bug in scsi.c

2000-12-07 Thread Andreas Klein


I have found a problem in scsi.c which in present in the 2.2 and 2.4
series. the scsi error handler thread is created with:

kernel_thread((int (*)(void *)) scsi_error_handler,
(void *) shpnt, 0);

This will lead to problems, when you have to umount the filesystem on
which the scsi-hostapter module is located.
To solve to problem I would propose to change this to:

kernel_thread((int (*)(void *)) scsi_error_handler,
  (void *) shpnt, CLONE_FILES);


-- Andreas Klein
   root / webmaster @cip.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
   root / webmaster @www.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
|   | 
|   Long live our gracious AMIGA!   |

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Re: bug in scsi.c

2000-12-07 Thread Andreas Klein

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Tigran Aivazian wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Andreas Klein wrote:
> > hello,
> > 
> > I have found a problem in scsi.c which in present in the 2.2 and 2.4
> > series. the scsi error handler thread is created with:
> > 
> > kernel_thread((int (*)(void *)) scsi_error_handler,
> > (void *) shpnt, 0);
> > 
> > This will lead to problems, when you have to umount the filesystem on
> > which the scsi-hostapter module is located.
> > To solve to problem I would propose to change this to:
> > 
> > kernel_thread((int (*)(void *)) scsi_error_handler,
> >   (void *) shpnt, CLONE_FILES);
> Hi Andreas,
> Unfortunately, CLONE_FILES is not enough because the module may be loaded
> from the directory containing it, i.e. the thread's cwd may point to that
> filesystem and that would keep it busy. Or-ing CLONE_FS into flags
> wouldn't help either...

Yes, you are right with that.

> A proper way to release the references to resources is to call daemonize()
> function from within the kernel thread function, which calls
> exit_fs()/exit_files() internally.

Nearly correct, the daemonize function does NOT call exit_files. This has
to be done manually. Looking at the 2.4.0-test10 source I saw, that
someone has already fixed the problem by calling exit_files and daemonize.
In the 2.2 series someone tried cut-copy-paste programing from the
daemonize function, but exit_files was forgotten. The following patch
should fix the problem for 2.2.16, while leaving scsi.c untouched.

--- linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c.origThu Dec  7 23:56:47 2000
+++ linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c Fri Dec  8 00:13:20 2000
@@ -1935,6 +1935,7 @@
 * user space pages.  We don't need them, and if we didn't close 
 * they would be locked into memory.
+   exit_files(current);
current->session = 1;


-- Andreas Klein
   root / webmaster @cip.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
   root / webmaster @www.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
|   | 
|   Long live our gracious AMIGA!   |

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Re: bug in scsi.c

2000-12-11 Thread Andreas Klein

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Alan Cox wrote:

> Andreas is looking at a slightly older kernel, and was right for that. Every
> caller to daemonize either then did the file stuff or needed to and forgot
> so I fixed daemonize

I think, there ist still a small bug.
(This time I even checked 2.4.0-test12-pre8)

In linux/arch/i386/kernel/process.c, function kernel_thread, line 453 the
flag CLONE_VM is always used.

In sched.c, function daemonize, line 1216 you call exit_mm.

Since the memory is cloned, you  will take away the mem from your
user-space-application as well. So if insmod is already running at that
time, it has to segvault. If I am not wrong at this point CLONE_VM simply
has to be removed from kernel_thread. The kernel-thread will free his mem
in daemonize (calling exit_mm) and the user-space-application will free
the mem when exiting.


-- Andreas Klein
   root / webmaster @cip.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
   root / webmaster @www.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
|   | 
|   Long live our gracious AMIGA!   |

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
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reiserfs-oops; kernel 2.4.3-pre4

2001-03-15 Thread Andreas Klein


I got the following oops:

ksymoops 2.4.0 on i686 2.4.3-pre4.  Options used
 -V (default)
 -k /proc/ksyms (default)
 -l /proc/modules (default)
 -o /lib/modules/2.4.3-pre4/ (default)
 -m /boot/System.map-2.4.3-pre4 (default)

Warning: You did not tell me where to find symbol information.  I will
assume that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running
right now and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc.  ksymoops -h explains the options.

Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 
virtual address 0108
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: c016f090
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: *pde = 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: Oops: 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: CPU:1
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: EIP:0010:[]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: EFLAGS: 00010286
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: eax: 0108   ebx: 0108   ecx: de785ebc   edx: 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: esi: 0001   edi: de785e58   ebp: d13c17c0   esp: 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: Process nfsd (pid: 712, stackpage=de785000)
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: Stack:  de785ebc c0160046 0108 de785ebc 
 0001 0002 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel:c015c8a8 c18ec400 de785ebc fff4 de784000 
d13c17c0 df6ee060 0001 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel:    cf73dc60 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: Call Trace: [] [] [] 
[] [] [] [] 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel:[] [] [] 
[] [] [] [] [] 
Mar 15 00:56:10 wptx99 kernel: Code: 8b 13 8b 01 39 c2 73 08 b8 ff ff ff ff eb 1e 90 
39 c2 76 0c 

>>EIP; c016f090<=
Trace; c0160046 
Trace; c015c8a8 
Trace; c013e39d 
Trace; e0e039b1 <[nfsd].rodata.start+1771/3913>
Trace; c013e43f 
Trace; e0df8f8b <[nfsd]nfsd_lookup+3cb/528>
Trace; e0df6c8c <[nfsd]nfsd_proc_lookup+8c/a0>
Trace; e0e05c80 <[nfsd]nfsd_procedures2+80/240>
Trace; e0df6593 <[nfsd]nfsd_dispatch+cb/168>
Trace; e0e05c80 <[nfsd]nfsd_procedures2+80/240>
Trace; e0ddd52f <[sunrpc]svc_process+297/4d8>
Trace; e0e05b68 <[nfsd]nfsd_version2+0/10>
Trace; e0df63ad <[nfsd]nfsd+225/340>
Trace; e0e05b60 <[nfsd]nfsd_list+0/0>
Trace; c01074c4 
Code;  c016f090 
Code;  c016f090<=
   0:   8b 13 mov(%ebx),%edx   <=
Code;  c016f092 
   2:   8b 01 mov(%ecx),%eax
Code;  c016f094 
   4:   39 c2 cmp%eax,%edx
Code;  c016f096 
   6:   73 08 jae10 <_EIP+0x10> c016f0a0 

Code;  c016f098 
   8:   b8 ff ff ff ffmov$0x,%eax
Code;  c016f09d 
   d:   eb 1e jmp2d <_EIP+0x2d> c016f0bd 

Code;  c016f09f 
   f:   90nop
Code;  c016f0a0 
  10:   39 c2 cmp%eax,%edx
Code;  c016f0a2 
  12:   76 0c jbe20 <_EIP+0x20> c016f0b0 

1 warning issued.  Results may not be reliable.

The machine is running linux-2.4.3-pre4 including the reiserfs-patches
from  Alexander Zarochentcev. 
The filesystem was created with mkreiserfs 3.x.0h


-- Andreas Klein

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Please read the FAQ at  http://www.tux.org/lkml/

Re: AVM A1 pcmcia, kernel 2.4.5-ac11 problem

2001-06-13 Thread Andreas Klein


On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Kai Germaschewski wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Boenisch Joerg wrote:
> If you dig it up somewhere and get it working with 2.4.5, it would be nice 
> if you let me know. We can then work together to integrate it into the 
> kernel tree - I can't do it myself, because I don't have the card.
> --Kai

I am using the attached patch without problems with the 2.4.X series of
the linux-kernel (at the moment I am runnign 2.4.5-ac13). The patch is the
same, as the one Jochen Friedrich has sent a few day ago (including a
small fix).


-- Andreas Klein
   root / webmaster @cip.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
   root / webmaster @www.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de
|   | 
|   Long live our gracious AMIGA!   |

diff -u -r -N linux/drivers/isdn/Makefile linux-2.4.2/drivers/isdn/Makefile
--- linux/drivers/isdn/Makefile Fri Dec 29 23:40:54 2000
+++ linux-2.4.2/drivers/isdn/Makefile   Sat Mar 10 15:55:59 2001
@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@
 subdir-$(CONFIG_ISDN_DRV_EICON)+= eicon
 subdir-$(CONFIG_HYSDN) += hysdn
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_PCMCIA),y)
+  subdir-y += pcmcia
+  subdir-m += pcmcia
+  ifeq ($(CONFIG_PCMCIA),m)
+subdir-m += pcmcia
+  endif
 obj-y += $(addsuffix /vmlinux-obj.o, $(subdir-y))
 # The global Rules.make.
diff -u -r -N linux/drivers/isdn/pcmcia/Makefile 
--- linux/drivers/isdn/pcmcia/Makefile  Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ linux-2.4.2/drivers/isdn/pcmcia/MakefileSat Mar 10 15:55:30 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Makefile for drivers/isdn/pcmcia
+# Note! Dependencies are done automagically by 'make dep', which also
+# removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here
+# unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).
+obj-y   :=
+obj-n   :=
+obj-m   :=
+obj-m += avma1_cs.o
+  endif
+include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make
diff -u -r -N linux/drivers/isdn/pcmcia/avma1_cs.c 
--- linux/drivers/isdn/pcmcia/avma1_cs.cThu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ linux-2.4.2/drivers/isdn/pcmcia/avma1_cs.c  Sat Mar 10 15:55:30 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+A PCMCIA client driver for AVM B1/M1/M2
+Written by Carsten Paeth, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+int avm_a1_init_pcmcia(void *pcm_iob, int pcm_irq, int *busy_flag, int prot);
+void HiSax_closecard(int cardnr);
+   All the PCMCIA modules use PCMCIA_DEBUG to control debugging.  If
+   you do not define PCMCIA_DEBUG at all, all the debug code will be
+   left out.  If you compile with PCMCIA_DEBUG=0, the debug code will
+   be present but disabled -- but it can then be enabled for specific
+   modules at load time with a 'pc_debug=#' option to insmod.
+static int pc_debug = PCMCIA_DEBUG;
+MODULE_PARM(pc_debug, "i");
+#define DEBUG(n, args...) if (pc_debug>(n)) printk(KERN_DEBUG args);
+static char *version =
+"avma1_cs.c 1.00 1998/01/23 10:00:00 (Carsten Paeth)";
+#define DEBUG(n, args...)
+/* Parameters that can be set with 'insmod' */
+static int default_irq_list[11] = { 15, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3, -1 };
+static int irq_list[11] = { -1 };
+static int isdnprot = 2;
+MODULE_PARM(irq_list, "1-11i");
+MODULE_PARM(isdnprot, "1-4i");
+   The event() function is this driver's Card Services event handler.
+   It will be called by Card Services when an appropriate card status
+   event is received.  The config() and release() entry points are
+   used to configure or release a socket, in response to card insertion
+   and ejection events.  They are invoked from the skeleton event
+   handler.
+static void avma1cs_config(dev_link_t *link);
+static void avma1cs_release(u_long arg);
+static int avma1cs_event(event_t event, int priority,
+ event_callback_args_t *args);
+   The attach() and detach() entry points are used to create and destroy
+   "instances" of the driver, where each instance represents everything
+   needed to manage one actual PCMCIA card.
+static dev_link_t *avma1cs_a