A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

2009-08-29 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Everyone,  

My name is Mark Taylor.  

As an iPhone user, I decided, last week, to purchase a MacBook Pro 13 inch

I am happy to report, that today I was successful in performing a clean
install of Snow Leopard after first removing Leopard.  I also added an
additional 2 gigs of RAM to the notebook for a total of 4 gigs.  

Aside from keeping careful track of the 10 screws that must be removed in
order to install the RAM, the upgrade procedure was fairly painless.  Note,
if any of you wish to upgrade your RAM, be sure to take note of the fact
that there are different size screws that must be replaced correctly.  I
swear, I've never seen such short little screws in my entire life.  (Smile)

I must say that the synergy between Snow Leopard and the iPhone 3GS via the
new multi-touch track pad is amazing.  In fact, I can't seem to wipe this
grin off of my face as I continue to explore this "brave new world."  

Anyway, I am glad to be on board and am looking forward to exchanging
information with you.  

Most Sincerely,


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Re: Supported apps on Snow Leopard

2009-08-29 Thread Dan Eickmeier

A weird thing that I'm having happen in Adium, is when going through  
my contacts list, before a contact's name, Voiceover will say,  
"Empty."  This is probably something which  Adium developers could  
probably fix.  As this isn't  happening inany  other tables for me.   
On Aug 28, 2009, at 9:12 AM, matthew dyer wrote:

> I see that aydim  works fine, but grol some times it does and other  
> times not.
> Matthew
> On 8/27/09, David Hole  wrote:
>> Hello folks
>> Check out this one to see if your apps works under Snow Leopard:
>> http://snowleopard.wikidot.com/
>> David
> -- 
> You can lead a heart to love, but you can't make it fall.
> MSN/e-mail:  ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
> AIM:  mattdy1
> skype: graduater2004.
> >

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Re: Braille tables for other languages

2009-08-29 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Will,

On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:42 AM, william lomas wrote:

> which braille display would you recommend, I assume still the
> Syncbraille?
You assume correctly. I just wish I could afford one of those. I still  
have my PAC Mate 20 and will just have to make do with that.



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Re: Braille tables for other languages

2009-08-29 Thread william lomas

Hope I can find a UK dealer for it, smile

On 29 Aug 2009, at 08:51, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Will,
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:42 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> which braille display would you recommend, I assume still the
>> Syncbraille?
> You assume correctly. I just wish I could afford one of those. I still
> have my PAC Mate 20 and will just have to make do with that.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: flac to alac converter, max from sbooth

2009-08-29 Thread a radix
Hello, that is good to know, i will download it later today and see if it can 
do flac to alac. when you do ogg to mp3 are your tags saved?
Greetings, Anouk
  - Original Message - 
  From: Maxwell Ivey Jr. 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 8:42 PM
  Subject: Re: flac to alac converter, max from sbooth

  Hello;  I use  aprogram called max for converting ogg to mp3 files.  Is this 
what you are asking about?  it was a little tricky to get it set up, but once 
you do it will process as many files as you cue up.  It works in the background 
and will announce when all encoding tasks are done.  I hope this helps.  Good 
luck, Max 

  On Aug 28, 2009, at 11:30 AM, a radix wrote:

Hello, has anyone tried max from sbooth? I wonder if it can do batsh 
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot

2009-08-29 Thread hank smith
does that mean orca will die in linux to
  - Original Message - 
  From: Chris Hofstader 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 4:14 AM
  Subject: Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot

  I've heard from friends at Sun, the people who brought you the Java Access 
Bridge for Windows and GNU/Linux platforms that there has been a Macintosh 
version in the works.  

  Since then, though, two major events have changed the landscape:

  1.  Sun has been acquired by Oracle, a company who, at best, has been 
lukewarm to accessibility and the Sun powerhouse accessibility team may be 
starved of funds as Oracle doesn't seem to see it as terribly important.

  2.  The fellow who, as a volunteer, wrote the newish Window-Eyes Java support 
code using the very cool GW scripting facility, did so by ignoring the Access 
Bridge and communicating with the Java VM directly.  the GW scripts are 
profoundly faster than those in JAWS and they include more information in a 
much more well organized manner.  Also, the GW Java is much more stable as the 
bridge introduced an entire layer of flaky code.

  I don't know anything about how Macintosh programs communicate with each 
other but, following the GW lead, I would assume one could build a solution 
based on the WE scripts as the part that talks to the VM is going to be very 
similar if not identical.

  Happy Hacking,

  On Aug 27, 2009, at 3:27 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

Hmm, in the windows world, there was a java access bridge that interfaced 
between Windows accessibility and Java Swing. Is there anything like that for 
the Mac? I wonder how hard it would be to port. (I am not a good enough 
programmer to do this right now.)


On Aug 27, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

  From poking around it would appear that NeoOffice uses Java swing for the 
user interface and I suspect the Java swing to apple accessibility API 
connections are either not wired up or non-existant. I just downloaded 
NeoOffice and isntalled patch 7 and it was still inaccessible. It defaulted to 
opening up a text processor document and nothing I typed was read back to me.


  a radix wrote:
Hello, I wonder, why is neooffice not accessible? I thought it was a 
fork of openoffice and even a fork made more for the mac then openoffice. 
Should it not then be more accesible?
Greetings, Anouk,


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Re: Boxee?

2009-08-29 Thread hank smith
is it vo friendy?s
  - Original Message - 
  From: Larry Wanger 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 7:30 AM
  Subject: Re: Boxee?

  Its an entertainment oriented app. Ultimately, you'd hook your computer to 
your TV. You can access Netflix, Hulu, and all sorts of other online video and 
audio services in addition to media on your own network. It has bit torrent 
built in and all sorts of other features. It also allows you to share what 
you're watching or listening to and you can see what others are checking out as 
well. A great social networking aspect. It looks very cool.

  On Aug 28, 2009, at 12:09 AM, hank smith wrote:

what does this thing do?
  - Original Message -
  From: Larry Wanger
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:53 PM
  Subject: Boxee?

  Is anyone successfully able to use VO with Boxee? I’m considering 
downloading and investigating it but thought I’d ask.


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Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks?

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,
Does anyone know how to install RAM on the White MacBooks? can anyone give 
step by step instructions please?



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Snow leopard - bug, feature or something inbetween?

2009-08-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom

hi good people out there in Apple land.
I have just installed the new Snow Leopard yesterday and am very  
impressed with what it has done for us blind folks, however i have a  
question about a thing i noticed whilst doing the first steps in SL.
There's a feature that lets you hear text that's under the mouse after  
a certain amount of time, however, if i have this checkbox checked i  
find that text gets read two or sometimes three or more times and that  
happens for every move i make with the VO arrow keys. This is, i  
believe, because the cursor tracking feature is turned on. However if  
i uncheck this box, which i have done now, i don't get any feedback at  
all when moving the mouse, which is unfortunate at times when i want  
text under the mouse read. What gives here? How do other folks cope  
with this problem? Is it a bug or a feature?
Thankful for any answers.

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holding place in a webpage when cmd-tabbing

2009-08-29 Thread a radix
Hello, can you accomplish this with hotspots? I noticed yesterday i loose my 
place in a webpage if i comd-tab to itunes for example.
Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: Changing voices on the fly

2009-08-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom

In the voice parameters list reached via vo-command-left- and right  
arrows, there's now a new parameter called something like "default  
voice". This parameter changes the default voice of VO to any voice  
you want. You go to the voice parameter by hitting vo-cmd-left or  
right arrow and change the parameters with vo-cmd-down or up arrow.  
The really cool thing with this though, is that when you have chosen  
the voice you want it automagically goes to the top of the list and  
the voice you had before is one arrow down from the voice you have  
now, so if i want to change from Alex to Swedish Elin, all i have to  
use is vo-cmd-down arrow and Elin becomes default and change places  
with Alex making it extremely easy to switch between voices.
Hope this clarifies things.

28 aug 2009 kl. 20.58 skrev James & Nash:

> One feature that's also worth mentioning is that you can change  
> voices  on
> the fly, that's cool
> How does this feature work? Do you have to navigate through all the  
> various
> voices on Mac OS X or can you customize the list? Could you elaborate
> please?
> Thank you
> Take care
> >

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Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver

2009-08-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Yes, and not only that, Vo remembers what parameter you used last and  
also the order of the voices. It's just awesomely easy now to change  
languages on the fly.
28 aug 2009 kl. 21.01 skrev william lomas:

> if you change voices on the fly are the recent voices you used at the
> top of the list?
> On 28 Aug 2009, at 19:42, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What i can't help wondering about is if drag and drop is better
>> supported in SL. For some reason i can't reach the voiceover keyboard
>> commands. The page is empty and i can't fathom why. If there's a text
>> file of the keyboard reference somewhere, i'd be happy to get it.
>> One feature that's also worth mentioning is that you can change  
>> voices
>> on the fly, that's cool
>> /Krister
>> 28 aug 2009 kl. 17.02 skrev Larry Wanger:
>>> Great review. I was going to wait and get SL later as I didn't seee
>>> it
>>> as a must have but after reading this I can't wait to get my hands  
>>> on
>>> it. My Macbook Pro is from May of 2007 and I suspect it does not
>>> allow
>>> for the track pad navigation but the other improvements sound
>>> terrific. My poor iMac G5 is a power PC model that is 4 years old
>>> now.
>>> Its being left in the dust, can't even upgrade it.  Too bad.
>>> On Aug 28, 2009, at 7:19 AM, Maccessibility wrote:

 Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver

 We're pleased to bring you our review of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
 VoiceOver, where Josh de Lioncourt takes a look at the latest
 iteration of
 Apple's Macintosh operating system from a VoiceOver users
 As always, enjoy, and feel free to comment with your own thoughts  

 You can read the rest of this news item at:

 The Mac-cessibility Network
 "...it's all within our reach..."


> >

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Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver

2009-08-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom

The thing i was refering to is the voiceover help. The only thing i  
see there are the page with the links to the different subjects, not  
the help pages themselves, they are empty. Probably, the help pages  
for Voiceover in Snowleopard aren't yet translated to Swedish, but  
they could've linked to the english help pages.

28 aug 2009 kl. 23.58 skrev Esther:

> Hi Krister,
> Which menu of keyboard commands are you referring to?  Is this on the
> of the menus that shows up under the VoiceOver menu (VO-F7)?  Or do
> you mean the list of commands:
> http://www.icanworkthisthing.com/docs/mac_with_voiceover/voiceoverkeys.shtml
> I also keep a copy of the VoiceOver Getting Started Guide to Leopard,
> and make a bookmark in Preview to the Appendix page that lists all the
> VoiceOver shortcuts (starting page 103), and also to the NumPad
> Commander shortcuts.  Then, when I navigate to the Bookmarks menu in
> Preview and select the shortcut, Preview will find and open the Guide
> for me at the desired page from the bookmark.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What i can't help wondering about is if drag and drop is better
>> supported in SL. For some reason i can't reach the voiceover keyboard
>> commands. The page is empty and i can't fathom why. If there's a text
>> file of the keyboard reference somewhere, i'd be happy to get it.
>> One feature that's also worth mentioning is that you can change  
>> voices
>> on the fly, that's cool
>> /Krister
>> 28 aug 2009 kl. 17.02 skrev Larry Wanger:
>>> Great review. I was going to wait and get SL later as I didn't seee
>>> it
>>> as a must have but after reading this I can't wait to get my hands  
>>> on
>>> it. My Macbook Pro is from May of 2007 and I suspect it does not
>>> allow
>>> for the track pad navigation but the other improvements sound
>>> terrific. My poor iMac G5 is a power PC model that is 4 years old
>>> now.
>>> Its being left in the dust, can't even upgrade it.  Too bad.
>>> On Aug 28, 2009, at 7:19 AM, Maccessibility wrote:

 Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver

 We're pleased to bring you our review of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
 VoiceOver, where Josh de Lioncourt takes a look at the latest
 iteration of
 Apple's Macintosh operating system from a VoiceOver users
 As always, enjoy, and feel free to comment with your own thoughts  

 You can read the rest of this news item at:

 The Mac-cessibility Network
 "...it's all within our reach..."


> >

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Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

That's great. Thank you for the clarification. It was always a pain in the 
butt to have to go through the VO Utility to change languages.
- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With 

> Yes, and not only that, Vo remembers what parameter you used last and
> also the order of the voices. It's just awesomely easy now to change
> languages on the fly.
> /Krister
> 28 aug 2009 kl. 21.01 skrev william lomas:
>> if you change voices on the fly are the recent voices you used at the
>> top of the list?
>> On 28 Aug 2009, at 19:42, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What i can't help wondering about is if drag and drop is better
>>> supported in SL. For some reason i can't reach the voiceover keyboard
>>> commands. The page is empty and i can't fathom why. If there's a text
>>> file of the keyboard reference somewhere, i'd be happy to get it.
>>> One feature that's also worth mentioning is that you can change
>>> voices
>>> on the fly, that's cool
>>> /Krister
>>> 28 aug 2009 kl. 17.02 skrev Larry Wanger:

 Great review. I was going to wait and get SL later as I didn't seee
 as a must have but after reading this I can't wait to get my hands
 it. My Macbook Pro is from May of 2007 and I suspect it does not
 for the track pad navigation but the other improvements sound
 terrific. My poor iMac G5 is a power PC model that is 4 years old
 Its being left in the dust, can't even upgrade it.  Too bad.

 On Aug 28, 2009, at 7:19 AM, Maccessibility wrote:

> Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver
> We're pleased to bring you our review of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
> with
> VoiceOver, where Josh de Lioncourt takes a look at the latest
> iteration of
> Apple's Macintosh operating system from a VoiceOver users
> perspective.
> As always, enjoy, and feel free to comment with your own thoughts
> on
> Snow
> Leopard.
> You can read the rest of this news item at:
> http://www.lioncourt.com/2009/08/28/review-mac-os-x-10-6-snow-leopard-with-voiceover/
> The Mac-cessibility Network
> "...it's all within our reach..."
> http://maccessibility.net


>> >
> > 

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Re: Changing voices on the fly

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Yes it does tahnk you.
- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: Changing voices on the fly

> Hi,
> In the voice parameters list reached via vo-command-left- and right
> arrows, there's now a new parameter called something like "default
> voice". This parameter changes the default voice of VO to any voice
> you want. You go to the voice parameter by hitting vo-cmd-left or
> right arrow and change the parameters with vo-cmd-down or up arrow.
> The really cool thing with this though, is that when you have chosen
> the voice you want it automagically goes to the top of the list and
> the voice you had before is one arrow down from the voice you have
> now, so if i want to change from Alex to Swedish Elin, all i have to
> use is vo-cmd-down arrow and Elin becomes default and change places
> with Alex making it extremely easy to switch between voices.
> Hope this clarifies things.
> /Krister
> 28 aug 2009 kl. 20.58 skrev James & Nash:
>> One feature that's also worth mentioning is that you can change
>> voices  on
>> the fly, that's cool
>> How does this feature work? Do you have to navigate through all the
>> various
>> voices on Mac OS X or can you customize the list? Could you elaborate
>> please?
>> Thank you
>> Take care
>> >
> > 

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Re: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Howell

Mark, welcome welcome.  You really have started to use the most  
advanced os available and quite frankly the most accessible in so many  
ways.  I hope you find the os to serve your needs and let us know if  
you need help.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 3:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Mark Taylor.
> As an iPhone user, I decided, last week, to purchase a MacBook Pro  
> 13 inch
> notebook.
> I am happy to report, that today I was successful in performing a  
> clean
> install of Snow Leopard after first removing Leopard.  I also added an
> additional 2 gigs of RAM to the notebook for a total of 4 gigs.
> Aside from keeping careful track of the 10 screws that must be  
> removed in
> order to install the RAM, the upgrade procedure was fairly  
> painless.  Note,
> if any of you wish to upgrade your RAM, be sure to take note of the  
> fact
> that there are different size screws that must be replaced  
> correctly.  I
> swear, I've never seen such short little screws in my entire life.   
> (Smile)
> I must say that the synergy between Snow Leopard and the iPhone 3GS  
> via the
> new multi-touch track pad is amazing.  In fact, I can't seem to wipe  
> this
> grin off of my face as I continue to explore this "brave new world."
> Anyway, I am glad to be on board and am looking forward to exchanging
> information with you.
> Most Sincerely,
> Mark
> >

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Re: Snow leopard - bug, feature or something inbetween?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Howell

I haven't encountered this issue and in fact I ended up turning it off  
since it provides information I already knew. If you can't resolve the  
issue, send a note to accessibil...@apple.com, so they can flag it for  
further  investigation.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:13 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> hi good people out there in Apple land.
> I have just installed the new Snow Leopard yesterday and am very
> impressed with what it has done for us blind folks, however i have a
> question about a thing i noticed whilst doing the first steps in SL.
> There's a feature that lets you hear text that's under the mouse after
> a certain amount of time, however, if i have this checkbox checked i
> find that text gets read two or sometimes three or more times and that
> happens for every move i make with the VO arrow keys. This is, i
> believe, because the cursor tracking feature is turned on. However if
> i uncheck this box, which i have done now, i don't get any feedback at
> all when moving the mouse, which is unfortunate at times when i want
> text under the mouse read. What gives here? How do other folks cope
> with this problem? Is it a bug or a feature?
> Thankful for any answers.
> /Krister
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Correction about Braille tables

2009-08-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Ahem, excuse me, but isn't it Brltty that provides the braille tables?  
I could be wrong, but i think that it's so.

29 aug 2009 kl. 00.37 skrev James & Nash:

> First off, I think Anne and Archie are doing a fantastic job  
> compling and
> distributing these tables so keep up the good work both of you  
> smile. This
> is a fantastic thing you are doing for the community so thank you  
> both very
> much.
> Secondly, Orca is written in Python, so if you want to try and  
> import the
> Orca Braille tables it would be worth looking at if this is possible.
> Take care
> james
> - Original Message -
> From: "william lomas" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 10:16 PM
> Subject: Re: Correction about Braille tables
>> can we import the tables from orca i wonder? like chinese?
>> On 28 Aug 2009, at 21:19, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think you can probably get a whole bunch of braille tables for
>>> different languages if you look at the orca project which seems to
>>> support about a zillion languages and dialects.  It's all free
>>> software so you needn't worry about copyright in any traditional  
>>> sense
>>> of the term.
>>> cdh
>>> On Aug 28, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I made a mistake about Swedish. This is another language for  
 which we
 still need the Braille codes.




> >

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Re: status menu?

2009-08-29 Thread Rafael Bejarano
To access the status menu, hold down the command and option keys, and  
press the m key twice in quick succession.

Rafael Bejarano
On Aug 27, 2009, at 10:37 AM, a radix wrote:

> Hello, my brother tried my mac today and apparently, to the right of  
> the apple menu there is a status menu where you can see your airport  
> status, the time and the battery status. Can anyone tell me where i  
> can find it because i would like to check how long my battery can  
> hold out.
> Thanks,
> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: Correction about Braille tables

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Actually I think you are correct. You can find more info at: 

Remember that Orca has a capital O
- Original Message - 
From: "Krister Ekstrom" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Correction about Braille tables

> Ahem, excuse me, but isn't it Brltty that provides the braille tables?
> I could be wrong, but i think that it's so.
> /Krister
> 29 aug 2009 kl. 00.37 skrev James & Nash:
>> First off, I think Anne and Archie are doing a fantastic job
>> compling and
>> distributing these tables so keep up the good work both of you
>> smile. This
>> is a fantastic thing you are doing for the community so thank you
>> both very
>> much.
>> Secondly, Orca is written in Python, so if you want to try and
>> import the
>> Orca Braille tables it would be worth looking at if this is possible.
>> Take care
>> james
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "william lomas" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 10:16 PM
>> Subject: Re: Correction about Braille tables
>>> can we import the tables from orca i wonder? like chinese?
>>> On 28 Aug 2009, at 21:19, Chris Hofstader wrote:


 I think you can probably get a whole bunch of braille tables for
 different languages if you look at the orca project which seems to
 support about a zillion languages and dialects.  It's all free
 software so you needn't worry about copyright in any traditional
 of the term.

 On Aug 28, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I made a mistake about Swedish. This is another language for
> which we
> still need the Braille codes.
> Cheers,
> Anne


>> >
> > 

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Re: Changing voices on the fly

2009-08-29 Thread Søren Jensen

That's really nice. Thanks for the information. I requested that  
feature to Apple a few munths ago, so I'm really glad to hear that  
they have put it in Snowleopard.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 29/08/2009, at 11.37, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> In the voice parameters list reached via vo-command-left- and right
> arrows, there's now a new parameter called something like "default
> voice". This parameter changes the default voice of VO to any voice
> you want. You go to the voice parameter by hitting vo-cmd-left or
> right arrow and change the parameters with vo-cmd-down or up arrow.
> The really cool thing with this though, is that when you have chosen
> the voice you want it automagically goes to the top of the list and
> the voice you had before is one arrow down from the voice you have
> now, so if i want to change from Alex to Swedish Elin, all i have to
> use is vo-cmd-down arrow and Elin becomes default and change places
> with Alex making it extremely easy to switch between voices.
> Hope this clarifies things.
> /Krister
> 28 aug 2009 kl. 20.58 skrev James & Nash:
>> One feature that's also worth mentioning is that you can change
>> voices  on
>> the fly, that's cool
>> How does this feature work? Do you have to navigate through all the
>> various
>> voices on Mac OS X or can you customize the list? Could you elaborate
>> please?
>> Thank you
>> Take care
> >

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Re: Braille tables for other languages

2009-08-29 Thread Søren Jensen


I highly recommend the Braille displays called Vario Connect from a  
german company called Baum. I'll say that these Braille displays are  
the best displays in the world. You can read more about them at the  
following link:
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 29/08/2009, at 09.51, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Will,
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:42 AM, william lomas wrote:
>> which braille display would you recommend, I assume still the
>> Syncbraille?
> You assume correctly. I just wish I could afford one of those. I still
> have my PAC Mate 20 and will just have to make do with that.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: Ecto now 99.9 percent accessible!

2009-08-29 Thread John André Netland

Hi Krister,

The label feature works as follows:

•Find and focus VO on a button or item you would like to set a label  
for, you can set labels for buttons that do have labels already if you  
like. You can not set labels for scroll areas and a couple of other  
•Press the shortcut for the label feature (on my norwegian keyboard it  
is VO-Dash), you can find the shortcut by pressing VO-H, go to the  
commands menu, into the General sub menu and find the set label feature.
•Enter the label you want on that item and press OK. You are done and  
have got a new label. YOu can export and import labels shared by  
others. Just be aware that when you export labels, you will export all  
your labels set in all applications, and the person importing labels,  
will get his similar labels overwritten by yours.

Hope this helps, and happy labeling ;-)

John André

Den 29. aug. 2009 kl. 12.30 skrev Krister Ekstrom:

> For those using Ecto and have installed Snow Leopard, i'm happy to say
> that from the smallish experiments i've done with Ecto it looks like
> you're finally able to use the html and the rich text editor both.
> Earlier on in Leopard it was only possible to use the html editor,
> where you did the coding yourself, now you can even use the wysiwyg
> style editor, at least as it looks. Voiceover even anounsed the edit
> area, not as html content as in earlier versions but as edit field. I
> haven't tried interacting with the editor to see if weird things come
> up then, but i can write and delete text and even see what i'm typing.
> If anyone has anything more to add to this observation, please feel
> free to do so. Now there's all those unlabeled buttons and check
> boxes. I don't know how to label them, is this a feature reachable via
> the voiceover menu?
> Thanks.
> /Krister
> >

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Is Keynote Accessible?

2009-08-29 Thread Dónal Fitzpatrick
Hi there,
Just looking at upgrade options at the moment.  I am very tempted to buy the
IWork 09 suite as part of the upgrade to SL.  However, I'd only do so if
Keynote were accessible - as it's a tool I would use a hell of a lot.
Has anyone used it successfully?
Dr. Dónal Fitzpatrick
School of Computing, Dublin City University
Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
Tel. +353(0)1 700 8929
Fax. +353(0)1 7005442
Email: dfitz...@computing.dcu.ie

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Ecto now 99.9 percent accessible!

2009-08-29 Thread Krister Ekstrom

For those using Ecto and have installed Snow Leopard, i'm happy to say  
that from the smallish experiments i've done with Ecto it looks like  
you're finally able to use the html and the rich text editor both.  
Earlier on in Leopard it was only possible to use the html editor,  
where you did the coding yourself, now you can even use the wysiwyg  
style editor, at least as it looks. Voiceover even anounsed the edit  
area, not as html content as in earlier versions but as edit field. I  
haven't tried interacting with the editor to see if weird things come  
up then, but i can write and delete text and even see what i'm typing.
If anyone has anything more to add to this observation, please feel  
free to do so. Now there's all those unlabeled buttons and check  
boxes. I don't know how to label them, is this a feature reachable via  
the voiceover menu?

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Security on Mac OS X 10.6

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Hi folks,

There is - or there used to be - not sure if it still exists, a PDF book on 
the Apple website for making Mac OS X 10.5 secure. Does anyone have any 
indication as to when or even if a security book will be available for Mac 
OS X 10.6 please?

Thank you


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Amadeus Pro: Marking

2009-08-29 Thread Dane Trethowan

Okay I'm a bit behind on my mail here.

A few days ago a list member was asking questions about marking with  
Amadeus Pro? Well here's something which should put their mind at  
ease, pressing "m" during record, playback or stop mode will place a  
marker at the insertion point, you can use option-left or option-right  
arrow to move between your markers.  You can go into the "markers"  
window to make fine adjustments to the positions of your markers, name  
them and so on.  you can use the "Auto Generate Markers" option in the  
"Selection" menu to have Amadeus Pro auto generate markers on specific  
criteria, silent gaps for example.

Hope this helps.


Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Twitter: http://twitter.com/grtdane
blog: http://www.grtdane.wordpress.com
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x
MSN grtd...@dane-trethowan.net


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Even 5 more new findings in Finder

2009-08-29 Thread John André Netland


Well, 10 new features, all small and nice, was not enough for a hungry  
Cat, so here is even 5 more findings in Finder:

•Wanna set a shortcut for converting some text in Finder, Mail,  
TextEdit or anywhere else directly to a spoken audio file in iTunes?  
You can set a shortcut for this and anything else in Finder or other  
apps by going to the menu bar in Finder, enter the Finder menu, open  
the Services menu item and select the Services Preferences. There you  
have the command center for all your shortcuts now. Including some new  
and very useful features.
•Wanna check your version, your Macs serial number or the MacOS build  
number in a quick way? Take a look in the "About this Mac" under the  
Apple menu. Each time you click on the button showing the version  
number, you will get a new piece of info.
•Confused by the "Select all" procedure in Leopard, where standing on  
a folder selects all the items inside of it? Well, not anymore. If you  
dive into a folder in column mode, containing several items, and focus  
on a folder, a command-A will select all items in the folder you dived  
into, and not the items in the folder you have focused on.
•Need to run a 64-bit app in 32-bit mode by some reason? In the  
command-I info window you will find a checkbox for just that purpose  
somewhere down in that window.
•Using iDisk from your Finder and would like to solve sync conflicts  
automatically? Open System Preferences, go to the MobileMe panel,  
click on the iDisk tag and check the checkbox at the bottom to make  
sure iDisk always keeps the file with the newest modification date.

Investigation continues, mission not completed. ;-)

Take care,
John André

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Re: Security on Mac OS X 10.6

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Howell

James that is hard to say, but I think you'll find most that info  
still will apply to SL as well.  I have a copy of that book and just  
seem to get around to reading bits of it, but seems quite interesting.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:29 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> There is - or there used to be - not sure if it still exists, a PDF  
> book on
> the Apple website for making Mac OS X 10.5 secure. Does anyone have  
> any
> indication as to when or even if a security book will be available  
> for Mac
> OS X 10.6 please?
> Thank you
> James
> >

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Re: Security on Mac OS X 10.6

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Yes i agree, it is interesting and I think there is also a Take Control E 
Book on Security too which I've lost so I'll have to get it again.
- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Howell" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Security on Mac OS X 10.6

> James that is hard to say, but I think you'll find most that info
> still will apply to SL as well.  I have a copy of that book and just
> seem to get around to reading bits of it, but seems quite interesting.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:29 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> There is - or there used to be - not sure if it still exists, a PDF
>> book on
>> the Apple website for making Mac OS X 10.5 secure. Does anyone have
>> any
>> indication as to when or even if a security book will be available
>> for Mac
>> OS X 10.6 please?
>> Thank you
>> James
>> >
> > 

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Re: clean install or upgrade?

2009-08-29 Thread Mike Arrigo

Cool, as soon as I finish going through my email, I'm going to do the  
install as well as the pod cast, got the snow leopard DVD sitting  
right here.
On Aug 28, 2009, at 1:13 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Cool, I'm planning to do a clean install as well.  Looking forward to
> that podcast Mike.
> On Aug 28, 2009, at 12:55 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I would reccomend that you do a clean install, it may take a bit more
>> time to reinstall everything, but it's usually more reliable,
>> certainly that's what I'm going to do, and I plan on recording mac  
>> pod
>> cast number 10, dedicated to the install of snow leopard, so stay
>> tuned for that.
>> On Aug 27, 2009, at 9:17 AM, a radix wrote:
>>> Hello, i am ordering sl via the phone now. I wonder, is an upgrade
>>> (so not a totally clean install) recommended? I know it is a VERY
>>> BAD IDEA on a iwndows machine but i wonder if it is ok on a mac? I
>>> would actually like it if my current settings could be used.
>>> Greetings, Anouk

> >

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Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot

2009-08-29 Thread Chris Hofstader

> Hank asked: does that mean orca will die in linux to?

cdh replies:

The beauty of free software like orca versus proprietary software like  
JAWS (for instance) is that although Sun Microsystems has led the orca  
development, virtually any hacker or group thereof can take the source  
and continue the project.  The nation of Brazil has elected to  
standardize all of its government owned and operated computing devices  
on free, GNU/Linux operating systems.  They have two major reasons:  
the first, they fear that Apple and/or Microsoft may have built in  
some code into Windows and OSX to spy for the American government.   
Given the human rights record demonstrated by Yahoo and others spying  
for the Chinese government, why not think that the two biggest OS  
vendors may be helping out Uncle Sam?

With the GNU/Linux OS, they have every line of source code and their  
own security personnel can go through one line at a time and make sure  
no such code exists before the Brazilian secrets show up at Fort Mead.

The second reason is price.  A GNU/Linux distribution will run pretty  
nicely on a clunky, single core, 32 bit used Dell; Snow Leopard and  
Windows 7 require pretty hefty hardware to be used effectively.

The orca question comes in as Brazil has laws regarding people with  
disabilities that are far stronger than our wimpy ADA and their laws  
include explicit language about technology.  So, while Sun is  
organizing the project, Brazil and other nations are contributing  
hackers to the project to help keep it moving forward.

There are a number of other governments making similar decisions for  
similar reasons - after our government got caught spying on Americans,  
all credibility that we were not spying on everyone else flew out the  
window and closed and complicated technology is in the James Bond book  
of tricks.

Those of us who get to use Macintosh and even Windows with our screen  
reader of choice really need to realize just how fortunate we are.  I  
spend a fair amount of time in Ubuntu with orca and, often,  
emacspeak.  The latter is highly stable and crusty old farts like me  
still remember a large portion of the complex emacs keystroke  
catalogue.  Orca does a not bad job in a few high profile programs  
but, because few developers are coding to the gnome standard and,  
therefore, few programs support the excellent gnome accessibility API,  
orca gets a lot less "for free" than Macintosh or Windows.

For we who write programs or test systems on GNU/Linux platforms, it  
is pretty good as it has fully accessible tools fart in excess of  
anything Mac or Windows offer.  For most others who need orca, though,  
it is a bit clunky and often unstable.

I'd love to suggest that we all walk away from the world of  
proprietary software but, developing for niche audiences like us  
blinks fails to meet the critical mass necessary to sustain a world of  
free software hackers like the server tools, Apache, etc.

So, while we love to praise Apple and boo Microsoft, they are really  
the only alternatives for blinks who don't want to spend a whole lot  
of time fixing their environment.


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Re: holding place in a webpage when cmd-tabbing

2009-08-29 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Anouk,

On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:16 AM, a radix wrote:
> can you accomplish this with hotspots? I noticed yesterday i loose  
> my place in a webpage if i comd-tab to itunes for example.
Yes, hotspots is what you need for this. You can also use hotspots in  
text documents.


> Greetings, Anouk,
> >

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Re: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

2009-08-29 Thread Mike Arrigo

Hey Mark, that's great, I figured you might get a mac sooner or later,  
and I think you will be a great adition to the mac community. When you  
can, give itunes a try, you may like it better than in windows. The  
windows screen companies better be ware, the snow leopard is coming  
for them, lol.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Mark Taylor.
> As an iPhone user, I decided, last week, to purchase a MacBook Pro  
> 13 inch
> notebook.
> I am happy to report, that today I was successful in performing a  
> clean
> install of Snow Leopard after first removing Leopard.  I also added an
> additional 2 gigs of RAM to the notebook for a total of 4 gigs.
> Aside from keeping careful track of the 10 screws that must be  
> removed in
> order to install the RAM, the upgrade procedure was fairly  
> painless.  Note,
> if any of you wish to upgrade your RAM, be sure to take note of the  
> fact
> that there are different size screws that must be replaced  
> correctly.  I
> swear, I've never seen such short little screws in my entire life.   
> (Smile)
> I must say that the synergy between Snow Leopard and the iPhone 3GS  
> via the
> new multi-touch track pad is amazing.  In fact, I can't seem to wipe  
> this
> grin off of my face as I continue to explore this "brave new world."
> Anyway, I am glad to be on board and am looking forward to exchanging
> information with you.
> Most Sincerely,
> Mark
> >

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Braille during installation

2009-08-29 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello everyone,

It is now possible for non-English speakers to install Snow Leopard  
using a Braille display as uncontracted Braille is used during  



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Re: holding place in a webpage when cmd-tabbing

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash
Hello Anne,

Tha'ts good to hear. Do you know why you need to use hotspots? Why do you think 
VO does not keep its place automatically - just curious. I wonder if it could 
be because VO seems to treat blind users the same as sighed users. What do you 

Take care 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Anne Robertson 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:00 PM
  Subject: Re: holding place in a webpage when cmd-tabbing

  Hello Anouk,

  On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:16 AM, a radix wrote:
can you accomplish this with hotspots? I noticed yesterday i loose my place 
in a webpage if i comd-tab to itunes for example.
  Yes, hotspots is what you need for this. You can also use hotspots in text 


Greetings, Anouk,


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[Mac-cessibility News] Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible for VoiceOver Users

2009-08-29 Thread Maccessibility

Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible for
VoiceOver Users

Recently, FaceBook.com updated their iPhone application to version 3.0.
Apparently, no attention to accessibility was paid, as the app has gone from
being a fantastic interface for VOiceOver users, to being entirely inaccessible.
The application now consists of endless unlabeled buttons, and an exploration
throughout the app reveals no other information anywhere.
We are advising VoiceOver [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"...it's all within our reach..."

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[Mac-cessibility News] Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible for VoiceOver Users

2009-08-29 Thread Maccessibility

Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible for
VoiceOver Users

Recently, FaceBook.com updated their iPhone application to version 3.0.
Apparently, no attention to accessibility was paid, as the app has gone from
being a fantastic interface for VOiceOver users, to being entirely inaccessible.
The application now consists of endless unlabeled buttons, and an exploration
throughout the app reveals no other information anywhere.
We are advising VoiceOver [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"...it's all within our reach..."

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getting two or more copies of each message

2009-08-29 Thread Mark Baxter

I'm getting two and sometimes three copies of each message from these  
two groups, and three or more from the VIphone list.  Is this a list  
problem or some Gmail problem, and if the latter, where / how do I go  
about tracking it down and fixing it?
Thanks much.
thanks much.
thanks much...

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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Re: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-29 Thread Rich Ring

Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
- Original Message - 
From: "Les Kriegler" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
Subject: I've Entered MacLand

I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an Apple 2E.
How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should arrive
within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed, but if
not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking forward to
some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4378 (20090828) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


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RE: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-29 Thread Les Kriegler

Good luck to you as well.


-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Rich Ring
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:14 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: I've Entered MacLand

Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
- Original Message -
From: "Les Kriegler" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
Subject: I've Entered MacLand

I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an Apple 2E.
How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should arrive
within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed, but if
not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking forward to
some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4378 (20090828) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4379 (20090829) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.



__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4379 (20090829) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
database 4379 (20090829) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.


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RE: Braille tables for other languages

2009-08-29 Thread Blake Sinnett

I wonder if the Focus 40 Blue from Freedom Science Fiction would work. It's a 
Bluetooth display with 40 cells, oddly enough.


> From: s...@coolfortheblind.dk
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Braille tables for other languages
> Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:47:24 +0200
> Hi.
> I highly recommend the Braille displays called Vario Connect from a 
> german company called Baum. I'll say that these Braille displays are 
> the best displays in the world. You can read more about them at the 
> following link:
> http://www.baum.de/en/products/brailledisplay/vconnect12.php
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> s...@coolfortheblind.dk
> Website:
> http://www.coolfortheblind.dk/
> On 29/08/2009, at 09.51, Anne Robertson wrote:
> >
> > Hello Will,
> >
> > On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:42 AM, william lomas wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> which braille display would you recommend, I assume still the
> >> Syncbraille?
> >>
> > You assume correctly. I just wish I could afford one of those. I still
> > have my PAC Mate 20 and will just have to make do with that.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Anne
> >
> >
> > >
> > 

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2009-08-29 Thread Alfonzo Cuellar

Hey there everyone.

Has anyone installed Adium?

I installed it, and it seems, VoiceOver doesn't read the the label of  
each list now?

For example, you have AIM, MSN, and Yahoo added to your accounts.

When going through the lists, for me, VO only says Collom Collapsed.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Take care.


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Adium

2009-08-29 Thread Mark Baxter

You can expand those collapsed columns with VO backslash, they should  
display fine thereafter...

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Snow Leopard thoughts so far.

2009-08-29 Thread Jesse Bollinger


With everyone giving their thoughts on SL I figured I'd give my two 
cents also. The install went very well and took about 45 minutes. I 
wasn't sure how it would go but everything went on with out a hitch 
which made me very happy. I'm one of those people who no matter how easy 
everyone else has it, I always have problems. So just the fact it 
installed fine was a good sign.

I love the new quicknav mode. It makes navigating a breeze. I haven't 
tried out the trackpad mode all that much. Attempted it a bit last night 
and it seemed unusual but I really haven't played with it yet. I'll 
probably do that this weekend. Overall I'm very glad I upgraded to SL. 
It makes me love the Mac even more than before. I haven't experienced 
any major bugs for those who are worried about upgrading. I would highly 
reccomend it to anyone. It's a great advance in an already awesome OS.


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Re: Snow Leopard thoughts so far.

2009-08-29 Thread Marie Howarth

thanks for this :)
I'm planning my upgrade. ran into a problem with my itunes library so  
consolidating that on my external which is taking its good old time. I  
plan to back up home and library folders and then plan to install. I  
am like you, not convinced it is as easy as everyone is saying,  
something usually goes wrong with me in charge lol. I'll let the list  
know how it goes later :)
if itunes ever finishes lol

On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:

> Hi,
> With everyone giving their thoughts on SL I figured I'd give my two
> cents also. The install went very well and took about 45 minutes. I
> wasn't sure how it would go but everything went on with out a hitch
> which made me very happy. I'm one of those people who no matter how  
> easy
> everyone else has it, I always have problems. So just the fact it
> installed fine was a good sign.
> I love the new quicknav mode. It makes navigating a breeze. I haven't
> tried out the trackpad mode all that much. Attempted it a bit last  
> night
> and it seemed unusual but I really haven't played with it yet. I'll
> probably do that this weekend. Overall I'm very glad I upgraded to SL.
> It makes me love the Mac even more than before. I haven't experienced
> any major bugs for those who are worried about upgrading. I would  
> highly
> reccomend it to anyone. It's a great advance in an already awesome OS.
> Jesse
> >

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Re: Adium

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

I don't have SL at the moment, but you might need to expand the column. Not 
sure how to do this at the present. Have you tried interacting with it?

- Original Message - 
From: "Alfonzo Cuellar" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:55 PM
Subject: Adium

> Hey there everyone.
> Has anyone installed Adium?
> I installed it, and it seems, VoiceOver doesn't read the the label of
> each list now?
> For example, you have AIM, MSN, and Yahoo added to your accounts.
> When going through the lists, for me, VO only says Collom Collapsed.
> Has anyone else encountered this?
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> > 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: getting two or more copies of each message

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Hi Mark,

This sounds like a GMail isue. You could try adding the word recent followed 
by a colon before your E Mail address in the account settings.


- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Baxter" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:08 PM
Subject: getting two or more copies of each message

> I'm getting two and sometimes three copies of each message from these
> two groups, and three or more from the VIphone list.  Is this a list
> problem or some Gmail problem, and if the latter, where / how do I go
> about tracking it down and fixing it?
> Thanks much.
> thanks much.
> thanks much...
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> > 

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Re: getting two or more copies of each message

2009-08-29 Thread Mark BBurningHawk axter

Okay, I've tried that and added 'recent:'.  Hope that clears it up,  
and thanks for the suggestion.

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible for VoiceOver Users

2009-08-29 Thread John JD Denning

did make a polite request via their link and did get a reply back that  
they are going to look into it.

I've also contacted other app makers who's apps are either not  
accessible, or were and are now not. I hope it's an education process,  
most have come back with a positive response. Though not promising  
anything and I didn't expect them to, but rather expressing interest  
to look further into it, or plans for a future update.

Not being a programmer I have NO idea what is involved. But I hope we  
get to a day where it's just expected to work.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:25 AM, Maccessibility wrote:

> Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible  
> for
> VoiceOver Users
> Recently, FaceBook.com updated their iPhone application to version  
> 3.0.
> Apparently, no attention to accessibility was paid, as the app has  
> gone from
> being a fantastic interface for VOiceOver users, to being entirely  
> inaccessible.
> The application now consists of endless unlabeled buttons, and an  
> exploration
> throughout the app reveals no other information anywhere.
> We are advising VoiceOver [...]
> You can read the rest of this news item at:
> http://www.lioncourt.com/2009/08/29/facebook-com-updates-iphone-app-rendering-it-inaccessible-for-voiceover-users/
> The Mac-cessibility Network
> "...it's all within our reach..."
> http://maccessibility.net
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: holding place in a webpage when cmd-tabbing

2009-08-29 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello James,

On Aug 29, 2009, at 3:21 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Do you know why you need to use hotspots? Why do you think VO does  
> not keep its place automatically - just curious. I wonder if it  
> could be because VO seems to treat blind users the same as sighed  
> users. What do you think?
I'm not techy enough to know the answer, but I do know that hotspots  
are really useful. The thing is to remember which is which and not  
delete the wrong hotspot by accident. I've done that so many times!



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Re: Adium

2009-08-29 Thread Fonzie

Hey there.

I did expand the column, which gives me the associated contacts for  
that particular lists.

VO does not however, read the name of that particular column.

So, your AIM list is called Contacts, which is the column name.  When  
arrowing to this column, whether expanded or not, voice over announces  
that it is a column, but does not however say the column name.

Not a deal breaker, I would say.  If you expand the column, you can  
tell what list you are in.

Just thought I would report on it though.

Take care.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:37 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> I don't have SL at the moment, but you might need to expand the  
> column. Not
> sure how to do this at the present. Have you tried interacting with  
> it?
> James
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alfonzo Cuellar" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:55 PM
> Subject: Adium
>> Hey there everyone.
>> Has anyone installed Adium?
>> I installed it, and it seems, VoiceOver doesn't read the the label of
>> each list now?
>> For example, you have AIM, MSN, and Yahoo added to your accounts.
>> When going through the lists, for me, VO only says Collom Collapsed.
>> Has anyone else encountered this?
>> Take care.
>> Fonzie
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: Adium

2009-08-29 Thread Marie Howarth

this never happened for me in adium even in leopard. can you not arrow  
up and down without interacting, that's how I hear what group I am  

On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Fonzie wrote:

> Hey there.
> I did expand the column, which gives me the associated contacts for
> that particular lists.
> VO does not however, read the name of that particular column.
> So, your AIM list is called Contacts, which is the column name.  When
> arrowing to this column, whether expanded or not, voice over announces
> that it is a column, but does not however say the column name.
> Not a deal breaker, I would say.  If you expand the column, you can
> tell what list you are in.
> Just thought I would report on it though.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:37 AM, James & Nash wrote:
>> I don't have SL at the moment, but you might need to expand the
>> column. Not
>> sure how to do this at the present. Have you tried interacting with
>> it?
>> James
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Alfonzo Cuellar" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:55 PM
>> Subject: Adium
>>> Hey there everyone.
>>> Has anyone installed Adium?
>>> I installed it, and it seems, VoiceOver doesn't read the the label  
>>> of
>>> each list now?
>>> For example, you have AIM, MSN, and Yahoo added to your accounts.
>>> When going through the lists, for me, VO only says Collom Collapsed.
>>> Has anyone else encountered this?
>>> Take care.
>>> Fonzie

> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread John J Herzog

Hi all,
I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an  
annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover reads  
messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too  
long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there an  
option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new line  
did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
Thanks for your help,


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread Fonzie

Hi there John, how are you doing?

I have not noticed this issue in mail.

Maybe it might be because I have my rate at 50 percent?

Not entirely sure, but I don't seem to notice a unusual pause while  
VoiceOver is reading mail.

I do hear a pause here and there, but to me, it feels like it did in  

Maybe others are experiencing the same issue as yourself?

I am sure others will chime in with their thoughts.

Remember though, an update will most likely come within the coming  
months, and will probably iron out some of the little annoyances we  
find as VoiceOver users.

Take care.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover reads
> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there an
> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new line
> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
> Thanks for your help,
> John
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread John J Herzog

When I slow down my voiceover rate, the reading in mail becomes  
noticeably smoother. The pauses in between lines are much less  
annoying and lengthy.
Previously, I had my rate at 75 percent. I absolutely love how much  
faster Alex can read in snow leopard as opposed to leopard!

On Aug 29, 2009, at 1:09 PM, Fonzie wrote:

> Hi there John, how are you doing?
> I have not noticed this issue in mail.
> Maybe it might be because I have my rate at 50 percent?
> Not entirely sure, but I don't seem to notice a unusual pause while
> VoiceOver is reading mail.
> I do hear a pause here and there, but to me, it feels like it did in
> Leopard.
> Maybe others are experiencing the same issue as yourself?
> I am sure others will chime in with their thoughts.
> Remember though, an update will most likely come within the coming
> months, and will probably iron out some of the little annoyances we
> find as VoiceOver users.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
>> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover reads
>> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
>> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there an
>> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new line
>> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> John
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible for VoiceOver Users

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Only once during my time using Apple hvae I come across a developer who 
seemed unwilling to look further into or to make their application work with 
Voice Over. Geenerally, the developers on the Mac side are very willing and 
- Original Message - 
From: "John JD Denning" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone 
App, Rendering it Inaccessible for VoiceOver Users

> did make a polite request via their link and did get a reply back that
> they are going to look into it.
> I've also contacted other app makers who's apps are either not
> accessible, or were and are now not. I hope it's an education process,
> most have come back with a positive response. Though not promising
> anything and I didn't expect them to, but rather expressing interest
> to look further into it, or plans for a future update.
> Not being a programmer I have NO idea what is involved. But I hope we
> get to a day where it's just expected to work.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:25 AM, Maccessibility wrote:
>> Updated - FaceBook.com Updates iPhone App, Rendering it Inaccessible
>> for
>> VoiceOver Users
>> Recently, FaceBook.com updated their iPhone application to version
>> 3.0.
>> Apparently, no attention to accessibility was paid, as the app has
>> gone from
>> being a fantastic interface for VOiceOver users, to being entirely
>> inaccessible.
>> The application now consists of endless unlabeled buttons, and an
>> exploration
>> throughout the app reveals no other information anywhere.
>> We are advising VoiceOver [...]
>> You can read the rest of this news item at:
>> http://www.lioncourt.com/2009/08/29/facebook-com-updates-iphone-app-rendering-it-inaccessible-for-voiceover-users/
>> The Mac-cessibility Network
>> "...it's all within our reach..."
>> http://maccessibility.net
>> >
> > 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: getting two or more copies of each message

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

I hope it works for you. I've got no idea why it does this but it has 
happened to me before
- Original Message - 
From: "Mark BBurningHawk axter" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: getting two or more copies of each message

> Okay, I've tried that and added 'recent:'.  Hope that clears it up,
> and thanks for the suggestion.
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> > 

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Re: Braille tables for other languages

2009-08-29 Thread Søren Jensen
Hmm, I think it will work since Apple are using a standard Braille  
driver which works with most displays, but I'm not sure.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 29/08/2009, at 16.52, Blake Sinnett wrote:

> I wonder if the Focus 40 Blue from Freedom Science Fiction would  
> work. It's a Bluetooth display with 40 cells, oddly enough.
> Blake
> > From: s...@coolfortheblind.dk
> > To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: Re: Braille tables for other languages
> > Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 12:47:24 +0200
> >
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > I highly recommend the Braille displays called Vario Connect from a
> > german company called Baum. I'll say that these Braille displays are
> > the best displays in the world. You can read more about them at the
> > following link:
> > http://www.baum.de/en/products/brailledisplay/vconnect12.php
> > Best regards:
> > Søren Jensen
> > Mail & MSN:
> > s...@coolfortheblind.dk
> > Website:
> > http://www.coolfortheblind.dk/
> >
> > On 29/08/2009, at 09.51, Anne Robertson wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Hello Will,
> > >
> > > On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:42 AM, william lomas wrote:
> > >
> > >>
> > >> which braille display would you recommend, I assume still the
> > >> Syncbraille?
> > >>
> > > You assume correctly. I just wish I could afford one of those. I  
> still
> > > have my PAC Mate 20 and will just have to make do with that.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > >
> > > Anne
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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RE: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

2009-08-29 Thread M. Taylor

Thank you, Scott.  That is a most gracious offer.  


-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:54 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

Mark, welcome welcome.  You really have started to use the most  
advanced os available and quite frankly the most accessible in so many  
ways.  I hope you find the os to serve your needs and let us know if  
you need help.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 3:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Mark Taylor.
> As an iPhone user, I decided, last week, to purchase a MacBook Pro  
> 13 inch
> notebook.
> I am happy to report, that today I was successful in performing a  
> clean
> install of Snow Leopard after first removing Leopard.  I also added an
> additional 2 gigs of RAM to the notebook for a total of 4 gigs.
> Aside from keeping careful track of the 10 screws that must be  
> removed in
> order to install the RAM, the upgrade procedure was fairly  
> painless.  Note,
> if any of you wish to upgrade your RAM, be sure to take note of the  
> fact
> that there are different size screws that must be replaced  
> correctly.  I
> swear, I've never seen such short little screws in my entire life.   
> (Smile)
> I must say that the synergy between Snow Leopard and the iPhone 3GS  
> via the
> new multi-touch track pad is amazing.  In fact, I can't seem to wipe  
> this
> grin off of my face as I continue to explore this "brave new world."
> Anyway, I am glad to be on board and am looking forward to exchanging
> information with you.
> Most Sincerely,
> Mark
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

RE: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

2009-08-29 Thread M. Taylor

Hello Mike,  

You got me smiling, buddy.  Yes, Snow Leopard is on the move, to be sure.

As difficult as it is for me to believe, I find that I am amazed at the
level of accessibility of Snow Leopard.  

For the first time, in a mighty long while, I am actually eager to use a
computer, once again.  

As I have said on many occasions, it's a wonderful time to be blind or low
vision; and I wouldn't miss it for the world.  (Smile)  

I look forward to our next conversation, Mike.  

Your Partner in Crime,


-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:01 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

Hey Mark, that's great, I figured you might get a mac sooner or later,  
and I think you will be a great adition to the mac community. When you  
can, give itunes a try, you may like it better than in windows. The  
windows screen companies better be ware, the snow leopard is coming  
for them, lol.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Mark Taylor.
> As an iPhone user, I decided, last week, to purchase a MacBook Pro  
> 13 inch
> notebook.
> I am happy to report, that today I was successful in performing a  
> clean
> install of Snow Leopard after first removing Leopard.  I also added an
> additional 2 gigs of RAM to the notebook for a total of 4 gigs.
> Aside from keeping careful track of the 10 screws that must be  
> removed in
> order to install the RAM, the upgrade procedure was fairly  
> painless.  Note,
> if any of you wish to upgrade your RAM, be sure to take note of the  
> fact
> that there are different size screws that must be replaced  
> correctly.  I
> swear, I've never seen such short little screws in my entire life.   
> (Smile)
> I must say that the synergy between Snow Leopard and the iPhone 3GS  
> via the
> new multi-touch track pad is amazing.  In fact, I can't seem to wipe  
> this
> grin off of my face as I continue to explore this "brave new world."
> Anyway, I am glad to be on board and am looking forward to exchanging
> information with you.
> Most Sincerely,
> Mark
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: getting two or more copies of each message

2009-08-29 Thread Mark BBurningHawk axter

It did, partially.  However, I'm still getting two copies of the  
VIphone list messages, but I suspect this is due to the list having me  
joined twice.  Thanks though!

Mark BurningHawk Baxter

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
My home page:

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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FW: [gui-talk] Fwd: Getting Started with Snow Leopard documentation

2009-08-29 Thread Les Kriegler

I received this from another list.  Apparently, the Getting Started with
Snow Leopard and VoiceOver guide is available in rtf format, but I cannot
figure out how to obtain it.  Can anybody assist me in acquiring this?  I
have a sense that others would like to obtain this as well.  Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: gui-talk-boun...@nfbnet.org [mailto:gui-talk-boun...@nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Steve Pattison
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:58 AM
To: Access L; CUG Members
Subject: [gui-talk] Fwd: Getting Started with Snow Leopard documentation

 From:David Woodbridge davi...@tpg.com.au
 To:  vi...@softspeak.com.au

Hi all,

If you email accessibil...@apple.com, you can request an RTF version  
of the Getting Started version of Snow Leopard guide with VoiceOver.   
Otherwise, you can download it from my Mobile Me public site at:



Regards Steve
Email:  s...@internode.on.net
MSN Messenger:  internetuser...@hotmail.com
Skype:  steve1963

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What is a data detector, and how is it used?

2009-08-29 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Hi all, in email messages now, especially when there is an email  
address  in the body of the message, , after VO reads the email  
address, it'll say data detector present.  These datadetectors  are  
something that were  in Mail in Leopard, as I heard about them on one  
of the  mainstream MAc podcasts, but didn't really pay attention.  So  
what  are these things, and how can we use them? 

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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Have you contacted accessibil...@apple.com with this issue? If there is a 
problem when Alex is speaking at 75% or higher perhaps they can fix it.
- Original Message - 
From: "John J Herzog" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: choppy reading in mail

> Confirmed.
> When I slow down my voiceover rate, the reading in mail becomes
> noticeably smoother. The pauses in between lines are much less
> annoying and lengthy.
> Previously, I had my rate at 75 percent. I absolutely love how much
> faster Alex can read in snow leopard as opposed to leopard!
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 1:09 PM, Fonzie wrote:
>> Hi there John, how are you doing?
>> I have not noticed this issue in mail.
>> Maybe it might be because I have my rate at 50 percent?
>> Not entirely sure, but I don't seem to notice a unusual pause while
>> VoiceOver is reading mail.
>> I do hear a pause here and there, but to me, it feels like it did in
>> Leopard.
>> Maybe others are experiencing the same issue as yourself?
>> I am sure others will chime in with their thoughts.
>> Remember though, an update will most likely come within the coming
>> months, and will probably iron out some of the little annoyances we
>> find as VoiceOver users.
>> Take care.
>> Fonzie
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
>>> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover reads
>>> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
>>> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there an
>>> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new line
>>> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> John

>> >
> > 

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RE: using Shazam on the Iphone

2009-08-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks for the tip, Cara.  Have to ask, how'd you ever figure that one out?



From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 9:20 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: using Shazam on the Iphone


  Actually you don't need to re-launch. Simply press and hold 'home, as if
you were activating speech recognition, and then, once you hear the double
beep to indicate that it's active, simply cancel with another press of
'home' and then you're back in Shazam with speech.  


  HOpe this helps. I actually go into this on the latest Maccessibility
Round Table podcast, for anyone whose interested.  




CQ :)


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On Aug 28, 2009, at 11:33 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:


hit home and then relaunch, is the only way so far.


On Aug 28, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,


When I use Shazam to tag a song, I always lose speech once the song has been
tagged.  Has anyone else experienced this, and if yes, have you found some
way to get speech back other than doing a reset?








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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello James and everyone,

I suspect that the "choppy speech" problem in Mail is the result of  
curing the problem of not signalling the break in a list when items  
are only separated by a new line character. It's probably less  
annoying in Mail to have the breaks than it is when reading a text  
document not to have them.

I don't see what can be done about this.



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RE: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-29 Thread Donna Goodin

Welcome to Mac land, Les.  Good to see you over here.  I think you'll have
fun and lots of challenges! :)

> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Les Kriegler
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:15 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: RE: I've Entered MacLand
> Good luck to you as well.
> Les
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Rich Ring
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:14 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: I've Entered MacLand
> Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Les Kriegler" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
> Subject: I've Entered MacLand
> I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an
> Apple 2E.
> How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should arrive
> within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed,
> but if
> not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking forward
> to
> some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!
> Les
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4378 (20090828) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> http://www.eset.com
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4379 (20090829) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> http://www.eset.com
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4379 (20090829) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> http://www.eset.com
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4379 (20090829) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> http://www.eset.com
> > 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release Date:
> 08/29/09 06:39:00

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Re: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard

2009-08-29 Thread Jessi and Goldina

hey Mark,
good to see you out here! I've seen you on the iPhone list though I  
rarely post there cuz I don't have an iPhone yet. I enjoy your posts  
though, you have a fun way of saying things.  I've been a mac user for  
a little over a year though and am so glad you made the jump! the mac  
really is awesome and accessible!! I haven't upgraded to snow leopard  
yet, waiting for that stray kitty to arrive on my doorstep lol. but  
when it does, you can bet it'll be here to stay!! I can't wait to  
enjoy all the new accessibility features!!

take care and keep enjoying your mac! and don't be shy, the list is  
for asking questions!!
Jessi and Goldina
On 29-Aug-09, at 10:54 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> You got me smiling, buddy.  Yes, Snow Leopard is on the move, to be  
> sure.
> As difficult as it is for me to believe, I find that I am amazed at  
> the
> level of accessibility of Snow Leopard.
> For the first time, in a mighty long while, I am actually eager to  
> use a
> computer, once again.
> As I have said on many occasions, it's a wonderful time to be blind  
> or low
> vision; and I wouldn't miss it for the world.  (Smile)
> I look forward to our next conversation, Mike.
> Your Partner in Crime,
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mike Arrigo
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 6:01 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: A Quick Introduction from Mark with Snow Leopard
> Hey Mark, that's great, I figured you might get a mac sooner or later,
> and I think you will be a great adition to the mac community. When you
> can, give itunes a try, you may like it better than in windows. The
> windows screen companies better be ware, the snow leopard is coming
> for them, lol.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:38 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> My name is Mark Taylor.
>> As an iPhone user, I decided, last week, to purchase a MacBook Pro
>> 13 inch
>> notebook.
>> I am happy to report, that today I was successful in performing a
>> clean
>> install of Snow Leopard after first removing Leopard.  I also added  
>> an
>> additional 2 gigs of RAM to the notebook for a total of 4 gigs.
>> Aside from keeping careful track of the 10 screws that must be
>> removed in
>> order to install the RAM, the upgrade procedure was fairly
>> painless.  Note,
>> if any of you wish to upgrade your RAM, be sure to take note of the
>> fact
>> that there are different size screws that must be replaced
>> correctly.  I
>> swear, I've never seen such short little screws in my entire life.
>> (Smile)
>> I must say that the synergy between Snow Leopard and the iPhone 3GS
>> via the
>> new multi-touch track pad is amazing.  In fact, I can't seem to wipe
>> this
>> grin off of my face as I continue to explore this "brave new world."
>> Anyway, I am glad to be on board and am looking forward to exchanging
>> information with you.
>> Most Sincerely,
>> Mark
> >

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window chooser not working with Ichat

2009-08-29 Thread John J Herzog

Hi listers,
I am having a problem, and was wondering if anybody else can confirm  
Whenever I get a new message from a buddy, I can no longer use the  
window chooser menu to get to it. Hitting VO f2 twice after hearing  
the pop up sound results in voiceover saying, zero items in window  
chooser menu. Additionally, I cannot get to the new chat window with  
command tilde, until it has been selected once before. It seems the  
only way to get to new chats now is to go into the window menu by  
hitting VO M, and click on them.
Is anybody else having this problem?
Sorry to talk about all the bugs right away. Truth is I really am  
enjoying snow leopard though.

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Turning off the preview pane in Mail

2009-08-29 Thread Robert Carter


I am having trouble turning off the preview pane in mail. Can somebody  
kindly remind me exactly how to do it?


Robert Carter

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Re: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-29 Thread Mike Arrigo

Hey, that's cool Rich, hope you get one. I'm typing this message in  
the new snow leopard, the improvements in voiceover are great, and no  
sighted help needed to install. and it's incredible when cruising the  
On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Les Kriegler" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
> Subject: I've Entered MacLand
> I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an  
> Apple 2E.
> How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should arrive
> within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed,  
> but if
> not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking  
> forward to
> some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!
> Les
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus  
> signature
> database 4378 (20090828) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> http://www.eset.com
> >

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removing preview pain in mail

2009-08-29 Thread Mike Arrigo

Hi all. Has anyone been successful in removing the preview pane when  
using mail in Snow Leopard? I've tried double clicking the horizontal  
and vertical splitters but that doesn't seem to work.

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Re: What is a data detector, and how is it used?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Howell
If you wanted to add someone to your address book, you can use these  
data detectors or you could use them for bringing up a web page or  
even sending an e-mail to that address you found as a data detector.  
That is a really simplified explanation, but hope it helps.
Here is a bit from the Getting Started manual.

1.  In a message you've received, move the VoiceOver cursor over a  
phone number, email address, street address, date, or time.

Mail outlines the data as a field with a pop-up menu, and VoiceOver  
speaks "data detector present."

2.  To open a shortcut menu that contains commands for using the data,  
press VO-Shift-M.

For example, if the data detector is an email address, you can choose  
New Message from the shortcut menu to open a New Message window that  
already has the email address in the To field; you don't need to  
retype or add the email address yourself.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:24 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi all, in email messages now, especially when there is an email
> address  in the body of the message, , after VO reads the email
> address, it'll say data detector present.  These datadetectors  are
> something that were  in Mail in Leopard, as I heard about them on one
> of the  mainstream MAc podcasts, but didn't really pay attention.  So
> what  are these things, and how can we use them?
> >

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RE: Turning off the preview pane in Mail

2009-08-29 Thread Donna Goodin

Hi Robert,

I had a really hard time when I tried to do this.  You have to double-click
the second horizontal splitter.  Sounds ssimple enough, but it also seems
like the planets have to be in alignment, and it probably wouldn't hurt to
dance around in a circle and chant magic words while you're at it. *grin*
Good luck!

> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Robert Carter
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:36 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Turning off the preview pane in Mail
> Hi,
> I am having trouble turning off the preview pane in mail. Can somebody
> kindly remind me exactly how to do it?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> > 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.71/2333 - Release Date:
> 08/29/09 06:39:00

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embedded voice commands

2009-08-29 Thread louie

Hi all,
Anyone know the embedded command to change the voice?
I have found the below commands.

[[volm +0.1]] will change the volume.
[[rate 400]] will change the rate.
Thanks for any help.


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Re: What is a data detector, and how is it used?

2009-08-29 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Ok, thanks for that explanation Scott, that helped a lot.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:38 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> If you wanted to add someone to your address book, you can use these  
> data detectors or you could use them for bringing up a web page or  
> even sending an e-mail to that address you found as a data detector.  
> That is a really simplified explanation, but hope it helps.
> Here is a bit from the Getting Started manual.
> 1.  In a message you've received, move the VoiceOver cursor over a  
> phone number, email address, street address, date, or time.
> Mail outlines the data as a field with a pop-up menu, and VoiceOver  
> speaks "data detector present."
> 2.  To open a shortcut menu that contains commands for using the  
> data, press VO-Shift-M.
> For example, if the data detector is an email address, you can  
> choose New Message from the shortcut menu to open a New Message  
> window that already has the email address in the To field; you don't  
> need to retype or add the email address yourself.
> hth
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:24 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> Hi all, in email messages now, especially when there is an email
>> address  in the body of the message, , after VO reads the email
>> address, it'll say data detector present.  These datadetectors  are
>> something that were  in Mail in Leopard, as I heard about them on one
>> of the  mainstream MAc podcasts, but didn't really pay attention.  So
>> what  are these things, and how can we use them?
> >

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Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot

2009-08-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

What are the requirements for emacs speak?  When last I used emacs  
regularly on a Ultra-2, I had no need for a screen reader, just  
setting my fonts at 28 pt and reverse video  (thanks Kyle Jones for  
the help). I know there is a copy of emacs in /usr/bin and I think it  
might even be GNU's version. If so what would need to happen to use  
emacspeak on my Leopard machine and could it interface with the Mac  
synthesizers or would GNU  ones have to be added.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 8:30 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:

>> Hank asked: does that mean orca will die in linux to?
> cdh replies:
> The beauty of free software like orca versus proprietary software  
> like JAWS (for instance) is that although Sun Microsystems has led  
> the orca development, virtually any hacker or group thereof can take  
> the source and continue the project.  The nation of Brazil has  
> elected to standardize all of its government owned and operated  
> computing devices on free, GNU/Linux operating systems.  They have  
> two major reasons: the first, they fear that Apple and/or Microsoft  
> may have built in some code into Windows and OSX to spy for the  
> American government.  Given the human rights record demonstrated by  
> Yahoo and others spying for the Chinese government, why not think  
> that the two biggest OS vendors may be helping out Uncle Sam?
> With the GNU/Linux OS, they have every line of source code and their  
> own security personnel can go through one line at a time and make  
> sure no such code exists before the Brazilian secrets show up at  
> Fort Mead.
> The second reason is price.  A GNU/Linux distribution will run  
> pretty nicely on a clunky, single core, 32 bit used Dell; Snow  
> Leopard and Windows 7 require pretty hefty hardware to be used  
> effectively.
> The orca question comes in as Brazil has laws regarding people with  
> disabilities that are far stronger than our wimpy ADA and their laws  
> include explicit language about technology.  So, while Sun is  
> organizing the project, Brazil and other nations are contributing  
> hackers to the project to help keep it moving forward.
> There are a number of other governments making similar decisions for  
> similar reasons - after our government got caught spying on  
> Americans, all credibility that we were not spying on everyone else  
> flew out the window and closed and complicated technology is in the  
> James Bond book of tricks.
> Those of us who get to use Macintosh and even Windows with our  
> screen reader of choice really need to realize just how fortunate we  
> are.  I spend a fair amount of time in Ubuntu with orca and, often,  
> emacspeak.  The latter is highly stable and crusty old farts like me  
> still remember a large portion of the complex emacs keystroke  
> catalogue.  Orca does a not bad job in a few high profile programs  
> but, because few developers are coding to the gnome standard and,  
> therefore, few programs support the excellent gnome accessibility  
> API, orca gets a lot less "for free" than Macintosh or Windows.
> For we who write programs or test systems on GNU/Linux platforms, it  
> is pretty good as it has fully accessible tools fart in excess of  
> anything Mac or Windows offer.  For most others who need orca,  
> though, it is a bit clunky and often unstable.
> I'd love to suggest that we all walk away from the world of  
> proprietary software but, developing for niche audiences like us  
> blinks fails to meet the critical mass necessary to sustain a world  
> of free software hackers like the server tools, Apache, etc.
> So, while we love to praise Apple and boo Microsoft, they are really  
> the only alternatives for blinks who don't want to spend a whole lot  
> of time fixing their environment.
> cdh
> >

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changing group/dom navigation on the fly

2009-08-29 Thread Marie Howarth

Josh mentions in his article a keyboard command to switch between dom  
and group mode. I was wondering if anyone knows what it is or how I  
can assign that command to either my numpad comder or keyboard cmder :)
any help would be great :)

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Re: changing group/dom navigation on the fly

2009-08-29 Thread John André Netland

Hi Marie,

As you mentioned, you can assign shortcut to this command from the NPC  
or KBC (NumPad Commander or Keyboard Commander) by your choice. In  
both cases, you will select the Commander to use in VO Utility,  
interact with the table for that commander, find a shortcut you would  
like to use, find the dom/group command in the menu to the right of  
the shortcut (you will find it at the top in the web category)...and  
off you go
Each time you press the shortcut, you will toggle to dom or group, and  
VO will tell you so.

Hope this helps!

Take care and have a lovely weekend,
John André

Den 29. aug. 2009 kl. 23.12 skrev Marie Howarth:

> Josh mentions in his article a keyboard command to switch between dom
> and group mode. I was wondering if anyone knows what it is or how I
> can assign that command to either my numpad comder or keyboard  
> cmder :)
> any help would be great :)
> >

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Re: Turning off the preview pane in Mail

2009-08-29 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Robert,

To turn off the Preview pane in Mail, navigate to the horizontal  
splitter which is below the messages and then make sure that the mouse  
is routed to it by pressing VO-Command-F5. Double click with the mouse  
button or the actual mouse. Sometimes double clicking with VO-Shift- 
Space bar works, but not always.



On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:36 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having trouble turning off the preview pane in mail. Can somebody
> kindly remind me exactly how to do it?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: embedded voice commands

2009-08-29 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Louis,

To change the voice on the fly, press VO-Command-left or right arrow  
until you reach "Default Voice", then keep holding down VO-Command and  
use the up and down arrows to change the voice.



On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:55 PM, louie wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone know the embedded command to change the voice?
> I have found the below commands.
> [[volm +0.1]] will change the volume.
> [[rate 400]] will change the rate.
> Thanks for any help.
> louie
> louiem...@wavecable.com
> >

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Re: changing group/dom navigation on the fly

2009-08-29 Thread Marie Howarth

thanks so much John, must have skipped over that one. :)
this does really rock! :)

On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:39 PM, John André Netland wrote:

> Hi Marie,
> As you mentioned, you can assign shortcut to this command from the NPC
> or KBC (NumPad Commander or Keyboard Commander) by your choice. In
> both cases, you will select the Commander to use in VO Utility,
> interact with the table for that commander, find a shortcut you would
> like to use, find the dom/group command in the menu to the right of
> the shortcut (you will find it at the top in the web category)...and
> off you go
> Each time you press the shortcut, you will toggle to dom or group, and
> VO will tell you so.
> Hope this helps!
> Take care and have a lovely weekend,
> John André
> Den 29. aug. 2009 kl. 23.12 skrev Marie Howarth:
>> Josh mentions in his article a keyboard command to switch between dom
>> and group mode. I was wondering if anyone knows what it is or how I
>> can assign that command to either my numpad comder or keyboard
>> cmder :)
>> any help would be great :)
> >

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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread Brett Campbell

Yes, I'm glad you mentioned this.  The mail is read choppy.  Alex  
reads smooth as ever in Safari.  I currently only have my rate at 50,  
so I don't think rate is causing it.  I'm also having no luck getting  
sub menus to work, Such as when I try to move a message to another box.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover reads
> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there an
> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new line
> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
> Thanks for your help,
> John
> >

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Snow Leopard and dropbox any ideas?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Rutkowski

Hi all.

Just wondering if anyone on the list may have an idea on how to  
resolve this issue please?

Since upgrading to Snow Leopard and now finding out dropbox menus  
can't be accessed by using the window chooser vo f2 twice and arrow  
down to untitled and hit enter and do a vo shift space to access the  
menus, these commands no longer work on snow leopard.

 From what I read in the dropbox forums you can control click on  
dropbox supposedly and access options but so far i've not been able to  
accomplish this.

Has anyone else tried using dropbox with Snow Leopard to see if there  
is a work around?

I realize there's not much we need to access in dropbox but having  
access to the menus in dropbox under leopard was awesome because you  
could tell if files were transferring or not.

Is there something I should tell the developers to make it vo friendly  
under snow leopard?

If anyone has any info or suggestions on the above, please let us all  

Thanks very much for your time.

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3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread Marie Howarth

well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly remind me  
of windows are as follows.
1. automatic reading of a webpage.
2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area, especially when  
it already says edit text.
3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter intuitive  
and doesn't teach the vi community how it would look to sighties.

all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional. they are  
just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help progression  
from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am so glad I  
did. mac is not windows, when will people realise this.

overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am grateful to apple  
for giving us a choice. really glad.

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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Howell

Funny, I'm having no issues with submenus in Mail or any other app I  
have used so far.  There seems to be some slightly roughness to the  
reading, but not sure what the cause is and I noticed it only as a  
slight thing, but of course level of annoyance is subjective for sure.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> Yes, I'm glad you mentioned this.  The mail is read choppy.  Alex
> reads smooth as ever in Safari.  I currently only have my rate at 50,
> so I don't think rate is causing it.  I'm also having no luck getting
> sub menus to work, Such as when I try to move a message to another  
> box.
> Brett
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
>> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover reads
>> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
>> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there an
>> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new line
>> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> John
> >

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Howell

Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features and you  
learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the only plus  
side is that for those who want to make the transition and really find  
what we "grew up with" difficult, will at least have a way to ease  
their transition over from the dark side. :)  So, I agree with you,  
but these are small prices to pay if it will truly help someone make  
the transition.

On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly remind me
> of windows are as follows.
> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area, especially when
> it already says edit text.
> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter intuitive
> and doesn't teach the vi community how it would look to sighties.
> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional. they are
> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help progression
> from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am so glad I
> did. mac is not windows, when will people realise this.
> overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am grateful to apple
> for giving us a choice. really glad.
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: choppy reading in mail

2009-08-29 Thread Brett Campbell

Hi Scott,

Thanks for letting me know that you aren't having any problems with  
sub menus.  This prompted me to just turn VoiceOver off and on and the  
menus work now.  I didn't want you to lose sleep. :)


On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:24 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Funny, I'm having no issues with submenus in Mail or any other app I
> have used so far.  There seems to be some slightly roughness to the
> reading, but not sure what the cause is and I noticed it only as a
> slight thing, but of course level of annoyance is subjective for sure.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:08 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>> Yes, I'm glad you mentioned this.  The mail is read choppy.  Alex
>> reads smooth as ever in Safari.  I currently only have my rate at 50,
>> so I don't think rate is causing it.  I'm also having no luck getting
>> sub menus to work, Such as when I try to move a message to another
>> box.
>> Brett
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:50 AM, John J Herzog wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm liking the snow leopard update so far, but I'm running into an
>>> annoyance with mail. Since the update, I noticed that voiceover  
>>> reads
>>> messages much more choppy than before. Specifically, it pauses too
>>> long when it encounters a new line in the middle of text. Is there  
>>> an
>>> option to have voiceover  keep speaking normally as if that new line
>>> did not occur in the middle of a sentence?
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> John

> >

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Re: why is openoffice accessible and neoofficeenot

2009-08-29 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 05:53, Jonathan C. Cohn a écrit :

> Chris,
> What are the requirements for emacs speak?

I could not find requirement information on the emacspeak page so I  
suppose the package works on any Unix like machine with a fairly  
recent emacs installed. I say Unix because it seems there is a need to  
run the "make" command to install the package.

That may mean that you need to install the Unix developers tool in  
Snow Leopard to get that. The developer tools are available from the  
install DVD.

>  When last I used emacs regularly on a Ultra-2, I had no need for a  
> screen reader, just
> setting my fonts at 28 pt and reverse video  (thanks Kyle Jones for
> the help). I know there is a copy of emacs in /usr/bin and I think it
> might even be GNU's version.

It looks like version 22.1.1. From GNU.

> If so what would need to happen to use
> emacspeak on my Leopard machine and could it interface with the Mac
> synthesizers or would GNU  ones have to be added.

I never used emacspeak myself so I guess you'd have to go through the  
information on this page:


Jean-Christophe Helary
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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread James & Nash

Having not had the chance to test out SL yet I'm not going to comment on the 
features specifically. But I would like to say, that no, Windows is not Mac 
and Mac is not 'Windows, but it is excellent that a choice exists because it 
may ease the transition for Windows users who are coming to the Mac or for 
those users who like using the Windows-style insertion method.
- Original Message - 
From: "Marie Howarth" 
Cc: ; 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:17 PM
Subject: 3 features that hmm?

> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly remind me
> of windows are as follows.
> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area, especially when
> it already says edit text.
> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter intuitive
> and doesn't teach the vi community how it would look to sighties.
> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional. they are
> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help progression
> from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am so glad I
> did. mac is not windows, when will people realise this.
> overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am grateful to apple
> for giving us a choice. really glad.
> > 

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Just got a Mac Mini

2009-08-29 Thread Rich Ring
Hello all you helpful wonderful veteran Mac users!
Just got back from the Apple store with a Mac Mini.  I've been told by many 
that if I fire it up I will hear a spoken message telling me how to get 
Voiceover running.  Is this true?
Second, we have SL, and we will need to install it.  My thought was that since 
this is a brand new machine, I might as well do a clean upgrade.  Should I just 
put the SL DVD in the drive press C and eventually press command f5 and do the 
upgrade, or do I have to set up the Mac first.
I know, stupid questions, but if you don't ask, you don't know.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: embedded voice commands

2009-08-29 Thread louie

Ann I want to change the voice from within a java program. thanks.
On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Louis,
> To change the voice on the fly, press VO-Command-left or right arrow
> until you reach "Default Voice", then keep holding down VO-Command and
> use the up and down arrows to change the voice.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 10:55 PM, louie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Anyone know the embedded command to change the voice?
>> I have found the below commands.
>> [[volm +0.1]] will change the volume.
>> [[rate 400]] will change the rate.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> louie
>> louiem...@wavecable.com
> >


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Re: Just got a Mac Mini

2009-08-29 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Hi, Rich,
When you startthe mac up for the first time, you will hear a spoken  
message on how to turn vo on.
Hit command f five to turn voicover on.
As far as snow lepard goes, just put the CD in, and just let it spin.
you will notice that the install will take less time than the lepard  
install would.
Happy installing
On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Hello all you helpful wonderful veteran Mac users!
> Just got back from the Apple store with a Mac Mini.  I've been told  
> by many that if I fire it up I will hear a spoken message telling me  
> how to get Voiceover running.  Is this true?
> Second, we have SL, and we will need to install it.  My thought was  
> that since this is a brand new machine, I might as well do a clean  
> upgrade.  Should I just put the SL DVD in the drive press C and  
> eventually press command f5 and do the upgrade, or do I have to set  
> up the Mac first.
> I know, stupid questions, but if you don't ask, you don't know.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >

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Re: Just got a Mac Mini

2009-08-29 Thread JC Helary

Le 30 août 2009 à 07:57, Rich Ring a écrit :

> Second, we have SL, and we will need to install it.  My thought was  
> that since this is a brand new machine, I might as well do a clean  
> upgrade.  Should I just put the SL DVD in the drive press C and  
> eventually press command f5 and do the upgrade, or do I have to set  
> up the Mac first.

The Snow Leopard DVD is a bootable DVD just like any other OSX DVD  
before. Leopard users can follow an upgrade path similar to a  
"software update": put the DVD in the box with Leopard launched, click  
on the Install icon and let the thing run. Not only will it update the  
system but it will also look for other software updates online and  
install them too.

But if you do not have Leopard or if you need to do a clean install,  
you can just as well boot your machine with SL and do a clean install.  
I suppose in your case either would be fine. I'd go the "press C" way  

Jean-Christophe Helary

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Chesworth

Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.

Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are
so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but
someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to a
sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.

Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way shorter
learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and trying to apply
things to a ton of situations at once.  It's annoying that they're
enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going to
thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will developers who
fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled email
from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to their
applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the difference
between what works and what doesn't, it gives them instructions
equally as precise as that email from the VI user would in most cases.

Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get this
one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason the
option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't in any way
need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that
they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping oppinion
like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows, still use
Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I make my fair
share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't done any in a while.
I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.  I
doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease their
progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's suggested, human's
just don't work that way, for the most part we're creatures of habit
even if they're bad ones.

Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a feature
be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any case, I'm not sure
they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I disagree with the
feature and what's potentially at stake here to a sighted mac user,
and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm not sure that anyone who
hasn't had to appreciate how cool mainstream technology that works for
us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not, they
probably see the introduction of this feature as the best thing they
could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.

Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this side of the pond...

On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features and you
> learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the only plus
> side is that for those who want to make the transition and really find
> what we "grew up with" difficult, will at least have a way to ease
> their transition over from the dark side. :)  So, I agree with you,
> but these are small prices to pay if it will truly help someone make
> the transition.
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly remind me
>> of windows are as follows.
>> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
>> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area, especially when
>> it already says edit text.
>> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter intuitive
>> and doesn't teach the vi community how it would look to sighties.
>> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional. they are
>> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will help progression
>> from windows to mac. I didn't have these features and I am so glad I
>> did. mac is not windows, when will people realise this.
>> overall vo rocks even more in this version, and I am grateful to apple
>> for giving us a choice. really glad.
>> >
> >

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Re: I've Entered MacLand

2009-08-29 Thread Rich Ring

And to you Mike, your podcasts have helped me make this decision.  My new 
Mac Mini is waiting for me to fire it up.  Hope I don't screw something up! 
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: I've Entered MacLand

Hey, that's cool Rich, hope you get one. I'm typing this message in
the new snow leopard, the improvements in voiceover are great, and no
sighted help needed to install. and it's incredible when cruising the
On Aug 29, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Rich Ring wrote:

> Good luck to you.  I may be purchasing one today.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Les Kriegler" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:16 AM
> Subject: I've Entered MacLand
> I've purchased our first Apple System since 1985 when we bought an
> Apple 2E.
> How's that for dating myself?  It's a MacBook Pro and it should arrive
> within the week.  I was informed that Snow Leopard may be installed,
> but if
> not, I'll receive the installation package.  Very much looking
> forward to
> some hands-on experience and using VoiceOver!
> Les
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature
> database 4378 (20090828) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> http://www.eset.com
> >

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Open Office, inserting Current Date into a document

2009-08-29 Thread Dane Trethowan

To be honest I'm not expecting a quick answer to this question from  
the list as I'm probably the only one using Open Office with a Mac but  
I thought I'd give it a go anyway .  Does anyone know how you  
go about inserting the current date into a document? This function can  
be called easily enough in other word processing software such as  
Pages but I can't seem to locate such a function in Open Office thus  
far, anyone any ideas?



Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Twitter: http://twitter.com/grtdane
blog: http://www.grtdane.wordpress.com
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x
MSN grtd...@dane-trethowan.net



Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
Twitter: http://twitter.com/grtdane
blog: http://www.grtdane.wordpress.com
Phone United Kingdom
Phone Australia
Phone United States
+61 3 9743 7954x
MSN grtd...@dane-trethowan.net


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Games on the iPhone

2009-08-29 Thread Christian

Hi all,
OK, so I decided to try a few games on my iPhone. I downloaded the free game 
Beepbeep and was able to start the game, but how do I select what tones to 
press with VoiceOver?
Also, I tried simon sings but no luck wiht that as well.
Any tips?
Many thanks,

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Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Howell

Come on this is crazy. You just can't imagine the number of people who  
bitched and complained about this whole editing issue and I believe  
Apple was taken to task by one of the rags put out by the NFB or some  
organization about the editing issue.  APparently enough people  
complained that Apple was trying to provide the flexibility for those  
users who need it.  Yeah, I am one of the Scotts who made this point  
because I remember clearly the noise about this editing issue.  I see  
no benefit in removing it and quite frankly since it's here, whatever  
at this point.  If it really helps someone , fine because there are  
those who would simply not consider the Mac for this reason.  It is an  
option and not a default and that is why it's a feature not worth  
removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have stated  
and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is not a  
standard way of editing etc.  At the same time, it obviously didn't  
take a great deal of effort to implement it and at least it is an  
On Aug 29, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

> Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2.
> Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are
> so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but
> someone somewhere will find it useful.  You could argue that the
> reading webpages automatically is as close as Apple could get to a
> sighted person glancing at the screen when the page comes up and
> taking in the bigger picture, which we can't do.
> Voiceover hints are definitely useful and a good thing.  Context
> sensitive help like that enables most people to be on a way shorter
> learning curve usually than reading a whole manual and trying to apply
> things to a ton of situations at once.  It's annoying that they're
> enabled by default for you or I perhaps, but newbies are going to
> thank Apple for it no doubt.  Come to that, so will developers who
> fire up VO for the first time when they receive a disgruntled email
> from someone who's asking them to make adjustments to their
> applications.  It'll instantly demonstrate to them the difference
> between what works and what doesn't, it gives them instructions
> equally as precise as that email from the VI user would in most cases.
> Wholeheartedly agreed about point 3 though.  I just don't get this
> one.  You also hit the nail right on the head with the reason the
> option shouldn't exist, it modifies a standard that doesn't in any way
> need to be modified, purely because of some VI people's rut that
> they're firmly jammed into.  To add weight to a big sweeping oppinion
> like that, I should say that I was raised on Windows, still use
> Windows more often than many on here I expect, and I make my fair
> share of mistakes editing in Mac OS if I haven't done any in a while.
> I don't see this option as the solution, I see it as cheating.  I
> doubt that many people will see this as an option to ease their
> progression into Mac OS as one of the other Scott's suggested, human's
> just don't work that way, for the most part we're creatures of habit
> even if they're bad ones.
> Tricky one though isn't it.  Emailing Apple and asking that a feature
> be removed seems somehow wrong in my mind.  In any case, I'm not sure
> they'd get it.  I just tried to explain why I disagree with the
> feature and what's potentially at stake here to a sighted mac user,
> and she point blank didn't get it.  I'm not sure that anyone who
> hasn't had to appreciate how cool mainstream technology that works for
> us out of the box would, even Apple themselves might not, they
> probably see the introduction of this feature as the best thing they
> could've done to silence a lot of whinging lol.
> Just my 2 cents, or perhaps pennies worth for those on this side of  
> the pond...
> Scott
> On 8/29/09, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Well good for you, I'm glad you did not need these features and you
>> learned the way we all started out.  However, of course the only plus
>> side is that for those who want to make the transition and really  
>> find
>> what we "grew up with" difficult, will at least have a way to ease
>> their transition over from the dark side. :)  So, I agree with you,
>> but these are small prices to pay if it will truly help someone make
>> the transition.
>> On Aug 29, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>> well, this is purely my opinion but 3 features that horribly  
>>> remind me
>>> of windows are as follows.
>>> 1. automatic reading of a webpage.
>>> 2. voice over hints. I know what to do in a text area, especially  
>>> when
>>> it already says edit text.
>>> 3. insertion point. this has been discussed, it's counter intuitive
>>> and doesn't teach the vi community how it would look to sighties.
>>> all I can say is I'm so glad these features are optional. they are
>>> just horrific and no one can tell me that it will h

  1   2   >