2009-08-15 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Steve,

On Aug 15, 2009, at 3:42 AM, Mac Cougar wrote:
> Is there anyway of stopping Safari from doing an automatic refresh on
> web pages?
Not that I'm aware of. However, if you just want to be able to read  
the page without it refreshing itself, you can always copy the whole  
page into a TextEdit document and read it there.



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Re: determining people's status on skype

2009-08-15 Thread Søren Jensen

Hi all.

You can check your contacts status by installing a nice little plugin  
for Adium. You can find it at the following link:
It's an awesome plugin where you can control most of the skype  
features from Adium.
Let me know if you need any help with this plugin.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 14/08/2009, at 18.37, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> How can I find out whether a Skype contact is online?
> Thanks,
> Anna
> >

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Re: installing snowleopard

2009-08-15 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Ok, then let's hope that Ivox updates their voices.

14 aug 2009 kl. 22.33 skrev Anne Robertson:

> Hello Krister,
> On Aug 14, 2009, at 8:38 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>> Then i wonder if those voices will be available from the Apple sight
>> or from the other makers of voices from Apple.
> I doubt Apple will sell them. I use Infovox iVox voices for French and
> they're brilliant!
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Fwd: Voice Text Pro

2009-08-15 Thread william lomas

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "M. Taylor" 
> Date: 15 August 2009 09:27:58 BST
> To: 
> Subject: RE: Voice Text Pro
> Reply-To:
> OK, here is the Voice Text Pro Description:
> Voice activated unlimited free text messaging for the iPhone.
> Voice Text Pro is the FIRST and ONLY voice-activated SMS / Text  
> messaging
> app on the App Store. Now anyone can send UNLIMITED text messages  
> FREE by
> voice 100% HANDS-FREE!
> 1.
> Launch Voice Text Pro
> 2.
> Say contact name
> 3.
> Say text message
> 4.
> Contact and message are auto loaded to Mail, hit send!
> It is now the LAW in most states for "NO TEXTING while DRIVING",  
> Voice Text
> Pro is an absolute necessity for any iPhone user.
> The app comes with many "pre-loaded" messages but you can create new
> unlimited custom messages by hitting the + sign or edit/delete  
> existing
> ones. Nothing is off limits so have fun!
> Say things like:
> "Call me..."
> "I had so much fun!"
> "I'll be there in a few minutes"
> "It was nice seeing you"
> "Last night was amazing!"
> "Let's grab some drinks- Beer Pong!"
> "Lunch today?"
> "For shizzle my nizzle"
> "Basketball tomorrow?"
> "VEGAS!!"
> "What are you doing this weekend?"
> "Stuck in traffic"
> You can even combine multiple messages together using the "Say More"
> feature:
> "I had so much fun! Let's get together again soon. Call me..."
> "What are you doing this weekend? VEGAS!!!"
> "Hey bro. Do you have class? Let's grab some drinks"
> literally ANYTHING you want to text by voice!! There is no limits on
> messages sent!
> Features Hands-Free operation
> Send UNLIMITED SMS messages FREE
> Create New Custom Messages or Edit
> COMBINE multiple messages "Say More"
> Edit carrier of contact- auto saved
> BROWSE, EDIT pronunciation of contacts
> Display Contact PICTURES
> SHAKE to Cancel text
> Auto texting (5 second countdown)ON/OFF
> Turn features ON/OFF by voice
> Say "Google SMS" to auto-load blank text message to Google SMS service
> Unlike other voice recognition products on the app store, Voice Text  
> Pro
> does NOT use a server, the entire app runs ALL on the device. That  
> means on
> 3G, EDGE, or WI-FI you always get consistently fast VOICE TEXTING  
> and all
> message and contact data is guaranteed kept 100% SECURE!!
> NOTE:You can add new messages at any time to the "messages" tab by  
> choosing
> + sign. The pre-loaded messages are there for your provided benefit  
> and can
> be edited or deleted.
> Keep texts on hand so when you want to text a contact all you have  
> to do is
> SAY the message!
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On  
> Behalf
> Of Kamal Haffar
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 6:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Voice Text Pro
> Hi Mark and all:
> What is Voice Text pro?
> Thanks,- Original Message -
> From: "M. Taylor" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 4:01 AM
> Subject: RE: Voice Text Pro
>> Hello Dorothy,
>> The Voice Text Pro application is completely accessible with  
>> VoiceOver
>> using
>> the Pass Through VoiceOver hand gesture command (Double-Tap, Hold).
>> The recipient receives the message as a written SMS, not an email;
>> however,
>> you must have a valid email account setup on your iPhone in order  
>> to send
>> a
>> message via Voice Text Pro.  A bit confusing eh?  (Smile)
>> This application does exactly what it claims to do and I am very  
>> happy
>> with
>> it.  So far, it has gotten 100% accuracy.
>> One final thing.  Unlike the ReQall application I wrote about in a
>> previous
>> post, Voice Text Pro is not a Speech-To-Text application.
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On  
>> Behalf
>> Of Dorothea Martin
>> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 2:06 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Voice Text Pro
>> Hello, all,
>> Has anyone tried the Voice Text Pro app? Does it send text messages  
>> to
>> the phone or to the inbox? Are these messages received in text or in
>> some kind of sound file? Thanks for the information.
>> Dotty Martin
>> -- 
>> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit
>> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
> >

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2009-08-15 Thread Chris Hofstader


Ted and I remained close friends after the merger and both of us  
getting chucked out of the company (me as a VP, he as a director).   
Since FS, he has started a micro start-up called Henter Math (I think  
their URL is

HenterMath has been a disappointment so far and sat around on the  
shelf for a couple of years but I believe he's working on it again.   
We've both been pretty busy so I've only talked to him once we got to  
Cambridge so this information may be stale already.

Ted also enjoys his retirement.  He has a home in Panama, two in  
Florida and travels a lot.  He's a terrific guy whom I always enjoy  
being around.


On Aug 14, 2009, at 5:45 PM, hank smith wrote:

> what is he doing these days? any one know?
> On Aug 14, 2009, at 7:08 AM, Daniel Crone wrote:
>> I remember the early jaws days.  I knew that Ted Henter and all the
>> people there really gave their all.  Seems that when a company is
>> small, it is easy for it to keep its focus.
>> On Aug 14, 2009, at 5:56 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I couldn't agree with you more as regards Apple and its efforts
>>> toward universal access.
>>> I understand the feeling you must have when the kid went off to
>>> school with a new talking iPod as, when I worked at HJ/FS, i was
>>> well aware that every new copy of JAWS that went out the door
>>> probably meant that someone got a job, is starting in college or
>>> furthering their scholastic life with a good tool.  This was pounded
>>> into our heads by Ted Henter to whom every customer was special.
>>> Things became less satisfying in the FS days as, when Ted was in
>>> charge, he would virtually shut down the software engineering
>>> department until we fixed a bug or two for a single customer who had
>>> trouble doing his job.  Now it's all about monthly/quarterly revenue
>>> figures than about the end user.  It's sad but I neither own the
>>> company nor do I work there anymore.
>>> As regards other companies who make somewhat accessible items,  the
>>> community should reward them in proportion to the number of features
>>> we can use versus those we cannot.  If a product is 25% accessible
>>> for people with vision impairment, then we should give them a 25%
>>> pat on the back while handing them a list of the 75% of the features
>>> that they need to improve.
>>> Often, especially on iPhone and Windows Mobile, a program will be
>>> accessible, at least in part, because the API gives a lot of
>>> automatic accessibility so some of the software out there will b
>>> usable by default.  I think the authors of such software should be
>>> contacted and applauded even if they didn't know they made an
>>> accessible application as it may help convince them to work with the
>>> community in the future to ensure their accessibility continues.
>>> Some companies or groups within a company are virtually hostile to
>>> our requests for accessibility.  I have found that the entire
>>> product line from Intuit works very poorly with any and all screen
>>> readers but no matter how many emails and phone calls later, they
>>> refuse to give the screen reader authors even the tiniest crumb.
>>> Intuit and companies like it may require the stick as all of the
>>> carrots we've supplied were spit back out.
>>> cdh
>>> On Aug 13, 2009, at 12:07 PM, patrickneazer wrote:
 Hello Chris and all:

 Yes, I am a fan of more carrots and less stick if possible. Sticks
 are easy to make though I do not know anyone who enjoys being hit
 by one no matter how worthy or just the cause (grin).

 The best way to accomplish what is desired is to reward apple for
 their innovation with both financial and public support.

 As a trainer there is nothing cooler than showing a parent a
 talking ipod, having them purchase one for their child, having the
 child take it to school and the child being queen or king for the
 day and possibly longer (grin).

 That is priceless and customer loyalty will be established forever

 And just think, people thought it just played music (grin).
 On Aug 13, 2009, at 10:01 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> It would also be nice, albeit unmeasurable, that Apple would be
> rewarded for implementing universal design. I could then point to
> it as an example of what happens when a company does things right.
> I have lots of examples of when companies do things wrong (Target,
> PriceLine, Ramada and recently CVS). I'd like more carrot and less
> stick when I do presentations to developers or at conferences.
> CB
> Chris Hofstader wrote:
>> Hello Chris the Other,
>> I agree with your thoughts on universal design.  Six or seven
>> years ago we found that a lot of rehab counselors were
>> downloading daily content from and listening on a PAC

Fwd: snowleopard?

2009-08-15 Thread william lomas
for christa and others

Begin forwarded message:

> From: AssistiveWare Support 
> Date: 15 August 2009 12:39:25 BST
> To: william lomas 
> Subject: Re: snowleopard?
> On Aug 15, 2009, at 10:58 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>  hi David
>> Are the voices you already have, compatible with snowleopard?
> no
>> Or, will new versions need to be released?
> yes.
> iVox 2 is currently in beta.
> david.

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Re: snowleopard?

2009-08-15 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux


Thanks for that tidbit. I wonder if we have to pay extra as i am still  
on the trial version. That guy seemed very short and concise or cold  
and offhandish, but the news is on.


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Introducing the Mac-cessibility network for Visually Impaired Mac and iPhone Users

2009-08-15 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Mac-cessibility Network,  
a new site devoted to the accessibility of Apple products and the  
people who use them.

In the two years since the launch of, the site has grown  
beyond its initial aspirations and design. It was time for a major  
overhaul. This redesign comes with many new features, as well as the  
ability to more comfortably expand as the site grows.

The main site for Mac-cessibility is now, home of  
the Mac-cessibility Network. will go on as strictly the  
news outlet for Mac-cessibility, offering "news, podcasts, editorials,  
and reviews, just like always.

The following is a list of notes and features of particular interest  
on the Mac-cessibility Network. Additional sections and content is  
already underway, and this is not an exhaustive list. We encourage  
visitors to explore the site and send us feedback.

Near the top of all pages, a customized Google search form allows  
users to search through the entire Mac-cessibility family of sites, a  
variety of third-party sites which offer Apple accessibility  
information, as well as a small number of the top Apple news resources.
The Mac-cessibility home page includes the latest Mac-cessibility news  
stories and Apple press releases.
The Mac-cessibility home page includes links to the most recent  
discussion threads from the MacVisionaries and VIPhonecommunities.  
Simply click a thread topic to view the discussion, even if you're not  
a member.
We've created a new iPhone section, which includes a  
revampedAccessible Apps page and FAQ.
We've updated and revamped our Resources section, which offers links  
to other sites and services.
We've updated and revamped our Guides section to make perusal and  
discovery much easier.
All sections now include more user friendly URL's.
...and more is on the way!
We are humbled and honored by the support the community has given the  
Mac-cessibility project, and we hope that you will find the new site  
and forthcoming services to be a vast improvement. If you find the Mac- 
cessibility Network a valuable resource, please consider making a  

Josh de Lioncourt
…my other mail provider is an owl…


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friends reunited dating

2009-08-15 Thread william lomas

Hi has anyone used
with the mac?
I can never seem to log in even though my details are correct?

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Question about using song's in Itoon's for a alarm.

2009-08-15 Thread Michael Huckabay

Hi there. Would enyone know if there is enything you can use on the  
mac for a alarm and dus enyone know if You can some how set up Itoon's  
to play a song at a certen time after waking your mac like a alarm to  
wake you up in the morning?
Mike H. for e-maile and msn.

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Caffine application for the MAC

2009-08-15 Thread Gary

Is anyone using the Caffine application on their MAC? The Application  
prevents your Mac from going to sleep or displaying your screen savor  
when you're downloading large files, or charging your ipod/ipone.  I  
installed it but found it not to be accessible  I'm wondering if  
anyone has been able touse it.  I've been able to run it, but only  
because I have some sight, but prefer a better way.


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maintaining virtual Windows

2009-08-15 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


I will have to use Windows for the foreseeable future for Word 2007,  
Kurzweil 1000, and a few other things. When I had a PC, I used  
REgistry Mechanic, Disk MD, Driver Alert, and PC Pit Stop Optimize  
regularly. Which of these programs do I need when running Windows via  
Fusion? I assume REgistry Mechanic would still be useful. I also  
assume Driver Alert would be a problem because the drivers are  
probably different and having them "updated" could cause problems. Am  
I correct? I know that Mac OS X defrags as it goes, but does the  
Windows partition need to be defragged?

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Mobile Me again

2009-08-15 Thread Esther
Hi Larry,

Joe Kissell, the author of the "Take Control of MobileMe" guide, wrote  
the following MacWorld article on alternatives to MobileMe:

I don't think there's anything that handles automatic sync of  
bookmarks on multiple computers outside of MobileMe, but you can sync  
bookmarks to your iPhone from one of your computers:
(Overview of syncing iPhone or iPod touch with your computer)



On Aug 12, 2009, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve almost completed the steps to replace Mobile Me services but  
> have one question. One thing I like that Mobile Me does is that it  
> cyncs bookmarks both on my Macs and on my iPhone. Does anyone know  
> of a service or process that will enable me to do this without  
> Mobile Me? I’ve moved to Gmail and have imap services through  
> Google and have subscribed to a much lower cost off-site backup  
> service and the last thing I need to figure out is syncing  
> bookmarks. Any help is much appreciated.

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Re: Caffine application for the MAC

2009-08-15 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 15/08/2009 20:19, Gary wrote:
> I installed it but found it not to be accessible

It appears it adds an item to the Status Bar. I can't work out how to 
access that item with the keyboard.

I wonder if this is because of a similar problem to that described at:

Apparently you can script Caffeine with AppleScript. That might be an 

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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Re: Mobile Me again

2009-08-15 Thread Barry Hadder


You might try sync2it at:

Haven't actually tried it yet myself.  I do know that there is a  
security code in the registration.

On Aug 12, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve almost completed the steps to replace Mobile Me services but  
> have one question. One thing I like that Mobile Me does is that it  
> cyncs bookmarks both on my Macs and on my iPhone. Does anyone know  
> of a service or process that will enable me to do this without  
> Mobile Me? I’ve moved to Gmail and have imap services through Google  
> and have subscribed to a much lower cost off-site backup service and  
> the last thing I need to figure out is syncing bookmarks. Any help  
> is much appreciated.
> >

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Re: Caffine application for the MAC

2009-08-15 Thread Gary

That's exactly the problem i'm having..  I wonder if he got a response  
to the question?
Thanks for the info.

On Aug 15, 2009, at 5:25 PM, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

> On 15/08/2009 20:19, Gary wrote:
>> I installed it but found it not to be accessible
> It appears it adds an item to the Status Bar. I can't work out how to
> access that item with the keyboard.
> I wonder if this is because of a similar problem to that described at:
> Apparently you can script Caffeine with AppleScript. That might be an
> alternative.
> --
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
> >

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bookshare members: free akapella voices available for mac

2009-08-15 Thread John J Herzog

Good evening all,
I just found a link on bookshare's web site, where mac users can  
download free akapella voices. For all members, you must log in first,  
and then go to the reading tools section. You will then see a list of  
tools and TTS engines for windows users. Below that is a link for Read  
outloud, a mac daisy reader, and the akapella text to speech voices  
for the mac program.
My apologies if this has been mentioned here before, but I just  
thought I'd mention it since the subject of alternate voices for the  
mac comes up from time to time.
Thanks, hope this is helpful.


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Re: Introducing the Mac-cessibility network for Visually Impaired Mac and iPhone Users

2009-08-15 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


What a wonderful resource. Thanks so much for putting it together.


On Aug 15, 2009, at 10:19 AM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> We are pleased to announce the launch of the Mac-cessibility  
> Network, a new site devoted to the accessibility of Apple products  
> and the people who use them.
> In the two years since the launch of, the site has  
> grown beyond its initial aspirations and design. It was time for a  
> major overhaul. This redesign comes with many new features, as well  
> as the ability to more comfortably expand as the site grows.
> The main site for Mac-cessibility is now, home of  
> the Mac-cessibility Network. will go on as strictly  
> the news outlet for Mac-cessibility, offering "news, podcasts,  
> editorials, and reviews, just like always.
> The following is a list of notes and features of particular interest  
> on the Mac-cessibility Network. Additional sections and content is  
> already underway, and this is not an exhaustive list. We encourage  
> visitors to explore the site and send us feedback.
>   • Near the top of all pages, a customized Google search form allows  
> users to search through the entire Mac-cessibility family of sites,  
> a variety of third-party sites which offer Apple accessibility  
> information, as well as a small number of the top Apple news  
> resources.
>   • The Mac-cessibility home page includes the latest Mac-cessibility  
> news stories and Apple press releases.
>   • The Mac-cessibility home page includes links to the most recent  
> discussion threads from the MacVisionaries and VIPhonecommunities.  
> Simply click a thread topic to view the discussion, even if you're  
> not a member.
>   • We've created a new iPhone section, which includes a  
> revampedAccessible Apps page and FAQ.
>   • We've updated and revamped our Resources section, which offers  
> links to other sites and services.
>   • We've updated and revamped our Guides section to make perusal and  
> discovery much easier.
>   • All sections now include more user friendly URL's.
>   • ...and more is on the way!
> We are humbled and honored by the support the community has given  
> the Mac-cessibility project, and we hope that you will find the new  
> site and forthcoming services to be a vast improvement. If you find  
> the Mac-cessibility Network a valuable resource, please consider  
> making a contribution.
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter:
> Music:
> Mac-cessibility:
> Blog:
> GoodReads:
> >

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Re: Response for Support Ticket #102495

2009-08-15 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Yeah seems to me as if this company has made a deliborate effort to  
not make their product accessible, rather than an effort to make it  
accessible.  Are their productsfor  the Mac, iPhone, or both?
On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> I got this back from the eReader people. This is the
> very thing I have worried about with the action of the Author's Guild
> in the United States.
> Here we have a company claiming that screen readers are a violation of
> copyright, which is not the case either in the U.S. or Australia.
> Furthermore in the case of the Macintosh and the iPhone the screen
> reader is a part of the operating system and not as
> would suggest "another program".
> It is also an interesting question if writing an application or device
> which deliberately inaccessible, as would seem to be the case here, as
> opposed to simply forgetting to include accessibility may well be
> illegal under civil rights laws in several nations.
> At the very least Apple should not be a party to such a thing and
> should never approve applications which have been so crippled by
> deliberate act.
> I have asked Fictionwise to put this statement into writing and to
> mail it to me. I would urge those of you who feel strongly about this
> issue to also contact them at
> Gregory Kearney
> Manager - Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
> Email:
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "" 
>> Date: 11 August 2009 2:49:02 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Response for Support Ticket #102495
>> Hi,
>> Unfortunately, the ability to scoop the ebook's text using another
>> application has been disabled for copyright-protection reasons.
>> Being able to scoop the text out, into another program, would allow
>> for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.
>> Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software.
>> We apologize for the inconvenience.
>> Best Regards,
>> Ted
>> Support Team
>> You wrote:
>> No accessibility for the blind using VoiceOver on either Mac or
>> iPhone. Your
>> Macintosh and iPhone applications are not accessible to the blind
>> using the
>> built in screen reader on both devices. Lists of book can not be
>> navigated and
>> books once loaded can not be read. Why is this the case?
>> Greg Kearney
>> Manager -Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> >

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Re: Response for Support Ticket #102495

2009-08-15 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


The sad thing is that fictionwise has provided a lot of accessible  
content over the years. They produce and distribute eBooks in as many  
formats as possible, for example, and when it used to be possible to  
access some PDF eBooks but not others, they always clearly stated  
whether the read-aloud function was available for each book, so you  
would know before buying it whether you'd be able to read it. They  
even considered producing their books in braille format, or at least  
the ones publishers agreed to. I'm not sure what happened.


On Aug 15, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Yeah seems to me as if this company has made a deliborate effort to
> not make their product accessible, rather than an effort to make it
> accessible.  Are their productsfor  the Mac, iPhone, or both?
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I got this back from the eReader people. This is the
>> very thing I have worried about with the action of the Author's Guild
>> in the United States.
>> Here we have a company claiming that screen readers are a violation  
>> of
>> copyright, which is not the case either in the U.S. or Australia.
>> Furthermore in the case of the Macintosh and the iPhone the screen
>> reader is a part of the operating system and not as
>> would suggest "another program".
>> It is also an interesting question if writing an application or  
>> device
>> which deliberately inaccessible, as would seem to be the case here,  
>> as
>> opposed to simply forgetting to include accessibility may well be
>> illegal under civil rights laws in several nations.
>> At the very least Apple should not be a party to such a thing and
>> should never approve applications which have been so crippled by
>> deliberate act.
>> I have asked Fictionwise to put this statement into writing and to
>> mail it to me. I would urge those of you who feel strongly about this
>> issue to also contact them at
>> Gregory Kearney
>> Manager - Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>> Email:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "" 
>>> Date: 11 August 2009 2:49:02 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Response for Support Ticket #102495
>>> Hi,
>>> Unfortunately, the ability to scoop the ebook's text using another
>>> application has been disabled for copyright-protection reasons.
>>> Being able to scoop the text out, into another program, would allow
>>> for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.
>>> Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software.
>>> We apologize for the inconvenience.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ted
>>> Support Team
>>> You wrote:
>>> No accessibility for the blind using VoiceOver on either Mac or
>>> iPhone. Your
>>> Macintosh and iPhone applications are not accessible to the blind
>>> using the
>>> built in screen reader on both devices. Lists of book can not be
>>> navigated and
>>> books once loaded can not be read. Why is this the case?
>>> Greg Kearney
>>> Manager -Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Response for Support Ticket #102495

2009-08-15 Thread Greg Kearney

It is not accessible on Macs iPhone and Windows.


Sent from my iPhone

On 16/08/2009, at 11:13 AM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:

> Yeah seems to me as if this company has made a deliborate effort to
> not make their product accessible, rather than an effort to make it
> accessible.  Are their productsfor  the Mac, iPhone, or both?
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> I got this back from the eReader people. This is the
>> very thing I have worried about with the action of the Author's Guild
>> in the United States.
>> Here we have a company claiming that screen readers are a violation  
>> of
>> copyright, which is not the case either in the U.S. or Australia.
>> Furthermore in the case of the Macintosh and the iPhone the screen
>> reader is a part of the operating system and not as
>> would suggest "another program".
>> It is also an interesting question if writing an application or  
>> device
>> which deliberately inaccessible, as would seem to be the case here,  
>> as
>> opposed to simply forgetting to include accessibility may well be
>> illegal under civil rights laws in several nations.
>> At the very least Apple should not be a party to such a thing and
>> should never approve applications which have been so crippled by
>> deliberate act.
>> I have asked Fictionwise to put this statement into writing and to
>> mail it to me. I would urge those of you who feel strongly about this
>> issue to also contact them at
>> Gregory Kearney
>> Manager - Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>> Email:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "" 
>>> Date: 11 August 2009 2:49:02 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Response for Support Ticket #102495
>>> Hi,
>>> Unfortunately, the ability to scoop the ebook's text using another
>>> application has been disabled for copyright-protection reasons.
>>> Being able to scoop the text out, into another program, would allow
>>> for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.
>>> Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software.
>>> We apologize for the inconvenience.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ted
>>> Support Team
>>> You wrote:
>>> No accessibility for the blind using VoiceOver on either Mac or
>>> iPhone. Your
>>> Macintosh and iPhone applications are not accessible to the blind
>>> using the
>>> built in screen reader on both devices. Lists of book can not be
>>> navigated and
>>> books once loaded can not be read. Why is this the case?
>>> Greg Kearney
>>> Manager -Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: maintaining virtual Windows

2009-08-15 Thread Mike Arrigo

Using a registry cleaner is a good idea, I have also used a windows  
defragment program, I wouldn't use any driver programs, fusion handles  
that itself.
On Aug 15, 2009, at 3:29 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi,
> I will have to use Windows for the foreseeable future for Word 2007,
> Kurzweil 1000, and a few other things. When I had a PC, I used
> REgistry Mechanic, Disk MD, Driver Alert, and PC Pit Stop Optimize
> regularly. Which of these programs do I need when running Windows via
> Fusion? I assume REgistry Mechanic would still be useful. I also
> assume Driver Alert would be a problem because the drivers are
> probably different and having them "updated" could cause problems. Am
> I correct? I know that Mac OS X defrags as it goes, but does the
> Windows partition need to be defragged?
> Thanks for any help.
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Response for Support Ticket #102495

2009-08-15 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello;  When I had my windows computer, I had no trouble shopping for,  
buying, downloading, or reading ebooks from fictionwise.  But this was  
because the windows version of adobe reader is completely accessible  
where as the mac version of the adobe reader stinks out loud. lol  The  
best I can do is to have adobe convert the pdf documents to text form,  
but then that puts a lot of blnk spaces in the book taking away from  
the enjoyment of reading it. Yes, they did know i was blind because my  
first attempt i chose microsoft's ereade instead of adobe.  When i  
couldn't figure that out, they converted my purchases to adobe  
versions for free.  I told the customer service people i was blind,  
and they took me at my word and helped me out.  I think the real  
problem here is that the same people who make flash and adobe have no  
interest in going out of their way to make their products accesssible  
on a mac.  And this is probably because of the belief out there that  
the blind community uses windows exclusively.  I wish I could offer  
more help, but I thought sharing my past experiences might be  
welcome.  Take care and good luck, Max
On Aug 15, 2009, at 11:16 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

> It is not accessible on Macs iPhone and Windows.
> Greg
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 16/08/2009, at 11:13 AM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:
>> Yeah seems to me as if this company has made a deliborate effort to
>> not make their product accessible, rather than an effort to make it
>> accessible.  Are their productsfor  the Mac, iPhone, or both?
>> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>>> I got this back from the eReader people. This is the
>>> very thing I have worried about with the action of the Author's  
>>> Guild
>>> in the United States.
>>> Here we have a company claiming that screen readers are a violation
>>> of
>>> copyright, which is not the case either in the U.S. or Australia.
>>> Furthermore in the case of the Macintosh and the iPhone the screen
>>> reader is a part of the operating system and not as
>>> would suggest "another program".
>>> It is also an interesting question if writing an application or
>>> device
>>> which deliberately inaccessible, as would seem to be the case here,
>>> as
>>> opposed to simply forgetting to include accessibility may well be
>>> illegal under civil rights laws in several nations.
>>> At the very least Apple should not be a party to such a thing and
>>> should never approve applications which have been so crippled by
>>> deliberate act.
>>> I have asked Fictionwise to put this statement into writing and to
>>> mail it to me. I would urge those of you who feel strongly about  
>>> this
>>> issue to also contact them at
>>> Gregory Kearney
>>> Manager - Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of Western Australia
>>> 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
>>> Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia
>>> Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
>>> Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
>>> Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
>>> Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)
>>> Email:
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 From: "" 
 Date: 11 August 2009 2:49:02 AM
 Subject: Response for Support Ticket #102495


 Unfortunately, the ability to scoop the ebook's text using another
 application has been disabled for copyright-protection reasons.

 Being able to scoop the text out, into another program, would allow
 for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.

 Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software.

 We apologize for the inconvenience.

 Best Regards,

 Ted Support Team

 You wrote:
 No accessibility for the blind using VoiceOver on either Mac or
 iPhone. Your
 Macintosh and iPhone applications are not accessible to the blind
 using the
 built in screen reader on both devices. Lists of book can not be
 navigated and
 books once loaded can not be read. Why is this the case?

 Greg Kearney
 Manager -Accessible Media
 Association for the Blind of Western Australia


> >

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Response for Support Ticket #102495

2009-08-15 Thread Greg Kearney

These books are in a new format and are not PDF

Sent from my iPhone

On 16/08/2009, at 1:12 PM, "Maxwell Ivey Jr."   

> Hello;  When I had my windows computer, I had no trouble shopping for,
> buying, downloading, or reading ebooks from fictionwise.  But this was
> because the windows version of adobe reader is completely accessible
> where as the mac version of the adobe reader stinks out loud. lol  The
> best I can do is to have adobe convert the pdf documents to text form,
> but then that puts a lot of blnk spaces in the book taking away from
> the enjoyment of reading it. Yes, they did know i was blind because my
> first attempt i chose microsoft's ereade instead of adobe.  When i
> couldn't figure that out, they converted my purchases to adobe
> versions for free.  I told the customer service people i was blind,
> and they took me at my word and helped me out.  I think the real
> problem here is that the same people who make flash and adobe have no
> interest in going out of their way to make their products accesssible
> on a mac.  And this is probably because of the belief out there that
> the blind community uses windows exclusively.  I wish I could offer
> more help, but I thought sharing my past experiences might be
> welcome.  Take care and good luck, Max
> On Aug 15, 2009, at 11:16 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> It is not accessible on Macs iPhone and Windows.
>> Greg
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 16/08/2009, at 11:13 AM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:
>>> Yeah seems to me as if this company has made a deliborate effort to
>>> not make their product accessible, rather than an effort to make it
>>> accessible.  Are their productsfor  the Mac, iPhone, or both?
>>> On Aug 10, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Kearney wrote:

 I got this back from the eReader people. This is  
 very thing I have worried about with the action of the Author's
 in the United States.

 Here we have a company claiming that screen readers are a violation
 copyright, which is not the case either in the U.S. or Australia.
 Furthermore in the case of the Macintosh and the iPhone the screen
 reader is a part of the operating system and not as
 would suggest "another program".

 It is also an interesting question if writing an application or
 which deliberately inaccessible, as would seem to be the case here,
 opposed to simply forgetting to include accessibility may well be
 illegal under civil rights laws in several nations.

 At the very least Apple should not be a party to such a thing and
 should never approve applications which have been so crippled by
 deliberate act.

 I have asked Fictionwise to put this statement into writing and to
 mail it to me. I would urge those of you who feel strongly about
 issue to also contact them at

 Gregory Kearney
 Manager - Accessible Media
 Association for the Blind of Western Australia
 61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
 Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

 Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
 Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
 Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
 Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

 Begin forwarded message:

> From: "" 
> Date: 11 August 2009 2:49:02 AM
> To:
> Subject: Response for Support Ticket #102495
> Hi,
> Unfortunately, the ability to scoop the ebook's text using another
> application has been disabled for copyright-protection reasons.
> Being able to scoop the text out, into another program, would  
> allow
> for easy duplication of copyrighted materials.
> Our software cannot be used with screen-reader software.
> We apologize for the inconvenience.
> Best Regards,
> Ted
> Support Team
> You wrote:
> No accessibility for the blind using VoiceOver on either Mac or
> iPhone. Your
> Macintosh and iPhone applications are not accessible to the blind
> using the
> built in screen reader on both devices. Lists of book can not be
> navigated and
> books once loaded can not be read. Why is this the case?
> Greg Kearney
> Manager -Accessible Media
> Association for the Blind of Western Australia


> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at 