Re: ftpclients on the mac?

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Thanks Erik I had already dowloaded unison not knowing it was by  
panic. When i just browsed their site yesterdauy
I could not locate unison there. Great to know that downloading  
binaries does work on the mac.
Greetings, Anouk,On Sep 4, 2009, at 3:25 AM, hank smith wrote:

> hat is the website?
> the link that was given earlier gave stuff on mental health etc
> - Original Message -
> From: "erik burggraaf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 2:39 PM
> Subject: Re: ftpclients on the mac?
>> /You're going to get loads of recomendations for transmit, but I just
>> wanted to add mine anyway, because transmit is plain awesom.  Unison
>> is amazing as well if you like binary news groups.  In fact, just buy
>> anything put out by panic software on the off chance you might need  
>> or
>> want it one day and you won't be disappointed.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 3-Sep-09, at 9:01 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>>> Hello are there any good ftp-clients that work with voicover? With
>>> good i mean that they have to be able to que stuff and download
>>> folders.
>>> Greetings, Anouk

> >

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Re: problems reading a document in textedit

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello, Hmm yes mabe, i will look more into it later today, i had  
turned off
spellcheck but I will check if it is really off. I was able to  
navigate to some other long books without problems in textedit so I  
will have to check why THIS particular document is causing problems.
Greetings, AnoukOn Sep 3, 2009, at 3:05 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Could it dpend on the length of the document? This should not be the  
> case
> but I have known it happen in Microsoft Office
> - Original Message -
> From: "anouk radix" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:50 PM
> Subject: problems reading a document in textedit
>> Hello everyone, i tried again today to take my macbook pro with me to
>> school today but it did not go as well as the first two times. I had
>> to consult a lawbook (if htats the right word) and every time i went
>> down a line i got messages like textedit busy or busy or textedit
>> ready which made it nearly impossible to read through the document.
>> This happened with down arrow but also vo-down. I am going to see  
>> if I
>> have the spelling turned off and if changing the format will do
>> anything. The computer shoudl not have been much taxdd, i mean it has
>> 3 ghz 4gig of ram and textedit was the only application running. This
>> was very frustrating and annoying.
>> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: problems reading a document in textedit

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hi John indeed that is exactly what I mean. Since I am a law students  
I have LOTS of those kinds of documents (a lot of which I scanned in  
myself btw). I am planning to get iworks in a few weeks, hopefully I  
can get a student discount. Btw a different question do i have to get  
apple stuff on cd, cant you just download it from their site?
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 3, 2009, at 7:17 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi,
> I have noticed the same behavior you mentioned. It normally occurs on
> long documents, and textedit does in deed say busy after arrowing down
> each line. It's quite frustrating, but if you have Iwork, it seems to
> do a better job.
> Note: When I say long documents, I am referring to those that are
> several hundred pages or more in length.
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 9:05 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Could it dpend on the length of the document? This should not be the
>> case
>> but I have known it happen in Microsoft Office
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "anouk radix" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:50 PM
>> Subject: problems reading a document in textedit
>>> Hello everyone, i tried again today to take my macbook pro with me  
>>> to
>>> school today but it did not go as well as the first two times. I had
>>> to consult a lawbook (if htats the right word) and every time i went
>>> down a line i got messages like textedit busy or busy or textedit
>>> ready which made it nearly impossible to read through the document.
>>> This happened with down arrow but also vo-down. I am going to see
>>> if I
>>> have the spelling turned off and if changing the format will do
>>> anything. The computer shoudl not have been much taxdd, i mean it  
>>> has
>>> 3 ghz 4gig of ram and textedit was the only application running.  
>>> This
>>> was very frustrating and annoying.
>>> Greetings, Anouk,

> >

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Re: problems reading a document in textedit

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello, I notice slow behaviour in safari as well and I am using dom  
mode, only with one site so far which i dont plan to use again but  
still worth mentioning.
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 3, 2009, at 8:57 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I believe that I'm seeing a relationship between this and problems I'm
> having.
> In Safari when group mode is on, I get continuos busy and ready
> messages when a content list has a large amount of items.  Navigation
> also slows down to a crawl.
> If I open a large pdf document in preview and pdf view is set to one
> page continuous, it stays busy for a long time.  This didn't happen in
> leopard.
> It seems to me that vo isn't able to handle large amounts of data as
> well.  I could be mistaken, but there seems to be a correlation.
> I don't want to discourage anyone from upgrading as I've actually seen
> more problems fixed than I have found new ones.  I hope the problems
> I've mentioned get fixed soon however.  Especially my problem in
> Safari.  The preview thing is easily rectified with single page view,
> but I thing the to things along with what people are experiencing with
> textedit are related.
> Also, it's worth pointing out that dom in Safari isn't nearly as
> limiting in sl and I would say that it is much more like navigating a
> page with Jaws although I still personally prefer group.
> I just want to add a note about some terminology I used above in
> regards to a content list.  The new group mode nest groups now and it
> seems to me that a group containing other groups is announced as a
> content list.
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 12:17 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have noticed the same behavior you mentioned. It normally occurs on
>> long documents, and textedit does in deed say busy after arrowing  
>> down
>> each line. It's quite frustrating, but if you have Iwork, it seems to
>> do a better job.
>> Note: When I say long documents, I am referring to those that are
>> several hundred pages or more in length.
>> On Sep 3, 2009, at 9:05 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Could it dpend on the length of the document? This should not be the
>>> case
>>> but I have known it happen in Microsoft Office
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "anouk radix" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:50 PM
>>> Subject: problems reading a document in textedit

 Hello everyone, i tried again today to take my macbook pro with me
 school today but it did not go as well as the first two times. I  
 to consult a lawbook (if htats the right word) and every time i  
 down a line i got messages like textedit busy or busy or textedit
 ready which made it nearly impossible to read through the document.
 This happened with down arrow but also vo-down. I am going to see
 if I
 have the spelling turned off and if changing the format will do
 anything. The computer shoudl not have been much taxdd, i mean it
 3 ghz 4gig of ram and textedit was the only application running.
 was very frustrating and annoying.
 Greetings, Anouk,


> >

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I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi all.
Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that I'm
not very impressed.
Here is my observations so far.
- VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This have
been discussed here before.
- In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
- Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to get
the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be happy,
otherwise I roll back to leopard.
Have a nice weekend.
Regards Tony

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Where to go to inform Apple about bugs with Voice Over?

2009-09-04 Thread Justin Kauflin

 I'm wondering if anyone has a good place to go to let Apple know
about bugs we are encountering with Voice Over and Snow Leopard.  I
have encountered a few and would really like to go to a good place to
let Apple know of my experience.
 One of the most annoying things I have found is that every time I
open a folder in the Finder, I have to re-interact with the icon/image
view.  This was definitely not the case for the Leopard OS.  Anyone
else experiencing this?  Also, iTunes is definitely way more unstable
under SL.  Anyways, just wondering where to go. Thanks for any help.
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Re: problems reading a document in textedit

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello, well to tell you the truth wordpad isnt considered a real word  
processor either but I ALWAYS used it to read long documents because  
1. they were in text format anyway (thats the way i scan them) and it  
was just so much faster and more responsive then microsoft word. I  
will report my experiences to apple accessibility btw.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 3, 2009, at 10:16 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> I remeber that in Leopard sometimes, I would have an issue where VO  
> would
> either lose focus when it got to a new page or would stop reading
> altogether.
> I know that TextEdit is described as a word procesor, but I have never
> personally considered it as such. D you have a fully fledged word  
> procesor
> on your Mac? You may have better luck.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Simon Cavendish" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:00 PM
> Subject: Re: problems reading a document in textedit
>> I regularly read long documents - I mean a couple of hundred of pages
>> - in both Preview and Textedit, and I haven't on the whole had
>> problems with the applications slowing down.
>> Best, Simon
>> On 3 Sep 2009, at 20:53, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> Yes, I have reported my Safari problems.
>>> I wan't to slightly qualify my previous statements in regard to
>>> Preview.  I Don't recall it acting in the way I described in  
>>> Leopard,
>>> However I can't be 100 percent certain that it didn't.  I could be
>>> wrong about that, but I don't recall it ever happening.
>>> On Sep 3, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

 Have you and others been reporting these experiences to  
 team? There obviously is a need for a fix. Makes me wonder  
 whether to
 wait a little before I take the plunge.

 Best wishes, Simon
 On 3 Sep 2009, at 19:57, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I believe that I'm seeing a relationship between this and problems
> I'm
> having.
> In Safari when group mode is on, I get continuos busy and ready
> messages when a content list has a large amount of items.
> Navigation
> also slows down to a crawl.
> If I open a large pdf document in preview and pdf view is set to  
> one
> page continuous, it stays busy for a long time.  This didn't  
> happen
> in
> leopard.
> It seems to me that vo isn't able to handle large amounts of  
> data as
> well.  I could be mistaken, but there seems to be a correlation.
> I don't want to discourage anyone from upgrading as I've actually
> seen
> more problems fixed than I have found new ones.  I hope the  
> problems
> I've mentioned get fixed soon however.  Especially my problem in
> Safari.  The preview thing is easily rectified with single page
> view,
> but I thing the to things along with what people are experiencing
> with
> textedit are related.
> Also, it's worth pointing out that dom in Safari isn't nearly as
> limiting in sl and I would say that it is much more like
> navigating a
> page with Jaws although I still personally prefer group.
> I just want to add a note about some terminology I used above in
> regards to a content list.  The new group mode nest groups now and
> it
> seems to me that a group containing other groups is announced as a
> content list.
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 12:17 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have noticed the same behavior you mentioned. It normally  
>> occurs
>> on
>> long documents, and textedit does in deed say busy after arrowing
>> down
>> each line. It's quite frustrating, but if you have Iwork, it  
>> seems
>> to
>> do a better job.
>> Note: When I say long documents, I am referring to those that are
>> several hundred pages or more in length.
>> On Sep 3, 2009, at 9:05 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Could it dpend on the length of the document? This should not be
>>> the
>>> case
>>> but I have known it happen in Microsoft Office
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "anouk radix" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:50 PM
>>> Subject: problems reading a document in textedit

 Hello everyone, i tried again today to take my macbook pro with
 school today but it did not go as well as the first two  
 times. I
 to consult a lawbook (if htats the right word) and every time i
 down a line i got messages like textedit busy or busy or  
 ready which made it nearly impossible to read through the
 This happened with down arrow but also vo-down. I am going to  
 if I
 have the spelling turned off a

Re: Where to go to inform Apple about bugs with Voice Over?

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello, the way to interact with apple about accessibility issues is  
emailing If you call them people tend to dont  
know what you are talking about.
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 4, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm wondering if anyone has a good place to go to let Apple know
> about bugs we are encountering with Voice Over and Snow Leopard.  I
> have encountered a few and would really like to go to a good place to
> let Apple know of my experience.
> One of the most annoying things I have found is that every time I
> open a folder in the Finder, I have to re-interact with the icon/image
> view.  This was definitely not the case for the Leopard OS.  Anyone
> else experiencing this?  Also, iTunes is definitely way more unstable
> under SL.  Anyways, just wondering where to go. Thanks for any help.
> Justin
> >

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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hey Tony, I am having issues too, not as many as you do but still.  
Please try mailing apple accessibility about them, i will as well and  
hope they fix it soon.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 4, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that I'm
> not very impressed.
> Here is my observations so far.
> - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This have
> been discussed here before.
> - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
> - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
> work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
> But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
> responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to get
> the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
> Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be happy,
> otherwise I roll back to leopard.
> Have a nice weekend.
> Regards Tony
> >

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Re: Creating DAISY books was VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Thanks Greg,
Where can I get this plugin from and some info on making the process work 
please? Can you do this by hand?

Thank you

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Greg Kearney" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:37 AM
Subject: Re: Creating DAISY books was VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow 
Leopard) is DAISY format

> Yes you can and in fact we use Macs here all the time to do just that.
> The best way is to use OpenOffice with the odt2dtbook plugin. That
> will export a DTBook XML file which can be used with the Daisy
> Pipeline software to generate the finished book. The next release of
> the plugin will eliminate the need to use DAISY Pipeline and will
> export a finished DAISY book.
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
> Email:
> On 03/09/2009, at 7:23 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Gret and everyone,
>> Is it possible to create DAISY books on Mac OS X?
>> Thanks
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Les Kriegler" 
>> To: ; "'Discussion of Digital Talking
>> Books'" ; "'Mike Shebanek'" ;
>> "'Mary Beth Janes'" ; "'macvoiceover'"
>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:16 AM
>> Subject: RE: VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format
>>> Hi Greg,
>>> This is great!  Navigation now will be much easier.  Thanks for
>>> posting.
>>> Les
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Greg Kearney
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:27 AM
>>> To: Discussion of Digital Talking Books; Mike Shebanek; Mary Beth
>>> Janes;
>>>; macvoiceover
>>> Subject: VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format
>>> VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format has been
>>> produced
>>> by the Association for the Blind of Western Australia and can be
>>> downloaded
>>> from the following URL:
>>> This is a full text full audio DAISY version 2.02 digital talking
>>> book
>>> with
>>> navigation at the chapter and subsection level and page numbers
>>> supported.
>>> Gregory Kearney
>>> Manager - Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>>> Email:
>>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>>> signature
>>> database 4390 (20090902) __
>>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
>>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>>> signature
>>> database 4390 (20090902) __
>>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
>>> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
>>> signature
>>> database 4390 (20090902) __
>>> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

>> >
> >

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Re: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

I would like to know this as well.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:17 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> What is VO Help Desk? The website doesn't say.
> thanks,
> anna
> On Sep 2, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> Hey all. this is from Alex. he wanted me to foreward this on since
>> he's no longer on this list.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Alex Jurgensen 
>>> Date: September 2, 2009 12:45:38 PM EDT
>>> To: Brandon Misch 
>>> Subject: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released
>>> Hi,
>>> Brandon:
>>> Forward this to whoever you like.
>>> The public beta of VO-HelpDesk 3.0 for Snow Leopard and Leopard/
>>> Tiger is now released.
>>> Find it at: .
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex,
>>> Alex Jurgensen,
>>> AWEBSIGHT Administrator,
>>> ICE Customer Care,
>>> VoiceOver Trainer,
>>> Visit us on the web at:
> >

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Re: making java apps accessible with vo?

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello hmm the app i tried, i could read the text on the first page but  
the buttons were not labelled nor did they have any helptags.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 3, 2009, at 11:13 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> Hi,
> On the Mac, java is accessible right out of the box.  No access bridge
> is required.  It seems to me to be marginally better then jaws in
> Windows, but it's still not perfect.
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 3:54 PM, anouk radix wrote:
>> Hello, in the neoofficce discussion i thought there was some kinf of
>> java accessibility toolkit mentioned? Will this also help making apps
>> accessible with voicover or was it just for windows and windows
>> screenreaders? If it would improve java accessibility on the mac I
>> would like to point the link to the neooffice and jamochamud  
>> devteams.
>> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Letting Apple Accessibility know when they've done a good job

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

I know that there are a few issues at the moment with Snow Leopard. But I 
think it's a good idea to let Aple Accessibility know when things work well 
as well as when they don't because over all the work Apple have done to make 
the operating system accessible is phenomenal. Also, Lets be grateful that 
NFB et al havne't written a review yet of SL.

Take care


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Re: Letting Apple Accessibility know when they've done a good job

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Certainly, i let them know that I bought a mac in the first place and  
that I was thankful for all the work that was being done by them. Also  
when I mailed them just now I said I was very happy with voicover and  
sl overall.
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 4, 2009, at 10:10 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I know that there are a few issues at the moment with Snow Leopard.  
> But I
> think it's a good idea to let Aple Accessibility know when things  
> work well
> as well as when they don't because over all the work Apple have done  
> to make
> the operating system accessible is phenomenal. Also, Lets be  
> grateful that
> NFB et al havne't written a review yet of SL.
> Take care
> James
> >

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cursor (braille) not on the right spot)

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello, sometimes in mail when i am typing stuff, the cursor is not on  
the right spot where it hsould be. It is a few characters before the  
place where I am typing. Its a bit strange and disorienting luckily i  
have cursor routing keys .
Greetings, Anouk

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background picture

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello all, when i first installed my mac it asked for a picture to  
select for my account I guess it made a picture but now someone on  
adium told me it is displayed there as well which ius sort of  
embarrassing. I did not know that a picture for my account would be  
displayed in adium as well, I will have to search in preferences where  
I can change this.
Greetings, Anouk

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Re: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released

2009-09-04 Thread william lomas

i think it is a remote help system where you can help someone by  
controling their voiceover from your pc

On 4 Sep 2009, at 09:06, anouk radix wrote:

> I would like to know this as well.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:17 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> What is VO Help Desk? The website doesn't say.
>> thanks,
>> anna
>> On Sep 2, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> Hey all. this is from Alex. he wanted me to foreward this on since
>>> he's no longer on this list.
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 From: Alex Jurgensen 
 Date: September 2, 2009 12:45:38 PM EDT
 To: Brandon Misch 
 Subject: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released


 Forward this to whoever you like.

 The public beta of VO-HelpDesk 3.0 for Snow Leopard and Leopard/
 Tiger is now released.

 Find it at: .


 Alex Jurgensen,
 AWEBSIGHT Administrator,
 ICE Customer Care,
 VoiceOver Trainer,   

 Visit us on the web at:


> >

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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread John André Netland

Hi Tony,

To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the  
navigation category and set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO cursor.  
This will make navigation in menus etc. work just fine. For now, you  
must use the "move mouse cursor to VO cursor" shortcut to have them at  
the same location. I suppose this issue will be fixed in the near  

John André

On 4. sep.. 2009, at 09.55, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that I'm
> not very impressed.
> Here is my observations so far.
> - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This have
> been discussed here before.
> - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
> - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
> work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
> But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
> responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to get
> the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
> Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be happy,
> otherwise I roll back to leopard.
> Have a nice weekend.
> Regards Tony
> >

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Re: background picture

2009-09-04 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Hi, you can change this in the accounts section of preferences, on the  
personal tab in there.  YOu can select to not use an icon.  Hope this  
On Sep 4, 2009, at 4:31 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello all, when i first installed my mac it asked for a picture to
> select for my account I guess it made a picture but now someone on
> adium told me it is displayed there as well which ius sort of
> embarrassing. I did not know that a picture for my account would be
> displayed in adium as well, I will have to search in preferences where
> I can change this.
> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Re: Creating DAISY books was VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format

2009-09-04 Thread Greg Kearney

Well you could do it by hand but it would be very difficult to do. It  
would require understanding teh DAISY specification very well indeed.

The link to the OpenOffice plugin can be found here:

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On 04/09/2009, at 4:02 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Thanks Greg,
> Where can I get this plugin from and some info on making the process  
> work
> please? Can you do this by hand?
> Thank you
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Greg Kearney" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Creating DAISY books was VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow
> Leopard) is DAISY format
>> Yes you can and in fact we use Macs here all the time to do just  
>> that.
>> The best way is to use OpenOffice with the odt2dtbook plugin. That
>> will export a DTBook XML file which can be used with the Daisy
>> Pipeline software to generate the finished book. The next release of
>> the plugin will eliminate the need to use DAISY Pipeline and will
>> export a finished DAISY book.
>> Gregory Kearney
>> Manager - Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>> Email:
>> On 03/09/2009, at 7:23 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi Gret and everyone,
>>> Is it possible to create DAISY books on Mac OS X?
>>> Thanks
>>> James
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Les Kriegler" 
>>> To: ; "'Discussion of Digital  
>>> Talking
>>> Books'" ; "'Mike Shebanek'"  
>>> ;
>>> "'Mary Beth Janes'" ; "'macvoiceover'"
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:16 AM
>>> Subject: RE: VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY  
>>> format

 Hi Greg,

 This is great!  Navigation now will be much easier.  Thanks for


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Greg Kearney
 Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:27 AM
 To: Discussion of Digital Talking Books; Mike Shebanek; Mary Beth
 Janes;; macvoiceover
 Subject: VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format

 VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format has been
 by the Association for the Blind of Western Australia and can be
 from the following URL:

 This is a full text full audio DAISY version 2.02 digital talking
 navigation at the chapter and subsection level and page numbers

 Gregory Kearney
 Manager - Accessible Media
 Association for the Blind of Western Australia
 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
 Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

 Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
 Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
 Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
 Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
 database 4390 (20090902) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
 database 4390 (20090902) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
 database 4390 (20090902) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


> >

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Re: Mail not Reading Automatically - Oh Rats

2009-09-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom

4 sep 2009 kl. 04.55 skrev Woody Anna Dresner:

> Sometimes when they aren't read, I hear part
> of the word "Interacting" when I press VO-J. It's as though something
> is cutting off the speech.
Confirmed here to. I'm now using the tab key instead of the vo-j and  
it works better and i get text read automagically. It's like VO  
doesn't wait for the notice about it interacting with the text before  
it tries to read the text and that cuts text off, if you see what i'm  
trying to say.

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Re: Creating DAISY books was VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Thanks Greg,

Can any text or audio bok i.e. mp3 be made into a DAISY book with this 
plugin or are audio books created differently?


- Original Message - 
From: "Greg Kearney" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: Creating DAISY books was VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow 
Leopard) is DAISY format

> Well you could do it by hand but it would be very difficult to do. It
> would require understanding teh DAISY specification very well indeed.
> The link to the OpenOffice plugin can be found here: 
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
> Email:
> On 04/09/2009, at 4:02 PM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Thanks Greg,
>> Where can I get this plugin from and some info on making the process
>> work
>> please? Can you do this by hand?
>> Thank you
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Greg Kearney" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:37 AM
>> Subject: Re: Creating DAISY books was VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow
>> Leopard) is DAISY format
>>> Yes you can and in fact we use Macs here all the time to do just
>>> that.
>>> The best way is to use OpenOffice with the odt2dtbook plugin. That
>>> will export a DTBook XML file which can be used with the Daisy
>>> Pipeline software to generate the finished book. The next release of
>>> the plugin will eliminate the need to use DAISY Pipeline and will
>>> export a finished DAISY book.
>>> Gregory Kearney
>>> Manager - Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>>> Email:
>>> On 03/09/2009, at 7:23 PM, James & Nash wrote:

 Hi Gret and everyone,

 Is it possible to create DAISY books on Mac OS X?


 - Original Message -
 From: "Les Kriegler" 
 To: ; "'Discussion of Digital
 Books'" ; "'Mike Shebanek'"
 "'Mary Beth Janes'" ; "'macvoiceover'"
 Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 7:16 AM
 Subject: RE: VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY

> Hi Greg,
> This is great!  Navigation now will be much easier.  Thanks for
> posting.
> Les
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Greg Kearney
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:27 AM
> To: Discussion of Digital Talking Books; Mike Shebanek; Mary Beth
> Janes;
>; macvoiceover
> Subject: VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format
> VoiceOver Getting Started (Snow Leopard) is DAISY format has been
> produced
> by the Association for the Blind of Western Australia and can be
> downloaded
> from the following URL:
> This is a full text full audio DAISY version 2.02 digital talking
> book
> with
> navigation at the chapter and subsection level and page numbers
> supported.
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
> Email:
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4390 (20090902) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4390 (20090902) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4390 (20090902) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


>> >
> > 

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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Speaking about mouse cursor behaviours, i know i have reported this  
here earlier and i have reported it to Apple accessibility who didn't  
understand what i was talking about, but has anyone noticed that when  
you have mouse cursor follow VO cursor, text under the cursor gets  
read two or more times, and this happens every time i move the cursors  
with arrow keys? This happens if i have the checkbox to read text  
under the mouse after a delay checked. If i have it unchecked, the  
problem disappears but then i don' get any feedback when moving the  
mouse at all. Also it doesn't matter how long time i set the delay  
for, it keeps reading the text two or more times at aprox the same time.
Over all though, SL is working very well for me and i don't want to go  
back to the old leopard, that cat is retired after having done a good  

4 sep 2009 kl. 10.55 skrev John André Netland:

> Hi Tony,
> To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the
> navigation category and set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO cursor.
> This will make navigation in menus etc. work just fine. For now, you
> must use the "move mouse cursor to VO cursor" shortcut to have them at
> the same location. I suppose this issue will be fixed in the near
> future.
> Thanks,
> John André
> On 4. sep.. 2009, at 09.55, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that I'm
>> not very impressed.
>> Here is my observations so far.
>> - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This have
>> been discussed here before.
>> - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
>> - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
>> work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
>> But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
>> responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to get
>> the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
>> Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be happy,
>> otherwise I roll back to leopard.
>> Have a nice weekend.
>> Regards Tony
> >

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Re: voiceover prevents screen saver from turning on, and display sleep.

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Howell

I have not encountered this one.  Just to clarify, have you tried  
setting this to 10 or 15 minutes? I've set mine down to 3 minutes and  
could not reproduce this, but there may very well be some other factors.

On Sep 3, 2009, at 8:46 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers,
> Can anybody confirm the following bug? In your energy saver
> preferences, select a time for the display to go to sleep. For this
> demonstration, select the time of 1 or 2 minutes. Now, leave voiceover
> and your mac alone. Notice that instead of the display sleeping,
> voiceover will randomly speak text every two minutes just before the
> display sleeps. If you are in textedit, voiceover will begin to read
> the document. If you are in the finder on the applications list,
> voiceover will read the current application selected. Furthermore, so
> long as you leave your mac alone, this behavior will continue to
> occur. Aside from being annoying, I consider this an energy waster,
> and a security risk. The screen saver never comes on, and thus your
> screen never locks, asking for you to enter your password to unlock
> it. Also, the display never dims, consuming unnecessary battery power.
> Has anybody else had this happen to them?
> Thanks,
> John
> >

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Re: background picture

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

HEllo, i have just looked but i can only find a password tab and a tab  
to start certain programs at logins, no personal tab.
I did delete the defaultdesktoppicture.jpg in library/coreservices but  
I am not sure if thats it.

Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 4, 2009, at 10:55 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi, you can change this in the accounts section of preferences, on the
> personal tab in there.  YOu can select to not use an icon.  Hope this
> helps.
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 4:31 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>> Hello all, when i first installed my mac it asked for a picture to
>> select for my account I guess it made a picture but now someone on
>> adium told me it is displayed there as well which ius sort of
>> embarrassing. I did not know that a picture for my account would be
>> displayed in adium as well, I will have to search in preferences  
>> where
>> I can change this.
>> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Re: Where to go to inform Apple about bugs with Voice Over?

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Howell

You can get a free ADC membership and post bugs that way and I  
encourage you to do so. Issues of accessibility, send to 
On Sep 4, 2009, at 3:56 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm wondering if anyone has a good place to go to let Apple know
> about bugs we are encountering with Voice Over and Snow Leopard.  I
> have encountered a few and would really like to go to a good place to
> let Apple know of my experience.
> One of the most annoying things I have found is that every time I
> open a folder in the Finder, I have to re-interact with the icon/image
> view.  This was definitely not the case for the Leopard OS.  Anyone
> else experiencing this?  Also, iTunes is definitely way more unstable
> under SL.  Anyways, just wondering where to go. Thanks for any help.
> Justin
> >

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Re: Can't access trackpad commander in voice utility on my mac book

2009-09-04 Thread Jes Smith

Okay, thanks. I appreciate that bit of knowledge.


On Sep 3, 2009, at 6:25 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Don't feel stupid. The multi-touch trackpad does not have the large
> button at the bottom. It is just like one large flat square and you
> can press the lower portion of the pad.
> hth,
> On Sep 2, 2009, at 10:15 PM, Jes Smith wrote:
>> How can I be sure? I thought all mac books had the multi-touch pad?
>> Okay, I must not have one then, if I don't see the commander there.
>> Now I feel stupid for asking the question.
>> Jes
>> On Sep 2, 2009, at 7:46 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> The question is if your Mac has the multi-touch trackpad for one
>>> thing.
>>> On Sep 2, 2009, at 6:48 PM, Jes Smith wrote

 Hi all,

 I've had my mac book for about a month now, and upgraded to snow
 leopard last Friday. I notice there's a trackpad commander which  
 be turned on in either the voice over utility, or with the  
 two-finger approach on the track pad while holding the vo keys.
 However, I've tried both these methods, and neither of them work. I
 can drag my finger across the trackpad and hear where items are on
 screen, or at least where I think they are, and then use my mouse
 button to click on them. But I thought you could double tap and use
 all the voice over gestures? Any help on this would be appreciated.
 All I see in the commanders category of the voice over utility are
 numpad and the keyboard commander.



> >

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Re: burning dmg with disk utility?

2009-09-04 Thread ben mustill-rose

What are you burning it onto?

On 04/09/2009, hank smith  wrote:
> hello how do I burn a boottable dmg using disk utility?
> its conplaining that I cant run from this volume
> can I get instructions on how to burn this dmg file to make it bootable
> using disk utility?
> Hank
> >

Kind regards, BEN.

web: (under construction)

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how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in  
the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So How  
can I actually empty the trash?
Greetings, Anouk

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth

Hey Anouk,

The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.


On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
>   Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
> the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So How
> can I actually empty the trash?
> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth

Actually to clarify somewhat, command-shift-backspace definitely
works.  I don't have the mac in front of me now to varify whether the
same shortcut works for backspace and forward delete, but try it and
let us know.


On 9/4/09, Scott Chesworth  wrote:
> Hey Anouk,
> The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
> Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.
> hth
> Scott
> On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
>>  Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
>> the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So How
>> can I actually empty the trash?
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> >>

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Re: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released

2009-09-04 Thread Brandon Misch

just e-mail alex about it. his address is in the foreward i sent out.

On Sep 3, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> What is VO Help Desk? The website doesn't say.
> thanks,
> anna
> On Sep 2, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> Hey all. this is from Alex. he wanted me to foreward this on since
>> he's no longer on this list.
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Alex Jurgensen 
>>> Date: September 2, 2009 12:45:38 PM EDT
>>> To: Brandon Misch 
>>> Subject: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released
>>> Hi,
>>> Brandon:
>>> Forward this to whoever you like.
>>> The public beta of VO-HelpDesk 3.0 for Snow Leopard and Leopard/
>>> Tiger is now released.
>>> Find it at: .
>>> Regards,
>>> Alex,
>>> Alex Jurgensen,
>>> AWEBSIGHT Administrator,
>>> ICE Customer Care,
>>> VoiceOver Trainer,
>>> Visit us on the web at:
> >

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emptying thrash

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello Scott, cmd-shft-del is secure delete trash but it works from  
anywere. Is there also such a button to delete it normally?
Thanks, Greetings, Anouk

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Re: emptying thrash

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth

Not that I know of...
Adding option to the shortcut performs the opperation without bringing
up the confirmation box, but I don't think that changes whether it's a
secure erase.

If the shortcut you want exists, you won't have long to wait before
someone smarter than me chimes in though lol.


On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
>   Hello Scott, cmd-shft-del is secure delete trash but it works from
> anywere. Is there also such a button to delete it normally?
> Thanks, Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

Go to the main Finder window. Then,, press Shift Comand Delete. That should 
empty the Trash folder for you.
- Original Message - 
From: "anouk radix" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:42 AM
Subject: how to empty trash folder

> Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
> the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So How
> can I actually empty the trash?
> Greetings, Anouk
> > 

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super duper

2009-09-04 Thread william lomas

hi all I am using super duper to clone my mac hard disk. I may do a  
clean install eventually of Snowleopard. SO, If I wish to put back my  
home folder do I after buying super duper, boot from firewire drive,  
run SD and just restore home folder?
Will that put back my applications, as well?
I guess though one is best doing another backup with SD when SL is  
installed as all files change?
What would you guys advise. Should I just use Super duper to back up  
user files, and leave the rest if doing clean install anyway?

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

Cool. Didn't know it works anywhere you are on the Mac.
Thanks for that.
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Chesworth" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder

> Hey Anouk,
> The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
> Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.
> hth
> Scott
> On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
>> Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
>> the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So How
>> can I actually empty the trash?
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> >
> > 

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Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please? Although I 
don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use footnotes 
and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for academic 
writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not compile 
it can be very frustrating.

I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with SL.Hopefully, they 
have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and VO.

 I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an Office 
suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did not like 
OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Take care


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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

I think this specific issue has been around since Tiger. Essentially  
the system is trying to read where the mouse moved to but also the VO  
cursor moved too.  The solution is to force mouse reading off when  
mouse follows VO.  I especially had problems with web pages that had  
verbose graphical descriptions when I had Mouse follows voice and  
voice speaks on.

I think that jaws had these issues for a while, but most people didn't  
even know how to lock the jaws cursor and virtual cursor to  each other.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> Speaking about mouse cursor behaviours, i know i have reported this
> here earlier and i have reported it to Apple accessibility who didn't
> understand what i was talking about, but has anyone noticed that when
> you have mouse cursor follow VO cursor, text under the cursor gets
> read two or more times, and this happens every time i move the cursors
> with arrow keys? This happens if i have the checkbox to read text
> under the mouse after a delay checked. If i have it unchecked, the
> problem disappears but then i don' get any feedback when moving the
> mouse at all. Also it doesn't matter how long time i set the delay
> for, it keeps reading the text two or more times at aprox the same  
> time.
> Over all though, SL is working very well for me and i don't want to go
> back to the old leopard, that cat is retired after having done a good
> job.
> /Krister
> 4 sep 2009 kl. 10.55 skrev John André Netland:
>> Hi Tony,
>> To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the
>> navigation category and set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO cursor.
>> This will make navigation in menus etc. work just fine. For now, you
>> must use the "move mouse cursor to VO cursor" shortcut to have them  
>> at
>> the same location. I suppose this issue will be fixed in the near
>> future.
>> Thanks,
>> John André
>> On 4. sep.. 2009, at 09.55, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that I'm
>>> not very impressed.
>>> Here is my observations so far.
>>> - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This  
>>> have
>>> been discussed here before.
>>> - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
>>> - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
>>> work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
>>> But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
>>> responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to  
>>> get
>>> the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
>>> Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be happy,
>>> otherwise I roll back to leopard.
>>> Have a nice weekend.
>>> Regards Tony

> >

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan

I use a combination of Open office and Pages - the latter is very nice 
indeed I'm told under Snow Leopard though I haven't had the chance to 
try that for myself yet -.

Another word processing package -available on its own - which is super! 
to use is Nisus Writer Pro, very accessible and packed with all sorts of 
Word Processing and desktop publishing features.

If you want to go down the "Free Road" try Bean which does one hell of a 
lot considering its free.

James & Nash wrote:
> Hi folks,
> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please? Although I 
> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use footnotes 
> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for academic 
> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not compile 
> it can be very frustrating.
> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with SL.Hopefully, they 
> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and VO.
>  I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an Office 
> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did not like 
> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Take care
> james 
> >


Dane Trethowan
>From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
Fax (+61 3) 9743 7954
Mobile/SMS +61 438 571201

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

yes but it is context sensitive, in mail it removes your deleted  
messages but if i try it anywhere else it wants to do secure delete  
trash which takes ages and for some reason does not work here, i  
always get an error message when rying it and it takes hours.
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Hi,
> Cool. Didn't know it works anywhere you are on the Mac.
> Thanks for that.
> Jeffrey
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Chesworth" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:53 AM
> Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder
>> Hey Anouk,
>> The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
>> Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.
>> hth
>> Scott
>> On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
>>> Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
>>> the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So  
>>> How
>>> can I actually empty the trash?
>>> Greetings, Anouk

> >

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can tell. It has 
done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it comes to getting 
work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like switching to my 
Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
- Original Message - 
From: "James & Nash" 
To: "Mac visionaries" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Hi folks,
> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please? Although I
> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use 
> footnotes
> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for academic
> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not compile
> it can be very frustrating.
> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with SL.Hopefully, they
> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and VO.
> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an Office
> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did not 
> like
> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Take care
> james
> > 

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan

Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.

On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Hi,
> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can tell.  
> It has
> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it comes to  
> getting
> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like  
> switching to my
> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
> HTH,
> Jeffrey
> - Original Message -
> From: "James & Nash" 
> To: "Mac visionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> Hi folks,
>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?  
>> Although I
>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use
>> footnotes
>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for  
>> academic
>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not  
>> compile
>> it can be very frustrating.
>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with  
>> SL.Hopefully, they
>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and  
>> VO.
>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an  
>> Office
>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did  
>> not
>> like
>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>> Take care
>> james
> >

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Re: emptying thrash

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hello, thanks for the shortcut i did not know it was there, i am  
trying it now but in the past it gave me error messages.
Greetings, Anouk
On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:34 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

> Not that I know of...
> Adding option to the shortcut performs the opperation without bringing
> up the confirmation box, but I don't think that changes whether it's a
> secure erase.
> If the shortcut you want exists, you won't have long to wait before
> someone smarter than me chimes in though lol.
> Scott
> On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
>>  Hello Scott, cmd-shft-del is secure delete trash but it works from
>> anywere. Is there also such a button to delete it normally?
>> Thanks, Greetings, Anouk
> >

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread william lomas

There is also a demo of pages as part of IWork

On 4 Sep 2009, at 13:46, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> I use a combination of Open office and Pages - the latter is very nice
> indeed I'm told under Snow Leopard though I haven't had the chance to
> try that for myself yet -.
> Another word processing package -available on its own - which is  
> super!
> to use is Nisus Writer Pro, very accessible and packed with all  
> sorts of
> Word Processing and desktop publishing features.
> If you want to go down the "Free Road" try Bean which does one hell  
> of a
> lot considering its free.
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?  
>> Although I
>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use  
>> footnotes
>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for  
>> academic
>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not  
>> compile
>> it can be very frustrating.
>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with  
>> SL.Hopefully, they
>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and  
>> VO.
>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an  
>> Office
>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did  
>> not like
>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>> Take care
>> james
> -- 
> Dane Trethowan
> From Melton Victoria Australia
> mailto:"
> Phone United Kingdom
> 02032874641
> Phone Australia
> :0390058589
> Phone United States
> :8159261869
> Fax (+61 3) 9743 7954
> Mobile/SMS +61 438 571201
> skype:grtdane12
> Twitter:
> blog:
> >

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Re: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released

2009-09-04 Thread Brandon Misch

just e-mail alex. i think he may be back on the list though.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 4:06 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> I would like to know this as well.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:17 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> What is VO Help Desk? The website doesn't say.
>> thanks,
>> anna
>> On Sep 2, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> Hey all. this is from Alex. he wanted me to foreward this on since
>>> he's no longer on this list.
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 From: Alex Jurgensen 
 Date: September 2, 2009 12:45:38 PM EDT
 To: Brandon Misch 
 Subject: VOHelpDesk 3.0 Beta Released


 Forward this to whoever you like.

 The public beta of VO-HelpDesk 3.0 for Snow Leopard and Leopard/
 Tiger is now released.

 Find it at: .


 Alex Jurgensen,
 AWEBSIGHT Administrator,
 ICE Customer Care,
 VoiceOver Trainer,   

 Visit us on the web at:


> >

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

Yeah, that's true, which is always why I always go to the Finder Window and 
press Command, Shift, delete to make sure the Trash is emptied.
What is the difference between just emptying the Trash folder and Secure 
Empty Trash? They seem to do the same thing.
- Original Message - 
From: "anouk radix" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder

> yes but it is context sensitive, in mail it removes your deleted
> messages but if i try it anywhere else it wants to do secure delete
> trash which takes ages and for some reason does not work here, i
> always get an error message when rying it and it takes hours.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Cool. Didn't know it works anywhere you are on the Mac.
>> Thanks for that.
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Scott Chesworth" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:53 AM
>> Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder
>>> Hey Anouk,
>>> The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
>>> Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.
>>> hth
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:

 Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
 the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So
 can I actually empty the trash?
 Greetings, Anouk



>> >
> > 

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dane Trethowan" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can tell.
>> It has
>> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it comes to
>> getting
>> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
>> switching to my
>> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
>> HTH,
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "James & Nash" 
>> To: "Mac visionaries" 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
>> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> Hi folks,
>>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
>>> Although I
>>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use
>>> footnotes
>>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
>>> academic
>>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not
>>> compile
>>> it can be very frustrating.
>>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
>>> SL.Hopefully, they
>>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and
>>> VO.
>>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an
>>> Office
>>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did
>>> not
>>> like
>>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>>> Take care
>>> james

>> >
> > 

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth


My understanding of it is that emptying the trash is no different from
just deleting a file in that it could still be recovered with any half
decent recovery app, because it's only the file alocation table that's
modified, the data itself you just deleted isn't overwritten until you
really need that disc space.  Secure empty actually writes over the
data with random 1's and 0's making it way harder to recover.


On 9/4/09, Jeffrey Shockley  wrote:
> Yeah, that's true, which is always why I always go to the Finder Window and
> press Command, Shift, delete to make sure the Trash is emptied.
> What is the difference between just emptying the Trash folder and Secure
> Empty Trash? They seem to do the same thing.
> Thanks,
> Jeffrey
> - Original Message -
> From: "anouk radix" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:48 AM
> Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder
>> yes but it is context sensitive, in mail it removes your deleted
>> messages but if i try it anywhere else it wants to do secure delete
>> trash which takes ages and for some reason does not work here, i
>> always get an error message when rying it and it takes hours.
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Cool. Didn't know it works anywhere you are on the Mac.
>>> Thanks for that.
>>> Jeffrey
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Scott Chesworth" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:53 AM
>>> Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder

 Hey Anouk,

 The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
 Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.


 On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
> Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
> the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So
> How
> can I actually empty the trash?
> Greetings, Anouk

>>> >
>> >
> >

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread dannyboy

To empty trash, just find that option under finder's menu.  There is  
empty trash, and also secure empty trash.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:48 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> yes but it is context sensitive, in mail it removes your deleted
> messages but if i try it anywhere else it wants to do secure delete
> trash which takes ages and for some reason does not work here, i
> always get an error message when rying it and it takes hours.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Cool. Didn't know it works anywhere you are on the Mac.
>> Thanks for that.
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Scott Chesworth" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:53 AM
>> Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder
>>> Hey Anouk,
>>> The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
>>> Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.
>>> hth
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:

 Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
 the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So
 can I actually empty the trash?
 Greetings, Anouk



> >

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Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

Oh, I see, it's similar to how the Recycle Bin works in Windows. Now I 
Thanks for the help.
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Chesworth" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder

> Jeffrey,
> My understanding of it is that emptying the trash is no different from
> just deleting a file in that it could still be recovered with any half
> decent recovery app, because it's only the file alocation table that's
> modified, the data itself you just deleted isn't overwritten until you
> really need that disc space.  Secure empty actually writes over the
> data with random 1's and 0's making it way harder to recover.
> hth
> Scott
> On 9/4/09, Jeffrey Shockley  wrote:
>> Yeah, that's true, which is always why I always go to the Finder Window 
>> and
>> press Command, Shift, delete to make sure the Trash is emptied.
>> What is the difference between just emptying the Trash folder and Secure
>> Empty Trash? They seem to do the same thing.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "anouk radix" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:48 AM
>> Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder
>>> yes but it is context sensitive, in mail it removes your deleted
>>> messages but if i try it anywhere else it wants to do secure delete
>>> trash which takes ages and for some reason does not work here, i
>>> always get an error message when rying it and it takes hours.
>>> Greetings, Anouk
>>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

 Cool. Didn't know it works anywhere you are on the Mac.
 Thanks for that.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Scott Chesworth" 
 Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 7:53 AM
 Subject: Re: how to empty trash folder

> Hey Anouk,
> The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete.
> Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell.
> hth
> Scott
> On 9/4/09, anouk radix  wrote:
>> Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in
>> the thrash and i press that it returns it to its prev location. So
>> How
>> can I actually empty the trash?
>> Greetings, Anouk

>>> >
>> >
> > 

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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Do you know which options to change to fix the issue please?
- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan C. Cohn" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

I think this specific issue has been around since Tiger. Essentially
the system is trying to read where the mouse moved to but also the VO
cursor moved too.  The solution is to force mouse reading off when
mouse follows VO.  I especially had problems with web pages that had
verbose graphical descriptions when I had Mouse follows voice and
voice speaks on.

I think that jaws had these issues for a while, but most people didn't
even know how to lock the jaws cursor and virtual cursor to  each other.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> Speaking about mouse cursor behaviours, i know i have reported this
> here earlier and i have reported it to Apple accessibility who didn't
> understand what i was talking about, but has anyone noticed that when
> you have mouse cursor follow VO cursor, text under the cursor gets
> read two or more times, and this happens every time i move the cursors
> with arrow keys? This happens if i have the checkbox to read text
> under the mouse after a delay checked. If i have it unchecked, the
> problem disappears but then i don' get any feedback when moving the
> mouse at all. Also it doesn't matter how long time i set the delay
> for, it keeps reading the text two or more times at aprox the same
> time.
> Over all though, SL is working very well for me and i don't want to go
> back to the old leopard, that cat is retired after having done a good
> job.
> /Krister
> 4 sep 2009 kl. 10.55 skrev John André Netland:
>> Hi Tony,
>> To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the
>> navigation category and set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO cursor.
>> This will make navigation in menus etc. work just fine. For now, you
>> must use the "move mouse cursor to VO cursor" shortcut to have them
>> at
>> the same location. I suppose this issue will be fixed in the near
>> future.
>> Thanks,
>> John André
>> On 4. sep.. 2009, at 09.55, Tony Bernedal wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that I'm
>>> not very impressed.
>>> Here is my observations so far.
>>> - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This
>>> have
>>> been discussed here before.
>>> - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
>>> - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
>>> work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
>>> But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
>>> responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to
>>> get
>>> the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
>>> Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be happy,
>>> otherwise I roll back to leopard.
>>> Have a nice weekend.
>>> Regards Tony

> >

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Hi Dane,

I've used Nisus Pro for a long time and I msut say that the developers are 
very open to accessibility issues. I wonder how well the new 1.3.1 of Pro 
will work under Snow Leopard when it comes out of beta.

Thanks for the suggestions
- Original Message - 
From: "Dane Trethowan" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> I use a combination of Open office and Pages - the latter is very nice
> indeed I'm told under Snow Leopard though I haven't had the chance to
> try that for myself yet -.
> Another word processing package -available on its own - which is super!
> to use is Nisus Writer Pro, very accessible and packed with all sorts of
> Word Processing and desktop publishing features.
> If you want to go down the "Free Road" try Bean which does one hell of a
> lot considering its free.
> James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please? Although I
>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use 
>> footnotes
>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for academic
>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not 
>> compile
>> it can be very frustrating.
>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with SL.Hopefully, 
>> they
>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and VO.
>>  I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an 
>> Office
>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did not 
>> like
>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>> Take care
>> james
>> >
> -- 
> Dane Trethowan
> From Melton Victoria Australia
> mailto:"
> Phone United Kingdom
> 02032874641
> Phone Australia
> :0390058589
> Phone United States
> :8159261869
> Fax (+61 3) 9743 7954
> Mobile/SMS +61 438 571201
> skype:grtdane12
> Twitter:
> blog:
> > 

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

That's really good to hear. Thank you Jeffrey
- Original Message - 
From: "Jeffrey Shockley" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Hi,
> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can tell. It has
> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it comes to 
> getting
> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like switching to 
> my
> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
> HTH,
> Jeffrey
> - Original Message - 
> From: "James & Nash" 
> To: "Mac visionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> Hi folks,
>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please? Although I
>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use
>> footnotes
>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for academic
>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not 
>> compile
>> it can be very frustrating.
>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with SL.Hopefully, 
>> they
>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and VO.
>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an Office
>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did not
>> like
>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>> Take care
>> james
>> >
> > 

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan

Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering  
and I've been using the software for much of this year.

On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can tell.
>>> It has
>>> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it comes to
>>> getting
>>> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
>>> switching to my
>>> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
>>> HTH,
>>> Jeffrey
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "James & Nash" 
>>> To: "Mac visionaries" 
>>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
>>> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X

 Hi folks,

 What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
 Although I
 don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use
 and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
 writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not
 it can be very frustrating.

 I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
 SL.Hopefully, they
 have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and

 I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an
 suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did
 OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.

 Thanks for any help you can provide.

 Take care



> >

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

Cool. What kinds of features does it offer? I just started using it so I'm 
not that familiar with it.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dane Trethowan" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering
> and I've been using the software for much of this year.
> On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
>>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

 The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can tell.
 It has
 done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it comes to
 work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
 switching to my
 Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
 - Original Message -
 From: "James & Nash" 
 To: "Mac visionaries" 
 Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
 Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Hi folks,
> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
> Although I
> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use
> footnotes
> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
> academic
> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not
> compile
> it can be very frustrating.
> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
> SL.Hopefully, they
> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and
> VO.
> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an
> Office
> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did
> not
> like
> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Take care
> james


>> >
> > 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan

I look forward to trying it , bought that excellent little  
package nearly 3 years ago and haven't looked back, I really should  
give the software a "run" and see if its been updated and improved  
since I last used it, one of the features I liked in that software was  
the ability to write HTML coding, see the document as it would appear  
and view the actual coding.

On 04/09/2009, at 11:08 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Dane,
> I've used Nisus Pro for a long time and I msut say that the  
> developers are
> very open to accessibility issues. I wonder how well the new 1.3.1  
> of Pro
> will work under Snow Leopard when it comes out of beta.
> Thanks for the suggestions
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> I use a combination of Open office and Pages - the latter is very  
>> nice
>> indeed I'm told under Snow Leopard though I haven't had the chance to
>> try that for myself yet -.
>> Another word processing package -available on its own - which is  
>> super!
>> to use is Nisus Writer Pro, very accessible and packed with all  
>> sorts of
>> Word Processing and desktop publishing features.
>> If you want to go down the "Free Road" try Bean which does one hell  
>> of a
>> lot considering its free.
>> James & Nash wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?  
>>> Although I
>>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to use
>>> footnotes
>>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for  
>>> academic
>>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will not
>>> compile
>>> it can be very frustrating.
>>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with  
>>> SL.Hopefully,
>>> they
>>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus and  
>>> VO.
>>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need an
>>> Office
>>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I did  
>>> not
>>> like
>>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>>> Take care
>>> james

>> -- 
>> Dane Trethowan
>> From Melton Victoria Australia
>> mailto:"
>> Phone United Kingdom
>> 02032874641
>> Phone Australia
>> :0390058589
>> Phone United States
>> :8159261869
>> Fax (+61 3) 9743 7954
>> Mobile/SMS +61 438 571201
>> MSN
>> skype:grtdane12
>> Twitter:
>> blog:
> >

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan

You expect me to summaries the features of Pages in one email message?  
We'll be here all night , what I've discovered so far is some  
very excellent auto-correct features, we've discussed the "Auto  
Numbering and Auto-bulleting" functionality of Pages but that's just  
the start, just play about with the menu system and you'll soon see  
what I mean, look in the help file which can be accessed with command- 
shift-? and download the manual.

On 04/09/2009, at 11:22 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Cool. What kinds of features does it offer? I just started using it  
> so I'm
> not that familiar with it.
> Thanks,
> Jeffrey
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:19 AM
> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering
>> and I've been using the software for much of this year.
>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>>> Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

 Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.

 On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Hi,
> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can  
> tell.
> It has
> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it  
> comes to
> getting
> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
> switching to my
> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
> HTH,
> Jeffrey
> - Original Message -
> From: "James & Nash" 
> To: "Mac visionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> Hi folks,
>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
>> Although I
>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to  
>> use
>> footnotes
>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
>> academic
>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will  
>> not
>> compile
>> it can be very frustrating.
>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
>> SL.Hopefully, they
>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus  
>> and
>> VO.
>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need  
>> an
>> Office
>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I  
>> did
>> not
>> like
>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>> Take care
>> james


> >

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

Ah, I'll take a look at those resources.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dane Trethowan" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> You expect me to summaries the features of Pages in one email message?
> We'll be here all night , what I've discovered so far is some
> very excellent auto-correct features, we've discussed the "Auto
> Numbering and Auto-bulleting" functionality of Pages but that's just
> the start, just play about with the menu system and you'll soon see
> what I mean, look in the help file which can be accessed with command-
> shift-? and download the manual.
> On 04/09/2009, at 11:22 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Cool. What kinds of features does it offer? I just started using it
>> so I'm
>> not that familiar with it.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:19 AM
>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering
>>> and I've been using the software for much of this year.
>>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

 Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dane Trethowan" 
 Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can
>> tell.
>> It has
>> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it
>> comes to
>> getting
>> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
>> switching to my
>> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
>> HTH,
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "James & Nash" 
>> To: "Mac visionaries" 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
>> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> Hi folks,
>>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
>>> Although I
>>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to
>>> use
>>> footnotes
>>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
>>> academic
>>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will
>>> not
>>> compile
>>> it can be very frustrating.
>>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
>>> SL.Hopefully, they
>>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus
>>> and
>>> VO.
>>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need
>>> an
>>> Office
>>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I
>>> did
>>> not
>>> like
>>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>>> Take care
>>> james



>> >
> > 

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Nisus Writer Pro

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan
Okay folks, here's the link to this excellent word processing package,  
you can download a 15 day fully functional demo of the software from  
here too!


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x


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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan

As I said earlier, many things I haven't even explored yet so have fun  
and please let us all know what you think.

On 04/09/2009, at 11:30 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Ah, I'll take a look at those resources.
> Thanks.
> Jeffrey
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:26 AM
> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> You expect me to summaries the features of Pages in one email  
>> message?
>> We'll be here all night , what I've discovered so far is some
>> very excellent auto-correct features, we've discussed the "Auto
>> Numbering and Auto-bulleting" functionality of Pages but that's just
>> the start, just play about with the menu system and you'll soon see
>> what I mean, look in the help file which can be accessed with  
>> command-
>> shift-? and download the manual.
>> On 04/09/2009, at 11:22 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>>> Cool. What kinds of features does it offer? I just started using it
>>> so I'm
>>> not that familiar with it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeffrey
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:19 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

 Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering
 and I've been using the software for much of this year.

 On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can
>>> tell.
>>> It has
>>> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it
>>> comes to
>>> getting
>>> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
>>> switching to my
>>> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
>>> HTH,
>>> Jeffrey
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "James & Nash" 
>>> To: "Mac visionaries" 
>>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
>>> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X

 Hi folks,

 What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
 Although I
 don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to
 and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
 writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will
 it can be very frustrating.

 I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
 SL.Hopefully, they
 have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus

 I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need
 suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I
 OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.

 Thanks for any help you can provide.

 Take care





> >

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trashing files

2009-09-04 Thread anouk radix

Hi, if i type cmd-shift-home in the fidner window and i say i want to  
securely thrash files i get the following information after a while,
alert the operation cant be completed because you dont have permission  
toaccess these items.
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Jeffrey Shockley

OK, Will do.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dane Trethowan" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> As I said earlier, many things I haven't even explored yet so have fun
> and please let us all know what you think.
> On 04/09/2009, at 11:30 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Ah, I'll take a look at those resources.
>> Thanks.
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:26 AM
>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> You expect me to summaries the features of Pages in one email
>>> message?
>>> We'll be here all night , what I've discovered so far is some
>>> very excellent auto-correct features, we've discussed the "Auto
>>> Numbering and Auto-bulleting" functionality of Pages but that's just
>>> the start, just play about with the menu system and you'll soon see
>>> what I mean, look in the help file which can be accessed with
>>> command-
>>> shift-? and download the manual.
>>> On 04/09/2009, at 11:22 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

 Cool. What kinds of features does it offer? I just started using it
 so I'm
 not that familiar with it.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dane Trethowan" 
 Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:19 AM
 Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering
> and I've been using the software for much of this year.
> On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
>>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

 The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can
 It has
 done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it
 comes to
 work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
 switching to my
 Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
 - Original Message -
 From: "James & Nash" 
 To: "Mac visionaries" 
 Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
 Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Hi folks,
> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
> Although I
> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to
> use
> footnotes
> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
> academic
> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will
> not
> compile
> it can be very frustrating.
> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
> SL.Hopefully, they
> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus
> and
> VO.
> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need
> an
> Office
> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I
> did
> not
> like
> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Take care
> james




>> >
> > 

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Re: can't control-click on misspelled words

2009-09-04 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Interesting, Robert. I get a beep if I try these commands, and nothing  
happens. Oh well.


On Sep 3, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> I am not at home so can't test it but there are new commands for  
> moving to the next and previous misspelled word. They are vo-e and  
> vo-shift-e
> Robert Carter
> - Original Message -
> From: Woody Anna Dresner 
> To:
> Date: Thursday, Sep 3, 2009 10:36:37
> Subject: Re: can't control-click on misspelled words
>> Hi Justin,
>> When I started using Leopard in June, I couldn't use the spell check
>> procedure I described in my last message. However, the most recent OS
>> update fixed it so I could use that procedure. Looks like Snow  
>> Leopard
>> broke it again.
>> Best,
>> Anna
>> >

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selecting items works great!

2009-09-04 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


There are things I find annoying about VoiceOVer at the moment, but  
there have been huge improvements as well. One great one I don't think  
anyone's mentioned yet is the excellent feedback when selecting  
multiple items, such as files or songs in iTunes. Before we were just  
told how many items were selected. Now, VO announces what each item is  
as it's selected. This is really helpful.


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Re: can't control-click on misspelled words

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Some commands may be context sensitive i.e. only woring in certain 
- Original Message - 
From: "Woody Anna Dresner" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: can't control-click on misspelled words

> Interesting, Robert. I get a beep if I try these commands, and nothing
> happens. Oh well.
> Best,
> Anna
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not at home so can't test it but there are new commands for
>> moving to the next and previous misspelled word. They are vo-e and
>> vo-shift-e
>> Robert Carter
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Woody Anna Dresner 
>> To:
>> Date: Thursday, Sep 3, 2009 10:36:37
>> Subject: Re: can't control-click on misspelled words
>>> Hi Justin,
>>> When I started using Leopard in June, I couldn't use the spell check
>>> procedure I described in my last message. However, the most recent OS
>>> update fixed it so I could use that procedure. Looks like Snow
>>> Leopard
>>> broke it again.
>>> Best,
>>> Anna
>>> >
> > 

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Re: selecting items works great!

2009-09-04 Thread John André Netland

Hi Anna,

This works the same also in Finder, for each new file you add or  
regret to add, VO reads the name. Makes copy and paste even faster and  
more secure to perform.

This is one feature I forgot to include in my "15 new findings in  
Finder" list..

There are lots of hidden improvements in VoiceOver this  
addition to the big headlines

Take care,
John André

On 4. sep.. 2009, at 15.45, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> There are things I find annoying about VoiceOVer at the moment, but
> there have been huge improvements as well. One great one I don't think
> anyone's mentioned yet is the excellent feedback when selecting
> multiple items, such as files or songs in iTunes. Before we were just
> told how many items were selected. Now, VO announces what each item is
> as it's selected. This is really helpful.
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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Macintosh Word Processor Software by Mariner Software

2009-09-04 Thread dannyboy
Hello.  Here is a link to another word processing software.  I have  
not used this yet.  But just wanted to spread the word on one more  

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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread Marshall Scott

Hi James,
In Voiceover Utility, go to Navigation.  There is a pop-up menu for  
Mouse Tracking.  I've set mine to Ignore.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:07 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Do you know which options to change to fix the issue please?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jonathan C. Cohn" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:42 PM
> Subject: Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.
> I think this specific issue has been around since Tiger. Essentially
> the system is trying to read where the mouse moved to but also the VO
> cursor moved too.  The solution is to force mouse reading off when
> mouse follows VO.  I especially had problems with web pages that had
> verbose graphical descriptions when I had Mouse follows voice and
> voice speaks on.
> I think that jaws had these issues for a while, but most people didn't
> even know how to lock the jaws cursor and virtual cursor to  each  
> other.
> Jon
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Speaking about mouse cursor behaviours, i know i have reported this
>> here earlier and i have reported it to Apple accessibility who didn't
>> understand what i was talking about, but has anyone noticed that when
>> you have mouse cursor follow VO cursor, text under the cursor gets
>> read two or more times, and this happens every time i move the  
>> cursors
>> with arrow keys? This happens if i have the checkbox to read text
>> under the mouse after a delay checked. If i have it unchecked, the
>> problem disappears but then i don' get any feedback when moving the
>> mouse at all. Also it doesn't matter how long time i set the delay
>> for, it keeps reading the text two or more times at aprox the same
>> time.
>> Over all though, SL is working very well for me and i don't want to  
>> go
>> back to the old leopard, that cat is retired after having done a good
>> job.
>> /Krister
>> 4 sep 2009 kl. 10.55 skrev John André Netland:
>>> Hi Tony,
>>> To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the
>>> navigation category and set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO  
>>> cursor.
>>> This will make navigation in menus etc. work just fine. For now, you
>>> must use the "move mouse cursor to VO cursor" shortcut to have them
>>> at
>>> the same location. I suppose this issue will be fixed in the near
>>> future.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John André
>>> On 4. sep.. 2009, at 09.55, Tony Bernedal wrote:

 Hi all.
 Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that  
 not very impressed.
 Here is my observations so far.
 - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This
 been discussed here before.
 - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
 - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
 work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
 But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
 responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to
 the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
 Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be  
 otherwise I roll back to leopard.
 Have a nice weekend.
 Regards Tony


> >

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Re: ftpclients on the mac?

2009-09-04 Thread erik burggraaf

Here is the website.

erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 3-Sep-09, at 9:25 PM, hank smith wrote:

> hat is the website?
> the link that was given earlier gave stuff on mental health etc
> - Original Message -
> From: "erik burggraaf" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 2:39 PM
> Subject: Re: ftpclients on the mac?
>> You're going to get loads of recomendations for transmit, but I just
>> wanted to add mine anyway, because transmit is plain awesom.  Unison
>> is amazing as well if you like binary news groups.  In fact, just buy
>> anything put out by panic software on the off chance you might need  
>> or
>> want it one day and you won't be disappointed.
>> Best,
>> erik burggraaf
>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>> Email:
>> On 3-Sep-09, at 9:01 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>>> Hello are there any good ftp-clients that work with voicover? With
>>> good i mean that they have to be able to que stuff and download
>>> folders.
>>> Greetings, Anouk

> >

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Re: selecting items works great!

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

That's fantastic. Yes, that was really annoying.
- Original Message - 
From: "Woody Anna Dresner" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 2:45 PM
Subject: selecting items works great!

> Hi,
> There are things I find annoying about VoiceOVer at the moment, but
> there have been huge improvements as well. One great one I don't think
> anyone's mentioned yet is the excellent feedback when selecting
> multiple items, such as files or songs in iTunes. Before we were just
> told how many items were selected. Now, VO announces what each item is
> as it's selected. This is really helpful.
> Best,
> Anna
> > 

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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

There's also a proof reading feature which I've heard about? This is not a 
grammar checker smile. BTW can I install Pages without Numbers and Keynote 
or do i need to instal all of them?
- Original Message - 
From: "Dane Trethowan" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> You expect me to summaries the features of Pages in one email message?
> We'll be here all night , what I've discovered so far is some
> very excellent auto-correct features, we've discussed the "Auto
> Numbering and Auto-bulleting" functionality of Pages but that's just
> the start, just play about with the menu system and you'll soon see
> what I mean, look in the help file which can be accessed with command-
> shift-? and download the manual.
> On 04/09/2009, at 11:22 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Cool. What kinds of features does it offer? I just started using it
>> so I'm
>> not that familiar with it.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:19 AM
>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering
>>> and I've been using the software for much of this year.
>>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

 Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Dane Trethowan" 
 Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can
>> tell.
>> It has
>> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it
>> comes to
>> getting
>> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
>> switching to my
>> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
>> HTH,
>> Jeffrey
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "James & Nash" 
>> To: "Mac visionaries" 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
>> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X
>>> Hi folks,
>>> What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
>>> Although I
>>> don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to
>>> use
>>> footnotes
>>> and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
>>> academic
>>> writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will
>>> not
>>> compile
>>> it can be very frustrating.
>>> I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
>>> SL.Hopefully, they
>>> have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus
>>> and
>>> VO.
>>> I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need
>>> an
>>> Office
>>> suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I
>>> did
>>> not
>>> like
>>> OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.
>>> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>>> Take care
>>> james



>> >
> > 

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Re: Macintosh Word Processor Software by Mariner Software

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash
Oh yes, I forgot about this lol. It is supposed to work with VO on version 4 
  - Original Message - 
  From: dannyboy 
  Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 3:05 PM
  Subject: Macintosh Word Processor Software by Mariner Software

  Hello.  Here is a link to another word processing software.  I have not used 
this yet.  But just wanted to spread the word on one more choice.


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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread James & Nash

Thanks Marshall, I'll remember that.
- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Scott" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

Hi James,
In Voiceover Utility, go to Navigation.  There is a pop-up menu for
Mouse Tracking.  I've set mine to Ignore.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:07 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Do you know which options to change to fix the issue please?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jonathan C. Cohn" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:42 PM
> Subject: Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.
> I think this specific issue has been around since Tiger. Essentially
> the system is trying to read where the mouse moved to but also the VO
> cursor moved too.  The solution is to force mouse reading off when
> mouse follows VO.  I especially had problems with web pages that had
> verbose graphical descriptions when I had Mouse follows voice and
> voice speaks on.
> I think that jaws had these issues for a while, but most people didn't
> even know how to lock the jaws cursor and virtual cursor to  each
> other.
> Jon
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Speaking about mouse cursor behaviours, i know i have reported this
>> here earlier and i have reported it to Apple accessibility who didn't
>> understand what i was talking about, but has anyone noticed that when
>> you have mouse cursor follow VO cursor, text under the cursor gets
>> read two or more times, and this happens every time i move the
>> cursors
>> with arrow keys? This happens if i have the checkbox to read text
>> under the mouse after a delay checked. If i have it unchecked, the
>> problem disappears but then i don' get any feedback when moving the
>> mouse at all. Also it doesn't matter how long time i set the delay
>> for, it keeps reading the text two or more times at aprox the same
>> time.
>> Over all though, SL is working very well for me and i don't want to
>> go
>> back to the old leopard, that cat is retired after having done a good
>> job.
>> /Krister
>> 4 sep 2009 kl. 10.55 skrev John André Netland:
>>> Hi Tony,
>>> To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the
>>> navigation category and set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO
>>> cursor.
>>> This will make navigation in menus etc. work just fine. For now, you
>>> must use the "move mouse cursor to VO cursor" shortcut to have them
>>> at
>>> the same location. I suppose this issue will be fixed in the near
>>> future.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John André
>>> On 4. sep.. 2009, at 09.55, Tony Bernedal wrote:

 Hi all.
 Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that
 not very impressed.
 Here is my observations so far.
 - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This
 been discussed here before.
 - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
 - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
 work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
 But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
 responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to
 the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
 Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be
 otherwise I roll back to leopard.
 Have a nice weekend.
 Regards Tony


> >

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Need your help, looking for irc client for snow

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Bresnahan


I am seeking advice on an irc client for use with snow.  I currently use ircle.

My main requirement is that it must speak all text from incoming open 
channels in the background reliably.

Of course, general VO compatibility is a nice thing too, yet Ircle 
isn't that good, but I rely on it daily for its ability to speak on 
the fly.


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Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

2009-09-04 Thread Dane Trethowan

Can't remember to be honest, I installed everything.

On 05/09/2009, at 12:14 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> There's also a proof reading feature which I've heard about? This is  
> not a
> grammar checker smile. BTW can I install Pages without Numbers and  
> Keynote
> or do i need to instal all of them?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 2:26 PM
> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> You expect me to summaries the features of Pages in one email  
>> message?
>> We'll be here all night , what I've discovered so far is some
>> very excellent auto-correct features, we've discussed the "Auto
>> Numbering and Auto-bulleting" functionality of Pages but that's just
>> the start, just play about with the menu system and you'll soon see
>> what I mean, look in the help file which can be accessed with  
>> command-
>> shift-? and download the manual.
>> On 04/09/2009, at 11:22 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>>> Cool. What kinds of features does it offer? I just started using it
>>> so I'm
>>> not that familiar with it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeffrey
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:19 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X

 Pages contains many advanced features that I'm only now discovering
 and I've been using the software for much of this year.

 On 04/09/2009, at 10:57 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:

> Yep, it seems to be a nice little program, from what I can tell.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dane Trethowan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Word processing on Mac OS X
>> Yes, Pages is the name of the Word Processing package in Iwork 9.
>> On 04/09/2009, at 10:50 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The iWork Suite seems to be pritty accessible from what I can
>>> tell.
>>> It has
>>> done what I needed so far, which is good especially when it
>>> comes to
>>> getting
>>> work for college classes accomplished and I don't feel like
>>> switching to my
>>> Windows machines to get the assignment or whatever done.
>>> HTH,
>>> Jeffrey
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "James & Nash" 
>>> To: "Mac visionaries" 
>>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:40 AM
>>> Subject: Word processing on Mac OS X

 Hi folks,

 What are folks on the list using for Word Processing please?
 Although I
 don't need it right at the moemnt, I would like the ability to
 and endnotes as well as tables of contents. Latex is great for
 writing nbut sometimes when there's an error and the file will
 it can be very frustrating.

 I know that Nisus is in beta at the moment for use with
 SL.Hopefully, they
 have improved the accesibility and compatibility between Nisus

 I would be very greatful for any recommendations. I do not need
 suite, but how accessible is the IWork suite. Unfortunately, I
 OpenOffice and found it very clunky and not very intuitive.

 Thanks for any help you can provide.

 Take care





> >

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Re: can't control-click on misspelled words

2009-09-04 Thread Robert Carter

Hi Anna,

The reason that you get a beep is that I told you the incorrect  
command. It is VO-command-e and VO-command-shift-e. I actually find  
that the old command simicolon command seems to work better.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Interesting, Robert. I get a beep if I try these commands, and nothing
> happens. Oh well.
> Best,
> Anna
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 2:35 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not at home so can't test it but there are new commands for
>> moving to the next and previous misspelled word. They are vo-e and
>> vo-shift-e
>> Robert Carter
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Woody Anna Dresner 
>> To:
>> Date: Thursday, Sep 3, 2009 10:36:37
>> Subject: Re: can't control-click on misspelled words
>>> Hi Justin,
>>> When I started using Leopard in June, I couldn't use the spell check
>>> procedure I described in my last message. However, the most recent  
>>> OS
>>> update fixed it so I could use that procedure. Looks like Snow
>>> Leopard
>>> broke it again.
>>> Best,
>>> Anna

> >

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Re: Mail not Reading Automatically - Oh Rats

2009-09-04 Thread Randy Stegall

Here it will announce the first character and then read the first word  
in the e-mail.

Sl has caused the computer and vo in particular to be more snappy.  I  
did the upgrade without a hitch.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 4:58 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> 4 sep 2009 kl. 04.55 skrev Woody Anna Dresner:
>> Sometimes when they aren't read, I hear part
>> of the word "Interacting" when I press VO-J. It's as though something
>> is cutting off the speech.
> Confirmed here to. I'm now using the tab key instead of the vo-j and
> it works better and i get text read automagically. It's like VO
> doesn't wait for the notice about it interacting with the text before
> it tries to read the text and that cuts text off, if you see what i'm
> trying to say.
> /Krister
> >

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Re: Mail not Reading Automatically - Oh Rats

2009-09-04 Thread Frank Tom

Hi all,
I now get VO to read the preview pane automatically. I VO right arrow  
over to the Subject line of a message to see if I want to read or  
delete it. If it the subject line of a tread I right arrow to open the  
thread. Then I tab down to the preview pane and VO reads everything.  
If it doesn't work the first time, I shift Tab back to the message  
line and then tab back to the preview pane. works every time.
Frank Tom

On Sep 4, 2009, at 4:58 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> 4 sep 2009 kl. 04.55 skrev Woody Anna Dresner:
>> Sometimes when they aren't read, I hear part
>> of the word "Interacting" when I press VO-J. It's as though something
>> is cutting off the speech.
> Confirmed here to. I'm now using the tab key instead of the vo-j and
> it works better and i get text read automagically. It's like VO
> doesn't wait for the notice about it interacting with the text before
> it tries to read the text and that cuts text off, if you see what i'm
> trying to say.
> /Krister
> >

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Re: male in snowleopard and gmail

2009-09-04 Thread Søren Jensen

What's the issue? Can you receive mails but not send mails? If this is  
the issue, then try to take all accounts offline and then online again.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:11 PM, matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hi list I'm now running snowleopard and I've just upgraded my
> accounts. They aren't working.
> I've tried re adding them but nothing works.
> Is anyone else having issues with gmail and apple male 4?
> Any help would be awesome.
> >

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Open Office security vulnerabilities

2009-09-04 Thread Marshall Scott

Forgive the cross-posting, but I know some of you use Open Office.
I noticed a message on a security list I'm on that stated that there  
are two high level security vulnerabilities in Open Office.  The  
affected version is Open Office 3.1 and there patches available from 

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male in snowleopard and gmail

2009-09-04 Thread matthew Campbell

Hi list I'm now running snowleopard and I've just upgraded my
accounts. They aren't working.
I've tried re adding them but nothing works.
Is anyone else having issues with gmail and apple male 4?
Any help would be awesome.

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Tip on Extra Status Menus in SL

2009-09-04 Thread Barry Hadder

I found an interesting way to get extra airport status information.  I  
wanted to post this because I believe that it is new to sl.

Open the status menu with vo-m twice.
Hold down the option key as you left or right arrow over the airport  
menu icon.
Now release the option key and arrow down through the menu.

This can be done on many of the other menus such as volume, mobileme,  
Live long and prosper.

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Re: Tip on Extra Status Menus in SL

2009-09-04 Thread Søren Jensen

Wow. that's awesome. Thanks for this cool tip.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I found an interesting way to get extra airport status information.  I
> wanted to post this because I believe that it is new to sl.
> Open the status menu with vo-m twice.
> Hold down the option key as you left or right arrow over the airport
> menu icon.
> Now release the option key and arrow down through the menu.
> This can be done on many of the other menus such as volume, mobileme,
> etc.
> Live long and prosper.
> >

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Switching between virtualization software

2009-09-04 Thread Claude Renaud

Hello all,

Currently I'm still under windows vista.
I  am  working  with  virtual  box the only accessible and affordable 
(because free) virtualization software I know on this platform. I soon 
plan to create a windows xp virtual machine.
As  I  also plan during the coming months to switch under Mac OS and as I 
will  need to still work under windows a bit, I will probably install 
VMWare  Fusion the mac virtualization software known to be accessible 
My question, should I have to reinstall my Windows XP under fusion or 
could I be able to import it from my virtual Box virtual machine ?
If no, is there a compatible VmWare software working under windows and 
fairly priced ?



Claude Renaud

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Re: Tip on Extra Status Menus in SL

2009-09-04 Thread Michael Babcock

I just tryed this in leopard, and it does work, but it is a good tip:)

On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:16 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Wow. that's awesome. Thanks for this cool tip.
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I found an interesting way to get extra airport status  
>> information.  I
>> wanted to post this because I believe that it is new to sl.
>> Open the status menu with vo-m twice.
>> Hold down the option key as you left or right arrow over the airport
>> menu icon.
>> Now release the option key and arrow down through the menu.
>> This can be done on many of the other menus such as volume, mobileme,
>> etc.
>> Live long and prosper.
> >

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Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.

2009-09-04 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi. Thanks for that. it looks like it fixes the menu issue.
Regards Tony

2009/9/4, James & Nash :
> Thanks Marshall, I'll remember that.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Marshall Scott" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 3:07 PM
> Subject: Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.
> Hi James,
> In Voiceover Utility, go to Navigation.  There is a pop-up menu for
> Mouse Tracking.  I've set mine to Ignore.
> Marshall
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 7:07 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Do you know which options to change to fix the issue please?
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Jonathan C. Cohn" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 1:42 PM
>> Subject: Re: I'm not so impressed with s l.
>> I think this specific issue has been around since Tiger. Essentially
>> the system is trying to read where the mouse moved to but also the VO
>> cursor moved too.  The solution is to force mouse reading off when
>> mouse follows VO.  I especially had problems with web pages that had
>> verbose graphical descriptions when I had Mouse follows voice and
>> voice speaks on.
>> I think that jaws had these issues for a while, but most people didn't
>> even know how to lock the jaws cursor and virtual cursor to  each
>> other.
>> Jon
>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Speaking about mouse cursor behaviours, i know i have reported this
>>> here earlier and i have reported it to Apple accessibility who didn't
>>> understand what i was talking about, but has anyone noticed that when
>>> you have mouse cursor follow VO cursor, text under the cursor gets
>>> read two or more times, and this happens every time i move the
>>> cursors
>>> with arrow keys? This happens if i have the checkbox to read text
>>> under the mouse after a delay checked. If i have it unchecked, the
>>> problem disappears but then i don' get any feedback when moving the
>>> mouse at all. Also it doesn't matter how long time i set the delay
>>> for, it keeps reading the text two or more times at aprox the same
>>> time.
>>> Over all though, SL is working very well for me and i don't want to
>>> go
>>> back to the old leopard, that cat is retired after having done a good
>>> job.
>>> /Krister
>>> 4 sep 2009 kl. 10.55 skrev John André Netland:

 Hi Tony,

 To avoid getting stuck in menus etc., go to VO Utilities, enter the
 navigation category and set the mouse cursor to ignore the VO
 This will make navigation in menus etc. work just fine. For now, you
 must use the "move mouse cursor to VO cursor" shortcut to have them
 the same location. I suppose this issue will be fixed in the near

 John André

 On 4. sep.. 2009, at 09.55, Tony Bernedal wrote:

> Hi all.
> Spending yesterday evening with snow leopard and I must say that
> I'm
> not very impressed.
> Here is my observations so far.
> - VO gets stuck in submenus and also jumps over menu items. This
> have
> been discussed here before.
> - In swedish translation vo says k l instad of at for the @-symbol.
> - Safari and vo don't work well in html version of gmail and don't
> work at all in google reader. And safari often crashes.
> But there are some good points with s l. it's a bit faster and more
> responsive but I'm thinking of restoring my mb back to leopard to
> get
> the web and the menus working great again until apple fix them.
> Does anyone here have any ideas how to fix the issues I'll be
> happy,
> otherwise I roll back to leopard.
> Have a nice weekend.
> Regards Tony


>> >
> >

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Re: About mac and airport express.

2009-09-04 Thread BlindMacMan


I use Multiple Speakers all the time on my Mac in iTunes. There is a
simple trick to make it work properly.

First, however, make sure you do the following:
1. Open iTunes Preferences (Command-Comma).
2. Click on "Devices" in the toolbar.
3. Check the check box for "Look for Remote Speakers Connected with
4. Close the preferences.

Okay, now to set multiple remote speakers:

1. Navigate to the "speakers" pop up menu with VoiceOver. VoiceOver
will probably announce "Computer" when it is on the pop up menu.
2. Open the pop up menu by pressing VO-Space Bar.
3. Make your first selection from the "speakers" pop up menu with VO-
Space Bar. )For example, in my case I might choose "Kitchen.") The
menu will close.
4. At this point you will probably have to navigate back to the
"speakers" menu, but this time VoiceOver will announce whatever it was
that you just selected. (Again, in my case it would say "Kitchen.")
5. Open the pop up menu with VO-Space Bar again.
6. Make your second (or third or fourth or...) selection, but this
time use VO-Shift-Space Bar. (I also find that it seems to work best
if I hold the VO-Shift keys down an extra second or two after
releasing the Space Bar.)
7. As in 4 above, You may have to navigate back to the pop up menu
again if you want to add another speaker. This time, however,
VoiceOver will read "Multiple Speakers" when it is on the menu. Repeat
5 and 6 as needed.

Hope this helps...


Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have godt 3 airport express. I have located them around my house.
> On my windows pc I can choose that I would like to play with multiple
> speakers in ITunes, and it works fine. I know that it also can work on
> a mac. In ITunes i can find the option multiple speakers, I press the
> button, but I am not able to choose the speakers.
> Can anybody help me, so I can use multiple speakers on my mac too.
> Best regards Annie.
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Re: Tip on Extra Status Menus in SL

2009-09-04 Thread Barry Hadder

Actually, I recall now that the network icon  worked in leopard  
allthough, I just figured out how to access it with the keyboard.  The  
other menus I mentioned are new however.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Michael Babcock wrote:

> hi;
> I just tryed this in leopard, and it does work, but it is a good tip:)
> mike
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:16 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Wow. that's awesome. Thanks for this cool tip.
>> On Sep 4, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> I found an interesting way to get extra airport status
>>> information.  I
>>> wanted to post this because I believe that it is new to sl.
>>> Open the status menu with vo-m twice.
>>> Hold down the option key as you left or right arrow over the airport
>>> menu icon.
>>> Now release the option key and arrow down through the menu.
>>> This can be done on many of the other menus such as volume,  
>>> mobileme,
>>> etc.
>>> Live long and prosper.

> >

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Re: super duper

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Howell

WHy don't you just migrate your data once you perform the clean  
install. You will have the option to include applications and these  
are the applications you installed, not the apps that Apple installs.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:40 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi all I am using super duper to clone my mac hard disk. I may do a
> clean install eventually of Snowleopard. SO, If I wish to put back my
> home folder do I after buying super duper, boot from firewire drive,
> run SD and just restore home folder?
> Will that put back my applications, as well?
> I guess though one is best doing another backup with SD when SL is
> installed as all files change?
> What would you guys advise. Should I just use Super duper to back up
> user files, and leave the rest if doing clean install anyway?
> >

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Re: male in snowleopard and gmail

2009-09-04 Thread Jessi and Goldina

I was definitely having major gmail issues when I first installed SL  
and I tried so many things that I'm not sure how they finally got  
fixed, lol. my issues were that I could send mail fine, but I'd set up  
my two accounts in mail and one would receive and the other wouldn't.  
I think what I ended up doing that fixed it was I deleted the "mail"  
folder out of my library and then reloaded mail, and it looked like  
I'd never launched it before. then I put both accounts back in and  
made sure all the settings and port numbers were correct and they  
eventually worked. it was quite a process though!! I hope you can get  
yours fixed!!
Jessi and Goldina
On 2009-09-04, at 8:11 AM, matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hi list I'm now running snowleopard and I've just upgraded my
> accounts. They aren't working.
> I've tried re adding them but nothing works.
> Is anyone else having issues with gmail and apple male 4?
> Any help would be awesome.
> >

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Re: male in snowleopard and gmail

2009-09-04 Thread matthew Campbell

Can't do sending or receiving. It's real weird.

On 9/4/09, Jessi and Goldina  wrote:
> I was definitely having major gmail issues when I first installed SL
> and I tried so many things that I'm not sure how they finally got
> fixed, lol. my issues were that I could send mail fine, but I'd set up
> my two accounts in mail and one would receive and the other wouldn't.
> I think what I ended up doing that fixed it was I deleted the "mail"
> folder out of my library and then reloaded mail, and it looked like
> I'd never launched it before. then I put both accounts back in and
> made sure all the settings and port numbers were correct and they
> eventually worked. it was quite a process though!! I hope you can get
> yours fixed!!
> Jessi and Goldina
> On 2009-09-04, at 8:11 AM, matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hi list I'm now running snowleopard and I've just upgraded my
>> accounts. They aren't working.
>> I've tried re adding them but nothing works.
>> Is anyone else having issues with gmail and apple male 4?
>> Any help would be awesome.
>> >
> >

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Re: Mail not Reading Automatically - Oh Rats

2009-09-04 Thread Søren Jensen

I must say that I have no idea on what's wrong. The weird thing is it  
does work on some machines and others it doesn't.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 4:55 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Soren,
> I have tried high and medium verbosity. I have a Mac Mini. I don't
> think the issue has to do with where a message is in a thread. My
> experience is that either all the messages get read automatically or
> almost none of them do. Sometimes when they aren't read, I hear part
> of the word "Interacting" when I press VO-J. It's as though something
> is cutting off the speech.
> Best,
> Anna
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 2:37 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi Scott and Anna.
>> What is your default verbosity set to? If it's set to low, the text
>> area will also be set to low if you choose "default" from the popup
>> button, but if your default verbosity is set to medium, and all other
>> items in the table are set to default, your verbosity is set in the
>> same way like mine.
>> I don't think it has something to do with the VO settings. I've tried
>> to adjust some of the horizontal splitters in mail to see if that
>> changed anything, but it doesn't change anything here. I've also  
>> tried
>> to change the view settings, but that didn't changed anything as  
>> well.
>> If this issue only happens on the Imacs, it might have something to  
>> do
>> with the drivers.
>> I'll try to do some more bug-testing in this weekend.
>> Best regards Søren.
>> On Sep 3, 2009, at 9:13 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, Soren's method didn't work for me either. Mail is  
>>> once
>>> again not reading correctly. I'll restart later and see if that  
>>> makes
>>> any difference.
>>> Best,
>>> Anna
>>> On Sep 3, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

 Søren, thanks for the great idea and it did work, but briefly for
 Damned if I didn't switch away from Mail and come back to find that
 was no longer working. Oh well, how lovely. :)

> >

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Re: making java apps accessible with vo?

2009-09-04 Thread Barry Hadder


You might try the button labeler.  I haven't tried it yet so I can't  
tell you anything about it.

The app you are trying to is is accessible as far as java apps go.  If  
it wasn't, you would be able to tell if there were buttons or anything  
els.  As I said before though, java still has a ways to go before it's  
100 percent friendly with screenreaders.  Even on the Mac.  Allot of  
things in regards to controls being labeled correctly is largely up to  
the developers and what they do or don't do.

It's my understanding that java on the Mac is Apple's own  
implementation so I'm not sure way it's not more reliable in terms of  
accessibility than it is, but hopefully it will get better.
Hopefully someone else may have more suggestions then I do.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 3:07 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello hmm the app i tried, i could read the text on the first page but
> the buttons were not labelled nor did they have any helptags.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 11:13 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On the Mac, java is accessible right out of the box.  No access  
>> bridge
>> is required.  It seems to me to be marginally better then jaws in
>> Windows, but it's still not perfect.
>> On Sep 3, 2009, at 3:54 PM, anouk radix wrote:
>>> Hello, in the neoofficce discussion i thought there was some kinf of
>>> java accessibility toolkit mentioned? Will this also help making  
>>> apps
>>> accessible with voicover or was it just for windows and windows
>>> screenreaders? If it would improve java accessibility on the mac I
>>> would like to point the link to the neooffice and jamochamud
>>> devteams.
>>> Greetings, Anouk

> >

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[Mac-cessibility News] FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes

2009-09-04 Thread Maccessibility

FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes

The iPhone application has been updated to version 3.02. The
update focuses on VoiceOver compatibility, and accessibility fixes. The rapidity
with which the developer has addressed the accessibility issues is
extraordinary, and we applaud FaceBook for this response.
The application is exceptionally usable now, with only a couple of unlabeled
controls which can be quickly [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"'s all within our reach..."

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Re: Voiceover and the spell checker

2009-09-04 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

Very interesting. Perhaps if you turn off the visual queues of mis- 
Edit menu spelling and grammer sub-menu Check Spelling-> sub menu  
while typeing

Then this behaviour will stop. I can't / won't check this out here.

On Sep 3, 2009, at 11:19 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi.
> When Voiceover reads a misspelled word, it makes a small break before
> it continue the reading. It also does that when I set the "in-
> countering a misspelled word" to "do nothing" in the Voiceover
> settings. It's very annoying. Has anyone found this issue as well?
> Best regards Søren.
> >

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Re: Web Pages Loading Slowly

2009-09-04 Thread dannyboy

If you plug an adaptor to your machine, that may be all you need.  My  
moniter's adaptor is plugged in, but the monitor is not plugged in to  
the wall.
On Sep 4, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Are you saying I have to purchase a monitor which I can't see in  
> order to
> use this machine successfully?
> That's not what I would consider an accessible function.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mac Cougar" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:58 AM
> Subject: Re: Web Pages Loading Slowly
> make sure you have a monitor connected or it will say busy all the
> time or most of it anyways.
> Steve
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 3:31 AM, Michael D. Barber wrote:
>> I thought I submitted this last night, but perhaps it didn't make it
>> to the
>> list.  I am having difficulty on my Mac Mini with web pages loading
>> quite
>> slowly.  Is anyone else experiencing this problem and do you have a
>> solution?  Are there any settings which need changing?
>> Thanks.
>> Cordially,
>> Michael Barber
> >

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Re: problems reading a document in textedit

2009-09-04 Thread John J Herzog

Hi Anouk,
I, too, am a law student. Good luck with Iwork. It seems to resolve  
many of my textedit issues. Some documents I have are one thousand  
pages plus. Aside from initial sluggishness when interacting with the  
document body in pages, voiceover remains snappy and responsive.
BTW, when you scan your documents in, do you use windows? If not, how  
do you use your mac to accomplish this? If possible I'd really like to  
use my VMware virtual copy of windows for games only. However I have  
not found a reasonable way to do massive amounts of OCR with the mac.

P.S. As for apple products, I think you always have to purchase the  
CD. Every time I have made a purchase, with the exception of quicktime  
pro, it has always included an installation CD or DVD. Then again, I  
have always purchased my apple products from a retail store, so I  
don't know what methods are available if you shop online.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 3:49 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hi John indeed that is exactly what I mean. Since I am a law students
> I have LOTS of those kinds of documents (a lot of which I scanned in
> myself btw). I am planning to get iworks in a few weeks, hopefully I
> can get a student discount. Btw a different question do i have to get
> apple stuff on cd, cant you just download it from their site?
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On Sep 3, 2009, at 7:17 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have noticed the same behavior you mentioned. It normally occurs on
>> long documents, and textedit does in deed say busy after arrowing  
>> down
>> each line. It's quite frustrating, but if you have Iwork, it seems to
>> do a better job.
>> Note: When I say long documents, I am referring to those that are
>> several hundred pages or more in length.
>> On Sep 3, 2009, at 9:05 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>>> Could it dpend on the length of the document? This should not be the
>>> case
>>> but I have known it happen in Microsoft Office
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "anouk radix" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 1:50 PM
>>> Subject: problems reading a document in textedit

 Hello everyone, i tried again today to take my macbook pro with me
 school today but it did not go as well as the first two times. I  
 to consult a lawbook (if htats the right word) and every time i  
 down a line i got messages like textedit busy or busy or textedit
 ready which made it nearly impossible to read through the document.
 This happened with down arrow but also vo-down. I am going to see
 if I
 have the spelling turned off and if changing the format will do
 anything. The computer shoudl not have been much taxdd, i mean it
 3 ghz 4gig of ram and textedit was the only application running.
 was very frustrating and annoying.
 Greetings, Anouk,


> >

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snowleopard on the way

2009-09-04 Thread william lomas

hi my snowleopard has been shipped today but UPS won't deliver  
weekends. HOw daft? lol so have to wait till monday.

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Re: super duper

2009-09-04 Thread william lomas

ah so now i ahve my clone can I use that to migrate applications?

On 4 Sep 2009, at 17:38, Scott Howell wrote:

> WHy don't you just migrate your data once you perform the clean
> install. You will have the option to include applications and these
> are the applications you installed, not the apps that Apple installs.
> On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:40 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi all I am using super duper to clone my mac hard disk. I may do a
>> clean install eventually of Snowleopard. SO, If I wish to put back my
>> home folder do I after buying super duper, boot from firewire drive,
>> run SD and just restore home folder?
>> Will that put back my applications, as well?
>> I guess though one is best doing another backup with SD when SL is
>> installed as all files change?
>> What would you guys advise. Should I just use Super duper to back up
>> user files, and leave the rest if doing clean install anyway?
> >

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