Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-31 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Well said John.  When Vista came  out, I wasn't impressed with it  
either, based on what I was hearing from people that were running it.   
I'd heard so many good things  about the Mac, and the fact that  I  
would have access to the mac right out of the box, without having to  
pay extra costs for a screen reader on top of the price of the mac,  
was also very compelling.  As a result, I made the switch back in  
February of 2007, and haven't looked back since.  I did use Windows  
occasionally and did have it installed in a VM, but I think  with the  
improvements in Snow Leopard, i'll be using it even less.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 12:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:

>   I will disagree with Anyone who claims that there is no
> hostility or arrogance from the Windows community towards the Mac and,
> specifically, VoiceOver.  Since VoiceOver became available in Tiger, I
> have encountered the very behavior and attitudes from Windows users
> towards the Mac as I have read some Windows users accuse Mac users of
> showing towards Windows.  In fact, at NFB shows, this mentality has
> probably been the strongest.  There is a mindset among hardcore
> members of the blindness organization of "circling the wagons" or
> "protecting ones own", and I think anyone who tries to claim otherwise
> is not living on this planet.  Sadly, I think Snow Leopard is only
> going to create more shrill and vitriolic responses in regard to
> Apple's efforts, and never any slightest acknowledgement of the "good"
> it is doing for the blind.
>  Now, the one thing that is apparently overlooked is that many of
> us on this list and others who have been using the Mac are either
> former Windows users or, like myself, still use Windows.  I will admit
> without hesitation that I take shots at Windows and openly criticize
> Microsoft, but having used Windows for some 13 years, I surely feel
> that I am qualified to do so and can speak about the shortcomings of
> Windows quite knowledgeably.  This is not arrogance or anything else
> on my part.  This is simply experience and the difference I have found
> in using the Mac.  Yes, the "dark side" might be too strong of a term,
> yet, at the same time, it is like night and day.  No viruses, spam,
> crashes and other Windows instability issues Windows users just seem
> to tolerate and accept as being "normal".  If anything, Vista
> completely turned me off  from windows forever, and I am not impressed
> by Windows 7 at all at this point.
> With that all said, however, again, it must also be noted that
> companies like, GW Micro, Serotek and Freedom Scientific have done a
> considerable amount of good for the blind.  Windows screen reader
> developers often receive a great deal of criticism and grumbling from
> their own user base.  I know that accessibility and Microsoft are
> often quite challenging from what I have been privately told by both
> GW Micro and FS people.  Thus, I would never be one to take anything
> away from Windows access efforts, as that was my introduction to
> computers and it carried me through may years.  Many folks, either by
> circumstance or choice, still use Windows, and that will probably not
> change, other than, perhaps,  the choice part of the equation.
> In regard to the three features that are the topic of this
> thread, I don't personally find a need to go back to the old Windows
> way of editing.  It was difficult to become adjusted to the Mac way at
> the start, but it makes far more sense to me than the Windows way.  I
> don't need a webpage read to me in its entirety at any time, but I
> really think the summarization of the elements on a site is
> particularly useful.  However, the one thing that us longer time Mac
> users and even many newer ones understand, the beauty of the Mac
> experience is that we are given more than one way to accomplish a
> task.  If these additions to Snow Leopard assist and ease the
> transition for a Windows user to the Mac, overall, I think that it is
> a good thing.  Customization has increased quite a bit in Snow
> Leopard, so whatever is comfortable to you is obviously what you use.
> This also goes, btw, for your choice of access tools as well, whether
> it be the Mac, Windows or Linux.  It is just a matter of myself having
> chosen the Mac way as being superior in more than enough ways to make
> it my tool of choice.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 8:21 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> No you are right, NFB and other blindnes organizations who
>> supposedly  hvae
>> our best interests at heart are very narrow minded when it coems to
>> technological matters as well as others.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Les Kriegler" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:09 PM
>> Subject: RE: 3 features that hmm?
>>> Hi Donna and All,
>>> I'll offer my opinion as a current Windows user.  As I enter
>>> MacLand, one
>>> of
>>> the most valuable benefits of this l

Re: A nice keystroke that we have now to add folders do the doc

2009-08-31 Thread william lomas

can you send the manual to me off list?

On 31 Aug 2009, at 07:37, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi all, found this in the VO getting started manual for Snow Leopard,
> which you can request from Apple accessibility, that we can now add
> folders to the doc, at the press of a keystroke, when we're focused on
> the folder.  This was definitely something we couldn't do in Leopard
> with ease. That keystroke is command-shift t.  Just thought i'd
> sharethat  tip that I found.
> >

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Re: Preview navigation and Adobe Reader with VoiceOver [was Re: quickly junping from page to page in preview]

2009-08-31 Thread Simon Cavendish

It's true that you cannot save/export files into text but you can  
easily highlight the entire document with command+A and copy with  
command+c and then paste into textedit and save it this way. I  
regularly do this.

Best wishes, Simon
On 30 Aug 2009, at 23:50, Maurice Mines wrote:

> the problem is you can't save a file in text like the windows veration
> of adoby please forgive the my spelling I have a rittenexpation
> disorder. maurice ham call sine kd0iko.
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> it's native to the mac OS. And actually much better than acrobat
>> reader.
>> Best
> >

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Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Everyone,  

What a wealth of information I have learned from this list, today.  I have
found answers to questins I haven't even asked, yet.  (Smile)  

Today, I decided to delete my Windows 7 Bootcamp partition.  Windows 7 ran
beautifully along with Jaws but there was a minor glitch in some of the
audio that I was unable to resolve with regard to the MacBook Pro speakers.
To be quite honest, I most likely could have resolved it but I found that
the thought of booting into Windows on my Mac kind of irked me.  I have
enough Windows computers in my house without adding another one.  

So, I am back at square one with regard to Windows 7 and Mac.  And thus, the
following question:  

Which virtual machine software do you recommend I use for the best Jaws 10
and Windows 7 functionality?  

Based on anecdotal evidence, I think I'm leaning towards V M Ware but I
realize that Parallels has been around much longer and I tend to favor those
companies that have been on the proverbial scene longer.  

All of my sighted Mac friends strongly recommend V M Ware but they have no
idea about Jaws functionality, of course; so I turn to you.

I know that this list is very high traffic so you only need write which one
you recommend; there is no need to explain why you recommend one over the
other unless you have time to do so.  

When in a virtual machine, can one continue to use VoiceOver?  I'm a little
confused on when one would use VO and when one must use Jaws in the virtual

By the way, I know that running Windows 7 in a virtual machine is a bit
off-topic for this list so if those of you who are currently doing something
similar wouldn't mind, I will be glad to communicate off-list.

I understand that my questions may require some very detailed answers and
that you may not have time to write it up; I mean, some of these answers can
read like a novel and so, I will be happy to call anyone via telephone to
talk about this matter.  Which ever way is convenient for you to respond,
just let me know, OK?

My main goal this week is to setup all of my email accounts and begin using
my Mac exclusively for all communication.  Oh yes, I also plan on installing
Skype and setting it up as well.

One more thing, today I added a Macintosh category to the Candle Shore BLOG.
Someday, I hope to be able to contribute to the Macintosh body of knowledge.


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Re: A nice keystroke that we have now to add folders do the doc

2009-08-31 Thread Simon Cavendish

Does one have to request the manual for snowleopard from accessibility  
directly, or is it available on the accessibility page?
On 31 Aug 2009, at 08:22, william lomas wrote:

> can you send the manual to me off list?
> On 31 Aug 2009, at 07:37, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> Hi all, found this in the VO getting started manual for Snow Leopard,
>> which you can request from Apple accessibility, that we can now add
>> folders to the doc, at the press of a keystroke, when we're focused  
>> on
>> the folder.  This was definitely something we couldn't do in Leopard
>> with ease. That keystroke is command-shift t.  Just thought i'd
>> sharethat  tip that I found.
> >

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread JC Helary

Le 31 août 2009 à 16:36, M. Taylor a écrit :

> Based on anecdotal evidence, I think I'm leaning towards V M Ware  
> but I
> realize that Parallels has been around much longer and I tend to  
> favor those
> companies that have been on the proverbial scene longer.

I'd try the free Virtual Box from Sun Microsystems:

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Getting Started Manual

2009-08-31 Thread Les Kriegler

AS of yesterday, I didn't see it posted on the Apple site.  I did contact
Apple about a braille version.  It is being translated and should be
available in about 3 weeks according to the e-mail I received.  Also, we'll
have a different phone number to request it as opposed to the AppleCare


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Simon Cavendish
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: A nice keystroke that we have now to add folders do the doc

Does one have to request the manual for snowleopard from accessibility
directly, or is it available on the accessibility page?
On 31 Aug 2009, at 08:22, william lomas wrote:

> can you send the manual to me off list?
> On 31 Aug 2009, at 07:37, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> Hi all, found this in the VO getting started manual for Snow Leopard,
>> which you can request from Apple accessibility, that we can now add
>> folders to the doc, at the press of a keystroke, when we're focused  
>> on
>> the folder.  This was definitely something we couldn't do in Leopard
>> with ease. That keystroke is command-shift t.  Just thought i'd
>> sharethat  tip that I found.
> >

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__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4382 (20090830) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Tony Bernedal

I have tried vmware fusion with windows xp as a virtual machine with
jaws 9 and it works very well. I can use jaws in widnows and voice
over together but voice over takes control over some keys so to get
most commands out of jaws I focused on the virtual machine and when it
is running and jaws working I hit command-f5 and turned v o off. Doing
so let me run jaws with the laptop layout and caps lock works as the
jaws key for example.
The only thing I can't get to work is some function keys like f11 and
f12 so I can't bring up jaws systray dialog with jawskey + f11 for
I'm only using this virtual machine for a few programs that don't
exest on mac, for example echolink for hamradio. So I think it works
very well with vmware fusion and voice over. The only thing I didn't
manage to get working is ubuntu under vmware. Oh, forgot to say when
you need voice over simply press command-f5 again.
Hope that helps.
You are welcome off list to me if you want to ask anything else. I'm
not a mac guru but I more then happy to share my knowledge as far as I
Regards Tony

2009/8/31, M. Taylor :
> Hello Everyone,
> What a wealth of information I have learned from this list, today.  I have
> found answers to questins I haven't even asked, yet.  (Smile)
> Today, I decided to delete my Windows 7 Bootcamp partition.  Windows 7 ran
> beautifully along with Jaws but there was a minor glitch in some of the
> audio that I was unable to resolve with regard to the MacBook Pro speakers.
> To be quite honest, I most likely could have resolved it but I found that
> the thought of booting into Windows on my Mac kind of irked me.  I have
> enough Windows computers in my house without adding another one.
> So, I am back at square one with regard to Windows 7 and Mac.  And thus, the
> following question:
> Which virtual machine software do you recommend I use for the best Jaws 10
> and Windows 7 functionality?
> Based on anecdotal evidence, I think I'm leaning towards V M Ware but I
> realize that Parallels has been around much longer and I tend to favor those
> companies that have been on the proverbial scene longer.
> All of my sighted Mac friends strongly recommend V M Ware but they have no
> idea about Jaws functionality, of course; so I turn to you.
> I know that this list is very high traffic so you only need write which one
> you recommend; there is no need to explain why you recommend one over the
> other unless you have time to do so.
> When in a virtual machine, can one continue to use VoiceOver?  I'm a little
> confused on when one would use VO and when one must use Jaws in the virtual
> machine.
> By the way, I know that running Windows 7 in a virtual machine is a bit
> off-topic for this list so if those of you who are currently doing something
> similar wouldn't mind, I will be glad to communicate off-list.
> I understand that my questions may require some very detailed answers and
> that you may not have time to write it up; I mean, some of these answers can
> read like a novel and so, I will be happy to call anyone via telephone to
> talk about this matter.  Which ever way is convenient for you to respond,
> just let me know, OK?
> My main goal this week is to setup all of my email accounts and begin using
> my Mac exclusively for all communication.  Oh yes, I also plan on installing
> Skype and setting it up as well.
> One more thing, today I added a Macintosh category to the Candle Shore BLOG.
> Someday, I hope to be able to contribute to the Macintosh body of knowledge.
> Mark
> >

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To Jonathan: Setting Up A Cross Platform Home Network

2009-08-31 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Jonathan,  

Windows 7 makes use of a file sharing system unfortunately referred to as
Libraries.  I say "unfortunately" because the word Libraries can mean so
many things and new users have an understandably difficult time learning how
Windows 7 uses them.  For example, these Libraries are virtual.  "Yeah, like
that means anything, these days, right?"  (Smile)  

In short, it is now possible to easily setup an ad-hock network using the
Windows 7 Libraries.  While I would not recommend anyone do this, I wanted
to see how accessible it would be from a Macintosh.  

This should not be of any concern to you for, in reality, all you need do is
use a network attached drive to quickly and easily share files on your home

Jonathan, make sure any drive you purchase is DLNA certified.  DLNA stands
for Digital Living Network Alliance.

This certification is very important.  Take it from me.  I have three
network attached storage devices and the first one I purchase is not DLNA
because I did not know of such a thing.  While I continue to use the
non-DLNA drive for file archives, it is terrible with regard to streaming
media files and network access seek time.  In some instances, QuickTime will
not access the files correctly.  So, whatever you do, make sure the drive
you purchase has DLNA certification and then you will know that it will work
with media files on Mac, Windows, etc.  


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question


Probably off topic, but what are you using the Network groups for?

I havn't spent much time configuring macs for use on a shared network,  
but since I am going to buy a large disk drive soon, and have  
intentions of allowing family to float from computer to computer  
without losing their documents, and the ability to share files as  
appropriate. (Music libraries perhaps without iTunes sharing. I  
decided to ask.


On Aug 30, 2009, at 5:23 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but  
> enough
> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.
> 1.
> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred  
> home
> page.
> 2.
> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers  
> are all
> now sharing the same media library.
> 3.
> I configured the startup setting options and created some new  
> accounts and
> configured some network workgroups.
> 4.
> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to  
> the Net
> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect  
> that
> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
> 5.
> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32  
> gigs
> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows  
> computer
> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I  
> installed it
> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the  
> future.  I
> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the  
> correct
> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.   
> This Mac
> is a beautiful thing.
> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I  
> just wanted
> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far  
> it's a
> great experience.
> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a  
> must.  In
> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to  
> pale in
> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I  
> would be
> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
> saying goes, "Never say Never."
> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS  
> VoiceOver
> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
> I have a question about Safari:
> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it  
> takes
> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot  
> get the
> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mark
> >

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Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking

2009-08-31 Thread hank smith
so you mark the stuff you want to work with?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dane Trethowan 
  Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:40 PM
  Subject: Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking

  The markers by default form the boundaries of your selection, once you have 
the piece of audio selected you want to work on then apply your effects, EQ for 
example or move your audio to clipboard, delete, copy to clipboard and so on.

  On 31/08/2009, at 8:16 AM, hank smith wrote:

how do you remove audio eg edit out words etc etc
  - Original Message -
  From: Dane Trethowan
  Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:19 AM
  Subject: Amadeus Pro: Marking


  Okay I'm a bit behind on my mail here.

  A few days ago a list member was asking questions about marking with 
Amadeus Pro? Well here's something which should put their mind at ease, 
pressing "m" during record, playback or stop mode will place a marker at the 
insertion point, you can use option-left or option-right arrow to move between 
your markers.  You can go into the "markers" window to make fine adjustments to 
the positions of your markers, name them and so on.  you can use the "Auto 
Generate Markers" option in the "Selection" menu to have Amadeus Pro auto 
generate markers on specific criteria, silent gaps for example.

  Hope this helps.


  Dane Trethowan
  From Melton Victoria Australia
  Phone United Kingdom
  Phone Australia
  Phone United States
  +61 3 9743 7954x



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Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking

2009-08-31 Thread Dane Trethowan
That's right!

On 31/08/2009, at 6:23 PM, hank smith wrote:

> so you mark the stuff you want to work with?
> - Original Message -
> From: Dane Trethowan
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:40 PM
> Subject: Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking
> The markers by default form the boundaries of your selection, once  
> you have the piece of audio selected you want to work on then apply  
> your effects, EQ for example or move your audio to clipboard,  
> delete, copy to clipboard and so on.
> On 31/08/2009, at 8:16 AM, hank smith wrote:
>> how do you remove audio eg edit out words etc etc
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Dane Trethowan
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:19 AM
>> Subject: Amadeus Pro: Marking
>> Hi!
>> Okay I'm a bit behind on my mail here.
>> A few days ago a list member was asking questions about marking  
>> with Amadeus Pro? Well here's something which should put their mind  
>> at ease, pressing "m" during record, playback or stop mode will  
>> place a marker at the insertion point, you can use option-left or  
>> option-right arrow to move between your markers.  You can go into  
>> the "markers" window to make fine adjustments to the positions of  
>> your markers, name them and so on.  you can use the "Auto Generate  
>> Markers" option in the "Selection" menu to have Amadeus Pro auto  
>> generate markers on specific criteria, silent gaps for example.
>> Hope this helps.
>> **
>> Dane Trethowan
>> From Melton Victoria Australia
>> mailto:"
>> Twitter:
>> blog:
>> Phone United Kingdom
>> 02032874641
>> Phone Australia
>> 0390058589
>> Phone United States
>> 8159261869
>> Fax:
>> +61 3 9743 7954x
>> MSN
>> skype:grtdane12
>> **
> >

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread hank smith

how do you use that with vo?
I couldn't get it to work last I tried that
- Original Message - 
From: "JC Helary" 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

Le 31 août 2009 à 16:36, M. Taylor a écrit :

> Based on anecdotal evidence, I think I'm leaning towards V M Ware
> but I
> realize that Parallels has been around much longer and I tend to
> favor those
> companies that have been on the proverbial scene longer.

I'd try the free Virtual Box from Sun Microsystems:

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking

2009-08-31 Thread hank smith
how do you back and forward threw markers?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dane Trethowan 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 1:35 AM
  Subject: Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking

  That's right!

  On 31/08/2009, at 6:23 PM, hank smith wrote:

so you mark the stuff you want to work with?
  - Original Message -
  From: Dane Trethowan
  Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:40 PM
  Subject: Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking

  The markers by default form the boundaries of your selection, once you 
have the piece of audio selected you want to work on then apply your effects, 
EQ for example or move your audio to clipboard, delete, copy to clipboard and 
so on.

  On 31/08/2009, at 8:16 AM, hank smith wrote:

how do you remove audio eg edit out words etc etc
  - Original Message -
  From: Dane Trethowan
  Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:19 AM
  Subject: Amadeus Pro: Marking


  Okay I'm a bit behind on my mail here.

  A few days ago a list member was asking questions about marking with 
Amadeus Pro? Well here's something which should put their mind at ease, 
pressing "m" during record, playback or stop mode will place a marker at the 
insertion point, you can use option-left or option-right arrow to move between 
your markers.  You can go into the "markers" window to make fine adjustments to 
the positions of your markers, name them and so on.  you can use the "Auto 
Generate Markers" option in the "Selection" menu to have Amadeus Pro auto 
generate markers on specific criteria, silent gaps for example.

  Hope this helps.


  Dane Trethowan
  From Melton Victoria Australia
  Phone United Kingdom
  Phone Australia
  Phone United States
  +61 3 9743 7954x



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Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking

2009-08-31 Thread Dane Trethowan
Us option-left and right arrows to move your insertion point between  
them, use command-left and right arrows to extend selection from  
current marker to previous or next marker.

On 31/08/2009, at 6:39 PM, hank smith wrote:

> how do you back and forward threw markers?
> - Original Message -
> From: Dane Trethowan
> To:
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 1:35 AM
> Subject: Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking
> That's right!
> On 31/08/2009, at 6:23 PM, hank smith wrote:
>> so you mark the stuff you want to work with?
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Dane Trethowan
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:40 PM
>> Subject: Re: Amadeus Pro: Marking
>> The markers by default form the boundaries of your selection, once  
>> you have the piece of audio selected you want to work on then apply  
>> your effects, EQ for example or move your audio to clipboard,  
>> delete, copy to clipboard and so on.
>> On 31/08/2009, at 8:16 AM, hank smith wrote:
>>> how do you remove audio eg edit out words etc etc
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Dane Trethowan
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:19 AM
>>> Subject: Amadeus Pro: Marking
>>> Hi!
>>> Okay I'm a bit behind on my mail here.
>>> A few days ago a list member was asking questions about marking  
>>> with Amadeus Pro? Well here's something which should put their  
>>> mind at ease, pressing "m" during record, playback or stop mode  
>>> will place a marker at the insertion point, you can use option- 
>>> left or option-right arrow to move between your markers.  You can  
>>> go into the "markers" window to make fine adjustments to the  
>>> positions of your markers, name them and so on.  you can use the  
>>> "Auto Generate Markers" option in the "Selection" menu to have  
>>> Amadeus Pro auto generate markers on specific criteria, silent  
>>> gaps for example.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> **
>>> Dane Trethowan
>>> From Melton Victoria Australia
>>> mailto:"
>>> Twitter:
>>> blog:
>>> Phone United Kingdom
>>> 02032874641
>>> Phone Australia
>>> 0390058589
>>> Phone United States
>>> 8159261869
>>> Fax:
>>> +61 3 9743 7954x
>>> MSN
>>> skype:grtdane12
>>> **
> >

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread JC Helary

Le 31 août 2009 à 17:37, hank smith a écrit :

> how do you use that with vo?
> I couldn't get it to work last I tried that

Apologies. It was just a virtual machine suggestion. I did not intend  
to say it worked with VO. In fact I am pretty sure you'll only be able  
to use VO to access the VM software, but not its contents.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth

Hi Mark,

You'll be wanting to give Vmware Fusion a try I think.  Virtual Box is
free, and fairly usable true, but Vmware Fusion is by far the most
accessible and well rounded product out of these 3.  With your email
address being what it is it's safe for me to assume you're in
education of some sort, which means you should be able to pick up
Fusion for $40 last I checked.

Re which screen reader to use when, basically you'd use VO whenever
you're highlighted on and performing something in Mac OS, your Windows
screen reader of choice whenever you're focused on or performing
something in Windows.  Switching between the two OS's in Fusion is a
synch, simply alt tab to Fusion, grab keyboard input with command-G
and your mac will largely forget it's a mac until you tell it to
remember.  Both OS's are fully functional in the background when
you're not focused on them, so it's very possible on a powerful
machine to have the best of both worlds simultaneously.

the one thing I'd say about Virtualisation is that, even though we're
now running native on Intel chips, it still takes a slight performance
hit with every system I've seen.  You'll notice a slight lag or
sluggishness in Windows Virtualised if you're fussy about performance,
but for everyday tasks and assuming you're mainly going to be using
Mac OS, the convenience outweighs the sluggishness.  If however the
remaining stuff you use Windows for is very system intensive, Boot
Camp was probably your best option, but let's hope not eh.


On 8/31/09, hank smith  wrote:
> how do you use that with vo?
> I couldn't get it to work last I tried that
> - Original Message -
> From: "JC Helary" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop
> Le 31 août 2009 à 16:36, M. Taylor a écrit :
>> Based on anecdotal evidence, I think I'm leaning towards V M Ware
>> but I
>> realize that Parallels has been around much longer and I tend to
>> favor those
>> companies that have been on the proverbial scene longer.
> I'd try the free Virtual Box from Sun Microsystems:
> Jean-Christophe Helary
> >

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welcome dialog

2009-08-31 Thread william lomas

Hi for the person who did not want to be told to learn voiceover, at  
startup each time, turn it off in the general utilities settings of  
voice over

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Re: voiceover getting stuck in submenus?

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

Please be sure to report this, so it can be addressed.  Send a note to 
.  I have noticed some odd behavior, but not exactly as you are  
experiencing, but yet behavior that should not be occurring.

On Aug 30, 2009, at 8:41 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers,
> Has anybody noticed that voiceover now gets stuck in submenus in snow
> leopard? For instance, when I am in mail, and I go to the mailbox
> menu, I can move through the options until I get to the online status
> submenu. At this point, hitting the up, down, left, and right arrows
> simply repeat the words online status submenu. There does not seem to
> be a way to get past this. This is also true with other submenus, such
> as those in the finder.
> Note: I saw a message about this earlier, and tried turning voiceover
> on and off quickly. This did not seem to help. Anybody else notice  
> this?
> Thanks,
> John
> >

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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

Thanks Anne, I think I did indeed.

On Aug 30, 2009, at 5:38 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Scott,
> I think you must have missed my earlier post on this subject.
> The pauses are caused by new line characters. I think this was
> introduced to make the reading of documents, containing lists with
> their items only separated by new line characters, make more sense.
> You notice this when reading a table of contents. It often sounds as
> though the page number is the chapter number because there is just a
> new line character between them.
> Cheers,
> Anne

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Re: Snow leopard - bug, feature or something inbetween?

2009-08-31 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Yeah, i could do that, problem is then that if i have to navigate with  
the mouse, i don't get any feedback. I've reported this to Apple a11y  
team, let's see what they say. I have solved the problem by setting  
mouse pointer to move vo cursor.

31 aug 2009 kl. 02.37 skrev Steven M. Sawczyn:

> Try unchecking vo cursor follows mouse pointer, that should get you
> all fixed up.  Come to think of it, I'd uncheck both vo cursor follows
> mouse and mouse follows vo cursor.
> HTH,
> Steve
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:13 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> hi good people out there in Apple land.
> I have just installed the new Snow Leopard yesterday and am very
> impressed with what it has done for us blind folks, however i have a
> question about a thing i noticed whilst doing the first steps in SL.
> There's a feature that lets you hear text that's under the mouse after
> a certain amount of time, however, if i have this checkbox checked i
> find that text gets read two or sometimes three or more times and that
> happens for every move i make with the VO arrow keys. This is, i
> believe, because the cursor tracking feature is turned on. However if
> i uncheck this box, which i have done now, i don't get any feedback at
> all when moving the mouse, which is unfortunate at times when i want
> text under the mouse read. What gives here? How do other folks cope
> with this problem? Is it a bug or a feature?
> Thankful for any answers.
> /Krister
> >

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Re: One more Question: Followers in Syrinx?

2009-08-31 Thread Krister Ekstrom

I also want to know this and if there's a way to block those following  
me directly from the syrinx client. Would be great if that could be  

31 aug 2009 kl. 07.22 skrev

> One other question if I may: does anyone know of a way to view  
> followers
> in Syrinx?  I can find the people I'm following just fine, but not  
> those
> who are following me.
> Thanks yet again,
> Terrence
> >

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spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread william lomas

Hi all,

In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to  
switch between applications running in the current space?
I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2 aps  
in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle through  
all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples focus  
on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes sense.
Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I  
also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these  
apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,  
getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and  
would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
Just my opinions,

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Re: for the price

2009-08-31 Thread Chris Hofstader

the nice thing about the touch is that if you are generally around  
WiFi networks you do not need to pay AT&T for the 3G service which, as  
a monthly fee, adds up to be a bundle for a year.

Recently, I had a very peculiar experience with At&T.  I was making a  
few changes in my account, most prominently upgrading to an unlimited  
voice plan.  Once that was completed, I checked the box on my  
account's web page to turn on international dialing.  I was informed  
that I had to talk to them on the phone at some numbr.  So, I called  
the number on the web site.

When the phone picked up, I was put on hold for about a half hour.   
Then a cranky sounding woman picked up and started interrogating me.   
The oddest thing was that she was asking questions to which she should  
not have the answers: "Where were you living when your Social Security  
card was issued?" "Have you ever worked in Detroit, Troy, NY or Oxford  
Mississippi?" (the answer was none of the above - what's up with the  
trick questions?"  - none of the normal "mother's maiden name, etc.  
this went on for about twenty minutes until the lady told me I could  
make international calls (a requirement for the work I do).

So, if our country has me on a domestic spying list, they have  
assigned some poor intelligence figure to waste a whole lot of time  
reading boring emails and listening to even more boring phone calls.

Happy Hacking,

On Aug 30, 2009, at 1:43 PM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi will people get the IPod touch if it has speech or for the
> possibly high price, just get an i phone?
> >

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built-in scanner and printer drivers

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Hello, in my effort to switch over to the mc i today tried to print a.doc form 
on the mac because ms-word is not installed on my pc yet (it was just 
reinstalled before I got the mac and i did not do it yet). So I went to the hp 
site to get my printer driver for the hp5590, since it had heading i had to 
interact with them to go to the link but i knew i had to do it so it went fine. 
But, the driver was TOTALLY unaccessible, voicover did not say anything at all 
when i opened the app. It is from 2006 so maybe thats the reason. But then i 
thought what the heck, i plugged in my printer via usb, opened openofrfice and 
the document in question and WHAM it worked! No drivers needed.
Now i wonder, will this be the seem for my hp scanner?
Oh yes adium now works good for me as well, if i close the contacts window.
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot

2009-08-31 Thread Chris Hofstader
I just found out yesterday that I'll be traveling to South India for  
an NGO to open an office, hire a handful of blind programmers, a  
driver for them and get them started working on free software projects  
of all kinds.

With so many US based hackers out of work, I feel a little bad about  
bringing work to Asia.  The reason, though, is that we cannot find  
qualified blind people to hire here to work on a screen reader and  
other cool ideas we have.

India has done a pretty good job of educating people with vision  
impairment, even in technology areas like software engineering.   
Sadly, their corporate culture hasn't changed enough to start hiring  
these people so one can find a computer science PhD without vision or  
a decent job.  We hope to get these people working and get some  
publicity around it so Indian businesses might see what great things  
we blinks can do!

Happy Hacking,
On Aug 30, 2009, at 6:20 PM, hank smith wrote:

> awesome
> my fear was that orca was going to die
> and I don't want to see that it has come a long way
> - Original Message -
> From: Chris Hofstader
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:30 AM
> Subject: Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot
>> Hank asked: does that mean orca will die in linux to?
> cdh replies:
> The beauty of free software like orca versus proprietary software  
> like JAWS (for instance) is that although Sun Microsystems has led  
> the orca development, virtually any hacker or group thereof can take  
> the source and continue the project.  The nation of Brazil has  
> elected to standardize all of its government owned and operated  
> computing devices on free, GNU/Linuxoperating systems.  They  
> have two major reasons: the first, they fear that Apple and/or  
> Microsoft may have built in some code into Windows and OSX to spy  
> for the American government.  Given the human rights record  
> demonstrated by Yahoo and others spying for the Chinese government,  
> why not think that the two biggest OS vendors may be helping out  
> Uncle Sam?
> With the GNU/Linux OS, they have every line of source code and their  
> own security personnel can go through one line at a time and make  
> sure no such code exists before the Brazilian secrets show up at  
> Fort Mead.
> The second reason is price.  A GNU/Linux distribution will run  
> pretty nicely on a clunky, single core, 32 bit used Dell; Snow  
> Leopard and Windows 7 require pretty hefty hardware to be used  
> effectively.
> The orca question comes in as Brazil has laws regarding people with  
> disabilities that are far stronger than our wimpy ADA and their laws  
> include explicit language about technology.  So, while Sun is  
> organizing the project, Brazil and other nations are contributing  
> hackers to the project to help keep it moving forward.
> There are a number of other governments making similar decisions for  
> similar reasons - after our government got caught spying on  
> Americans, all credibility that we were not spying on everyone else  
> flew out the window and closed and complicated technology is in the  
> James Bond book of tricks.
> Those of us who get to use Macintosh and even Windows with our  
> screen reader of choice really need to realize just how fortunate we  
> are.  I spend a fair amount of time in Ubuntu with orca and, often,  
> emacspeak.  The latter is highly stable and crusty old farts like me  
> still remember a large portion of the complex emacs keystroke  
> catalogue.  Orca does a not bad job in a few high profile programs  
> but, because few developers are coding to the gnome standard and,  
> therefore, few programs support the excellent gnome accessibility  
> API, orca gets a lot less "for free" than Macintosh or Windows.
> For we who write programs or test systems on GNU/Linux platforms, it  
> is pretty good as it has fully accessible tools fart in excess of  
> anything Mac or Windows offer.  For most others who need orca,  
> though, it is a bit clunky and often unstable.
> I'd love to suggest that we all walk away from the world of  
> proprietary software but, developing for niche audiences like us  
> blinks fails to meet the critical mass necessary to sustain a world  
> of free software hackers like the server tools, Apache, etc.
> So, while we love to praise Apple and boo Microsoft, they are really  
> the only alternatives for blinks who don't want to spend a whole lot  
> of time fixing their environment.
> cdh
> >

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Re: spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more  
issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other  
question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly encourage  
you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would like  
this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes  
me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces and  
so it is not a priority perhaps.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   Hi all,
> In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
> switch between applications running in the current space?
> I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2 aps
> in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle through
> all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples focus
> on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes  
> sense.
> Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
> also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
> apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
> getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
> would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
> Just my opinions,
> Will
> >

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RE: ipod touch

2009-08-31 Thread Blake Sinnett

Count me in for the Touch also.
> From:
> Subject: Re: ipod touch
> Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 14:27:46 -0500
> To:
> Hi. I'm definitely planning to buy the ipod touch if it has speech. 
> I'm really really really hoping it does actually because I can't use 
> the iphone in my area.
> Holly
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 12:43 PM, william lomas wrote:
> >
> > hi Will people if it has it, be buying the new IPod touch if it has
> > speech or for the pric, just get the IPhone instead
> > WIll
> >
> >
> > 
> > 

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Re: spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

can I point out not all of us are experiencing these bugs if the  
cursors have been sorted. I can navigate just as I did, if not better  
now in SL than I did in leopard. People should maybe test their  
settings as some of these have certainly changed.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 11:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   Hi all,
> In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
> switch between applications running in the current space?
> I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2 aps
> in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle through
> all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples focus
> on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes  
> sense.
> Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
> also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
> apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
> getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
> would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
> Just my opinions,
> Will
> >

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Re: spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread kaare dehard

always a good idea.

also I read your blog entry, good stuff. That business with the  
insertion point, is it a toggleable option?

I've gotten more comfortable with the way apple does this and would  
like to see it remain if the nanny-state feature could be turned off.
On 31-Aug-09, at 8:18 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> can I point out not all of us are experiencing these bugs if the
> cursors have been sorted. I can navigate just as I did, if not better
> now in SL than I did in leopard. People should maybe test their
> settings as some of these have certainly changed.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 11:51 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>> In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
>> switch between applications running in the current space?
>> I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2 aps
>> in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle through
>> all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples focus
>> on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
>> sense.
>> Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
>> also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
>> apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
>> getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
>> would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
>> Just my opinions,
>> Will
> >

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testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a "bug",  
please please check your vo settings. I have experienced navigating  
issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I also  
had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing settings  
in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may be  
reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely just  
need a tinkering in vo settings.
So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple. no  
use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts about  
it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering with  

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Re: spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

yes it is toggable and thank you. good thing with apple, I still say  
this, they give us choice. I too prefer the apple way :)

On Aug 31, 2009, at 1:27 PM, kaare dehard wrote:

> always a good idea.
> also I read your blog entry, good stuff. That business with the
> insertion point, is it a toggleable option?
> I've gotten more comfortable with the way apple does this and would
> like to see it remain if the nanny-state feature could be turned off.
> On 31-Aug-09, at 8:18 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> can I point out not all of us are experiencing these bugs if the
>> cursors have been sorted. I can navigate just as I did, if not better
>> now in SL than I did in leopard. People should maybe test their
>> settings as some of these have certainly changed.
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 11:51 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
>>> switch between applications running in the current space?
>>> I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2  
>>> aps
>>> in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle  
>>> through
>>> all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples  
>>> focus
>>> on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
>>> sense.
>>> Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
>>> also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
>>> apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
>>> getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
>>> would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
>>> Just my opinions,
>>> Will

> >

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Re: spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread James & Nash

Hi Scott,

Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the moment as 
my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac befoer 
coming back.


I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be correct that 
it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to them as 

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS X by 
the blind" 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?

> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly encourage
> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would like
> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces and
> so it is not a priority perhaps.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
>> switch between applications running in the current space?
>> I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2 aps
>> in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle through
>> all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples focus
>> on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
>> sense.
>> Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
>> also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
>> apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
>> getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
>> would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
>> Just my opinions,
>> Will
>> >
> > 

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Copying Voice Over preferences

2009-08-31 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

I remember reading that in Leopard, you could keep a copy of your Voice Over 
settings. So would it be possible for someone to find them and copy them to 
Snow Leopard so that they may not have to do as much tinkering? Just 

Thanks for any help

Take care


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RE: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-31 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi All,

First, a couple of points to provide some context.  I have never used Windows 
vista.  I never understood why anyone installed that OS, it got bad reviews 
before it was ever released.  My PC's sstill running XP.  I also have never had 
any affiliation with NFB, and I have no desire to do so.  If an organization 
takes a hostile posture against the Mac or anything else, well, that's sort of 
what organizations do--they take positions on things.  If you don't like the 
things than an organization stands for, don't join.  Or if you want, form 
another group to oppose them.  But they represent only their organization, 
nothingmore.  I thought their interview of the Mac was frankly stupid.  The 
person who did it was not nearly experienced enough on the Mac to do anything 
more than put forth an initial opinion, and barely that NFB figured this out 
apparently, as they ended up with egg on their face having to recant some of 
the statements they'd made.

Second, and I know I'm going to sound like all of our mothers, does the fact 
that Johny or susie did it make it right?  I don't doubt that John has 
experienced the hostility that he described.  But the fact that someone else is 
being a jerk doesn't give you or me the right to be a jerk too.

Lastly, the intent of my message was never to "defend Windows" as Marie 
claimed, nor to make any evaluation of one operating system over the other.  My 
point was simply that having more choices is better for the blind community as 
a whole, and people who don't dislike Windows aren't idiots any more than are 
those who choose Mac.  Windows and Mac are two perfectly viable choices for 
blind users, and none of us has the right to act as though s/he is superior 
over anyone else because of the choice that we make, or because we don't 
despise the other choice.  I'm telling you what I know from personal 
experience.  There are many folks out there who either don't want to 
participate in Mac lists, or who stay away from the Mac because of attitudes 
they see from members of the Mac community.  So, by being condescending, you're 
just shooting yoursellves in the foot, if what you want is for the Mac to hold 
a more prominent place in the blind user community.  As I said before, let's 
just support each other, whatever OS we choose.  In the long run it'll be 
better for everyone.

Ok, all this said, this is my last post on this topic.  I think this thread has 
run its course.

-Original Message-
From: Dan Eickmeier 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

Well said John.  When Vista came  out, I wasn't impressed with it  
either, based on what I was hearing from people that were running it.   
I'd heard so many good things  about the Mac, and the fact that  I  
would have access to the mac right out of the box, without having to  
pay extra costs for a screen reader on top of the price of the mac,  
was also very compelling.  As a result, I made the switch back in  
February of 2007, and haven't looked back since.  I did use Windows  
occasionally and did have it installed in a VM, but I think  with the  
improvements in Snow Leopard, i'll be using it even less.
On Aug 30, 2009, at 12:51 PM, John Panarese wrote:

>   I will disagree with Anyone who claims that there is no
> hostility or arrogance from the Windows community towards the Mac and,
> specifically, VoiceOver.  Since VoiceOver became available in Tiger, I
> have encountered the very behavior and attitudes from Windows users
> towards the Mac as I have read some Windows users accuse Mac users of
> showing towards Windows.  In fact, at NFB shows, this mentality has
> probably been the strongest.  There is a mindset among hardcore
> members of the blindness organization of "circling the wagons" or
> "protecting ones own", and I think anyone who tries to claim otherwise
> is not living on this planet.  Sadly, I think Snow Leopard is only
> going to create more shrill and vitriolic responses in regard to
> Apple's efforts, and never any slightest acknowledgement of the "good"
> it is doing for the blind.
>  Now, the one thing that is apparently overlooked is that many of
> us on this list and others who have been using the Mac are either
> former Windows users or, like myself, still use Windows.  I will admit
> without hesitation that I take shots at Windows and openly criticize
> Microsoft, but having used Windows for some 13 years, I surely feel
> that I am qualified to do so and can speak about the shortcomings of
> Windows quite knowledgeably.  This is not arrogance or anything else
> on my part.  This is simply experience and the difference I have found
> in using the Mac.  Yes, the "dark side" might be too strong of a term,
> yet, at the same time, it is like night and day.  No viruses, spam,
> crashes and other Windows instability issues Windows users just seem
> to tolerate and accept as being "norma

beginning of document (textedit)

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Hello, I need to jump and search through documents a lot, how can i go back to 
the beginning of a document in textedit? I tried vo-home command-home and 
option-home but this does not seem tow ork and I really need this function.
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Anti-virus on the Mac

2009-08-31 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

Does anyone have any suggestions for AV software on the Mac please? Also, 
how can I find out which  of the AV applications are actually any good?

Thank you for any advice.

Take care


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text-files and openoffice?

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Hello, I opened a text-file in openoffice and while it did open and i think it 
showed righton the screen i got no brialle and it just said soemthinglike 
sheet, as if it was a table. I couldnt figure out how to navigate it, i could 
open it in textedit but i wonder why i cant open it normally in openoffice and 
navigate through it?
word documents seem to work fine in openoffice.
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: beginning of document (textedit)

2009-08-31 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi, command-up arrow should do what you want.
On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:06 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, I need to jump and search through documents a lot, how can i  
> go back to the beginning of a document in textedit? I tried vo-home  
> command-home and option-home but this does not seem tow ork and I  
> really need this function.
> >

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Re: beginning of document (textedit)

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Thanks a lot, i was getting worried there! i thought cmd-up was to get up one 
line but yes it brings you to the beginning of the document!
Greetings, Anouk
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dan Eickmeier 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:10 PM
  Subject: Re: beginning of document (textedit)

  Hi, command-up arrow should do what you want.  

  On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:06 AM, a radix wrote:

Hello, I need to jump and search through documents a lot, how can i go back 
to the beginning of a document in textedit? I tried vo-home command-home and 
option-home but this does not seem tow ork and I really need this function.


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shuffle in vlc

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
I love vlc, thanks to everyone who suggested it, i especially love it that it 
is so easy to just select a directory and play the whole thing (although i am 
not sure if it plays subdirectories too but i suppose it does), i was wondering 
though is it possible to shuffle stuff once you play a directory?
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: text-files and openoffice?

2009-08-31 Thread JC Helary

Le 31 août 2009 à 22:07, a radix a écrit :

> Hello, I opened a text-file in openoffice and while it did open and  
> i think it showed righton the screen i got no brialle and it just  
> said soemthinglike sheet, as if it was a table.

It sounds like your document was open as a spreadsheet.

> I couldnt figure out how to navigate it, i could open it in textedit  
> but i wonder why i cant open it normally in openoffice and navigate  
> through it?
> word documents seem to work fine in openoffice.

What you could do is open it in TextEdit, save it as RTF or DOC and  
reopen it in OpenOffice. I am pretty sure that would force OOo to  
consider it as a text document and not as a spreadsheet.

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

James, you bet I've been lobbying for this now on and off.  Well okay  
more on, but the point is I  would actually use it and I think the  
important thing is to show Apple that not everyone is a mouser and  
there are those sightlings out there who use the keyboard and thus are  
keyboarders. :)

On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the  
> moment as
> my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac  
> befoer
> coming back.
> Anyway...
> I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be  
> correct that
> it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to  
> them as
> well.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS  
> X by
> the blind" 
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
>> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
>> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
>> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly encourage
>> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would  
>> like
>> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
>> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces and
>> so it is not a priority perhaps.
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
>>> switch between applications running in the current space?
>>> I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2  
>>> aps
>>> in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle  
>>> through
>>> all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples  
>>> focus
>>> on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
>>> sense.
>>> Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
>>> also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
>>> apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
>>> getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
>>> would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
>>> Just my opinions,
>>> Will

> >

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Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your settings  
that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing issues  
and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really is a  
bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems in  
iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some  
testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with submenus  
generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I can't  
quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a "bug",
> please please check your vo settings. I have experienced navigating
> issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I also
> had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing settings
> in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may be
> reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely just
> need a tinkering in vo settings.
> So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple. no
> use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts about
> it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering with
> settings.
> hth
> >

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What is Spaces and ...

2009-08-31 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Everyone,  

While I am sure this has been posted many times over, I'm afraid I can't
find the answer and so I ask, what is Spaces?  

Also, what is Exposay?  

Thank you.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?

James, you bet I've been lobbying for this now on and off.  Well okay  
more on, but the point is I  would actually use it and I think the  
important thing is to show Apple that not everyone is a mouser and  
there are those sightlings out there who use the keyboard and thus are  
keyboarders. :)

On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the  
> moment as
> my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac  
> befoer
> coming back.
> Anyway...
> I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be  
> correct that
> it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to  
> them as
> well.
> Take care
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS  
> X by
> the blind" 
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
>> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
>> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
>> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly encourage
>> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would  
>> like
>> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
>> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces and
>> so it is not a priority perhaps.
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
>>> switch between applications running in the current space?
>>> I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2  
>>> aps
>>> in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle  
>>> through
>>> all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples  
>>> focus
>>> on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
>>> sense.
>>> Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
>>> also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
>>> apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
>>> getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
>>> would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
>>> Just my opinions,
>>> Will

> >

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RE: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Scott,

First let me thank you and others for kindly responding to my question.  

I will go with V M Ware's Fusion.

Yes, you are correct, my email addressed is based on my employment at UCLA.

Again, many thanks.

Most Sincerely,


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Chesworth
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

Hi Mark,

You'll be wanting to give Vmware Fusion a try I think.  Virtual Box is
free, and fairly usable true, but Vmware Fusion is by far the most
accessible and well rounded product out of these 3.  With your email
address being what it is it's safe for me to assume you're in
education of some sort, which means you should be able to pick up
Fusion for $40 last I checked.

Re which screen reader to use when, basically you'd use VO whenever
you're highlighted on and performing something in Mac OS, your Windows
screen reader of choice whenever you're focused on or performing
something in Windows.  Switching between the two OS's in Fusion is a
synch, simply alt tab to Fusion, grab keyboard input with command-G
and your mac will largely forget it's a mac until you tell it to
remember.  Both OS's are fully functional in the background when
you're not focused on them, so it's very possible on a powerful
machine to have the best of both worlds simultaneously.

the one thing I'd say about Virtualisation is that, even though we're
now running native on Intel chips, it still takes a slight performance
hit with every system I've seen.  You'll notice a slight lag or
sluggishness in Windows Virtualised if you're fussy about performance,
but for everyday tasks and assuming you're mainly going to be using
Mac OS, the convenience outweighs the sluggishness.  If however the
remaining stuff you use Windows for is very system intensive, Boot
Camp was probably your best option, but let's hope not eh.


On 8/31/09, hank smith  wrote:
> how do you use that with vo?
> I couldn't get it to work last I tried that
> - Original Message -
> From: "JC Helary" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop
> Le 31 août 2009 à 16:36, M. Taylor a écrit :
>> Based on anecdotal evidence, I think I'm leaning towards V M Ware
>> but I
>> realize that Parallels has been around much longer and I tend to
>> favor those
>> companies that have been on the proverbial scene longer.
> I'd try the free Virtual Box from Sun Microsystems:
> Jean-Christophe Helary
> >

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Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in  
itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than that  
itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really  
played with it extensively as yet.

I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium. and  
haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many  
issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings. took  
me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon, my  
cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.

initial focus = keyboard
keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe that  
is messing with the submenus]
allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real  
and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did in  

On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your settings
> that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing issues
> and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really is a
> bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems in
> iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
> testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with submenus
> generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I can't
> quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.
> tnx,
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a "bug",
>> please please check your vo settings. I have experienced navigating
>> issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I also
>> had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing settings
>> in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may be
>> reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely just
>> need a tinkering in vo settings.
>> So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple. no
>> use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts about
>> it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering with
>> settings.
>> hth
> >

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RE: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Donna Goodin

Thanks for posting these Marie.  I'm still waiting for my copy of SL, so
appreciate having the info on the front end.

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Marie Howarth
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 10:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: testing settings
> Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in
> itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than that
> itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really
> played with it extensively as yet.
> I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium. and
> haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many
> issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings. took
> me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon, my
> cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.
> initial focus = keyboard
> keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
> voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
> insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
> voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
> mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe that
> is messing with the submenus]
> allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real
> difference]
> and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did in
> leopard.
> hth
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> >
> > Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your settings
> > that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing issues
> > and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really is
> a
> > bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems in
> > iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
> > testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with
> submenus
> > generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I can't
> > quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.
> >
> > tnx,
> > On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a "bug",
> >> please please check your vo settings. I have experienced navigating
> >> issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I also
> >> had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing settings
> >> in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may be
> >> reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely
> just
> >> need a tinkering in vo settings.
> >> So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple. no
> >> use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts
> about
> >> it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering
> with
> >> settings.
> >> hth
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >
> >
> > >
> > 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.72/2337 - Release Date:
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Re: beginning of document (textedit)

2009-08-31 Thread Esther
Hello Anouk,

These movement commands (like Command-Up arrow to go to the beginning  
of a document, and Command-Down arrow to move to the end) are general  
Mac OS X shortcuts that work in all Cocoa apps (e.g., the common  
utilities like TextEdit, Mail, etc.).  For many of these commands, you  
can add the press of the shift key to turn these into selections.

Here's a link to a post in the mail archive for this list that  
summarizes some of these paired movement and selection commands.
(Moving and Selecting in Cocoa Apps [was Re: lines of text])

There's an obvious typo in one of the sequences on that page (the  
result of too much cut and paste):

command+down arrow   move to the end of the document
shift+command+down arrow   select to the end (not beginning) of the  

For more background on the connection between these shortcut sequences  
and emacs keybindings, see Greg Kearney's post in the old list archives:
(Re: Going to the beginning and end of text)




a radix wrote:

> Thanks a lot, i was getting worried there! i thought cmd-up was to  
> get up one line but yes it brings you to the beginning of the  
> document!
> Thanks!
> Greetings, Anouk
> - Original Message -
> From: Dan Eickmeier
> To:
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:10 PM
> Subject: Re: beginning of document (textedit)
> Hi, command-up arrow should do what you want.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:06 AM, a radix wrote:
>> Hello, I need to jump and search through documents a lot, how can i  
>> go back to the beginning of a document in textedit? I tried vo-home  
>> command-home and option-home but this does not seem tow ork and I  
>> really need this function.
> >

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Re: What is Spaces and ...

2009-08-31 Thread Fonzie

Hi there Mark.

I hope your well.

To answer your question, I will give the following explanation.

Spaces, like inLinux, called Workspaces, are simply put, new  
desktops.  So, consider this.  Your in a office, and you have four  
work desks at your disposal.  You use each work desk to house  
different types of work you would like to keep track of.  Say, one  
work desk is for fun, one is for viewing handouts, one is for viewing  
requests given to you by your staff, and another is for piling up work  
that needs to be done.  This is this same in regards to Spaces on the  
mac, and the OS Snow Leopard.  By default, four spaces are activated,  
once you enable the spaces function in Expose and Spaces within System  
Preferences.  Once you enable Spaces, by default, Control + Numbers 1  
through 4 will control what space your currently working on, or  
using.  YOu can also have Spaces Menu show up in the Status Menu Bar,  
where Time Machine, Airport, your current time, and Bluetooth Icons  
are housed.

Currently, I use spaces for having different areas.  I only use two  
personally, I only use two spaces currently.  I use Control + 1 for  
Space 1, and Control + 2 for Space 2.  So, Space one, if spaces is  
enabled, is alays hte default space you will be on, when you start up  
your mac.  If you leave your computer on, and your working on Space 2,  
you will return to that particular space once your Mac wakes up  
again.  I use Space 1 for Chat, and Internet, while Space 2 is used  
for documents that I am editing, creating, or reading..

Think of Spaces as a way to narrow down cluttering of your desktop to  
keep things organized.


The best way I can sum up Expose is by saying that is a manager of  
multiple windows.  To my knowledge, we can access Expose with VO, but  
are unable to tell what window is currently being highlighted, and  
what window is being selected.  It is basically used so that you are  
able to see what windows you have open for that current application,  
or all windows you have opened, so that you can navigate to it more  

I hope this helps.

Take care


On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:22 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> While I am sure this has been posted many times over, I'm afraid I  
> can't
> find the answer and so I ask, what is Spaces?
> Also, what is Exposay?
> Thank you.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
> James, you bet I've been lobbying for this now on and off.  Well okay
> more on, but the point is I  would actually use it and I think the
> important thing is to show Apple that not everyone is a mouser and
> there are those sightlings out there who use the keyboard and thus are
> keyboarders. :)
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the
>> moment as
>> my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac
>> befoer
>> coming back.
>> Anyway...
>> I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be
>> correct that
>> it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to
>> them as
>> well.
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Scott Howell" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS
>> X by
>> the blind" 
>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
>> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
>>> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
>>> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
>>> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly  
>>> encourage
>>> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would
>>> like
>>> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
>>> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces  
>>> and
>>> so it is not a priority perhaps.
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

 Hi all,

 In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
 switch between applications running in the current space?
 I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2
 in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle
 all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples
 on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
 Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
 also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
 apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it  
 getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted i

Re: spaces in snowleopard?

2009-08-31 Thread James & Nash

You are right Scott,

Whenever I help my parents with their PC or I help other sighted people with 
their Pcs, I always get them to use the keyboard. My mum for one uses the 
keyboard and knows quite a few of the keystrokes in Windows.

I will continue to write to Apple about this.

Take care

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?

> James, you bet I've been lobbying for this now on and off.  Well okay
> more on, but the point is I  would actually use it and I think the
> important thing is to show Apple that not everyone is a mouser and
> there are those sightlings out there who use the keyboard and thus are
> keyboarders. :)
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the
>> moment as
>> my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac
>> befoer
>> coming back.
>> Anyway...
>> I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be
>> correct that
>> it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to
>> them as
>> well.
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Scott Howell" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS
>> X by
>> the blind" 
>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
>> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
>>> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
>>> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
>>> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly encourage
>>> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would
>>> like
>>> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
>>> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces and
>>> so it is not a priority perhaps.
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

 Hi all,

 In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
 switch between applications running in the current space?
 I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2
 in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle
 all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples
 on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
 Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
 also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
 apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
 getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
 would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
 Just my opinions,


>> >
> > 

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itunes and resuming downloads

2009-08-31 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi everyone,

I have been downloading some videos from the itunes u and at some  
point i couldn't go anywhere, this ping sound telling me that i was  
going nowhere. not the limit sound. so i quit itunes and restarted it.  
Now my downloads source isn't in the sources table anymore. i tried  
check for available downloads, but i don't have the list anymore,  
which itself was some way through the download list. If i go back and  
get tracks from the itunes page, i have to delete all the downloads  
i've already have, and it's a waste of time. Is there a way to resume  
the downloads from where i stopped?


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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Scott,

I've been using Fusion and Windows XP for a little over a month. I had  
never heard of the Command-G command before. What does it do? When I  
Command-Tab to Fusion, that command is treated as Windows-G. If I move  
out of the Windows scroll area with VO-Right Arrow and then press  
command-G, I don't see any change in behavior. Pressing Control-Alt  
still only works if I tell VoiceOver to ignore the next command, and  
keys involving the numeric keypad only work if I turn Numpad Commander  
off. Should I see a change in that behavior? And how do I turn off  
this feature?


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Re: welcome dialog

2009-08-31 Thread Marshall Scott

Also, I think pressing v will stop this feature

On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:00 AM, william lomas wrote:

>   Hi for the person who did not want to be told to learn voiceover, at
> startup each time, turn it off in the general utilities settings of
> voice over
> >

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Re: What is Spaces and ...

2009-08-31 Thread James & Nash

Hi Mark,

I can't tell you what Exposé is, but here is my explaination of Spaces. But 
I'm sure others will also add better info for you.

Spaces was introduced in Leopard and the ability it should give on Mac OS X 
has been a standard feature in many - if not all Linux/Unix based systems 
for a while.

The feature allows you to use multiple desktop windows. For example, you can 
have one desktop window with your E Mail and web browser and another with 
your chat client. This is useful when you are doing more than one thing and 
you don't want to have everything in one window.

The idea is that it should make you more productive, but unfortunately under 
Mac OS X, the concept is broken at least from a blindness/keyboard 
perspective. If for instance you press the keystroke to move to another 
Desktop window and you then use Command Tab to cycle through the open 
applications on this new Desktop you should only be able to see the 
applications that are currently running on that particular desktop. However, 
at present, Command Tab cycles through all applications regardless of which 
Desktop they are on.

There is also an issue where I think if you open a new window for a running 
application which is running on another Desktop then the new window will 
open on your current Desktop. I have heard that you can work around this by 
selecting certain applications to  open in certain Desktops which is an 
option but it should not work this way - at least this is my understanding.

As I have said, under Linux/Unix, this feature works correctly and Apple 
have said that they are having some trouble fixing it, but perhaps the 
Accessibility folks are not the ones I should be talking to about it.

Anyway... I hope this helps explain what the feature is and what it should 

Take care


 - Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:22 PM
Subject: What is Spaces and ...

> Hello Everyone,
> While I am sure this has been posted many times over, I'm afraid I can't
> find the answer and so I ask, what is Spaces?
> Also, what is Exposay?
> Thank you.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
> James, you bet I've been lobbying for this now on and off.  Well okay
> more on, but the point is I  would actually use it and I think the
> important thing is to show Apple that not everyone is a mouser and
> there are those sightlings out there who use the keyboard and thus are
> keyboarders. :)
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the
>> moment as
>> my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac
>> befoer
>> coming back.
>> Anyway...
>> I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be
>> correct that
>> it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to
>> them as
>> well.
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Scott Howell" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS
>> X by
>> the blind" 
>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
>> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
>>> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
>>> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
>>> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly encourage
>>> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would
>>> like
>>> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
>>> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces and
>>> so it is not a priority perhaps.
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

 Hi all,

 In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
 switch between applications running in the current space?
 I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2
 in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle
 all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples
 on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
 Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
 also feel that if the beta program were open to more of us these
 apparent voice over bugs in SL would have been erradicated as it is,
 getting stuck in menus etc. should have been noted in my opinion and
 would have been if the software was riggorously tested.
 Just my opinions,


>> >
> > 

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Getting stuff done!

2009-08-31 Thread Howard Dupuis

Hello to all. Just wanted to note that I'm loving the ease with which
I can move around on the Web (and elsewhere) using VO's new features
in Snow Leopard. I just now paid a few bills -- yes, it's that time of
the month -- and I was in in, around, over, and out in no time at all.
And like everyone else, of course, this is after just a couple of
days. Just wait til I've had some practice!
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Re: shuffle in vlc

2009-08-31 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, yes the option is command Z or random from the playback menu.   
VLC's shuffle is truely cool in that it rerandomizes your playlist  
every time a song finishes or you change, then it removes the already  
played songs from the pool so you won't have the same song coming up  
at random over and over.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 31-Aug-09, at 9:13 AM, a radix wrote:

> I love vlc, thanks to everyone who suggested it, i especially love  
> it that it is so easy to just select a directory and play the whole  
> thing (although i am not sure if it plays subdirectories too but i  
> suppose it does), i was wondering though is it possible to shuffle  
> stuff once you play a directory?
> Thanks
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Simon Cavendish

Anna, a side question here but what is the Voiceover command for  
ignoring the next key combination? Thanks, Simon
On 31 Aug 2009, at 15:55, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> I've been using Fusion and Windows XP for a little over a month. I had
> never heard of the Command-G command before. What does it do? When I
> Command-Tab to Fusion, that command is treated as Windows-G. If I move
> out of the Windows scroll area with VO-Right Arrow and then press
> command-G, I don't see any change in behavior. Pressing Control-Alt
> still only works if I tell VoiceOver to ignore the next command, and
> keys involving the numeric keypad only work if I turn Numpad Commander
> off. Should I see a change in that behavior? And how do I turn off
> this feature?
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >

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function keys in virtual Windows

2009-08-31 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


I have a Mac Mini with a full keyboard, complete with numpad. If  
VoiceOver is off, pressing Command-F5 turns it on, so I apparently  
have it set so the software actions of the function keys are activated  
by default. If I'm running Windows XP in Fusion, the function keys  
work as expected if VoiceOver is on. However, if it's off, the  
function keys only work as expected if I hold down the FN key. Is  
there any way I can make them perform as I would expect without the FN  
key on the Windows side without changing how they perform on the Mac  


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accessibleMovie editing software

2009-08-31 Thread Jorgen Skov Nielsen

Can blind use iMovie with VoiceOver.
I'm looking for some video editing software that blind people can
I need to cut edit the video, i have recorded on a video camera.
Best regards

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Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

Marie, you are correct in thatMouse cursor ignores VoiceOver was the  
problem in Mail.  Initially it is set to Mouse cursor follows VO  
cursor and that was causing some submenus to jump around.  In other  
words, if set to have the mouse cursor follow the VO cursor, the  
submenu in Mail used to take accounts on/offline can be entered, but  
backing out causes the VO cursor to end up elsewhere within the  
mailbox menu. THat is the best way I can explain it.
The issue in iTunes is the browser for genre, albums, and artist is  
not reading at all.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in
> itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than that
> itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really
> played with it extensively as yet.
> I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium. and
> haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many
> issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings. took
> me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon, my
> cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.
> initial focus = keyboard
> keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
> voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
> insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
> voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
> mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe that
> is messing with the submenus]
> allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real
> difference]
> and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did in
> leopard.
> hth
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your settings
>> that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing issues
>> and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really  
>> is a
>> bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems in
>> iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
>> testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with  
>> submenus
>> generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I can't
>> quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.
>> tnx,
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a "bug",
>>> please please check your vo settings. I have experienced navigating
>>> issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I also
>>> had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing settings
>>> in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may be
>>> reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely  
>>> just
>>> need a tinkering in vo settings.
>>> So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple. no
>>> use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts  
>>> about
>>> it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering  
>>> with
>>> settings.
>>> hth

> >

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Re: function keys in virtual Windows

2009-08-31 Thread Buddy Brannan

There are two things you should do here:

1) In keyboard preferences, check to be sure the box is checked to  
make function keys act as normal. They're set not to by default, at  
least, on my Macbook. It won't hurt anything to check nor to change  
the state of this check box.

2) In system preferences/Expose and spaces preferences, you'll want to  
remap F9 through F12 to something else. Doing so is slightly tricky.  
Here's what I did:

1) On the popup menu for, for instance, the function mapped to F9,  
press VO+spacebar to open the menu.

2) Hold down the option key. VO will say "Option F9".

3) Not releasing the option key, press the control key and space. The  
popup menu will now say "Option F9".

4) Lather, rinse, and repeat for the mappings of F10 through F12.
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Aug 31, 2009, at 11:35 AM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a Mac Mini with a full keyboard, complete with numpad. If
> VoiceOver is off, pressing Command-F5 turns it on, so I apparently
> have it set so the software actions of the function keys are activated
> by default. If I'm running Windows XP in Fusion, the function keys
> work as expected if VoiceOver is on. However, if it's off, the
> function keys only work as expected if I hold down the FN key. Is
> there any way I can make them perform as I would expect without the FN
> key on the Windows side without changing how they perform on the Mac
> side?
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >

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Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Simon Cavendish

Could you just clarify again please whether "mouse cursor ignores  
voiceover cursor" is checked or unchecked in your settings? It is not  
clear from your very helpful description. Thanks, Simon
On 31 Aug 2009, at 16:46, Scott Howell wrote:

> Marie, you are correct in thatMouse cursor ignores VoiceOver was the
> problem in Mail.  Initially it is set to Mouse cursor follows VO
> cursor and that was causing some submenus to jump around.  In other
> words, if set to have the mouse cursor follow the VO cursor, the
> submenu in Mail used to take accounts on/offline can be entered, but
> backing out causes the VO cursor to end up elsewhere within the
> mailbox menu. THat is the best way I can explain it.
> The issue in iTunes is the browser for genre, albums, and artist is
> not reading at all.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in
>> itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than that
>> itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really
>> played with it extensively as yet.
>> I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium.  
>> and
>> haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many
>> issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings. took
>> me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon, my
>> cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.
>> initial focus = keyboard
>> keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
>> voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
>> insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
>> voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
>> mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe  
>> that
>> is messing with the submenus]
>> allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real
>> difference]
>> and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did  
>> in
>> leopard.
>> hth
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your settings
>>> that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing issues
>>> and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really
>>> is a
>>> bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems in
>>> iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
>>> testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with
>>> submenus
>>> generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I  
>>> can't
>>> quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.
>>> tnx,
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

 just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a  
 please please check your vo settings. I have experienced navigating
 issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I  
 had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing  
 in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may  
 reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely
 need a tinkering in vo settings.
 So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple.  
 use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts
 it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering


> >

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-31 Thread Brent Harding

I suppose things will come up to where what happens if people who used macs 
had to go for Windows one day for work or something. Whether we like it or 
not, none of the Windows screen readers let you switch it so you'd have to 
learn how windows speaks the insertion point even though for sighted people 
it wouldn't be a change at all in that respect. I guess this history goes 
before my time why JFW chose to read it the way they did. I had to muck 
around in DOS once in awhile with Windows 3.1 waiting for support for 95, 
but thought this one was how the OS reported the position.

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of people who
> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I believe
> Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or some
> organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people
> complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for those
> users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this point
> because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I see
> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here, whatever
> at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because there are
> those who would simply not consider the Mac for this reason.  It is an
> option and not a default and that is why it's a feature not worth
> removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have stated
> and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is not a
> standard way of editing etc.  At the same time, it obviously didn't
> take a great deal of effort to implement it and at least it is an
> option.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>> Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.
>> Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are
>> so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but
>> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
>> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to a
>> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
>> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
>> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
>> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way shorter
>> learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and trying to apply
>> things to a ton of situations at once.  It's annoying that they're
>> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going to
>> thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will developers who
>> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled email
>> from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to their
>> applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the difference
>> between what works and what doesn't, it gives them instructions
>> equally as precise as that email from the VI user would in most cases.
>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get this
>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason the
>> option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't in any way
>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that
>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping oppinion
>> like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows, still use
>> Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I make my fair
>> share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't done any in a while.
>> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.  I
>> doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease their
>> progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's suggested, human's
>> just don't work that way, for the most part we're creatures of habit
>> even if they're bad ones.
>> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a feature
>> be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any case, I'm not sure
>> they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I disagree with the
>> feature and what's potentially at stake here to a sighted mac user,
>> and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm not sure that anyone who
>> hasn't had to appreciate how cool mainstream technology that works for
>> us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not, they
>> probably see the introduction of this feature as the best thing they
>> could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.
>> Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this side of
>> the pond...
>> Scott
>> On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:
>>> Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features and you
>>> learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the only plus
>>> side is that for those who want to make the transition and really
>>> find
>>> what we "grew up with" difficult, will at lea

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-31 Thread Brent Harding

In Windows, the character it speaks seems to be the one the insertion point 
is before in both directions. So if you type Brent and arrow back to the B 
and hit forward delete, you delete the B. If you hit backspace, which is all 
the Macbooks have and it was running Windows, you delete the space you never 
heard mentioned before the B.
- Original Message - 
From: "James & Nash" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

> Personally, I find the Mac way of editing more intutitive, but that's just
> me. Also one of my friends told me that the Mac edits the way sighted 
> folks
> would - i don't know if this is the case in Windows.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Scott Howell" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:39 AM
> Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?
>> Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of people who
>> bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I believe
>> Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or some
>> organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people
>> complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for those
>> users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this point
>> because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I see
>> no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here, whatever
>> at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because there are
>> those who would simply not consider the Mac for this reason.  It is an
>> option and not a default and that is why it's a feature not worth
>> removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have stated
>> and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is not a
>> standard way of editing etc.  At the same time, it obviously didn't
>> take a great deal of effort to implement it and at least it is an
>> option.
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.
>>> Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are
>>> so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but
>>> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
>>> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to a
>>> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
>>> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
>>> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
>>> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way shorter
>>> learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and trying to apply
>>> things to a ton of situations at once.  It's annoying that they're
>>> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going to
>>> thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will developers who
>>> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled email
>>> from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to their
>>> applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the difference
>>> between what works and what doesn't, it gives them instructions
>>> equally as precise as that email from the VI user would in most cases.
>>> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get this
>>> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason the
>>> option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't in any way
>>> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that
>>> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping oppinion
>>> like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows, still use
>>> Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I make my fair
>>> share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't done any in a while.
>>> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.  I
>>> doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease their
>>> progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's suggested, human's
>>> just don't work that way, for the most part we're creatures of habit
>>> even if they're bad ones.
>>> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a feature
>>> be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any case, I'm not sure
>>> they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I disagree with the
>>> feature and what's potentially at stake here to a sighted mac user,
>>> and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm not sure that anyone who
>>> hasn't had to appreciate how cool mainstream technology that works for
>>> us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not, they
>>> probably see the introduction of this feature as the best thing they
>>> could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.
>>> Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this side of
>>> the pond...
>>> Scott
>>> On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:

 Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features and you
 learned the

Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

The mail issue, I'm going to test this one. but let me clarify itunes,  
the browser as you put it, is this the grid view? I am having no  
problems here. checked all of the options, artists, albums, etc, the  
only thing I see that's different which is an 8.2 issue I beleive as I  
believe it stopped working when I last updated is the jumping using  
letters. Unless I'm missing something I cannot replicate your issues  
in itunes I'm afraid.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Marie, you are correct in thatMouse cursor ignores VoiceOver was the
> problem in Mail.  Initially it is set to Mouse cursor follows VO
> cursor and that was causing some submenus to jump around.  In other
> words, if set to have the mouse cursor follow the VO cursor, the
> submenu in Mail used to take accounts on/offline can be entered, but
> backing out causes the VO cursor to end up elsewhere within the
> mailbox menu. THat is the best way I can explain it.
> The issue in iTunes is the browser for genre, albums, and artist is
> not reading at all.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in
>> itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than that
>> itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really
>> played with it extensively as yet.
>> I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium.  
>> and
>> haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many
>> issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings. took
>> me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon, my
>> cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.
>> initial focus = keyboard
>> keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
>> voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
>> insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
>> voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
>> mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe  
>> that
>> is messing with the submenus]
>> allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real
>> difference]
>> and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did  
>> in
>> leopard.
>> hth
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your settings
>>> that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing issues
>>> and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really
>>> is a
>>> bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems in
>>> iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
>>> testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with
>>> submenus
>>> generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I  
>>> can't
>>> quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.
>>> tnx,
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

 just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a  
 please please check your vo settings. I have experienced navigating
 issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I  
 had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing  
 in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may  
 reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely
 need a tinkering in vo settings.
 So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple.  
 use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts
 it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering


> >

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Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

ignore should be checked simon.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Could you just clarify again please whether "mouse cursor ignores
> voiceover cursor" is checked or unchecked in your settings? It is not
> clear from your very helpful description. Thanks, Simon
> On 31 Aug 2009, at 16:46, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Marie, you are correct in thatMouse cursor ignores VoiceOver was the
>> problem in Mail.  Initially it is set to Mouse cursor follows VO
>> cursor and that was causing some submenus to jump around.  In other
>> words, if set to have the mouse cursor follow the VO cursor, the
>> submenu in Mail used to take accounts on/offline can be entered, but
>> backing out causes the VO cursor to end up elsewhere within the
>> mailbox menu. THat is the best way I can explain it.
>> The issue in iTunes is the browser for genre, albums, and artist is
>> not reading at all.
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in
>>> itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than  
>>> that
>>> itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really
>>> played with it extensively as yet.
>>> I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium.
>>> and
>>> haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many
>>> issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings.  
>>> took
>>> me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon,  
>>> my
>>> cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.
>>> initial focus = keyboard
>>> keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
>>> voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
>>> insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
>>> voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
>>> mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe
>>> that
>>> is messing with the submenus]
>>> allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real
>>> difference]
>>> and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did
>>> in
>>> leopard.
>>> hth
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

 Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your  
 that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing  
 and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really
 is a
 bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems  
 iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
 testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with
 generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I
 quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.

 On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a
> "bug",
> please please check your vo settings. I have experienced  
> navigating
> issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I
> also
> had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing
> settings
> in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may
> be
> reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely
> just
> need a tinkering in vo settings.
> So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple.
> no
> use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts
> about
> it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering
> with
> settings.
> hth


> >

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Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-31 Thread Brent Harding

How does 7 end up installing with Boot Camp? Can one even get it yet any 
more? Do you still need the dreaded sighted help that's impossible to find 
when you need it?

- Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:23 AM
Subject: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

> Hello Everyone,
> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but 
> enough
> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.
> 1.
> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred home
> page.
> 2.
> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers are all
> now sharing the same media library.
> 3.
> I configured the startup setting options and created some new accounts and
> configured some network workgroups.
> 4.
> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to the Net
> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect that
> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
> 5.
> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32 gigs
> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows computer
> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I installed it
> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the future. 
> I
> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the correct
> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.  This Mac
> is a beautiful thing.
> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I just 
> wanted
> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far it's 
> a
> great experience.
> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a must.  In
> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to pale in
> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I would 
> be
> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
> saying goes, "Never say Never."
> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS 
> VoiceOver
> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
> I have a question about Safari:
> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it takes
> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot get 
> the
> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mark
> >

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Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-31 Thread william lomas

if windows seven is easy to install may get it

On 31 Aug 2009, at 17:08, Brent Harding wrote:

> How does 7 end up installing with Boot Camp? Can one even get it yet  
> any
> more? Do you still need the dreaded sighted help that's impossible  
> to find
> when you need it?
> - Original Message -
> From: "M. Taylor" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:23 AM
> Subject: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but
>> enough
>> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white  
>> cat.
>> 1.
>> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred  
>> home
>> page.
>> 2.
>> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers  
>> are all
>> now sharing the same media library.
>> 3.
>> I configured the startup setting options and created some new  
>> accounts and
>> configured some network workgroups.
>> 4.
>> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to  
>> the Net
>> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
>> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I  
>> suspect that
>> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
>> 5.
>> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used  
>> 32 gigs
>> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows  
>> computer
>> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I  
>> installed it
>> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the  
>> future.
>> I
>> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the  
>> correct
>> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.   
>> This Mac
>> is a beautiful thing.
>> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I just
>> wanted
>> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so  
>> far it's
>> a
>> great experience.
>> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a  
>> must.  In
>> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to  
>> pale in
>> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I  
>> would
>> be
>> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as  
>> the
>> saying goes, "Never say Never."
>> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS
>> VoiceOver
>> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
>> I have a question about Safari:
>> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that  
>> it takes
>> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be  
>> sizable?
>> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot  
>> get
>> the
>> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
>> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
> >

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apple script and vo

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

OK, I want to use apple script to set up some options on the keyboard  
commander. But how do I do that? apple script is a folder that no  
matter what I do, I canot get to open. it takes me back to the devices  
in sidebar for some odd reason, no matter how I try to open it. any  
help would be greatly appreciated. I want to take advantage of using  
apple script with VO to set up commands, but not sure how to do it.
any help would be great :)

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Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth

Hi Anna,

Hmmm, well it used to be the case that command-g grabbed keyboard
input, stopped it from controlling Mac OS and started it controlling
Windows in other words.
This could be redundant now, from what you just described it sounds to
me like Fusion is grabbing input automatically when you command tab to
it.  I haven't used Fusion for a while, so it's very possible that
I've become a bit of a keystroke dinosaur.


On 8/31/09, Woody Anna Dresner  wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I've been using Fusion and Windows XP for a little over a month. I had
> never heard of the Command-G command before. What does it do? When I
> Command-Tab to Fusion, that command is treated as Windows-G. If I move
> out of the Windows scroll area with VO-Right Arrow and then press
> command-G, I don't see any change in behavior. Pressing Control-Alt
> still only works if I tell VoiceOver to ignore the next command, and
> keys involving the numeric keypad only work if I turn Numpad Commander
> off. Should I see a change in that behavior? And how do I turn off
> this feature?
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >

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annoying issue in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-31 Thread Søren Jensen


I have two sound files, which I wanna copy into one file. When I try  
to copy the audio together in one file, Amadeus choose for some reason  
to paste the audio in only the left or only the right speaker.  
Yesterday, it pasted the audio so the sound came in only the left  
speaker, and a few minutes ago, it was only in the right speaker. I'm  
doing the following to paste the audio:
1: Open both files, so I can switch between the files by using the  
Window chooser.
2: Then I go to the end of the first file I opened
3: I find the second file by using the window chooser
4: I press command a to select all the audio, then command c to copy it.
5: I go back to the first file, and then paste the audio into the file  
by pressing command v.
This works in all sound editing application I've used on Windows, but  
Amadeus paste the audio in mono... The weird thing is that yesterday  
it pasted the audio so it came from the left speaker, and as I wrote  
above, a few minutes ago, it pasted the audio so it came from the  
right speaker... Is it me who does something in a wrong, way, or is it  
a weird bug in the application?
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

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going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Hello, i took my macbook pro to school today and it went well for the most 
part, although apparently one of the fkeys or other keys in the top row freezes 
the keyboard which i found out by accident.
I wonder though, i know there is the window chooser and the application chooser 
but is there a command like contro ltab or something to quickly and immediately 
switch between different windows in one program? That would still be quicker 
then the window user, 
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: shuffle in vlc

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Hi Erik Oh ok! i did notice that random item but i thought it would jus tplay a 
random song and then go back to its normal list. cool to know! do you know if 
you select a folder if vlc indeed also plays the subfolders?
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: erik burggraaf 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 5:15 PM
  Subject: Re: shuffle in vlc

  Hi, yes the option is command Z or random from the playback menu.  VLC's 
shuffle is truely cool in that it rerandomizes your playlist every time a song 
finishes or you change, then it removes the already played songs from the pool 
so you won't have the same song coming up at random over and over.  


  erik burggraaf
  A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
  Phone: 888-255-5194

  On 31-Aug-09, at 9:13 AM, a radix wrote:

I love vlc, thanks to everyone who suggested it, i especially love it that 
it is so easy to just select a directory and play the whole thing (although i 
am not sure if it plays subdirectories too but i suppose it does), i was 
wondering though is it possible to shuffle stuff once you play a directory?
Greetings, Anouk,


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Re: beginning of document (textedit)

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Thanks that is VERY much appreciated, i dont know many of the mac commands yet.
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Esther 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 4:01 PM
  Subject: Re: beginning of document (textedit)

  Hello Anouk,

  These movement commands (like Command-Up arrow to go to the beginning of a 
document, and Command-Down arrow to move to the end) are general Mac OS X 
shortcuts that work in all Cocoa apps (e.g., the common utilities like 
TextEdit, Mail, etc.).  For many of these commands, you can add the press of 
the shift key to turn these into selections.

  Here's a link to a post in the mail archive for this list that summarizes 
some of these paired movement and selection commands.
  (Moving and Selecting in Cocoa Apps [was Re: lines of text])

  There's an obvious typo in one of the sequences on that page (the result of 
too much cut and paste):

  command+down arrow   move to the end of the document
  shift+command+down arrow   select to the end (not beginning) of the document

  For more background on the connection between these shortcut sequences and 
emacs keybindings, see Greg Kearney's post in the old list archives:
  (Re: Going to the beginning and end of text)




  a radix wrote:

Thanks a lot, i was getting worried there! i thought cmd-up was to get up 
one line but yes it brings you to the beginning of the document!
Greetings, Anouk
  - Original Message -
  From: Dan Eickmeier
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:10 PM
  Subject: Re: beginning of document (textedit)

  Hi, command-up arrow should do what you want.  

  On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:06 AM, a radix wrote:

Hello, I need to jump and search through documents a lot, how can i go 
back to the beginning of a document in textedit? I tried vo-home command-home 
and option-home but this does not seem tow ork and I really need this function.


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RE: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Anouk,


Try Command-Accent.  I know this works in Finder, not sure about other



[] On Behalf Of a radix
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:46 PM
Subject: going quickly between windows in a program


Hello, i took my macbook pro to school today and it went well for the most
part, although apparently one of the fkeys or other keys in the top row
freezes the keyboard which i found out by accident.

I wonder though, i know there is the window chooser and the application
chooser but is there a command like contro ltab or something to quickly and
immediately switch between different windows in one program? That would
still be quicker then the window user, 

Greetings, Anouk,


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Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

Marie, no.  The browser is brought up with command-b, but it seems you  
have to be in the text view I gather since grid view behaves  
  The browser allows you to select a particular genre, album, or artist.
On Aug 31, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> The mail issue, I'm going to test this one. but let me clarify itunes,
> the browser as you put it, is this the grid view? I am having no
> problems here. checked all of the options, artists, albums, etc, the
> only thing I see that's different which is an 8.2 issue I beleive as I
> believe it stopped working when I last updated is the jumping using
> letters. Unless I'm missing something I cannot replicate your issues
> in itunes I'm afraid.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Marie, you are correct in thatMouse cursor ignores VoiceOver was the
>> problem in Mail.  Initially it is set to Mouse cursor follows VO
>> cursor and that was causing some submenus to jump around.  In other
>> words, if set to have the mouse cursor follow the VO cursor, the
>> submenu in Mail used to take accounts on/offline can be entered, but
>> backing out causes the VO cursor to end up elsewhere within the
>> mailbox menu. THat is the best way I can explain it.
>> The issue in iTunes is the browser for genre, albums, and artist is
>> not reading at all.
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in
>>> itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than  
>>> that
>>> itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really
>>> played with it extensively as yet.
>>> I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium.
>>> and
>>> haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many
>>> issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings.  
>>> took
>>> me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon,  
>>> my
>>> cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.
>>> initial focus = keyboard
>>> keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
>>> voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
>>> insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
>>> voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
>>> mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe
>>> that
>>> is messing with the submenus]
>>> allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real
>>> difference]
>>> and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did
>>> in
>>> leopard.
>>> hth
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

 Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your  
 that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing  
 and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really
 is a
 bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems  
 iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
 testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with
 generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I
 quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.

 On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a
> "bug",
> please please check your vo settings. I have experienced  
> navigating
> issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I
> also
> had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing
> settings
> in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may
> be
> reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely
> just
> need a tinkering in vo settings.
> So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple.
> no
> use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts
> about
> it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering
> with
> settings.
> hth


> >

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Re: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell
Yes there is, you can use command-~, which works on the US keyboard,  
but I gather you may be using a different keyboard layout, so not sure  
if that will work.  This will switch between the windows of that  
particular program.
On Aug 31, 2009, at 12:46 PM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, i took my macbook pro to school today and it went well for  
> the most part, although apparently one of the fkeys or other keys in  
> the top row freezes the keyboard which i found out by accident.
> I wonder though, i know there is the window chooser and the  
> application chooser but is there a command like contro ltab or  
> something to quickly and immediately switch between different  
> windows in one program? That would still be quicker then the window  
> user,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Swedish Braille available for SL

2009-08-31 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello everyone,

Swedish Braille is now available as a beta release for Snow Leopard.  
If anyone on this list would like to try it and give us feedback,  
please e-mail us at:

Swedish Braille is part of the multilingual Braille package which also  
includes: Danish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Norwegian and Russian.



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Re: annoying issue in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-31 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Soren,

I had no problems copying one file into another using the procedure  
you describe. There was one time when I selected some audio and hit  
Delete, and only one channel was deleted for some reason. So any tips  
anyone has on making sure both channels are used would be welcome.


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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-31 Thread Rich Ring

Well said.  Operating systems are simply a choice we make.  In my case, I 
can choose the Mac as a home computer, but my employer is not going to 
suddenly go to the Mac, nor will my employer suddenly decide thaat we should 
stop teaching students Windows and switch to the Mac, it ain't gonna happen. 
If you either are not employed, or work at home, then sure, you can choose 
the Mac and never touch Windows again.  I can't and frankly, since I need to 
know about what's new, I wouldn't.  I am looking forward to learning the 
Mac.  And as for the NFB, I am a member of that organization, but I would 
never for one minute defend the poor and careless job that was done in the 
Braille Monitor.
- Original Message - 
From: "John Panarese" 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: 3 features that hmm?

Hi Donna,
 I use XP myself and will continue to do so for the time being.  I
had tried Vista for the sake of knowledge and curiosity and I'll
probably give Windows 7 a shot as far as the desire to know what that
is like as well.  However, when it comes to using Windows when I have
a need to, XP will continue to get the job done for me.

 Now, as for the NFB, it is not specific to them or any
organization.  Unfortunately, VoiceOver bashing has come from all of
the major blindness groups at one time or another, dating back to the
AFB when Tiger first came out.  The NFB article you note is only one
of a few publications that obviously did its best to discredit Apple
and VoiceOver.  Frankly, it is not a matter of taking a position.
There are clearly special interests involved, which, I think, do not
have to be spelled out, since the majority of blind computer users are
utilizing Windows and the implications can be taken from there.  As
the saying goes, follow the money trail.

  My experience I referred to mentioned an NFB show, but I have
encountered the same sort of negative reactions at other trade shows
having nothing to do with specific blindness organizations.  Whether
these individuals were members of any, I have no idea. I was just
pointing out that it is not necessarily the Mac community that
demonstrates such hostility and shameful behavior.  And you are
absolutely correct. As the saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right
and such nastiness should not be acceptable from any quarter,
especially over something as trivial in life as ones choice of
computer access. Similarly, however, one should also not take
immediate offense or the like if someone offers an opinion about a
given operating system that is supported by experience, documentation
or general knowledge.  In other words, as I said, I do take my share
of shots at Windows, but I always keep my remarks in line with reality
and experience and what is being also talked about in technical
articles and forums.  As far as I am concerned, there is no company,
OS or product that is perfect, regardless of whether it is Apple,
Microsoft or anyone else.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:00 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi All,
> First, a couple of points to provide some context.  I have never
> used Windows vista.  I never understood why anyone installed that
> OS, it got bad reviews before it was ever released.  My PC's sstill
> running XP.  I also have never had any affiliation with NFB, and I
> have no desire to do so.  If an organization takes a hostile posture
> against the Mac or anything else, well, that's sort of what
> organizations do--they take positions on things.  If you don't like
> the things than an organization stands for, don't join.  Or if you
> want, form another group to oppose them.  But they represent only
> their organization, nothingmore.  I thought their interview of the
> Mac was frankly stupid.  The person who did it was not nearly
> experienced enough on the Mac to do anything more than put forth an
> initial opinion, and barely that NFB figured this out apparently, as
> they ended up with egg on their face having to recant some of the
> statements they'd made.
> Second, and I know I'm going to sound like all of our mothers, does
> the fact that Johny or susie did it make it right?  I don't doubt
> that John has experienced the hostility that he described.  But the
> fact that someone else is being a jerk doesn't give you or me the
> right to be a jerk too.
> Lastly, the intent of my message was never to "defend Windows" as
> Marie claimed, nor to make any evaluation of one operating system
> over the other.  My point was simply that having more choices is
> better for the blind community as a whole, and people who don't
> dislike Windows aren't idiots any more than are those who choose
> Mac.  Windows and Mac are two perfectly viable choices for blind
> users, and none of us has the right to act as though s/he is
> superior over anyone else because of the choice that we make, or
> because we don't despise the other choice.  I'm telling you what I
> know from personal experie

Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Simon,

The command to get VO to ignore the next keystroke is VO-Tab.


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RSS Section of mail

2009-08-31 Thread Mike

Hi all:

I want all the msgs that I receive from this list to go to the RSS
Section of my Mail instead of my main inbox.
How do I accomplish this?
I don't wish to un_subscribe from the list but the volume of mail from
this list is getting really high as of late so I'd rather it be moved
to my Rss Section so that I can check it now and then.



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Re: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell
Thanks Donna, command-` I just realize I hit the shift key.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 1:10 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Anouk,
> Try Command-Accent.  I know this works in Finder, not sure about  
> other programs.
> Donna
> From:  
> [] On Behalf Of a radix
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: going quickly between windows in a program
> Hello, i took my macbook pro to school today and it went well for  
> the most part, although apparently one of the fkeys or other keys in  
> the top row freezes the keyboard which i found out by accident.
> I wonder though, i know there is the window chooser and the  
> application chooser but is there a command like contro ltab or  
> something to quickly and immediately switch between different  
> windows in one program? That would still be quicker then the window  
> user,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.72/2337 - Release Date:  
> 08/31/09 05:50:00
> >

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my kitten is born!!!

2009-08-31 Thread Chantel Cuddemi

Hi all,
My new kitten is born I am going to have to be trained on it,  
since it's a new os, but I think I will make it. 

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Re: annoying issue in Amadeus Pro

2009-08-31 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hi there.
Is the position where the sound from one file important or can you  
just put one file at the end of the other one? If position isn't  
important, why don't you try merging the files together? Can't  
remember off hand now where this menu choise is, but it opens a dialog  
with an empty list and buttons for adding and removing. You press the  
add button and it opens a standard file open dialog where you choose  
what files to merge, you can select multiple files to merge. Once  
you're done selecting files, press the "open" button and the files  
will be added to the list. Now you can select output format and such  
stuff should you want to do that. When finished in that dialog, press  
"merge" and the process should start.
Note, i could be wrong about the labels of the buttons, because i've  
done this only once.

31 aug 2009 kl. 18.46 skrev Søren Jensen:

> Hi.
> I have two sound files, which I wanna copy into one file. When I try
> to copy the audio together in one file, Amadeus choose for some reason
> to paste the audio in only the left or only the right speaker.
> Yesterday, it pasted the audio so the sound came in only the left
> speaker, and a few minutes ago, it was only in the right speaker. I'm
> doing the following to paste the audio:
> 1: Open both files, so I can switch between the files by using the
> Window chooser.
> 2: Then I go to the end of the first file I opened
> 3: I find the second file by using the window chooser
> 4: I press command a to select all the audio, then command c to copy  
> it.
> 5: I go back to the first file, and then paste the audio into the file
> by pressing command v.
> This works in all sound editing application I've used on Windows, but
> Amadeus paste the audio in mono... The weird thing is that yesterday
> it pasted the audio so it came from the left speaker, and as I wrote
> above, a few minutes ago, it pasted the audio so it came from the
> right speaker... Is it me who does something in a wrong, way, or is it
> a weird bug in the application?
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> >

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Re: testing settings

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth

wow, never even knew this feature existed. sorry. :)

On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Marie, no.  The browser is brought up with command-b, but it seems you
> have to be in the text view I gather since grid view behaves
> differently.
>  The browser allows you to select a particular genre, album, or  
> artist.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 12:06 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> The mail issue, I'm going to test this one. but let me clarify  
>> itunes,
>> the browser as you put it, is this the grid view? I am having no
>> problems here. checked all of the options, artists, albums, etc, the
>> only thing I see that's different which is an 8.2 issue I beleive  
>> as I
>> believe it stopped working when I last updated is the jumping using
>> letters. Unless I'm missing something I cannot replicate your issues
>> in itunes I'm afraid.
>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Marie, you are correct in thatMouse cursor ignores VoiceOver was the
>>> problem in Mail.  Initially it is set to Mouse cursor follows VO
>>> cursor and that was causing some submenus to jump around.  In other
>>> words, if set to have the mouse cursor follow the VO cursor, the
>>> submenu in Mail used to take accounts on/offline can be entered, but
>>> backing out causes the VO cursor to end up elsewhere within the
>>> mailbox menu. THat is the best way I can explain it.
>>> The issue in iTunes is the browser for genre, albums, and artist is
>>> not reading at all.
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:

 Scot, what issues are you having in mail? I also found a bug in
 itunes, in regard to the lcd area, that I did report. Other than
 itunes has been working OK, although admittedly i haven't really
 played with it extensively as yet.

 I'd be happy to share my settings. I have verbosity set to medium.
 haven't played specifically with those settings. but it seems many
 issues are navigated related so here are my navigation settings.
 me a while to get this all straight but as of yesterday afternoon,
 cursors are happy and tracking as I am used too.

 initial focus = keyboard
 keyboard focus follows voice over curser checked
 voice over cursor folows keyboard cursor checked
 insertion point follows voice over cursor checked
 voice over cursor follows insertion point not checked
 mouse cursor ignores voice over cursor [this is the one I believe
 is messing with the submenus]
 allow cursor wrapping not checked [this shouldn't make a real
 and this I think will help you guys. my SL works now the way it did

 On Aug 31, 2009, at 3:13 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Marie, if you don't mind, it may help to share some of your
> settings
> that you found to work well.  I am generally not experiencing
> issues
> and your right that reporting bugs is fine, but only if it really
> is a
> bug and not some setting.  I for example have found some problems
> in
> iTunes and I'm pretty confident it is a bug, but I'm doing some
> testing to be sure of course.  I have not had any issues with
> submenus
> generally.  However, found a little odd behavior in Mail that I
> can't
> quite figure out yet, but still looking into it.
> tnx,
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> just a word of warning guys. Before you report something as a
>> "bug",
>> please please check your vo settings. I have experienced
>> navigating
>> issues when first installing sl, with sub menus and such, and I
>> also
>> had an issue when editing text yesterday but after changing
>> settings
>> in vo SL is working awesomely now. I'm afraid too many people may
>> be
>> reporting bugs that don't necessarily exist in the OS and merely
>> just
>> need a tinkering in vo settings.
>> So please, please, check settings and test before emailing apple.
>> no
>> use reporting a bug that isn't there. I have seen several posts
>> about
>> it now and simply the issues could be solved with some tinkering
>> with
>> settings.
>> hth


> >

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Re: watching (analog) tv on the mac?

2009-08-31 Thread Chris Blouch

Many TV cable boxes have a pair of audio outputs RCA (left/right) audio 
outputs which you can then hook to anything that takes a standard 
line-in. I have mine connected to my home stereo which sounds much 
better than the little speakers in the TV. Actually, I should say that I 
used to have it hooked up that way as I just canceled my cable and will 
be giving web-only media access a whirl. I haven't actually turned the 
TV on for months so it was kind of a waste.


John G. Heim wrote:
> I can't find the beginning of this thread and I can't give any info about 
> watching TV on the Mac but for $5 you can buy a cable that allows you to 
> connect a VCR, DVD player, or a digital converter box to the sound input 
> jack of your Mac. I don't have a TV any more. I just have a converter box. 
> But I don't want a picture, just sound.
> >

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Re: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread Marie Howarth
don't think it matters which command key btw, command accent indeed  
works in  most apps.

On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:21 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Thanks Donna, command-` I just realize I hit the shift key.
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 1:10 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Anouk,
>> Try Command-Accent.  I know this works in Finder, not sure about  
>> other programs.
>> Donna
>> From:  
>> [] On Behalf Of a radix
>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:46 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: going quickly between windows in a program
>> Hello, i took my macbook pro to school today and it went well for  
>> the most part, although apparently one of the fkeys or other keys  
>> in the top row freezes the keyboard which i found out by accident.
>> I wonder though, i know there is the window chooser and the  
>> application chooser but is there a command like contro ltab or  
>> something to quickly and immediately switch between different  
>> windows in one program? That would still be quicker then the window  
>> user,
>> Greetings, Anouk,
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.72/2337 - Release Date:  
>> 08/31/09 05:50:00
> >

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RE: What is Spaces and ...

2009-08-31 Thread M. Taylor

Thank you, Fonzie.

An excellent explanation.  

I understand.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Fonzie
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: What is Spaces and ...

Hi there Mark.

I hope your well.

To answer your question, I will give the following explanation.

Spaces, like inLinux, called Workspaces, are simply put, new  
desktops.  So, consider this.  Your in a office, and you have four  
work desks at your disposal.  You use each work desk to house  
different types of work you would like to keep track of.  Say, one  
work desk is for fun, one is for viewing handouts, one is for viewing  
requests given to you by your staff, and another is for piling up work  
that needs to be done.  This is this same in regards to Spaces on the  
mac, and the OS Snow Leopard.  By default, four spaces are activated,  
once you enable the spaces function in Expose and Spaces within System  
Preferences.  Once you enable Spaces, by default, Control + Numbers 1  
through 4 will control what space your currently working on, or  
using.  YOu can also have Spaces Menu show up in the Status Menu Bar,  
where Time Machine, Airport, your current time, and Bluetooth Icons  
are housed.

Currently, I use spaces for having different areas.  I only use two  
personally, I only use two spaces currently.  I use Control + 1 for  
Space 1, and Control + 2 for Space 2.  So, Space one, if spaces is  
enabled, is alays hte default space you will be on, when you start up  
your mac.  If you leave your computer on, and your working on Space 2,  
you will return to that particular space once your Mac wakes up  
again.  I use Space 1 for Chat, and Internet, while Space 2 is used  
for documents that I am editing, creating, or reading..

Think of Spaces as a way to narrow down cluttering of your desktop to  
keep things organized.


The best way I can sum up Expose is by saying that is a manager of  
multiple windows.  To my knowledge, we can access Expose with VO, but  
are unable to tell what window is currently being highlighted, and  
what window is being selected.  It is basically used so that you are  
able to see what windows you have open for that current application,  
or all windows you have opened, so that you can navigate to it more  

I hope this helps.

Take care


On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:22 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> While I am sure this has been posted many times over, I'm afraid I  
> can't
> find the answer and so I ask, what is Spaces?
> Also, what is Exposay?
> Thank you.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
> James, you bet I've been lobbying for this now on and off.  Well okay
> more on, but the point is I  would actually use it and I think the
> important thing is to show Apple that not everyone is a mouser and
> there are those sightlings out there who use the keyboard and thus are
> keyboarders. :)
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the
>> moment as
>> my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac
>> befoer
>> coming back.
>> Anyway...
>> I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be
>> correct that
>> it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to
>> them as
>> well.
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Scott Howell" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS
>> X by
>> the blind" 
>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
>> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
>>> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
>>> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
>>> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly  
>>> encourage
>>> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would
>>> like
>>> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
>>> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces  
>>> and
>>> so it is not a priority perhaps.
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

 Hi all,

 In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
 switch between applications running in the current space?
 I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2
 in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle
 all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples
 on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Howell

My recollection is the way the windows-based screen readers handle the  
cursor is from the DOS days and has not changed, even though for  
sighted windows users it has . Now of course your testing my memory  
from a very long time ago. :)

On Aug 31, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Brent Harding wrote:

> I suppose things will come up to where what happens if people who  
> used macs
> had to go for Windows one day for work or something. Whether we like  
> it or
> not, none of the Windows screen readers let you switch it so you'd  
> have to
> learn how windows speaks the insertion point even though for sighted  
> people
> it wouldn't be a change at all in that respect. I guess this history  
> goes
> before my time why JFW chose to read it the way they did. I had to  
> muck
> around in DOS once in awhile with Windows 3.1 waiting for support  
> for 95,
> but thought this one was how the OS reported the position.

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Re: Mic not working in Garage Band, and simple recording program?

2009-08-31 Thread Chris Blouch

I don't recall reading the beginning of this thread but in general Mac's 
don't have pre-amplifiers built in so a plain old mic will need to go 
through an external preamp before connecting to the Mac's line in. This 
could either be a dedicated box or the output from a mixer. USB mics, 
while limiting your choices also simplify things as they don't need the 
pre-amp. Line level inputs like CD-players or tape decks can just be 
plugged into the mac directly.


Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
> Hi Terrence,
> Do you have a microphone input as well as line in? If so, plug the  
> mike into that and select that input rather than Line In. I don't  
> think LIne In will work with a microphone. Or maybe there's a preamp  
> that can be used. I have a Mac Mini, which doesn't have a microphone  
> jack, so I had to buy a USB microphone.
> I bought two recording packages, Audio Hijack Pro for recording  
> multiple sound sources at once (system audio, microphone, and line in)  
> and Amadeus Pro for editing my recordings. These are both good programs.
> HTH,
> Anna
> >

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RE: What is Spaces and ...

2009-08-31 Thread M. Taylor

Thank you, James.  

I understand.  I'm glad you mentioned the bug as this would most certainly
have confused me when I attempted to use the Command+Alt key combination.  


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of James & Nash
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: What is Spaces and ...

Hi Mark,

I can't tell you what Exposé is, but here is my explaination of Spaces. But 
I'm sure others will also add better info for you.

Spaces was introduced in Leopard and the ability it should give on Mac OS X 
has been a standard feature in many - if not all Linux/Unix based systems 
for a while.

The feature allows you to use multiple desktop windows. For example, you can

have one desktop window with your E Mail and web browser and another with 
your chat client. This is useful when you are doing more than one thing and 
you don't want to have everything in one window.

The idea is that it should make you more productive, but unfortunately under

Mac OS X, the concept is broken at least from a blindness/keyboard 
perspective. If for instance you press the keystroke to move to another 
Desktop window and you then use Command Tab to cycle through the open 
applications on this new Desktop you should only be able to see the 
applications that are currently running on that particular desktop. However,

at present, Command Tab cycles through all applications regardless of which 
Desktop they are on.

There is also an issue where I think if you open a new window for a running 
application which is running on another Desktop then the new window will 
open on your current Desktop. I have heard that you can work around this by 
selecting certain applications to  open in certain Desktops which is an 
option but it should not work this way - at least this is my understanding.

As I have said, under Linux/Unix, this feature works correctly and Apple 
have said that they are having some trouble fixing it, but perhaps the 
Accessibility folks are not the ones I should be talking to about it.

Anyway... I hope this helps explain what the feature is and what it should 

Take care


 - Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:22 PM
Subject: What is Spaces and ...

> Hello Everyone,
> While I am sure this has been posted many times over, I'm afraid I can't
> find the answer and so I ask, what is Spaces?
> Also, what is Exposay?
> Thank you.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
> James, you bet I've been lobbying for this now on and off.  Well okay
> more on, but the point is I  would actually use it and I think the
> important thing is to show Apple that not everyone is a mouser and
> there are those sightlings out there who use the keyboard and thus are
> keyboarders. :)
> On Aug 31, 2009, at 8:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Although I do not have my new Mac yet - I am using Windows at the
>> moment as
>> my old Mac broke and I had other reasons for moving away from Mac
>> befoer
>> coming back.
>> Anyway...
>> I have written to Apple in the past about this, and you may be
>> correct that
>> it may not be a widely used feature, but I will continue to write to
>> them as
>> well.
>> Take care
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Scott Howell" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: "General discussions on all topics relating to the use of Mac OS
>> X by
>> the blind" 
>> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:33 PM
>> Subject: Re: spaces in snowleopard?
>>> WIll opening the seed to more folks would not necessarily catch more
>>> issues.  Apple has a very diverse team of testers.  As to your other
>>> question, no at this time it is not possible and I strongly encourage
>>> you to write to Apple about this.  Trust me, a lot of folks would
>>> like
>>> this to change and it would benefit sighted folks as well.  It makes
>>> me wonder if the issue is that people are not really using Spaces and
>>> so it is not a priority perhaps.
>>> On Aug 31, 2009, at 6:51 AM, william lomas wrote:

 Hi all,

 In snowleopard, can one set up spaces and then press command tab to
 switch between applications running in the current space?
 I heard that in leopard if one attempted this, and they had say 2
 in space 1 and three in space 2, that command tab would cycle
 all the applications in both spaces, not just in our 2 examples
 on the 2 programs in space 1 and the 3 in space 2, if this makes
 Apple have known about this problem not working for 2 years now. I
 also feel that if the beta program were open to mo

What is Exposé, and how to use its assigned keys in Fusion [was Re: What is Spaces and ...}

2009-08-31 Thread Esther

Hi Mark and Others,

M. Taylor wrote:

> Also, what is Exposay?

I'm pasting in a post I made to the mac-access list a few months ago,  
and I'll add some comments about why you want to disable (or at least  
reassign) the Exposé keys (F9, F10, and F11) so you can use them  
freely in Fusion. I also described Exposé in part of a post to this  
list on "Rewinding and Fast forwarding in iTunes" --  submitted after  
this list moved to GoogleGroups, but before archiving at the Mail  
Archive site was enabled in February of this year. You can try to read  
that post at:
(Rewinding and Fast forwarding in iTunes [was Re: iTunes question])

(or run a Google search on "iTunes question Exposé macvisionaries  
rewinding" if the above link does not work).

Exposé is a visual way of switching between active windows that is  
analogous to running VoiceOver's window chooser menu (VO-F2 twice).   
Instead of getting the results displayed within a list view, Exposé  
turns your entire screen into a kind of Finder window with each window  
displayed as a small thumbnail image as though you were using icon  
view mode.  A sighted person who has many windows open simultaneously  
sees small versions of each window on the screen, with his current  
window highlighted, and can move his mouse cursor to quickly select  
the new one to switch to. As soon as a window is selected (by routing  
the cursor to the thumbnail of the desired window and clicking with  
mouse or trackpad key), Exposé shifts focus to that window.  So it  
would be used in the same situations you would use the window chooser  
menu -- lots of windows being used simultaneously, and more efficient  
to query them instead of switching through them one by one with  
Command-accent -- but offers a visual mode of selection (icon view vs.  
list view).

What happens when you press any of the Exposé shortcut keys -- F9,  
F10, or F11 -- is that the application is waiting for you to make a  
selection by clicking with your mouse on one of the thumbnail-view  
windows.  If you simply press the same Exposé key again you get  
returned to your current window.  The F9 key lets you select from all  
windows of all applications, while the F10 key lets you select from  
all windows of your current app. The third Exposé key, F11, lets you  
hide current windows so that sighted users can view the Desktop. A  
second press of F11 brings your current windows back to view.

I can't think of any instance where a visually impaired Mac user would  
use Exposé, and VoiceOver should offer an option (and default setting)  
to disable all the Exposé shortcut keys, possibly along with the  
Dashboard widget shortcut key (F12). (I forgot to mention that there's  
another mode, where if you hold down the Shift key with the Exposé key  
the transition gets slowed down so that it's easier to follow your  
current window as it gets iconified in the Screen view.  That's a real  
killer for VoiceOver users, because even if you think to press the key  
sequence again to reverse it and recover access to your window,  
nothing seems to happen because all the transitions are taking place  
in slow motion.)

Just disable the keyboard shortcuts for the Exposé (and Dashboard)  
keys or at least reassign them to some other key sequences.  On the  
newer keyboards they can interfere with your use of the media keys to  
control volume and forward/rewind action (if you forget to hold down  
the Fn key).

1. Bring up System Preferences (VO-M to menu bar, down arrow into  
Apple menu, press "s y" to go to "System Preferences", return)
2. Navigate (e.g., tab 4 times) to "Exposé & Spaces" and select (VO- 
3. Navigate (VO-right arrow) to the Exposé tab and select (VO-Space)
4. Navigate (VO-right arrow) to the keyboard shortcuts for Exposé.
5. Change the popup buttons for each shortcut to "-" where the hyphen  
key is to the right of the "0" at the top row of numbers.  (VO-right  
arrow past the definitions for "All Windows", "Application Windows",  
and "Show Desktop" to the popup buttons, VO-space, then press "-" to  
change from default definitions of F9, F10, and F11; you can also  
redefine these to some other key combination by selecting "Right  
Shift" or "Right Command", etc.)
6. Navigate (VO-right arrow) to the shortcut for Dashboard and  
similarly disable (by pressing the hyphen key) or reassign the  
shortcut from F12 to some other key sequence on the popup button.
7. Close the window (Command-W)

Hope this helps. Going to the Keyboard Shortcuts tab of the "Keyboard  
& Mouse" menu under System Preferences, and unchecking the boxes for  
the Exposé and Dashboard shortcut definitions in the table also works,  
but if you use the "Exposé & Spaces" menu you'll find all the key  
definitions together in one place, along with a short explanation of  
what the Exposé action does.  You can also more easily reassign the  

snow leopard and rom

2009-08-31 Thread Justin Harford

Hi all

So I was using 1 gb of ram with my macbook running snow leopard.  I  
upgraded it to 4 gb yesterday and am finding that it works noticably  
better.  So I recommend a a ram upgrade if you are using less than 2  
gb lol.


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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-31 Thread John Panarese

Hi Donna,
 I use XP myself and will continue to do so for the time being.  I  
had tried Vista for the sake of knowledge and curiosity and I'll  
probably give Windows 7 a shot as far as the desire to know what that  
is like as well.  However, when it comes to using Windows when I have  
a need to, XP will continue to get the job done for me.

 Now, as for the NFB, it is not specific to them or any  
organization.  Unfortunately, VoiceOver bashing has come from all of  
the major blindness groups at one time or another, dating back to the  
AFB when Tiger first came out.  The NFB article you note is only one  
of a few publications that obviously did its best to discredit Apple  
and VoiceOver.  Frankly, it is not a matter of taking a position.   
There are clearly special interests involved, which, I think, do not  
have to be spelled out, since the majority of blind computer users are  
utilizing Windows and the implications can be taken from there.  As  
the saying goes, follow the money trail.

  My experience I referred to mentioned an NFB show, but I have  
encountered the same sort of negative reactions at other trade shows  
having nothing to do with specific blindness organizations.  Whether  
these individuals were members of any, I have no idea. I was just  
pointing out that it is not necessarily the Mac community that  
demonstrates such hostility and shameful behavior.  And you are  
absolutely correct. As the saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right  
and such nastiness should not be acceptable from any quarter,  
especially over something as trivial in life as ones choice of  
computer access. Similarly, however, one should also not take  
immediate offense or the like if someone offers an opinion about a  
given operating system that is supported by experience, documentation  
or general knowledge.  In other words, as I said, I do take my share  
of shots at Windows, but I always keep my remarks in line with reality  
and experience and what is being also talked about in technical  
articles and forums.  As far as I am concerned, there is no company,  
OS or product that is perfect, regardless of whether it is Apple,  
Microsoft or anyone else.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:00 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi All,
> First, a couple of points to provide some context.  I have never  
> used Windows vista.  I never understood why anyone installed that  
> OS, it got bad reviews before it was ever released.  My PC's sstill  
> running XP.  I also have never had any affiliation with NFB, and I  
> have no desire to do so.  If an organization takes a hostile posture  
> against the Mac or anything else, well, that's sort of what  
> organizations do--they take positions on things.  If you don't like  
> the things than an organization stands for, don't join.  Or if you  
> want, form another group to oppose them.  But they represent only  
> their organization, nothingmore.  I thought their interview of the  
> Mac was frankly stupid.  The person who did it was not nearly  
> experienced enough on the Mac to do anything more than put forth an  
> initial opinion, and barely that NFB figured this out apparently, as  
> they ended up with egg on their face having to recant some of the  
> statements they'd made.
> Second, and I know I'm going to sound like all of our mothers, does  
> the fact that Johny or susie did it make it right?  I don't doubt  
> that John has experienced the hostility that he described.  But the  
> fact that someone else is being a jerk doesn't give you or me the  
> right to be a jerk too.
> Lastly, the intent of my message was never to "defend Windows" as  
> Marie claimed, nor to make any evaluation of one operating system  
> over the other.  My point was simply that having more choices is  
> better for the blind community as a whole, and people who don't  
> dislike Windows aren't idiots any more than are those who choose  
> Mac.  Windows and Mac are two perfectly viable choices for blind  
> users, and none of us has the right to act as though s/he is  
> superior over anyone else because of the choice that we make, or  
> because we don't despise the other choice.  I'm telling you what I  
> know from personal experience.  There are many folks out there who  
> either don't want to participate in Mac lists, or who stay away from  
> the Mac because of attitudes they see from members of the Mac  
> community.  So, by being condescending, you're just shooting  
> yoursellves in the foot, if what you want is for the Mac to hold a  
> more prominent place in the blind user community.  As I said before,  
> let's just support each other, whatever OS we choose.  In the long  
> run it'll be better for everyone.
> Ok, all this said, this is my last post on this topic.  I think this  
> thread has run its course.
> Best,
> Donna
> -Original Message-
> From: Dan Eickmeier 
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 3:02 AM
> To: 

Re: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Hello, i know this is dumb but where is this key located on my keyboard?
Greetings, Anouk,
  - Original Message - 
  From: Donna Goodin 
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:10 PM
  Subject: RE: going quickly between windows in a program

  Hi Anouk,


  Try Command-Accent.  I know this works in Finder, not sure about other 



[] On Behalf Of a radix
  Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:46 PM
  Subject: going quickly between windows in a program


  Hello, i took my macbook pro to school today and it went well for the most 
part, although apparently one of the fkeys or other keys in the top row freezes 
the keyboard which i found out by accident.

  I wonder though, i know there is the window chooser and the application 
chooser but is there a command like contro ltab or something to quickly and 
immediately switch between different windows in one program? That would still 
be quicker then the window user, 

  Greetings, Anouk,


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.72/2337 - Release Date: 08/31/09 


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RE: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-31 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Brent,

I was a private beta tester for Windows 7 so I have the final version that
will be released to the public next month.  

It installs perfectly.  

Yes, one still needs sighted assistance to install Windows 7.  This is very
heart breaking considering the fact that in the first beta release of 7, one
had the option to get audio assistance.  For the life of me, I cannot
understand why Microsoft removed this feature.  


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brent Harding
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

How does 7 end up installing with Boot Camp? Can one even get it yet any 
more? Do you still need the dreaded sighted help that's impossible to find 
when you need it?

- Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:23 AM
Subject: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

> Hello Everyone,
> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but 
> enough
> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.
> 1.
> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred home
> page.
> 2.
> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers are all
> now sharing the same media library.
> 3.
> I configured the startup setting options and created some new accounts and
> configured some network workgroups.
> 4.
> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to the Net
> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect that
> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
> 5.
> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32 gigs
> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows computer
> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I installed it
> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the future. 
> I
> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the correct
> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.  This Mac
> is a beautiful thing.
> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I just 
> wanted
> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far it's 
> a
> great experience.
> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a must.  In
> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to pale in
> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I would 
> be
> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
> saying goes, "Never say Never."
> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS 
> VoiceOver
> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
> I have a question about Safari:
> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it takes
> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot get 
> the
> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mark
> >

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keyboard layout?

2009-08-31 Thread a radix
Hello, as a follow up to my last message, where can i see what keyboard layout 
i use? i looked in system preferences/keyboard and mouse but cant find it there.
Greetings, Anouk,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth

Hi Anouk,

you should find the key you're looking for to the left of z.  Might be
different on your keyboard layout, but try command with that first and
let us know how you get on.


On 8/31/09, a radix  wrote:
> Hello, i know this is dumb but where is this key located on my keyboard?
> Thanks,
> Greetings, Anouk,
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Donna Goodin
>   To:
>   Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 7:10 PM
>   Subject: RE: going quickly between windows in a program
>   Hi Anouk,
>   Try Command-Accent.  I know this works in Finder, not sure about other
> programs.
>   Donna
>   From:
> [] On Behalf Of a radix
>   Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:46 PM
>   To:
>   Subject: going quickly between windows in a program
>   Hello, i took my macbook pro to school today and it went well for the most
> part, although apparently one of the fkeys or other keys in the top row
> freezes the keyboard which i found out by accident.
>   I wonder though, i know there is the window chooser and the application
> chooser but is there a command like contro ltab or something to quickly and
> immediately switch between different windows in one program? That would
> still be quicker then the window user,
>   Greetings, Anouk,
>   No virus found in this incoming message.
>   Checked by AVG -
>   Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.72/2337 - Release Date: 08/31/09
> 05:50:00
> >

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Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

2009-08-31 Thread a radix

Wow, i cant udnerstand that either! i mean i can udnerstand it wont work 
with all soundcards but I bet most blind people would not mind at all having 
to buy an usb headset and i bet many already have one.
I was able to install windows xp myself with a dos braille display to format 
and partition my drive and then a diskette with an answer file but it was 
not fun, after that i used narrator to install the driver but I have heard 
sam often enough now to last me a lifetime.
Greetings, Anouk,
- Original Message - 
From: "M. Taylor" 
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 8:46 PM
Subject: RE: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question

> Hello Brent,
> I was a private beta tester for Windows 7 so I have the final version that
> will be released to the public next month.
> It installs perfectly.
> Yes, one still needs sighted assistance to install Windows 7.  This is 
> very
> heart breaking considering the fact that in the first beta release of 7, 
> one
> had the option to get audio assistance.  For the life of me, I cannot
> understand why Microsoft removed this feature.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brent Harding
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 9:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question
> How does 7 end up installing with Boot Camp? Can one even get it yet any
> more? Do you still need the dreaded sighted help that's impossible to find
> when you need it?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "M. Taylor" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:23 AM
> Subject: Baby Steps with the White Cat and, Mark Has A Question
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Well, I took a few baby steps today.  Not as many as I had hoped but
>> enough
>> to make me even more glad I decided to take a walk with the white cat.
>> 1.
>> I customized my desktop and setup Safari to launch on my preferred home
>> page.
>> 2.
>> I setup and configured iTunes so that it and my Windows computers are all
>> now sharing the same media library.
>> 3.
>> I configured the startup setting options and created some new accounts 
>> and
>> configured some network workgroups.
>> 4.
>> I setup my Verizon Wireless Air card so that I can have access to the Net
>> when I'm out and about.  Yes, this was the first third-party app I've
>> installed on my Mac.  It went well, a little confusing but I suspect that
>> had more to do with Verizon Wireless than the Mac OS.
>> 5.
>> I ran the Boot Camp utility and installed Windows 7.  I only used 32 gigs
>> for Windows 7 as I do not intend to use this machine as a Windows 
>> computer
>> until I gain much, much more experience using the Mac OS.  I installed it
>> for the experience of doing so and so I may assist others in the future.
>> I
>> was impressed that the Snow Leopard 10.6 DVD came with all of the correct
>> drivers for Windows 7 thus, all of the hardware works correctly.  This 
>> Mac
>> is a beautiful thing.
>> I promise I will not write everyday telling of my progress but I just
>> wanted
>> to share that I have begun taking baby steps with the Mac and so far it's
>> a
>> great experience.
>> One thing is for certain, for iPhone 3GS users, the Mac OS is a must.  In
>> fact, Windows, even my beloved Windows 7 is already beginning to pale in
>> comparison to Snow Leopard.  If someone had told me two weeks ago I would
>> be
>> this enamored with the Mac, I would have thought him crazy but, as the
>> saying goes, "Never say Never."
>> Even in this short time, I feel quite at home using the iPhone 3GS
>> VoiceOver
>> gestures on the MacBook track pad.
>> I have a question about Safari:
>> Is there a way to maximize the size of the Safari Windows so that it 
>> takes
>> up more of the Desktop than it does when it is supposed to be sizable?
>> Currently, regardless of whether I select the Zoom button, I cannot get
>> the
>> Safari Windows to fill most of the display screen.
>> Any tips on this will be greatly appreciated.
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
>> >
> > 

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