Where can I find lilyJazz (fonts.openlilylib.org is gone)
I wanted to try lilyJazz, but I am unable to find the font. The fonts.openlilylib.org site is not accessible (404 error). Is there an alternative site? Thanks for your help. Ernie ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
Re: compilable lilypond-book templeat
This was just posted on the list by Nick Payne . Hope it helps. On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 8:36 PM, MING TSANG wrote: > Hi, lilyponders: > Over the years (since lilypond v2.14) I have coded 25+ hymns for our > choir. I like to put them in book form. Is there a lilypond-book template > available (compilable - just include my 25+ hymns)? I like to have title > page, table of content and each hymn starts on a new page. If possible to > have page number for each hymn, but also have overall page number for the > whole book. I know it is a tall request, but I have not done lilypond-book > before. I have no knowledge of laTex. Appreciate any help. > Emmanuel, > Ming > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > lilypond-user@gnu.org > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user > > \version "2.18.0" date = #(strftime "%d/%m/%Y" (localtime (current-time))) \paper { #(define (print-positive-page-number layout props arg) (if (> (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1) 0) (create-page-number-stencil layout props arg) empty-stencil)) #(define (not-last-page layout props arg) (if (and (chain-assoc-get 'page:is-bookpart-last-page props #f) (chain-assoc-get 'page:is-last-bookpart props #f)) empty-stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg))) print-all-headers = ##f first-page-number = -1 tocItemMarkup = \tocItemWithDotsMarkup oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { " " } evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup oddFooterMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \column { \fontsize #-1 \on-the-fly #not-first-page \on-the-fly #not-last-page \on-the-fly #print-positive-page-number \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \on-the-fly #last-page \fromproperty #'header:tagline } } evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup } \header { title = \markup { \lower #50 \left-align \center-column { \fontsize #4 \bold "Overall Title" } } subtitle = \markup { \lower #4 \left-align \center-column { \fontsize #1 \bold "Overall Subtitle" } } tagline = \markup { \fontsize #-3.5 { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-column { \line { Engraved on \date using \with-url #"http://lilypond.org/"; \line { LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) (http://lilypond.org/) } } } } } } \pageBreak \markuplist \table-of-contents \markup \null \bookpart { \paper { print-page-number = ##t } \header { title = \markup { \fromproperty #'toc:number " Piece One" } % overrides overall title subtitle = ##f % prevent overall subtitle from appearing composer = "Composer One" } \tocItem \markup { 1. Piece One } \relative c' { c1 } } \bookpart { \paper { print-page-number = ##t } \header { title = \markup { \fromproperty #'toc:number " Piece Two" } % overrides overall title subtitle = ##f % prevent overall subtitle from appearing composer = "Composer Two" } \tocItem \markup { 2. Piece Two } \relative c' { c1 } } \bookpart { \paper { print-page-number = ##t } \header { title = \markup { \fromproperty #'toc:number " Piece Three" } % overrides overall title subtitle = ##f % prevent overall subtitle from appearing composer = "Composer Three" } \tocItem \markup { 3. Piece Three } \relative c' { c1 } }___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
Re: compilable lilypond-book templeat
This is what I ended up doing. I had a similar problem, but I was including the file at the wrong point in the Set-List.ly file. %%% % Set-List.ly % %% \version "2.18.0" \include "globalSettings.ily" \include "ShortninBread_mandolin.ily" %%NOTE: Include this at the top \paper { #(define (print-positive-page-number layout props arg) (if (> (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1) 0) (create-page-number-stencil layout props arg) empty-stencil)) #(define (not-last-page layout props arg) (if (and (chain-assoc-get 'page:is-bookpart-last-page props #f) (chain-assoc-get 'page:is-last-bookpart props #f)) empty-stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg))) print-all-headers = ##f first-page-number = -1 tocItemMarkup = \tocItemWithDotsMarkup oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { " " } evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup oddFooterMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \column { \fontsize #-1 \on-the-fly #not-first-page \on-the-fly #not-last-page \on-the-fly #print-positive-page-number \fromproperty #'page:page-number-string \on-the-fly #last-page \fromproperty #'header:tagline } } evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup } \header { title = \markup { \lower #50 \left-align \center-column { \fontsize #4 \bold "Old-Time Set List" } } subtitle = \markup { \lower #4 \left-align \center-column { \fontsize #1 \bold "Mandolin" } } tagline = \markup { \fontsize #-3.5 { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-column { \line { Arr. by Ernie Braganza. \line { Engraved using LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( http://lilypond.org/) } } } } } } \pageBreak \markuplist \table-of-contents \markup \null \bookpart { \paper { print-page-number = ##t } \header { title = "Shortnin' Bread" subtitle = ##f % prevent overall subtitle from appearing composer = "Trad." } \tocItem \markup { 1. Shortnin' Bread } \score { << \ShortninBread_chordChanges %ShortninBread_MandoChordDiagrams \ShortninBread_melody \ShortninBread_MandoTab >> \header { piece = "Mandolin" } } } %%% % ShorninBread_mandolin.ily% %%% \version "2.18.0" \include "globalSettings.ily" ShortninBread_settings = { \globalSettings \key d \major \time 2/4 } ShortninBread_leadPart = \relative c'' { \ShortninBread_settings \mark \default \repeat volta 2 { %start repeat d8 b16 b a8 b | %1 d16 d b8 a4 | %2 d8 b a b16 b | %3 fis16 fis e8 d4 | %4 \break d'8 b16 b a a b b | %5 d8 b a4 | %6 d8 b a16 a b8 | %7 fis8 e8 d4| %8 } %end repeat \break \mark \default \repeat volta 2 { %start repeat d16 d b' b a a b8 |%9 d,8 b' a b |%10 d,16 d b' b a a b8 |%11 fis8 e d4 |%12 \break d16 d b' b a a b8 |%13 d,8 b' a b |%14 d,16 d b' b a a b8 |%15 fis8 e d4 |%16 } %end repeat } ShortninBread_chordPart = \chordmode { \ShortninBread_settings d4 d4 |%1 d4 d4 |%2 d4 d4 |%3 a4 d4 |%4 d4 d4 |%5 d4 d4 |%6 d4 d4 |%7 a4 d4 |%8 d4 d4 |%9 d4 d4 |%10 d4 d4 |%11 a4 d4 |%12 d4 d4 |%13 d4 d4 |%14 d4 d4 |%15 a4 d4 |%16 } ShortninBread_chordChanges = \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \ShortninBread_chordPart } ShortninBread_MandoChordDiagrams = \new FretBoards { \include "predefined-mandolin-fretboards.ly" \set Staff.stringTunings = #mandolin-tuning \set chordChanges = ##t \ShortninBread_chordPart } ShortninBread_melody = \new Staff { \clef "treble" \ShortninBread_leadPart } ShortninBread_MandoTab = \new TabStaff { \clef "moderntab" \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #mandolin-tuning \ShortninBread_leadPart } On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 10:01 AM, MING TSANG wrote: > Federico & Ernie: > I try to adapt Nick's sample by replacing line 70 with \include my lily > full score and I got the following error > > C:/Users/Tsang/Dropbox/Lyndon/LiLy/Down-from-his-glory/down-from-his-glory.ly:4:3<https://ca-mg6.mail.yahoo.com/neo/0>: > error: syntax error, unexpected STRING > ti="從榮耀降臨" %title > I am not quite sure how to wrap the the score block in my original lily > file which contains \include statement with variables for \header? The > score is a full lily code with \header & \paper and \midi. > > Then I try the following: > > \version "2.19.0" > \include "calypso-lullaby\calypso-lullaby.ly" > \pageBreak > \include "Down-from-his-glory\down
Re: compilable lilypond-book templeat
Sorry, the example use globalSettings.ily which I forgot to copy: %%% % globalSettings.ily % %%% \version "2.18.0" globalSettings = { \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-align-symbols = #'(clef) \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet } On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Ernie Braganza wrote: > This is what I ended up doing. I had a similar problem, but I was > including the file at the wrong point in the Set-List.ly file. > > %%% > % Set-List.ly % > %% > > \version "2.18.0" > \include "globalSettings.ily" > > \include "ShortninBread_mandolin.ily" %%NOTE: Include this at the top > > > \paper { > #(define (print-positive-page-number layout props arg) > (if (> (chain-assoc-get 'page:page-number props -1) 0) > (create-page-number-stencil layout props arg) > empty-stencil)) > > #(define (not-last-page layout props arg) > (if (and (chain-assoc-get 'page:is-bookpart-last-page props #f) > (chain-assoc-get 'page:is-last-bookpart props #f)) > empty-stencil > (interpret-markup layout props arg))) > > print-all-headers = ##f > first-page-number = -1 > tocItemMarkup = \tocItemWithDotsMarkup > oddHeaderMarkup = \markup \fill-line { " " } > evenHeaderMarkup = \oddHeaderMarkup > oddFooterMarkup = \markup \fill-line { \column { \fontsize #-1 > \on-the-fly #not-first-page \on-the-fly #not-last-page > \on-the-fly #print-positive-page-number \fromproperty > #'page:page-number-string > \on-the-fly #last-page \fromproperty #'header:tagline > } } > evenFooterMarkup = \oddFooterMarkup > } > > \header { > title = \markup { > \lower #50 \left-align \center-column { > \fontsize #4 \bold "Old-Time Set List" > } > } > subtitle = \markup { > \lower #4 \left-align \center-column { > \fontsize #1 \bold "Mandolin" > } > } > tagline = \markup { > \fontsize #-3.5 { > \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) > \box \center-column { > \line { > Arr. by Ernie Braganza. > \line { > Engraved using LilyPond \simple #(lilypond-version) ( > http://lilypond.org/) > } > } > } > } > } > } > > \pageBreak > > \markuplist \table-of-contents > \markup \null > > \bookpart { > \paper { > print-page-number = ##t > } > \header { > title = "Shortnin' Bread" > subtitle = ##f % prevent overall subtitle from appearing > composer = "Trad." > } > \tocItem \markup { 1. Shortnin' Bread } > \score { > << > \ShortninBread_chordChanges > %ShortninBread_MandoChordDiagrams > \ShortninBread_melody > \ShortninBread_MandoTab > >> >\header { piece = "Mandolin" } > } > } > > %%% > % ShorninBread_mandolin.ily% > %%% > > \version "2.18.0" > \include "globalSettings.ily" > > ShortninBread_settings = { > \globalSettings > \key d \major > \time 2/4 > } > > ShortninBread_leadPart = \relative c'' { > \ShortninBread_settings > \mark \default > \repeat volta 2 { %start repeat > d8 b16 b a8 b | %1 > d16 d b8 a4 | %2 > d8 b a b16 b | %3 > fis16 fis e8 d4 | %4 > \break > d'8 b16 b a a b b | %5 > d8 b a4 | %6 > d8 b a16 a b8 | %7 > fis8 e8 d4| %8 > } %end repeat > \break > \mark \default > \repeat volta 2 > { %start repeat > d16 d b' b a a b8 |%9 > d,8 b' a b |%10 > d,16 d b' b a a b8 |%11 > fis8 e d4 |%12 > \break > d16 d b' b a a b8 |%13 > d,8 b' a b |%14 > d,16 d b' b a a b8 |%15 > fis8 e d4 |%16 > } %end repeat > } > > ShortninBread_chordPart = \chordmode { > \ShortninBread_settings > d4 d4 |%1 > d4 d4 |%2 > d4 d4 |%3 > a4 d4 |%4 > d4 d4 |%5 > d4 d4 |%6 > d4 d4 |%7 > a4 d4 |%8 > d4 d4 |%9 > d4 d4 |%10 > d4 d4 |%11 > a4 d4 |%12 > d4 d4 |%13 > d4 d4 |%14 > d4 d4 |%15 > a4 d4 |%16 > } > > ShortninBread_chordChanges = \new ChordNames > { > \set chordChanges = ##t > \ShortninBread_chordPart > } > > ShortninBread_MandoChordDiagrams = \new FretBoards > { > \include "predefined-mandolin-fretboards.ly" > \set Staff.stringTunings = #mandolin-
How did LilyPond get its name?
I've been reading a bit about LilyPond, but I can not find any reference about how LilyPond got its name. Does anyone know that story? Let me know if there is a better forum for this question. Ernie ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
Re: Git/Lilypond workflow
I use one repository, a number of shared directories, and then one subdirectory for each project. I create a branch off of my master branch whenever I start a project (and often a number of branches off of that for experiments) and make a lot of commits, then I rebase and squash all the commits into one before I merge the project branch back into master. I never develop (compose) in the master branch. I make all my changes in the project branches and then, merge those into master. Ernie On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 5:21 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote: > On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 02:07:36PM -0800, Tim Walters wrote: > [...] > > Different strokes, I guess! > > Indeed. :-) > > > > On 2/12/15 1:44 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote: > > >It's not *that* much easier than `mkdir new_composition; cd > > >new_composition; git init`. :-) > > > > Then you have to push it to the remote server, remember and clone all > > the URLs you've created since the last time you used machine X, > > install or separately pull the common files, etc. Whereas wherever I > > go, I'm either a "git clone" or a "git pull" away from getting to > > work. > [...] > > I guess that's where our workflows diverge. I usually use a remote login > to work on my pieces, so the repos are always on the same machine. I > only need to push/pull for backup purposes. > > So I suppose all of this goes to show that what's best for one person > may not be suitable for others. It really depends on your particular > workflow and needs, so you need to evaluate how you're going to be using > it before committing to a particular setup. :-) > > > T > > -- > Do not reason with the unreasonable; you lose by definition. > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > lilypond-user@gnu.org > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user > ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
Do not display chord name after line break
Hello, How can I stop the repeated chord name after the line break? I thought the break-visibility settings for ChordName would work, for example setting the beginning-of-line-invisible value to false: \override Score.ChordName.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #f) but that does not have any effect at all. Is there any way to do this? Thanks for your help, Ernie \version "2.20.0" harmonies = \chordmode { d2 c~ \break % I don't want the repeated c chord name to display after the line break c d } \new ChordNames { \set chordChanges = ##t \harmonies }
Re: Do not display chord name after line break
I am not sure where to place this new engraver code so I can use it. I tried researching this in the manual, but was still unclear. Where should it appear? Again, thanks for your help On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 8:15 PM Thomas Morley wrote: > Am Mo., 13. Juli 2020 um 19:40 Uhr schrieb Carl Sorensen > : > > > > Hi Ernie, > > > > On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 7:03 AM Ernie Braganza > wrote: > >> > >> Hello, > >> > >> How can I stop the repeated chord name after the line break? > >> I thought the break-visibility settings for ChordName would work, for > example setting the beginning-of-line-invisible value to false: > >> \override Score.ChordName.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #f) > >> but that does not have any effect at all. > > > > > > The reason this does not have any effect is that the code executed when > chordChanges is set to ##t changes the break-visiblity of the specific > chord name (sets it to beginning-of-line-visible). And that code is in > C++, not Scheme, so I don't know how to override it. > > > > I guess one could write a Scheme engraver for ChordName to replace the > built-in one. > > > > You should also raise an issue on the issues list asking for an > enhancement. The enhancement would need to add some additional property > (or change the existing property from a simple boolean), because we'd need > to separately control hiding of repeated chord names only when not at the > beginning of the line, and always hiding repeated chord names. > > > > I actually think the best way to do it would be to change the > chordChanges property from a boolean to a break-visibility. I can see that > being quite easy to do. > > > > In the meantime, as a workaround, you might just wish to fill up your > chordmode with a bunch of s chords, and only put the chords in where you > want them displayed: > > > > \version "2.20.0" > > harmonies = \chordmode { > > d2 c > > \break > > % I don't want the repeated c chord name to display after the line > break > > s d > > } > > \new ChordNames { > > \harmonies > > } > > > > HTH, > > > > Carl > > > > Here an engraver which transforms the default stencil to an empty > stencil under certain conditions (it's not a rewrite of > Chord_name_engraver) > > \new ChordNames > \with { > chordChanges = ##t > \consists > #(lambda (ctx) > (let* ((chord #f) >(last-chord #f)) > >(define (at-line-beginning? grob) > (let* ((col (ly:item-get-column grob)) > (ln (ly:grob-object col 'left-neighbor)) > (col-to-check (if (ly:grob? ln) ln col))) >(and (eq? #t (ly:grob-property col-to-check 'non-musical)) > (= 1 (ly:item-break-dir col-to-check) > > (make-engraver > (acknowledgers >((chord-name-interface this-engraver grob source-engraver) > > (if chord > (begin >(set! last-chord chord) >(set! chord #f))) > > (set! chord (ly:grob-property grob 'text)) > > ;; If two subsequent chords are equal and chordChanges is > enabled, > ;; set 'after-line-breaking to a procedure which sets the > stencil > ;; to an empty-stencil if the new chord is at line-start. > (if (and (equal? chord last-chord) > (ly:context-property ctx 'chordChanges #f)) > (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'after-line-breaking >(lambda (grob) > (if (at-line-beginning? grob) > (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil > empty-stencil)) > ;; keep default > (ly:chord-name::after-line-breaking grob)) > ((finalize this-engraver) > ;; house keeping > (set! chord #f) > (set! last-chord #f) > } > \chordmode { d2 c~ \break c d } > > HTH, > Harm >
Wrong type (expecting real number): # in lily-library.scm
I just downloaded the unofficial 2.20.0 build for Mac (I'm using OS 10.15 "Catalina"). And I am unable to process the simplest file because I get an error from the lily-library.scm Scheme file: Wrong type (expecting real number): #. I've searched for this error online and I am unable to find any helpful information. Does anyone have an idea how I should proceed? Here's my script and the error message. \version "2.20.0" { c' e' g' e' } Starting lilypond 2.20.0 [Test.ly]... Processing `/Users/erniebraganza/Music/lilypond_scores/Jazz/Testing Folder/Test.ly' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects.../Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/2.20.0/scm/lily-library.scm:243:5 <0>: In procedure ly:ledger-line-spanner::set-spacing-rods in expression (process-procedure book paper ...): /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/2.20.0/scm/lily-library.scm:243:5 <1>: Wrong type (expecting real number): # Exited with return code 1. The highlighted code in lily-library.scm is: (define (print-book-with book process-procedure) (let* ((paper (ly:parser-lookup '$defaultpaper)) (layout (ly:parser-lookup '$defaultlayout)) (outfile-name (get-outfile-name book))) (process-procedure book paper layout outfile-name)))
Re: Wrong type (expecting real number): # in lily-library.scm
Yes. I included it in the original post, but didn't highlight it. It's in the lily-library.scm file at line 243 column 5 I assume it is my setup, not a bug in the code, but I am at a loss to figure out what I might try to change. It seems to be around ledger lines and spacing? I guess I could try reinstalling, but I'd like to avoid that. On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 9:28 AM Werner Arnhold wrote: > Hi Ernie, > > I tried your example and did not get any error messages. > > Didn't you get a line/column number to indicate where the error is? > > Werner > > Am Donnerstag, den 12.11.2020, 13:20 -0500 schrieb Ernie Braganza: > > \version "2.20.0" > > { > > c' e' g' e' > > } > >
Ending Tie to No Note
Is there a better way to do this? I am trying to end a repeated section with a tie to the first note back at the beginning of the section. This is written as an unterminated tie. I can get it to look right with this code, but I get an error message "programming error: bounds of this piece aren't breakable" What's the "right" way to achieve this? \version "2.20.0" \relative c' { c1~ \repeat volta 2 { c2 e2| g2 c,2(<>)| } }
Re: Ending Tie to No Note
Thank you. I had never heard of semi-ties before. Always something new to learn, On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 3:05 PM Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2021-08-06 11:29 am, Ernie Braganza wrote: > > Is there a better way to do this? > > > > I am trying to end a repeated section with a tie to the first note back > > at > > the beginning of the section. This is written as an unterminated tie. I > > can > > get it to look right with this code, but I get an error message > > "programming error: bounds of this piece aren't breakable" > > > > What's the "right" way to achieve this? > > > > \version "2.20.0" > > \relative c' { > > c1~ > > \repeat volta 2 { > > c2 e2| > > g2 c,2(<>)| > > } > > } > > You should use one of the "semi-ties", specifically \laissezVibrer. > > > -- Aaron Hill >
Re: Parenthensize a horizontal group?
When I use the parenthesizeMusic function or the snippet in LSR-902 with a winged repeat bar, the parenthesis collides with the bar. I have not been able to find a way to pad the bar or the parentheses in a way that avoids this. [in this code I could simply reduce the font size, but that does not fix the issue in my score] \relative c'' { \override ParenthesesItem.font-size = 7 \override ParenthesesItem.extra-offset = #(lambda (grob) (cons 0 (* -1/2 (ly:grob-staff-position grob g2 r4 \parenthesizeMusic { d'8 bes8 } \bar":|]" } On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 12:59 AM Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2021-06-30 9:07 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: > > On 2021-06-30 9:00 pm, Mark Probert wrote: > >> Hi. > >> > >> I've looked through docs and snippets and can't seem to find a way to > >> place parens around a horizontal group of notes (an "optional" > >> indicator for leadsheets). I've tried > >> > >> \parenthesize { a8 bes } > >> > >> but nope. Is there a simple way? I want to do something like: > >> > >> \mark "(" a8 bes \mark ")" > >> > >> and have the parens aligned on the center of the staff. > > > > Does LSR 902 [1] help? > > > > [1]: https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=902 > > > > Or perhaps this which might be easier to use if this sort of thing > occurs often: > > > \version "2.22.0" > > parenthesizeMusic = > #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) >(define ((stencils which) grob) > (let* ((stens (parentheses-item::calc-parenthesis-stencils grob)) >(sten (which stens))) > (if (eq? which first) (list sten point-stencil) (list point-stencil > sten >(define (add-tweak event tweak) > (ly:music-set-property! event 'tweaks > (cons tweak (ly:music-property event 'tweaks '() >(let ((evs (extract-typed-music music 'rhythmic-event))) > (ly:music-set-property! (first evs) 'parenthesize #t) > (add-tweak (first evs) `((ParenthesesItem . stencils) . ,(stencils > first))) > (ly:music-set-property! (last evs) 'parenthesize #t) > (add-tweak (last evs) `((ParenthesesItem . stencils) . ,(stencils > second >music) > > { >\override ParenthesesItem.font-size = 5 >\override ParenthesesItem.extra-offset = > #(lambda (grob) (cons 0 (* -1/2 (ly:grob-staff-position grob >\parenthesizeMusic { d' e' f' g' } > } > > > > -- Aaron Hill
Re: Parenthensize a horizontal group?
Perfect! I thought it would be called padding. Appreciate the response. On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 3:07 AM Aaron Hill wrote: > On 2021-08-25 7:36 am, Ernie Braganza wrote: > > When I use the parenthesizeMusic function or the snippet in LSR-902 > > with a > > winged repeat bar, the parenthesis collides with the bar. I have not > > been > > able to find a way to pad the bar or the parentheses in a way that > > avoids > > this. > > [in this code I could simply reduce the font size, but that does not > > fix > > the issue in my score] > > > > \relative c'' > > { > > \override ParenthesesItem.font-size = 7 > > \override ParenthesesItem.extra-offset = > > #(lambda (grob) (cons 0 (* -1/2 (ly:grob-staff-position grob > > g2 r4 > > \parenthesizeMusic { > > d'8 bes8 > > } > > \bar":|]" > > } > > It is possible to add some padding to the BarLine: > > >\once \override Staff.BarLine.extra-spacing-width = #'(-2 . 0) >\bar ":|]" > > > > -- Aaron Hill >
Bar Numbers After Pickup Measure
Friends, I am trying to get rid of the bar number on the pickup measure "(1)" and yet display the bar number on the first full measure. I can turn them both off or have them both show up, but that's not what I would like to do. I've tried all the Score.barNumberVisibility and Score.BarNumber.break-visibility settings; however, no combination eliminates the parenthesized bar number for the pickup measure, but keeps the bar number for the first full measure. \version "2.20.0" \relative c' { \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t) \bar " " \partial 8 r8 \repeat volta 2 { R1 | R1 | R1 | R1} } [image: pickup measure bar number.png] Thanks for your help! Ernie
Re: Bar Numbers After Pickup Measure
Thanks, Brian. Now I feel really dumb. Yes. All I had to do was remove the \bar " " On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 3:51 PM Brian Barker wrote: > At 15:41 29/08/2021 -0400, you wrote: > >I am trying to get rid of the bar number on the pickup measure "(1)" > >and yet display the bar number on the first full measure. I can turn > >them both off or have them both show up, but that's not what I would > >like to do. > > Just remove the \bar " " ? > > Brian Barker - privately > >
Removing Unwanted Span Bar
I want to have a RhythmicStaff and I see an unwanted span bar. Here's the smallest code sample I could think of as an example. I tried \remove "Span_bar_engraver" but that didn't work. I've also attached a screenshot. I am running Lilypond 2.22.1 on Debian Linux. Thanks for your help! \version "2.22.1" strum = { c4 c4 c4 c4 | } chord = \chordmode { c1 } melody = { \time 4/4 R1| } \score { << \new RhythmicStaff { \override NoteHead.style = #'slash \override NoteHead.font-size = #-4 \strum } \new ChordNames \chord \new Staff \melody >> \layout{ \context { \StaffGroup \remove "Span_bar_engraver" %I thought this would work } \context { \RhythmicStaff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Clef_engraver" \override BarLine.transparent = ##t \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #0 } } }
Re: Removing Unwanted Span Bar
Missing attachment for SpanBar iasasue On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 1:38 PM Ernie Braganza wrote: > I want to have a RhythmicStaff and I see an unwanted span bar. Here's > the smallest code sample I could think of as an example. I tried \remove > "Span_bar_engraver" but that didn't work. I've also attached a screenshot. > > I am running Lilypond 2.22.1 on Debian Linux. > > Thanks for your help! > > \version "2.22.1" > strum = { > c4 c4 c4 c4 | > } > chord = \chordmode { > c1 > } > melody = { > \time 4/4 > R1| > } > \score { > << > \new RhythmicStaff { > \override NoteHead.style = #'slash > \override NoteHead.font-size = #-4 \strum > } > \new ChordNames \chord > \new Staff \melody > >> > \layout{ > \context { > \StaffGroup > \remove "Span_bar_engraver" %I thought this would work > } > \context { > \RhythmicStaff > \remove "Time_signature_engraver" > \remove "Clef_engraver" > \override BarLine.transparent = ##t > \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #0 > } > } > } >
Re: Removing Unwanted Span Bar
Thanks! That worked. I removed it in the RhythmicStaff context. On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 2:03 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Le 28/09/2021 à 19:38, Ernie Braganza a écrit : > > I want to have a RhythmicStaff and I see an unwanted span bar. Here's > > the smallest code sample I could think of as an example. I tried > > \remove "Span_bar_engraver" but that didn't work. I've also attached a > > screenshot. > > > > I am running Lilypond 2.22.1 on Debian Linux. > > > > Thanks for your help! > > > > […] > > > > \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #0 > > This overrides makes the StaffSymbol invisible, but > does not remove it. As a consequence, LilyPond groups > the staves with a system start delimiter. Try replacing > it with > >\remove Staff_symbol_engraver > > Best, > Jean > > >
Re: voiceOne and oneVoice
That was a very clear and helpful explanation. Thank you. On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 6:42 PM Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: > Hi Kira, > > Am 30.09.21 um 00:32 schrieb Kira Garvie: > > I realize this is a pretty basic question... but what is the > > difference between voiceOne and oneVoice? I am writing a multivoice > > keyboard-style hymn (as opposed to SATB chorale style) and the > > directions say to switch between oneVoice and voiceOne as needed for > > stem direction... > > "(d) Add voiceOne and oneVoice tags throughout to indicate stem > > direction. If > > there is no separately stemmed second part at the first note, oneVoice > > is assumed." > > Do I need to give an example? > > \voiceOne sets the layout for the current voice as if it is the first of > several simultaneous voices. > \oneVoice sets the layout for the current voice as if it is an only voice. > > If you do in-staff polyphony via > > << > > { \upperMusic } \\ { \lowerMusic } > > >> > > then the \\ makes LilyPond silently add a \voiceOne to \upperMusic and a > \voiceTwo to \lowerMusic, making sure that \upperMusic has upward stems, > articulations etc., and \lowerMusic has everything downwards. > > Sometimes it is useful to switch back to "normal" one-voice layout even > in a polyphonic enivoronment; that can be done using \oneVoice. > > A typical application is > > \once\oneVoice r8 > > for a single rest that should be centered mid-staff (often, the other > voice then has a simultaneous skip: s8). But this construction is not > needed that often anymore because now there is the Merge_rests_engraver > that is able to collect simultaneous rests in polyphonic situations and > merge them to a single ("\oneVoice", so to speak) rest. > > As a rule, in writing polyphonic music, it's often useful to use > \voiceOne, \voiceTwo etc. and \oneVoice, and there a comparatively few > good situations to use an explicit \stemUp or \stemDown. > > Is this clear enough without compilable examples? > > Lukas > > >
Re: LilyPond 2.23.3 installer on MacOS 11
I used the command brew install lilypond to install GNU LilyPond 2.22.1 (running Guile 2.2) on MacOS 11.6.1 and I get the same error message: Drawing systems... Converting to `test.pdf'... warning: g_spawn_sync failed (0): gs: Failed to execute child process “gs” (No such file or directory) fatal error: cannot rename `test-tmp-9254638.285353.pdf' to `test.pdf' Exited with return code 1. The path to ghostscript is /usr/local/bin/gs and that is in my paths (using bash). I do not know how to work around this error. On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 8:09 AM Jefferson Felix wrote: > I noticed that ghostscript is inside /opt/lilypond/bin in this package. > > So, add /opt/lilypond/bin to your classpath. If using zsh: > > echo 'export PATH="/opt/lilypond/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc > > > > Em dom., 31 de out. de 2021 às 07:44, Thomas Scharkowski > escreveu: > > > > Hi, I have installed this version on a fresh MacOS 12 and get this > error message: > > > > -- > > Warnung: g_spawn_sync nicht erfolgreich (0): gs: Kindprozess »gs« konnte > nicht ausgeführt werden (No such file or directory) > > schwerer Fehler: cannot rename `maite2-2015-tmp-1684011.101657.pdf' to > `maite2-2015.pdf’ > > — > > > > The tmp file seems to be a ps file - if I understand correctly gs is > missing so no pdf can be produced. > > Can I solve this? > > > > Thank you, > > Thomas > > > Am 25.10.2021 um 17:57 schrieb Hans Åberg : > > > > > > This is a LilyPond 2.23.3 installer, latest unstable release, for use > on MacOS 11, made from MacPorts lilypond-devel, available on the link below > [1]. > > > > > > Does not work on earlier MacOS versions. Might possibly work on MacOS > 12 if installed on MacOS 11 before updating. > > > > > > It installs in /opt/lilypond/, with the program in > /opt/lilypond/bin/lilypond, and /opt/lilypond/bin/ contains other LilyPond > programs. > > > > > > If you have already something installed in this directory, it may be > prudent to remove it first. This can be done by the command > > > sudo rm -rf /opt/lilypond > > > > > > 1. https://web2.storegate.com/share/nI5ql1K > > > > > > > > > It may be the case that 'lilypond' is best to be run from a script > that sets LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (which otherwise on MacOS is > LC_CTYPE=UTF-8). It can be created and installed as follows: > > > > > > In Terminal write (^D is D): > > > % cat > lilypond > > > export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 > > > export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 > > > exec /opt/lilypond/bin/lilypond "$@“ > > > ^D > > > > > > % chmod a+x lilypond > > > % sudo -s cp lilypond /usr/local/bin/lilypond > > > > > > The program can then be called by 'lilypond' in Terminal, as > /usr/local/bin/ is in the system searchpath. > > > > > > And do 'rm lilypond' if you do not want to keep the local copy of the > script. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > --- > Jefferson dos Santos Felix > >
Re: LilyPond 2.23.3 installer on MacOS 11
I am using Frescobaldi. I will be lost without it. Are there any issues using an earlier version rather than 3.1.3? On Sun, Oct 31, 2021, 10:30 AM Jefferson Felix wrote: > Ernie, > > Are you running lilypond inside frescobaldi or direct from terminal? > > There is a known issue when running macports or homebrew lilypond via > frescobaldi interface: > https://github.com/frescobaldi/frescobaldi/issues/1356 > > Em dom., 31 de out. de 2021 11:08, Ernie Braganza < > ernie.braga...@gmail.com> escreveu: > >> I used the command brew install lilypond to install GNU LilyPond 2.22.1 >> (running Guile 2.2) on MacOS 11.6.1 and I get the same error message: >> >> Drawing systems... >> Converting to `test.pdf'... >> warning: g_spawn_sync failed (0): gs: Failed to execute child process >> “gs” (No such file or directory) >> fatal error: cannot rename `test-tmp-9254638.285353.pdf' to `test.pdf' >> Exited with return code 1. >> >> The path to ghostscript is /usr/local/bin/gs and that is in my paths >> (using bash). I do not know how to work around this error. >> >> On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 8:09 AM Jefferson Felix >> wrote: >> >>> I noticed that ghostscript is inside /opt/lilypond/bin in this package. >>> >>> So, add /opt/lilypond/bin to your classpath. If using zsh: >>> >>> echo 'export PATH="/opt/lilypond/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc >>> >>> >>> >>> Em dom., 31 de out. de 2021 às 07:44, Thomas Scharkowski >>> escreveu: >>> > >>> > Hi, I have installed this version on a fresh MacOS 12 and get this >>> error message: >>> > >>> > -- >>> > Warnung: g_spawn_sync nicht erfolgreich (0): gs: Kindprozess »gs« >>> konnte nicht ausgeführt werden (No such file or directory) >>> > schwerer Fehler: cannot rename `maite2-2015-tmp-1684011.101657.pdf' to >>> `maite2-2015.pdf’ >>> > — >>> > >>> > The tmp file seems to be a ps file - if I understand correctly gs is >>> missing so no pdf can be produced. >>> > Can I solve this? >>> > >>> > Thank you, >>> > Thomas >>> > > Am 25.10.2021 um 17:57 schrieb Hans Åberg : >>> > > >>> > > This is a LilyPond 2.23.3 installer, latest unstable release, for >>> use on MacOS 11, made from MacPorts lilypond-devel, available on the link >>> below [1]. >>> > > >>> > > Does not work on earlier MacOS versions. Might possibly work on >>> MacOS 12 if installed on MacOS 11 before updating. >>> > > >>> > > It installs in /opt/lilypond/, with the program in >>> /opt/lilypond/bin/lilypond, and /opt/lilypond/bin/ contains other LilyPond >>> programs. >>> > > >>> > > If you have already something installed in this directory, it may be >>> prudent to remove it first. This can be done by the command >>> > > sudo rm -rf /opt/lilypond >>> > > >>> > > 1. https://web2.storegate.com/share/nI5ql1K >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > It may be the case that 'lilypond' is best to be run from a script >>> that sets LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (which otherwise on MacOS is >>> LC_CTYPE=UTF-8). It can be created and installed as follows: >>> > > >>> > > In Terminal write (^D is D): >>> > > % cat > lilypond >>> > > export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 >>> > > export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 >>> > > exec /opt/lilypond/bin/lilypond "$@“ >>> > > ^D >>> > > >>> > > % chmod a+x lilypond >>> > > % sudo -s cp lilypond /usr/local/bin/lilypond >>> > > >>> > > The program can then be called by 'lilypond' in Terminal, as >>> /usr/local/bin/ is in the system searchpath. >>> > > >>> > > And do 'rm lilypond' if you do not want to keep the local copy of >>> the script. >>> > > >>> > > >>> > > >>> > >>> > >>> >>> >>> -- >>> --- >>> Jefferson dos Santos Felix >>> >>>
Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2
"I plan to (try to) release a standalone application bundle soon." I assume this means you are working on a .dmg file for Mac. Is Brew no longer supported? On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 9:19 AM Davide Liessi wrote: > Dear Omer, > > Il giorno gio 5 mag 2022 alle ore 15:02 Omer Katzir > ha scritto: > > Will there be files for MacOS like in 3.1.3 or I’ll have to compile it > from source? > > I plan to (try to) release a standalone application bundle soon. > However, distributing applications based on Qt and Python for Mac has > been increasingly difficult as Qt evolved: there are components (in > particular the web browser based ones, namely the documentation > browser and the SVG viewer) that have not been working since the > switch to Qt5 (or slightly later) despite my efforts. > I strongly recommend installing Frescobaldi with MacPorts (the .app > bundle provided there is just a lightweight launcher for the command > line version, so it does not suffer from the same issues). > Anyway, I'll do my best to provide the standalone .app bundle, > although limited in functionality, as soon as I can. > > Best wishes. > Davide > >
Re: A new Scheme tutorial (Jean Abou Samra)
I am joining this conversation late, so how do I access the scheme tutorial? On Sun, Jul 24, 2022, 7:30 AM Jean Abou Samra wrote: > > > Ouch! I see what you mean. And this is meant to be simplified? But the > > problem really is that if a user tries to use an identifier with an > > illegal syntax, how do they know? This is rather like those really > > annoying websites which ask you to choose a password, and then tell > > you that it's illegal without telling you why. > > > > > Simple: don't use too weird identifiers :-) > > I'll try to rephrase that part again. The point of mentioning this is > to explain that '+', '-', '*', '/' are just procedures, not special > syntax, and to address the question that I imagine this immediately raises > in the mind of a reader used to more mainstream programming languages: > "what, a procedure called '+', is that really valid"? There are also > two conventions that are useful to know: > > - question mark at the end of a predicate (explained later in >the tutorial), > - exclamation mark at the end of a side-effecting procedure >(I'm not showing any of these in this basic tutorial, so >I didn't explain it). > > It's not really encouraged to get creative about special characters in > your variable names. Just stick with the conventions. > > Cheers, > Jean > > >
init.ly Error Making PDF
I just updated my Mac using Homebrew and I now get this error when I run lilypond. It compiles fine if I create a PostScript file using the --ps option. My ghostscript was updated to version 10.02.1 Is there a known bug? I get this when I run lilypond with the -V switch: GPL Ghostscript 10.02.1: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 I checked permissions and those are correct for ghostscript Here's the error message I get: - Drawing systems... Converting to `basic.pdf'... warning: `(gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false /var/folders/lc/_0_zmjsx06l7gd97v8qpxz14gp/T//lilypond-tmp-3593263)' failed (256) /usr/local/Cellar/lilypond/2.24.2/share/lilypond/2.24.2/ly/init.ly:65:2: error: Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here # (let ((book-handler (if (defined? 'default-toplevel-book-handler) Throw to key `ly-file-failed' with args `()'. Exited with return code 1. - I am using LilyPond 2.24.2 (running Guile 3.0) on macOS Monterey (ver.12.6.8) I installed lilypond using Homebrew (4.1.20)
Re: init.ly Error Making PDF
Thank you! On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 1:46 AM William Rehwinkel < will...@williamrehwinkel.net> wrote: > yes, it is a known bug due to a ghostscript security patch. Try using > the pre-built binary for lilypond instead of homebrew. > > -William > > On 11/15/23 01:13, Ernie Braganza wrote: > > I just updated my Mac using Homebrew and I now get this error when I run > > lilypond. It compiles fine if I create a PostScript file using the --ps > > option. > > > > > > My ghostscript was updated to version 10.02.1 Is there a known bug? I > > get this when I run lilypond with the -V switch: > > > > GPL Ghostscript 10.02.1: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 > > > > > > I checked permissions and those are correct for ghostscript > > > > > > Here's the error message I get: > > > > - > > > > Drawing systems... > > Converting to `basic.pdf'... > > warning: `(gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH > > -dAutoRotatePages=/None -dPrinted=false > > /var/folders/lc/_0_zmjsx06l7gd97v8qpxz14gp/T//lilypond-tmp-3593263)' > > failed (256) > > > > /usr/local/Cellar/lilypond/2.24.2/share/lilypond/2.24.2/ly/init.ly:65:2: > > > error: Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here > > # > > (let ((book-handler (if (defined? 'default-toplevel-book-handler) > > Throw to key `ly-file-failed' with args `()'. > > Exited with return code 1. > > > > - > > > > I am using LilyPond 2.24.2 (running Guile 3.0) on macOS Monterey > > (ver.12.6.8) > > > > I installed lilypond using Homebrew (4.1.20) > > > > -- > William Rehwinkel - Oberlin College and Conservatory '24 > > will...@williamrehwinkel.net > > PGP key: https://ftp.williamrehwinkel.net/pubkey.txt >
Re: Alternate, parenthesised chord names
Here's how I've handled it by creating a new Chordnames staff. \version "2.24.3" Harmonies = \chordmode { a1:maj a1:maj a1:maj } AltHarmonies = \chordmode { \override ChordName.font-size = #-1 s1 b2:m7 e:7 s1 } \score { << \new ChordNames \AltHarmonies \new ChordNames \Harmonies \new Staff { R1 R1 R1 } >> } For parentheses around Chords, I use this code %% Parentheses for Chords %% #(define (left-parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context) (markup #:line ("( " (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context #(define (right-parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context) (markup #:line ((ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context) " )"))) #(define (parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context) (markup #:line ("( " (ignatzek-chord-names in-pitches bass inversion context) " )"))) %aliases LParen = { \set chordNameFunction = #left-parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names } RParen = { \set chordNameFunction = #right-parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names } NoParen = { \unset chordNameFunction } OneParen = { \set chordNameFunction = #parenthesis-ignatzek-chord-names } %Parentheses around a single chord and call the function like this: AltHarmonies = \chordmode { s1 \LParen b2:m7 \RParen e:7 \NoParen s1 } On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 7:41 PM Laurie Savage wrote: > Hi, > > In jazz lead sheets one often comes across alternate chord names in > parentheses written above the standard chord to signify an alternative > harmony that can be played. I have tried doing that using this as a simple > example of an alternative IIm7-V7 back to Imaj: > > \version "2.25.4" > > Harmonies = \chordmode { > a1:maj > << > { \voiceOne \parenthesize b2:m7 e2:7 }{ \voiceTwo a1:maj } > >> > \oneVoice > a1:maj > } > > \score { > << > \new ChordNames \Harmonies > \new Staff { > R1 > << > {\voiceOne R1}{\voiceTwo R1} > >> > \oneVoice R1 > } > >> > } > > but it only produces this (I've also tried the << {..}//{..}>> notation) > > [image: image.png] > > Laurie Savage > https://www.queensofthewest.com/ >
Re: Lilypond and digital readers
I love this. That hadn't occurred to me. On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 7:52 PM Laurie Savage wrote: > Hi, > > I use a tablet for storing my lead sheets, most of which I prepare in > Lilypond. I have just stumbled on a trick I thought I'd share with you - > although it might be obvious to you, it wasn't to me. (Tip to Jamie > Anderson of the Get your sax together Youtube channel) > > I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 and Mobile Sheets Pro. I use a paper > block that I store as "tabA" in an include file called "digital.ily" > It looks like this: > > tabA = \paper { > %set the paper size to the screen dimensions > #(set-paper-size '(cons (* 13.5 cm) (* 21.7 cm))) > > % Adjust according to taste > indent = 0\mm > top-margin = #0 > bottom-margin = #0 > left-margin = #0 > right-margin = #0 > } > > voila, combined with a sensible staff size I have a legible score that I > don't need reading glasses for. > > Laurie Savage >
Ending repeat sign for first section in AABB form not displayed
I have a song form AABB, but I am unable to make the ending repeat for section A show up. My example uses \bar commands, but the same thing happens when I use \repeat volta. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? \version "2.19.36" \score { \relative c'' { \mark \default %section A \bar ".|:" c1 \bar ":|." % The end repeat for section A does not appear \break \mark \default %section B \bar ".|:" c1 \bar ":|." } } Ernie Braganza Virginia, USA ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
Adding extra staff line
I have looked through some examples and I can't figure out how to add four measures with extra staves for a harmony part. I keep getting an extra line above the staff group I want (see picture). How do I avoid the extra blank staves from being inserted? Thanks for your help. Here's my code: \version "2.24.0" \score { << % Start with one staff line \new Staff \relative c'' { c1| c| c| c| \break % Create 4 measures with extra staves for harmony \new StaffGroup \relative c'' { \once \omit Score.TimeSignature << \new Staff { g1|g|g|g| } \new Staff { e1|e|e|e| } >> } \break % Go back to just one staff line c1| c| c| c| } >> }
Re: Adding extra staff line
Thanks. I'll work with that code. Danke On Wed, Dec 4, 2024 at 7:37 PM Hans Aikema wrote: > > On 5 Dec 2024, at 01:17, Ernie Braganza wrote: > > > I have looked through some examples and I can't figure out how to add four > measures with extra staves for a harmony part. I keep getting an extra line > above the staff group I want (see picture). How do I avoid the extra blank > staves from being inserted? > > Thanks for your help. > > > I think you're looking for a setup like this snippet > > https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=307 > > See also > > https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/modifying-single-staves#hiding-staves > > > > Here's my code: > > \version "2.24.0" > \score { > << > % Start with one staff line > > \new Staff \relative c'' { > c1| c| c| c| > \break > % Create 4 measures with extra staves for harmony > > \new StaffGroup \relative c'' { > \once \omit Score.TimeSignature > << > \new Staff { > g1|g|g|g| > } > \new Staff { > e1|e|e|e| > } > >> > } > \break > % Go back to just one staff line > > c1| c| c| c| > } > >> > } > > >