Re: My finances for working on LilyPond

2015-10-22 Thread Devin Ulibarri


So I am new to this list.

I saw this email and thought that I might contribute.

However, I cannot find donation location on the Lilypond site:

Where should I go?


P.S. It would behoove you to put a donate button at least on the site I 
give above. Maybe at the bottom of emails, too.

On 10/22/2015 01:21 PM, David Kastrup wrote:

As you all know, my sole source of income are donations from happy
LilyPond users.  It would appear that LilyPond users have stopped being
happy with my work.

I've taken a look at my last bank report.  In the last month I received:

1 donation of 200 EUR
1 donation of 100 EUR
2 donations of 25 EUR each.

That's it (and honestly, the two large donations are embarrassing as
they are by people who have done more than I ever did on LilyPond and
who are helping people more on lists and forums than I do,
respectively).  That does not even cover my rent, let alone medical
insurance, food, repairs, clothes or other stuff.  Let alone pension
funds or similar luxuries.  I'm currently bleeding about 800EUR per
month for working on LilyPond.

What has happened in the last month?

dak@lola:/usr/local/tmp/lilypond$ git shortlog --since "1 month ago" -n -s
 48  David Kastrup
 12  Phil Holmes
  4  Jean-Charles Malahieude
  2  Dan Eble
  2  James Lowe
  1  Masamichi Hosoda
  1  Thomas Morley

Well, 48 commits does not look like much, but I implemented
functionality to attach to slurs to single notes in a chord in that time
(important for tablature and piano music), designed and implemented an
interface for working with multiple slurs per Voice, fixed several bugs,
made c:5 in chord mode a power chord rather than equivalent to c major,
created several low-level functions for manipulating graphical object
properties like \offset does, removed a hard-to-understand internal
object called a "simple closure" and prepared for more simplifications.

I will likely work several more months on those internals and if the
situation has not improved by then, call it quits.

I thank all those who have supported me for this long.

Devin Ulibarri
(505) 379-6253

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: software

2019-12-09 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Is this spam, because it looks like a spam message.
It has no context in any lilypond-related discussions
It also looks to be proprietary, which is no fun at all
On Mon, 2019-12-09 at 08:22 -0800, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
> Hello,
> Mark

Re: polyrhythm with multiple tempi

2019-12-11 Thread Devin Ulibarri
On Wed, 2019-12-11 at 15:22 -0300, Stefano Troncaro wrote:
> I've nothing to add to the discussion, but I felt the need to express
> that I am completely impressed by how easily Lilypond manages this.
> This is awesome!
Me too!

Re: Assistance to Create a Recipe for 41-EDO and "Kite Guitar" Tablature

2022-01-21 Thread Devin Ulibarri

Unfortunately, I do not really have the skills to put together a recipe
myself from the templates available (emphasis on "I do not have the

If others who are interested, who have the skills, would like to take
this on, I am happy to advise and introduce to the Kite Guitar team, who
are a great team of artists and leaders of various good causes.


Stefan Thomas:
> Dear Devin,
> did You succeed with your research? I would be interested in a file with
> definitions for notenames and accidental glyphs.
> Thanks,
> Stefan
> Am Do., 29. Juli 2021 um 13:24 Uhr schrieb :
> Thank you; I will do some research.
> On 2021-07-28 13:49, Stefan Thomas wrote:
> > Dear Devin,
> > there's also the "society for ekmelic music"  in Salzburg, Austria.
> > They also support mictronal notation with lilypond.
> > Have a look at
> >
> > Maybee this helps You!
> > Best,
> > Stefan
> >
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> I need help from users who have some experience with microtonality
> >> (or overrides in general) in Lilypond to create a recipe for
> >> lilypond notation for the Kite Guitar (
>  [1]). The Kite
> >> Guitar uses 41 equal divisions of the octave in a clever way, which
> >> balances practicality with playability to get a very close
> >> approximation to 7-limit Just Intonation. I have made some attempts,
> >> but I don't really know Lilypond so well that I can create a handy
> >> recipe such as this. I did some research and found
> >> which is helpful, but I am unable to make
> >> the necessary tweaks with my limited knowledge. (I am happy to send
> >> over what I tried to do, but as my attempts have only failed I do
> >> not want to confuse anyone.)
> >>
> >> The overarching specs are:
> >> 1. 41 Equal Divisions of the Octave
> >>
> >> Tablature-specific:
> >> 2. Frets are spaced two EDO-steps apart (i.e. 2 of the 41)
> >> 3. Strings are tuned 13 EDO-steps apart (i.e. 13 of the 41)
> >>
> >> ^^Lilypond will either need to find the pitch, or allow the user to
> >> override the current calculation as what I am getting is for a
> >> standard guitar.
> >>
> >> Notation-specific:
> >>
> >> 4. There are Sharps and Flats, but there are also upwards "^",
> >> double-upwards "^^", downwards "v", and "double-downwards "vv". (see
> >> ) 5. There needs to be
> >> some way to set upwards/downwards in the key signature. ^^ it would
> >> be super-nice if this could be done globally, so that a composer can
> >> focus on the music-making
> >>
> >> Chord-charts:
> >>
> >> 6. Support for chord charts such as
> >>
> >
> >> Any help is appreciated. The growing community of Kite Guitar
> >> players would really appreciate this (many of whom are fellow
> >> software libre supporters/advocates). Also, I can send over some
> >> sample scores created with MuseScore once I receive permission to
> >> share them.
> >>
> >> Thanks in Advance!
> >> Devin
> >
> >
> > Links:
> > --
> > [1]

Any interest in participating in GSoC for SugarLabs project that utilizes lilypond?

2018-01-22 Thread Devin Ulibarri

I have been working together with the SugarLabs team to create a visual
programming language for music called Music Blocks (MB). Users code with
blocks (like Scratch), and they can also export to lilypond code.
SugarLabs is participating again in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and we
would love to have another person on board as a mentor (or a candidate,
if any are reading this message).

It would be great to have another person involved as a mentor to help
inform the kind of lilypond code we are generating with our program. No
one here is particularly knowledgeable with Lilypond. We just read the
docs and create something that works well enough. We think that having
another, more knowledgeable, person would be very helpful for the summer.

Links: The development version is at,
but a version that can generate PDF using lilypond software on the
server is available at

Short instructions on Lilypond generation with MB is located at

This is the Google Summer of Code description:
(Originally Published at
Brief explanation
Music Blocks is capable of exporting Lilypond code of which general
instructions can be found here in the Music Blocks guide and its source
code can be found here. We would like to 1) document how the Music
Blocks source code works for current and future developers to learn and
benefit from, 2) project manage this portion of Music Blocks development
(e.g. "what works" and "what needs to be done". An example of a draft of
a simple type of this analysis exists for you to start from.), and 3)
improve existing code where needed and implement needed features.
Expected results
Detailed documentation created for developer audience that details
how Music Blocks exports to Lilypond; documentation to help manage what
needs to be completed; and implement and improve lilypond export features.
Knowledge prerequisites
Literacy in reading music; functional knowledge of Lilypond code
(some of your own scores would be nice); Organizational and Project
Management Skills; JavaScript

If you are interested, please let me know.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Any interest in participating in GSoC for SugarLabs project that utilizes lilypond?

2018-01-23 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Urs Liska:
> On the other hand what you are looking for is not a *developer*, but a
> *power user*.

Yes, we are totally looking for a knowledgeable and experienced power
user, not a developer.

> I have one caveat, though: you might want to double-check if that
> project is actually an acceptable GSoC project. 
> ...
> So you might at least reword your project suggestion and make the
> documentation aspect more of a by-product.

I will revise it based on your advice--especially since the
documentation really is a by-product for this project (but a really
important one, since solving these design issues can get complicated if
one does not stay organized.

Thanks you, Urs, for the thoughtful reply!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Any interest in participating in GSoC for SugarLabs project that utilizes lilypond?

2018-01-29 Thread Devin Ulibarri

I am not going to bump this too many more times, but is anyone
interested in being a mentor for GSoC for our project.

As a sample, you might be asked for your advice on a question such as:

> What do we do about \partial 1/3 and other fractions that we can only
approximate with powers of 2 ???
Originally posted:

(asking whether or not we can have pickup measures that are comprised of
tuplets--N.B. we use fractions for note values, which differs from lilypond) would give your advise on the best solution and the student's job
would be to implement it. If they ever got into any trouble, then Walter
Bender, our lead programmer would help them with the technical coding.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Devin Ulibarri:
> Urs Liska:
>> On the other hand what you are looking for is not a *developer*, but a
>> *power user*.
> Yes, we are totally looking for a knowledgeable and experienced power
> user, not a developer.
>> I have one caveat, though: you might want to double-check if that
>> project is actually an acceptable GSoC project. 
>> ...
>> So you might at least reword your project suggestion and make the
>> documentation aspect more of a by-product.
> I will revise it based on your advice--especially since the
> documentation really is a by-product for this project (but a really
> important one, since solving these design issues can get complicated if
> one does not stay organized.
> Thanks you, Urs, for the thoughtful reply!
> Devin
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Blog posts, call for

2016-12-23 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Urs Liska:
> I just scrolled through a few pages of the Scores of Beauty
> ( site and find that - in addition to the facth
> that the rate of posts has substantially dropped - my name appears just
> too exclusively. This isn't "my" blog but the "semi-official LilyPond" blog.

I did not even realize there was a lilypond blog... thanks for reminding

> The range of possible topics is really broad and could include short
> tutorials about a certain challenge you have just mastered with the help
> of the community, general thoughts about music/notation software or
> reports of your own activities. We would really love to have more posts
> about projects done with LilyPond. These could go into some depth about
> technical detail or just give an impression on how it was doing the
> project with LilyPond and how musicians responded to it.
> Or anything else I just didn't think of.

1) Would you be willing to publish an article about how Music Blocks (a
visual coding language for music. Homepage at software generates lilypond code and how
one can use Music Blocks software as an entry point to lilypond?

2) Would you be willing to publish articles created by High School
students participating in Google Code-in (GCI)? I could draft a task and
we could have some kids write about their experience learning Lilypond
from Music Blocks. Of course, you would still have the final say as to
whether or not the blog posts would meet your standards and be published.

Otherwise, I could write something, but the above options would be fun
and the idea is off the table in a few weeks as the GCI contest closes
in mid-January.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Apple stealing "Lily"

2017-05-02 Thread Devin Ulibarri
This stupid app will surely die, but it is worth lilypond being on guard
with regard to trademark (which has a separate purpose from copyright
and is pretty helpful to protect users from mistaking different brands
for the same).

Peter Gentry:

In their post it says:

> Should You Download It?
> The app takes up around 75MB. I doubt I’ll play with it, but I think it will 
> be good to keep the kids occupied so I’ll probably keep it around for them to 
> mess with. If they don’t like it, I can always remove it.

Really it should say:

Should you Download It?

No, because it is proprietary and is therefore an attack on your
freedom. As an aside, it also looks to be mind-numbingly stupid.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Apple stealing "Lily"

2017-05-03 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Andrew Bernard:
> Lilypond is not a brand and not a trademark. 

So, no one has put in for a trademark for Lilypond?

> It's open source software, and
> it does not compete in a market. Dear me. Lilypond software has no
right or
> monopoly over the English word lily.

Software can be free/libre (open source) and still have trademark.

Obtaining a trademark for free software is not a bad idea. It protects
users from potential confusion (imagine if anyone could copy any
branding they wished--how would you know you were using a brand you
trust?). Proprietary software is unethical because it restricts its
users. However because trademark protects users and not proprietors I
would not consider it unethical.

GNOME, for example, takes actions to protect its trademarked logo and
name. Here are some examples:

Other info from there website:

...having trouble finding a published reason for the rationale, but what
I have read was convincing.

Well, I guess there is a "good, bad, and ugly" according to

At any rate, just watch out, if Apple continually tries to advance into
imitating free/libre branding in an attempt to push it out of the market
completely, then that would be a problem for all of us.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Apple stealing "Lily"

2017-05-05 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Sven Axelsson:
> Honestly, I don't understand what Apple has to do with this? The Lily
> app is developed by a small UK-based company called Pelican 7.

You are right, I was a little sloppy to write "Apple" specifically. In
this case it would not be Apple Inc's responsibility.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Apple stealing "Lily"

2017-05-05 Thread Devin Ulibarri
H. S. Teoh:
> Honestly, I think the idea that Apple is trying to push free/libre
> software out of the market is complete hooey.

Even in the case that a company/group unintentionally uses the same
branding (name, logo, etc) as an existing organization/company/product,
it still benefits the greater public if steps are taken to avoid overlap
and confusion with regard to said branding.

lilypond-user mailing list

Please add MusicBlocks to "Programs that export to Lilypond"

2017-07-21 Thread Devin Ulibarri

Music Blocks is a visual programming language for music developed by
Walter Bender (SugarLabs), myself, and many kids around the globe.

It exports to Lilypond, and Lilypond export has been a priority for us.

We noticed this page for "Other programs that can export LilyPond code":

Would someone mind to add Music Blocks to this page, please?

Our website/blog is at
Software is at and code is
publicly available at


lilypond-user mailing list

Is there a way to circle around tab numbers?

2017-09-08 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Hi all,

I see that there is a way to circle around note heads, but I would like
to circle around fret numbers. Ultimately, I would like the string line
to be hidden from the space within the circle as well to emphasize the
number. I want to use this for pedagogical reasons. (If this description
needs further explanation, please let me know)

I see this code for the note heads:

circle =
\once \override NoteHead.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
(let* ((note (ly:note-head::print grob))
   (combo-stencil (ly:stencil-add
   (circle-stencil note 0.1 0.8
  (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr combo-stencil)
(ly:stencil-extent note X)
(ly:stencil-extent note Y

{ \circle c'' }

I do not really understand this level of lilypond code very well, but I
suspect with some tweaks it could do what I need. Is anyone on this list
able to help? I would appreciate it.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is there a way to circle around tab numbers?

2017-09-09 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Stephen MacNeil:
> you could just change it to tab

Thanks, this is helpful.

If possible, I would like some more information about how to tweak the

* Is it possible to make the space within the circle opaque, but without
hiding the number (just hiding the tab line)? If so, how is this done?

(I could do this in Inkscape, but would rather automate it if possible)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Is there a way to circle around tab numbers?

2017-09-10 Thread Devin Ulibarri
Thomas Morley:
> The first code simplifies the one you've found already and works as
> you want, but the circle has a variable radius depending on the
> stencil.
> If you're fine with it, great. Otherwise use the second coding where
> the circle has a static radius.

This is exactly what I am looking for! :)

I will play around with this a little bit, but this looks sufficient enough.

Thanks everyone!

lilypond-user mailing list

Stem for French Lute Tablature (Dowland)?

2016-08-18 Thread Devin Ulibarri

In French Lute tablature (e.g. music of Dowland), the rhythm is:

1. notated as stems above the staff.
2. All the voices are truncated into one (example: if there is quarter
notes in top voice and half notes in bottom, they would all be notated
as quarter notes)
3. The flags are "double" what modern notation uses, so a quarter note
has one flag, eighth note has two flags, etc. Half notes have a kind of
very, very short flag to the left.
4. Stems are only indicated when there is a change in rhythmic value. If
there is a succession of the same rhythmic value, for example, only the
first note will be stemmed until there is a change (e.g. from eighth to
quarter, or eighth to half note, etc.)

This is a decent example:

And this is the file that I am working on:

Does anyone know how to indicate this for the tab staff? Is there a
stock command that does this or a hack?

And if this feature does not exist, then where is the best place to
request it?

Thank you,

lilypond-user mailing list