Re: oldschool mac nostalgia

2009-04-23 Thread Krister Ekstrom

When i used the mac to connect to bbses in the beginning of the 90-s,  
there were basically two mailers available for Fidonet, and it was  
Formula 1, which many used at that time and Tabby which was kinda hard  
to set up and make it work. I don't know how the more expensive bbs  
systems like Telefinder or First class handled the frontend mailing  

23 apr 2009 kl. 01.52 skrev Scott Howell:

> Funny Jason, I remember BBS systems very well. I used to run a bbs and
> was a national Fideonet hub for a while. Recently I heard a podcast
> from Retro Mac (available in the iTunes store as I believe retromac)
> and they had someone on who talked about the bbs software available
> for the Mac. I don't recall if anyone had developed any of the
> Fideonet front-end mailers such as Binkley Term etc.  for the Mac.
> On Apr 22, 2009, at 12:52 AM, Jason Custer wrote:
>> Well, When I was using an apple II e, it was in the 80's. The ibm was
>> new in my school, but not accessible. The screen reader freedom
>> something was developed in the late 80s early 90's to work with
>> dectalk, an external serial synth at that time, but the screen reader
>> had no review mode, it sstank, especially for me knowing what my
>> little apple could do, but mac's accessibility was non-existent for
>> me, so when I eventually had to upgrade, it was to a pc with ASAP,  
>> the
>> demo version, and an ISA doubletalk.
>> I remember my high school was throwing out a 10 MB hard disk for  
>> apple
>> II e, I hadn't known apple II e computers could use a hard drive. It
>> was fun messing with that bad boy! I also got a kick out of using the
>> internal modem to connect to a bbs. Anybody remember bbs's?
>> Eventually, I used a Braille 'N Speak and an external modem.
>> I never had a spell checker for bex, but I remember the "good timing"
>> portion of apple, I used to switch things up sometimes with another
>> program.
>> hmm, it's amazing how much of this stuff I remember, but if I sat  
>> down
>> in front of the machine now, it would be difficult to remember much
>> I'm sure. One thing I miss though is the typing game. As an
>> instructor, I could sure use that now.
>> Jason Custer
>> .
>> On Apr 21, 2009, at 6:45 PM, Jessi Rathwell wrote:
>>> wow. I don't remember any of this stuff but it sure is interesting
>>> reading about it!! it seems strange t think that so many f ya'll  
>>> were
>>> using apple computers back in the day in college. were pc's
>>> completely
>>> inaccessible then or were you all just mac enthusiasts from the
>>> beginning?
>>> peace and positivity
>>> Jessi
>>> follow me on twitter
>>> On 21-Apr-09, at 6:37 PM, Mark Baxter wrote:

 Jessie Casum.  I had such a crush on Jessie Casun or whatever he
 was.  I talked to her once when I was asking a question about
 Bex.  I
 used Bex all the way through college to do my papers.  Either Bex  
 Prowords, but more often Bex.  I had a spell checker for it, even,
 it never worked right.  It came on double-sided disks and if you  
 good timing, you could pull out the disk at one point and flip it
 and shortcut some of the menus to get to the Bex main menu.

 Mark BurningHawk

 Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 My home page:


> >

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messages list in mail

2009-04-23 Thread Jonathan Chacón


I have a problem in message list in mail when I have many emails I  
can not go to the begining or the end of the message list.
How can I go to the first or the last email in the message list in  
mail? I used home and ed keys in my macbook but the didn't work

Thanks and regards
Jonathan Chacón

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Re: messages list in mail

2009-04-23 Thread chantel cuddemi

Hi there. If you do vo shift function left arow, it will bring you to  
the top of the list in mail.
you must interact with the message table first.
On Apr 23, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Jonathan Chacón wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem in message list in mail when I have many emails I
> can not go to the begining or the end of the message list.
> How can I go to the first or the last email in the message list in
> mail? I used home and ed keys in my macbook but the didn't work
> Thanks and regards
>   Jonathan Chacón
> >

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Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

2009-04-23 Thread Scott Bresnahan

Hi, Brent,

I passed along your info to a friend  and  colleague at Apple who 
should be contacting you directly.  He works directly with .me and 
should be able to help you.  I also had a nice chat about 
accessibility with him and it's always on their minds.


>Hi there. I ended up signing up for the 60-day trial of Mobileme, and I'm
>finding their site isn't really too accessible. I want to get rid of the
>service. When I get to the cancel page, it can barely be done with Firefox
>and JFW, the link that actually would cancel won't activate. How can I get
>this thing canceled? I tried calling 18007672775 and saying Mobileme for
>what I needed support for, but that thing just says to go online for some
>kind of chat that I really doubt is accessible. Is there an easy way to get
>rid of it besides canceling the debit card?

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readiris help

2009-04-23 Thread christos hux

as suggested to me via a reply I did try interacting with the vertical  
scroll bar & nothing happened by scrolling to the very top or bottom  
the status of the continue button never changed from its dimmed  
status. This is very frustrating to spend money on a application to  
help you be more independent & its not useable. Maybe I can use it in  
the short future as a upgrade path to the mac version of omnipage pro  
x when I have more funds to use.

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Re: messages list in mail

2009-04-23 Thread Thomas McMahan

Interact in message list,VO keys,  (home) to get to the top of the  
list, and VO keys and (end) to go down to bottom of list.

On Apr 23, 2009, at 1:00 PM, Jonathan Chacón wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem in message list in mail when I have many emails I
> can not go to the begining or the end of the message list.
> How can I go to the first or the last email in the message list in
> mail? I used home and ed keys in my macbook but the didn't work
> Thanks and regards
>   Jonathan Chacón
> >

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Watching and recording tv on the mac.

2009-04-23 Thread Jesper Holten
Hi all.
Last friday I got my Imac and I am pretty happy about everything. But I really 
would love two things.
I have installed eye tv 3.1 on the system. Then I am able to watch tv. However, 
I really would love to make scheduled recordings of tv shows. Any Idea to 
accomplish that? I use a fire dtv digital tv cable converter with a cam module. 
I also would like to get the epg program guide information if possble. What can 
I do?
Is Plex accessible?
Or can frontrow do the trick, and in that case how?

Best regards, Jesper. 
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Emerson DAISY and EPub reader

2009-04-23 Thread Greg Kearney

Here is a link to Emerson a cross platform DAISY and EPub reader which  
some of you may find interesting.

Greg Kearney
535 S. Jackson St.
Casper, Wyoming 82601

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Re: readiris help

2009-04-23 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Christos,

ReadIris and Omnipage are from different companies, so anything you  
paid to the ReadIris people won't count towards Omnipage Pro. In any  
case, Nuance appear to have abandonned development of Omnipage for the  
Mac, so it wouldn't be worth your while getting it. It certainly won't  
work with Snow Leopard as it is an old carbon application.

As for ReadIris, you may have to enter a special code which ties it to  
one specific computer. This is certainly the case for the copy I have.  
Unfortunately, I can't remember how I installed it, but it wouldn't  
surprise me if I had help from my sighted husband.

So it looks as though sighted help is your best way forward, galling  
as that may be!

Good luck,


On Apr 23, 2009, at 8:49 PM, christos hux wrote:

> as suggested to me via a reply I did try interacting with the vertical
> scroll bar & nothing happened by scrolling to the very top or bottom
> the status of the continue button never changed from its dimmed
> status. This is very frustrating to spend money on a application to
> help you be more independent & its not useable. Maybe I can use it in
> the short future as a upgrade path to the mac version of omnipage pro
> x when I have more funds to use.
> >

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Re: readiris help

2009-04-23 Thread Scott Howell

Hsave you tried contacting IRIS? They have an office here in the US  
and I believe you are in the US. If not, they likely have a local  
office in a country near you.
On Apr 23, 2009, at 2:49 PM, christos hux wrote:

> as suggested to me via a reply I did try interacting with the vertical
> scroll bar & nothing happened by scrolling to the very top or bottom
> the status of the continue button never changed from its dimmed
> status. This is very frustrating to spend money on a application to
> help you be more independent & its not useable. Maybe I can use it in
> the short future as a upgrade path to the mac version of omnipage pro
> x when I have more funds to use.
> >

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Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

2009-04-23 Thread Brent Harding

Cool. I really don't want to end up getting billed for this thing. I guess 
syncing stuff up to it is usable, but the website isn't yet so maybe once 
they do get accessibility I'd consider it again.

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Bresnahan" 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

> Hi, Brent,
> I passed along your info to a friend  and  colleague at Apple who
> should be contacting you directly.  He works directly with .me and
> should be able to help you.  I also had a nice chat about
> accessibility with him and it's always on their minds.
> Best,
> Scott
>>Hi there. I ended up signing up for the 60-day trial of Mobileme, and I'm
>>finding their site isn't really too accessible. I want to get rid of the
>>service. When I get to the cancel page, it can barely be done with Firefox
>>and JFW, the link that actually would cancel won't activate. How can I get
>>this thing canceled? I tried calling 18007672775 and saying Mobileme for
>>what I needed support for, but that thing just says to go online for some
>>kind of chat that I really doubt is accessible. Is there an easy way to 
>>rid of it besides canceling the debit card?
> -- 
> --Scott
> >

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Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

2009-04-23 Thread Dan Eickmeier

Yeah I agree,don't  think Mobile Me is worth it now, due to the  
current state of accessibility of  Like you, when it becomes  
more accessible, I'd maybe consider it.

On Apr 23, 2009, at 5:45 PM, Brent Harding wrote:

Cool. I really don't want to end up getting billed for this thing. I  
syncing stuff up to it is usable, but the website isn't yet so maybe  
they do get accessibility I'd consider it again.

- Original Message -
From: "Scott Bresnahan" 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

> Hi, Brent,
> I passed along your info to a friend  and  colleague at Apple who
> should be contacting you directly.  He works directly with .me and
> should be able to help you.  I also had a nice chat about
> accessibility with him and it's always on their minds.
> Best,
> Scott
>> Hi there. I ended up signing up for the 60-day trial of Mobileme,  
>> and I'm
>> finding their site isn't really too accessible. I want to get rid  
>> of the
>> service. When I get to the cancel page, it can barely be done with  
>> Firefox
>> and JFW, the link that actually would cancel won't activate. How  
>> can I get
>> this thing canceled? I tried calling 18007672775 and saying  
>> Mobileme for
>> what I needed support for, but that thing just says to go online  
>> for some
>> kind of chat that I really doubt is accessible. Is there an easy  
>> way to
>> get
>> rid of it besides canceling the debit card?
>> Thanks.
> -- 
> --Scott

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Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

2009-04-23 Thread Brent Harding

Yeah, it's weird that the final link to cancel is the one I can't seem to 

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Eickmeier" 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

> Yeah I agree,don't  think Mobile Me is worth it now, due to the
> current state of accessibility of  Like you, when it becomes
> more accessible, I'd maybe consider it.
> On Apr 23, 2009, at 5:45 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
> Cool. I really don't want to end up getting billed for this thing. I
> guess
> syncing stuff up to it is usable, but the website isn't yet so maybe
> once
> they do get accessibility I'd consider it again.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Bresnahan" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:24 PM
> Subject: Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial
>> Hi, Brent,
>> I passed along your info to a friend  and  colleague at Apple who
>> should be contacting you directly.  He works directly with .me and
>> should be able to help you.  I also had a nice chat about
>> accessibility with him and it's always on their minds.
>> Best,
>> Scott
>>> Hi there. I ended up signing up for the 60-day trial of Mobileme,
>>> and I'm
>>> finding their site isn't really too accessible. I want to get rid
>>> of the
>>> service. When I get to the cancel page, it can barely be done with
>>> Firefox
>>> and JFW, the link that actually would cancel won't activate. How
>>> can I get
>>> this thing canceled? I tried calling 18007672775 and saying
>>> Mobileme for
>>> what I needed support for, but that thing just says to go online
>>> for some
>>> kind of chat that I really doubt is accessible. Is there an easy
>>> way to
>>> get
>>> rid of it besides canceling the debit card?
>>> Thanks.
>> -- 
>> --Scott
> >

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Re: installing readiris help

2009-04-23 Thread Justin Harford

This is a rather tricky part.  Sometimes finding the scroll bar,  
routing the mouse to it, and scrolling it down with the mouse is the  
best way.  If this doesn't work I have found also going through the  
print process just short of wasting the paper also works.  But it does  
take a bit of prodding to make it go but you only have to do it once  
thank goodness.

Justin Harford

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already  
tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic  

On 22/04/2009, at 15:08, christos hux wrote:

> Hi out there to the list. Today I received my purchase of readiris
> version 11.6 and attempted to install it. There is no installer app
> for it since its its own program. After the first screen which you
> just hit continue to get to on the next screen where you select your
> language which had english already selected then there are buttons for
> print, save, go back, & continue. There is also a vertical scroll
> area. I can go no further into the installation process from this
> point because the continue button for some reason is dimmed out.
> Anyone out there know why this is the case or how to get past this
> stage with the program?
> >

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Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

2009-04-23 Thread Scott Bresnahan


I had sent you this info yesterday by direct email link in your post, 
but I did not get a reply from you.  My friend at Apple also has this 
address, so please check it and see if you have any notes from us. 
Alternatively, what's your .me user name and I'll send you a note to 
that account.


>Cool. I really don't want to end up getting billed for this thing. I guess
>syncing stuff up to it is usable, but the website isn't yet so maybe once
>they do get accessibility I'd consider it again.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Scott Bresnahan" 
>Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:24 PM
>Subject: Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial
>>  Hi, Brent,
>>  I passed along your info to a friend  and  colleague at Apple who
>>  should be contacting you directly.  He works directly with .me and
>>  should be able to help you.  I also had a nice chat about
>>  accessibility with him and it's always on their minds.
>>  Best,
>>  Scott
>>>Hi there. I ended up signing up for the 60-day trial of Mobileme, and I'm
>>>finding their site isn't really too accessible. I want to get rid of the
>>>service. When I get to the cancel page, it can barely be done with Firefox
>>>and JFW, the link that actually would cancel won't activate. How can I get
>>>this thing canceled? I tried calling 18007672775 and saying Mobileme for
>>>what I needed support for, but that thing just says to go online for some
>>>kind of chat that I really doubt is accessible. Is there an easy way to
>>>rid of it besides canceling the debit card?
>>  --
>>  --Scott
>>  >

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Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

2009-04-23 Thread Brent Harding

My user name is I wonder if the message got in the spam 
filter on my usual account? I'll have to set that account up to check it. 
The web mail thing isn't too usable. I hope this thing can be figured out.

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Bresnahan" 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial

> Brent,
> I had sent you this info yesterday by direct email link in your post,
> but I did not get a reply from you.  My friend at Apple also has this
> address, so please check it and see if you have any notes from us.
> Alternatively, what's your .me user name and I'll send you a note to
> that account.
> Best,
> Scott
>>Cool. I really don't want to end up getting billed for this thing. I guess
>>syncing stuff up to it is usable, but the website isn't yet so maybe once
>>they do get accessibility I'd consider it again.
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Scott Bresnahan" 
>>Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:24 PM
>>Subject: Re: getting rid of Mobileme trial
>>>  Hi, Brent,
>>>  I passed along your info to a friend  and  colleague at Apple who
>>>  should be contacting you directly.  He works directly with .me and
>>>  should be able to help you.  I also had a nice chat about
>>>  accessibility with him and it's always on their minds.
>>>  Best,
>>>  Scott
Hi there. I ended up signing up for the 60-day trial of Mobileme, and 
finding their site isn't really too accessible. I want to get rid of the
service. When I get to the cancel page, it can barely be done with 
and JFW, the link that actually would cancel won't activate. How can I 
this thing canceled? I tried calling 18007672775 and saying Mobileme for
what I needed support for, but that thing just says to go online for 
kind of chat that I really doubt is accessible. Is there an easy way to
rid of it besides canceling the debit card?


>>>  --
>>>  --Scott
>>>  >
> -- 
> --Scott
> >

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Re: Watching and recording tv on the mac.

2009-04-23 Thread Alex Jurgensen

Tangerine Theatre is a project that is being hosted by  
Unfortunately it isn't finished but it will do what you want.


On 23-Apr-09, at 1:50 PM, Jesper Holten wrote:

> Hi all.
> Last friday I got my Imac and I am pretty happy about everything.  
> But I really would love two things.
> I have installed eye tv 3.1 on the system. Then I am able to watch  
> tv. However, I really would love to make scheduled recordings of tv  
> shows. Any Idea to accomplish that? I use a fire dtv digital tv  
> cable converter with a cam module. I also would like to get the epg  
> program guide information if possble. What can I do?
> Is Plex accessible?
> Or can frontrow do the trick, and in that case how?
> Best regards, Jesper.
> >

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Downloading unplayed podcasts in iTunes...

2009-04-23 Thread Mike

Hi all:

I have recently subscribed to a caouple of podcasts which have back
How do I download and play the back epasodes? I see them in my list
but when I press enter or the space bar, nothing happens.
They are listed as undownloaded.

Thanks all:


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Re: Watching and recording tv on the mac.

2009-04-23 Thread John J Herzog
Where do we find all of the projects you speak about? When I go to 
, I find only I-speak, and an X-chat program that says it was released  
in 2006. Is there a special URL to check out the progress of things  
like raspberry reader, tangereen theater, your alarm program, etc?

Thanks for the clarification,


On Apr 23, 2009, at 8:05 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> Tangerine Theatre is a project that is being hosted by  
> Unfortunately it isn't finished but it will do what you want.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 23-Apr-09, at 1:50 PM, Jesper Holten wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Last friday I got my Imac and I am pretty happy about everything.  
>> But I really would love two things.
>> I have installed eye tv 3.1 on the system. Then I am able to watch  
>> tv. However, I really would love to make scheduled recordings of tv  
>> shows. Any Idea to accomplish that? I use a fire dtv digital tv  
>> cable converter with a cam module. I also would like to get the epg  
>> program guide information if possble. What can I do?
>> Is Plex accessible?
>> Or can frontrow do the trick, and in that case how?
>> Best regards, Jesper.
> >

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Re: Downloading unplayed podcasts in iTunes...

2009-04-23 Thread Jessi Rathwell

hey Mike,
if you hit contextual menu on them (VO shift m) there should be a  
choice in there that says "download podcast" or something. VO space on  
that and it'll download the episode. then you can hit enter or space  
to play it.
peace and positivity
follow me on twitter
On 23-Apr-09, at 6:34 PM, Mike wrote:

> Hi all:
> I have recently subscribed to a caouple of podcasts which have back
> epasodes.
> How do I download and play the back epasodes? I see them in my list
> but when I press enter or the space bar, nothing happens.
> They are listed as undownloaded.
> Thanks all:
> Mike
> >

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Re: readiris help

2009-04-23 Thread Søren Jensen


Try the following:
1: Interact with the scroll bar
2: Press VO command f5 to move the mouse to it
3: Scroll down to the bottom
4: Stop interacting and find the continue button
5: Press VO command f5 to move the mouse to the button
6: Press on the physicly mouse button to click on the continue button.

If it doesn't work for you, please contact me by MSN and we can talk  
about it there.

Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 23/04/2009, at 20.49, christos hux wrote:

> as suggested to me via a reply I did try interacting with the vertical
> scroll bar & nothing happened by scrolling to the very top or bottom
> the status of the continue button never changed from its dimmed
> status. This is very frustrating to spend money on a application to
> help you be more independent & its not useable. Maybe I can use it in
> the short future as a upgrade path to the mac version of omnipage pro
> x when I have more funds to use.
> >

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