Re: using my own music as a ringtone

2009-07-29 Thread Marie Howarth

you need to delete the m4a from your itunes library otherwise the m4r  
won't import.

On Jul 29, 2009, at 3:27 AM, Kim Carmichael wrote:

> OK, thanks.  It is definitely less than 40 seconds.  It is a short  
> beep.
> I'll keep trying and maybe I'll luck up.
> Thanks
> Kim
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: using my own music as a ringtone
>   Off the top of my head, and I admit that I'm wiped out, I'd be  
> sure
> the files are less than 40 seconds in length. I followed the steps  
> of first
> selecting the piece of the song that I wanted as the tone,  
> converting it to
> AAC, copying the m4a file to my desktop and then changing the  
> extension to
> m4r before then playing it.  This has worked for me every time.   
> Again,
> though, make sure the file is under 40 seconds.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Managing Director
> Technologies for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
> 9 Nolan Court
> Hauppauge, NY 11788
> Tel/Fax, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Internet,
> On Jul 28, 2009, at 10:18 PM, Kim Carmichael wrote:
>> Hi
>> I created the m4a file, then changed the file extension to m4r and
>> played it in iTunes.  When I go to ring tones and search for the file
>> name the list comes up empty.  Do you have an idea what I missed?
>> Thanks
>> Kim
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of John Panarese
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:53 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: using my own music as a ringtone
>> Someone can correct me if there is another way, but you'd have to
>> first convert the MP3 file into an AAC file in iTunes.  Then,  
>> manually
>> change the extension from M4A to M4R.  Then play it in iTunes and it
>> should be added to your ring tones list.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Jul 28, 2009, at 10:39 AM, william lomas wrote:
>>> hi on the i phone how can I get my mp3's to play as a ringtone?
>>> ?
>>> Will

> >

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Re: Improving re-arranging items in table views on OS X

2009-07-29 Thread Martin Pilkington
Possibly, but that could cause more confusion. In your example, rows  
7, 12, 22, 30, 42 and 56, if moved up one would then become rows  
6,7,8,9,10 and 11. That makes send for drag & drop as you are plucking  
them out and then inserting them into a specific place but for moving  
up/down a row at a time it doesn't make sense as the behaviour changes  
depending on if you move up or down eg what if you want to group them  
all from row 56 but move them up? What could make sense is a separate  
command to let you group all the selection at the first or last item  
in the selection. I might look into that down the line as it could be  
useful in cases similar to your example.



On 28 Jul 2009, at 8:56 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Makes sense. So if I have four rows with A B C and D. I select rows  
> B and D and then hit shift option up I would now have rows B A D and  
> C. Hitting up again gives B D A and C. Is this what users would  
> expect? Normally I would think folks would be trying to cherry pick  
> rows they care about and drop them as a cluster somewhere. The  
> method you proposed sounds like it could get confusing quickly. Say  
> I want to move all my favorite songs to the top of a playlist from  
> random locations in a long list. I might pick rows 7, 12, 22, 30, 42  
> and 56. To get them all to the top I would need to option up arrow a  
> bunch of times to sort of scrunch them all together at the top. What  
> if I wanted to put my second favorites after the previous 6 tracks.  
> Would I need to scrunch them at the top and then drag them down to  
> the 7th row? I guess I'm arguing that all the selected rows should  
> be inserted in the destination rather than interleaving.
> Hope this helps.
> CB
> Martin Pilkington wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> All rows get nudged up one space. When you reach the top or bottom of
>> a table then they get nudged together. For example, if you have  
>> rows 2
>> and 4 selected and hit shift-option-up then the they will move up to
>> be rows 1 and 3. Then if you hit shift-option-up again row 1 won't
>> move as it is at the top but row 3 will, so they will now be rows 1
>> and 2.
>> I have a sample application up at
>>   . As I said, once you have selected some rows you just hit shift-
>> option and either the up or down arrow to shift the rows up or down.
>> Hopefully it feels easier than current methods.
>> Martin
>> On 27 Jul 2009, at 10:05 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> What happens if I have multiple discontiguous rows selected and I
>>> option
>>> up arrow? Do all the rows get inserted one row above where the top
>>> selected row used to be? Probably the worst case scenario for
>>> complexity
>>> but something to consider.
>>> CB
>>> Martin Pilkington wrote:
 Hi All,

 I haven't posted for a while so for those who don't remember me, my
 name is Martin and I'm a Mac software developer. I'm currently  
 a problem with making one of my applications accessible, but in an
 easy to use way. There is a lot of drag & drop functionality in my
 application. Some of it is easy, such as using copy and paste to  
 items from the library to the collections (like with putting songs
 into playlists in iTunes). However, some of it is hard, such as re-
 arranging items. You can do copy/cut and paste but this is a bit
 awkward. I've also been pointed to how to do drag & drop with voice
 over but to me that seems quite tedious.

 I believe I have a solution that seems to me like it would be a lot
 simpler, but I wanted to get the opinion of some blind users about
 whether they would find it more useful. The solution is that if you
 hold down the option key and press the up or down arrow keys, it  
 move the selected table rows up or down one place. To me it seems  
 be a better way to re-arrange items with a keyboard for all users,
 the main aim of it is to improve accessibility. I will end up open
 sourcing any solution and pushing for other developers to include  
 in their applications so hopefully it can become some sort of a

 Any thoughts anyone has would be much appreciated.



> >

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Re: Improving re-arranging items in table views on OS X

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch
So it depends on what you expect most folks will be doing. I'm assuming 
that most folks will pick a disparate set of rows to take some action as 
a whole. In the case of moving, I would think it's to group them 
together in some other spot in the list, not to re-interleave them up 
higher. Of course assumptions are always subjective :)


Martin Pilkington wrote:
> Possibly, but that could cause more confusion. In your example, rows 
> 7, 12, 22, 30, 42 and 56, if moved up one would then become rows 
> 6,7,8,9,10 and 11. That makes send for drag & drop as you are plucking 
> them out and then inserting them into a specific place but for moving 
> up/down a row at a time it doesn't make sense as the behaviour changes 
> depending on if you move up or down eg what if you want to group them 
> all from row 56 but move them up? What could make sense is a separate 
> command to let you group all the selection at the first or last item 
> in the selection. I might look into that down the line as it could be 
> useful in cases similar to your example.
> Thanks
> Martin
> On 28 Jul 2009, at 8:56 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Makes sense. So if I have four rows with A B C and D. I select rows B 
>> and D and then hit shift option up I would now have rows B A D and C. 
>> Hitting up again gives B D A and C. Is this what users would expect? 
>> Normally I would think folks would be trying to cherry pick rows they 
>> care about and drop them as a cluster somewhere. The method you 
>> proposed sounds like it could get confusing quickly. Say I want to 
>> move all my favorite songs to the top of a playlist from random 
>> locations in a long list. I might pick rows 7, 12, 22, 30, 42 and 56. 
>> To get them all to the top I would need to option up arrow a bunch of 
>> times to sort of scrunch them all together at the top. What if I 
>> wanted to put my second favorites after the previous 6 tracks. Would 
>> I need to scrunch them at the top and then drag them down to the 7th 
>> row? I guess I'm arguing that all the selected rows should be 
>> inserted in the destination rather than interleaving.
>> Hope this helps.
>> CB
>> Martin Pilkington wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> All rows get nudged up one space. When you reach the top or bottom of  
>>> a table then they get nudged together. For example, if you have rows 2  
>>> and 4 selected and hit shift-option-up then the they will move up to  
>>> be rows 1 and 3. Then if you hit shift-option-up again row 1 won't  
>>> move as it is at the top but row 3 will, so they will now be rows 1  
>>> and 2.
>>> I have a sample application up at 
>>>   . As I said, once you have selected some rows you just hit shift- 
>>> option and either the up or down arrow to shift the rows up or down.  
>>> Hopefully it feels easier than current methods.
>>> Martin
>>> On 27 Jul 2009, at 10:05 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:
 What happens if I have multiple discontiguous rows selected and I  
 up arrow? Do all the rows get inserted one row above where the top
 selected row used to be? Probably the worst case scenario for  
 but something to consider.


 Martin Pilkington wrote:
> Hi All,
> I haven't posted for a while so for those who don't remember me, my
> name is Martin and I'm a Mac software developer. I'm currently having
> a problem with making one of my applications accessible, but in an
> easy to use way. There is a lot of drag & drop functionality in my
> application. Some of it is easy, such as using copy and paste to get
> items from the library to the collections (like with putting songs
> into playlists in iTunes). However, some of it is hard, such as re-
> arranging items. You can do copy/cut and paste but this is a bit
> awkward. I've also been pointed to how to do drag & drop with voice
> over but to me that seems quite tedious.
> I believe I have a solution that seems to me like it would be a lot
> simpler, but I wanted to get the opinion of some blind users about
> whether they would find it more useful. The solution is that if you
> hold down the option key and press the up or down arrow keys, it will
> move the selected table rows up or down one place. To me it seems to
> be a better way to re-arrange items with a keyboard for all users,  
> but
> the main aim of it is to improve accessibility. I will end up open
> sourcing any solution and pushing for other developers to include it
> in their applications so hopefully it can become some sort of a
> standard.
> Any thoughts anyone has would be much appreciated.
> Thanks
> Martin
> >

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Re: Alternatives to Mobile me

2009-07-29 Thread Alex Jurgensen


The only real ones are remote wipe for iPhone and the "Find My iPhone"  

You can also set up GMail for web storage and XMarks for bookmarks.


I use Dropbox for data storage. At 2 GB free storage it is great. The  
setup doesn't look accessible, but it can be done and the product is a  



On 28-Jul-09, at 10:10 AM, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Hi,
> With the discussion last week of Mobile Me I realized that my  
> subscription
> is about up and that soon I will need to pay for the family plan I  
> have once
> again. I'm really not interested in doing that as I feel the service  
> is
> priced a bit high and I am looking for some alternatives. The main  
> things I
> see as benefits to the service are syncing contacts and email account
> information across the 2 macs I have and my iPhone, syncing  
> calendars and
> the web storage I could but don't often use well.
> I have found some alternatives in that I can sync calendar and  
> contacts via
> Google. Further, I can use Gmail as an iMap service and therefore  
> the Mobile
> Me email service just isn't needed. If I want to, I could use another
> service such as Carbonite for data storage and backup as well I  
> think. So,
> with that in mind, are there any other compelling reasons to stay with
> Mobile Me that I'm overlooking? Have others dropped the service and  
> or just
> found better options?
> >

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Opera 10 beta

2009-07-29 Thread Alastair Campbell

Hi everyone,

I know the Opera browser has been discussed before, but one of their
'evangelists' just put up an article about using Opera 10 beta with

They are actively developing in this area, so if you've any
suggestions I'd ping @iheni on twitter.

Kind regards,


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Re: Improving re-arranging items in table views on OS X

2009-07-29 Thread Martin Pilkington
Well, I expect most people will be moving continuous selections. Non- 
continuous selections are a special case really. I think in terms of  
simplifying things it would be better to move the grouping into  
another interaction as opposed to putting 2 interactions into one  
command. There could be 4 combinations of the interactions but in one  
command there is only room for 2 of those combinations. I have to say,  
trying to design this has given me an new appreciation of just how  
good a job the programmers and designers at Apple have done with OS X  
in general.



On 29 Jul 2009, at 4:33 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:

> So it depends on what you expect most folks will be doing. I'm  
> assuming that most folks will pick a disparate set of rows to take  
> some action as a whole. In the case of moving, I would think it's to  
> group them together in some other spot in the list, not to re- 
> interleave them up higher. Of course assumptions are always  
> subjective :)
> CB
> Martin Pilkington wrote:
>> Possibly, but that could cause more confusion. In your example,  
>> rows 7, 12, 22, 30, 42 and 56, if moved up one would then become  
>> rows 6,7,8,9,10 and 11. That makes send for drag & drop as you are  
>> plucking them out and then inserting them into a specific place but  
>> for moving up/down a row at a time it doesn't make sense as the  
>> behaviour changes depending on if you move up or down eg what if  
>> you want to group them all from row 56 but move them up? What could  
>> make sense is a separate command to let you group all the selection  
>> at the first or last item in the selection. I might look into that  
>> down the line as it could be useful in cases similar to your example.
>> Thanks
>> Martin
>> On 28 Jul 2009, at 8:56 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Makes sense. So if I have four rows with A B C and D. I select  
>>> rows B and D and then hit shift option up I would now have rows B  
>>> A D and C. Hitting up again gives B D A and C. Is this what users  
>>> would expect? Normally I would think folks would be trying to  
>>> cherry pick rows they care about and drop them as a cluster  
>>> somewhere. The method you proposed sounds like it could get  
>>> confusing quickly. Say I want to move all my favorite songs to the  
>>> top of a playlist from random locations in a long list. I might  
>>> pick rows 7, 12, 22, 30, 42 and 56. To get them all to the top I  
>>> would need to option up arrow a bunch of times to sort of scrunch  
>>> them all together at the top. What if I wanted to put my second  
>>> favorites after the previous 6 tracks. Would I need to scrunch  
>>> them at the top and then drag them down to the 7th row? I guess  
>>> I'm arguing that all the selected rows should be inserted in the  
>>> destination rather than interleaving.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> CB
>>> Martin Pilkington wrote:

 Hi Chris,

 All rows get nudged up one space. When you reach the top or  
 bottom of
 a table then they get nudged together. For example, if you have  
 rows 2
 and 4 selected and hit shift-option-up then the they will move up  
 be rows 1 and 3. Then if you hit shift-option-up again row 1 won't
 move as it is at the top but row 3 will, so they will now be rows 1
 and 2.

 I have a sample application up at
   . As I said, once you have selected some rows you just hit shift-
 option and either the up or down arrow to shift the rows up or  
 Hopefully it feels easier than current methods.


 On 27 Jul 2009, at 10:05 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:

> What happens if I have multiple discontiguous rows selected and I
> option
> up arrow? Do all the rows get inserted one row above where the top
> selected row used to be? Probably the worst case scenario for
> complexity
> but something to consider.
> CB
> Martin Pilkington wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I haven't posted for a while so for those who don't remember  
>> me, my
>> name is Martin and I'm a Mac software developer. I'm currently  
>> having
>> a problem with making one of my applications accessible, but in  
>> an
>> easy to use way. There is a lot of drag & drop functionality in  
>> my
>> application. Some of it is easy, such as using copy and paste  
>> to get
>> items from the library to the collections (like with putting  
>> songs
>> into playlists in iTunes). However, some of it is hard, such as  
>> re-
>> arranging items. You can do copy/cut and paste but this is a bit
>> awkward. I've also been pointed to how to do drag & drop with  
>> voice
>> over but to me that seems quite tedious.
>> I believe I have a solution that seems to me like it would be a  
>> lot
>> simpler, but

Re: Opera 10 beta

2009-07-29 Thread william lomas

i may give opera a shot
thanks will

On 29 Jul 2009, at 17:14, Alastair Campbell wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I know the Opera browser has been discussed before, but one of their
> 'evangelists' just put up an article about using Opera 10 beta with
> VoiceOver:
> They are actively developing in this area, so if you've any
> suggestions I'd ping @iheni on twitter.
> Kind regards,
> -Alastair
> >

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Re: Improving re-arranging items in table views on OS X

2009-07-29 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

HI Martin,

I think your approach of having a separate command if you want to move  
all noncontinguous items together makes sense.


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Re: Opera 10 beta

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch
Nice to find another accessible web browser since Firefox is still 
working on it. First thing I tried was to jump between headers as this 
is an easy way to get to the main story on a news page. I tried this on and after about 5 header jumps I found the first story. On 
Opera all it did was beep. If I enable Opera's single key shortcuts I 
can jump from header to header via the S and W keys, but I shouldn't 
have to learn another set of keys just to use their browser.


william lomas wrote:
> i may give opera a shot
> thanks will
> On 29 Jul 2009, at 17:14, Alastair Campbell wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I know the Opera browser has been discussed before, but one of their
>> 'evangelists' just put up an article about using Opera 10 beta with
>> VoiceOver:
>> They are actively developing in this area, so if you've any
>> suggestions I'd ping @iheni on twitter.
>> Kind regards,
>> -Alastair
> >

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questions regarding safari and vo

2009-07-29 Thread Tony Bernedal

Hi all.
I'm new to this world of mac, and I like it a lot. Have played with my
macbook for a week now and so far I'm happy with it.
There are a few things I want to ask about regarding safari and vo.
1 I went to apple online shop to order upgrade program for snow
leopard. Everything went ok until my shopping cart show up and it was
emty. The site said that I need to have cookies enabled so I went to
preferences in safari and cookies was enabled. Tried again with same
result. I tried a few times before I gave up and went online on my
windows box and placed the order there, and it worked. Something must
have happend anyway on the mac because I ended up with 7 copies in the
cart. I changed to 1 and placed the order. What can be the problem
here? Any ideas? Why didn't it work with safari and vo?
That was question one.
Now to question two:
I use bloglines to read my rss feeds and it works fine on linux and
windows but on mac with safari and vo it behaves little strange. I
select for example all about symbian to read the rss feed, I go to the
first heading and it says the title all about symbian correct. Next
heading is the description of the feed and it also work fine. But here
with the headings for each newsstory don't tell me the title for the
story, it only sais "site: all about symbian". And so on for all
newsstories in the feed. Why on earth and how can I fix that? It works
fine on linux and windows.
So, the last question for this time, On for example and
some other blogs vo says "permalink" before the title of the articles
on the site.
It's not a big issue but I wonder if thats correct or if something can
be done to get rid of this.
I use the latest software updates on my system.
So thats all for me at the moment. Sorry for the long post but I want
to get the questions out there.
All the best.

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Re: Improving re-arranging items in table views on OS X

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch
Implementing good keyboard controls is pretty difficult and you're 
tackling one the toughest interactions in GUIs today. Good luck and post 
when you've got something to play with. If you find it useful, about 25 
folks got together to try and come up with best practices for keyboard 
controls on web widgets. While applications have more freedom on keys to 
use, the same functionality needs to be addressed.


Martin Pilkington wrote:
> Well, I expect most people will be moving continuous selections. 
> Non-continuous selections are a special case really. I think in terms 
> of simplifying things it would be better to move the grouping into 
> another interaction as opposed to putting 2 interactions into one 
> command. There could be 4 combinations of the interactions but in one 
> command there is only room for 2 of those combinations. I have to say, 
> trying to design this has given me an new appreciation of just how 
> good a job the programmers and designers at Apple have done with OS X 
> in general.
> Thanks
> Martin
> On 29 Jul 2009, at 4:33 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> So it depends on what you expect most folks will be doing. I'm 
>> assuming that most folks will pick a disparate set of rows to take 
>> some action as a whole. In the case of moving, I would think it's to 
>> group them together in some other spot in the list, not to 
>> re-interleave them up higher. Of course assumptions are always 
>> subjective :)
>> CB
>> Martin Pilkington wrote:
>>> Possibly, but that could cause more confusion. In your example, rows 
>>> 7, 12, 22, 30, 42 and 56, if moved up one would then become rows 
>>> 6,7,8,9,10 and 11. That makes send for drag & drop as you are 
>>> plucking them out and then inserting them into a specific place but 
>>> for moving up/down a row at a time it doesn't make sense as the 
>>> behaviour changes depending on if you move up or down eg what if you 
>>> want to group them all from row 56 but move them up? What could make 
>>> sense is a separate command to let you group all the selection at 
>>> the first or last item in the selection. I might look into that down 
>>> the line as it could be useful in cases similar to your example.
>>> Thanks
>>> Martin
>>> On 28 Jul 2009, at 8:56 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:
 Makes sense. So if I have four rows with A B C and D. I select rows 
 B and D and then hit shift option up I would now have rows B A D 
 and C. Hitting up again gives B D A and C. Is this what users would 
 expect? Normally I would think folks would be trying to cherry pick 
 rows they care about and drop them as a cluster somewhere. The 
 method you proposed sounds like it could get confusing quickly. Say 
 I want to move all my favorite songs to the top of a playlist from 
 random locations in a long list. I might pick rows 7, 12, 22, 30, 
 42 and 56. To get them all to the top I would need to option up 
 arrow a bunch of times to sort of scrunch them all together at the 
 top. What if I wanted to put my second favorites after the previous 
 6 tracks. Would I need to scrunch them at the top and then drag 
 them down to the 7th row? I guess I'm arguing that all the selected 
 rows should be inserted in the destination rather than interleaving.

 Hope this helps.


 Martin Pilkington wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> All rows get nudged up one space. When you reach the top or bottom of  
> a table then they get nudged together. For example, if you have rows 2  
> and 4 selected and hit shift-option-up then the they will move up to  
> be rows 1 and 3. Then if you hit shift-option-up again row 1 won't  
> move as it is at the top but row 3 will, so they will now be rows 1  
> and 2.
> I have a sample application up at 
>   . As I said, once you have selected some rows you just hit shift- 
> option and either the up or down arrow to shift the rows up or down.  
> Hopefully it feels easier than current methods.
> Martin
> On 27 Jul 2009, at 10:05 pm, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> What happens if I have multiple discontiguous rows selected and I  
>> option
>> up arrow? Do all the rows get inserted one row above where the top
>> selected row used to be? Probably the worst case scenario for  
>> complexity
>> but something to consider.
>> CB
>> Martin Pilkington wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I haven't posted for a while so for those who don't remember me, my
>>> name is Martin and I'm a Mac software developer. I'm currently having
>>> a problem with making one of my applications accessible, but in an
>>> easy to use way. There is a lot of drag & drop functionality in my
>>> application. Some of it is easy, such as using copy 

Re: badly formed HTML forms

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch

Easiest way is to use an accessibility scanner like Deque's WorldSpace. 
You can run a free scan here:

I did that which generated this report:;&compliance=SECTION_508_ANAL&page=

which showed a bunch of unlabeled form fields among other issues


Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> I was at my alumni registration page today, and noticed that it  
> confused Safari quite a bit.
> The autoforms put my Last name into the Last Name, Date of birth  and  
> Student ID fields.
> Can anybody look over the HTML at
> and provide me comments that I can forward to get the form to behave  
> bettor for screen readers and Safari in general?
> Jon
> >

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Re: Alternatives to Mobile me

2009-07-29 Thread Barry Hadder


I agree that Dropbox seems like a pretty good alternative to IDisk.   
I'm not creasy about the floating window that comes up at start-up  

I'm wondering if you have found a way to access the network tab in the  
preferences.  I've been unable to do so.

On Jul 28, 2009, at 7:11 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> The only real ones are remote wipe for iPhone and the "Find My iPhone"
> feature.
> You can also set up GMail for web storage and XMarks for bookmarks.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> P.S.:
> I use Dropbox for data storage. At 2 GB free storage it is great. The
> setup doesn't look accessible, but it can be done and the product is a
> joy.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 28-Jul-09, at 10:10 AM, Larry Wanger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> With the discussion last week of Mobile Me I realized that my
>> subscription
>> is about up and that soon I will need to pay for the family plan I
>> have once
>> again. I'm really not interested in doing that as I feel the service
>> is
>> priced a bit high and I am looking for some alternatives. The main
>> things I
>> see as benefits to the service are syncing contacts and email account
>> information across the 2 macs I have and my iPhone, syncing
>> calendars and
>> the web storage I could but don't often use well.
>> I have found some alternatives in that I can sync calendar and
>> contacts via
>> Google. Further, I can use Gmail as an iMap service and therefore
>> the Mobile
>> Me email service just isn't needed. If I want to, I could use another
>> service such as Carbonite for data storage and backup as well I
>> think. So,
>> with that in mind, are there any other compelling reasons to stay  
>> with
>> Mobile Me that I'm overlooking? Have others dropped the service and
>> or just
>> found better options?
> >

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Apple iPhone manual

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch

Maybe I missed this but somebody sent me this link to an online version 
of the iPhone manual

in particular is a section on accessibility which covers voiceover, zoom 
and and other items:


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RE: Apple iPhone manual

2009-07-29 Thread Jane Jordan (Gmail)

Your link didn't work.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:44 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Apple iPhone manual

Maybe I missed this but somebody sent me this link to an online version 
of the iPhone manual

in particular is a section on accessibility which covers voiceover, zoom 
and and other items:


Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG - 
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1882 - Release Date: 1/8/2009
8:13 AM

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Re: Apple iPhone manual

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Blouch

Really? I just pasted it from my browser into my email. I just copied 
the links from your reply back into my browser and they opened up again. 
Can anyone else verify that the links do or do not work?


Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:
> Your link didn't work.
> Jane
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:44 PM
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Apple iPhone manual
> Maybe I missed this but somebody sent me this link to an online version 
> of the iPhone manual
> in particular is a section on accessibility which covers voiceover, zoom 
> and and other items:
> CB
> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
> Checked by AVG - 
> Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1882 - Release Date: 1/8/2009
> 8:13 AM
> >

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Re: Apple iPhone manual

2009-07-29 Thread Dan

The links work just fine.
On Jul 29, 2009, at 1:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Really? I just pasted it from my browser into my email. I just copied
> the links from your reply back into my browser and they opened up  
> again.
> Can anyone else verify that the links do or do not work?
> CB
> Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:
>> Your link didn't work.
>> Jane
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:44 PM
>> To: MacVisionaries
>> Subject: Apple iPhone manual
>> Maybe I missed this but somebody sent me this link to an online  
>> version
>> of the iPhone manual
>> in particular is a section on accessibility which covers voiceover,  
>> zoom
>> and and other items:
>> CB
>> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1882 - Release Date:  
>> 1/8/2009
>> 8:13 AM
> >

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Re: Query regarding using aliases

2009-07-29 Thread Simon Cavendish

Dear Esther,

Thank you for these steps regarding aliases. I indeed thought that it  
should be the case: i.e. one should be able to vo+arrow to the "from"  
button and there choose the alias one wishes. However, the difficulty  
is that the one I've created doesn't seem to feature. My main .me  
alias is listed but the other ones are not. I've just subscribed to a  
news letter using my alias - for argument's sake -, and I  
have just received a confirmation e-mail from the news letter website.  
I tried to reply to it as an exercise but my alias doesn't appear in  
the "from" list. It's strange.

With Best wishes

On 27 Jul 2009, at 22:59, Esther wrote:

> Hi Simon and Barry,
> Here's the way I use aliases. You don't need to do anything to sync  
> after you set them up, but you might need to restart mail if you set  
> up your aliases at the MobileMe web site while your mail app is  
> open.  The following should work from your Apple mail app.
> 1. Command-R to reply to a message and type in your response
> 2. VO-Left arrow to the mail header.  Normally this would take you  
> to the "From:" field.  You should now have a pop up button that  
> lists the various mail aliases and the associated names.  For  
> example, you could have an email address that you use only for  
> mailing lists like simon_c AT and another one for business  
> related correspondence like s_cavendish AT, and these can be  
> separate from your main email account.  Dot Mac users who started  
> services can use these with either the or extensions,  
> but new users can only use
> 3. Command-Shift-D to send the message.
> Barry, I suspect the reason that creating mail aliases is disabled  
> for trial subscriptions is that created aliases cannot be re-used by  
> anyone.  So if you create lots of aliases and then discard them,  
> you're taking those names permanently out of circulation for all  
> current and future users.
> Having aliases is a great way to separate out your activities.  
> MobileMe does a good job of spam filtering (so does Gmail), but if  
> you don't want to give your primary email address when you sign up  
> for a trial software use or in order to download Stuffit Expander  
> from Smith Micro, you can give a mail alias designed for this  
> purpose and set up a smart mailbox to keep these messages separate.
> HTH.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> >

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Re: Query regarding using aliases

2009-07-29 Thread Barry Hadder


Have you tried putting your alias in to email field of the acount/info  
panel?  If it is set up on the server, this should enable it to show  
up in the list.  You just want to separate it from your other address  
with a cama.

On Jul 29, 2009, at 3:47 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Dear Esther,
> Thank you for these steps regarding aliases. I indeed thought that it
> should be the case: i.e. one should be able to vo+arrow to the "from"
> button and there choose the alias one wishes. However, the difficulty
> is that the one I've created doesn't seem to feature. My main .me
> alias is listed but the other ones are not. I've just subscribed to a
> news letter using my alias - for argument's sake -, and I
> have just received a confirmation e-mail from the news letter website.
> I tried to reply to it as an exercise but my alias doesn't appear in
> the "from" list. It's strange.
> With Best wishes
> Simon
> On 27 Jul 2009, at 22:59, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Simon and Barry,
>> Here's the way I use aliases. You don't need to do anything to sync
>> after you set them up, but you might need to restart mail if you set
>> up your aliases at the MobileMe web site while your mail app is
>> open.  The following should work from your Apple mail app.
>> 1. Command-R to reply to a message and type in your response
>> 2. VO-Left arrow to the mail header.  Normally this would take you
>> to the "From:" field.  You should now have a pop up button that
>> lists the various mail aliases and the associated names.  For
>> example, you could have an email address that you use only for
>> mailing lists like simon_c AT and another one for business
>> related correspondence like s_cavendish AT, and these can be
>> separate from your main email account.  Dot Mac users who started
>> services can use these with either the or extensions,
>> but new users can only use
>> 3. Command-Shift-D to send the message.
>> Barry, I suspect the reason that creating mail aliases is disabled
>> for trial subscriptions is that created aliases cannot be re-used by
>> anyone.  So if you create lots of aliases and then discard them,
>> you're taking those names permanently out of circulation for all
>> current and future users.
>> Having aliases is a great way to separate out your activities.
>> MobileMe does a good job of spam filtering (so does Gmail), but if
>> you don't want to give your primary email address when you sign up
>> for a trial software use or in order to download Stuffit Expander
>> from Smith Micro, you can give a mail alias designed for this
>> purpose and set up a smart mailbox to keep these messages separate.
>> HTH.
>> Cheers,
>> Esther
> >

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Re: Query regarding using aliases

2009-07-29 Thread Barry Hadder


I just added a list of aliases separated by comas in the acount/info  
email field and I'm getting them in the "to" list in the new message  
pain.  HI can't use them of course as I don't have them on the  
server.  owever, I think it will do it for you if you make sure you  
are sinking your email settings.  I neglected that before because I  
was thinking that it only sync between computers.  However, it  
occurred to me that it is also syncing with the on-line mail app.

You would be doing me a small favor if you try it and let me know if  
it works as I'm trying this out at the moment.  As I stated before,  
aliases aren't available to trial members.

On Jul 27, 2009, at 9:58 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> I've created a new alias under my .me account. I understand from the
> manual that I should from the point of creation of such an alias have
> an option under "from" field to choose which alias appears in the
> field on the recipient computer. When I activate the "from" button, I
> can't see my alias. Should I be able to see it? I thought the idea of
> having an alias means that you can choose a different e-mail address
> so that the main .me address remains hidden from view. Is that right?
> Thanks for any clues.
> Best wishes
> Simon
> >

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RE: Apple iPhone manual

2009-07-29 Thread Kim Carmichael

It worked for me.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dan
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: Apple iPhone manual

The links work just fine.
On Jul 29, 2009, at 1:11 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Really? I just pasted it from my browser into my email. I just copied 
> the links from your reply back into my browser and they opened up 
> again.
> Can anyone else verify that the links do or do not work?
> CB
> Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:
>> Your link didn't work.
>> Jane
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 3:44 PM
>> To: MacVisionaries
>> Subject: Apple iPhone manual
>> Maybe I missed this but somebody sent me this link to an online 
>> version of the iPhone manual
>> in particular is a section on accessibility which covers voiceover, 
>> zoom and and other items:
>> CB
>> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
>> Checked by AVG -
>> Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1882 - Release Date:  
>> 1/8/2009
>> 8:13 AM
> >

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Re: connecting victor Stream to a Mac

2009-07-29 Thread Woody Anna Dresner

Hi Chris,

I appreciate your trying to help me connect my STream to virtual  
Windows XP. In case it makes any difference, I can connect the Stream  
just fine on the Mac side, so that means there's probably nothing  
wrong with my stream, my cable, or the USB port.


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Finder warning dialogs not speaking

2009-07-29 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


I moved a portable drive while copying some items to it, and it got  
disconnected. When I tried to do other things with Finder, I got  
warning messages saying the operation couldn't be completed. This  
would be fine, except that the warning dialogs didn't speak, nor did  
the buttons needed to deal with them. The only reason I know they were  
there is because my sighted husband helped me with them. Is there  
anything I can do to make these types of dialog boxes speak should I  
run into a similar situation in the future?


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Say All

2009-07-29 Thread Woody Anna Dresner


When I am interacting with text in an e-mail message or a website, I  
move by word, line or character, and type VO-A, reading begins after  
the last word or character I read. However, if I am reading a document  
in textEdit or other places where it's a real edit field, VO-A always  
starts from the top instead of from where I was reading when I invoked  
it. Is there something I can do to make VO-A read from where I am in  
this situation as it does when I'm interacting with text?


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Re: connecting victor Stream to a Mac

2009-07-29 Thread Chris Polk

so let me ask you this:
when you connect the stream, do you hear the hardware inserted sound?
reason i'm asking, i didn't have trouble doing this. the first time it  
didn't work at all. second time it worked fine. third time was same as  
first time.
I am guessing the stream uses a different mass storage driver.  I am  
going to ask someone from hw that i know about this tomorrow.

On Jul 29, 2009, at 7:49 PM, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> I appreciate your trying to help me connect my STream to virtual
> Windows XP. In case it makes any difference, I can connect the Stream
> just fine on the Mac side, so that means there's probably nothing
> wrong with my stream, my cable, or the USB port.
> Best,
> Anna
> >

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Re: Apple iPhone manual

2009-07-29 Thread Mickey Quenzer


The link worked fine for me.
It was:

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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