Re: VM Fusion and the Doc

2009-03-21 Thread Scott Howell

Mike, yes, the VM has to be running if you want to access specific  
apps running in the VM. What you would do to add that app to the Dock  

1. Start VmWare.
2. Start the guest os, I gather windows in your case.
3. Put Fusion in Unity mode (the  shortcut key is control+command+u or  
find it under the View menu).
4. Start whatever app you want in windows or guest os.
5. Go to the Dock.
6. Locate the application, which will indicate it is running.
7. Add the app as you would any Mac application.

You can then reverse the process for taking the guest os ut of Unity  
mode. Now when you go to the Dock and launch the app, it will load  
VmWare for you and then the application.

On Mar 20, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Mike wrote:

> Hi all:
> I just installed  an evaluation of Vm Fusion and windows XP Home.
> How can I access win apps on my doc with out actually running the
> vurtual machine or do you have to run the vurtual machine in ord to
> take advantage of installed win apps?
> Thanks:
> Mike
> >

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Re: Kindle

2009-03-21 Thread Scott Howell

I get the impression it isn't all taht great and for the price, you  
might as well get a Victor Reader or this new product Gw Micro will be  
coming out with. You would probably get more more benefits. However,  
of course you can also load audio books onto an iPod.
On Mar 20, 2009, at 7:52 PM, Tiffany D wrote:

> I don't see why they wouldn't be if it's text, unless it was a jpg or
> some kind of image.  Now I'm curious.  Has anyone tried this?
> On 20/03/2009, Maurice Mines  wrote:
>> Only some books can be read with screen reading access and I guess
>> they have just come out with a piece of software that allows you to
>> read them visually on the mac and the pc. Don't know if those  
>> versions
>> are accessible.
>> On Mar 20, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Tiffany D wrote:
>>> Today I saw something on called Kindle.  When I looked it
>>> up, I discovered it's some kind of book-reading device and that you
>>> can download books directly from amazon.  Can these downloaded files
>>> be read on a Mac?  If not, is the device itself accessible and can  
>>> the
>>> books be ported to another device?  Thanks.

> >

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activating stream on mac

2009-03-21 Thread william lomas


is here a way yet please that I can activate the VR stream from  
humanware to work with audible on my mac?
I have lost my audible activations.sis file

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Re: Installing 10.5 Leopard

2009-03-21 Thread Tim Kilburn
> Hi Mike,

You asked:  I'm also thinking of setting up a duel boot system with  
10.5 server
> for testing purposes, is this possible?

TK:  Yes it is.  The Leopard Server would only run wen that boot was  
active though.  Most of the server software is accessible butt there  
are some huge portions of Work Group Manager that are not accessible  
by Vo, namely the managed preferences area, so you'll find that rather  


Tim Kilburn
& Carter the Canine
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Broken settings area for Nano 4G in German iTunes

2009-03-21 Thread Esther
Hi Pierre,

You wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have a strange behaviour of VO in my German localised iTunes. In  
> the settings area for the iPod Nano 4G only the general tab works  
> correctly. On the other tabs (music, videos,...) VO always  
> recognizes two check boxes ("sync programs" aand "sync all  
> programs") and an empty table.

Esther: Can you give a few more details about your setup?  For  
example, what options do you have checked on the Summary tab of your  
Nano 4G (are you manually managing your music and videos or have you  
checked the box to sync only checked songs and videos)?  Is this the  
first time you're setting up your iPod Nano 4G?  Did you recently  
upgrade your iTunes version to 8.1?  (When you say the problem exists  
in iTunes 8.0, had you first tried to use the Nano 4G with iTunes  

> Pierre: The statistic for kapacity and the sync button are always  
> spoken correctly and all other stuff in iTunes works fine with VO.  
> This problem exists in iTunes 8.0 and 8.1, beside this I have the  
> German Infovox 1.3 installed on my Leopard (changing the voice has  
> no effect on this issue). From your list and Google it seems that  
> this doesn't happen with a English system. Is there anyone how has a  
> sollution for this?
> Greetings from Stuttgart

It shouldn't matter if you are using the German Infovox iVox voice.  
The Nano 4G's spoken menus use the voice and speech rate  selected for  
Text to Speech under the Speech menu of System Preferences, on the  
popup menu button for the system voice on the Text to Speech tab.
I've tried the French voice with my Nano. I haven't upgraded iTunes to  
8.1 yet, so my suggestions are based on running the previous version  
8.0.2 with a Nano 4g.

The capacity bar scroll area and the sync button are separate from the  
different tabs in the iPod settings scroll area. and are always  
displayed, regardless of selected settings tab (Summary, Music,  
Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, etc.) If I select the music tab (VO-Right  
from the Summary tab and press with VO-Space to select) and VO-right  
arrow in the pane (or VO-down arrow from the Music tab) I'll hear:

Sync music (unchecked or checked) checkbox
Sync all songs and playlists radio button
Sync selected playlists radio button
Playlists table
Include music videos checkbox
Display album artwork on your iPod checkbox

Some of these items may be dimmed, if you've chosen to manually manage  
your music and videos, but you'll still hear them announced. If you  
have checked "Sync only checked songs and videos" on the Summary page,  
have you checked the "Sync music" checkbox and selected the "Sync  
selected playlists" radio button? The playlists table is a scrolling  
table. When I interact with the playlists table I hear Audiobooks,  
Purchased playlist, folders (playlist folders were created), smart  
playlists, and regular playlists. To check and select playlists you  
may need to start scrolling with VO-Shift-S to access and check  
entries that extend beyond the visible area of the table after every 7  
or 8 lines and press escape to leave scrolling mode.

What happens when you try connecting the nano to another iTunes  
library on your computer?  I keep a test account that I use to check  
when problems are account specific -- perhaps due to a corrupted set  
of preferences settings associated with an application on my user  
account -- or genuine bugs in the operating system.  Have you  
previously used an iPod with iTunes?  If so, were you able to view  
table contents on the music and other tabs in the iPod settings scroll  
area using VoiceOver?

The table entries should be viewable.  If they're not, another way you  
can try putting content on your iPod is by putting it into manually  
managed mode by checking that option on the Summary page, selecting  
some tracks from your library, copying them from the songs table, and  
then navigating to the iPod in the sources table and doing a paste  
with Command-V. It's easy to use playlists you've created and just  
"select all" and copy from the songs table with Command-A and Command- 
C.  Or, after selecting your Music Library in the source table you can  
toggle on the Browser (Command-B) and find tracks by selecting entries  
from the genre, artists, or albums columns, then navigating to the  
songs table and selecting all and copying (without creating first  
creating a playlist) for entries to paste to your iPod.  Then try  
checking what happens when you navigate to the iPod device in the  
sources table, expand it with VO-backslash and arrow down through the  
libraries under the device.  The entries appear to be like the ones  
for your main iTunes library, but the contents are specific to the  
categories under your iPod -- so "Music" holds music entries on your  
iPod and similarly for "Movies", "Podcasts", "Audiobooks", and  
"Playlists".  They work the same way as for your main iTunes source  
table entries -- y

Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-21 Thread John Panarese

Hi Cara,
  Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In  
speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and  
restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when you  
select the restore from a time machine backup option during the setup  
process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most  
recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a specific  
backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.  However,  
when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could not get  
this particular option to work.

Take Care
John Panarese

On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

>   Wow, this is interesting, as I have many backups but only saw one
> relevant one for the partition I was needing to backup.  Incidentally,
> this is my main partition and as I said, there are many backup points,
> so go figure.  
>   I'm honestly not about to do this again right this minute, as I
> kind of needed to baby sit the Mac last night / today between the
> install / restore / software updates, so it's just too time-consuming
> for the moment.  However, any other info you might have would sure be
> appreciated, as I will definitely be doing this again by next week,
> and I also think this topic may be helpful to new users as well.
>   Have a great day / evening!…  -You rock!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> Hi Cara,
> When you are going through the setup process and you have the
> radio buttons to select a new Mac, restoring from a time machine
> backup or from another volume, I chose the time machine optino.  Note
> that I could not get the restore to work from the Utilities menu of
> the install DVD.  I did have sighted help looking over my shoulder,
> but when you restore from the time machine backup, you should have the
> ability to go back.  Mine was easy because I only wanted the last
> backup.  Honestly, I didn't spend a lot of time poking around, but
> I'll ask my friend who was there if he remembers what all the options
> were if you need me to.
> Take Care
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> John, where were you offered the choice of dates from which to
>> restore?…  I didn't see this at all.  I chose restore from a Time
>> Machine backup, but didn't see any place to enter or choose a date.
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:57 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Cara,
>>   From experience, I did a wipe and install with Leopard and then
>> used time machine to pull a backup from wich to restore.  This worked
>> like a charm for me.  I just chose the latest date and I got
>> everything back.  As a note, I did this after the install during the
>> setup when you are offered choices of choosing to restore from  
>> another
>> volume or from a time machine backup.
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:49 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Hey All, happy Wednesday to you!…
>>> Okay, I have an issue going on that I can't seem to solve.
>>> Somehow, whether inadvertently by me, or a bit of software I've
>>> installed, a system framework has been installed that I really need
>>> to
>>> get rid of.
>>> I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to simply restore my
>>> entire system from a backup?…
>>> I wiped my main partition last night and reinstalled Leopard, but
>>> wasn't offered a choice of backups from Migration assistant.   
>>> I.E.  I
>>> wasn't able to choose the date I'd like to restore from.  Since the
>>> latest restore point also has the new framework, it seems to have
>>> come
>>> over with everything else, so again, I'm in the situation of needing
>>> to restore.  aaarrrggg!  Sorry, but this is feeling a bit Microsoft
>>> to
>>> me!  lol!
>>> So, at this point, I'm simply wanting to go into Time Machine, and
>>> pick a date before the possible install, and restore from it.  Is
>>> this
>>> possible?…
>>> Otherwise, what in the heck am I supposed to do to get a clean
>>> system install yet still retain all of my user data?…
>>> Thanks for any help anyone can offer!…  You guys rock!…
>>> Have a terrific day!…
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara  :)
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:

>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
> >

Take Care

John Panarese

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Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-21 Thread Dan

While I had some problems with restoring Time-Machine backups in  
earlier 10.5 releases, I have never had problems with this in OS X  
I start the install DVD. Start VO. Go to the first of the install  
screens. Go to the menu bar and to the utilities menu and pick restore.
then, I just follow the prompts. When I get to selecting the backup I  
want, they are always available. All the way from my original backup  
to the latest backup. I just arrow to the one I want and hit the next  
Again, it works just fine. I have done this on several machines.

On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:02 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Cara,
>  Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In
> speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and
> restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when you
> select the restore from a time machine backup option during the setup
> process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most
> recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a specific
> backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.  However,
> when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could not get
> this particular option to work.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>  Wow, this is interesting, as I have many backups but only saw one
>> relevant one for the partition I was needing to backup.   
>> Incidentally,
>> this is my main partition and as I said, there are many backup  
>> points,
>> so go figure.  
>>  I'm honestly not about to do this again right this minute, as I
>> kind of needed to baby sit the Mac last night / today between the
>> install / restore / software updates, so it's just too time-consuming
>> for the moment.  However, any other info you might have would sure be
>> appreciated, as I will definitely be doing this again by next week,
>> and I also think this topic may be helpful to new users as well.
>>  Have a great day / evening!…  -You rock!…
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Cara,
>>When you are going through the setup process and you have the
>> radio buttons to select a new Mac, restoring from a time machine
>> backup or from another volume, I chose the time machine optino.  Note
>> that I could not get the restore to work from the Utilities menu of
>> the install DVD.  I did have sighted help looking over my shoulder,
>> but when you restore from the time machine backup, you should have  
>> the
>> ability to go back.  Mine was easy because I only wanted the last
>> backup.  Honestly, I didn't spend a lot of time poking around, but
>> I'll ask my friend who was there if he remembers what all the options
>> were if you need me to.
>> Take Care
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> John, where were you offered the choice of dates from which to
>>> restore?…  I didn't see this at all.  I chose restore from a Time
>>> Machine backup, but didn't see any place to enter or choose a date.
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara  :)
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:57 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> Hi Cara,
>>>  From experience, I did a wipe and install with Leopard and then
>>> used time machine to pull a backup from wich to restore.  This  
>>> worked
>>> like a charm for me.  I just chose the latest date and I got
>>> everything back.  As a note, I did this after the install during the
>>> setup when you are offered choices of choosing to restore from
>>> another
>>> volume or from a time machine backup.
>>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:49 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

 Hey All, happy Wednesday to you!…

 Okay, I have an issue going on that I can't seem to solve.
 Somehow, whether inadvertently by me, or a bit of software I've
 installed, a system framework has been installed that I really need
 get rid of.

 I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to simply restore my
 entire system from a backup?…

 I wiped my main partition last night and reinstalled Leopard, but
 wasn't offered a choice of backups from Migration assistant.
 I.E.  I
 wasn't able to choose the date I'd like to restore from.  Since the
 latest restore point also has the new framework, it seems to have
 over with everything else, so again, I'm in the situation of  
 to restore.  aaarrrggg!  Sorry, but this is feeling a bit Microsoft
 me!  lol!

 So, at this point, I'm simply wanting to go into Time Machine, and
 pick a date before the possible install, and restore from it.  Is

 Otherwise, what in the heck am I supposed to do to get

Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-21 Thread John Panarese

Hi Dan,
   This is great to know.  I did my install several months ago  
when I upgraded my Mac Books' HD to a 250 GB model.  So, it was long  
before 10.5.6.

On Mar 21, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> While I had some problems with restoring Time-Machine backups in
> earlier 10.5 releases, I have never had problems with this in OS X
> 10.5.6.
> I start the install DVD. Start VO. Go to the first of the install
> screens. Go to the menu bar and to the utilities menu and pick  
> restore.
> then, I just follow the prompts. When I get to selecting the backup I
> want, they are always available. All the way from my original backup
> to the latest backup. I just arrow to the one I want and hit the next
> option.
> Again, it works just fine. I have done this on several machines.
> Dan
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:02 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Cara,
>> Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In
>> speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and
>> restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when you
>> select the restore from a time machine backup option during the setup
>> process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most
>> recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a specific
>> backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.   
>> However,
>> when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could not  
>> get
>> this particular option to work.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Wow, this is interesting, as I have many backups but only saw one
>>> relevant one for the partition I was needing to backup.
>>> Incidentally,
>>> this is my main partition and as I said, there are many backup
>>> points,
>>> so go figure.  
>>> I'm honestly not about to do this again right this minute, as I
>>> kind of needed to baby sit the Mac last night / today between the
>>> install / restore / software updates, so it's just too time- 
>>> consuming
>>> for the moment.  However, any other info you might have would sure  
>>> be
>>> appreciated, as I will definitely be doing this again by next week,
>>> and I also think this topic may be helpful to new users as well.
>>> Have a great day / evening!…  -You rock!…
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara  :)
>>> ---
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> Hi Cara,
>>>   When you are going through the setup process and you have the
>>> radio buttons to select a new Mac, restoring from a time machine
>>> backup or from another volume, I chose the time machine optino.   
>>> Note
>>> that I could not get the restore to work from the Utilities menu of
>>> the install DVD.  I did have sighted help looking over my shoulder,
>>> but when you restore from the time machine backup, you should have
>>> the
>>> ability to go back.  Mine was easy because I only wanted the last
>>> backup.  Honestly, I didn't spend a lot of time poking around, but
>>> I'll ask my friend who was there if he remembers what all the  
>>> options
>>> were if you need me to.
>>> Take Care
>>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

 John, where were you offered the choice of dates from which to
 restore?…  I didn't see this at all.  I chose restore from a Time
 Machine backup, but didn't see any place to enter or choose a date.


 Cara  :)
 View my Online Portfolio at:

 On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:57 PM, John Panarese wrote:

 Hi Cara,
 From experience, I did a wipe and install with Leopard and then
 used time machine to pull a backup from wich to restore.  This
 like a charm for me.  I just chose the latest date and I got
 everything back.  As a note, I did this after the install during  
 setup when you are offered choices of choosing to restore from
 volume or from a time machine backup.

 On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:49 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Hey All, happy Wednesday to you!…
> Okay, I have an issue going on that I can't seem to solve.
> Somehow, whether inadvertently by me, or a bit of software I've
> installed, a system framework has been installed that I really  
> need
> to
> get rid of.
> I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to simply restore my
> entire system from a backup?…
> I wiped my main partition last night and reinstalled Leopard, but
> wasn't offered a choice of backups from Migration assistant.
> I.E.  I
> wasn't able to choose the date I'd like to restore from.  Since  
> the
> latest restore point also has the new framework, it seems to have
> come
> over with everything else,

Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-21 Thread Dan

Just one other thing. I hope I'm not confusing the situation for others.
In previous discussions, several people mentioned doing the restore   
this way. If you reinstall the OS and restart to the setup screen,  
then, you only have one time machine restore option and that's the  
most recent backup. I don't remember having choices for different  
backup dates. And I think that's where the problem is. However, if you  
do the restore directly from the Install DVD, you will have the  
different backup files to choose from.

On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:52 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Dan,
>   This is great to know.  I did my install several months ago
> when I upgraded my Mac Books' HD to a 250 GB model.  So, it was long
> before 10.5.6.
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Dan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> While I had some problems with restoring Time-Machine backups in
>> earlier 10.5 releases, I have never had problems with this in OS X
>> 10.5.6.
>> I start the install DVD. Start VO. Go to the first of the install
>> screens. Go to the menu bar and to the utilities menu and pick
>> restore.
>> then, I just follow the prompts. When I get to selecting the backup I
>> want, they are always available. All the way from my original backup
>> to the latest backup. I just arrow to the one I want and hit the next
>> option.
>> Again, it works just fine. I have done this on several machines.
>> HTH
>> Dan
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:02 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> Hi Cara,
>>>Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In
>>> speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and
>>> restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when you
>>> select the restore from a time machine backup option during the  
>>> setup
>>> process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most
>>> recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a  
>>> specific
>>> backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.
>>> However,
>>> when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could not
>>> get
>>> this particular option to work.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

 Wow, this is interesting, as I have many backups but only saw one
 relevant one for the partition I was needing to backup.
 this is my main partition and as I said, there are many backup
 so go figure.  

 I'm honestly not about to do this again right this minute, as I
 kind of needed to baby sit the Mac last night / today between the
 install / restore / software updates, so it's just too time-
 for the moment.  However, any other info you might have would sure
 appreciated, as I will definitely be doing this again by next week,
 and I also think this topic may be helpful to new users as well.

 Have a great day / evening!…  -You rock!…


 Cara  :)
 View my Online Portfolio at:

 On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:

 Hi Cara,
  When you are going through the setup process and you have the
 radio buttons to select a new Mac, restoring from a time machine
 backup or from another volume, I chose the time machine optino.
 that I could not get the restore to work from the Utilities menu of
 the install DVD.  I did have sighted help looking over my shoulder,
 but when you restore from the time machine backup, you should have
 ability to go back.  Mine was easy because I only wanted the last
 backup.  Honestly, I didn't spend a lot of time poking around, but
 I'll ask my friend who was there if he remembers what all the
 were if you need me to.

 Take Care

 On Mar 18, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

> John, where were you offered the choice of dates from which to
> restore?…  I didn't see this at all.  I chose restore from a Time
> Machine backup, but didn't see any place to enter or choose a  
> date.
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:57 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> Hi Cara,
> From experience, I did a wipe and install with Leopard and then
> used time machine to pull a backup from wich to restore.  This
> worked
> like a charm for me.  I just chose the latest date and I got
> everything back.  As a note, I did this after the install during
> the
> setup when you are offered choices of choosing to restore from
> another
> volume or from a time machine backup.
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:49 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> Hey All, happ

Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-21 Thread Chris Blouch
I haven't tried it but I would think that once your system is restored 
you should be able to pull up Time Machine and revert back to a previous 
point in time. In other words, unless the current backup is of a totally 
broken system, you can restore that to get back up and running and then 
use Time machine to revert things, or am I missing something.


Dan wrote:
> Hi,
> Just one other thing. I hope I'm not confusing the situation for others.
> In previous discussions, several people mentioned doing the restore   
> this way. If you reinstall the OS and restart to the setup screen,  
> then, you only have one time machine restore option and that's the  
> most recent backup. I don't remember having choices for different  
> backup dates. And I think that's where the problem is. However, if you  
> do the restore directly from the Install DVD, you will have the  
> different backup files to choose from.
> Dan
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:52 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>>   This is great to know.  I did my install several months ago
>> when I upgraded my Mac Books' HD to a 250 GB model.  So, it was long
>> before 10.5.6.
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Dan wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> While I had some problems with restoring Time-Machine backups in
>>> earlier 10.5 releases, I have never had problems with this in OS X
>>> 10.5.6.
>>> I start the install DVD. Start VO. Go to the first of the install
>>> screens. Go to the menu bar and to the utilities menu and pick
>>> restore.
>>> then, I just follow the prompts. When I get to selecting the backup I
>>> want, they are always available. All the way from my original backup
>>> to the latest backup. I just arrow to the one I want and hit the next
>>> option.
>>> Again, it works just fine. I have done this on several machines.
>>> HTH
>>> Dan
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:02 AM, John Panarese wrote:
 Hi Cara,
Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In
 speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and
 restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when you
 select the restore from a time machine backup option during the  
 process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most
 recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a  
 backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.
 when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could not
 this particular option to work.

 Take Care
 John Panarese

 On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:

> Wow, this is interesting, as I have many backups but only saw one
> relevant one for the partition I was needing to backup.
> Incidentally,
> this is my main partition and as I said, there are many backup
> points,
> so go figure.  
> I'm honestly not about to do this again right this minute, as I
> kind of needed to baby sit the Mac last night / today between the
> install / restore / software updates, so it's just too time-
> consuming
> for the moment.  However, any other info you might have would sure
> be
> appreciated, as I will definitely be doing this again by next week,
> and I also think this topic may be helpful to new users as well.
> Have a great day / evening!…  -You rock!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> Hi Cara,
>  When you are going through the setup process and you have the
> radio buttons to select a new Mac, restoring from a time machine
> backup or from another volume, I chose the time machine optino.
> Note
> that I could not get the restore to work from the Utilities menu of
> the install DVD.  I did have sighted help looking over my shoulder,
> but when you restore from the time machine backup, you should have
> the
> ability to go back.  Mine was easy because I only wanted the last
> backup.  Honestly, I didn't spend a lot of time poking around, but
> I'll ask my friend who was there if he remembers what all the
> options
> were if you need me to.
> Take Care
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> John, where were you offered the choice of dates from which to
>> restore?…  I didn't see this at all.  I chose restore from a Time
>> Machine backup, but didn't see any place to enter or choose a  
>> date.
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 1:57 PM, John Panarese wrote:

Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-21 Thread Dan
If you mean running Time Machine from the desktop and selecting a  
particular backup option and then use the Restore button, I've not  
been able to do that with VO. There was a discussion about this a few  
weeks back. The problem is that we are not able to use the graphical  
representation on the right of the screen to select the restore  
option. However, we can go to the particular backup file and then copy  
it back to where we want it. This is why I use the restore from the  
install DVD.
I'm sure others will have other opinions on this subject and I hope  
they present them. Because it would really be nice if we could use the  
Time Machine restore function, just as it
is explained in help.
Perhaps there is a way to do this and I just am not aware of it.
This is the beauty of lists like this one. We can all help others and  
we've all seen examples of this, time and time again.


On Mar 21, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I haven't tried it but I would think that once your system is  
> restored you should be able to pull up Time Machine and revert back  
> to a previous point in time. In other words, unless the current  
> backup is of a totally broken system, you can restore that to get  
> back up and running and then use Time machine to revert things, or  
> am I missing something.
> CB
> Dan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just one other thing. I hope I'm not confusing the situation for  
>> others.
>> In previous discussions, several people mentioned doing the restore
>> this way. If you reinstall the OS and restart to the setup screen,
>> then, you only have one time machine restore option and that's the
>> most recent backup. I don't remember having choices for different
>> backup dates. And I think that's where the problem is. However, if  
>> you
>> do the restore directly from the Install DVD, you will have the
>> different backup files to choose from.
>> Dan
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:52 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>>   This is great to know.  I did my install several months ago
>>> when I upgraded my Mac Books' HD to a 250 GB model.  So, it was long
>>> before 10.5.6.
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Dan wrote:
 While I had some problems with restoring Time-Machine backups in
 earlier 10.5 releases, I have never had problems with this in OS X
 I start the install DVD. Start VO. Go to the first of the install
 screens. Go to the menu bar and to the utilities menu and pick
 then, I just follow the prompts. When I get to selecting the  
 backup I
 want, they are always available. All the way from my original  
 to the latest backup. I just arrow to the one I want and hit the  
 Again, it works just fine. I have done this on several machines.

 On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:02 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Cara,
>Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In
> speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and
> restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when you
> select the restore from a time machine backup option during the
> setup
> process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most
> recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a
> specific
> backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.
> However,
> when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could not
> get
> this particular option to work.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> Wow, this is interesting, as I have many backups but only saw one
>> relevant one for the partition I was needing to backup.
>> Incidentally,
>> this is my main partition and as I said, there are many backup
>> points,
>> so go figure.  
>> I'm honestly not about to do this again right this minute, as I
>> kind of needed to baby sit the Mac last night / today between the
>> install / restore / software updates, so it's just too time-
>> consuming
>> for the moment.  However, any other info you might have would  
>> sure
>> be
>> appreciated, as I will definitely be doing this again by next  
>> week,
>> and I also think this topic may be helpful to new users as well.
>> Have a great day / evening!…  -You rock!…
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Cara,
>>  When you are going through the setup process and you have the
>> radio buttons to select a new Mac, restoring from a

Re: Broken settings area for Nano 4G in German iTunes

2009-03-21 Thread Pierre Heim
Hi Esther,

thank you for your extensive answer. So here is some more information about my 

I got the iPod in November last year and let my wife set the language to 
German. I created some playlists with music which should be synchronized to the 
iPod. For this I wanted to set the mode to sync only playlists which are 
checked in the settings area (I knew this option from the manual). The tabs 
look like I have described: with VO only the general settings were spooken 
correctly, the other tabs all have the  check boxes for syncing programs. The 
iTunes version was 8.0.1. My wife said that the settings were shown correctly 
so she made the changes for me with the mouse. I hoped that following updates 
of iTunes or Mac OS X will solve this problem but nothing has changed until 
today (I also have had installed iTunes 8.0.2 and currently 8.1). The spoken 
menus of the iPod and the other iTunes features work normally. There is no 
problem to sync the iPod (all songs are transfered and the corresponding menu 
entries are generated), it's only the accessibility of the settings area.

I have checked "Sync only checked songs and videos" on the Summary page but the 
checkboxes/radioboxes for "Sync music" and "Sync selected playlists" could not 
be seen by VO (only the "sync programs"/"sync all programs" checkboxes with 
German translation). The other GUI elements you told don't exist for me but 
they are visible for a seeing person. I also have an old iPod shuffle for which 
the settings are all accessible with VO. 

Tomorrow I will try to check the error with a new test user and repairing the 
permissions and post my progress...

Thanks so far,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Esther 
  Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 4:47 PM
  Subject: Re: Broken settings area for Nano 4G in German iTunes

  Hi Pierre,

  You wrote:
Hi folks,

I have a strange behaviour of VO in my German localised iTunes. In the 
settings area for the iPod Nano 4G only the general tab works correctly. On the 
other tabs (music, videos,...) VO always recognizes two check boxes ("sync 
programs" aand "sync all programs") and an empty table. 

  Esther: Can you give a few more details about your setup?  For example, what 
options do you have checked on the Summary tab of your Nano 4G (are you 
manually managing your music and videos or have you checked the box to sync 
only checked songs and videos)?  Is this the first time you're setting up your 
iPod Nano 4G?  Did you recently upgrade your iTunes version to 8.1?  (When you 
say the problem exists in iTunes 8.0, had you first tried to use the Nano 4G 
with iTunes 8.0.2?)  

Pierre: The statistic for kapacity and the sync button are always spoken 
correctly and all other stuff in iTunes works fine with VO. This problem exists 
in iTunes 8.0 and 8.1, beside this I have the German Infovox 1.3 installed on 
my Leopard (changing the voice has no effect on this issue). From your list and 
Google it seems that this doesn't happen with a English system. Is there anyone 
how has a sollution for this?

Greetings from Stuttgart

  It shouldn't matter if you are using the German Infovox iVox voice. The Nano 
4G's spoken menus use the voice and speech rate  selected for Text to Speech 
under the Speech menu of System Preferences, on the popup menu button for the 
system voice on the Text to Speech tab.   I've tried the French voice with my 
Nano. I haven't upgraded iTunes to 8.1 yet, so my suggestions are based on 
running the previous version 8.0.2 with a Nano 4g.

  The capacity bar scroll area and the sync button are separate from the 
different tabs in the iPod settings scroll area. and are always displayed, 
regardless of selected settings tab (Summary, Music, Movies, TV Shows, 
Podcasts, etc.) If I select the music tab (VO-Right from the Summary tab and 
press with VO-Space to select) and VO-right arrow in the pane (or VO-down arrow 
from the Music tab) I'll hear:

  Sync music (unchecked or checked) checkbox
  Sync all songs and playlists radio button
  Sync selected playlists radio button
  Playlists table
  Include music videos checkbox
  Display album artwork on your iPod checkbox

  Some of these items may be dimmed, if you've chosen to manually manage your 
music and videos, but you'll still hear them announced. If you have checked 
"Sync only checked songs and videos" on the Summary page, have you checked the 
"Sync music" checkbox and selected the "Sync selected playlists" radio button? 
The playlists table is a scrolling table. When I interact with the playlists 
table I hear Audiobooks, Purchased playlist, folders (playlist folders were 
created), smart playlists, and regular playlists. To check and select playlists 
you may need to start scrolling with VO-Shift-S to access and check entries 
that extend beyond the visible area of the table after every 7 or 8 lines and 
press escape to leave scrolling mode.

Re: Restoring with Time Machine

2009-03-21 Thread Dan Eickmeier

I haven't  figured out a way to use the restore features of time  
machine as described in help either.  Although maybe there are tricks  
to it that i'm not aware of?  not sure.
On Mar 21, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Dan wrote:

If you mean running Time Machine from the desktop and selecting a  
particular backup option and then use the Restore button, I've not  
been able to do that with VO. There was a discussion about this a few  
weeks back. The problem is that we are not able to use the graphical  
representation on the right of the screen to select the restore  
option. However, we can go to the particular backup file and then copy  
it back to where we want it. This is why I use the restore from the  
install DVD.
I'm sure others will have other opinions on this subject and I hope  
they present them. Because it would really be nice if we could use the  
Time Machine restore function, just as it
is explained in help.
Perhaps there is a way to do this and I just am not aware of it.
This is the beauty of lists like this one. We can all help others and  
we've all seen examples of this, time and time again.


On Mar 21, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I haven't tried it but I would think that once your system is  
> restored you should be able to pull up Time Machine and revert back  
> to a previous point in time. In other words, unless the current  
> backup is of a totally broken system, you can restore that to get  
> back up and running and then use Time machine to revert things, or  
> am I missing something.
> CB
> Dan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just one other thing. I hope I'm not confusing the situation for  
>> others.
>> In previous discussions, several people mentioned doing the restore
>> this way. If you reinstall the OS and restart to the setup screen,
>> then, you only have one time machine restore option and that's the
>> most recent backup. I don't remember having choices for different
>> backup dates. And I think that's where the problem is. However, if  
>> you
>> do the restore directly from the Install DVD, you will have the
>> different backup files to choose from.
>> Dan
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:52 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>>   This is great to know.  I did my install several months ago
>>> when I upgraded my Mac Books' HD to a 250 GB model.  So, it was long
>>> before 10.5.6.
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 2:47 PM, Dan wrote:
 While I had some problems with restoring Time-Machine backups in
 earlier 10.5 releases, I have never had problems with this in OS X
 I start the install DVD. Start VO. Go to the first of the install
 screens. Go to the menu bar and to the utilities menu and pick
 then, I just follow the prompts. When I get to selecting the  
 backup I
 want, they are always available. All the way from my original  
 to the latest backup. I just arrow to the one I want and hit the  
 Again, it works just fine. I have done this on several machines.

 On Mar 21, 2009, at 11:02 AM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Cara,
>Just as a follow up and to help others, I stand corrected.  In
> speaking to my sighted friend who assisted me with my install and
> restoration from a time machine backup, according to him, when you
> select the restore from a time machine backup option during the
> setup
> process, you Only have the latest backup as an option or the most
> recent one that can be found.  If you want to install from a
> specific
> backup, you have to do this manually through disk utilities.
> However,
> when we tried this using the install DVD for Leopard, we could not
> get
> this particular option to work.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>> Wow, this is interesting, as I have many backups but only saw one
>> relevant one for the partition I was needing to backup.
>> Incidentally,
>> this is my main partition and as I said, there are many backup
>> points,
>> so go figure.  
>> I'm honestly not about to do this again right this minute, as I
>> kind of needed to baby sit the Mac last night / today between the
>> install / restore / software updates, so it's just too time-
>> consuming
>> for the moment.  However, any other info you might have would  
>> sure
>> be
>> appreciated, as I will definitely be doing this again by next  
>> week,
>> and I also think this topic may be helpful to new users as well.
>> Have a great day / evening!…  -You rock!…
>> Smiles,
>> Cara  :)
>> ---
>> View my Online Portfolio at:

Ichat freezing and Alex sleepy?

2009-03-21 Thread rayna424

Man I couldn't get logged in here for a bit. Strange. Anyway, I'm
successfully chatting in ichat now, using AIM and I've got a strange
problem that occures. I'm going to try and explain and see if anyone
knows what might be happening.

I'm in a chat window and I type a message and hit enter. To get back
to where I can read the messages, I VO left arrow and it says html
content. I hit VO Shift down arrow to interact with html content. This
usually works just fine. But sometimes it goes silent and then says,
"welcome to macintosh, voiceover is running, finder, window, icon
view" which is what it always says when I turn on the computer. I just
VO down arrow again and it takes me back and I can read the messages.

Sometimes though, when I'm going too fast, when it goes silent if I
hit ay more keys, it'll freeze up ichat and any keys I hit just gets
me a busy, busy, busy. I have to shut down and restart.

I'll often be chatting in yahoo im too and it does not happen ever
with yahoo and I do the same thing to navigate between where I read
and where I type. Any thoughts?

Also, and this is probably just my crazy imagination. I've been
putting the macbook to sleep for a few days when I learned how haha.
Just now, when I opened it, my addressbook had been up and it then
read my ichat description, and I swear, Alex sounded sleepy. It
sounded as though his speech had been slowed down but I haven't
changed that. Then he sounded normal. Am I crazy? Did they actually
make him sound sleepy when he wakes up? I thought I was nuts when I
heard him breathe until I read that they did that on purpose to make
him sound more human.

Anyway, good to be back. I've learned a ton already from ya'll.


Oh PS, when ichat freezes, I only rstart ichat, not the macbook. And,
does anyone know how to retrieve the password? I tried doing the
system update but it asked for a password and I don't remember setting
up a password.
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trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Brandon Misch

Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to  
recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but, it's so  
far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find it.  
is there a way?

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Re: Poll Results

2009-03-21 Thread rayna424

I hope its ok that I'm posting a reply here since everyone wants us to
shut up, but I'm new to this list and couldn't get in for a bit and
had no idea there was another list starting so is ok if I ask some
questions? If you don't want to read this, move on to another thread.
Sorry. I'm just not sure I even want to stay on this list, being a
newbie and not knowing the rules, and finding it helpful to read
other's posts. Anyway, simple question, if I'm automatically
subscribed to this new list, where can I find it? I, too, do not like
cluttered inboxes so I subscribe and read only online to avoid inbox
clutter. Therefore, I do not know where the new list is. On this new
list, since I missed all discussion and voting, will we be free to
post at will? If so I think I'll join that one and leave this one?
Sorry if I sound snarky, I just find people's posts helpful, yeah, one
liners are annoying but sometimes I find a helpful tip on the fourth
post down dot dot dot.

Feel free to answer my questions privately so as not to bother


PS, Kara you have more patience than I, tee hee. Thanks.
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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Victor Tsaran

Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not sure how to 
help otherwise.

On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but, it's so
> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find it.
> is there a way?
> >

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Brandon Misch

well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to work  
with yahoo, it puts the address to server or  
whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
same goes for smpt as well.

On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not sure  
> how to
> help otherwise.
> Thanks,
> Victor
> On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
>> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but, it's so
>> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find it.
>> is there a way?
> >

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Victor Tsaran

When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?

On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to work
> with yahoo, it puts the address to server or
> whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
> same goes for smpt as well.
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not sure
>> how to
>> help otherwise.
>> Thanks,
>> Victor
>> On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
>>> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but, it's so
>>> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find it.
>>> is there a way?
> >

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Brandon Misch


On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?
> On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to work
>> with yahoo, it puts the address to server or
>> whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
>> same goes for smpt as well.
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not sure
>>> how to
>>> help otherwise.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Victor
>>> On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
 Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
 recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but,  
 it's so
 far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find  
 is there a way?



> >

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iPod Problem Resolved

2009-03-21 Thread Jane Jordan (GMail)
Last week I wrote about not being able to transfer songs from the iMac to my 
1GB iPod Shuffle.  Today I managed to transfer files by doing the following:

Go to the songs table of what I want to copy.
Interact with the table, and make sure I am on the song I want to copy.  If 
there's more than one song, hold the shift and down-arrow and select as much as 
I want.
Hit command-c.
Go to the Sources table, arrow down till I hear iPod under devices, and hit 
command-v  right there.

All songs copied successfully.

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Ryan Dour

I understand you're a Yahoo member, do you receive your email as part  
of an AT&T subscription for DSL? If so, your pop server is different.  
Until I know what you're using as a service provider, or if you're a  
paid Yahoo premium member, I can only suggest you lookup the proper  
servers. As an example, people who get their email with an use as their pop server.


On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> yeah.
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?
>> On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to work
>>> with yahoo, it puts the address to server or
>>> whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
>>> same goes for smpt as well.
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
 Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not sure
 how to
 help otherwise.

 On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but,
> it's so
> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find
> it.
> is there a way?


> >

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Re: iPod Problem Resolved

2009-03-21 Thread Michael Huckabay
Yes Jain. That works. The other good thing you could do is make a  
playlist.  For example I have a eyepod and I have created a playlist  
in eyetoon's called my eyepod playlist. Then what I do is go to the  
sorces table go up to my eyetoons libarey and then go over and  
interact with my songs table. when I go down to the song I want I copy  
it and then go back to the sorces table and down to my eyepod  
playlist.  Then past it. Keep doing this with other songs you want  
till you have them.  Then in my eyepod setting's I have it to sink  
only selected playlists and I only have my eyetoon's created eyepod  
playlist.  Then I just sink my eyepod.  I hope this also helps.  A  
nuther way in sinking my eyepod and mabey it will work better then the  
way you are doing.  I just thought I would tell you about it in case  
you wanted a easer way of doing this.  thank's and smiley.
Mike H
Skype: mikeallenhuckabay
On 21-Mar-09, at 9:43 PM, Jane Jordan (GMail) wrote:

> Last week I wrote about not being able to transfer songs from the  
> iMac to my 1GB iPod Shuffle.  Today I managed to transfer files by  
> doing the following:
> Go to the songs table of what I want to copy.
> Interact with the table, and make sure I am on the song I want to  
> copy.  If there's more than one song, hold the shift and down-arrow  
> and select as much as I want.
> Hit command-c.
> Go to the Sources table, arrow down till I hear iPod under devices,  
> and hit command-v  right there.
> All songs copied successfully.
> Jane
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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Brandon Misch

well, i have a free yahoo account. i don't use att.

On Mar 21, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Ryan Dour wrote:

> I understand you're a Yahoo member, do you receive your email as part
> of an AT&T subscription for DSL? If so, your pop server is different.
> Until I know what you're using as a service provider, or if you're a
> paid Yahoo premium member, I can only suggest you lookup the proper
> servers. As an example, people who get their email with an
> use as their pop server.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> yeah.
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>>> When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?
>>> On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
 well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to work
 with yahoo, it puts the address to server or
 whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
 same goes for smpt as well.

 On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not sure
> how to
> help otherwise.
> Thanks,
> Victor
> On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
>> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but,
>> it's so
>> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find
>> it.
>> is there a way?



> >

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Victor Tsaran

If you live in the U.S., then you cannot use POP to retrieve your Yahoo! 
Email. I think it works differently in different regions of the world.

On 3/21/2009 7:00 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> well, i have a free yahoo account. i don't use att.
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Ryan Dour wrote:
>> I understand you're a Yahoo member, do you receive your email as part
>> of an AT&T subscription for DSL? If so, your pop server is different.
>> Until I know what you're using as a service provider, or if you're a
>> paid Yahoo premium member, I can only suggest you lookup the proper
>> servers. As an example, people who get their email with an
>> use as their pop server.
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> yeah.
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
 When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?

 On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to work
> with yahoo, it puts the address to server or
> whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
> same goes for smpt as well.
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not sure
>> how to
>> help otherwise.
>> Thanks,
>> Victor
>> On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
>>> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but,
>>> it's so
>>> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to find
>>> it.
>>> is there a way?

> >

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Brandon Misch

o i see. is there a way for yahoo to use imap to access mail?

On Mar 21, 2009, at 10:11 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> If you live in the U.S., then you cannot use POP to retrieve your  
> Yahoo!
> Email. I think it works differently in different regions of the world.
> On 3/21/2009 7:00 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> well, i have a free yahoo account. i don't use att.
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Ryan Dour wrote:
>>> I understand you're a Yahoo member, do you receive your email as  
>>> part
>>> of an AT&T subscription for DSL? If so, your pop server is  
>>> different.
>>> Until I know what you're using as a service provider, or if you're a
>>> paid Yahoo premium member, I can only suggest you lookup the proper
>>> servers. As an example, people who get their email with an
>>> use as their pop server.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ryan
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

 On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?
> On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to  
>> work
>> with yahoo, it puts the address to server  
>> or
>> whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
>> same goes for smpt as well.
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not  
>>> sure
>>> how to
>>> help otherwise.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Victor
>>> On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
 Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
 recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but,
 it's so
 far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to  
 is there a way?





> >

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Victor Tsaran

I don't think so.

On 3/21/2009 7:16 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
> o i see. is there a way for yahoo to use imap to access mail?
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 10:11 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> If you live in the U.S., then you cannot use POP to retrieve your
>> Yahoo!
>> Email. I think it works differently in different regions of the world.
>> On 3/21/2009 7:00 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> well, i have a free yahoo account. i don't use att.
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Ryan Dour wrote:
 I understand you're a Yahoo member, do you receive your email as
 of an AT&T subscription for DSL? If so, your pop server is
 Until I know what you're using as a service provider, or if you're a
 paid Yahoo premium member, I can only suggest you lookup the proper
 servers. As an example, people who get their email with an use as their pop server.


 On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> yeah.
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?
>> On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>> well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to
>>> work
>>> with yahoo, it puts the address to server
>>> or
>>> whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
>>> same goes for smpt as well.
>>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
 Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not
 how to
 help otherwise.

 On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:

> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo to
> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but,
> it's so
> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to
> find
> it.
> is there a way?


> >

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Re: trying to get the mail program to work with yahoo

2009-03-21 Thread Brandon Misch

i hope yahoo can fix that. kind of unfair since the rest of the world  
has free pop3 access.

On Mar 21, 2009, at 10:19 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> I don't think so.
> Vic
> On 3/21/2009 7:16 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> o i see. is there a way for yahoo to use imap to access mail?
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 10:11 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>>> If you live in the U.S., then you cannot use POP to retrieve your
>>> Yahoo!
>>> Email. I think it works differently in different regions of the  
>>> world.
>>> On 3/21/2009 7:00 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
 well, i have a free yahoo account. i don't use att.

 On Mar 21, 2009, at 9:48 PM, Ryan Dour wrote:

> I understand you're a Yahoo member, do you receive your email as
> part
> of an AT&T subscription for DSL? If so, your pop server is
> different.
> Until I know what you're using as a service provider, or if  
> you're a
> paid Yahoo premium member, I can only suggest you lookup the  
> proper
> servers. As an example, people who get their email with an
> use as their pop server.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> yeah.
>> On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:52 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>>> When you say "it puts", do you mean the Mail program?
>>> On 3/21/2009 5:07 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
 well, when me or my gf chaantel try to get the mail program to
 with yahoo, it puts the address to server
 whatever the pop3 incoming server is for premium members.
 same goes for smpt as well.

 On Mar 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you please describe the problem you are having? I am not
> sure
> how to
> help otherwise.
> Thanks,
> Victor
> On 3/21/2009 4:24 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> Hey all. sorry for the repeat. am still trying to get yahoo  
>> to
>> recognize the mail program. was getting help from richie but,
>> it's so
>> far back, that i have to go through thousands of e-mails to
>> find
>> it.
>> is there a way?






> >

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Re: Broken settings area for Nano 4G in German iTunes

2009-03-21 Thread Esther
Hi Pierre,

I'm replying to you directly as well as to the list in case you are  
reading the list in digest format once a day.  Based on your reply, I  
did an experiment of forcing iTunes to open on my account with a  
German localization and attaching my iPod Nano 4G.  You're correct  
that it is VoiceOver's interaction with the German localization that  
is responsible for your problems.  When I navigate to the tabs for  
Music, Podcasts, and Contacts and select any of these, and then try to  
read the information on these tabs with VoiceOver, the focus is not  
going to the correct entries and information.  (I don't actually have  
"Contacts" sync enabled for my Nano, but I can read the contents of  
the tab with VoiceOver under U.S. English localization.)

This suggests that repairing permissions or checking in a test user  
account will not lead to a solution for your problem.  (Occasionally  
repairing permissions, particularly before a major operating system  
software update, is still a good thing to do, especially if you use  
any third-party software.  Be warned that this takes a while -- about  
10 minutes on my MacBook under Leopard, and possibly longer if you  
have a large and full disk to check or if this is the first time  
you've ever run this.  It can also be useful to create a test user  

What I'd suggest is that you open iTunes with an English localization  
for the occasions when you want to connect your iPod Nano 4G and read  
the music or podcasts tables and other tab information for the sync  

There are two ways that you can make the an application open in a  
different language localization from the default selection for your  
user account.  A simple way to do this is to do a "Get Info" with  
Command-I for an application and examine/set the entries under the  
languages disclosure triangle to a specific language.  If your account  
has administrative privileges (the default for accounts created when  
you first boot up a Mac, I  think, then you'll be able to modify this  
through the GUI.  With iTunes closed, locate the app in Finder:

1. From Finder use the  Command-Shift-A keyboard shortcut to navigate  
to the Applications Directory.
2. Quickly type "i t" to navigate to the iTunes app
3. Use Command-I to launch a "Get Info" window.
4. In the iTunes info window use item chooser menu (Command-I) and  
quickly type "l a n" to find the "Languages disclosure triangle".   
(This item might have a different name in German; modify what you type  
to locate the appropriate entry, or instead of using the item chooser  
menu press tab until you read the languages disclosure triangle.)  Use  
VO-space to open this. VO-down arrow into the table and read the  
selections, which will list the supported language localizations in  
alphabetical order.  Initially your list will include all language  
localizations supported for your operating system, with the box beside  
each entry checked.  iTunes can open on your system under any of the  
checked language localizations. You can uncheck any of these entries,  
unless your account has restricted file-access privileges. In this  
case, when you read the table entries you'll also hear the word  
"dimmed", and you won't be able to modify this list.  iTunes will only  
be able to open in one of the checked language localizations, even if  
your default localization is set to one of the other languages.  If I  
uncheck all boxes except for German in the table of language  
localizations, when I open iTunes it will have to open in German.

If you uncheck all language entries in the table under the Languages  
disclosure triangle except for English, iTunes has to open in  
English.  Table entries will be announced in English, as will the Nano  
4G's tabs in the iPod settings scroll area.

After unchecking all languages except English in the Languages table  
of the Get Info window for iTunes, close this window with Command-W.   
Now check whether the iPod Nano tables under the Music and Podcast  
tabs are visible when you connect your 4G Nano.

The other way to force an application to opne in one of the checked  
language localizations is to type a command from  "Terminal".  To use  
this command-line interface, first make sure that you've quit the  
iTunes app, and navigate in Finder to the Utilities menu (Command- 
Shift-U), then quickly type "t e r" to go to "Terminal".  Open the  
application with Command-down arrow or Command-O. In your  terminal  
window, type (or paste) the following command to launch iTunes:

/Applications/ -AppleLanguages '(en)' &

The first part is the full path to the iTunes application within its  
bundle.  The "AppleLanguages" preceded by a hyphen is the keyword to  
specify the language localization. The "(en)" enclosed with single  
quote marks is the specification for English.  The final ampersand  
spawns this as a background process, and allows you to type othe


2009-03-21 Thread Simon Cavendish





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2009-03-21 Thread Esther

Hello Simon,

To find out how much hard disk space you have left, select your drive  
in Finder and do a "Get Info" with Command-I.  Use item chooser menu  
to look for "Capacity", then VO-Right Arrow.  You'll read the entries  
for Capacity in GB and then the available space.  There are other ways  
to find this from terminal or from disk utility or using the system  
profiler, and maybe someone else has a quicker solution.



On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:

> >

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