Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-28 Thread Scott Howell

Yes and interacting with the message seems to prevent this from  
happening. I haven't seen this problem in a very long time.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover crash?
> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message voiceover
> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
> preview pane.
> Everett
> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:
>> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program  
>> which
>> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text files and
>> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them into
>> audio files with iSpeakIt
> >

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Re: Open Office 3.0.1 improvements?

2009-03-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom

I never could get the hang of selecting text that spanned over several  
paragraphs in Writer. Is this doable either by VO or the standard  
commands and has there been improvements to that in the new version?

27 mar 2009 kl. 20.43 skrev Chris Blouch:

> This one slipped past me. Apparently there was a point release at the
> end of January. Poking through the bug notes I didn't see anything Mac
> or VoiceOver related. Anyone else find any improvements? I just
> downloaded it and added a table to a Writer document using Command- 
> F12.
> the resulting table still gave no indication of which column or row I
> was in as I tabbed around. That was one of my big beefs with Writer.
> CB
> >

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purchased playlist

2009-03-28 Thread william lomas

Hi tall

ITunes has mess up my purchased plylist order, yet again lol
I wonder the oldist song at the top and the newer ones at the bottom  
but v.o. shift backslash doesn't seem to be doing what i want
Any help please?

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ignore last message

2009-03-28 Thread william lomas

hi I sorted the itunes issue it seems to ahve just 

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bug report for itunes 8.1 I submitted to apple. Just letting you all know

2009-03-28 Thread Matthew Campbell

Good day list members.
I've sent a bug report to apple that has to do with importing playlist  
data from a text file. The playlists export to text ok but they don't  
import again. I had to downgrade to 8.02 to get all of the tunes back  
on my ipod.
Incase anyone is wondering I've tried this on another mac and I get  
the same results.
If you wish to discuss this later I'd be happy to discuss what I know  
whether it needs to be taken off list or not.
By for now.

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Re: Iwork and document formatting question

2009-03-28 Thread Tim Kilburn

> Hi John,

You asked:
> How can you apply certain
> formatting attributes to text that do not have a keyboard shortcut?
> Take double spacing for example. I can highlight any text I want with
> voiceover, but double spacing does not have a specific keyboard
> shortcut. Furthermore, when I have selected text, and stop interacting
> with it so I can move to the spacing button, it is dimmed. The same is
> true of all other formatting options, they're all dimmed.
> Using voiceover, how is it possible to apply formatting that does not
> have a keyboard shortcut, such as double spacing?

TK:  You'll need to turn cursor tracking off to perform these actions.

• Select the text you wish to format.
• Turn Cursor Tracking off by pressing VO-Shift-f3 (add FN on a Laptop).
• Stop Interacting with the Layout area.
• Navigate to the respective formating control.
• Don't forget to turn Cursor Tracking on again (same command as  
turning it off), otherwise you may be frustrated with some actions of  

JJH:  Also, on a related  note, how can I tell what page of a document  
I'm on?

TK:  This part of the document doesn't appear to be read by VO.  You  
could go to the Toolbar, activate the View pop-up menu and turn on  
thumbnail view which would allow you to quickly see how many pages you  
have and instantly navigate to specific pages.  Not exactly what  
you're looking for but hope it helps.


> Tim Kilburn

& Carter the Canine
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Open Office 3.0.1 improvements?

2009-03-28 Thread Mark Baxter

Press VO enter to start selecting, and VO enter again to stop.  It  
works like the old Block function in Word Perfect 5.1, if anyone  
remembers that.

Mark BurningHawk

Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
My home page:

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Re: reading digital braille files on mac

2009-03-28 Thread Tom K

Hi, I noticed that the message in question is full of greater than signs, 
I'm still using windows mail till my mac mini gets here on Monday, so I was 
able to see them.  could the greater than signs  do it?

  Tom who wants his Mac Mini now!
- Original Message - 
From: "Eliza Cooper" 
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: reading digital braille files on mac

I am not using Safari 4 Beta, and read my messages by hitting VO+J
from my messages table.  I guess that doesn't tell us anything.
On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> There have been some problems experienced with VoiceOver interactions
> with mail that are associated with the installation of the Safari 4
> beta.  See the thread on "mail problem with VoiceOver" at the mail
> archive site for this list and use Control-n to read down the thread:
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:51 AM, Greg Kearney wrote:
>> Not sure what version of Safari one is using would have anything to
>> do
>> with reading an email message.
>> Greg Kearney
>> 535 S. Jackson St.
>> Casper, Wyoming 82601
>> 307-224-4022
>> On Mar 27, 2009, at 10:50 AM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>>> Good afternoon,
>>> Yes, I am running the Safari 4 beta.
>>> Everett
>>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:48 PM, Esther wrote:


 I didn't have a problem with this message.  I restored my Preview
 and tried tabbing from the messages table.  That worked fine. Are
 both running the Safari 4 beta?  I'm still using Safari 3.



 On Mar 27, 2009, at 6:39 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:

> Hi,
> Yes, I had the same thing happen to me.  Very odd.
> Eliza
> On Mar 27, 2009, at 12:25 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Did the followig message cause anyone else to have voiceover
>> crash?
>> When I tab to the preview pane for the following message
>> voiceover
>> crashes and restarts itself over and over until I tab out of the
>> preview pane.
>> Everett
>> On 27-Mar-09, at 1:18 PM, christos hux wrote:
>>> well you can also do this with Gregs braille translation program
>>> which
>>> is totally free and easier. I convert the brf files to text
>>> files
>>> and
>>> then either read then as they are with text edit or convert them
>>> into
>>> audio files with iSpeakIt


> >

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Re: Open Office 3.0.1 improvements?

2009-03-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Doesn't work in ooo3.0, or rather it works up to the next paragraph at  
which point the previous selection gets unselected as you select new  
text, that is the problem.

28 mar 2009 kl. 16.45 skrev Mark Baxter:

> Press VO enter to start selecting, and VO enter again to stop.  It
> works like the old Block function in Word Perfect 5.1, if anyone
> remembers that.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:
> My home page:
> >

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RE: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-28 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.

Have you ever created a GUI in python? If so, what did you use--kintr, pygui, 
vision egg, or what? I am just now needing to figure out how to program a GUI 
in python, and I don't want to invest a lot of time trying to learn to use a 
module that will not generate a VO-accessible GUI.

Rafael Bejarano

-Original Message-
From: on behalf of Yvonne Thomson
Sent: Fri 3/27/2009 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: Python programming on OSX

On 27/03/2009, at 8:13 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:

> Good morning,
> If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear
> what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation  
> requirements.
> Thanks,
> Everett

I've done quite a bit of programming Python on OSX, but I have to  
admit I stopped for a long time. Smultron was just hopeless for me,  
particularly reading other peoples code. The indent support just  
wasn'tup to it.

My only solution turned out to be teaching myself to use Vim and using  
macvim. The learning curve was a bit steap, but it has let me start  
programming in a language I'd all but given up on.

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Re: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-28 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good evening,

No, but I did just send a message asking this exact question to


On 28-Mar-09, at 4:26 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:

> Hello,
> Have you ever created a GUI in python? If so, what did you use-- 
> kintr, pygui, vision egg, or what? I am just now needing to figure  
> out how to program a GUI in python, and I don't want to invest a lot  
> of time trying to learn to use a module that will not generate a VO- 
> accessible GUI.
> Thanks.
> Rafael Bejarano
> -Original Message-
> From: on behalf of Yvonne Thomson
> Sent: Fri 3/27/2009 7:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Python programming on OSX
> On 27/03/2009, at 8:13 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear
>> what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation
>> requirements.
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
> Hi.
> I've done quite a bit of programming Python on OSX, but I have to
> admit I stopped for a long time. Smultron was just hopeless for me,
> particularly reading other peoples code. The indent support just
> wasn'tup to it.
> My only solution turned out to be teaching myself to use Vim and using
> macvim. The learning curve was a bit steap, but it has let me start
> programming in a language I'd all but given up on.
> >

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Re: Open Office 3.0.1 improvements?

2009-03-28 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 28/3/09 09:43, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> I never could get the hang of selecting text that spanned over several
> paragraphs in Writer. Is this doable either by VO or the standard
> commands and has there been improvements to that in the new version?

Anything wrong with Shift and the arrow keys to select text? Seems to 
work for me.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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Re: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-28 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good evening,

I have found out that xcode supports pyObjC bindings.  Which means  
that you can create cocoa GUIs with python.  This should provide for  
accessible applications, but I imagine the learning curve is quite  
steep.  There is also support for PHP binding to cocoa, but I don't  
believe that it is built into xcode.


On 28-Mar-09, at 4:26 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:

> Hello,
> Have you ever created a GUI in python? If so, what did you use-- 
> kintr, pygui, vision egg, or what? I am just now needing to figure  
> out how to program a GUI in python, and I don't want to invest a lot  
> of time trying to learn to use a module that will not generate a VO- 
> accessible GUI.
> Thanks.
> Rafael Bejarano
> -Original Message-
> From: on behalf of Yvonne Thomson
> Sent: Fri 3/27/2009 7:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Python programming on OSX
> On 27/03/2009, at 8:13 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear
>> what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation
>> requirements.
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
> Hi.
> I've done quite a bit of programming Python on OSX, but I have to
> admit I stopped for a long time. Smultron was just hopeless for me,
> particularly reading other peoples code. The indent support just
> wasn'tup to it.
> My only solution turned out to be teaching myself to use Vim and using
> macvim. The learning curve was a bit steap, but it has let me start
> programming in a language I'd all but given up on.
> >

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xCode accessibility

2009-03-28 Thread E.J. Zufelt

Good evening,

Can anyone tell me how accessible xCode is with Voiceover?  Anything  
that you have tried to accomplish that you couldn't get done with VO?


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Re: Open Office 3.0.1 improvements?

2009-03-28 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 27/3/09 19:43, Chris Blouch wrote:
> I just
> downloaded it and added a table to a Writer document using Command-F12.
> the resulting table still gave no indication of which column or row I
> was in as I tabbed around.

Looks like this needs filing as a Request for Enhancement:

What do other applications and platforms do with cells that are merged 
between or split within columns and rows?

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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Re: Inbosser's on the mac & software?

2009-03-28 Thread Michael Huckabay

I'm righting to find out if enyone know's of an excessible mac brail  
translation aplication to be used with a index brail printer?

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Re: Inbosser's on the mac & software?

2009-03-28 Thread Ryan Dour

I thought Index had their own Mac specific software. WAsn't it  
something like iBraille?


On Mar 28, 2009, at 5:51 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:

> I'm righting to find out if enyone know's of an excessible mac brail
> translation aplication to be used with a index brail printer?
> Thanks.
> >

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Re: Inbosser's on the mac & software?

2009-03-28 Thread Michael Huckabay

Yes. I just came across one called loue and it is from
Thank's. Mike Hour wrote:

> I thought Index had their own Mac specific software. WAsn't it
> something like iBraille?
> Ryan
> On Mar 28, 2009, at 5:51 PM, Michael Huckabay wrote:
>> I'm righting to find out if enyone know's of an excessible mac brail
>> translation aplication to be used with a index brail printer?
>> Thanks.
> >

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pac mate qx400 with 20-cell braille display for sale, should work with VoiceOver!

2009-03-28 Thread Jason Custer

Hello all,
Below is a post from craigslist. To see the actual post, go here.
Article text is below.
Thanks for your interest!
Please email off-list with questions or comments.

  heading level 2 Pac Mate QX400 & 20-cell Braille display - $800
  Pac Mate qx400 with 20-cell Braille display, compatible with most  
screen readers, including VoiceOver on os x. Pac Mate and Braille  
display are joined together. If you wish to separate them to use the  
display with other components, you will need the following items: usb  
cable, braille display cover panel, and Pac Mate cover panel. Each of  
the above was lost when I moved across the country. Each item is $14  
from Freedom Scientific. The usb cable is non-proprietary, and can be  
purchased anywhere, probably for less.  This item is in perfect  
working condition. All the pins on the display function, battery works  
very well, etc. Please email with any questions or to arrange for  
purchase.  Freedom Scientific:  
Freedom Scientific phone: (800) 444-4443  Sorry, I won't give my phone  
number here. If you are interested, email and I can give my number  
that way.  Jason Custer  group 

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Re: easy way to run orca in fusion. was: VMware fusion and orca on a macbook?

2009-03-28 Thread John J Herzog

Hi listers,
When running orca in fusion, there is an easy way to change its  
modifier key without going into a terminal in ubuntu. Since this is  
relevant to fusion and the mac, I'm posting it here. These are the  
First, within ubuntu, go into the keyboard settings, which is under  
the preferences menu. Next, select apple  as the keyboard type. Hit  
tab, and under variant, select laptop. Next, hit the more options  
button. The first button that comes up says caps lock. Press it, and  
then you can select different radio buttons that modify the caps lock  
function. The one you want to press is swap caps lock with escape.  
Essentially, this makes the two keys change position on your keyboard.  
This is important, because fusion sends escape through to the vm. It  
does not do this with caps lock when it is held down. Now that caps  
lock and escape have been swapped, you can use escape as your orca  
modifier key successfully. Don't forget to hit the button that says  
apply system wide when you're done. Also, don't forget to have orca's  
keyboard layout set to laptop.
Hope that helps someone, as I find the terminal instructions to create  
key mapping files quite cryptic. .


On Mar 25, 2009, at 4:19 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> John,
> Here is the instructions for remapping a key accessibly. Gosh, it
> feels like forever since I was looking into this, but anyways, here it
> is.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 6-Mar-09, at 6:27 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Thanks for your offer to help. I'm not in a rush by any means, as I  
>> do
>> not use linux for any mission critical tasks. It would be nice to  
>> have
>> for use of web visum though, the gnome mud client, and a few extra
>> goodies.
>> I am willing to wait a week or two: that's fine. If I find something
>> in the meantime that solves my problem, I'll let you know.
>> On Mar 6, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'll help you. I'm current really busy though, so can you hang in
>>> there until March 14, 2009, wink?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alex,
>>> On 5-Mar-09, at 7:36 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

 Hi all,
 This might be slightly off topic, but I'm having a hard time  
 ubuntu and orca in fusion from a macbook. The problem is, that caps
 lock is the only option for orca's modifier key, and this does not
 work correctly. Also, there is no sharp keys equivalent for linux,
 allowing me to remap the function to a different button.
 If you are a user of fusion, and successfully running linux/orca,
 please let me know how you do so. Note, feel free to respond off
 as I know this is not a linux forum.
 the email address is:

 Thanks all,



> >

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RE: Python programming on OSX

2009-03-28 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.


-Original Message-
From: on behalf of E.J. Zufelt
Sent: Sat 3/28/2009 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: Python programming on OSX

Good evening,

I have found out that xcode supports pyObjC bindings.  Which means  
that you can create cocoa GUIs with python.  This should provide for  
accessible applications, but I imagine the learning curve is quite  
steep.  There is also support for PHP binding to cocoa, but I don't  
believe that it is built into xcode.


On 28-Mar-09, at 4:26 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:

> Hello,
> Have you ever created a GUI in python? If so, what did you use-- 
> kintr, pygui, vision egg, or what? I am just now needing to figure  
> out how to program a GUI in python, and I don't want to invest a lot  
> of time trying to learn to use a module that will not generate a VO- 
> accessible GUI.
> Thanks.
> Rafael Bejarano
> -Original Message-
> From: on behalf of Yvonne Thomson
> Sent: Fri 3/27/2009 7:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Python programming on OSX
> On 27/03/2009, at 8:13 PM, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good morning,
>> If there are any Mac python developers on the list I'd love to hear
>> what editor you use and how you handle pythons indentation
>> requirements.
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
> Hi.
> I've done quite a bit of programming Python on OSX, but I have to
> admit I stopped for a long time. Smultron was just hopeless for me,
> particularly reading other peoples code. The indent support just
> wasn'tup to it.
> My only solution turned out to be teaching myself to use Vim and using
> macvim. The learning curve was a bit steap, but it has let me start
> programming in a language I'd all but given up on.
> >

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Re: easy way to run orca in fusion. was: VMware fusion and orca on a macbook?

2009-03-28 Thread Alex Jurgensen


If you have a Macbook/Macbook pro, what about swaping Capslock with  
the second Option/Enter.


On 28-Mar-09, at 7:52 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers,
> When running orca in fusion, there is an easy way to change its
> modifier key without going into a terminal in ubuntu. Since this is
> relevant to fusion and the mac, I'm posting it here. These are the
> instructions.
> First, within ubuntu, go into the keyboard settings, which is under
> the preferences menu. Next, select apple  as the keyboard type. Hit
> tab, and under variant, select laptop. Next, hit the more options
> button. The first button that comes up says caps lock. Press it, and
> then you can select different radio buttons that modify the caps lock
> function. The one you want to press is swap caps lock with escape.
> Essentially, this makes the two keys change position on your keyboard.
> This is important, because fusion sends escape through to the vm. It
> does not do this with caps lock when it is held down. Now that caps
> lock and escape have been swapped, you can use escape as your orca
> modifier key successfully. Don't forget to hit the button that says
> apply system wide when you're done. Also, don't forget to have orca's
> keyboard layout set to laptop.
> Hope that helps someone, as I find the terminal instructions to create
> key mapping files quite cryptic. .
> Thanks,
> John
> On Mar 25, 2009, at 4:19 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> John,
>> Here is the instructions for remapping a key accessibly. Gosh, it
>> feels like forever since I was looking into this, but anyways, here  
>> it
>> is.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex,
>> On 6-Mar-09, at 6:27 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Thanks for your offer to help. I'm not in a rush by any means, as I
>>> do
>>> not use linux for any mission critical tasks. It would be nice to
>>> have
>>> for use of web visum though, the gnome mud client, and a few extra
>>> goodies.
>>> I am willing to wait a week or two: that's fine. If I find something
>>> in the meantime that solves my problem, I'll let you know.
>>> On Mar 6, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


 I'll help you. I'm current really busy though, so can you hang in
 there until March 14, 2009, wink?


 On 5-Mar-09, at 7:36 PM, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi all,
> This might be slightly off topic, but I'm having a hard time
> running
> ubuntu and orca in fusion from a macbook. The problem is, that  
> caps
> lock is the only option for orca's modifier key, and this does not
> work correctly. Also, there is no sharp keys equivalent for linux,
> allowing me to remap the function to a different button.
> If you are a user of fusion, and successfully running linux/orca,
> please let me know how you do so. Note, feel free to respond off
> list,
> as I know this is not a linux forum.
> the email address is:
> Thanks all,
> John


> >

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