
> which has a 5 megapixel camera while the iPhone 3GS is just 3
> megapixels. Not sure how much the megapixels mater but for OCR more is
> probably better. If you figure even a relatively low res flatbed scanner
> will do 300 dpi, that means an 8x10 image will be 2400x3000 pixels or
> 7.2 megapixels so the Nokia is already a compromise. None of this has to
> do with the OCR software being able to run on the iPhone CPU. The OCR
> software isn't going to do a very good job if the quality of the image
> it has to work with is low.
> CB
> Rich Ring wrote:
>> The camera on the iPhone is not powerful enough to do O/CR.
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Ryan Dour 
>> *To:* MacVisionaries 
>> *Sent:* Friday, October 09, 2009 3:49 PM
>> *Subject:* iPhone like KNFB?
>> Hello,
>> What apps could be added to an iPhone at this point to provide
>> similar functionality to a KNFB phone? The key featuresthat could
>> help are:
>> * OCR of documents, signs, product boxes, etc.
>> * Talking pedestrian directions such as "You are approaching the
>> corner of North Michigan Avenue and East Heron." When you get to
>> the corner, "Turn right." and in a few more feet "Continue to the
>> next corner, St. Claire and E Heron."
>> * Color detection, providing reasonably good color matching or
>> description.
>> * Barcode reader with the ability to detect the barcode anywhere
>> in the picture frame, not just across a red line on the screen
>> that makes use difficult when you're only sure of the general
>> location of the code. Ability to pair with external BlueTooth
>> barcode scanner as an alternative could be sweet.
>> * Talking compass, something very similar to the built-in feature,
>> but with names of directions quickly spoken.
>> Here's the great part, some of the apps exist, but don't offer
>> full functionality.
>> * A Voice Compass - Literally a talking compass with great
>> accuracy. It even cuts itself off if you turn it really fast,
>> listen to the directions in an audio blur if you so choose.
>> * Around Me - Great for POI, but that's where the fun ends. Also,
>> great for getting phone numbers to places quickly.
>> * Maps - Great for finding out where you are, and general
>> directions. However, no warnings about distance as you move.
>> I've found apps that offer functionality beyond the typical
>> blindness offerings that make life just sweet. For me, local apps
>> can be fantastic:
>> * CTA Tracker - Easily the most accessible CTA tracking app. If
>> you live in Chicago, this app provides complete details of busses
>> at your local bus stops. Find a bus, wait for it to pull up and
>> announce itself, then track your way to your destination with time
>> estimates. Simply awesome for commuting. If you leave the VO
>> cursor on the next stop in the list, and turn Auto Lock off, VO
>> will announce the stop the bus is approaching once a minute. Turn
>> on your iPod, and let VO be the Dj telling you where you're at as
>> you travel without having to keep one ear open for the bus PA system.
>> * Chipotle - Order some yummy food while you're on your way home.
>> You can put together your order, choose toppings, sides, and a
>> drink. You can then place a note on the order to let the great
>> staff know you're blind, and to look out for ya when you get
>> there. It has been a really amazing experience using this app. My
>> reason, sometimes the restaurant is so loud that the staff start
>> simply pointing at the toppings and looking for feedback from the
>> customer. When you try and explain that you're blind, they don't
>> speak up enough, or it really throws them off and they start
>> missing toppings. Using this app, you get exactly what you wanted
>> without the confusion of the Chipotle assembly line. Even better,
>> your credit 

Re: skype and voiceover

2009-10-17 Thread Portia

You could try hiding offline contacts so as to be able to distinguish 
who is online, and the when you want to see them again, just unhide 
them. It's not the best solution but it's something to try,  Thanks.  Yeah, I can't seem to get the labels to "stick".  I've  
> labeled them several times and they still don't want to stay.  Oh  
> well.  Well, at least I know there seems to be no easy way to find out  
> someone's status.  I thought I was missing something. but I guess I'm  
> not.
> Thanks,
> Christina
> On Oct 17, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Christina,
>> Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an easy way to determine  
>> the status
>> of your contacts.
>> As far as the labeling of buttons goes, I have had the same  
>> experience, i.e.
>> I have had to relabel them a second time.
>> Sorry for not being more helpful and best regards,
>> Mike
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Christina
>> Sent: Wednesday, 14 October, 2009 23:06
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: skype and voiceover
>> Thanks everyone.  Is there a way to get vo to read the status of my
>> contacts.  The thing I've been doing is just making the call and
>> seeing what happens.  It would be nice to know the status of
>> people.One strange thing is that I have labeled some buttons in
>> skype twice because every time I go back the buttons are not labeled
>> anymore.  It's weird.
>> I did not know I could have VO auto read the help tags on buttons and
>> such.  I had been using vo plus shift plus h to get vo to read the
>> help tags.  Those were the buttons I was able to label.  Otherwise, I
>> would not have known what the buttons were.  So, do I use VO utility
>> to set VO to automatically read the help tags?
>> Thanks,
>> Christina
>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 1:15 PM, Chantel Cuddemi wrote:
>>> Christian, get the new version of skype which is 2.8.722.
>>> It's very accessible with vo.
>>> On Oct 13, 2009, at 4:08 PM, Christina wrote:
 Hello List,

 How accessible is Skype?  I am running version  I need to
 be able to video chat with someone in Germany.  I have had this
 version for well over a year and I know how to make a call by moving
 to the table then interacting with it and then pressing return on  
 name of the person I want to "call".  I also labeled a couple of the
 buttons on the window that opens for the call I am on.  I labeled  
 video button.  I've been wondering if other versions are more
 accessible.  This version has a ton of buttons and images that I  
 no idea what they are.  I am often afraid to upgrade when I'm used  
 something and then find out later that the new version isn't
 accessible.  DH told me that the newest skype is very different than
 the version I am using.  One of the things I would like to be able  
 do is to have voiceover tell me the status of the person I want to
 call?  Is this possible?  I also cannot figure out how to use the
 portion of skype, the part where you type directly back and forth
 someone.  Is that impossible with skype and voiceover.

 Wow, I hope my questions make sense.

 Thanks so much,

> >

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