RE: Mac mini

2009-04-14 Thread Simon Fogarty
yes, 900 usa dollars, that's in the area of $1800 NZ dollars, so as I'm in
new Zealand, I'd rather spend $1300, on a mac mini than spend $1800 on a mac
book. but I do also think that portability would be great and yeah the
macbook has that where the mac mini don't.


[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, 14 April 2009 4:08 a.m.
Subject: Re: Mac mini

I wonder if a small laptop would be a better long-term solution. You can
then take it anywhere to do stuff while on the couch or while traveling. You
can get a basic 13" 2GHz MacBook for US$999 at the Apple Store today. You
might also check Apple's store for refurbished items which can save you some
more. Generally these will get you a better machine for the same or higher
cost rather than a bargain basement price.


Simon Fogarty wrote: 

Hi alex, 

Yeah I am in the accademic / tertiary education sector, but over here in nz

apples are a truck load more costly than the prices you quoted.

 20inch imac is $2500  startting price.

 The mac mini starts at $1300.00  these are prices for new devices so not

second hand.


-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of Alex Jurgensen

Sent: Monday, 13 April 2009 4:39 a.m.


Subject: Re: Mac mini


A cheap Apple Branded Keyboard/Mouse is easy to come by if you get a Mini

for less than $100. If you are in the Education Market, Apple sells a 17

Inch IMac for $899.



On 12-Apr-09, at 4:05 AM, Pierre Heim wrote:


Hi Simon,

the MacMini is a great device if you don't need to be mobile with it 

and if you already have a screen and/or a keyboard which you want to 



the small 20" iMac is a good alternative because it might be cheaper 

than a MacMini with screen and keyboard. The internal hardware of the 

Mini and a small MacBook is nearly the same so this is only a 

secondary criteria in my opinion. I would recommend this to you:

- take a Mini if you don't need to be mobile (e.g. for

school/university/work) and you already have a keyboard and screen

- take a iMac if you don't need to be mobile and you have neighter a 

keyboard nor a screen

- take a MacBook if you need to be mobile

I've once taken the Mini because I didn't need a scrren and an iMac 

was too expensive for me at this time.

hth, Pierre

- Original Message -

From: "Jesper Holten"  


Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:18 AM

Subject: Re: Mac mini


All mac computers are intel based today, and therefore you can run 

windows or linux or any other operating system that runs on intle 

computers in a virtual machine.

Whether you buy a mac mini or mac book laptop depends on your



Be ware that the mini is the cheapest of the mac systems and that it 

comes without mouse, keyboard and a screen.

While of corse the laptops and the Imac is fully configured machines 

with everything contained such as a keyboard and screen.

Best regards, Jesper.

- Original Message -

From: "Simon Fogarty"   


Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:47 AM

Subject: Mac mini


hi folks,

I'm contimplating buying a mac,

and I'm thinking that the mac mini might be a good deal as it will 

be based in the house rather than a laptop for carrying round.

Is the mac mini a Intel based device or not?

As I'd be wanting a windows VM also is it going to be a worthwhile 

purchase or should I be looking at the mac book instead?

Thanks for any input here.


Simon f.



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Re: Airport Exstream with DHCP issues

2009-04-14 Thread Scott Howell

Hey Tim, you know I was looking for that setting on my Time Capsule  
and I could not locate it at all. I wonder if the Extreme is slightly  
different? Should not be the case, but I will follow your steps and  
see if I can locate this option. I have the latest software for my  
Time Capsule which is 7.41. I can't imagine that Apple would have  
removed the ability to turn off dhcp. :) I accessed the setup in a  
similar fashion, but maybe I missed it in some way, but will check  

On Apr 14, 2009, at 1:13 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Alex,
>> You asked:  I have an Airport EXstream. I also have a Linksys
>> WRT4gv6 and a
>> seperate DHCP server. When I introduced G networking to my house I
>> switched off dhcp on the Lynksys. Now I want to upgrade the N-enabled
>> devices to N-speed networking with the Airposrt Exsteam. How do you
>> disable DHCP?
> TK:  Open Airport Utility in the Utilities folder.  Select your
> Airport Extreme from the Table.  Press cmd-l to manually set-up the
> unit.  Enter your Admin password if necessary.  Navigate to the
> Toolbar.  Activate the Internet button.  Stop Interacting with the
> Toolbar.  Navigate to the Internet Connection tab and activate that
> pane.  Navigate to the Connection sharing area and change the pop-up
> to be "Off - Bridge mode".  This will allow the Extreme to gain its IP
> from another DHCP server and not distribute them at all.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> & Carter the Canine
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> >

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RE: syncing my nokia phone

2009-04-14 Thread Simon Fogarty

It is possible but it's a 3rd party tool that you use to connect nokia
devices to mac machines.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jessi Rathwell
Sent: Tuesday, 14 April 2009 1:14 p.m.
Subject: Re: syncing my nokia phone

ooh. unfortunately I can't help, but would definitely be curious what you
find out so whoever sends answers this, please send to the list!  
I'd love to be able to sync my E71 with my mac! having to use pc suite all
the time is gonna give me gray hairs before I'm 30!!!
On 13-Apr-09, at 6:07 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hi list. I found a page on nokia's website about a plugin for isync 
> that will let me sync my nokia e71 with my mac. How do I get this to 
> download. It looks like I have to select my phone some how. Can anyone 
> help? Thanks to anyone who can.
> >

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IBM Lotus Symphony

2009-04-14 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning,

Has anyone tried IBM Lotus Symphony and can you say if it is  
accessible with Voiceover?  I believe from the little research that  
I've done that it only implements IAccessible2, like Firefox, and is  
likely not accessible.

Wouldn't it be nice if:

1. Voiceover supported IAccessible2, or
2. Someone would write an UA to IAccessible2 bridge / wrapper.


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Re: Airport Exstream with DHCP issues

2009-04-14 Thread Scott Howell

Tim, ok I see the reason why I didn't find it. Being that Apple  
changed the menus a great deal, the directions you provided are  
correct. However, since I use Verizon's ADSL service, I have to use  
PPPOE and you have to changed that to eathr net to enable or disable  
dhcp. I suspect it was setup this way because as far as I know you can  
only have dhcp when using PPPOE or that may be an industry standard  
way of implementing PPPOE with providers who use that.

On Apr 14, 2009, at 1:13 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Alex,
>> You asked:  I have an Airport EXstream. I also have a Linksys
>> WRT4gv6 and a
>> seperate DHCP server. When I introduced G networking to my house I
>> switched off dhcp on the Lynksys. Now I want to upgrade the N-enabled
>> devices to N-speed networking with the Airposrt Exsteam. How do you
>> disable DHCP?
> TK:  Open Airport Utility in the Utilities folder.  Select your
> Airport Extreme from the Table.  Press cmd-l to manually set-up the
> unit.  Enter your Admin password if necessary.  Navigate to the
> Toolbar.  Activate the Internet button.  Stop Interacting with the
> Toolbar.  Navigate to the Internet Connection tab and activate that
> pane.  Navigate to the Connection sharing area and change the pop-up
> to be "Off - Bridge mode".  This will allow the Extreme to gain its IP
> from another DHCP server and not distribute them at all.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> & Carter the Canine
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> >

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outlook pst, how to view in os x

2009-04-14 Thread Jason Custer

Anybody know how to view a pst file from outlook 2003 in os x without  
installing outlook on another pc and exporting from there? In other  
words, using only mac utilities and apps?
Thanks in advance.
Jason Custer

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Copy to Clipboard in Twitteriffic

2009-04-14 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good morning,

I don't seem to be able to copy tweets to the clipboard (using VO +  
Shift + C) when I am focused on the first tweet in the list.  Any  
suggestions / can this be reproduced on anyone else's system?


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Re: Copy to Clipboard in Twitteriffic

2009-04-14 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good afternoon,

Appears that every time I was trying to copy and paste the first tweet  
in Twitteriffic it was to long to paste.  I'm not sure that I like the  
behaviour of not allowing a paste of information that does not fit  
into the update edit field.  I'd prefer some sort of message, or that  
as much text as fits would get pasted.


Follow me on Twitter

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On 14-Apr-09, at 12:04 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> I don't seem to be able to copy tweets to the clipboard (using VO +  
> Shift + C) when I am focused on the first tweet in the list.  Any  
> suggestions / can this be reproduced on anyone else's system?
> Thanks,
> Everett
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile

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Re: Copy to Clipboard in Twitteriffic

2009-04-14 Thread Josh de Lioncourt

It will play the default sound, usually an error beep of some kind, if  
it can't paste. It's easy to miss though. Also, I recommend  
interacting with the text of the tweet, moving past the name, then  
using VO_Down to read just the message. Pressing VO-Shift-C at this  
point will copy only the message and not the person's display name,  
which will usually keep the tweet from being too long to paste.

Josh de Lioncourt

"Beauty was a savage garden, so why should it wound him that the most  
despairing music is full of beauty?"
The Vampire Lestat--Anne Rice

On Apr 14, 2009, at 8:51 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Appears that every time I was trying to copy and paste the first tweet
> in Twitteriffic it was to long to paste.  I'm not sure that I like the
> behaviour of not allowing a paste of information that does not fit
> into the update edit field.  I'd prefer some sort of message, or that
> as much text as fits would get pasted.
> HTH,
> Everett
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> On 14-Apr-09, at 12:04 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> I don't seem to be able to copy tweets to the clipboard (using VO +
>> Shift + C) when I am focused on the first tweet in the list.  Any
>> suggestions / can this be reproduced on anyone else's system?
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
>> Follow me on Twitter
>> View my LinkedIn Profile
> >

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Re: games for the Mac?

2009-04-14 Thread erik burggraaf

Hi, have you considdered porting eamon to the mac?  No one seems to  
have done that yet, and I've got over 150 apple II images here that  
I'm supposed to be able to port to dos very easily using compilers on  
the disc but I've never had time to force it to co-opperate.


erik burggraaf
A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
Phone: 888-255-5194

On 13-Apr-09, at 12:07 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to bring back text adventures. I'd be gald to compile and
> package them.
> Where can Iget the source.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 13-Apr-09, at 1:43 AM, wrote:
>> Hi!
>> It's reassuring to know that this topic is being discussed here. I've
>> been googling this for some time and so far I found the following:
>> 1. Text adventures and Zoom,
>> 2. A simple Space Invaders type game called Terrestrial Invasion,
>> 3. A 3d MORPG called Power Up which claims to be accessible but
>> consistently failed to self-voice on the Mac I tested it on. This may
>> be an error on my part however.
>> 4. Last but certainly not least there is SoundRTS, an audio-based
>> real-
>> time strategy game, i.e. war simulation. This game is cross-platform
>> and multiplayer-enabled so we can take the battle between operating
>> systems to a new and playful level. As far as I know, Windows, Linux,
>> and Mac are supported.
>> So let the games begin!
>> BTW, are there any maccessible mud clients out there? Except for
>> Telnet, I might add?
>> Greetings and happy Easter,
>> Felix
> >

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Re: games for the Mac?

2009-04-14 Thread Alex Jurgensen`


I'd do it in the summer possiby.


On 4/13/09, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Hi, have you considdered porting eamon to the mac?  No one seems to
> have done that yet, and I've got over 150 apple II images here that
> I'm supposed to be able to port to dos very easily using compilers on
> the disc but I've never had time to force it to co-opperate.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email:
> On 13-Apr-09, at 12:07 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to bring back text adventures. I'd be gald to compile and
>> package them.
>> Where can Iget the source.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 13-Apr-09, at 1:43 AM, wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> It's reassuring to know that this topic is being discussed here. I've
>>> been googling this for some time and so far I found the following:
>>> 1. Text adventures and Zoom,
>>> 2. A simple Space Invaders type game called Terrestrial Invasion,
>>> 3. A 3d MORPG called Power Up which claims to be accessible but
>>> consistently failed to self-voice on the Mac I tested it on. This may
>>> be an error on my part however.
>>> 4. Last but certainly not least there is SoundRTS, an audio-based
>>> real-
>>> time strategy game, i.e. war simulation. This game is cross-platform
>>> and multiplayer-enabled so we can take the battle between operating
>>> systems to a new and playful level. As far as I know, Windows, Linux,
>>> and Mac are supported.
>>> So let the games begin!
>>> BTW, are there any maccessible mud clients out there? Except for
>>> Telnet, I might add?
>>> Greetings and happy Easter,
>>> Felix

>> >
> >

Alex A.AWEBSIGHT administrator
AWEBSIGHT web team
"Blindness is a gift, not a disability."
B.C unit

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Re: Copy to Clipboard in Twitteriffic

2009-04-14 Thread Jessi Rathwell

yeah, I know, it's a bit annoying. I wish twitteriffic had a retweet  
feature!!! but if you copy it into text edit and trim it down a bit  
then you should be able to put it into the message field.
On 14-Apr-09, at 8:51 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Appears that every time I was trying to copy and paste the first tweet
> in Twitteriffic it was to long to paste.  I'm not sure that I like the
> behaviour of not allowing a paste of information that does not fit
> into the update edit field.  I'd prefer some sort of message, or that
> as much text as fits would get pasted.
> HTH,
> Everett
> Follow me on Twitter
> View my LinkedIn Profile
> On 14-Apr-09, at 12:04 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> I don't seem to be able to copy tweets to the clipboard (using VO +
>> Shift + C) when I am focused on the first tweet in the list.  Any
>> suggestions / can this be reproduced on anyone else's system?
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
>> Follow me on Twitter
>> View my LinkedIn Profile
> >

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Re: Browsing HTML tables with Voiceover

2009-04-14 Thread Søren Jensen


Tables works fine if you switch to group mode.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 13/04/2009, at 07.48, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> It is the way Webkit renders the tables. If it displayed them as
> tables like in other applications to Voiceover we would have no  
> problem.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> >

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Re: Browsing HTML tables with Voiceover

2009-04-14 Thread Victor Tsaran

Is there a shortcut to toggle betwee nthe two modes or should I always 
do this through Voiceover pannel?
On 4/14/2009 11:46 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Hi.
> Tables works fine if you switch to group mode.
> Best regards
> Søren Jensen
> Mail&  MSN:
> Website:
> On 13/04/2009, at 07.48, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It is the way Webkit renders the tables. If it displayed them as
>> tables like in other applications to Voiceover we would have no
>> problem.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
> >

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Re: Browsing HTML tables with Voiceover

2009-04-14 Thread Søren Jensen

Sadly there's not a shortcut key to switch between group mode and dom  
mode. You have to enter the voiceover utility.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 14/04/2009, at 20.25, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Is there a shortcut to toggle betwee nthe two modes or should I always
> do this through Voiceover pannel?
> On 4/14/2009 11:46 PM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Tables works fine if you switch to group mode.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail&  MSN:
>> Website:
>> On 13/04/2009, at 07.48, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It is the way Webkit renders the tables. If it displayed them as
>>> tables like in other applications to Voiceover we would have no
>>> problem.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,

> >

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Re: syncing my nokia phone

2009-04-14 Thread Jessi Rathwell

what's it called? where do you get it? is it free? lol it's 20  
questions time!! haha. I'm interested!!!
On 14-Apr-09, at 3:11 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> It is possible but it's a 3rd party tool that you use to connect nokia
> devices to mac machines.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jessi Rathwell
> Sent: Tuesday, 14 April 2009 1:14 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: syncing my nokia phone
> ooh. unfortunately I can't help, but would definitely be curious  
> what you
> find out so whoever sends answers this, please send to the list!
> I'd love to be able to sync my E71 with my mac! having to use pc  
> suite all
> the time is gonna give me gray hairs before I'm 30!!!
> On 13-Apr-09, at 6:07 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hi list. I found a page on nokia's website about a plugin for isync
>> that will let me sync my nokia e71 with my mac. How do I get this to
>> download. It looks like I have to select my phone some how. Can  
>> anyone
>> help? Thanks to anyone who can.
> >

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webkit vs. safari beta?

2009-04-14 Thread Arthur Pirika

hi all, I'm helping a friend with her new mac, and I'm noticing that 
seemingly in some cases, when downloading disk images, the machine seems to 
freeze. My friend still uses safari 3.1 that came with the system, so the 
question is, would upgrading either safari or webkit solve the problem, and 
what would people recommend, safari 4 beta, or latest nightly webkit build?


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Greg Kearney's new job

2009-04-14 Thread Greg Kearney

As many of you know I was looking for work for the last few months,  
well I am happy to announce that I have secured employment. I have  
accepted the position of Manager of Accessible Technology at the  
Association for the Blind of Western Australia in Perth and will start  
immediately working form the U.S. while I await the clearance to enter  
and work in Australia.

You can think of my job as the Western Australian version of what  
Andrew Furlong does in Melbourne with Vision Australia. I will oversee  
the conversion of the tape library to DAISY format,  help to manage  
the Beyond Books Beyond Barriers project for ABWA and the State  
Library of Western Australia ( and work in other  
areas of accessible media. I will also have a more formal position  
with Curtin University and the Curtin University Centre for Accessible  
Technology working on research and development of accessible technology.

My wife, Tamara, will be working with me at ABWA developing a training  
programme for blind massage therapists and in braille production.

I want to thank all of you for your help and suggestions over these  
last few months. I look forward to working more closely with the Daisy  
Consortium in the future.

Gregory Kearney
Manager - Accessible Media
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
61 Kitchener Avenue, PO Box 101
Victoria Park 6979, WA Australia

Telephone: +61 (08) 9311 8202
Telephone: +1 (307) 224-4022 (North America)
Fax: +61 (08) 9361 8696
Toll free: 1800 658 388 (Australia only)

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Eclipse with Cocoa

2009-04-14 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good evening,

Has anyone tried the Eclipse IDE with Cocoa support.  If so can you  
share your experience as it relates to VO accessibility?


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Re: webkit vs. safari beta?

2009-04-14 Thread Mike Arrigo

I think the newest official release of safari is 3.2, not completely  
sure on that though. I would use software update and get the newest  
official release of everything first. I use the nightly builds of  
webkit and several issues have been fixed since the last release of  
safari, so I would give that a try.
On Apr 14, 2009, at 5:01 PM, Arthur Pirika wrote:

> hi all, I'm helping a friend with her new mac, and I'm noticing that
> seemingly in some cases, when downloading disk images, the machine  
> seems to
> freeze. My friend still uses safari 3.1 that came with the system,  
> so the
> question is, would upgrading either safari or webkit solve the  
> problem, and
> what would people recommend, safari 4 beta, or latest nightly webkit  
> build?
> thanks,
> Arthur.
> >

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Shrook accessibility

2009-04-14 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good evening,

Has anyone tried the RSS reader Shrook?  If so, how accessible is this  
app with VO?


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Removing office 2008

2009-04-14 Thread Scott Ford

Hello everyone,
I need to remove office 2008 From my Mac.  How do I do this and  
restore the system to the oem state so that I can read things.  I  
cannot read anything including pdf's or files.  The system tells me  
the file name or I can go full screen.  This sucks.  I can open and  
read the documents with the text editor though.   Thank you for any  

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Query about iTunes album's and groupings

2009-04-14 Thread Scott Rutkowski
HI all.

Can anyone please advise how I can do the following in iTunes?
OK the deal is I have a box set the metallica collection I just purchased.
Now alll the albums in the box set are all named the metallica collection then 
under this title all the albums are grouped in to groupings and all the tracks 
for each album are part of the box set.
My query is if i use the browser to look up metallica then look up the album 
then under the grouping column I can see all the albums listed. I want to sort 
all the albums in to their own playlists by using the grouping column. Is this 
possible and if so how is it done?

At first when I looked up metallica in the browser i thought i would be able to 
sort by albums but no it shows up as the metallica collection and each album is 
grouped in their own grouping.
Thanks to anyone who can assist.

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