binary garbage in dmesg/boot messages (2.2.18pre23)

2000-11-23 Thread Ethan Benson

I was testing out 2.2.18pre23 for USB purposes and found that its
outputing binary garbage at boot:

BIOS Vendor: Intel Corporation
BIOS Version: 1.00.10.DD04
BIOS Release: 03/19/97
System Vendor: Sony Corporation.
Product Name: PCV-70(U2).
Version Sony GI.
Serial Number 1003494.
Board Vendor: Intel Corporation.
Board Name: Agate.
Board Version: AA662195-305.
BIOS Vendor: f.£^]<94>fAè^D.£ESC<94>^N^_
BIOS Version: SV^^gÅu^B.<8B><9D><88>^\gÅu^F.<8B>^^
BIOS Release: ùë÷SQR^F^^WV^^^F^_^G<87>÷.<8B>^NÜ<8B>x^CùèCÿrW&<8B>]

it appears to not cause any further problems, other then trashing the
terminal of anyone who runs dmesg...

Linux version 2.2.18pre23 (root@plato) (gcc version 2.95.2 2220
(Debian GNU/Linux)) #1 Thu Nov 23 04:01:23 AKST 2000

this does not occur under 2.2.17.  

please CC replies.  

Ethan Benson
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Re: binary garbage in dmesg/boot messages (2.2.18pre23)

2000-11-23 Thread Ethan Benson

On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 03:31:51PM +, Alan Cox wrote:
> > Board Name: Agate.
> > Board Version: AA662195-305.
> So far so good
> > BIOS Vendor: f.=A3^]<94>fA=E8^D.=A3ESC<94>^N^_
> This looks like the table end markers are missing or the length was wrong.
> If you change
> static int __init dmi_table(u32 base, int len, int num, void (*decode)(struct d
> {  
>   char *buf;
>   struct dmi_header *dm;   
>   u8 *data;
>   int i=0;
> in arch/i386/kernel/dmi_scan.c to use
>   int i=1;
> does it then behave nicely ?

yes sure does, thanks!

Ethan Benson
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