Re: [macports-mgr] Question about MacPorts project membership application

2018-05-17 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 16 May 2018 at 16:42, Chih-Hsuan Yen wrote:
> Here I have an idea: how about making application letters public? If so
> applicants can check if their letters are received or not easily.

The problem is that this also publically exposes candidates whose
application has been rejected (even if only indirectly) and doesn't
address the "non-technical issue of getting a warm welcome" either.

For example: Everyone can see that a ticket has been successfully
submitted to Trac, but not having anyone look at it for ten years is
basically equivalent for sending it to black hole :).


Re: MacPorts 2.5.0-beta1 now available for testing

2018-05-17 Thread Joshua Root
It's been a week with no new tickets filed against base. I'll give it
one more week and then, if nothing comes up, tag a release candidate.

- Josh


2018-05-17 Thread Vishnu
Hello all

I am withdrawing my application from GSOC.
Due to some other unavoidable commitments.

Although i will still be contributing to the project.

Thank you for all the support all along.
