Re: Strings as variable names

2015-12-29 Thread David Kastrup
Johan Vromans  writes:

> On Mon, 28 Dec 2015 23:04:37 +0100
> David Kastrup  wrote:
>> You conveniently snipped shells so that you could mention them again.
> You can find a lot more on

About a third of the examples are not even string interpolation but
format-like functions.  Probably because people wanted to see their
favorite programming language mentioned in spite of it not qualifying.
Of course Guile/LilyPond can work with format.

> The point is, is it something we would want (i.e., is useful) in
> LilyPond?

We already have `format' and other string operations.  I don't see that
it makes sense to try outdoing Scheme in matters that are not really in
LilyPond's domain.  We have deprecated/undocumented/removed several of
LilyPond's "native" constructs for forming expressions from ordinary
Scheme data because there is no point in having everything twice.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beamed Tremolo + Fermata

2015-12-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Harm,

On Dec 28, 2015, at 5:47 PM, Thomas Morley  wrote:
> Though, we don't do all nicely with tremolo. Look at the terrible output from:
> \repeat tremolo 16 { c''32 ais' }


Well, there’s always tweaking:

  \once \override = #2.5
  \once \override Beam.extra-offset = #'(-0.75 . 0)
  \once \override TupletNumber.extra-offset = #'(-0.75 . 0)
  \tupletUp \fermataOverTremolo \repeat tremolo 16 { c''32 \once \override 
NoteColumn.X-offset = #4 ais’ }

All of that can be done post-hoc (using the edition-engraver), so it’s not 
quite as horrible as it may seem at first.
But it would be nice if that bug were fixed…


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beamed Tremolo + Fermata

2015-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-12-29 14:10 GMT+01:00 Kieren MacMillan :
> Hi Harm,
> On Dec 28, 2015, at 5:47 PM, Thomas Morley  wrote:
>> Though, we don't do all nicely with tremolo. Look at the terrible output 
>> from:
>> \repeat tremolo 16 { c''32 ais' }
> UGH.
> Well, there’s always tweaking:
> {
>   \once \override = #2.5
>   \once \override Beam.extra-offset = #'(-0.75 . 0)
>   \once \override TupletNumber.extra-offset = #'(-0.75 . 0)
>   \tupletUp \fermataOverTremolo \repeat tremolo 16 { c''32 \once \override 
> NoteColumn.X-offset = #4 ais’ }
> }

Sure. Although LilyPond should do the right thing per default, as you
use to say ;)

> All of that can be done post-hoc (using the edition-engraver), so it’s not 
> quite as horrible as it may seem at first.
> But it would be nice if that bug were fixed…

Indeed. Beyond my depth, though. I think some C++-work has to be done.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beamed Tremolo + Fermata

2015-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-12-29 0:11 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley :
> 2015-12-28 23:47 GMT+01:00 David Kastrup :
>>>   \once \override TupletNumber.text =
>>>   #(lambda (grob)
>>> (let ((dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction)))
>>  ^^ That one calls
>>  Tuplet_bracket::get_default_dir which references a
>>  whole lot of other callbacks and properties and then
>>  caches the resulting value.  I'm not sure this will
>>  always be correct.
> Hmmm.
> Up to now I found no problematic case,

I wrote a test-function:


\version "2.19.32"

%% some helpers for nicer output, tighter coding, displaying values
\layout { indent = 30 }

formatInstrumentName =
#(define-scheme-function (p1 p2)(ly:pitch? ly:pitch?)
\override #'(baseline-skip . 2)
\center-column {
  #(format #f "~a" p1)
  #(format #f "~a " p2)

displayBeamDirection =
\override Beam.after-line-breaking =
  #(lambda (grob)
(write-me "\n\tbeam-dir " (ly:grob-property grob 'direction)))

%% the test-function
testTupletsBeams =
#(define-music-function (pitch ev-chrd) (ly:pitch? ly:music?)
"Prints tuplets, beams and slurs for testing their direction.
Test the combination of each element of @var{ev-chord} and @var{pitch}
  (lambda (p)
  \new Staff \with { instrumentName = \formatInstrumentName $p $pitch }
\override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = ##t
\times 1/1 { $p 2( $pitch ) }
\times 1/1 \repeat tremolo 16 { $p 32( $pitch ) }
$p 8[( $pitch ])
\times 1/1 { $p 8[( $pitch ]) }
$p 4( $pitch )
  (event-chord-pitches ev-chord))

ev-chord =
 Observations for pitch = a' in `testTupletsBeams'
%% TupletBracket and Beam are above
   %c' d' e' f' g' a'
%% using b' returns:
%% programming error: Grob direction requested while calculation in progress.
%% warning: weird stem size, check for narrow beams
%% will print both TupletBrackets above, first Beam-direction is zero (sic!),
%% second Beam is printed above
%% using c'' will print first TupletBracket above, but Beam and
%% second TupletBracket below
%% TupletBracket and Beam are below
   %d'' e'' f'' g'' a''

\testTupletsBeams a' \ev-chord


I commented all but the somehow problematic cases.

Pitches c'' and a'
I thought a while about it, but I think LilyPond does correct here.
Although that means the fermataOverTremolo-function has to be revised

Piches b' and a'
Beam-direction in tremolo is zero (!), causing a programming-error and a warning
Single code-line to trigger it:
\repeat tremolo 16 { b' 32 a' }

I'm not aware that a zero-Beam-direction is ever useful. Even kneed
Beams don't have zero-direction

  %% returns 1 for both
  f8 f''8 f8 f''8
  f''8 f8 f''8 f8

I'd call it a bug, \repeat tremolo 16 { b' 32 a' } should have
Beam.direction UP, imho.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Strings as variable names

2015-12-29 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 28.12.2015 23:35, David Kastrup wrote:

Simon Albrecht  writes:

On 28.12.2015 20:28, Johan Vromans wrote:

NR refers to
which does not mention the quoted syntax, and explicitly disallows dashes

Ugh, that’s bad.
Especially since it’s an important feature in interlocking Scheme and
LilyPond code. Mind you, I’ve even think it might be better to use the
scheme naming convention lowercase-with-dashes everywhere in LilyPond

Nope.  Far too large collision potential with preexisting Scheme
identifiers.  Often the underlying Scheme functions for some music
function are named the same, just with dashes instead of CamelCase.

I’m not saying we should introduce this the day after tomorrow, nor that 
it would be easy.

To be discussed when GLISS finally will get on the table again…

To me, the main motivation for changes in syntax is making things work
better or more consistently.

Another motivation might be to make it easier to use and/or understand.

   Unifying LilyPond's idea of valid
identifier syntax across modes made a number of things work more
reliably and removed strange errors and quirks.  But that the
conventions are no longer brutally enforced by LilyPond does not render
them useless.

True. Once again I have been to rash in my conclusions. Two things 
started my reasoning:

– Using camelCase identifiers in Scheme doesn’t look good
– and I’d like if the naming conventions reflected the complete 
interchangeability of variables defined in either LilyPond or Scheme 
syntax, to promote awareness of this useful feature.
For me, lowercase-with-dashes is also more comfortable to type than 
camelcaseWithoutDashes – just a sidenote, and might be different for 
everybody else. But even such radically practical reasons should be 
considered IMO.

There are more things contributing to my unease (excuse going off the 
original topic): one is Frescobaldi’s auto-completion separating 
LilyPond- and Scheme-defined identifiers (which should be fixable – 

The other is the inconsistency between

(define (foo arg) )
foo = (define-music-function (arg) (arg-type?) )
[same for scheme, event, and void functions]
(define-markup-command (foo layout props arg) (arg-type?) )

To just give my personal opinion, it would be brilliant to have

(define (foo arg) )
(define-music-function (foo arg) (arg-type?) )
(define-markup-command (foo arg) (arg-type?) )

(The latter would need the like of issue 4422 on markup commands, but 
don’t feel pressed on that matter! Should I open an enhancement request?)

Not only would it be more consistent on the surface, it would also have 
less potential for confusion upon learning.

Interested to hear your opinions,
Yours, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Strings as variable names

2015-12-29 Thread David Kastrup
Simon Albrecht  writes:

> To just give my personal opinion, it would be brilliant to have
> (define (foo arg) )
> (define-music-function (foo arg) (arg-type?) )
> [&c.]
> (define-markup-command (foo arg) (arg-type?) )

I don't share your sentiments here.  Now define-music-function is
arguably misnamed as it is more of a music-lambda rather than something
fitting into the "define" category.  But between define-markup-command
and define-music-function, the latter has by far the cleanest semantics
even if its name does not fit them.

I'm more interested in merging all define-*-function commands
eventually, making them decide their syntactical function based on their
return value type.  However, that's non-trivial mainly because of

\displayMusic c'4 \displayMusic -.

Here LilyPond does not know that the second expression is (as a
post-event) to be a part of the c'4 before it has evaluated it.  So the
\displayMusic expressions would need to be evaluated right from left,
displaying first "-." and then "c'4-.".

But before the right expression is evaluated, its type is unknown, so

\displayMusic c'4 \displayMusic d'4

would also need to be evaluated right to left, displaying first "d'4"
and then "c'4".  Which is clearly less than desirable.

So something has to give.

> Not only would it be more consistent on the surface, it would also
> have less potential for confusion upon learning.

Frankly, I rather doubt those are the showstoppers.  Markup commands are
pretty much a pest.  Joining them with markup list commands would be a
good first step for cleaning up that can of worms.

Music functions are rather easy to work with in comparison, even if the
name define-music-function renders the "Extending LilyPond" guide
ineligible for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Ossia problem

2015-12-29 Thread Ralph Palmer
Greetings -

I'm running ly 2.19.33 under Win7.

I'm trying to remove the first line of the ossia staff from the attached
score. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I'm going wrong.

Here's my ly file:

\version "2.19.33"

% Ossia Problem

\language "english"

FourA =
\relative c'' {
  \key fs \minor
  \time 4/4

  e4 e cs2 |
  d4 d b2 |
  cs4 cs8 b a4 d4 |
  cs4 cs8 b a4 d |
  cs4 e b2 |

  % bar 6
  b'4 b gs2 |
  a4 a fs2 |
  gs4 gs8 fs e4 a |
  gs8 gs gs fs e4 a |
  gs4 b fs2 |

FourB =
\relative c'' {
  \key fs \minor
  \time 4/4

  r2 a4 a |
  fs2 gs4 gs |
  e2 fs4 fs8 gs |
  a4 e fs fs8 gs |
  a4 e a gs8 fs |

  % bar 6
  gs4 b e e8 ds |
  cs2 e4 ds8 cs |
  bs2 ds4 ds8 cs |
  bs4 bs e8 e ds cs |
  bs2. ds8 cs |

FourOssia =
\relative c''' {
  \key fs \minor
  \time 4/4


  % bar 6
  gs4 gs gs ds8 cs |
  b2 ds4 cs8 b |
  a2 ds4 cs8 b |
  a4 a~ a8 e' ds cs |
  b2. ds8 cs |

\score {
  \new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff << \FourA >>
\new Staff << \FourB >>
\new Staff \with {
  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
  fontSize = #-3
  \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)
  \override StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -3)
<< \FourOssia >>
  \header {
piece = "Song"

  \layout {
\context {
  \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves


I appreciate any help,


Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ossia problem

2015-12-29 Thread David Kastrup
Ralph Palmer  writes:

> Greetings -
> I'm running ly 2.19.33 under Win7.
> I'm trying to remove the first line of the ossia staff from the attached
> score. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I'm going wrong.

You are missing an

\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t

in a suitable place.  While setting VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty has a
predefined alias \RemoveEmptyStaves, VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

incorporating .pdf file into a text

2015-12-29 Thread Joseph Breton
How can I incorporate my pdf file into a word processor like libreoffice?
My trials always produce some to me undecipherable text which then greatly
expands to non ASCII symbols,
lilypond-user mailing list

Fwd: Ossia problem

2015-12-29 Thread Ralph Palmer
Should have hit reply-to-all. David's advice let me solve the problem.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Ralph Palmer 
Date: Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: Ossia problem
To: David Kastrup 

> You are missing an
> \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
> Thank you for the quick and helpful response, David Kastrup.

I hope you have a good New Year,


Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT

Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: incorporating .pdf file into a text

2015-12-29 Thread Phil Holmes
You're probably better trying to use an image file, like PNG.


Phil Holmes

  - Original Message - 
  From: Joseph Breton 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:57 PM
  Subject: incorporating .pdf file into a text

  How can I incorporate my pdf file into a word processor like libreoffice?   
My trials always produce some to me undecipherable text which then greatly 
expands to non ASCII symbols,  


  lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: incorporating .pdf file into a text

2015-12-29 Thread Graham King

> - Original Message - 
> From: Joseph Breton 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:57 PM
> Subject: incorporating .pdf file into a text
> How can I incorporate my pdf file into a word processor like
> libreoffice?   My trials always produce some to me
> undecipherable text which then greatly expands to non ASCII
> symbols,  
You could convert the PDF to EPS (encapsulated postscript) and then use
\markup \epsfile ...
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ossia problem

2015-12-29 Thread Abraham Lee

On Tuesday, December 29, 2015, David Kastrup  wrote:

> Ralph Palmer > writes:
> > Greetings -
> >
> > I'm running ly 2.19.33 under Win7.
> >
> > I'm trying to remove the first line of the ossia staff from the attached
> > score. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I'm going
> wrong.
> You are missing an
> \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
> in a suitable place.  While setting VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty has a
> predefined alias \RemoveEmptyStaves, VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first
> doesn't.

Any reason we can't add a similar alias for remove-first (e.g.,
\RemoveFirstEmptyStaff)? And why not extend it to also have
\RemoveAllEmptyStaves that does both? Seems like a simple, but useful
addition. I know I would use them regularly.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ossia problem

2015-12-29 Thread David Kastrup
Abraham Lee  writes:

> David,
> On Tuesday, December 29, 2015, David Kastrup  wrote:
>> Ralph Palmer > writes:
>> > Greetings -
>> >
>> > I'm running ly 2.19.33 under Win7.
>> >
>> > I'm trying to remove the first line of the ossia staff from the attached
>> > score. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I'm going
>> wrong.
>> You are missing an
>> \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
>> in a suitable place.  While setting VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty has a
>> predefined alias \RemoveEmptyStaves, VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first
>> doesn't.
> Any reason we can't add a similar alias for remove-first (e.g.,
> \RemoveFirstEmptyStaff)? And why not extend it to also have
> \RemoveAllEmptyStaves that does both?

That's actually the only sensible kind of command since remove-first
without remove-empty does nothing.

> Seems like a simple, but useful addition. I know I would use them
> regularly.

I think we also should have some default commands for doing _everything_
required for a somewhat standard ossia staff.  It's an embarrassment
that we only offer the raw pieces for this kind of thing without a
preassembled variant.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: incorporating .pdf file into a text

2015-12-29 Thread Urs Liska

Am 29. Dezember 2015 17:30:32 MEZ, schrieb Graham King 
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Joseph Breton 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:57 PM
>> Subject: incorporating .pdf file into a text
>> How can I incorporate my pdf file into a word processor like
>> libreoffice?   My trials always produce some to me
>> undecipherable text which then greatly expands to non ASCII
>> symbols,  
>You could convert the PDF to EPS (encapsulated postscript) and then use
>\markup \epsfile ...

That was the wrong direction ...

>lilypond-user mailing list

Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Strings as variable names

2015-12-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,

> the name define-music-function renders the "Extending LilyPond”
> guide ineligible for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Oh, is *that* what’s keeping us out of the running??  :)

Thanks for the giggle!

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

turn off tab double half note stems

2015-12-29 Thread Steve Fullerton
 In tab, lilypond draws a double stem for half notes. This is done intentionally to distinguish half notes from quarter notes. Is there a way to turn this feature off so half note stems are drawn with a single line like quarter notes?Thanks for you help.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: turn off tab double half note stems

2015-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-12-29 17:02 GMT+01:00 Steve Fullerton :
> In tab, lilypond draws a double stem for half notes. This is done
> intentionally to distinguish half notes from quarter notes.
> Is there a way to turn this feature off so half note stems are drawn with a
> single line like quarter notes?
> Thanks for you help.

\version "2.19.32"

\new TabStaff \with { \tabFullNotation \revert Stem.stencil }
  { c''2 4 4 }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ossia problem

2015-12-29 Thread Abraham Lee
On Tuesday, December 29, 2015, David Kastrup  wrote:

> Abraham Lee > writes:
> > David,
> >
> > On Tuesday, December 29, 2015, David Kastrup >
> wrote:
> >
> >> Ralph Palmer  >
> writes:
> >>
> >> > Greetings -
> >> >
> >> > I'm running ly 2.19.33 under Win7.
> >> >
> >> > I'm trying to remove the first line of the ossia staff from the
> attached
> >> > score. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where I'm going
> >> wrong.
> >>
> >> You are missing an
> >>
> >> \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
> >>
> >> in a suitable place.  While setting VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty has a
> >> predefined alias \RemoveEmptyStaves, VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first
> >> doesn't.
> >>
> >
> > Any reason we can't add a similar alias for remove-first (e.g.,
> > \RemoveFirstEmptyStaff)? And why not extend it to also have
> > \RemoveAllEmptyStaves that does both?
> That's actually the only sensible kind of command since remove-first
> without remove-empty does nothing.

Ah! Thanks for clarifying that. Makes perfect sense. All in favor?

> > Seems like a simple, but useful addition. I know I would use them
> > regularly.
> I think we also should have some default commands for doing _everything_
> required for a somewhat standard ossia staff.  It's an embarrassment
> that we only offer the raw pieces for this kind of thing without a
> preassembled variant.
> --
> David Kastrup

I couldn't agree more! This is another thing I've wondered about. In the
past, I've created my own OssiaStaff context that does this very thing.
>From using it, I concluded that although there are times when we don't want
to see the clef, time signature, etc., there are times when you do, so
removing their respective engravers by default might not be the best
solution. I guess you can always add them back in if you want them, but I
think I'd be in more favor of having them present by default and removing
them manually when necessary. So, it seems that the things that would apply
to this context are the reduced font/staff spacing and removing the empty
staves. There are probably some others I'm not thinking of, but I think
those are the main ones.

Just my two cents,
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Notation snippets

2015-12-29 Thread Jayaratna

It's only 24 glyphs, not too much work. 
I can export them in svg format, but I'd need two to know on what original
the petrucci noteheads have been drawn after. I've never made a font, I
guess the glyphs are to be precisely placed on their font slots. Stems will
have to be reduced.


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lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Left align first word of lyrics

2015-12-29 Thread Stephen
Wilbert Berendsen> writes:

> It is complicated just now to paste the code how we did it, because
> everything is so intermingled, but I'll show it later on in a nice
> writeup. We wrote many functions that read custom variables from the
> paper or layout blocks (using ly:output-def-lookup), so we got a very
> flexible layout.


I was wondering if you have written up about your process of formatting 
the 'Liedboek.'  I am in the process of formatting a psalter using a similar 
layout to the psalm layout it the 'Liedboek.'  I think that this would help
me greatly.

Kindest regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Patrick Karl

The following snippet contains three \score's, the third one commented out:

%%%   Begin snippet %%%
\version "2.19.32"

music =   {
\tag #'noCues R1
\tag #'Cues {\cueDuring #"cueNotes" #DOWN  R1 }% 1
d''8( e'' f'') r r2% 2

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
   s4. 8 d' s4.% 1

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

\score { \new Staff {\cueNotes }  }

\score {  \new Staff { \removeWithTag#'Cues \music } }

%\score { \new Staff { \keepWithTag#'Cues \music }  }

%%%   End snippet %%%

This snippet compiles ok, but if the third \score is uncommented, then 
lilypond terminates with:

Preprocessing graphical objects...
Grob count 156
Interpreting music...Segmentation fault: 11

The problem appears to be the construct "8 d' " in the cueNotes.  
Does anyone know why?

lilypond-user mailing list

can't seem to apply tweaks on tweaks

2015-12-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all,

I don’t quite understand when a tweak will apply and when it won’t…

For example, I have an ottavation function for “one-off” octave pops:

octU_single = {
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = #ly:line-spanner::print
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.bound-details =
#`((left . ((X . -1) (Y . 0) (padding . -0.5) (stencil-align-dir-y . 
   (right . ((X . 2) (Y . 0) (padding . -1.5) (text . 
,(make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 -1))
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.font-shape = #'roman
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.bound-details.left.text = \eightva
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.left-bound-info =
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.right-bound-info =
  \ottava #1

Once this is applied, if I try to add a tweak later (e.g., changing 
#’shorten-pair, either “inline” [in the content code] or “externally” [via the 
edition-engraver]), it doesn’t seem to apply.***  But I swear I’ve had [many 
many] other situations where I _can_ apply a tweak to a previously-tweaked 

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this is true?
And, hopefully, how to work around this issue (i.e., how to apply tweaks on 


*** No full snippet included, because I’m only looking for 
explanations/documentation/links/comments at the moment.  =)

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can't seem to apply tweaks on tweaks

2015-12-29 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan  writes:

> Hello all,
> I don’t quite understand when a tweak will apply and when it won’t…
> For example, I have an ottavation function for “one-off” octave pops:
> octU_single = {
>   \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = #ly:line-spanner::print
>   \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.bound-details =
> #`((left . ((X . -1) (Y . 0) (padding . -0.5) (stencil-align-dir-y . 
> ,0.85)))
>(right . ((X . 2) (Y . 0) (padding . -1.5) (text . 
> ,(make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 -1))
>   \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.font-shape = #'roman
>   \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.bound-details.left.text = \eightva
>   \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.left-bound-info =
>  #ly:line-spanner::calc-left-bound-info-and-text
>   \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.right-bound-info =
>  #ly:line-spanner::calc-right-bound-info
>   \ottava #1
> }
> Once this is applied, if I try to add a tweak later (e.g., changing
> #’shorten-pair, either “inline” [in the content code] or “externally”
> [via the edition-engraver]), it doesn’t seem to apply.*** But I swear
> I’ve had [many many] other situations where I _can_ apply a tweak to a
> previously-tweaked object.

Those aren't tweaks.  They are overrides.  I'll assume that you are
using a fairly recent version of LilyPond (2.19.28 or later).  If you
aren't, stuff will behave differently, in particular less predictably.

I haven't used the edition engraver yet but I'll assume that it works
via overrides rather than tweaks.  Overrides establish defaults for the
creation of grobs, tweaks are applied afterwards.  So an override will
always lose to a tweak.

Within overrides, we have the special cases of \once \override,
\temporary \override, and subproperty overrides.

\temporary \override differs from \override in that \override alone has
"pop-first" semantics and will first execute a \revert before executing
the override, removing any value previously established in this context.

\once \override basically consists of a \temporary \override and a
corresponding \revert at the end of the time step.  These days, \once
\override does its bookkeeping independently from non-\once \override,
so the corresponding \revert will not accidentally attach itself to
anything else.

Subproperty overrides all do independent bookkeeping as well.  If you
override a subproperty override with some more generic property
afterwards, the subproperty override will remain masked until reverting
the more generic property.  Reverts will only match overrides with the
same exact property path.  Anything else may be temporarily masked by
coarser specified overrides but will resurface when the coarser override
gets reverted.

At any rate: that's all theory.  Unless you actually follow up with an
example of what you are actually doing which does not work as expected,
it will be impossible to tell just what you are doing wrong.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Simon Albrecht

Hello Pat,

this is definitely a bug, I’d say. I’ll write to the bug list.
Two or three policy issues with this:
1. Don’t hijack existing threads, if your message has nothing at all to 
do with their subject. Just compose a new message to the list – sorry, 
but what’s so difficult about that?

2. (Re)read and follow .
3. Code formatting: Generally, always surround {} and = and Scheme 
expressions (those with `#') with spaces, even if they’re not 
technically necessary. They make it easier to read.

Thank you,

On 29.12.2015 20:38, Patrick Karl wrote:
The following snippet contains three \score's, the third one commented 

%%%   Begin snippet %%%
\version "2.19.32"

music =   {
\tag #'noCues R1
\tag #'Cues {\cueDuring #"cueNotes" #DOWN  R1 }% 1
d''8( e'' f'') r r2% 2

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
   s4. 8 d' s4.% 1

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

\score { \new Staff {\cueNotes }  }

\score {  \new Staff { \removeWithTag#'Cues \music } }

%\score { \new Staff { \keepWithTag#'Cues \music }  }

%%%   End snippet %%%

This snippet compiles ok, but if the third \score is uncommented, then 
lilypond terminates with:

Preprocessing graphical objects...
Grob count 156
Interpreting music...Segmentation fault: 11

The problem appears to be the construct "8 d' " in the 
cueNotes.  Does anyone know why?

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 30.12.2015 00:53, Simon Albrecht wrote:
this is definitely a bug, I’d say. I’ll write to the bug list. 

FWIW, I created a tracker issue directly: 

How did you get that log output, i.e. how did you invoke LilyPond?

Yours, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Patrick Karl

On 12/29/15 5:53 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote:

Hello Pat,

this is definitely a bug, I’d say. I’ll write to the bug list.
Two or three policy issues with this:
1. Don’t hijack existing threads, if your message has nothing at all 
to do with their subject. Just compose a new message to the list – 
sorry, but what’s so difficult about that?

Just out of curiosity, exactly what existing thread do you think I hijacked?

2. (Re)read and follow .

Again, out of curiosity, how is my snippet not a tiny-example?
3. Code formatting: Generally, always surround {} and = and Scheme 
expressions (those with `#') with spaces, even if they’re not 
technically necessary. They make it easier to read.

I didn't realize that coding style was a policy issue.  Offhand I don't 
see any {} that are not surrounded by white space, i.e., blank, tab, or 
newline.  That leaves Scheme expressions.  I would say I can easily find 
many examples of exactly the style I choose in the NR.

Thank you,

On 29.12.2015 20:38, Patrick Karl wrote:
The following snippet contains three \score's, the third one 
commented out:

%%%   Begin snippet %%%
\version "2.19.32"

music =   {
\tag #'noCues R1
\tag #'Cues {\cueDuring #"cueNotes" #DOWN  R1 }% 1
d''8( e'' f'') r r2% 2

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
   s4. 8 d' s4.% 1

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

\score { \new Staff {\cueNotes }  }

\score {  \new Staff { \removeWithTag#'Cues \music } }

%\score { \new Staff { \keepWithTag#'Cues \music }  }

%%%   End snippet %%%

This snippet compiles ok, but if the third \score is uncommented, 
then lilypond terminates with:

Preprocessing graphical objects...
Grob count 156
Interpreting music...Segmentation fault: 11

The problem appears to be the construct "8 d' " in the 
cueNotes.  Does anyone know why?

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Patrick Karl

On 12/29/15 5:59 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote:

On 30.12.2015 00:53, Simon Albrecht wrote:
this is definitely a bug, I’d say. I’ll write to the bug list. 

FWIW, I created a tracker issue directly: 

How did you get that log output, i.e. how did you invoke LilyPond?

lilypond -V

Yours, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread David Kastrup
Patrick Karl  writes:

> On 12/29/15 5:53 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote:
>> Hello Pat,
>> this is definitely a bug, I’d say. I’ll write to the bug list.
>> Two or three policy issues with this:
>> 1. Don’t hijack existing threads, if your message has nothing at all
>> to do with their subject. Just compose a new message to the list –
>> sorry, but what’s so difficult about that?
> Just out of curiosity, exactly what existing thread do you think I
> hijacked?

"cue note fontsize inherited by uncued notes?" by yourself.  The
reference header of your first "Segmentation Fault in music with
cueDuring" mail points to the first mail of that other thread.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-12-30 0:59 GMT+01:00 Simon Albrecht :
> On 30.12.2015 00:53, Simon Albrecht wrote:
>> this is definitely a bug, I’d say. I’ll write to the bug list.
> FWIW, I created a tracker issue directly:
> How did you get that log output, i.e. how did you invoke LilyPond?
> Yours, Simon

I once created a function to show/print cues/quotes known to the parser.
Applied to the current use case:


\version "2.19.32"

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
   s4. 8 d' s4.

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

#(define* (music-quotes-info #:optional (name "")(print #f))
 (let* ((music-quotes-list
  (hash-map->list cons (ly:parser-lookup 'musicQuotes)))
(quote-vector (assoc-get name music-quotes-list #()))
(quote-list (vector->list quote-vector)))
  (cond ((string-null? name)
 (display-scheme-music music-quotes-list))
((and (not (null? quote-list)) print)
 (lambda (m) (ly:prob-property (caadr m) 'music-cause))
(else (display-scheme-music
(lambda (m) (ly:prob-property (caadr m) 'music-cause))

%% raw data of all quotes
%% `display-scheme-music'
#(music-quotes-info "cueNotes")
%% set `print' #t and use $ to get it printed
$(music-quotes-info "cueNotes" #t)


You'll see that only the chord's first note is quoted!
That's at least related to
Known issues and warnings
Only the contents of the first Voice occurring in an \addQuote command
will be considered for quotation [...]

(1) It should not return a segfault
(2) The NR-warning talks about new Voices etc. Before testing I wasn't
aware that quoting chords is not supported as well. Should be
mentioned, imho
(3) I do understand why quoting more than a single voice is a problem,
but not how difficult it would be to support chords.

So I'm not sure whether it's a documentation issue or defect or an
enhancement or both.

Simon, I answered here on user-list to let Patrick Karl know, but
please add it on the tracker if you feel it might be helpful


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 30.12.2015 01:38, Thomas Morley wrote:

You'll see that only the chord's first note is quoted!

Still, the in-chord tie makes the difference, without that tie, the 
chord is properly quoted. So I’m not sure whether your testing function 
is useful here.

Yours, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed with chants

2015-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-12-30 1:33 GMT+01:00 Karen Billings :

> Harm,
> Thank you so much!!!
> No matter how much I work with this, it seems like I still have tons to
> learn... I am truly in awe!
> Again, many thanks!
> Karen

Glad I could help.
Though, please always reply to the whole list, even only to let all know
that it works.

lilypond-user mailing list

Fine control over piano pedal end bracket position

2015-12-29 Thread Andrew Bernard
I need to be able to have a finer degree of control over where piano pedal 
brackets end on the right, mid piece and not just at the final bar of music. If 
I use an adjustment via shorten-pair ot etxend the last bracket to position, 
long running pedal lines which span many lines are all extended beyond the edge 
of the music as well. Is there any way to move just the last right hand pedal 
bracket individually?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-12-30 1:45 GMT+01:00 Simon Albrecht :
> On 30.12.2015 01:38, Thomas Morley wrote:
>> You'll see that only the chord's first note is quoted!
> Still, the in-chord tie makes the difference, without that tie, the chord is
> properly quoted. So I’m not sure whether your testing function is useful
> here.
> Yours, Simon

I stand corrected.
It's my function which disregards the chord not LilyPond! Looks like
I'll have to improve it


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 30.12.2015 01:06, Patrick Karl wrote:

On 12/29/15 5:53 PM, Simon Albrecht wrote:

Hello Pat,

this is definitely a bug, I’d say. I’ll write to the bug list.
Two or three policy issues with this:
1. Don’t hijack existing threads, if your message has nothing at all 
to do with their subject. Just compose a new message to the list – 
sorry, but what’s so difficult about that?

Just out of curiosity, exactly what existing thread do you think I 

I can only guess how you proceeded, but if you reply to a previous 
message and edit all of the visible information, hidden data will still 
link this mail to the previous thread.

2. (Re)read and follow .

Again, out of curiosity, how is my snippet not a tiny-example?

Have a look at issue 4718 (link in my previous post) – there’s a tiny 

3. Code formatting: Generally, always surround {} and = and Scheme 
expressions (those with `#') with spaces, even if they’re not 
technically necessary. They make it easier to read.

I didn't realize that coding style was a policy issue.

Yes, it is. If you post code to the list, others have to read and work 
with that code. Privately, you may do whatever you like.

Offhand I don't see any {} that are not surrounded by white space, 
i.e., blank, tab, or newline.  That leaves Scheme expressions.  I 
would say I can easily find many examples of exactly the style I 
choose in the NR.

Then it would have been messed up on the way. Attachments tend to be 
safer there. Find attached the version which arrived here and one with 
proper use of whitespace.

Sorry for being so strict with this.

Yours, Simon
%%%   Begin snippet %%%
\version "2.19.32"

music =   {
\tag #'noCues R1
\tag #'Cues {\cueDuring #"cueNotes" #DOWN  R1 }% 1
d''8( e'' f'') r r2% 2

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
   s4. 8 d' s4.% 1

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

\score { \new Staff {\cueNotes }  }

\score {  \new Staff { \removeWithTag#'Cues \music } }

%\score { \new Staff { \keepWithTag#'Cues \music }  }

%%%   End snippet %%% 

%%% Begin snippet %%%
\version "2.19.32"

music = {
  \tag #'noCues R1
  \tag #'Cues { \cueDuring #"cueNotes" #DOWN R1 }% 1
  d''8( e'' f'') r r2% 2

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
  s4. 8 d' s4.% 1

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

\score { \new Staff { \cueNotes } }

\score {  \new Staff { \removeWithTag #'Cues \music } }

%\score { \new Staff { \keepWithTag #'Cues \music } }

%%% End snippet %%%___
lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Fine control over piano pedal end bracket position

2015-12-29 Thread Mark Stephen Mrotek


When I transcribe piano music I use:

\newDynamics {  }

in the Staff context. It allows me to adjust the length of the sustain line by 
fraction of a beat.




[] On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 4:52 PM
Subject: Fine control over piano pedal end bracket position


I need to be able to have a finer degree of control over where piano pedal 
brackets end on the right, mid piece and not just at the final bar of music. If 
I use an adjustment via shorten-pair ot etxend the last bracket to position, 
long running pedal lines which span many lines are all extended beyond the edge 
of the music as well. Is there any way to move just the last right hand pedal 
bracket individually?





lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fine control over piano pedal end bracket position

2015-12-29 Thread David Nalesnik
Hi Andrew,

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Andrew Bernard 

> I need to be able to have a finer degree of control over where piano pedal
> brackets end on the right, mid piece and not just at the final bar of
> music. If I use an adjustment via shorten-pair ot etxend the last bracket
> to position, long running pedal lines which span many lines are all
> extended beyond the edge of the music as well. Is there any way to move
> just the last right hand pedal bracket individually?
Possibly you could use \alterBroken here:

lilypond-user mailing list

can a \tweak be applied via the edition-engraver?

2015-12-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hello all edition-izers!

Is it possible to apply a \tweak via the edition-engraver?
If so, links/examples would be appreciated.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Segmentation Fault in music with cueDuring

2015-12-29 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-12-30 1:56 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley :
> 2015-12-30 1:45 GMT+01:00 Simon Albrecht :
>> On 30.12.2015 01:38, Thomas Morley wrote:
>>> You'll see that only the chord's first note is quoted!
>> Still, the in-chord tie makes the difference, without that tie, the chord is
>> properly quoted. So I’m not sure whether your testing function is useful
>> here.
>> Yours, Simon
> I stand corrected.
> It's my function which disregards the chord not LilyPond! Looks like
> I'll have to improve it
> Thanks,
>   Harm

For the record, here an updated version of it.

Ofcourse only the option displaying the raw data is really accurate.
The other options rebuild stuff which may be handled different in
LilyPond internals. Though, studying the raw data looks like storing
the data happened correctly.

\version "2.19.32"

cueNotes = \relative c'' {
   8 d'

\addQuote "cueNotes" \cueNotes

#(define* (music-quotes-info #:optional (name "")(print #f))
 (let* ((music-quotes-list
  (hash-map->list cons (ly:parser-lookup 'musicQuotes)))
(quote-vector (assoc-get name music-quotes-list #()))
(quote-list (vector->list quote-vector)))
  (cond ((string-null? name)
 (display-scheme-music music-quotes-list))
((and (not (null? quote-list)) print)
 (lambda (m)
   (let ((elts
 (lambda (e) (ly:prob-property (car e) 'music-cause))
 (cdr m
  (if (= (length elts) 1)
  (car elts)
  (make-event-chord elts
(lambda (m)
  (let ((elts
(lambda (e) (ly:prob-property (car e) 'music-cause))
(cdr m
 (if (= (length elts) 1)
 (car elts)
 (make-event-chord elts

%% raw data of all quotes
%% `display-scheme-music'
%#(music-quotes-info "cueNotes")
%% set `print' #t and use $ to get it printed
%$(music-quotes-info "cueNotes" #t)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: can't seem to apply tweaks on tweaks

2015-12-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi David,

Thank you for the quick, detailed, and enlightening response.

> Those aren't tweaks. They are overrides.

My apologies for misused terminology.

> I'll assume that you are using a fairly recent version of LilyPond (2.19.28 
> or later).


> I haven't used the edition engraver yet but I'll assume that it works
> via overrides rather than tweaks.

I don’t know the technical details of how the mods are applied — you’d have to 
ask Jan-Peter for that, I suppose — but to date, the only mods I have applied 
using the edition-engraver are \override (usually with \once or \temporary), 
never \tweak.

> Overrides establish defaults for the creation of grobs, tweaks are applied 
> afterwards.
> So an override will always lose to a tweak.

Good to know!

> Unless you actually follow up with an example of what you are
> actually doing which does not work as expected,
> it will be impossible to tell just what you are doing wrong.

\version "2.19.32"

eightva = \markup \italic \concat { "8" \raise #0.5 { \hspace #0.25 "va" } 
\hspace #0.5 }
octU_single = {
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.stencil = #ly:line-spanner::print
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.bound-details =
#`((left . ((X . -1) (Y . 0) (padding . -0.5) (stencil-align-dir-y . 
   (right . ((X . 2) (Y . 0) (padding . -1.5) (text . 
,(make-draw-line-markup (cons 0 -1))
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.font-shape = #'roman
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.bound-details.left.text = \eightva
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.left-bound-info =
  \once \override Staff.OttavaBracket.right-bound-info =
  \ottava #1

testing = {
  \octU_single c1

\score { \testing }

"testing2" = {
  \once \override OttavaBracket.shorten-pair = #'(-10 . -10) \octU_single c1

\score { \"testing2” }

Note how the #'shorten-pair adjustment doesn’t seem to be applied.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

does not save file automatically after "run" lilypond "

2015-12-29 Thread MING TSANG
I run lilypond 2.19.34 with frescobaldi 2.18.2Upon exit frescobaldi ask to save 
file and I comply.  But pdf is not saved.   I saw a lot additional info that I 
did not see when running frescobaldi 2.18.1 and lilypond 2.19.34  Need help.

Starting lilypond-windows.exe 2.19.34 []...Processing 
 music...MIDI output to `eye-haveath-not-seen-soprano.mid'...Interpreting 
 warning: cannot find Voice `alto'  \rehearsalMidi "alto" "soprano sax" 
\verseOneMIDI output to `eye-hath-not-seen-alto.mid'...Interpreting 
 warning: cannot find Voice `tenor'  \rehearsalMidi "tenor" "tenor sax" 
\verseOneMIDI output to `eye-hath-not-seen-tenor.mid'...Interpreting 
 warning: cannot find Voice `bass'  \rehearsalMidi "bass" "tenor sax" 
\verseOneMIDI output to `eye-hath-not-seen-bass.mid'...Interpreting 
music...[8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64][72][80]Preprocessing graphical 
objects...Interpreting music...MIDI output to `eye-hath-not-seen.mid'...Finding 
the ideal number of pages...Fitting music on 5 or 6 pages...Drawing 
systems...Layout output to `./tmp-lilypond-PI8z5c'...(list 'abs-fontsize-markup 
'auto-footnote-markup 'bold-markup 'box-markup 'bracket-markup 'caps-markup 
'center-align-markup 'center-column-markup 'circle-markup 
'column-lines-markup-list 'column-markup 'combine-markup 'concat-markup 
'conditional-circle-markup-markup 'dir-column-markup 'dynamic-markup 
'ellipse-markup 'fill-line-markup 'fill-with-pattern-markup 'finger-markup 
'first-visible-markup 'fontCaps-markup 'fontsize-markup 'footnote-markup 
'fraction-markup 'general-align-markup 'halign-markup 'hbracket-markup 
'hcenter-in-markup 'huge-markup 'italic-markup 'justified-lines-markup-list 
'justify-line-markup 'justify-markup 'large-markup 'larger-markup 
'left-align-markup 'left-column-markup 'line-markup 'lower-markup 
'magnify-markup 'map-markup-commands-markup-list 'medium-markup 
'normal-size-sub-markup 'normal-size-super-markup 'normal-text-markup 
'normalsize-markup 'number-markup 'on-the-fly-markup 'oval-markup 
'overlay-markup 'override-lines-markup-list 'override-markup 'overtie-markup 
'pad-around-markup 'pad-markup-markup 'pad-to-box-markup 'pad-x-markup 
'page-link-markup 'parenthesize-markup 'pattern-markup 'put-adjacent-markup 
'raise-markup 'replace-markup 'right-align-markup 'right-column-markup 
'roman-markup 'rotate-markup 'rounded-box-markup 'sans-markup 'scale-markup 
'small-markup 'smallCaps-markup 'smaller-markup 'sub-markup 'super-markup 
'teeny-markup 'text-markup 'tie-markup 'tiny-markup 'translate-markup 
'translate-scaled-markup 'transparent-markup 'typewriter-markup 
'underline-markup 'undertie-markup 'upright-markup 'vcenter-markup 
'whiteout-markup 'with-color-markup 'with-dimensions-markup 'with-link-markup 
'with-url-markup 'wordwrap-internal-markup-list 'wordwrap-lines-markup-list 
'wordwrap-markup)(list 'abs-fontsize-markup 'auto-footnote-markup 'bold-markup 
'box-markup 'bracket-markup 'caps-markup 'center-align-markup 
'center-column-markup 'circle-markup 'column-lines-markup-list 'column-markup 
'combine-markup 'concat-markup 'conditional-circle-markup-markup 
'dir-column-markup 'dynamic-markup 'ellipse-markup 'fill-line-markup 
'fill-with-pattern-markup 'finger-markup 'first-visible-markup 'fontCaps-markup 
'fontsize-markup 'footnote-markup 'fraction-markup 'general-align-markup 
'halign-markup 'hbracket-markup 'hcenter-in-markup 'huge-markup 'italic-markup 
'justified-lines-markup-list 'justify-line-markup 'justify-markup 'large-markup 
'larger-markup 'left-align-markup 'left-column-markup 'line-markup 
'lower-markup 'magnify-markup 'map-markup-commands-markup-list 'medium-markup 
'normal-size-sub-markup 'normal-size-super-markup 'normal-text-markup 
'normalsize-markup 'number-markup 'on-the-fly-markup 'oval-markup 
'overlay-markup 'override-lines-markup-list 'override-markup 'overtie-markup 
'pad-around-markup 'pad-markup-markup 'pad-to-box-markup 'pad-x-markup 
'page-link-markup 'parenthesize-markup 'pattern-markup 'put-adjacent-markup 
'raise-markup 'replace-markup 'right-align-markup 'right-column-markup 
'roman-markup 'rotate-markup 'rounded-box-markup 'sans-markup 'scale-markup 
'small-markup 'smallCaps-markup 'smallerConverting to 
`eye-hath-not-seen.pdf'...Deleting `./tmp-lilypond-PI8z5c'...-markup 
'sub-markup 'super-markup 'teeny-markup 'text-markup 'tie-markup 'tiny-markup 
'translate-markup 'translate-scaled-markup 'transparent-markup 
'typewriter-markup 'underline-markup 'undertie-markup 'upright-markup 
'vcenter-markup 'whiteout-markup 'with-color-markup 'with-dimensions-markup 

Question about page break time indices

2015-12-29 Thread Carl Peterson

I am involved in some choral 
recording projects where we are 
having the singers sing from 
projected slides. To aid in timing, 
pitch, etc., we have it set up where 
they have headphones feeding them the 
MIDI of the song being recorded as 
they sing. All of this is synchonored 
through the recording software, with 
the slides being pre-rendered to a 
video file.

Right now, the music slides are being 
created in Finale (cringe), the MIDI 
is being manually input into the 
recording software because we've had 
issues with Finale's MIDI being 
accurate on tempo changes, and I am 
using Apple Keynote to render the 
slides to video using manual timings.

I would like to use Lilypond to 
render the individual slides and the 
MIDI, then use ffmpeg and some other 
things to programmatically render the 
video itself. The issue is that in 
order to do that, I need accurate 
timing information on slide changes.

Which gets to my question/request. Is 
there a way, when Lilypond is 
running, for it to output some sort 
of auxiliary file with some kind of 
tick/time code information about each 
page? In other words, what is the 
time index of the first note on a 
given slide/page? With this, I can 
work with scripting tools to work 
backwards from each time code to 
generate the still images for the 
transitions from slide to slide.


lilypond-user mailing list