Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread Scott Howell

Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari  
and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some  
problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.


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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread william lomas

Works fien here

On 16 Aug 2009, at 11:05, Scott Howell wrote:

> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some
> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
> Thanks,
> >

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Re: Introducing the Mac-cessibility network for Visually Impaired Mac and iPhone Users

2009-08-16 Thread Chris Hofstader

Congratulations on your launch!  I'm sure it took a lot of work and  
will be a terrific asset to the community in the future.
On Aug 15, 2009, at 11:06 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> What a wonderful resource. Thanks so much for putting it together.
> Best,
> Anna
> On Aug 15, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:
>> We are pleased to announce the launch of the Mac-cessibility
>> Network, a new site devoted to the accessibility of Apple products
>> and the people who use them.
>> In the two years since the launch of, the site has
>> grown beyond its initial aspirations and design. It was time for a
>> major overhaul. This redesign comes with many new features, as well
>> as the ability to more comfortably expand as the site grows.
>> The main site for Mac-cessibility is now, home of
>> the Mac-cessibility Network. will go on as strictly
>> the news outlet for Mac-cessibility, offering "news, podcasts,
>> editorials, and reviews, just like always.
>> The following is a list of notes and features of particular interest
>> on the Mac-cessibility Network. Additional sections and content is
>> already underway, and this is not an exhaustive list. We encourage
>> visitors to explore the site and send us feedback.
>>  • Near the top of all pages, a customized Google search form allows
>> users to search through the entire Mac-cessibility family of sites,
>> a variety of third-party sites which offer Apple accessibility
>> information, as well as a small number of the top Apple news
>> resources.
>>  • The Mac-cessibility home page includes the latest Mac-cessibility
>> news stories and Apple press releases.
>>  • The Mac-cessibility home page includes links to the most recent
>> discussion threads from the MacVisionaries and VIPhonecommunities.
>> Simply click a thread topic to view the discussion, even if you're
>> not a member.
>>  • We've created a new iPhone section, which includes a
>> revampedAccessible Apps page and FAQ.
>>  • We've updated and revamped our Resources section, which offers
>> links to other sites and services.
>>  • We've updated and revamped our Guides section to make perusal and
>> discovery much easier.
>>  • All sections now include more user friendly URL's.
>>  • ...and more is on the way!
>> We are humbled and honored by the support the community has given
>> the Mac-cessibility project, and we hope that you will find the new
>> site and forthcoming services to be a vast improvement. If you find
>> the Mac-cessibility Network a valuable resource, please consider
>> making a contribution.
>> Josh de Lioncourt
>>  …my other mail provider is an owl…
>> Twitter:
>> Music:
>> Mac-cessibility:
>> Blog:
>> GoodReads:
> >

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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread Mike Arrigo

I've been using the new version for a few days, haven't had any  
On Aug 16, 2009, at 5:05 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some
> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
> Thanks,
> >

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Re: JAWS License and Fusion

2009-08-16 Thread Pierre Heim

Hi all, here a late addition on this topic: The problem of the Jaws  
licence is not Mac or Fusion specific. I think it is a general problem  
of virtualisation software and Jaws hardware detection. I also have  
had this issue with a Linux host system, Windows XP, Virtual Box and  
Jaws  at work. We could neighter change the virtual hardware nor make  
an update to a newer VBox version which wasn't a bug fix release. In  
all cases Jaws wanted a new licence. The only work around at the  
moment is to use a licence dongle. In my opinion this issue is a  
greater mess than the registration of Windows XP where you have the  
possibility of having installations on three different hardware  
compositions before you need a new registration key.

Have a nice weekend,

Am 10.08.2009 um 02:14 schrieb matthew T dyer:

> I will try to explane this as best as I can.  when you change the ram
> setting it is like changing a piese of hardware so jaws thinks it has
> changed.  If you put it back it 512 then it assoomes that you are
> using the older hardware.  I will be more then happy to help you  if
> you need, but this toopic really should be take this off list as this
> does not seem to do with mac or voice over any how.
> Matthew
> matthew dyer
> Live journal:  mtdyer2009
> MSN:
> Twitter: mdyer1
> facebook: mdyer
> On Aug 9, 2009, at 12:01 PM, Kane wrote:
>> Hi again folks,
>> I encounter something that I think, personally, is kind of bizzarre.
>> I installed a virtual Windows XP Professional machine last night, and
>> it worked rather well. I installed my JAWS license as soon as
>> everything was ready to go. Afterwards, I decided to try to find a
>> balance where allocation of ram was concerned. Here's what happened.
>> I keep the allocation of ram on 512 which is the recommended setting
>> and install the JAWS license. I then, as mentioned above, wanted to
>> play around with it. I changed it to 600, and found out that JAWS
>> required another activation. I changed it back to 512, and I had no
>> trouble. I changed it to 386, and I was asked to activate JAWS once
>> again. I changed it back to 512, and it was all good.
>> Anyone know why it affects it like that? Or am I the only one having
>> this issue?
>> Thanks.
> >

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Greg Kearneys webpage showing how accessible different aps are on the Mac

2009-08-16 Thread graham

I was looking for a piece of software and tried going to Greg Kearney's webpage 
which rated many aps and how they performed with Voiceover. 

for some reason the link appears to be broken.
 Voiceover resources and links

Does anyone know if the page has moved and what the new url is? 

Kind regards


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Re: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-16 Thread Søren Jensen


Thanks for this awesome information. can I create an account for free  
and download the voices when I live in Europe?
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 16/08/2009, at 03.49, John J Herzog wrote:

> Good evening all,
> I just found a link on bookshare's web site, where mac users can
> download free akapella voices. For all members, you must log in first,
> and then go to the reading tools section. You will then see a list of
> tools and TTS engines for windows users. Below that is a link for Read
> outloud, a mac daisy reader, and the akapella text to speech voices
> for the mac program.
> My apologies if this has been mentioned here before, but I just
> thought I'd mention it since the subject of alternate voices for the
> mac comes up from time to time.
> Thanks, hope this is helpful.
> John
> >

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Re: Response for Support Ticket #102495

2009-08-16 Thread John Panarese

  I'm just curious as to if any of the "blindness organizations"  
have taken issue with this.  It would be nice to see them do something  
productive for the blind.
Take Care

John Panarese

On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:16 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> It is not accessible on Macs iPhone and Windows.
> Greg
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 16/08/2009, at 11:13 AM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:
>> Yeah seems to me as if this company has made a deliborate effort to
>> not make their product accessible, rather than an effort to make it
>> accessible.  Are their productsfor  the Mac, iPhone, or both?
>> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I got this back from the eReader people. This is the
>>> very thing I have worried about with the action of the Author's  
>>> Guild
>>> in the United States.
>>> Here we have a company claiming that screen readers are a violation
>>> of
>>> copyright, which is not the case either in the U.S. or Australia.
>>> Furthermore in the case of the Macintosh and the iPhone the screen
>>> reader is a part of the operating system and not as
>>> would suggest "another program".
>>> It is also an interesting question if writing an application or
>>> device
>>> which deliberately inaccessible, as would seem to be the case here,
>>> as
>>> opposed to simply forgetting to include accessibility may well be
>>> illegal under civil rights laws in several nations.
>>> At the very least Apple should not be a party to such a thing and
>>> should never approve applications which have been so crippled by
>>> deliberate act.
>>> I have asked Fictionwise to put this statement into writing and to
>>> mail it to me. I would urge those of you who feel strongly about  
>>> this
>>> issue to also contact them at
>>> Gregory Kearney
>>> Manager - Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>>> Email:
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 From: "" 
 Date: 11 August 2009 2:49:02 AM
 Subject: Response for Support Ticket #102495


 Unfortunately, the ability to scoop the ebook's text using another
 application has been disabled for copyright-protection reasons.

 Being able to scoop the text out, into another program, would allow
 for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.

 Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software.

 We apologize for the inconvenience.

 Best Regards,

 Ted Support Team

 You wrote:
 No accessibility for the blind using VoiceOver on either Mac or
 iPhone. Your
 Macintosh and iPhone applications are not accessible to the blind
 using the
 built in screen reader on both devices. Lists of book can not be
 navigated and
 books once loaded can not be read. Why is this the case?

 Greg Kearney
 Manager -Accessible Media
 Association for the Blind of Western Australia


> >

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Re: iceberg reader

2009-08-16 Thread patrickneazer
> Hello all:
> I am posting a question to all 3 lists because this question impacts  
> macs and the iphone.
> Does anyone have any experience with any of the iceberg reader  
> material available in the itunes store?
> Thank you for any responses.

Take good care and I wish you enough.



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time machine

2009-08-16 Thread william lomas

hi it is ashame that we can't use time machine with online storage  
rather than having to keep external hard drives connected at all times

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Re: time machine

2009-08-16 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

There are some web applications that will do this.  Tidbits has  
reviewed them on occasion, and I believe there was mention of one in  
the last 2 weeks.  Also the take control of backups on Leopard does  
discuss online backups.


On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:46 PM, william lomas wrote:

>   hi it is ashame that we can't use time machine with online storage
> rather than having to keep external hard drives connected at all times
> Will
> >

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Re: time machine

2009-08-16 Thread william lomas

what th website for tidbits i ahve a look at it

On 16 Aug 2009, at 17:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> There are some web applications that will do this.  Tidbits has
> reviewed them on occasion, and I believe there was mention of one in
> the last 2 weeks.  Also the take control of backups on Leopard does
> discuss online backups.
> Jon
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:46 PM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi it is ashame that we can't use time machine with online storage
>> rather than having to keep external hard drives connected at all  
>> times
>> Will
> >

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Re: time machine

2009-08-16 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn the site is a bit confusing, but there is a search box.


On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:51 PM, william lomas wrote:

> what th website for tidbits i ahve a look at it
> On 16 Aug 2009, at 17:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> There are some web applications that will do this.  Tidbits has
>> reviewed them on occasion, and I believe there was mention of one in
>> the last 2 weeks.  Also the take control of backups on Leopard does
>> discuss online backups.
>> Jon
>> On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:46 PM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi it is ashame that we can't use time machine with online storage
>>> rather than having to keep external hard drives connected at all
>>> times
>>> Will

> >

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Re: Greg Kearneys webpage showing how accessible different aps are on the Mac

2009-08-16 Thread Chris Hofstader
What is an EPS?
On Aug 16, 2009, at 10:36 AM, graham wrote:

> Hi,
> I was looking for a piece of software and tried going to Greg  
> Kearney's webpage which rated many aps and how they performed with  
> Voiceover.
> for some reason the link appears to be broken.
>  Voiceover resources and links
> Does anyone know if the page has moved and what the new url is?
> Kind regards
> Graham
> >

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Fwd: [vi-genaccess] IPadio - or blogging for computerless people

2009-08-16 Thread william lomas
seems interesting?

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Rays Home" 
> Date: 16 August 2009 18:05:34 BST
> To: 
> Subject: [vi-genaccess] IPadio - or blogging for computerless people
> Reply-To:
> I don't feel this is off-topic here, but I hope some will listen to  
> this Info-sound feature which looks set to disappear from their site  
> the end of this month.
> Many often say vi people are relatively isolated so some might see  
> this as a way of being inclusive of those who don't have computers.
> Ray.
> Ipadio.
> The ability to broadcast by phone across the globe means individual  
> vision-impaired people can keep in touch, have their say and be heard.
> [play or download Ipadio audio feature
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread Barry Hadder

I've just started using it and I've noticed one annoying thing right
off the bat.  When I type a url in the address bar and it auto-
completes it, all VO says is "not high-lighted".

Scott Howell wrote:
> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some
> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
> Thanks,
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Re: Greg Kearneys webpage showing how accessible different aps are on the Mac

2009-08-16 Thread Esther
Hi Graham,

I think you're looking for the VoiceOver compatibility list that Greg  
used to maintain at:

Since Greg recently moved from Wyoming Medical Center to a new  
position as Manager of Accessible Technology at the Association for  
the Blind of Western Australia, I'm not sure of the status of these  
very useful web pages that were hosted by the Wyoming Medical Center.   
In the meantime, you could try asking on the list for feedback about  
VoiceOver accessibility for specific applications or kinds of  
applications that you're interested in.

Maybe Greg can comment on the future availability of this great  
resource.  And it's only fitting to take this opportunity to thank him  
again for all of his past and current efforts.




> On Aug 16, 2009, graham wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was looking for a piece of software and tried going to Greg  
>> Kearney's webpage which rated many aps and how they performed with  
>> Voiceover.
>> for some reason the link appears to be broken.
>>  Voiceover resources and links
>> Does anyone know if the page has moved and what the new url is?
>> Kind regards
>> Graham
> >

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Re: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-16 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


In the U.S., Bookshare membership costs $50 per year plus $25 the  
first year as a set-up fee. You can reduce the cost by scanning and  
submitting books and/or proofreading books others have scanned; you  
earn credit that you can deduct from the following year's fees. The  
number of books available internationally is growing, but you'd want  
to check first to see whether there's enough that you would want to  
make it worth it. I know the O'reilly books are available worldwide,  
adn several other publishers have made their books available worldwide  
as well.

In the Windows version, the Acapella voices work only with the reading  
program, not with other applications. I don't know about the Mac  


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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread Brett Campbell

I'm glad you mentioned this.  I'm having the same experience.  I found  
myself wondering if it had always acted this way, but just didn't  

On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:00 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I've just started using it and I've noticed one annoying thing right
> off the bat.  When I type a url in the address bar and it auto-
> completes it, all VO says is "not high-lighted".
> Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
>> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some
>> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
>> Thanks,
> >

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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread william lomas

yup i wondered why it said unselected

On 16 Aug 2009, at 19:00, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I've just started using it and I've noticed one annoying thing right
> off the bat.  When I type a url in the address bar and it auto-
> completes it, all VO says is "not high-lighted".
> Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
>> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some
>> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
>> Thanks,
> >

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Re: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-16 Thread Daniel Crone

Hello.  After downloading the free voices, and installing them, I got  
quite a shock.
After switching to one of these voices using the voice over utility, a  
message, "This is an evaluation of the voice." or very nearly like  
that, kept being repeated.
I had to get someone from my building to come in and see the screen,  
while I went in to v o utility, and switched back to Alex.
Then I uninstalled the "free" voice.
Maybe these were never meant to be used with v o.
Just wanted to spread the word, and save someone from going through  
On Aug 16, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:

> Hi.
> Thanks for this awesome information. can I create an account for free
> and download the voices when I live in Europe?
> Best regards:
> Søren Jensen
> Mail & MSN:
> Website:
> On 16/08/2009, at 03.49, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Good evening all,
>> I just found a link on bookshare's web site, where mac users can
>> download free akapella voices. For all members, you must log in  
>> first,
>> and then go to the reading tools section. You will then see a list of
>> tools and TTS engines for windows users. Below that is a link for  
>> Read
>> outloud, a mac daisy reader, and the akapella text to speech voices
>> for the mac program.
>> My apologies if this has been mentioned here before, but I just
>> thought I'd mention it since the subject of alternate voices for the
>> mac comes up from time to time.
>> Thanks, hope this is helpful.
>> John
> >

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RE: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-16 Thread Donna Goodin

Thanks, Daniel.  I was going to try and install them later today.

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Daniel Crone
> Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 3:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac
> Hello.  After downloading the free voices, and installing them, I got
> quite a shock.
> After switching to one of these voices using the voice over utility, a
> message, "This is an evaluation of the voice." or very nearly like
> that, kept being repeated.
> I had to get someone from my building to come in and see the screen,
> while I went in to v o utility, and switched back to Alex.
> Then I uninstalled the "free" voice.
> Maybe these were never meant to be used with v o.
> Just wanted to spread the word, and save someone from going through
> this.
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > Thanks for this awesome information. can I create an account for free
> > and download the voices when I live in Europe?
> > Best regards:
> > Søren Jensen
> > Mail & MSN:
> >
> > Website:
> >
> >
> > On 16/08/2009, at 03.49, John J Herzog wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Good evening all,
> >> I just found a link on bookshare's web site, where mac users can
> >> download free akapella voices. For all members, you must log in
> >> first,
> >> and then go to the reading tools section. You will then see a list
> of
> >> tools and TTS engines for windows users. Below that is a link for
> >> Read
> >> outloud, a mac daisy reader, and the akapella text to speech voices
> >> for the mac program.
> >> My apologies if this has been mentioned here before, but I just
> >> thought I'd mention it since the subject of alternate voices for the
> >> mac comes up from time to time.
> >> Thanks, hope this is helpful.
> >>
> >> John
> >>
> >>>
> >
> >
> > >
> > 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.58/2304 - Release Date:
> 08/16/09 06:09:00

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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread Marie Howarth

It only says unhighlighted if you continue to type an address it  
already has in the address bar. if you type a different letter and the  
address changes, it says another address. And seen as some people were  
complaining that voice over kept saying the addresses while still  
typing. now it doesn't do that, and still, well, lol

On Aug 16, 2009, at 7:43 PM, william lomas wrote:

> yup i wondered why it said unselected
> On 16 Aug 2009, at 19:00, Barry Hadder wrote:
>> I've just started using it and I've noticed one annoying thing right
>> off the bat.  When I type a url in the address bar and it auto-
>> completes it, all VO says is "not high-lighted".
>> Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
>>> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were  
>>> some
>>> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
>>> Thanks,
> >

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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread Justin Harford

LOL I didn't really notice this until now that you guys have pointed  
it out.  I personally would prefer that it say the completed addresses  
but there you go.  It does seem to read the options if you arrow up  
and down.

On Aug 16, 2009, at 1:19 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:

> It only says unhighlighted if you continue to type an address it
> already has in the address bar. if you type a different letter and the
> address changes, it says another address. And seen as some people were
> complaining that voice over kept saying the addresses while still
> typing. now it doesn't do that, and still, well, lol
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 7:43 PM, william lomas wrote:
>> yup i wondered why it said unselected
>> On 16 Aug 2009, at 19:00, Barry Hadder wrote:
>>> I've just started using it and I've noticed one annoying thing right
>>> off the bat.  When I type a url in the address bar and it auto-
>>> completes it, all VO says is "not high-lighted".
>>> Scott Howell wrote:
 Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of  
 and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were
 problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.


> >

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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread william lomas

it is better this way then it wont keep saying websites
On 16 Aug 2009, at 21:24, Justin Harford wrote:

> LOL I didn't really notice this until now that you guys have pointed
> it out.  I personally would prefer that it say the completed addresses
> but there you go.  It does seem to read the options if you arrow up
> and down.
> Justin
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 1:19 PM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>> It only says unhighlighted if you continue to type an address it
>> already has in the address bar. if you type a different letter and  
>> the
>> address changes, it says another address. And seen as some people  
>> were
>> complaining that voice over kept saying the addresses while still
>> typing. now it doesn't do that, and still, well, lol
>> On Aug 16, 2009, at 7:43 PM, william lomas wrote:
>>> yup i wondered why it said unselected
>>> On 16 Aug 2009, at 19:00, Barry Hadder wrote:

 I've just started using it and I've noticed one annoying thing  
 off the bat.  When I type a url in the address bar and it auto-
 completes it, all VO says is "not high-lighted".

 Scott Howell wrote:
> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of
> Safari
> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were
> some
> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
> Thanks,

> >

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Re: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-16 Thread Dan

I had exactly the same problem. They do not work with VO at this time.
On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:26 PM, Daniel Crone wrote:

> Hello.  After downloading the free voices, and installing them, I got
> quite a shock.
> After switching to one of these voices using the voice over utility, a
> message, "This is an evaluation of the voice." or very nearly like
> that, kept being repeated.
> I had to get someone from my building to come in and see the screen,
> while I went in to v o utility, and switched back to Alex.
> Then I uninstalled the "free" voice.
> Maybe these were never meant to be used with v o.
> Just wanted to spread the word, and save someone from going through
> this.
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Thanks for this awesome information. can I create an account for free
>> and download the voices when I live in Europe?
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 16/08/2009, at 03.49, John J Herzog wrote:
>>> Good evening all,
>>> I just found a link on bookshare's web site, where mac users can
>>> download free akapella voices. For all members, you must log in
>>> first,
>>> and then go to the reading tools section. You will then see a list  
>>> of
>>> tools and TTS engines for windows users. Below that is a link for
>>> Read
>>> outloud, a mac daisy reader, and the akapella text to speech voices
>>> for the mac program.
>>> My apologies if this has been mentioned here before, but I just
>>> thought I'd mention it since the subject of alternate voices for the
>>> mac comes up from time to time.
>>> Thanks, hope this is helpful.
>>> John

> >

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sorting bookmarks in Safari

2009-08-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi guys,

I have noticed that my bookmarks menu has become crazy with all the  
bookmarks for the past year and some month's worth of surffing I've  
done sense getting this mac.

Is there any way to sort them into catagories like "crime" would have  
all the crime websites or "food" all the food and cooking and all?  Is  
there a program to do this because it truly is getting silly and would  
be more manageable to be able to sort things every so often.  Notice  
I'm not talking about this new pages most visited page in Safari I'm  
meaning the bookmarks list in the menus.
Thanks much. :-)

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
Follow me on Twitter:
Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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running your ITunes libery from an external hard drive?

2009-08-16 Thread trahern culver

hey please can the group help me? because after reinstalling the o s i
wanted to run my old ITunes libery from an external i followed a
instruction guyed that told me to click chainge in preffrence to
chainge the location of my libery so i did that right. then i clicked
consolidate libery like it told me to but nufing happend!! so i tride
adding files to the libery but ITunes just said bizzy and when i tride
to move around the screan it dinged at me! does any boddy in this
group know how to solve this problem? your help on this would be most

Thank you for reading this, kind regards trahern.
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Re: time machine

2009-08-16 Thread Mike Arrigo

One service that will do this is carbonite, not sure how well it  
works, in general, on line backup services should be in edition to  
your own external media, not a replacement for it.
On Aug 16, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> There are some web applications that will do this.  Tidbits has
> reviewed them on occasion, and I believe there was mention of one in
> the last 2 weeks.  Also the take control of backups on Leopard does
> discuss online backups.
> Jon
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:46 PM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi it is ashame that we can't use time machine with online storage
>> rather than having to keep external hard drives connected at all  
>> times
>> Will
> >

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Re: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-16 Thread Mike Arrigo

I do hope that a dazy book reader does become available for the mac  
some time soon. They say the read aloud program for the mac is not  
recomended for screen reader users, and they're not kiding. Even the  
install screens don't speak well, so I didn't bother trying to go any  
farther with it.
On Aug 16, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> In the U.S., Bookshare membership costs $50 per year plus $25 the
> first year as a set-up fee. You can reduce the cost by scanning and
> submitting books and/or proofreading books others have scanned; you
> earn credit that you can deduct from the following year's fees. The
> number of books available internationally is growing, but you'd want
> to check first to see whether there's enough that you would want to
> make it worth it. I know the O'reilly books are available worldwide,
> adn several other publishers have made their books available worldwide
> as well.
> In the Windows version, the Acapella voices work only with the reading
> program, not with other applications. I don't know about the Mac
> equivalents.
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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setting up hot mail in mail?

2009-08-16 Thread trahern culver

hey all i'v tride to set up my hot mail account in mail by following
an internet guyde but it doesn't seam to work please could some one
reply and tell me how to do this? your help with this would be most
welcome! kind regards trahern.
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Re: setting up hot mail in mail?

2009-08-16 Thread Marie Howarth

first of all,
is your account older than about two years. it won't work if its a  
newer account.

On Aug 17, 2009, at 12:38 AM, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all i'v tride to set up my hot mail account in mail by following
> an internet guyde but it doesn't seam to work please could some one
> reply and tell me how to do this? your help with this would be most
> welcome! kind regards trahern.
> >

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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread matthew Dyer

Hi,  I updated lastnight and it works fine on my end.


On Aug 16, 2009, at 6:12 AM, william lomas wrote:

> Works fien here
> On 16 Aug 2009, at 11:05, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
>> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some
>> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
>> Thanks,
> >

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Re: Safari 4.0.3

2009-08-16 Thread matthew Dyer

Intresting thing.  I have not notested that.  I do not have that  


On Aug 16, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Barry Hadder wrote:

> I've just started using it and I've noticed one annoying thing right
> off the bat.  When I type a url in the address bar and it auto-
> completes it, all VO says is "not high-lighted".
> Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks, have any of you upgraded to the most recent version of Safari
>> and had any issues?  I read an article that indicated there were some
>> problems and so I thought I'd ask before upgrading.
>> Thanks,
> >

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Strange problem with external hard drive

2009-08-16 Thread matthew Dyer

Hi all,  I have a slite problem and was wondering if anyone else has  
seen it.  I currently have a western digial hardrive which I am using  
as a time machine backup.  How ever for what ever reason at randum  
times I receive a dialog saying that the drive may not have been  
dismounted correctly.  I find it strange thing about it is that I did  
not eject it or do anything else though it act as if it came  
unpluged.  I can fix it if restart the machine, but should not have to  
fix it or do anything to deal with that.  If anyone has any idea as to  
what is happening please respond.


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RE: Strange problem with external hard drive

2009-08-16 Thread Chris Gilland

Possibly hd failiar?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of matthew Dyer
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:35 PM
Subject: Strange problem with external hard drive

Hi all,  I have a slite problem and was wondering if anyone else has  
seen it.  I currently have a western digial hardrive which I am using  
as a time machine backup.  How ever for what ever reason at randum  
times I receive a dialog saying that the drive may not have been  
dismounted correctly.  I find it strange thing about it is that I did  
not eject it or do anything else though it act as if it came  
unpluged.  I can fix it if restart the machine, but should not have to  
fix it or do anything to deal with that.  If anyone has any idea as to  
what is happening please respond.


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TomTom GPS Navigation app for iPhone is out

2009-08-16 Thread Esther

Hi all,

TomTom's GPS turn-by-turn navigation app is out at the iTunes Store.  It 
doesn't come up in the U.S. Store power search links yet, but you can find them 
at the Australia or New Zealand stores and use the URLs for the iTunes Stores 
of other countries:

Here are the links and U.S. Store prices:

TomTom U.S. & Canada $119.99

TomTom Western Europe $169.99

TomTom New Zealand $114.99

TomTom Australia $99.99

Nothing new has shown up on the main TomTom web page yet.  Bare announcement of 
the release appeared  in a New Zealand geekzone web page.




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Re: Strange problem with external hard drive

2009-08-16 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Matthew,

Sounds like a dying cable to me. Do you have a different one you could  

Good luck,

On Aug 16, 2009, at 7:34 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hi all,  I have a slite problem and was wondering if anyone else has
> seen it.  I currently have a western digial hardrive which I am using
> as a time machine backup.  How ever for what ever reason at randum
> times I receive a dialog saying that the drive may not have been
> dismounted correctly.  I find it strange thing about it is that I did
> not eject it or do anything else though it act as if it came
> unpluged.  I can fix it if restart the machine, but should not have to
> fix it or do anything to deal with that.  If anyone has any idea as to
> what is happening please respond.
> Matthew
> >

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Re: Response for Support Ticket #102495

2009-08-16 Thread Greg Kearney

We are investigating it here as it may well be a violation of  
Australian law.

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On 17/08/2009, at 12:05 AM, John Panarese wrote:

>  I'm just curious as to if any of the "blindness organizations"
> have taken issue with this.  It would be nice to see them do something
> productive for the blind.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 12:16 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> It is not accessible on Macs iPhone and Windows.
>> Greg
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 16/08/2009, at 11:13 AM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:
>>> Yeah seems to me as if this company has made a deliborate effort to
>>> not make their product accessible, rather than an effort to make it
>>> accessible.  Are their productsfor  the Mac, iPhone, or both?
>>> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

 I got this back from the eReader people. This is  
 very thing I have worried about with the action of the Author's
 in the United States.

 Here we have a company claiming that screen readers are a violation
 copyright, which is not the case either in the U.S. or Australia.
 Furthermore in the case of the Macintosh and the iPhone the screen
 reader is a part of the operating system and not as
 would suggest "another program".

 It is also an interesting question if writing an application or
 which deliberately inaccessible, as would seem to be the case here,
 opposed to simply forgetting to include accessibility may well be
 illegal under civil rights laws in several nations.

 At the very least Apple should not be a party to such a thing and
 should never approve applications which have been so crippled by
 deliberate act.

 I have asked Fictionwise to put this statement into writing and to
 mail it to me. I would urge those of you who feel strongly about
 issue to also contact them at

 Gregory Kearney
 Manager - Accessible Media
 Association for the Blind of Western Australia
 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
 Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

 Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
 Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
 Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
 Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

 Begin forwarded message:

> From: "" 
> Date: 11 August 2009 2:49:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Response for Support Ticket #102495
> Hi,
> Unfortunately, the ability to scoop the ebook's text using another
> application has been disabled for copyright-protection reasons.
> Being able to scoop the text out, into another program, would  
> allow
> for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.
> Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software.
> We apologize for the inconvenience.
> Best Regards,
> Ted
> Support Team
> You wrote:
> No accessibility for the blind using VoiceOver on either Mac or
> iPhone. Your
> Macintosh and iPhone applications are not accessible to the blind
> using the
> built in screen reader on both devices. Lists of book can not be
> navigated and
> books once loaded can not be read. Why is this the case?
> Greg Kearney
> Manager -Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia


> >

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Re: bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-16 Thread Greg Kearney

two DAISY readers are availbe for the Mac now. Olearia 
  and Emerson

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

On 17/08/2009, at 7:16 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> I do hope that a dazy book reader does become available for the mac
> some time soon. They say the read aloud program for the mac is not
> recomended for screen reader users, and they're not kiding. Even the
> install screens don't speak well, so I didn't bother trying to go any
> farther with it.
> On Aug 16, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In the U.S., Bookshare membership costs $50 per year plus $25 the
>> first year as a set-up fee. You can reduce the cost by scanning and
>> submitting books and/or proofreading books others have scanned; you
>> earn credit that you can deduct from the following year's fees. The
>> number of books available internationally is growing, but you'd want
>> to check first to see whether there's enough that you would want to
>> make it worth it. I know the O'reilly books are available worldwide,
>> adn several other publishers have made their books available  
>> worldwide
>> as well.
>> In the Windows version, the Acapella voices work only with the  
>> reading
>> program, not with other applications. I don't know about the Mac
>> equivalents.
>> Best,
>> Anna
> >

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Re: sorting bookmarks in Safari

2009-08-16 Thread Charlie Doremus
I'm sitting in the Apple store as I answer your bookmark question. Click
"view all bookmarks' on your menu bar and create a folder for each topic
"crime", "food" so on and so forth. I hope this helps.

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have noticed that my bookmarks menu has become crazy with all the
> bookmarks for the past year and some month's worth of surffing I've
> done sense getting this mac.
> Is there any way to sort them into catagories like "crime" would have
> all the crime websites or "food" all the food and cooking and all?  Is
> there a program to do this because it truly is getting silly and would
> be more manageable to be able to sort things every so often.  Notice
> I'm not talking about this new pages most visited page in Safari I'm
> meaning the bookmarks list in the menus.
> Thanks much. :-)
> ~~~*~~~
> Best Wishes-
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:
> E-Mail:
> iChat: (for iChat contact only)
> Follow me on Twitter:
> Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
> or read  and subscribe to my blog:
> Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A
> wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and
> ask questions.
> I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see
> "Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a
> message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.
> >

Check out our web site,

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application installation and uninstallations

2009-08-16 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi everyone,

I've been digging a bit more into managing my files on the mac, and  
i've stumbled across a couple of mysteries regarding file management.

First, i wanted to know what the procedure is when downloading an  
application dmg such as skype, where it goes, how to make it appear in  
the applications folder and make it the default program from which it  
I tried emptying my trash and it tells me that the skype dmg is being  
used and the trash cannot continue. meaning that skype at startup runs  
from the cppy i placed in the trash.

Also, is there a way to make a program start when the os starts, like  
an alias in a startup folder?

ast question, how do i uninstall and know that an application is  

I've concatenated all the questions into one mail so as to avoid too  
many mails in the roup :)

Thanks in advance for enlightening me


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google chromium

2009-08-16 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi everyone,

received a tweet about the chrome beta for release 4 is out for some  

I tried chrome on pc and it was totally inaccessible, but i was  
wondering if anyone has tinkered with it on the mac, and if some  
conclusive results were realized?

It's always good to have two browsers to compare features etc, and  
when i was sighted chrome was quite nice i reckon.


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Re: application installation and uninstallations

2009-08-16 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Yuma,

When you download a disk image, it generally goes to your Downloads  
folder. Press command-O while focused on it to open it. Then if  
there's a file with an app extension, copy it to the Apps folder. You  
can then either run it from there, or run it once, and while it's  
running, go to the dock, find it, press VO-Shift-M,, and choose "Keep  
in dock." Then you can run it from there in the future.

Skype has an option in Preferences, on the General page I believe, to  
start automatically when you start your computer.

For programs with app extensions, you can uninstall them by deleting  
the app file. If you have to install the program using an installer,  
I'm not sure, but I guess there must be an uninstall program that  
comes with it that you can use.


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Re: application installation and uninstallations

2009-08-16 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux

Hi there,

Thanks a zill for this piece of info. You just gave me another nifty  
trick to increase customizability of my mac :)

Thanks again


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Re: sorting bookmarks in Safari

2009-08-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

Hi there, thanks much. I'll give that a try.  I have a crazy amount of  
bookmarks so it may take a while to sort them all -)

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
Follow me on Twitter:
Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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Re: Strange problem with external hard drive

2009-08-16 Thread Jenny Kennedy (Howard)

You may want to check your cables.  Sometimes if they are loose or are  
faulty they could cause this.
I had this trouble with my HD and it turned out changing out the cable  
helped.  Also if you have a USB hub check that it is turned on and  
working.  I'm not sure but it might well if you've a MacBook it may  
make a difference which USB port on the MB you've pluged your A. hub  
or B. HD into.  I forget what one but one  is wired slightly  
differently can cause issues with some devices. They talked about it  
on TWIT's Mac podcast. But I forget exactly what they said. HTH

Best Wishes-

Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
Olathe, Kansas USA

Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:

iChat: (for iChat contact only)
Follow me on Twitter:
Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
or read  and subscribe to my blog:

Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A  
wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and  
ask questions.
I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see  
"Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a  
message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.

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