Odd \time bar check behaviour

2020-06-10 Thread ebenezer

Hi all,

The 1st code snippett generates warnings, but the 2nd does not.

I'd like to keep the bar symbols in place as it helps me to keep track 
in the music.

This is my first piece so I've likely made some newbie error, please advise.


1st, with warnings due to | symbols:

  \time 4/4 a'1 | % "<24"
  \time 7/4 g'4 g'2 g'1 | % [M:7/4] "<28"
  f'4 f'2 f'1 | % "<29"
  a'4 a'2 a'1 | % "<30"
  g'4 g'2 g'1 | % "<31"
  a'4 a'2 a'1 | % "<32"
  \time 5/4 g'4 g'1| % [M:5/4] "<33"

Interpreting music...

I:/musician/vocalist/piano_vox_28,by_hand.ly:11:25: warning: barcheck 
failed at: 1/2

  \time 7/4 g'4 g'2 g'1
| % [M:7/4] "<28"

I:/musician/vocalist/piano_vox_28,by_hand.ly:12:15: warning: barcheck 
failed at: 1

  f'4 f'2 f'1
  | % "<29"

I:/musician/vocalist/piano_vox_28,by_hand.ly:13:15: warning: barcheck 
failed at: 1/4

  a'4 a'2 a'1
  | % "<30"

I:/musician/vocalist/piano_vox_28,by_hand.ly:14:15: warning: barcheck 
failed at: 3/4

  g'4 g'2 g'1
  | % "<31"

MIDI output to `piano_vox_28,by_hand.mid'...


2nd, no | symbols, no warnings:

  \time 4/4 a'1 | % "<24"
  \time 7/4 g'4 g'2 g'1   % [M:7/4] "<28"
  f'4 f'2 f'1   % "<29"
  a'4 a'2 a'1   % "<30"
  g'4 g'2 g'1   % "<31"
  a'4 a'2 a'1 | % "<32"
  \time 5/4 g'4 g'1| % [M:5/4] "<33"



Re: Odd \time bar check behaviour

2020-06-11 Thread ebenezer

Thank you Thomas,

That's a nice simple fix. It makes sense that \midi and \layout should 
be independent and thus the \contexts should be repeated. Now I know better.


On 2020-06-11 12:28, Thomas Morley wrote:

Am Do., 11. Juni 2020 um 09:43 Uhr schrieb ebenezer

Hello gentlemen,

Thank you for the replies. I have enclosed the full file as it seems
there may be some interaction between the voice in 7/4 and piano in 5/4.


On 2020-06-10 23:33, Martin Neubauer wrote:

On 10/06/2020 13:41, Michael Käppler wrote:

Am 10.06.2020 um 13:27 schrieb ebenezer:

Hi all,

The 1st code snippett generates warnings, but the 2nd does not.

I'd like to keep the bar symbols in place as it helps me to keep track
in the music.

This is my first piece so I've likely made some newbie error, please

Hi Ebby,
your first snippet does compile without warnings for me.
If your piece does have multiple voices (your filename suggests that),
it may well be that you have a rhythmical error in another voice.

To expand somewhat on this point: for me neither snippet compiles
without warning (or yielding any music, for that matter...), but just by
enclosing either on with braces both gets rid of the warnings and
results in correct output. That does indeed suggest that whatever
problem is causing you trouble isn't present in the excerpts you sent.


Hi Ebby,

the warning comes from \midi

You move engravers in layout, which is fine. Alas, \midi does not know
about \layout-settings. Thus the bar-check fails for midi.
I think it's a known issue.

Workaround is to move engravers in \midi as well.


More than 16 MIDI instruments

2020-12-30 Thread ebenezer

Hi everyone,
I'm creating my first Lilypond score, an arrangement of A Te O Cara.
I am using Frescobaldi and used the Score Wiazrd to get started.
I have now come across a MIDI limitation, a maximum of 16 instruments as 
I understand it.
I'm assuming I'm not the first to come across this limitation; what is 
the easiest way to accommodate more than 16 instruments within the 
constraints of a score structured this way? ...

\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"

\header {
  % ...

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a3")

\layout {
% ...

global = {
  \key d \major
% ...

flute = {
  % -- measures _0 to _7
  R1.  |
  r4.   r4.   r4.   a''4( a''16) a''16  |
  % ...

% ... more voices

flutePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Flute"
  shortInstrumentName = "Fl."
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \flute

% ... more staves

\score {
% ... more parts
  \layout {
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
  \midi { }

If this structure is not conducive to implementing dynamic switching of 
MIDI instruments or whatever is required, I would consider changing it, 
but now rather than when I've completed the score!

Thank you for reading.

Re: More than 16 MIDI instruments

2020-12-31 Thread ebenezer

Thanks Christian,

After a day of experimenting I will go the 2 scores route. Yes, I'll be 
doing both: checking for wrong notes and outputting to a DAW.


On 2020-12-30 10:02, Christian Masser wrote:


I think that depends very much upon what you want to do with the MIDI 
file. If it's only for listening purposes to check for wrong notes, 
then you can send more instruments (like alle the strings for example) 
to the same channel. Disadvantage: they all sound the same and if the 
same note occurs two times at the same time the first note that ends 
cancels both, because they are one end the same note in one channel.

If you need every single instrument on a separate channel for further 
work outside lilypond you could just make two separate books/scores 
with different halfs of the instruments and merge them back where you 
want to continue working with them. (Kind of like stem export in a DAW.)

All the best

ebenezer <mailto:ebene...@thedorsetpagdens.plus.com>> schrieb am Mi., 30. Dez. 
2020, 10:40:

Hi everyone,
I'm creating my first Lilypond score, an arrangement of A Te O Cara.
I am using Frescobaldi and used the Score Wiazrd to get started.
I have now come across a MIDI limitation, a maximum of 16
instruments as I understand it.
I'm assuming I'm not the first to come across this limitation;
what is the easiest way to accommodate more than 16 instruments
within the constraints of a score structured this way? ...

\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"

\header {
  % ...

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a3")

\layout {
% ...

global = {
  \key d \major
% ...

flute = {
  % -- measures _0 to _7
  R1.  |
  r4.   r4.   r4.   a''4( a''16) a''16  |
  % ...

% ... more voices

flutePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Flute"
  shortInstrumentName = "Fl."
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \flute

% ... more staves

\score {
% ... more parts
  \layout {
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
  \midi { }

If this structure is not conducive to implementing dynamic
switching of MIDI instruments or whatever is required, I would
consider changing it, but now rather than when I've completed the

Thank you for reading.

Re: More than 16 MIDI instruments

2021-01-02 Thread ebenezer
As a follow up, I have found that importing the MIDI file into MuseScore 
allows one to hear all of the instruments as written (apart from a few 
minor oddities). There does not appear to be a 16 instrument limit, so 
this is useful for quick experimentation and checking for wrong notes. 
However, I don't know how MuseScore is doing it.

On 2020-12-31 10:09, ebenezer wrote:

Thanks Christian,

After a day of experimenting I will go the 2 scores route. Yes, I'll 
be doing both: checking for wrong notes and outputting to a DAW.


On 2020-12-30 10:02, Christian Masser wrote:


I think that depends very much upon what you want to do with the MIDI 
file. If it's only for listening purposes to check for wrong notes, 
then you can send more instruments (like alle the strings for 
example) to the same channel. Disadvantage: they all sound the same 
and if the same note occurs two times at the same time the first note 
that ends cancels both, because they are one end the same note in one 

If you need every single instrument on a separate channel for further 
work outside lilypond you could just make two separate books/scores 
with different halfs of the instruments and merge them back where you 
want to continue working with them. (Kind of like stem export in a DAW.)

All the best

ebenezer <mailto:ebene...@thedorsetpagdens.plus.com>> schrieb am Mi., 30. Dez. 
2020, 10:40:

Hi everyone,
I'm creating my first Lilypond score, an arrangement of A Te O Cara.
I am using Frescobaldi and used the Score Wiazrd to get started.
I have now come across a MIDI limitation, a maximum of 16
instruments as I understand it.
I'm assuming I'm not the first to come across this limitation;
what is the easiest way to accommodate more than 16 instruments
within the constraints of a score structured this way? ...

\version "2.20.0"
\language "english"

\header {
  % ...

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a3")

\layout {
% ...

global = {
  \key d \major
% ...

flute = {
  % -- measures _0 to _7
  R1.  |
  r4.   r4.   r4.   a''4( a''16) a''16  |
  % ...

% ... more voices

flutePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Flute"
  shortInstrumentName = "Fl."
  midiInstrument = "flute"
} \flute

% ... more staves

\score {
% ... more parts
  \layout {
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
  \midi { }

If this structure is not conducive to implementing dynamic
switching of MIDI instruments or whatever is required, I would
consider changing it, but now rather than when I've completed the

Thank you for reading.

Multiple pages per system

2021-01-10 Thread ebenezer

Hi everyone,
I have a large number of staves in my current score, such that they 
don't fit easily on paper.
Is there a way to split the staves up so that the first half fit on odd 
pages (w/w, brass & perc), the second half on even pages (voices, 
strings, saxes and guitars)?


Tempo marking per staff

2021-01-22 Thread ebenezer

Hi everyone,

How do I place tempo marks above a particular staff rather than a system 
as a whole, please?

I have parts that speed up during an ensemble piece for a few measures, 
and would like to see the tempo mark above the staff for that part 
rather than above the system as is conventional.


Re: Tempo marking per staff

2021-01-22 Thread ebenezer
Thank you, I tried option 2 and it works perfectly... and I learned 
about tagging :)

On 2021-01-22 14:42, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi there,

How do I place tempo marks above a particular staff rather than a system as a 
whole, please?

I have parts that speed up during an ensemble piece for a few measures, and 
would like to see the tempo mark above the staff for that part rather than 
above the system as is conventional.

You really have two main options here:

1. Add the tempo mark as a markup (TextScript) rather than true tempo marking 
(MetronomeMark). That way, it’s guaranteed just to appear above that one staff. 
[I don’t personally like this option, because it misuses TextScript.]

2. Add all tempo marks in a single global variable, and include them above the 
system *and* above the particular staff in question; then use the \tag system 
to include that one MetronomeMark just above the single staff. [I recommend and 
would use this option, because then all tempo marks in your score are real 

Hope that helps!

Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info

Rhythmic staff MIDI

2021-01-27 Thread ebenezer

Hello everyone,

I am attempting to use a percussion staff for a bongo part in a score.

staffBongo = \drummode {

  boh4_\markup { \sans boh }  boho8 bohm8  % --  and so on...


partBongo = \new RhythmicStaff \with {

} \staffBongo

doesn't output any MIDI. Note that using a DrumStaff works fine. The 
contexts under \midi {} are the same for both DrumStaff and 
RhythmicStaff. What am I doing that is incorrect, please?


Re: Rhythmic staff MIDI

2021-01-27 Thread ebenezer

Hello Martin,

No, I can use DrumStaff. I'm still experimenting with LilyPond, finding 
out what works easily and what doesn't.

Aesthetically, a RhythmicStaff looks better, so if it's something I can 
accomplish without too much effort (~1 day), I would delve deeper.

Since posting I have found that Drum_note_performer will output MIDI, 
but it's a soft piano sound, so I am now stuck at this point.


On 2021-01-27 13:22, Martín Rincón Botero wrote:


is there any reason for not using DrumStaff if that works fine for MIDI?


On 27. Jan 2021, 11:52 +0100, ebenezer 
, wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am attempting to use a percussion staff for a bongo part in a score.

staffBongo = \drummode {

boh4_\markup { \sans boh } boho8 bohm8 % -- and so on...


partBongo = \new RhythmicStaff \with {

} \staffBongo

doesn't output any MIDI. Note that using a DrumStaff works fine. The 
contexts under \midi {} are the same for both DrumStaff and 
RhythmicStaff. What am I doing that is incorrect, please?


Re: Rhythmic staff MIDI

2021-01-27 Thread ebenezer

Thank you Martín,

That snippet has helped enormously. I had tried to incorporate 
drumStyleTable earlier but it didn't work the way I was using it. I 
tried StaffSymbol.line-count = #1 and that looks good, too :)


On 2021-01-27 15:32, Martín Rincón Botero wrote:

Oops, missed a couple of curly braces:

\context DrumStaff = "bongo"
\override StaffSymbol.line-count = #2
drumStyleTable = #bongos-style
instrumentName = \markup { Bongo }
shortInstrumentName = \markup { Bng. }
boh4 bol boh bol

Am Mi., 27. Jan. 2021 um 16:31 Uhr schrieb Martín Rincón Botero 

Well, I don't use the RhythmicStaff for bongos and wouldn't
recommend it either. What I use looks something like this:

\context DrumStaff = "bongo"
\override StaffSymbol.line-count = #2
drumStyleTable = #bongos-style
instrumentName = \markup { Bongo }
shortInstrumentName = \markup { Bng. }
boh4 bol boh bol

Perhaps you'll find this esthetically pleasing as well ;-). With
this setup I haven't had any issues with MIDI. You don't even have
to manually select any MIDI instrument or do any extra
configuration. At least for me, this "just works" and is
notationally correct.


Am Mi., 27. Jan. 2021 um 16:21 Uhr schrieb ebenezer

Hello Martin,

No, I can use DrumStaff. I'm still experimenting with
LilyPond, finding out what works easily and what doesn't.

Aesthetically, a RhythmicStaff looks better, so if it's
something I can accomplish without too much effort (~1 day), I
would delve deeper.

Since posting I have found that Drum_note_performer will
output MIDI, but it's a soft piano sound, so I am now stuck at
this point.


On 2021-01-27 13:22, Martín Rincón Botero wrote:


is there any reason for not using DrumStaff if that works
fine for MIDI?


www.martinrinconbotero.com <http://www.martinrinconbotero.com>
On 27. Jan 2021, 11:52 +0100, ebenezer

<mailto:ebene...@thedorsetpagdens.plus.com>, wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am attempting to use a percussion staff for a bongo part
in a score.

staffBongo = \drummode {

boh4_\markup { \sans boh } boho8 bohm8 % -- and so on...


partBongo = \new RhythmicStaff \with {

} \staffBongo

doesn't output any MIDI. Note that using a DrumStaff works
fine. The contexts under \midi {} are the same for both
DrumStaff and RhythmicStaff. What am I doing that is
incorrect, please?


www.martinrinconbotero.com <http://www.martinrinconbotero.com>

www.martinrinconbotero.com <http://www.martinrinconbotero.com>

Custom percussion staves

2021-01-28 Thread ebenezer

Hello everyone,

I have noticed that use of a custom percussion staff is different from 
the manner in which one of the pre-defined percussion staves is used:

partBongo = \new DrumStaff \with {
  drumStyleTable = #bongos-style
} \staffBongo

... compared to ...

partPercCustom = \new DrumStaff \with {
  % -- drumStyleTable = #defPercCustom  % -- this doesn't work
} <<
  \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table defPercCustom)  % 
-- works this way


Is this just the way it is, or am I missing something?

Thank you.

Re: Custom percussion staves

2021-01-28 Thread ebenezer

Thank you Aaron,

Ah, makes sense. I prefer the way you suggested and have it working.


On 2021-01-28 15:19, Aaron Hill wrote:

On 2021-01-28 4:35 am, ebenezer wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have noticed that use of a custom percussion staff is different from
the manner in which one of the pre-defined percussion staves is used:

partBongo = \new DrumStaff \with {
  drumStyleTable = #bongos-style
} \staffBongo

... compared to ...

partPercCustom = \new DrumStaff \with {
  % -- drumStyleTable = #defPercCustom  % -- this doesn't work
} <<
  \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table defPercCustom)
% -- works this way

Is this just the way it is, or am I missing something?

bongos-style (and its kin) are hash tables, which is what 
drumStyleTable expects.  The documentation shows defining a custom 
drum style as an alist and then converting it to a hash table when you 
use it.  An alternative would be to do the conversion when you define 
the style:

\version "2.22.0"

custom-drum-style =
  '((bassdrum default "tenuto" -1)
(snare diamond #f 0)
(hihat cross #f 1)))

\new DrumStaff
\with { drumStyleTable = #custom-drum-style }
\drummode { bd4 hh8 8 sn2 }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Custom music notation?

2021-02-04 Thread ebenezer
"I'm forming the opinion that conventional notation is like the QWERTY 
keyboard layout."


IMO a new system doesn't even need to be better, just more appealing to 
the masses. If someone came up with a notation system that enabled 
teenage girls to be able to sing a song just by simply looking at it, 
well, within a decade or 2 it's use would be global.

In a similar vein: TAB for guitarists.

On 2021-02-04 15:47, Karlin High wrote:

On 2/4/2021 9:36 AM, Carl Sorensen wrote:

A second disadvantage of this notation,
I'm forming the opinion that conventional notation is like the QWERTY 
keyboard layout. There are different ideas out there for improving it, 
but it would need like a 10X improvement to build any momentum towards 
having something become a new standard.

However, there ARE other notation systems that apparently have gained 
a strong following within a particular music scene, Chinese Jianpu for 

Re: Error : Lilypond version 2.19.55 Error invoked

2021-02-11 Thread ebenezer

Hello Miguel,

I've only been coding LP for a short while so my suggestion may not be 
the best way. I took your code and changed 2 things:

1. the existing Staff definition was problematic, I couldn't understand 
the errors, so suggest this Staff definition before the music,

\new Staff = "bassStaff"
  \with { instrumentName = #"Bass" }         

2. Also, it seems as though Sta@.midiInstrument is incorrect, should be 

When I made these changes I compiled LP successfully (using version 
2.22.0) except for the bar check failure on the last line of music. Thus,

\new Staff = "bassStaff"
  \with { instrumentName = #"Bass" }
\clef bass
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic bass"
\numericTimeSignature\time 4/4
\key g\minor
g,4 d,8 g,4 d,8 c4 |
g,8 d,4  r8 d,8 g,8  g,8 d,8 |
g,8 d,4 c4 d,4 r8 |
d,4 g,4 d,8 g,4 d,8 |
% --
c4 g,8 d,4 r8 d,8 g,8 |
% --
g,8 d,4 g,8 d,8 c8 g,4 |
r8 d,8 g,4 d,8 g,4 d,8|
c,4 g,8 d,4 r8 c,8 g,8 |
d,8 g,8 g,4 d,4 d,4 |
g,,4. r8 d,8 g,4 c,8 |
g,4 c,8 c4 g,8 d,4 |
d,8 d,4 g,8 d,4 g,4 |
d,4 g,4 g,,4. r8 r8 | % -- bar check failure here, 1/8 note (or 
rest) too many :)


Hope that helps.

On 2021-02-11 13:11, Miguel Abrams wrote:

Dear community:

I am reaching out for assistance in regard to the following error.

Although I regard my knowledge of Lilypond to be primary, I have been 
a more than excited user for over two years now, and have never come 
across an error which I could not 'somehow' work around, at least 
until now.

The following error was reported and archived in 2009, by another user 
(JUNE 3 2019, (2.19.82).

However, I have been unable to find its resolution in the Archive. The 
error has now happened to my code, and I require some assistance to 
get by it.


I am using MAC OS 10.13.6 HIgh Sierra, and Lilypond 2.19.55

The compile and subsequent engraver output fails, unless I replace a 
'note' with a rest.


v/Parsing...Interpreting music...[8][16][24][32][40][48][56]ERROR: In 
procedure ly:trampoline:ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 3 
(expecting Translator): #reference>Exited with return code 1

I provide a clip of the code below where the error is invoked, as 
shown in between

the 2 % % marks. The error seems to point to the 2nd last note the 
'flagged' measure.

Please note that if I replace that beat with an r8, the compile and 
engraver run successfully.

If I leave a note in that position, the error is invoked.

It appears to me, as noted in this email, that the same error had been 
reported in June 2019.

Also, I am using in this piece the Add Lyrics functionality.


new Staff{   \with {        instrumentName = #"Bass"    }         


              \clef bass           

\set Sta@.midiInstrument = #"acoustic bass"           

\stemDown                              \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4  
              \key g\minor                 


%BASS VERSE_A         

g,4 d,8 g,4 d,8 c4 |         

 g,8 d,4  r8 d,8 g,8  g,8 d,8 |         

 g,8 d,4 c4 d,4 r8 |         

d,4 g,4 d,8 g,4 d,8 |


c4 g,8 d,4 r8 d,8 g,8 |


g,8 d,4 g,8 d,8 c8 g,4 |         

 r8 d,8 g,4 d,8 g,4 d,8|         

 c,4 g,8 d,4 r8 c,8 g,8 |         

 d,8 g,8 g,4 d,4 d,4 |       

 g,,4. r8 d,8 g,4 c,8 |         

 g,4 c,8 c4 g,8 d,4 |         

d,8 d,4 g,8 d,4 g,4 |         

d,4 g,4 g,,4. r8 r8 |


An assistance will be most appreciated.

Michael Abrams


Re: Nested transposition

2021-03-13 Thread ebenezer
I don't have the expertise of the rest of you, but the first thing I did 
with Lilypond was give \relative the elbow. It just seemed like a 
nightmare way to compose. Ditto duration persistence. All for the sake 
of saving a few keystrokes?

Re: the manuals/guides where \relative is introduced as the way to 
compose using LP. Presumably, this has come about because most LPers 
find this easier, but I for one would have loved an "LP Guide for 
Non-relativists". And a guide with all the context in place, too!

That said, LP is an amazing piece of s/w and the community second to 
none. Without the help of this list I would have struggled to have my 
scores as easy to manage as they are today. Thank you!

On 2021-03-13 02:22, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

this thread reminds me why I gave up using \relative over a decade ago and 
never looked back


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info

Re: Suggestion: Use non powers of 2 for tuplets

2021-03-26 Thread ebenezer


Does \scaleDurations not already fit the bill?

See the section "Scaling durations" at 

On 2021-03-26 02:19, Valentin Petzel wrote:


Currently Lilypond only supports powers of 2 for specifying duration. Could we
use the other numbers for common divisions?

For example: We could use 3 for 2*3/2, 5 for 4*5/4, 6 for 4*3/2, 7 for 8*7/8,
9 for 8*9/8, 10 for 8*5/4, 11 for 8*11/8, 12 for 8*3/2 and so on.

This would be quite useful, especially for the divisions of three (*3/2),
because stuff like this
e8*2/3 dis cis cis8. dis16 e8*2/3 dis cis cis8. dis16
Is not really nice to enter, while
e12 dis cis cis8. dis16 e12 dis cis cis8. dis16
would be much less effort.

Cheers, Valentin

Re: who is behind omet.ca

2021-04-11 Thread ebenezer
I confess I rarely know (if ever) who is behind a web site. It usually 
becomes apparent very quickly if a web site is worthwhile.

That said, I doubt I would ever be as productive as I am today without 
all the tools and knowledge that I have gained over the years from this 
web thing.

I would imagine omet.ca is trustworthy, I mean, they don't ask for 
credit card details!

Also consider that trust is a two-way street, the website owners are 
trusting you not to trash their website by exploiting vulnerabilities in 
their code...

On 2021-04-11 10:11, Stefan Thomas wrote:

Dear Thomas,
I've seen these two links before too. But the question remains: Who is 
the owner of the website?

Can we trust them?

Am So., 11. Apr. 2021 um 10:45 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley 

Am So., 11. Apr. 2021 um 09:30 Uhr schrieb Stefan Thomas
> Dear community,
> a few days I discovered https://ide.omet.ca/ which seems to be a
very interesting and useful site.
> But I didn't find there an impressum.
> Who are the people behind this site? Can I trust them?
> Does someone of You know something about them?
> Thanks,
> Stefan

I found:
and on our own website:


Re: Microtonal midi output

2021-05-08 Thread ebenezer

I am interested in learning about this capability, too.

I have 2 further questions:

1. What is ET?

2. Where is regular.ly available from?

Thank you.

On 2021-05-08 20:17, Hans Åberg wrote:

On 8 May 2021, at 20:33, brahim.pro  wrote:

I would like to define a scale, let's say A minor, and slightly change the 
frequency of the notes in the output MIDI file. I have trouble finding this 
feature in the documentation. So does this feature exist and how to do that?

In LilyPond, the note and MIDI values are tied together, so you need to be more 
specific what you want to do. ETs multiples of 12 are straightforward, for 
example E72 is good approximation of the 11-limit. For arbitrary ETs, there is 
Graham Breed's file regular.ly.

Re: Composing workflow

2021-08-19 Thread ebenezer

Hi mark,

This is exactly what I do - edit text, output midi, import in to Reaper. 
I use a couple of scripts to copy files around but otherwise that's it.

On 2021-08-19 09:33, Mark Probert wrote:


Sorry if this has been done to death, but I was unable to find a
consolidated source of information. My question is a simple one at
heart: How do you, as a composer of new music, setup your Lilypond

When using a graphic environment, complete with midi player, it is all
rather obvious. With a text-based version a little less so, I'm
finding. I can do it in a simple way--produce a pdf and midi file, open
the midi in Reaper, etc.--but I'm wondering if people have a more
elegant solution without losing the core of what I like about LP (the
text interface).

TIA .. mark.

Re: Controlling midi volumen of a long note

2021-11-25 Thread ebenezer

Hi Pablo,

This covers what you can do with MIDI in terms of dynamics:



(NB, Crescendi and decrescendi over a /single/ note)

Note that if you want to have finer control over the MIDI, you'll likely 
want to import the MIDI into another program, such as a DAW (I do this 
for glissandi).

Also note that Lilypond is primarily for engraving, the MIDI is a nice 
to have extra feature.

Hope that helps set your expectations.

On 2021-11-25 17:06, Pablo Cordal wrote:


When a long note is sounding and there is a rest afterward, the note 
abruptly quiets down, which is awful.

I have several staves so controlling the general MIDI volumen is 
useless. I need to control the volume of one staff or the volume of 
the note.

Is there any way to meke the MIDI volume of that note drop gently at 
the end?

Thank you very much and best wishes

Re: Feedback wanted: syntax highlighting in the LilyPond documentation

2022-01-02 Thread ebenezer

Hi Jean,

I like the idea that it should be possible.

I would like for it to be (easily) customisable.

I already have a text editor colour scheme that I use for music, for 
parts and scores I have found it is not so important.

My perspective is that I only need colour for highlighting key items 
within music such as \time, \tempo, comments, \override, bar lines and 
'beat space'; beat space is 2 white spaces that I use to delineate music 
within a measure, I find having this as bright white on a pale silver 
background really helps.

Thank you for throwing this out there, and sorry that you will have 1001 
conflicting opinions on how to progress!

Good luck.

On 2022-01-01 23:45, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Hi all,

There is an ongoing proposal to add syntax highlighting
in LilyPond's documentation. Since it is a notable change
to the documentation reading experience, user feedback would
be appreciated. You can browse a syntax-highlighted version
of the notation manual here:


For comparison, this is the current notation manual:


The main questions are: what do you think of the principle?
And is the color scheme good enough?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Transposing pitches in the lilypond file itself?

2022-01-13 Thread ebenezer

This made me smile - a lot. Thank you.

On 2022-01-12 14:02, David Kastrup wrote:

Emacs' LilyPond-mode is an abomination in desperate need of maintenance
or possibly rewriting from scratch.  There is no reason to use it unless
you are one of those people who use Emacs for everything (in contrast,
the mail/news client I am writing this in would be a reason to switch to
Emacs rather than vice versa.  As are the LaTeX modes).  However, it
probably has the only useable MIDI pitch recognition for polyphonic
entry like those of accordions.

If I needed to batch-convert some input regarding relative/absolute or
transpose, I'd likely start up Frescobaldi.  Never mind that it isn't
the one editor to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

VLC as a MIDI player - OT from "Lilypond's English Horn MIDI instrument is non-transposing?"

2022-01-15 Thread ebenezer

Just to add clarity (I hope!) to VLC being used as a MIDI player...

If you do nothing but install VLC, it doesn't play MIDI. However, it has 
a built-in MIDI synthesiser (good ol' FluidSynth). The 2nd 'however' is 
that there is no soundfont bound to this built-in synthesiser. I've no 
idea why, there's sure to be a reason.

From VLC, ~> Tools ~> Preferences ~> Show settings.All +> 
Input/Codecs.Audio codecs ~> FluidSynth ~> Browse...

then select the soundfont file of your choice. Click Save.

Re: Wide screen Windows question

2022-02-13 Thread ebenezer
Not a PDF viewer, but if you open a PDF file in Firefox and select 
Wrapped Scrolling from the Tools menu (the >> button), you should see 
pages side-by-side dependent upon your Zoom settings and how wide you 
have resized your Firefox window. Just play with the zoom % and window 
width to suit your taste, i.e., 4 pages side by side.

Doesn't this also address your 2nd point? That is 1 page = 1 panel.

On 2022-02-12 10:29, Paul McKay wrote:

Apologies that only half this question is Lilypond, but I'm sure 
someone in this group will have shared my frustration.
I am very tempted to buy a nice wide monitor. I currently play from 
the screen of my laptop which sits on top of my grand piano. It's a 
real pain if I have to rotate the screen and the laptop to play from 
an A4 page at more or less full size. If I got a nice big monitor, the 
laptop could sit beside the piano and everything would be lovely …

… except … any PDF reader will display 2 pages side by side. On a 
monitor with a 4:1 aspect ratio, this means that half of it is unused. 
Despite searching for a week, I haven't found any PDF reader which 
even thinks that wasting 50% of the display area is a bad idea. Does 
anyone know of any PDF reader which will display more than 2 pages at 
once? This is the best solution I have so far thought of. Other 
suggestions would be very welcome.

On the other hand, I spend a huge percentage of my time playing music 
I've typed into LilyPond. It would be very easy to make a PDF file 
where pages were 4:1 and landscape. But rather than have a single line 
of music 80cm long, it would be good to have the page divided into 
four 20cm panels. Could someone tell me how to ask LilyPond to put 
music into columns? So far, I've only been able to find out about how 
to ask LilyPond to put words into columns.

Many thanks in advance
Paul McKay

Re: \stopStaff \startStaff bug

2023-01-07 Thread ebenezer

[  It sometimes makes me wonder if we need a concept of "infinitesimal
time", to allow disambiguating  ]

Yes, the concept of 0-cycles, that can be allowed to execute in order 
for decisions to be made at the end of the timestep once all the 
0-cycles have completed, seems like a good idea.

I imagine this would require a change to the underlying model of 
Lilypond (also, does Scheme support the concept? Does it have to?) which 
sounds like an implementor's nightmare, but may be LP is structured well 
enough that it is not too awkward - I'm not au fait with LP's internals 
so I don't know the ramifications of "seems like a good idea".

On 2023-01-07 13:27, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Le 06/01/2023 à 00:37, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit :
The Staff_symbol_engraver is not really equipped to deal with 
multiple \startStaff / \stopStaff events at the same point of time.

I would not call the current Staff_symbol_engraver behavior a bug,
but a feature.

You will see that your engraver prevents this from working:

  \once \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = "red"

Ok, this one could be handled by restarting the current staff symbol,
if any, when "\startStaff count = \stopStaff count", instead of keeping
the current one. Now, what about

redStaff = {
  \once \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = "red"


The current, debatable but sometimes useful behavior is that the
\redStaff is enough to start a new staff symbol while there is none.
With your engraver, an extra \startStaff is needed at that point.

There is no simple silver bullet for conflicting events at the
same moment.

It sometimes makes me wonder if we need a concept of "infinitesimal
time", to allow disambiguating

  %% Stop the current one and start a new one, or start a new one
  %% and end it immediately?
  { ... \startStaff ... }
  { ... \stopStaff  ... }

by writing something like

  { ... \startStaff \dt ... }
  { ... \dt \stopStaff  ... }


  { ...\dt \startStaff  ... }
  { ... \stopStaff \dt  ... }

but this is very handwaving and how to make it usable
and map it to sane internals is pretty unclear to me.


Re: Feedback request on image formats

2023-01-11 Thread ebenezer

SVG preferred over PDF.

Thank you for asking.

On 2023-01-11 06:40, Benjamin Tordoff wrote:

Almost all the images I use for cover art etc are JPEG or PNG originally so for 
me PNG is the most important format. Other images I use are generally icons or 
clip art and these are almost always png or svg. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 
stock imagery or icons in pdf format, only documents.

So, +1 for SVG (+PNG obviously) from me.


On 10 Jan 2023, at 22:52, Stephan Schöll  wrote:

+1 for SVG:
 From my perspective and experience including vector graphics in musical
scores is most often about icons or graphics, illustration or extended
markup, but rather not entire documents / pages (knowing that PDFs can
be small as well of course ;-).
SVG is widely used for icons and graphics of any dimension (and scalable
by definition ;-) ), while PDF contains a lot of overhead that might
cause trouble "easier".

And yes: PNG is welcome as well :-)

Best Stephan

On 10.01.2023 23:35, Abraham Lee wrote:
If I had a vote, and if PDF really can be seamlessly converted, I would
make the front-end favor the SVG format as I think that format would be
more likely used by most users.

Glad to hear about this! Both PNG and SVG would be very nice additions.


On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 3:23 PM Jean Abou Samra mailto:j...@abou-samra.fr>> wrote:


This is a little call for feedback, especially from users of the
markup command. (To be clear, I'm not speaking "in the name of the
team", just in my name.)

Over the past year and a half, LilyPond has gained a new output
backend based on the Cairo graphics library. While this backend
has many advantages, there's a downside: it is not possible with
Cairo to include EPS files in PDF output. Yet this is the only way
today to include images, via the \epsfile markup command.

To address this limitation, we're considering adding support for more
image formats than EPS. We will likely add PNG. However, because PNG
is a raster graphics format while EPS can contain vector graphics
), we'd like to add a
vector graphics format as well. Basically, the contenders are PDF
and SVG. However, each of them requires adding dependencies, so we'd
rather not have them both.

Which leads to the question in this straw poll: would it be more useful
for you to be able to insert SVG or PDF images? Keep in mind that both
can be converted into each other seamlessly, so the question is mainly
what will be most useful for a majority of people.


Re: Policy for posts from non-members

2023-02-22 Thread ebenezer

FWIW, I'm quite happy with that wording.

On 2023-02-21 22:36, Jean Abou Samra wrote:


I've not been an admin of this list for very long, yet I'm already 
weary of telling people who post without being subscribed to the list 
that they should subscribe in order to avoid each of their messages 
being manually approved. I wonder what you (meaning everyone, but 
especially Mark, the other admin) would think about changing the list 
configuration to reject post from non-members instead of holding them 
on moderation, with a message such as

“Welcome to the lilypond-user mailing list. We apologize, but in order 
to prevent spam, we need you to subscribe to the list before you post. 
Please fill out the subscription form on 

Once you are subscribed, you will receive all posts to the list, so 
you can help out other people as well. However, if you only wish to 
interact with this list infrequently, you may disable mail 
subscription in your membership preferences after you have subscribed.

If you believe you are already subscribed to the list, it probably 
means that you accidentally posted from a different email address than 
the one you are subscribed with.

If you have any question or encounter problems, feel free to contact 
the list admins at lilypond-user-ow...@gnu.org”

On the plus side, this means that instead of delaying the message 
until Mark or me looks at it, the feedback will come instantly.
