Re: skype and file transfers

2009-03-13 Thread Søren Jensen

Hi Will.

If you interact with the file transfer and let Voiceover read all the  
information, it should read the file name, file transfer and the file  
size. It shows all the file transfers you've done in this window, so  
you have to move to the last transfer, interact and read it.
Best regards
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

On 12/03/2009, at 17.07, william lomas wrote:

>   hi how can i get voice over to tell me the status of fie transfers?
> will
> >

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help with iTunes

2009-03-13 Thread Eliza Cooper

Hi list,
I no that operating iTunes has been discussed in the not-too- 
distant past, so could someone help me off-list?  I need to know how  
to find the album that I just downloaded (I don't see it downloading  
and don't know where it's going), and how to access the code for a  
gift certificate that I've already registered on my account.

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Re: Hey

2009-03-13 Thread Chris Gilland

OK, firstly and foremost:

1.  Have you tried power cycling the modem and the router?  Here's how to 
properly do it:

1A.  Unplug the power cord from the back of the router.  (I mean the 
electrical cord.)

1B.  Unplug the electrical power cord from the back of the modem.  If this 
is a digital phone based modem with battery backup, be sure to also remove 
the battery, as just unplugging it will have no effect.

1C.  Wait about 2 minutes, then plug the modem back in first.  It's very 
important you do it in this order.

1D.  Wait about a minute to a minute and a half, at most, then plug in the 
router.  Now reboot the Mac and see if the airport card works.

2.  You made mention that in Safari she cannot access web pages very 
quickly.  This could possibly, no guarantee, but possibly be due to the dns 
cache resolver needing to be flushed.  I am more of a Windows trained 
specialest, however, I do own an older Mac running Tiger, so I do know some 
things.  If you would like, I'd be happy to research for you how to do this 
with a Mac.

3.  Has your friend tried connecting to any other programs that use internet 
access to function?  IE:  The ITunes Store, Or maybe, if he/she uses it, 
perhaps IChat, or Adium/Fire, etc?  Do they work?

4.  I don't know what model Mac your friend has, but if it's easy enough to 
remove the airport card, try removing it, while the Mac is powered off. 
Then, re-insert it, and boot the system.  See if that works.

5.  If this is a Macbook or Macbook Pro, does it work if he/she;'s not right 
by the router, and is plugged into the wall with the electrical 
cord/charger?  I know that sounds like a stupid question, but it's really 
not.  If the battery is the issue, it could be possible that the battery is 
not giving her notebook enough power vultage to power the airport card, plus 
the notebook.  It's real far fetched, and probably 99.9 with a bar over it 
percent chance not the case, but I cannot as a tech support rep rule it out. 
I'm just trying to trouble shoot every little thing possible.

6.  Is your friend even seeing his/her wireless network SSID when they do 
vo+shift+M on the airport icon?

7.  If not, it's possible they may not be doing a self-broadcast with her 
SSID.  Some routers actually allow you to shut this off, where the network 
must manually be configured, so you may want to plug the notebook in 
hard-wired, then log into the router, and check.  We can help you with that 
if you need us to.

8.  If this fails, make sure no firewall is blocking the wireless ports.  I 
know that this again is unlikely, but remember, just cause he/she doesn't 
have a firewall on the Macintosh itself,  doesn't mean there isn't one built 
in the router.  If you tell us what type router your friend has, and can 
even go as far as to provide us the model, that will go a long ways to us 

9.  If all else fails, call Apple for further help.  1-800-MyApple:  Or in 
other words:  1-800-692-7753

>From the main menu, hit option 3.

10.  If they can't help, then, you may wind up having to get a new card, 
regretfully.  Another thing you can try is to disable the wireless airprot, 
wait about five minutes, then re-enable it.  That should refresh the card.

If you need any help what so ever with any of the above steps, don't 
hesitate to let us know.  Our address and phone number are at the bottom of 
this e-mail.

Thank you much.


Want great web hosting packages, affordable audio production support, 
on-site computer support, affordible audio tutorials, and more?  Check us 
out online today.

Chris Gilland:  Admin and founder of Blind Perspectives

Phone:  704-345-3928 - Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM Eastern Time (Closed on holidays)
Technical Support:

©2009 Blind Perspectives®: All Rights Reserved
- Original Message - 
From: "Fonzie" 
To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 10:51 PM
Subject: Hey

> Hey Jacob, how are you doing?
> A friend of mine is having an issue with airport.  Her aiport utility
> is not working properly..  Her network seems to be not acting
> correctly.  Her airport is not sensing any networks, and it will take
> a little while to search for networks itself.
> When airport does work it will say airport has full bars, but Safari
> itself will not load any pages.  When it loads pages however, it will
> takea minute or too.  Keep in mind, the laptop is directly near the
> router when trying to connect.
> Connecting via a lan works fine though.
> Any ideas of what it  could be?
> I believe the card is damaged.
> Let me know what you think.
> Fonzie
> > 

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details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Jacob Schmude

Has anyone found information about exactly how Voiceover on the iPod  
Shuffle works? Does iTunes still generate the speech, or is the  
capability built in to the shuffle itself? The sample voices remind me  
of Babel Technologies diphone voices (the HD voices in Infovox iVox  
for those who have that) though not exactly the same. If the  
accessibility is actually built into the Shuffle itself rather than  
generated by iTunes it would be a nice advancement. But if not, where  
does iTunes get these voices? Are they generated server-side,  
downloaded locally, something else?

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread David Poehlman

it is generated by ITunes.  it is on the shuffle page.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

Has anyone found information about exactly how Voiceover on the iPod
Shuffle works? Does iTunes still generate the speech, or is the
capability built in to the shuffle itself? The sample voices remind me
of Babel Technologies diphone voices (the HD voices in Infovox iVox
for those who have that) though not exactly the same. If the
accessibility is actually built into the Shuffle itself rather than
generated by iTunes it would be a nice advancement. But if not, where
does iTunes get these voices? Are they generated server-side,
downloaded locally, something else?

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread kaare dehard

according to an article I read at the  
voices have to be generated by itunes.
On 13-Mar-09, at 9:37 AM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

> Hi
> Has anyone found information about exactly how Voiceover on the iPod
> Shuffle works? Does iTunes still generate the speech, or is the
> capability built in to the shuffle itself? The sample voices remind me
> of Babel Technologies diphone voices (the HD voices in Infovox iVox
> for those who have that) though not exactly the same. If the
> accessibility is actually built into the Shuffle itself rather than
> generated by iTunes it would be a nice advancement. But if not, where
> does iTunes get these voices? Are they generated server-side,
> downloaded locally, something else?
>The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
> get at or repair.
>   --Douglas Adams
> >

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my logging in to this group

2009-03-13 Thread Danny Crone
Hello.  I have had trouble logging to the mac visionaries site ever since 
the group was moved to google groups.  Would my password be different now? 
Do I need to sign up for google groups?
Thanks for any information anyone can give. 

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visio voice

2009-03-13 Thread william lomas

hi all can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?
I want to put a textbook into mp3 or OGG for my VR stream player

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Re: visio voice

2009-03-13 Thread David Poehlman

Will, check the file menu.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:33 AM, william lomas wrote:

hi all can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?
I want to put a textbook into mp3 or OGG for my VR stream player

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Re: visio voice

2009-03-13 Thread william lomas

i think if I set it david and all, in ITunes to do to mp3, i think  
after the AIFF file it will convert

On 13 Mar 2009, at 14:36, David Poehlman wrote:

> Will, check the file menu.
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:33 AM, william lomas wrote:
>   hi all can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
> Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?
> I want to put a textbook into mp3 or OGG for my VR stream player
> will
> >

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Re: visio voice

2009-03-13 Thread David Poehlman

yes, but I believe you can also set it go directly to mp3.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:40 AM, william lomas wrote:

i think if I set it david and all, in ITunes to do to mp3, i think
after the AIFF file it will convert

On 13 Mar 2009, at 14:36, David Poehlman wrote:

> Will, check the file menu.
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:33 AM, william lomas wrote:
>   hi all can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
> Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?
> I want to put a textbook into mp3 or OGG for my VR stream player
> will

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reading webapge

2009-03-13 Thread william lomas

hi do I  have to highlight a whole page, then start a read to 
end on  
the mac?
I can't do it like in windows, where I  can press read to end from  
anywhere and it just works?

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Re: visio voice

2009-03-13 Thread David Poehlman

I was rong, it will go to .aiff so you will have to convert to mp3 if  
you want that.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:47 AM, David Poehlman wrote:

yes, but I believe you can also set it go directly to mp3.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:40 AM, william lomas wrote:

i think if I set it david and all, in ITunes to do to mp3, i think
after the AIFF file it will convert

On 13 Mar 2009, at 14:36, David Poehlman wrote:

> Will, check the file menu.
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:33 AM, william lomas wrote:
>   hi all can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
> Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?
> I want to put a textbook into mp3 or OGG for my VR stream player
> will

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Re: VoiceOver doing the deep six

2009-03-13 Thread Dan Eickmeier

I'm using an intel machine here, and sometimes i find after my mac has  
been up for a ong time, like over a week or so, that Voiceover will do  
this.  Not sure why.  Just upgraded the ram in this iMac, so we'll see  
if that makes a difference.
On Mar 13, 2009, at 12:03 AM, Greg Williams wrote:

I have had a similar issue; I'm not sure exactly when it started.
Occasionally after my macbook wakes up voiceover will not respond and
command f5 will not work either.  I think I have even had someone go
into system preferences and start it from there but with no success.
In a couple of instances I was able to use the "force quit" dialog to
cause finder to relaunch, and this seems to fix the problem although I
have no explanation for why.
Jude, are you using an intel or ppc machine?  I am using a ppc and
wondered if perhaps it might be related to leopard on ppc machines.

On Mar 12, 2009, at 7:19 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:

> I've been doing software updates on Leopard regularly and apparently
> this
> last one has an undesireable leopard feature included.  VoiceOver
> starts
> up fine on boot up but leave it alone for a few minutes then VoiceOver
> goes away.  Only way I've been able to wake voiceover up again was
> with a
> shutdown and startup of the machine again.  The command-f5 does not
> work
> when VoiceOver does this kind of Deep Six not even putting error
> text on
> the screen so far as I can tell.  Before all it took was a few
> keystrokes
> to wake VoiceOver up and get it fully engaged.

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on topic facebook question

2009-03-13 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.

Hello Group;  Recently, a very good friend of mine asked me why i  
wasn't promoting my business on facebook.  I told them I had had so  
much trouble figuring out myspace that I hadn't tried.  So, I signed  
up, and I'm starting to get addicted.  My question is has any one  
found out how accessible their widget, gagets, or applications are.   
Whatever you call them, can we use them.  Like there is a calendar  
program, a poker program, and a baseball thingie that sound  
interesting; but I was wondering if anyone else out there has much  
experience with facebook and its many options.  I hope to hear from  
some of you soon.  Thank you,
Max Ivey Jr.
The Midway Marketplace
Office 936-273-6960
Cell 281-989-0448
yahoo messenger id midwaymarketplace

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Jacob Schmude

I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then  
is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?

On Mar 13, 2009, at 09:39, David Poehlman wrote:

> it is generated by ITunes.  it is on the shuffle page.
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
> Hi
> Has anyone found information about exactly how Voiceover on the iPod
> Shuffle works? Does iTunes still generate the speech, or is the
> capability built in to the shuffle itself? The sample voices remind me
> of Babel Technologies diphone voices (the HD voices in Infovox iVox
> for those who have that) though not exactly the same. If the
> accessibility is actually built into the Shuffle itself rather than
> generated by iTunes it would be a nice advancement. But if not, where
> does iTunes get these voices? Are they generated server-side,
> downloaded locally, something else?
>The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
> get at or repair.
>   --Douglas Adams
> >

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire
I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer; that is, if the voice
is one of the VoiceOver voices

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Jacob Schmude  wrote:

> Hi
> I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then
> is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?

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Re: visio voice

2009-03-13 Thread Anne Robertson

Hello Will,

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:33 PM, william lomas wrote:
> can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
> Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?A.R. Command-i in VisioVoice  
> will create an audio file in iTunes. Whether this is MP3 or any  
> other format depends on how you have configured iTunes.



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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Jacob Schmude
But that's just it, perhaps it does for your default voice. But from  
where are these other languages generated? I don't seem to have those  
as Voiceover voices, and yet the iPod shuffle apparently will be able  
to render the titles of my German songs correctly. So it has to be  
getting these from somewhere other than your system voices.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 13:18, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

> I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer; that is, if  
> the voice is one of the VoiceOver voices
> JG.
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Jacob Schmude  
>  wrote:
> Hi
> I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then
> is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?
> >

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Anne Robertson

On Mar 13, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

> I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer;
A.R. No. The voices are different, so I presume they come with the  
latest update to iTunes.



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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread David Poehlman

check this:
On Mar 13, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

But that's just it, perhaps it does for your default voice. But from  
where are these other languages generated? I don't seem to have those  
as Voiceover voices, and yet the iPod shuffle apparently will be able  
to render the titles of my German songs correctly. So it has to be  
getting these from somewhere other than your system voices.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 13:18, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

> I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer; that is, if  
> the voice is one of the VoiceOver voices
> JG.
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Jacob Schmude  
>  wrote:
> Hi
> I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then
> is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Cara Quinn

   Okay, let me just echo others by saying woohoo!  I s want this  
on my nano!  I so hope there'll be a software update to allow this.

   Happy Friday all!…


Cara  :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:44 AM, David Poehlman wrote:

check this:
On Mar 13, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

But that's just it, perhaps it does for your default voice. But from
where are these other languages generated? I don't seem to have those
as Voiceover voices, and yet the iPod shuffle apparently will be able
to render the titles of my German songs correctly. So it has to be
getting these from somewhere other than your system voices.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 13:18, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

> I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer; that is, if
> the voice is one of the VoiceOver voices
> JG.
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Jacob Schmude
>  wrote:
> Hi
> I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then
> is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire
That's good to know! Can hardly wait to get the new iPod Shuffle with 1
gigabyte hard drive, with VoiceOver capability and the new earbuds which
have the control buttons —3 of them—on the right cable itself, top and
bottom for volume control and the middle to choose playlist [yay! It is
playlist capable] which I want to hear! Anyone know whether it is available
now and how much in U.S. dollars it costs?

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> On Mar 13, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:
> > I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer;
> A.R. No. The voices are different, so I presume they come with the
> latest update to iTunes.
> Cheers,
> Anne

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread David Poehlman

it is available now and it is us $79.xx and it is 4 gb if I understand  

On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:07 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

That's good to know! Can hardly wait to get the new iPod Shuffle with  
1 gigabyte hard drive, with VoiceOver capability and the new earbuds  
which have the control buttons —3 of them—on the right cable itself,  
top and bottom for volume control and the middle to choose playlist  
[yay! It is playlist capable] which I want to hear! Anyone know  
whether it is available now and how much in U.S. dollars it costs?


On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Anne Robertson  

On Mar 13, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:

 > I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer;
A.R. No. The voices are different, so I presume they come with the
latest update to iTunes.



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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Justin Harford

This is good clarification.  I had no idea how Alex was going to speak  
other languages.  It would be nice to see apple incorperate this new  
synthesized speech into their operating system particularly in the  
installation of the OS so that non-english speaking blinks can set up  
their computers too.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already  
tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic  

El 13/03/2009, a las 11:20, David Poehlman escribió:

> it is available now and it is us $79.xx and it is 4 gb if I understand
> correctly.
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:07 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:
> That's good to know! Can hardly wait to get the new iPod Shuffle with
> 1 gigabyte hard drive, with VoiceOver capability and the new earbuds
> which have the control buttons —3 of them—on the right cable itself,
> top and bottom for volume control and the middle to choose playlist
> [yay! It is playlist capable] which I want to hear! Anyone know
> whether it is available now and how much in U.S. dollars it costs?
> JG
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Anne Robertson
>  wrote:
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 6:18 PM, Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire wrote:
>> I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer;
> A.R. No. The voices are different, so I presume they come with the
> latest update to iTunes.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: visio voice

2009-03-13 Thread Chris Gilland

ITunes can convert text to speech?  now that! I'd love! to know how to do!


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©2009 Blind Perspectives®: All Rights Reserved
- Original Message - 
From: "David Poehlman" 
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: visio voice

> Will, check the file menu.
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 10:33 AM, william lomas wrote:
> hi all can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
> Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?
> I want to put a textbook into mp3 or OGG for my VR stream player
> will
> > 

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Chris Gilland

And more importantly:  being I run ITunes on a Windows machine, can I have 
it use those same voices on my Nano 4th gen, or will it fall back on my 
default Sapi5 voice.


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Technical Support:

©2009 Blind Perspectives®: All Rights Reserved
- Original Message - 
From: "Jacob Schmude" 
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

> Hi
> I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then
> is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 09:39, David Poehlman wrote:
>> it is generated by ITunes.  it is on the shuffle page.
>> On Mar 13, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
>> Hi
>> Has anyone found information about exactly how Voiceover on the iPod
>> Shuffle works? Does iTunes still generate the speech, or is the
>> capability built in to the shuffle itself? The sample voices remind me
>> of Babel Technologies diphone voices (the HD voices in Infovox iVox
>> for those who have that) though not exactly the same. If the
>> accessibility is actually built into the Shuffle itself rather than
>> generated by iTunes it would be a nice advancement. But if not, where
>> does iTunes get these voices? Are they generated server-side,
>> downloaded locally, something else?
>>The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
>> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
>> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
>> get at or repair.
>> --Douglas Adams
>> >
>The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
> get at or repair.
> --Douglas Adams
> > 

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Chris Gilland
That's what I thought too, but, by the sounds of it, it sounds as if people are 
finding that it uses another voice than what the primary voice is set up as.


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Chris Gilland:  Admin and founder of Blind Perspectives

Phone:  704-345-3928 - Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM Eastern Time (Closed on holidays)
Technical Support:

©2009 Blind Perspectives®: All Rights Reserved
  - Original Message - 
  From: Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire 
  Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:18 PM
  Subject: Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

  I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer; that is, if the voice 
is one of the VoiceOver voices


  On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Jacob Schmude  wrote:

I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then
is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?


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Recording text to speech in non-English languages with Automator [was Re: visio voice]

2009-03-13 Thread Esther

Hi Anne and Will,

It's also possible to create an mp3 or aac track (including text that  
you want spoken in a Foreign language) if you do not have VisioVoice  
or GhostReader, but have one of the Infovox iVox voices by using  
Automator.  For example, I just tried using the Automator workflow,  
downloadable from the examples of Automator for Leopard at:

to put an AAC track of Chekhov's story "Lady with a Lapdog" into my  
iTunes library using the new Russian Infovox iVox voice. Open the  
workflow (in Automator).  Change the default voice from Alex to your  
selected (foreign language) voice before you run the workflow.

1. In Automator, VO-right arrow to the workflow, where you hear "Save  
Clipboard as Spoken iTunes Track   workflow" and  interact (VO-Shift  
Down arrow)
2. Navigate (VO-down arrow) to the "Text to Audio File" action and  
interact (VO-Shift Down arrow).
3. Navigate (VO-right arrow) to the popup button following "System  
Voice"; press (VO-Space) and change the voice from Alex to your  
selected voice to use for text to speech in this action (e.g. Julie  
for French, Alyona for Russian, etc.) by typing the first letters of  
the name or by using the arrow keys and press return.  There's a  
"Play" button if you VO-right past the system voice popup that allows  
you to sample the voice, but you'll have to turn off VoiceOver if you  
want to listen to the sample.
4. Optionally, navigate (VO-right arrow) to the text box to name the  
audio file (default is set to "Spoken Text"), and also change the  
folder in which it is created/saved.

At this point I switched apps (Command-Tab) to my TextEdit file.  (You  
can also stop interacting, VO-Down Arrow to the next "Import Audio  
Files" action, interact, and VO-right arrow to change the popup button  
for the used format from "AAC encoder" to "MP3 encoder".  And you can  
stop interacting, VO-Down Arrow to the final action, "Add Songs to  
Playlist", interact, and change the playlist from a new playlist named  
"Spoken Text", to an existing playlist with a name you specify.)

I copied the text to my clipboard (Command-A then Command-C) and used  
the Command-R "run" command in Automator on the downloaded workflow.   
I was also able to make the text record at faster speed by pasting the  
rate command:

[[rate 300]]

at the beginning of the TextEdit file (in Cyrillic letters for  
Russian) before I copied it to my clipboard.

For more details on how to use the Automator workflow, and how to  
modify it (including getting contents directly from a TextEdit file  
rather than the clipboard), see my earlier post:

(Notice: archiving of this list at the secondary archive (Mail  
Archive) site has been started again, since February 28, 2009.  I  
don't know of a way to easily post a link to our primary Google Groups  
archive, and in any case you can't use access keys at that site.  The  
new archive URL is specifically for our Google Groups list.  The mail  
archive's pages for the old macvisionaries discuss list remains:

Hope this helps.



On Mar 13, 2009, at 7:21 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Will,
> On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:33 PM, william lomas wrote:
>> can I get visio voice to export a track direc to mp3?
>> Or do I have to use ITunes to do that?A.R. Command-i in VisioVoice
>> will create an audio file in iTunes. Whether this is MP3 or any
>> other format depends on how you have configured iTunes.
> Cheers,
> Anne

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Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?

2009-03-13 Thread Justin Harford
If you guys would look at that URL that was posted you would know that  
the voice that sounds like a robot is actually part of the voiceover  
component in iTunes itself and unless you are using a mac, it will  
revert to that voice.  There was no mention of it reverting to your  
default voice of selection on the mac, just to alex.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already  
tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic  

El 13/03/2009, a las 12:01, Chris Gilland escribió:

> That's what I thought too, but, by the sounds of it, it sounds as if  
> people are finding that it uses another voice than what the primary  
> voice is set up as.
> Chris.
> Want great web hosting packages, affordable audio production  
> support, on-site computer support, affordible audio tutorials, and  
> more?  Check us out online today.
> Chris Gilland:  Admin and founder of Blind Perspectives
> Phone:  704-345-3928 - Mon-Fri 8AM-5:30PM Eastern Time (Closed on  
> holidays)
> Sales:
> Billing:
> Technical Support:
> ©2009 Blind Perspectives®: All Rights Reserved
> - Original Message -
> From: Joan Alice Maria Gibson, Esquire
> To:
> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:18 PM
> Subject: Re: details on Voiceover for iPod Shuffle?
> I believe it uses the voice you use on your computer; that is, if  
> the voice is one of the VoiceOver voices
> JG.
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Jacob Schmude  
>  wrote:
> Hi
> I suspected this, but the Shuffle page wasn't definite. Question then
> is, where is it getting these voices to generate the spoken menus?
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Recording documents using VoiceOver

2009-03-13 Thread Kamal Haffar

Hi everyone:

Is there a way to have VoiceOver read long documents and save them in 
MP3 format? Something similar to how the voiceover tutorials are 
recorded using the VoiceOver Voice. Hope this makes sense!



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Re: Recording documents using VoiceOver

2009-03-13 Thread Jacob Schmude

Voiceover itself can't do this, but you can use the system voices to  
accomplish it in conjunction with Automater. You would set up an  
Automater workflow to get all text in the current document, then text  
to audio file, then import to iTunes with the mp3 encoder.
Once this workflow is set up, you can load the document you wish  
spoken into Textedit and run the workflow.

On Mar 13, 2009, at 22:51, Kamal Haffar wrote:

> Hi everyone:
> Is there a way to have VoiceOver read long documents and save them in
> MP3 format? Something similar to how the voiceover tutorials are
> recorded using the VoiceOver Voice. Hope this makes sense!
> Thanks,
> Kamal
> >

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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logging on to group fixed

2009-03-13 Thread Danny Crone

Hello everyone.  I am logging on again just fine.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.237 / Virus Database: 270.11.13/1999 - Release Date: 03/13/09 

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-13 Thread Alex Jurgensen


I found the answer. Press "CMD" + "T" to hide the visualizer.


On 12-Mar-09, at 4:43 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> I'm having this issue as well, when I tab, I'm getting the search
> field, and nothing else.  I've tried selecting different sources, and
> other things  such as having the browser on as well, and if I hit tab
> multiple times, I still remain in the search field.
> On Mar 12, 2009, at 7:18 AM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
>> Hi
>> Well I'm going to write to Apple about it as it seems I'm not the  
>> only
>> one having the problem, although it seems its most severe on my  
>> system
>> so far. For me the only control announced properly when I tab is the
>> search field, nothing else. It doesn't matter what source, or view,  
>> or
>> whether the browser is shown or not. Resetting VO works, but I don't
>> particularly feel like doing that every five seconds.
>> On Mar 12, 2009, at 06:42, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Confirmed. When i tab through controls, the only control that is not
>>> announced is the one after the search field. All other controls are
>>> announced even if the browser sometimes is announced a bit oddly.
>>> Thanks.
>>> /Krister
>>> 12 mar 2009 kl. 05.17 skrev Fonzie:

 Hey there Jacob, I hope all is going well.

 I am looking at the issue you were mentioning, and here is what I
 while tabbing.

 I assume, by controls, you mean the search edit box, the source
 the song table, and the minor things you can tab through, should  
 have them appearing on iTunes.

 Upon pressing tab, I only get it silent after I hit tab once VO
 announces the search field.  So, once you hit tab after it says
 search, which is the edit box, VO becomes silent.  Now, if you tab
 more time, VO will come back, announcing the next area.  Upon
 once more, and continuously onward, VO has no problems.

 Let me know if this is what you were looking for.

 If not, feel free to e-mail me off list, and I can help out with
 I am able.

 Take care.


 On Mar 11, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> I wanted to ask this here before I write to Apple, in case it's
> something odd about my setup. Along with the accessibility
> improvements in iTunes 8.1 I'm seeing some very serious issues.
> Chief
> among them is that, while tabbing still moves through controls
> properly, Voiceover will not stay in sync while tabbing. I can  
> only
> use the VO cursor to get around and, as I use tab to quickly jump
> from
> the song list to the media browser, for me this is a serious  
> issue.
> Before I report this as a problem to Apple, can anyone here
> duplicate
> it? Simply go into iTunes and start tabbing around, if Voiceover
> doesn't announce the controls you're tabbing to after the first
> one,
> you've duplicated it. I don't want to report a bug if it's
> something
> on my system only, as that would more than likely mean I've got
> another issue.
> Thanks, and sorry for cross-posting.
> The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that
> cannot
> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible
> to
> get at or repair.
> --Douglas Adams


>>   The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
>> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
>> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
>> get at or repair.
>>  --Douglas Adams
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-13 Thread David Poehlman

this does not work for me.  when I press command-t, I get a ding and a  
blank window.  when I press it again, things are back to getting only  
the search field.

On Mar 14, 2009, at 1:06 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:


I found the answer. Press "CMD" + "T" to hide the visualizer.


On 12-Mar-09, at 4:43 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> I'm having this issue as well, when I tab, I'm getting the search
> field, and nothing else.  I've tried selecting different sources, and
> other things  such as having the browser on as well, and if I hit tab
> multiple times, I still remain in the search field.
> On Mar 12, 2009, at 7:18 AM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
>> Hi
>> Well I'm going to write to Apple about it as it seems I'm not the
>> only
>> one having the problem, although it seems its most severe on my
>> system
>> so far. For me the only control announced properly when I tab is the
>> search field, nothing else. It doesn't matter what source, or view,
>> or
>> whether the browser is shown or not. Resetting VO works, but I don't
>> particularly feel like doing that every five seconds.
>> On Mar 12, 2009, at 06:42, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>> Confirmed. When i tab through controls, the only control that is not
>>> announced is the one after the search field. All other controls are
>>> announced even if the browser sometimes is announced a bit oddly.
>>> Thanks.
>>> /Krister
>>> 12 mar 2009 kl. 05.17 skrev Fonzie:

 Hey there Jacob, I hope all is going well.

 I am looking at the issue you were mentioning, and here is what I
 while tabbing.

 I assume, by controls, you mean the search edit box, the source
 the song table, and the minor things you can tab through, should
 have them appearing on iTunes.

 Upon pressing tab, I only get it silent after I hit tab once VO
 announces the search field.  So, once you hit tab after it says
 search, which is the edit box, VO becomes silent.  Now, if you tab
 more time, VO will come back, announcing the next area.  Upon
 once more, and continuously onward, VO has no problems.

 Let me know if this is what you were looking for.

 If not, feel free to e-mail me off list, and I can help out with
 I am able.

 Take care.


 On Mar 11, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> I wanted to ask this here before I write to Apple, in case it's
> something odd about my setup. Along with the accessibility
> improvements in iTunes 8.1 I'm seeing some very serious issues.
> Chief
> among them is that, while tabbing still moves through controls
> properly, Voiceover will not stay in sync while tabbing. I can
> only
> use the VO cursor to get around and, as I use tab to quickly jump
> from
> the song list to the media browser, for me this is a serious
> issue.
> Before I report this as a problem to Apple, can anyone here
> duplicate
> it? Simply go into iTunes and start tabbing around, if Voiceover
> doesn't announce the controls you're tabbing to after the first
> one,
> you've duplicated it. I don't want to report a bug if it's
> something
> on my system only, as that would more than likely mean I've got
> another issue.
> Thanks, and sorry for cross-posting.
> The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that
> cannot
> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible
> to
> get at or repair.
> --Douglas Adams


>>  The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
>> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
>> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to
>> get at or repair.
>>  --Douglas Adams

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-13 Thread Jacob Schmude

Hey Alex
Sorry, no go. The visualizer is off already, just to make sure I  
turned it on and then off again. The problem persists, at least for  
me, the visualizer's state doesn't change a thing.

On Mar 14, 2009, at 01:06, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> I found the answer. Press "CMD" + "T" to hide the visualizer.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 12-Mar-09, at 4:43 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> I'm having this issue as well, when I tab, I'm getting the search
>> field, and nothing else.  I've tried selecting different sources, and
>> other things  such as having the browser on as well, and if I hit tab
>> multiple times, I still remain in the search field.
>> On Mar 12, 2009, at 7:18 AM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Well I'm going to write to Apple about it as it seems I'm not the
>>> only
>>> one having the problem, although it seems its most severe on my
>>> system
>>> so far. For me the only control announced properly when I tab is the
>>> search field, nothing else. It doesn't matter what source, or view,
>>> or
>>> whether the browser is shown or not. Resetting VO works, but I don't
>>> particularly feel like doing that every five seconds.
>>> On Mar 12, 2009, at 06:42, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

 Confirmed. When i tab through controls, the only control that is  
 announced is the one after the search field. All other controls are
 announced even if the browser sometimes is announced a bit oddly.

 12 mar 2009 kl. 05.17 skrev Fonzie:

> Hey there Jacob, I hope all is going well.
> I am looking at the issue you were mentioning, and here is what I
> get
> while tabbing.
> I assume, by controls, you mean the search edit box, the source
> table,
> the song table, and the minor things you can tab through, should
> you
> have them appearing on iTunes.
> Upon pressing tab, I only get it silent after I hit tab once VO
> announces the search field.  So, once you hit tab after it says
> search, which is the edit box, VO becomes silent.  Now, if you tab
> one
> more time, VO will come back, announcing the next area.  Upon
> tabbing
> once more, and continuously onward, VO has no problems.
> Let me know if this is what you were looking for.
> If not, feel free to e-mail me off list, and I can help out with
> what
> I am able.
> Take care.
> Fonzie
> On Mar 11, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:
>> Hi Everyone
>> I wanted to ask this here before I write to Apple, in case it's
>> something odd about my setup. Along with the accessibility
>> improvements in iTunes 8.1 I'm seeing some very serious issues.
>> Chief
>> among them is that, while tabbing still moves through controls
>> properly, Voiceover will not stay in sync while tabbing. I can
>> only
>> use the VO cursor to get around and, as I use tab to quickly jump
>> from
>> the song list to the media browser, for me this is a serious
>> issue.
>> Before I report this as a problem to Apple, can anyone here
>> duplicate
>> it? Simply go into iTunes and start tabbing around, if Voiceover
>> doesn't announce the controls you're tabbing to after the first
>> one,
>> you've duplicated it. I don't want to report a bug if it's
>> something
>> on my system only, as that would more than likely mean I've got
>> another issue.
>> Thanks, and sorry for cross-posting.
>> The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
>> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that
>> cannot
>> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be  
>> impossible
>> to
>> get at or repair.
>> --Douglas Adams

>>>  The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a
>>> thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot
>>> possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible  
>>> to
>>> get at or repair.
>>> --Douglas Adams

> >

The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a  
thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at or repair.
--Douglas Adams

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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