Request for comments on a thesis about Linux vs. IRIX, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Tru64 UNIX.

2001-05-23 Thread Cesar Da Silva

I'm looking for some help on reviewing my thesis about
comparing the kernel functions/features in Linux,
HP-UX, Solaris, IRIX, AIX, and Tru64 UNIX.

I would appreciate if you also could point out some
other features that I should add to my list (in the
tables, on page 25-28 on the postscript file) and
point me  to the right documentation that mentions
that feature.

My thesis is available on:

or in postscrip format:

Could you please reply to this message through e-mail
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), please.

Thanks in advance,
Cesar da Silva

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Update of Request for comments on: Linux vs. Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, and Tru64 UNIX.

2001-05-23 Thread Cesar Da Silva

There's a new update of the above thesis on the link:

and a postscript file at:

I would appreciate help on filling in the empty spaces
on Linux and IRIX. Do also please provide a reference
to where the feature is mentioned (for example a
HOWTO, FAQ, book, article, or url... because a thesis
reuires it).

Cesar da Silva

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Please help me fill in the blanks.

2001-05-26 Thread Cesar Da Silva

Hi again.
I am doing a thesis about comparing the Linux kernel
against HP-UX, AIX, Tru64 UNIX, and Solaris (as you
probably alredy know).
I'm stuck now (and the thesis has to bee ready until
tomorow) with some few features that the other
operating system have, and I can't find any
information about it, if those features are
implemented in Linux or not.

The features that I'm wondering about are:
* Dynamic Processor Resilience
* Dynamic Memory Resilience
* Dynamic Page Sizing
* Live Upgrade
* Alternative I/O Pathing
* TCP selective acknowledgement (SACK)
* Service Location Protocol (SLP)
* ATM IP switching
* SOCKS 5 support
* Multilink PPP
* TCP/IP Gratuitous ARP (RFC 2002)
* Path MTU Discovery (RFC 1191)
* Path MTU Discovery over UDP
* IP Multipath Routing

The questions I have about the features above are:
* Are any of the above features implemented in the
kernel? If yes, where can I read (url-link  to the
article, paper... please) about it?
* Is any of the features implemented through a program
/daemon? If yes, which program (link to program)?

Here is the link to my thesis if anyone hasn't got my
previous message:{

Thanks in advance,
Cesar da Silva

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Re: Please help me fill in the blanks.

2001-05-27 Thread Cesar Da Silva

 --- Rik van Riel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: > On
Sun, 27 May 2001, [iso-8859-1] Cesar Da Silva
> wrote:
> > I am doing a thesis about comparing the Linux
> kernel
> > against HP-UX, AIX, Tru64 UNIX, and Solaris (as
> you
> > probably alredy know).
> > I'm stuck now (and the thesis has to bee ready
> until
> > tomorow)
> Aren't you the same guy who posted this question
> last
> week?
> And the same guy who asked us to "fill in the
> blanks"
> on an essentially EMPTY work? ;)

Yes, but this time I was more precise with what I
wanted help with (I included a list in the message),
and it helped, I got alot more responses this time.

Cesar da Silva

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Re: Please help me fill in the blanks.

2001-05-27 Thread Cesar Da Silva

 --- Ville Herva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
skrev: > > > * Dynamic Memory Resilience
> > 
> > RAM fault tolerance?  There was a patch a long
> time ago which detected
> > bad ram, and would mark those memory clusters as
> unuseable at boot. 
> > However that is clearly not dynamic.
> If you are referring to Badram patch by Rick van
> Rein
> (, it doesn't
> detect the bad ram,
> memtest86 does that part (and does it well) -- you
> enter then enter the
> badram clusters as boot param. But I have to say
> badram patch works
> marvellously (thanks, Rick.) Shame it didn't find
> its way to standard
> kernel.

Hi Ville, and thanks for the great link and the

Cesar da Silva

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Re: Please help me fill in the blanks.

2001-05-27 Thread Cesar Da Silva

Thank you Jeff for your very helpfull answer.

 --- Jeff Garzik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: >
Cesar Da Silva wrote:

> > * Alternative I/O Pathing
> be less vague

What I mean with the above (my defenition) is:
[Alternative I/O Pathing allows the operating system
to re-route the I/O of devices, such as disk or
network adapters, to a backup device, in case of

Cesar da Silva

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