Re: 2.2.18/ext2: special file corruption?

2001-02-26 Thread Walter Hofmann

Ulrich Windl schrieb am Montag, den 26. Februar 2001:

> I had an interesting effect: Due to NVdriver I had a lot of system 
> freezes, and I had to reboot. Using e2fsck 1.19a (SuSE 7.1) I got the 
> message that one specific "Special (device/socket/fifo) inode .. has 
> non-zero size. FIXED."

I see them too on every fsck (after a crash). I'm using e2fsck 1.19 (but
not from SuSE. The rpm was built on, but I can't
remember where I got it from).

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Re: eject weirdness on NEC disc changer, kernel 2.4.2

2001-03-05 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Mon, 05 Mar 2001, Jim Breton wrote:

> I have had a similar problem in the past where, for example, after
> cancelling a burn session with cdrecord I am unable to eject the disc.
> However that was on kernel 2.2.x and using "real" scsi (not ide-scsi).

This was a bug in cdrecord which used generic scsi access to lock the
drive. The kernel cannot notice this. AFAIK this bug is fixed in

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Re: verification key updated

2000-10-10 Thread Walter Hofmann

I cannot verify this signature with gpg or pgp. gpg says

gpg: invalid radix64 character 00 skipped
gpg: Signature made Tue Oct 10 08:26:46 2000 MEST using DSA key ID 2BCBC621
gpg: BAD signature from "H. Peter Anvin (hpa) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"


Hash: SHA1

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have changed the
cryptographic key for the Linux Kernel Archives.  The reason is that
the original key was generated with an expiration date, and
unfortunately it appears that too much software out there doesn't
support changing the expiration date on an already valid key (the
ability to do that, arguably, makes the expiration date useless

Therefore, we have revoked key 1E1A8782 generated 1999-10-15 and
replaced it with key 517D0F0E generated 2000-10-10.  Please see for more information.

The archive machine is currently in process of generating new
signature files; they should be distributed to mirrors shortly
thereafter in normal order.


- -- 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at work, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in private!
"Unix gives you enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot."

Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see

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Re: Disturbing news..

2001-03-28 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Jesse Pollard wrote:

> >Any idea?
> Sure - very simple. If the execute bit is set on a file, don't allow
> ANY write to the file. This does modify the permission bits slightly
> but I don't think it is an unreasonable thing to have.

And how exactly does this help?

fchmod (fd, 0666);
fwrite (fd, ...);
fchmod (fd, 0777);


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Re: Disturbing news..

2001-03-29 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Jesse Pollard wrote:

> By itself it doesn't - but if you also don't have user/group/world rw and
> don't own the file, you can't do anything to it.

This is all completely useless. Why not remove world rw permissions in the
first place. If the admin isn't even able to write a cron job that does
this, all help is lost.

> It's only there to reduce accidents. If you want to go full out,
> remove the symbols from the file.

Just as useless.

> Now, if ELF were to be modified, I'd just add a segment checksum
> for each segment, then put the checksum in the ELF header as well as
> in the/a segment header just to make things harder. At exec time a checksum
> verify could (expensive) be done on each segment. A reduced level could be
> done only on the data segment or text segment. This would at least force
> the virus to completly read the file to regenerate the checksum.

So? The virus will just redo the checksum. Sooner or later their will be a
routine to do this in libbfd and this all reduces to a single additional
line of code. 

> That change would even allow for signature checks of the checksum if the
> signature was stored somewhere else (system binaries/setuid binaries...).
> But only in a high risk environment. This could even be used for a scanner
> to detect ANY change to binaries (and fast too - signature check of checksums
> wouldn't require reading the entire file).

One sane way to do this is to store the sig on a ro medium and make the
kernel check the sig of every binary before it is run.

HOWEVER, this means no compilers will work, and you have to delete all
script languages like perl or python (or make all of them check the

Useless again, IMO.

> In any case, the problem is limited to one user, even if nothing is done.

Your best bet is to educate your users.


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Re: ECN and other sites

2001-01-26 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Michael B. Trausch wrote:

> I've kinda been watching the ECN discussion there, and I have 2.4.0 and
> noticed that after I'd installed it, I couldn't get to my favorite search
> engine (  I'd assume they don't support it either, because
> when I "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn" then it goes away.  I
> notified them about the problem and pointed them to a few webpages with
> information and links regarding ECN.

Has anyone a compiled list of patches for all the firewalls that block
ECN suitable to mail them to the firewall administrators?


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Re: ECN: Clearing the air

2001-01-29 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Pavel Machek wrote:

> Does not that mean that Linux 2.0.10 mistakenly announces it is ECN
> capable when offered ECN connection?

No, the RFC deals with this.

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Re: RTC hardware clock option

2001-01-30 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Antonio Miguel Trindade wrote:

> I just would like to ask all of you what has the option "RTC stores time in 
> GMT" have to do with APM... The hardware clock in my machine stores time in 
> GMT, but I do not want APM, so why do I have to have APM just to have that 
> option enabled...
> Perhaps the intention is to remove that depency, but it has not been done out 
> of lazyness... (no pun intended, Linus).

There is no dependency: APM needs to know this to restore the clock after
returning from stand-by.

Without APM there is no need to know this (for the kernel). You can still
run your hardware clock with GMT.


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Re: NT soon to surpass Linux in specweb99 performance?

2001-02-01 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Thu, 01 Feb 2001, Gregory Maxwell wrote:

> Looks like TUX caught MS's attention:
> Anyone know if their method of achieveing this is as flexible as TUX, or is
> their "SWC 3.0" simply mean 'spec web cheat' and involve implimenting the
> specweb dyanmic stuff in x86 assembly in their microkernel? :)

SWC = Scaleable Web Cache has more information about
SWC 2.0. Microsoft published SpecWeb96 results for IIS+SWC 2.0, but not
for SpecWeb99. I would guess that SWC 2.0 didn't help performance for
dynamic content.

Looks like they fixed this with SWC 3.0.

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Re: Announcement: TUX 2.0

2001-02-01 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Michael K. Johnson wrote:

> TUX 2.0 is now available for download at the following URL:

According to

On a PowerEdge 8450/700  8 CPUs:

 TUX 1.0: 6387
 TUX 2.0: 7500

Looks like a remarkable boost!


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oops with 2.4.5-ac12

2001-06-10 Thread Walter Hofmann

I got the following oops with 2.4.5-ac12 after I issued "rmmod -a"
twice. I only notices the oops after I issued "rmmod -a" once which
might explan that ksymoops cannot name the module which caused the oops.

This is possibly ALSA-related (although I never had problems with
unloading alsa modules befode).


WARNING: This version of ksymoops is obsolete.
WARNING: The current version can be obtained from
Options used: -V (default)
  -o /lib/modules/2.4.5-ac12/ (default)
  -k /proc/ksyms (default)
  -l /proc/modules (default)
  -m /usr/src/linux/ (default)
  -c 1 (default)

You did not tell me where to find symbol information.  I will assume
that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running right now
and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc.  ksymoops -h explains the options.

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c8d92ae0
*pde = 012db067
Oops: 0002
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: c01fc810   ebx: c8dc89dc   ecx: c01f6338   edx: c8d92ae0
esi: c8dc7d60   edi: c8dc89c0   ebp: c8dc88dc   esp: c4c6ff78
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process rmmod (pid: 14454, stackpage=c4c6f000)
Stack: c8dc89dc 0008 c8dc30dc c8dc7d60 c8dbe000 c8dbe000 0001 bfffe044 
   c0116e07 c8dbe000 c8db6000 0001 c0116332 c8dbe000 0001 c4c6e000 
   08059a14 0061 c0106af3   0028 08059a14 0061 
Call Trace: [] [] [] [] [] 
   [] [] [] [] [] [] 
Code: 89 02 8b 1d 08 c8 1f c0 81 fb 08 c8 1f c0 74 25 89 f6 39 73 

>>EIP: c017f7de 
Trace: c8dc89dc 
Trace: c8dc30dc 
Trace: c8dc7d60 
Trace: c8dbe000 
Trace: c8dbe000 
Trace: c0116e07 
Code:  c017f7de <_EIP>: <===
Code:  c017f7de   0:89 02   movl   
%eax,(%edx) <===
Code:  c017f7e0  2:8b 1d 08 c8 1f c0   movl   
Code:  c017f7e6  8:81 fb 08 c8 1f c0   cmpl   
Code:  c017f7ec  e:74 25   je 
Code:  c017f7ee 10:89 f6   movl   
Code:  c017f7f0 12:39 73 00cmpl   

95 warnings and 12 errors issued.  Results may not be reliable.

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: Intel Corporation 440LX/EX - 82443LX/EX Host bridge (rev 3).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe000 [0xe3ff].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 440LX/EX - 82443LX/EX AGP bridge (rev 3).
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=11.
  Bus  0, device   7, function  0:
ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 1).
  Bus  0, device   7, function  1:
IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 1).
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0xf000 [0xf00f].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  2:
USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 1).
  IRQ 15.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0x6e00 [0x6e1f].
  Bus  0, device   7, function  3:
Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 1).
  IRQ 9.
  Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
Multimedia audio controller: S3 Inc. SonicVibes (rev 0).
  IRQ 11.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
  I/O at 0x6800 [0x680f].
  I/O at 0x6900 [0x690f].
  I/O at 0x6a00 [0x6a03].
  I/O at 0x6b00 [0x6b03].
  I/O at 0x6c00 [0x6c07].
  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
Ethernet controller: Winbond Electronics Corp W89C940 (rev 0).
  IRQ 9.
  I/O at 0x6d00 [0x6d1f].
  Bus  0, device  12, function  0:
SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7880U (rev 0).
  IRQ 9.
  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
  I/O at 0x6400 [0x64ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe400 [0xe4000fff].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA 2164W [Millennium II] AGP 
(rev 0).
  IRQ 9.
  Master Capable.  Latency=128.  
  Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xa800 [0xa8ff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd880 [0xd8803fff].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd800 [0xd87f].
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Re: Linux 2.4.5-ac15

2001-06-17 Thread Walter Hofmann

I had already two crashes with ac15. The system was still ping-able, but
login over the network didn't work anymore.

The first crash happened after I started xosview and noticed that the
system almost used up the swap (for no apparent reason). The second
crash happened shortly after I started fsck on a crypto-loop device.

This does not happen with ac14, even under heavy load.

I noticed a second problem: Sometimes the system hangs completely for
approximately ten seconds, but continues just fine after that. I have
seen this with ac14 and ac15, but not with ac12.

This is a mixed IDE/SCSI (Adaptec) system, 128MB RAM/256MB swap on a
Gigabyte 440LX mainboard with a Pentium II.

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Re: Linux 2.4.5-ac15

2001-06-19 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Walter Hofmann wrote:

> I had already two crashes with ac15. The system was still ping-able, but
> login over the network didn't work anymore.
> The first crash happened after I started xosview and noticed that the
> system almost used up the swap (for no apparent reason). The second
> crash happened shortly after I started fsck on a crypto-loop device.
> This does not happen with ac14, even under heavy load.

I had a hang with ac14 now, too. 
It hung when I tried to close a browser window after reading the text in
it for quite some time. No swapping was going on.

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Re: Linux 2.4.5-ac15

2001-06-19 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Walter Hofmann wrote:

> I had already two crashes with ac15. The system was still ping-able, but
> login over the network didn't work anymore.
> The first crash happened after I started xosview and noticed that the
> system almost used up the swap (for no apparent reason). The second
> crash happened shortly after I started fsck on a crypto-loop device.
> This does not happen with ac14, even under heavy load.
> I noticed a second problem: Sometimes the system hangs completely for
> approximately ten seconds, but continues just fine after that. I have
> seen this with ac14 and ac15, but not with ac12.

FWIW, here is the vmstat output for the second (short) hang. Taken with
ac14, vmstat 1 was started (long) before the hang and interrupted about
five seconds after it. The machine has 128MB RAM and 256MB swap.

   procs  memoryswap  io system cpu
 r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  sobibo   incs  us  sy  id
 1  1  0  77332   1584  15632  67740  44   0   448 0  496   932  84  15   1
 1  2  0  77456   1848  15944  66960   0   0   372   724  625  2296  62  20  18
 3  0  1  77456   1780  16208  67044  72   0   33680  584  1695  20  20  61
 2  0  0  77404   1464  16672  66652   0   0   572 0  530  2649  26  19  55
 3  1  0  77344   1464  17000  66480 124   0   656 0  419   879  12  16  72
 0  3  0  77344   1468  17076  66388 184   0  1080 0  561   654   8   8  84
 0  5  0  77892   1464  17184  66892 176 128   800   396  415  1050  14  11  74
 0  5  0  77892   1600  17216  66868  16   068  1020  508   295   5   5  90
 0  3  0  77892   1464  17316  66784  56   0   37268  464  1287  22  14  64
 2  3  0  77892   1464  17524  66828  76   0   440 0  398   987   8  12  79
 1  3  0  77892   1464  17780  66680  32   0   512 0  367  1061  10  10  79
 1  1  0  77880   1464  18020  66392 224   0   756 0  394  1579  43  12  44
 2  1  0  77784   2172  18324  64820  16   0   992 0  529  1745  37  19  44
 0  4  0  77936   1848  18428  65180 124   0   252   920  570   451  23   9  69
 0  2  0  77888   1680  18564  65656  84   0   744 0  532   721  21  12  67
 3  0  0  77876   1464  18700  65564   4   0  1176 0  487   804  26  16  58
 0  3  1  77496   1468  18712  65700 424 100  1296   384  401   532  70  10  20
 2  0  0  77920   1508  18804  65504  72 248   968   260  525   709  40   9  51
 2  2  0  77908   1728  18788  65388   0 120  1000   568  568   608  41   8  51
 0  4  0  77908   1620  18828  65548   0   0   172   356  545   420  22   8  69
 1  1  0  77904   1712  18472  65464  36   0  1600 0  485   621  52  15  33
   procs  memoryswap  io system cpu
 r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  sobibo   incs  us  sy  id
 2  1  0  78124   1528  18496  64940 116  20   884   288  545   604  54  16  30
 4  0  0  78124   1468  18548  64260   4   0   468 0  449   663  49   6  46
 3  0  0  77844   3416  18492  63932 100   0   304 0  431  1915  80  16   4
 1  2  0  77844   2892  18536  64204  60   0   284   820  583   917  64  13  23
 1  0  0  77844   2824  18544  64236   0   04068  591   550  36   6  58
 3  0  0  77844   2604  18568  64372   0   0   120 0  455   474  64  13  23
 1  0  0  77844   2472  18572  64440   0   056 0  399   617  35   9  56
 1  0  0  77844   2456  18572  64460   0   0 0 0  515   721   8   6  87
 0  0  0  77844   2448  18572  64468   0   0 4 0  469   655   8   8  83
 1  0  0  77844   2384  18572  64528   0   0 0   428  538   641   7  10  83
 0  0  0  77844   2388  18572  64528   0   0 0 0  492   733   3   9  89
 0  0  0  77844   2368  18572  64548   0   0 0 0  520   804  11   7  82
 0  0  0  77844   2336  18572  64580   0   0 0 0  473   680   6   6  89
 1  0  0  77844   2276  18584  64608   0   012 0  490   966  30  13  56
 2  0  0  77844   2228  18584  64648   0   0 0   344  539   589  47   7  47
 3  0  0  77844   2228  18588  64692   0   0 4 0  381   455  29  11  60
 2  0  1  77844   2180  18588  64700   0   0 0 0  453   781  33   9  58
 1  0  0  77844   2160  18604  64708   0   016 0  390   852  18   5  77
 2  0  1  77844   1940  18616  64912 124   0   212 0  318   756  40   8  52
 3  0  0  77844   1680  18620  65180 240   0   244   576  492  1632  87  13   0
 2  0  1  77844   1528  18540  65540 584   0   592 0  352  2466  90  10   0
   procs  memoryswap  io system cpu
 r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  sobibo   incs  us  sy  id
 2  0  0  77844   1800  18516  65588  40   040 0  357   675  89  11   0
 3  5  2  77844   1464  18536  65916 1508  44  1660   264  435   852  37  16  47
 1  0  0  77844   1484  18532  65968 864   0   936 0  386   667  89   7   5
 1  0  1  77844   146

Re: Linux 2.4.5-ac15

2001-06-22 Thread Walter Hofmann

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Rik van Riel wrote:

> > FWIW, here is the vmstat output for the second (short) hang. Taken with
> > ac14, vmstat 1 was started (long) before the hang and interrupted about
> > five seconds after it. The machine has 128MB RAM and 256MB swap.
> >procs  memoryswap  io system cpu
> >  r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  sobibo   incs  us  sy  id
> >  1  0  0  77000   1464  18444  67324   8   0   152   224  386  1345  26  19  55
> >  2  4  2  77084   1524  18396  66904   0 1876   108  2220 2464 66079   1  98   1
> Does the following patch help with this problem, or are
> you both experiencing something unrelated to this particular
> buglet ?

Hi Rik,

I tried 2.4.6-pre5 with your patch (quoted at the end).
Oberservations: I still see this hang, it seemed to last longer than
with ac14/ac15 (say, 30 seconds). 
There was no heavy swapping going on, eiter before or after the hang.
During the hang there was no disc activity.

Compared with 2.4.5ac I saw that 2.4.6-pre5 uses much less swap
(according to xosview). With the load I tried (many open browser
windows) the ac series used to use 80-100MB of swap; 2.4.6-pre5 only
used 40MB swap for roughly the same number of windows open.

I forgot to press SysRq-T to get a trace, I'm afraid. kdb didn't compile
with this kernel either (although patching worked).

I had vmstat running in another window and stopped it a couple of
seconds after the hang, here are the last line of its output:

   procs  memoryswap  io system cpu
 r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  sobibo   incs  us  sy  id
 2  0  0  36424   3232888  45036   0   0 4 0  255  3250  56  13  32
 1  0  0  36424   3096888  45048   0   012 0  140  1010  37   6  58
 4  0  0  36424   2964888  45060   0   012 0  228  1304  90   6   4
 3  0  0  36424   3052900  44668   0   088 0  259  2522  88  12   0
 2  0  0  36424   3164900  44524   0   0 4 0  144  3556  87  13   0
 3  0  0  36424   2812900  44468   0   0 8 0  211  2007  87  11   3
 5  0  0  36424   2812912  44108   0   020 0  196  1243  92   8   0
 4  0  0  36424   2812920  43836   0   0   108 0  271  2928  88  12   0
 4  0  0  36424   2808920  42728   0   0   228 0  284  2042  85  11   5
 2  0  0  36424   3112924  42416  76 5004   288  5260  385   948  84  11   6
 4  0  0  36424   2816940  42016   0   0   100 0  223  1252  94   3   3
 3  0  0  36424   2812944  41472   0   0 0 0  229  1392  92   8   0
 3  0  0  36424   2812948  41112   0   068 0  264  1107  95   3   2
 1  0  0  36424   2932948  40756   0   0 0 0  262   879  92   8   0
 2  0  0  36424   2808952  40740   0   0 0 0  191  2244  36  12  53
 4  0  0  36424   2808952  40504  32   032 0  242   975  93   6   2
 2  0  0  36424   3252956  40008   0   064 0  249  2505  85  15   0
 3  0  0  36424   2972956  39996   0   0 8 0  127  1419  88  10   2
 3  0  0  36424   2988956  39108   0   020 0  247  1632  83  17   0
 2  0  0  36424   3332964  38496   0   0   176 0  218   955  91   9   0
 3  0  0  36424   3180964  38724 120   0   232 0  112  3026  89  11   0
   procs  memoryswap  io system cpu
 r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  sobibo   incs  us  sy  id
 4  0  0  36424   3020968  38800  64   064 0  158  2008  87  13   1
 3  0  0  36424   2808936  38192   0   0   192   552  232   678  90   6   4
 2  0  0  36424   2988936  37632   0   0 0 4  167   678  98   2   0
 2  0  0  36424   2868940  37592   0   0 4   104  177  1137  93   7   0
 3  0  0  36396   2852940  37592   0   0 020  185  1125  93   7   0
 4  0  0  36396   2848984  37624   0   06064  193  1245  92   8   0
 5  0  0  36396   2244   1000  37656   0   028   176  161  2377  69  31   0
 1  0  0  36396   2364   1004  37660   0   0 8   244  180  1836  75  25   0
 1  0  1  36396   2484   1004  37780 100   0   104   248  178  2369  61  38   1
 4  0  1  36384   2020   1012  38328 520   0   560   148  185  1696  58  19  22
 6  0  0  45940   1744   1012  47676 108 724   368   868 6886 186930   1  99   0
 2  0  1  45856   2528   1028  46480 272 5480   752  5524  264  2413  82  18   0
 5  0  0  46072   2732   1028  45740   0 6636 8  6636  297  1165  84  16   0
 4  0  0  46072   2532   1028  45776   0   020 4  245  3310  88  13   0
 3  0  0  46072   2392   1040  45336   0   024 0  119  1296  91   9   0
 2  0  0  46072   2832   1052  44872   0   048 4  113  1276  91   9   0
 3  0  0  46072   2392   1056  44544   0   0 0 0  104   943  97   3   0
 2  0  0  46068   2808   1056  44112 1104   0  1164 0  144   870  70  11  19
 1  0  0  46052 

Re: Linux 2.4.5-ac15 / 2.4.6-pre5

2001-06-22 Thread Walter Hofmann

Mike Galbraith schrieb am Donnerstag, den 21. Juni 2001:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> > >  2  4  2  77084   1524  18396  66904   0 1876   108  2220 2464 66079   198   1
> > Ok, I suspect that GFP_BUFFER allocations are fucking up here (they can't
> > block on IO, so they loop insanely).
> Why doesn't the VM hang the syncing of queued IO on these guys via
> wait_event or such instead of trying to just let the allocation fail?
> (which seems to me will only cause the allocation to be resubmitted,
> effectively changing nothing but adding overhead)  Does failing the
> allocation in fact accomplish more than what I'm (uhoh:) assuming?

Ok, I managed to press SysRq-T this time ond got a trace for my hang.
Symbols are resolved by klog. If you prefer ksymopps please tell me, I
used klog because ksymopps seems to drop all lines without symbols.

There seem to be no kernel deamons in the trace? Is this normal, or is
the log buffer too small? If it is the latter, how can I increase its

Kernel was 2.4.6pre5 plus Rik's patch (at the end). I see the same hangs
with the ac series.


Jun 22 15:42:09 frodo kernel: 2672  1021  1  1035  (NOTLB)1050  1004
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [sys_wait4+875/924] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: mysqldS 7FFF 0  1035   1021  1055  (NOTLB)   
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [schedule_timeout+23/152] 
[do_select+153/520] [sys_select+1071/1436] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: smbd  S 7FFF 0  1050  1(NOTLB)   
 1051  1021
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [schedule_timeout+23/152] 
[do_select+153/520] [sys_select+1071/1436] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: sshd  S 7FFF 0  1051  1(NOTLB)   
 1060  1050
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [schedule_timeout+23/152] 
[do_select+153/520] [sys_select+1071/1436] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: mysqldR   5644  1055   1035  1056  (NOTLB)   
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [__alloc_pages+272/656] [_alloc_pages+24/28] 
[__get_free_pages+10/24] [__pollwait+51/148] [pipe_poll+38/100] [do_pollfd+94/176] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel:[sys_poll+603/884] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: mysqldS C5C8A000  5704  1056   1055(NOTLB)   
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [sys_rt_sigsuspend+255/284] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: wwwoffled  S C5F7BF10  2672  1060  1  4417  (NOTLB)  
  1064  1051
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [schedule_timeout+120/152] 
[process_timeout+0/76] [do_select+153/520] [sys_select+1071/1436] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: cron  S C5F5DF7C 0  1064  1(NOTLB)   
 1068  1060
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [schedule_timeout+120/152] 
[process_timeout+0/76] [sys_nanosleep+304/428] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: in.identd  S 7FFF 0  1068  1  1070  (NOTLB)  
  1083  1064
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [schedule_timeout+23/152] 
[wait_for_connect+308/420] [tcp_accept+134/408] [inet_accept+48/316] 
[sys_accept+102/244] [do_fork+1567/1756] [schedule+714/1064] 
Jun 22 15:42:10 frodo kernel:[restore_sigcontext+273/312] 
[sys_socketcall+172/476] [system_call+51/56] 
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: in.identd  R   3444  1070   1068  1081  (NOTLB)  
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [__alloc_pages+272/656] [_alloc_pages+24/28] 
[__get_free_pages+10/24] [sys_poll+310/884] [handle_IRQ_event+49/92] 
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: in.identd  S C5B7A00016  1071   1070(NOTLB)  
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [sys_rt_sigsuspend+255/284] 
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: in.identd  S C7806000 0  1076   1070(NOTLB)  
  1077  1071
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [sys_rt_sigsuspend+255/284] 
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: in.identd  S C7FBC000 0  1077   1070(NOTLB)  
  1078  1076
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [sys_rt_sigsuspend+255/284] 
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: in.identd  S C7FB8000  2676  1078   1070(NOTLB)  
  1081  1077
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [sys_rt_sigsuspend+255/284] 
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: in.identd  S C6964000 0  1081   1070(NOTLB)  
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [sys_rt_sigsuspend+255/284] 
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: nscd  S C739BF14 0  1083  1  1085  (NOTLB)   
 1098  1068
Jun 22 15:42:11 frodo kernel: Call Trace: [schedule_timeout+120/152] 
[process_timeout+0/76] [do_poll+55/228] [sys_poll+603/884] [sys_newstat+103/116] 

Re: Linux 2.4.5-ac15 / 2.4.6-pre5

2001-06-22 Thread Walter Hofmann

Mike Galbraith schrieb am Freitag, den 22. Juni 2001:

> >  6  5  1  77232   2692   2136  47004 560 892  2048  1524 10428 285529   2  98   0
> Was disk running?  (I bet not.. bet it stopped just after stall began)

There was no disk activity during the stall.

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