Re: avoid slur help
Am 28.12.2008 um 06:48 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: Oh, perhaps I haven't made this clear. I have read the learning manual. I do not have it memorised. I don't use extra offset all that often. I asked for help because the ways I know of how to move the object, (namely looking in the IR for things that might control positioning the object, in this case, avoid-slur) didn't work. And I wanted help understanding it, because usually when something doesn't work the way I'm expecting, it's because I don't understand what the expected behavior is. The polemics aside, I think the most important question in this thread is: Why haven't you found the necessary information in the manual? Now that you know the answer (at least I hope you do), can you tell us the reason? There's nothing there to clue me in as to why avoid-slur didn't work. Maybe missing references? Missing examples? Imprecise documentation? The information you have searched for is in another chapter? Something else? Once I learned about outside staff-priority, everything was good. Which for me is the usual situation: I get unexpected output, and then learn that there's a perfectly acceptable reason for that output. In this case: outside-staff-priority takes precedence over avoid-slur. The learning manual and exra-offset were never needed. Werner ___ lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond v12 download links
Greetings, The links on the LP site for downloading the latest version seem to be incorrect... ?!? Can anyone clarify / correct this? Regards Bill ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: lilypond v12 download links
2008/12/28 Bill Mooney : > Greetings, > The links on the LP site for downloading the latest version seem to be > incorrect... ?!? > Can anyone clarify / correct this? I reported this to the -devel list yesterday. Use this link in the meantime: -- Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: lilypond v12 download links
Dear Francisco, Many thanks! Regards Bill Francisco Vila wrote: 2008/12/28 Bill Mooney : Greetings, The links on the LP site for downloading the latest version seem to be incorrect... ?!? Can anyone clarify / correct this? I reported this to the -devel list yesterday. Use this link in the meantime: ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
2008/12/28 Wilbert Berendsen : > I just released Frescobaldi, a brand new LilyPond music score editor for KDE4. > It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use, and it currently has > most features of LilyKDE (the KDE3 Kate plugin): Awesome! That's what I've been thinking about for a long time. As soon as I have more time, I'll start working on a standalone Mac and Windows port (and possibly try and remove some dependencies). > You can download Frescobaldi 0.7 from > OK, I'll give it a try right now. Congrats! Cheers, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Convert-ly in 2.12
After installing 2.12 (running on Windows Vista), I notice that when I run convert-ly against an old ly file, it changes the version in the file to 2.11.66: D:\Documents\Lilypond>convert-ly -e mutopia\ (GNU LilyPond) 2.12.0 Processing `mutopia\'... Applying conversion: 2.9.4, 2.9.6, 2.9.9, 2.9.11, 2.9.13, 2.9.16, 2.9.19, 2.10.0 , 2.11.2, 2.11.5, 2.11.6, 2.11.10, 2.11.11, 2.11.13, Not smart enough to convert edge-text settings for TextSpanner.Use \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'right #'text = \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = 2.11.15, 2.11.23, 2.11.35, Not smart enough to convert all settings related to d ashed lines. Use \override ... #'style = #'line for solid lines and \override ... #'style = #'dashed-line for dashed lines.2.11.38, 2.11.46, 2.11.48, 2.11.50, 2.11.51, 2.11.52, 2.11.53, 2.11.55, 2.11.57, 2.11.60, 2.11.61 , 2.11.62, 2.11.64, 2.11.66 Seeing that this is supposed to be the stable version, I think it should put the current version number in the file, and not the last development version after which there were no conversion changes needed. Nick ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Hi all, I just released Frescobaldi, a brand new LilyPond music score editor for KDE4. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use, and it currently has most features of LilyKDE (the KDE3 Kate plugin): * Enter LilyPond scores, build and preview them with a mouseclick * Point-and-click support: click on notes or error messages to jump to the correct position * A powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a musical score * Editing tools to: - manipulate the rhythm - hyphenate lyrics - quickly enter or add articulations and other symbols to existing music - run the document through convert-ly to update it to a newer LilyPond version * A powerful Rumor plugin, using the Rumor program to quickly enter music by playing it on a MIDI keyboard or even your computer keyboard You can download Frescobaldi 0.7 from To use Frescobaldi you need also the latest lilypond-kde4 package, that provides icons for the lilypond file type and a KDE service that enables point and click in LilyPond-generated PDFs. Available at Please try it out and help finding bugs :-) many thanks and best regards, Wilbert Berendsen Thanks! I've installed it, but nothing changes in Kate... and there is no information how to get it to work in Kate in the readme or install file... ___ lilypond-user mailing list
error message I don't understand
Dear lilpond-users, when compiling the below quoted file I get the error message: warning: type check for `stencil' failed; value `#t' must be of type `unknown' I think it has to do with the tuplets, but I don't understand, what I've done wrong. Here is the snippet: \version "2.11.65." klammernormal = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam } % Klammer und Zahl werden ganz normal gezeigt klammeran = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##t } klammeraus = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f } mitzahl ={ \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##t } ohnezahl = { \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f } standardxtol = { \klammernormal \mitzahl } \relative { \times 2/3 { c8 d e } \ohnezahl \times 2/3 { f e f } \standardxtol \times 2/3 { d e f } \times 2/3 { g f g } } ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Separating_line_group_engraver broken
Hi, there seems to be an issue in 2.12 with Separating_line_group_engraver in combination with Bar_engraver in the Lyrics context - see attached example. If I comment one of these lines, the score is printed correctly. The log contains the following lines: Programmierfehler: vertical alignment called before line-breaking Programmierfehler: minimise_least_squares (): Nothing to minimise This means that vertical spacing is triggered before line breaking Fortsetzung, die Daumen drücken Stefan \version "2.12.00" global = { #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \key g \dorian \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = #'(2 . 2) \time 2/1 } discantusNotes = { \clef treble \transpose c c \relative c'' { % 1 r1 g bes1. c2 d d g c, bes d1 cis2 %2 d bes1 d2. e4 f2 f d cis d1 f2 bes,4 g bes2. a8 g a2 } } discantusLyrics = \lyricmode { Su -- san -- nen frumb wol -- ten jr ehr ver -- le -- tzen Su -- san -- _ _ nen frumb wol -- ten jr ehr } % % SCORE % \score { \new StaffGroup = choirStaff << \new Voice = "discantusNotes" << \global \discantusNotes >> \new Lyrics = "discantusLyrics" \lyricsto discantusNotes { \discantusLyrics } >> \layout { \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" } \context { \StaffGroup \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver" } } } Test.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: error message I don't understand
A stencil cannot be overridden to #t. You need to use \revert to recover the default behaviour (if that is what you intended): mitzahl ={ \revert TupletNumber #'stencil } Trevor - Original Message - From: "Stefan Thomas" To: "lilypond-user" Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 11:54 AM Subject: error message I don't understand Dear lilpond-users, when compiling the below quoted file I get the error message: warning: type check for `stencil' failed; value `#t' must be of type `unknown' I think it has to do with the tuplets, but I don't understand, what I've done wrong. Here is the snippet: \version "2.11.65." klammernormal = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam } % Klammer und Zahl werden ganz normal gezeigt klammeran = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##t } klammeraus = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f } mitzahl ={ \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##t } ohnezahl = { \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f } standardxtol = { \klammernormal \mitzahl } \relative { \times 2/3 { c8 d e } \ohnezahl \times 2/3 { f e f } \standardxtol \times 2/3 { d e f } \times 2/3 { g f g } } ___ lilypond-user mailing list ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Grammostola Rosea wrote: Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Hi all, I just released Frescobaldi, a brand new LilyPond music score editor for KDE4. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use, and it currently has most features of LilyKDE (the KDE3 Kate plugin): * Enter LilyPond scores, build and preview them with a mouseclick * Point-and-click support: click on notes or error messages to jump to the correct position * A powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a musical score * Editing tools to: - manipulate the rhythm - hyphenate lyrics - quickly enter or add articulations and other symbols to existing music - run the document through convert-ly to update it to a newer LilyPond version * A powerful Rumor plugin, using the Rumor program to quickly enter music by playing it on a MIDI keyboard or even your computer keyboard You can download Frescobaldi 0.7 from To use Frescobaldi you need also the latest lilypond-kde4 package, that provides icons for the lilypond file type and a KDE service that enables point and click in LilyPond-generated PDFs. Available at Please try it out and help finding bugs :-) many thanks and best regards, Wilbert Berendsen Thanks! I've installed it, but nothing changes in Kate... and there is no information how to get it to work in Kate in the readme or install file... I got this when I want to start it: $ frescobaldi Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/frescobaldi", line 61, in app = not args.isSet("new") and runningApp() or newApp() File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/frescobaldi_app/", line 32, in newApp from frescobaldi_app import mainapp File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/frescobaldi_app/", line 30, in import, kateshell.mainwindow File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/kateshell/", line 20, in import os, sip, dbus, dbus.service, dbus.mainloop.qt ImportError: No module named qt ___ lilypond-user mailing list
incipit in 2.12: some remarks
Hi all, there is a new snippet for incipits which saves a lot of work compared to earlier versions - thank you for this! I would like to bring in some remarks about it: - Something about incipits should be added to the documentation again. Currently there is a chapter for it (see 2.8.5) that contains nothing but "TBC". - The incipit function in the snippet sets the style for notes and time signature to 'neomensural' but unfortunately not for the rests - which are still printed in modern notation. I didn't find out how to set this correctly in the snippet function. - I would be VERY happy if the incipit function could be shipped with standard lilypond. I wouldn't want to include this function into all of my scores and it would be great to have it out of the box in future versions! Best regards, Stefan ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: lilypond v12 download links
Le dimanche 28 décembre 2008 à 09:33 +0100, Francisco Vila a écrit : > 2008/12/28 Bill Mooney : > > Greetings, > > The links on the LP site for downloading the latest version seem to be > > incorrect... ?!? > > Can anyone clarify / correct this? > > I reported this to the -devel list yesterday. Use this link in the meantime: > > Please use instead Best, John ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: error message I don't understand
Dear Trevor, thanks for Your advice! Now it works! 2008/12/28 Trevor Daniels : > A stencil cannot be overridden to #t. You need to use \revert > to recover the default behaviour (if that is what you intended): > > mitzahl ={ \revert TupletNumber #'stencil } > > Trevor > > - Original Message - From: "Stefan Thomas" > > To: "lilypond-user" > Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 11:54 AM > Subject: error message I don't understand > > >> Dear lilpond-users, >> when compiling the below quoted file I get the error message: >> warning: type check for `stencil' failed; value `#t' must be of type >> `unknown' >> I think it has to do with the tuplets, but I don't understand, what >> I've done wrong. Here is the snippet: >> >> >> \version "2.11.65." >> klammernormal = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = >> #'if-no-beam } >> % Klammer und Zahl werden ganz normal gezeigt >> klammeran = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##t } >> klammeraus = { \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f } >> mitzahl ={ \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##t } >> ohnezahl = { \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f } >> standardxtol = { \klammernormal \mitzahl } >> >> \relative { >> \times 2/3 { c8 d e } \ohnezahl \times 2/3 { f e f } \standardxtol >> \times 2/3 { d e f } >> \times 2/3 { g f g } } >> >> >> ___ >> lilypond-user mailing list >> >> > > ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
2008/12/28 Grammostola Rosea : > ImportError: No module named qt You have to install pyqt4 and all related packages (or, better, install some kind of meta-package such as kde4-devel and you will have all dependencies solved). Cheers, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Compiling on Mac OS X
My $PATH looks like this: /usr/local/mysql/bin /Users/leethal/bin /opt/local/lib/postgresql83/bin /opt/local/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /opt/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/bin So that shouldn't be a problem. Also, the guide I followed told me to edit config.make like you say, so I've already tried that I'm afraid. On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Kim Shrier wrote: > The problem is that the configure program finds the wrong FlexLexer.h > file. Mac OS X comes with a version of flex that is older than the > one needed for lilypond. If you have installed a newer version of flex, > the FlexLexer.h file you want is not in /usr/include which is the one > that configure will find. I installed a newer version of flex using the > macports system and the file you want is /opt/local/include/FlexLexer.h > > In order to use the correct flex program and include the correct header, > you need to do 2 things: > > 1. Make sure that /opt/local/bin is in your $PATH environment variable > before /usr/bin. This is so that the correct version of flex is run. > Make sure this is set properly before running configure. > > 2. After running the configure script and before you run make, edit the > config.make file. Change the line: > > FLEXLEXER_FILE = /usr/include/FlexLexer.h > > to > > FLEXLEXER_FILE = /opt/local/include/FlexLexer.h > > > Then you can run make all. > > Kim > > > On Dec 27, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Arjan Bos wrote: > > >> On 27 dec 2008, at 21:07, August Lilleaas wrote: >> >> I were doing this on HEAD. Changed to 2.10.9-1, and (for some reason) >>> doing make, then make all (both yielding errors) and then make worked. >>> >>> After running a couple of minutes, though, this happened: >>> >>> out/ error: no 'int yyFlexLexer::yywrap()' member function >>> declared in class 'yyFlexLexer' >>> >>> Am I the only person that wants to run lilypond on a modern intel mac, or >>> have I overlooked something? >>> >> >> I'm having the same problem. What I did to solve this is removing the line >> containing yywrap in FlexLexer.h. If you've been following Nicolas' >> guidelines, then that file is: >> /opt/local/include/FlexLexer.h >> and the line-number is arround 130 >> >> I tried this with HEAD and I get the following: >> Processing `/usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/ly/ >> ' >> Parsing...[/usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/out/share/lilypond/current/ly/init.lyAssertion >> failed: (pt->read_pos == pt->read_end), function scm_fill_input, file >> ports.c, line 978. >> /bin/sh: line 1: 21318 Abort trap >> /usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/out/bin/lilypond --verbose >> /usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/ly/generate-documentation >> >> And now I'm at a loss, because I don't have a ports.c file on my computer >> (according to locate) >> >> Can someone chime in here please? Or should I take my quest for Intel Mac >> OS X Lilypond to a developer list? >> >> Kind regards, >> Arjan Bos >> >> >> >> >> ___ >> lilypond-user mailing list >> >> >> >> > -- > Kim Shrier - principal, Shrier and Deihl - > Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development > Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting > > > > > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > -- August Lilleaas Tlf: (+47) 915 28 701 ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: error message I don't understand
Stefan Thomas wrote: Dear Trevor, thanks for Your advice! Now it works! 2008/12/28 Trevor Daniels : A stencil cannot be overridden to #t. You need to use \revert to recover the default behaviour (if that is what you intended): mitzahl ={ \revert TupletNumber #'stencil } Trevor Thanks from me, too. This warning always annoyed me but I didn't bother to track it down since my score looked like I wanted it to. Thanks Trevor. :) Jon -- Jonathan Kulp ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/12/28 Grammostola Rosea : ImportError: No module named qt You have to install pyqt4 and all related packages (or, better, install some kind of meta-package such as kde4-devel and you will have all dependencies solved). Cheers, Valentin I've kde4-development installed, but doesn't solve it... :( ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: incipit in 2.12: some remarks
Stefan, you wrote Sunday, December 28, 2008 12:14 PM - Something about incipits should be added to the documentation again. Currently there is a chapter for it (see 2.8.5) that contains nothing but "TBC". Yes, unfortunately there is no one in the doc team that has the knowledge and/or time to write this section at the moment. Would you be interested in preparing some text for this? A few paragraphs of straight text and a couple of examples sent to me would be fine. - The incipit function in the snippet sets the style for notes and time signature to 'neomensural' but unfortunately not for the rests - which are still printed in modern notation. I didn't find out how to set this correctly in the snippet function. I don't think the incipit function in the snippet titled "Incipit" actually sets the neomensural style itself - this seems to be set in the music supplied to the function. So using \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural in the music should work. I'll see if I can fix this. - I would be VERY happy if the incipit function could be shipped with standard lilypond. I wouldn't want to include this function into all of my scores and it would be great to have it out of the box in future versions! There are still some issues with incipits, I believe, so this snippet should be regarded as just a possible approach. For the same reasons this will probably not be included as a standard function. Best regards, Stefan Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
2008/12/28 Grammostola Rosea : > I've kde4-development installed, but doesn't solve it... :( Then that should be PyQt4 and PyQt4-devel... Cheers, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/12/28 Grammostola Rosea : I've kde4-development installed, but doesn't solve it... :( Then that should be PyQt4 and PyQt4-devel... Cheers, Valentin I've these installed: pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4 python-qt4-dev ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: incipit in 2.12: some remarks
Trevor Daniels wrote: Yes, unfortunately there is no one in the doc team that has the knowledge and/or time to write this section at the moment. Would you be interested in preparing some text for this? A few paragraphs of straight text and a couple of examples sent to me would be fine. Hmmm, I could do this but I don't know what the reasons were for removing the existing documentation? Would it mean just referring to the snippets or print the whole incipit function once again in the documentation? I don't think the incipit function in the snippet titled "Incipit" actually sets the neomensural style itself - this seems to be set in the music supplied to the function. So using \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural in the music should work. I'll see if I can fix this. No, I don't think it's part of the music - there's nothing about it. Maybe it's achieved by this instruction in the incipit function: 'context-type 'MensuralStaff (BTW, I was slightly too quick here in my last posting - the style for notes and time signature is *mensural*, not neomensural.) But this wouldn't explain why the style for the rests is wrong. If you fix this: do you think it's easily possible to remove the horizontal spacing for any durations? In mensural notation you would never let any space for rests or longer notes etc. (also means that the individual staffs should be independent of each other in this regard) There are still some issues with incipits, I believe, so this snippet should be regarded as just a possible approach. For the same reasons this will probably not be included as a standard function. OK - but given the two issues above are fixed, it's a 99.9% approach :-) Anyway, I can live with that. Stefan ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Grammostola Rosea wrote: Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/12/28 Grammostola Rosea : I've kde4-development installed, but doesn't solve it... :( Then that should be PyQt4 and PyQt4-devel... Cheers, Valentin I've these installed: pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4 python-qt4-dev updated some packages, but now I get: $ cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(kde4-config --exec-prefix) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/cmake/modules/", line 4, in import PyKDE4.pykdeconfig File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/", line 25, in import sipconfig, PyQt4.pyqtconfig ImportError: No module named pyqtconfig CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindPyKDE4.cmake:14 (message): PyKDE4 not found Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:9 (find_package) -- Configuring done ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Grammostola Rosea wrote: Grammostola Rosea wrote: Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/12/28 Grammostola Rosea : I've kde4-development installed, but doesn't solve it... :( Then that should be PyQt4 and PyQt4-devel... Cheers, Valentin I've these installed: pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4 python-qt4-dev updated some packages, but now I get: $ cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(kde4-config --exec-prefix) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/cmake/modules/", line 4, in import PyKDE4.pykdeconfig File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/", line 25, in import sipconfig, PyQt4.pyqtconfig ImportError: No module named pyqtconfig CMake Error at cmake/modules/FindPyKDE4.cmake:14 (message): PyKDE4 not found Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:9 (find_package) -- Configuring done got now this error: $ frescobaldi Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/frescobaldi", line 61, in app = not args.isSet("new") and runningApp() or newApp() File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/frescobaldi_app/", line 33, in newApp return mainapp.MainApp(DBUS_PREFIX) File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/frescobaldi_app/", line 51, in __init__, servicePrefix) File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/kateshell/", line 72, in __init__ self.mainwin = self.createMainWindow() File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/frescobaldi_app/", line 84, in createMainWindow return MainWindow(self) File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/frescobaldi_app/", line 129, in __init__ kateshell.mainwindow.MainWindow.__init__(self, app) File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/kateshell/", line 118, in __init__ s1.setSizes((140, 200, 140)) TypeError: argument 1 of QSplitter.setSizes() has an invalid type ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea: > Thanks! > > I've installed it, but nothing changes in Kate... and there is no > information how to get it to work in Kate in the readme or install file... It is not a Kate plugin anymore. Just fire up Frescobaldi from the KDE menu! (Under utilities in most distributions i think) best regards, Wilbert Berendsen -- Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea: > kateshell.mainwindow.MainWindow.__init__(self, app) > File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/kateshell/", > line 118, in __init__ > s1.setSizes((140, 200, 140)) > TypeError: argument 1 of QSplitter.setSizes() has an invalid type > Do you have Qt 4.4 and the most recent PyQt4 and PyKDE4? best regards, Wilbert Berendsen -- Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Wilbert Berendsen: > Do you have Qt 4.4 and the most recent PyQt4 and PyKDE4? And, importantly: the most recent SIP. best regards, Wilbert Berendsen -- Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Convert-ly in 2.12
Le dimanche 28 décembre 2008 à 21:48 +1100, Nick Payne a écrit : > After installing 2.12 (running on Windows Vista), I notice that when I run > convert-ly against an old ly file, it changes the version in the file to > 2.11.66: > 2.11.66 > > Seeing that this is supposed to be the stable version, I think it > should put the current version number in the file, and not the last > development version after which there were no conversion changes > needed. Sorry, conversion changes after last development version (2.11.65) are really needed, but they were wrongly named for 2.11.66. This will be fixed in release 2.12.1. Thanks for the report -- John Mandereau ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Valentin Villenave: > You have to install pyqt4 and all related packages (or, better, > install some kind of meta-package such as kde4-devel and you will have > all dependencies solved). As soon as I succeed in creating it, I will post a ubuntu package :-) or maybe someone else can... I just yesterday switched from Gentoo to Kubuntu :-) best regards! Wilbert -- Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea: kateshell.mainwindow.MainWindow.__init__(self, app) File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/kateshell/", line 118, in __init__ s1.setSizes((140, 200, 140)) TypeError: argument 1 of QSplitter.setSizes() has an invalid type Do you have Qt 4.4 and the most recent PyQt4 and PyKDE4? best regards, Wilbert Berendsen i A qt4-designer - graphical designer for Qt 4 applications i qt4-dev-tools - Qt 4 development tools i A qt4-doc - Qt 4 API documentation p qt4-doc-html - Qt 4 API documentation (HTML format) i A qt4-qmake - Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool i A qt4-qtconfig $ aptitude search pyqt4 i pyqt4-dev-tools - Development tools for PyQt4 i python-qscintilla2- Python bindings for QScintilla 2 i A python-qt4- Python bindings for Qt4 i A python-qt4-common - Shared files for PyQt4 p python-qt4-dbg- Python bindings for Qt4 (debug extensions) i python-qt4-dbus - DBus Support for PyQt4 p python-qt4-dbus-dbg - DBus Support for PyQt4 (debug extensions) i python-qt4-dev- Development files for PyQt4 p python-qt4-doc- Documentation and examples for PyQt4 p python-qt4-gl - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module p python-qt4-gl-dbg - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module (debug exte p python-qt4-phonon - Python bindings for Phonon p python-qt4-phonon-dbg - Python bindings for Phonon (debug extensions) p python-qt4-sql- Python bindings for PyQt4's SQL module p python-qt4-sql-dbg p pkg-kde-tools - common makesnippets and build scripts for KDE4 rela i python-kde4 - Python bindings for the KDE 4 libraries i python-kde4-dev - UIC compiler and SIP files for PyKDE i python-kde4-doc ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Grammostola Rosea wrote: Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea: kateshell.mainwindow.MainWindow.__init__(self, app) File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/kateshell/", line 118, in __init__ s1.setSizes((140, 200, 140)) TypeError: argument 1 of QSplitter.setSizes() has an invalid type Do you have Qt 4.4 and the most recent PyQt4 and PyKDE4? best regards, Wilbert Berendsen i A qt4-designer - graphical designer for Qt 4 applications i qt4-dev-tools - Qt 4 development tools i A qt4-doc - Qt 4 API documentation p qt4-doc-html - Qt 4 API documentation (HTML format) i A qt4-qmake - Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool i A qt4-qtconfig $ aptitude search pyqt4 i pyqt4-dev-tools - Development tools for PyQt4 i python-qscintilla2- Python bindings for QScintilla 2 i A python-qt4- Python bindings for Qt4 i A python-qt4-common - Shared files for PyQt4 p python-qt4-dbg- Python bindings for Qt4 (debug extensions) i python-qt4-dbus - DBus Support for PyQt4 p python-qt4-dbus-dbg - DBus Support for PyQt4 (debug extensions) i python-qt4-dev- Development files for PyQt4 p python-qt4-doc- Documentation and examples for PyQt4 p python-qt4-gl - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module p python-qt4-gl-dbg - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module (debug exte p python-qt4-phonon - Python bindings for Phonon p python-qt4-phonon-dbg - Python bindings for Phonon (debug extensions) p python-qt4-sql- Python bindings for PyQt4's SQL module p python-qt4-sql-dbg p pkg-kde-tools - common makesnippets and build scripts for KDE4 rela i python-kde4 - Python bindings for the KDE 4 libraries i python-kde4-dev - UIC compiler and SIP files for PyKDE i python-kde4-doc i python-kde3-dev - KDE3 bindings for Python - Development i python-kde4-dev - UIC compiler and SIP files for PyKDE i python-qt-dev - Qt bindings for Python - Development fi i python-qt4-dev- Development files for PyQt4 i A python-sip4 - Python/C++ bindings generator runtime l p python-sip4-dbg - Python/C++ bindings generator runtime l i python-sip4-dev - Python/C++ bindings generator developme p rtpproxy - Relay for Real-time Transport Protocol p ser - Sip Express Router, very fast and confi p ser-jabber-module - contains the Jabber module (SIP-Jabber p simpleopal- Simple example from the OPAL project p sip-tester- a performance testing tool for the SIP i sip4 ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: incipit in 2.12: some remarks
"Stefan Waler" wrote Trevor Daniels wrote: Yes, unfortunately there is no one in the doc team that has the knowledge and/or time to write this section at the moment. Would you be interested in preparing some text for this? A few paragraphs of straight text and a couple of examples sent to me would be fine. Hmmm, I could do this but I don't know what the reasons were for removing the existing documentation? I don't think there ever was any documentation for incipits. This was just a place-holder for the future. Or were you thinking of the Transcription of mensural music template? This is now in Appendix A.5.1 to the Learning Manual. Would it mean just referring to the snippets or print the whole incipit function once again in the documentation? It would need some text to explain the general approach to writing incipits (ie removing barlines, setting the style of clefs, noteheads, rests, etc), then a discussion of the two possible solutions shown in the snippets, the first being the one shown in "Ancient notation template - modern transcription of mensural music" (the template referenced above), the second being the one shown in "Transcription of Ancient music with incipit", which uses the InstrumentName to hold the incipit. Finally, the advantages of the incipit function shown in "Incipit" should be discussed. No need to replicate the snippets - they can be pulled in automatically under Selected snippets. All I really need from you is the text, roughly as described above, or any way you like if you can think of a better way. I don't think the incipit function in the snippet titled "Incipit" actually sets the neomensural style itself - this seems to be set in the music supplied to the function. So using \override Rest #'style = #'neomensural in the music should work. I'll see if I can fix this. No, I don't think it's part of the music - there's nothing about it. Maybe it's achieved by this instruction in the incipit function: 'context-type 'MensuralStaff Yes, this should do it, as it forces MensuralVoice, but I see that MensuralVoice sets the note head style to 'petrucci but does not set the rest style to 'mensural. I'll look into this. (BTW, I was slightly too quick here in my last posting - the style for notes and time signature is *mensural*, not neomensural.) OK If you fix this: do you think it's easily possible to remove the horizontal spacing for any durations? In mensural notation you would never let any space for rests or longer notes etc. (also means that the individual staffs should be independent of each other in this regard) I think spacing is one of the remaining issues. Should be mentioned as an issue in the text. There are still some issues with incipits, I believe, so this snippet should be regarded as just a possible approach. For the same reasons this will probably not be included as a standard function. OK - but given the two issues above are fixed, it's a 99.9% approach :-) Anyway, I can live with that. Rest style is easy; spacing probably not doable at present. Stefan Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Grammostola Rosea wrote: Grammostola Rosea wrote: Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea: kateshell.mainwindow.MainWindow.__init__(self, app) File "/home/d/2home/frescobaldi-0.7/python/kateshell/", line 118, in __init__ s1.setSizes((140, 200, 140)) TypeError: argument 1 of QSplitter.setSizes() has an invalid type Do you have Qt 4.4 and the most recent PyQt4 and PyKDE4? best regards, Wilbert Berendsen i A qt4-designer - graphical designer for Qt 4 applications i qt4-dev-tools - Qt 4 development tools i A qt4-doc - Qt 4 API documentation p qt4-doc-html - Qt 4 API documentation (HTML format) i A qt4-qmake - Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool i A qt4-qtconfig $ aptitude search pyqt4 i pyqt4-dev-tools - Development tools for PyQt4 i python-qscintilla2- Python bindings for QScintilla 2 i A python-qt4- Python bindings for Qt4 i A python-qt4-common - Shared files for PyQt4 p python-qt4-dbg- Python bindings for Qt4 (debug extensions) i python-qt4-dbus - DBus Support for PyQt4 p python-qt4-dbus-dbg - DBus Support for PyQt4 (debug extensions) i python-qt4-dev- Development files for PyQt4 p python-qt4-doc- Documentation and examples for PyQt4 p python-qt4-gl - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module p python-qt4-gl-dbg - Python bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module (debug exte p python-qt4-phonon - Python bindings for Phonon p python-qt4-phonon-dbg - Python bindings for Phonon (debug extensions) p python-qt4-sql- Python bindings for PyQt4's SQL module p python-qt4-sql-dbg p pkg-kde-tools - common makesnippets and build scripts for KDE4 rela i python-kde4 - Python bindings for the KDE 4 libraries i python-kde4-dev - UIC compiler and SIP files for PyKDE i python-kde4-doc i python-kde3-dev - KDE3 bindings for Python - Development i python-kde4-dev - UIC compiler and SIP files for PyKDE i python-qt-dev - Qt bindings for Python - Development fi i python-qt4-dev- Development files for PyQt4 i A python-sip4 - Python/C++ bindings generator runtime l p python-sip4-dbg - Python/C++ bindings generator runtime l i python-sip4-dev - Python/C++ bindings generator developme p rtpproxy - Relay for Real-time Transport Protocol p ser - Sip Express Router, very fast and confi p ser-jabber-module - contains the Jabber module (SIP-Jabber p simpleopal- Simple example from the OPAL project p sip-tester- a performance testing tool for the SIP i sip4 ___ What am I missing? :( ___ lilypond-user mailing list
downloads don't work
All the download links for 2.12--stable are broken. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
no download
Hello, I am trying to download versio 2.12 for MacOS Intel, but the link cannot find the server. thanks for help ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Issue 714 in lilypond: let the .ly file specify the output filename
1. If you don't read this thread carefully, you might think that this has already been fixed under Issue 404. Not so. Graham's update was to the effect that this has been verified as an issue and is still waiting implementation. Han-Wen's comment on Issue 404 was that you couldn't fake what was needed using output_suffix. ___ 2. Could I ask the developers that maybe this should be implemented as /outputfile "" As the name is likely to get used for the graphical score out .pdf, .png etc. and will probably also be used as the name for the .mid(i) file outputs. Or would you want to do this with properties, e.g. /layout { outputfile = "foo" } /midi { outputfile = "bar" } Just my 2p worth, Cheers, Ian P.S. is there any way I could contribute to Lily if I only have a Windows only system, or do you have to run Linux to be a grown-up Lily developer? ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: V2.12 downloads don't work
Chip wrote: > All the download links for 2.12--stable are broken. Chip maybe you didn't see John Mandereau's reply to another thread. > >Please use instead > >Best, >John > Cheers, Ian ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: no download
Le dimanche 28 décembre 2008 à 17:36 +, Ignacio a écrit : > Hello, > I am trying to download versio 2.12 for MacOS Intel, but the link cannot > find the server. This is fixed now -- not by me, thanks to the webmaster. Best, John ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea: > What am I missing? :( Please look at the versions of the packages (e.g. using aptitude). python-sip4 and python-sip4-dev: 4,7,7 python-qt4 and python-qt4-dev: 4.4.3 libqt4-core/gui etc. 4.4.3 python-kde4 and -dev: 4:4.1.3 I think your sip is too old :-) Note that all the -dev packages are only needed to build/install Frescobaldi, not to run it. best regards, Wilbert Berendsen -- Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: \lyricsto vs. \set associatedVoice
Op zaterdag 27 december 2008, schreef james: > What exactly is the difference between \lyricsto and \set > associatedVoice? I think \lyricsto is a shorthand for \lyricmode { \set assosiatedVoice ... } so: text = \lyricsto "alto" { bla bla bla } is equivalent to: text = \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = "alto" bla bla bla } Both do not explicitly create an Lyrics context, so you still need to create one: \new Lyrics \text Most times I use \lyricsto and I put the lyricsto in the \score section, like: soprano = \relative c' { c d e f g } sopranoText = \lyricmode { bla bli ble blo blu } \score { << \new Staff \new Voice = "mel" \soprano \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mel" \sopranoText >> } best regards, Wilbert Berendsen -- Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE: ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: [LilyKDE] Re: [ANN] Frescobaldi 0.7 released, a new LilyPond music editor
Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Op zondag 28 december 2008, schreef Grammostola Rosea: What am I missing? :( Please look at the versions of the packages (e.g. using aptitude). python-sip4 and python-sip4-dev: 4,7,7 python-qt4 and python-qt4-dev: 4.4.3 libqt4-core/gui etc. 4.4.3 python-kde4 and -dev: 4:4.1.3 I think your sip is too old :-) Note that all the -dev packages are only needed to build/install Frescobaldi, not to run it. best regards, Wilbert Berendsen Mmh I think the python-qt4-dev is to old.. But when I want to install a newer version..: # aptitude install -t experimental python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Reading extended state information Initializing package states... Done Reading task descriptions... Done The following partially installed packages will be configured: pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 682 not upgraded. Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used. Writing extended state information... Done Setting up python-qt4 (4.4.4-3) ... pycentral: pycentral pkginstall: not overwriting local files pycentral pkginstall: not overwriting local files dpkg: error processing python-qt4 (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of pyqt4-dev-tools: pyqt4-dev-tools depends on python-qt4; however: Package python-qt4 is not configured yet. dpkg: error processing pyqt4-dev-tools (--configure): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured Errors were encountered while processing: python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) A package failed to install. Trying to recover: Setting up python-qt4 (4.4.4-3) ... pycentral: pycentral pkginstall: not overwriting local files pycentral pkginstall: not overwriting local files dpkg: error processing python-qt4 (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of pyqt4-dev-tools: pyqt4-dev-tools depends on python-qt4; however: Package python-qt4 is not configured yet. dpkg: error processing pyqt4-dev-tools (--configure): dependency problems - leaving unconfigured Errors were encountered while processing: python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Reading extended state information Initializing package states... Done Reading task descriptions... Done ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: V2.12 downloads don't work
Ian Hulin wrote: Chip wrote: All the download links for 2.12--stable are broken. Chip maybe you didn't see John Mandereau's reply to another thread. Please use instead Best, John Cheers, Ian You're right - I posted from the web interface on a different machine, and didn't see the previous posts listed in the web page. My mistake, looks like others have also missed the previous posts as well. -- Chip ___ lilypond-user mailing list
GPF with 2.12
Hi, the attached example produces a GPF in lilypond 2.12. Once again there seems to be something wrong with Bar_engraver in the lyrics context. Stefan \version "2.12.00" \include "" discantusNotes = { \clef treble \key g \dorian \time 2/1 \transpose c c \relative c'' { r2 g g1 g2 g g1 c r r2 a a g f2. e8 d e2 a fis fis g1 g2 g g1 c r r2 a a g f d2. cis h cis2 } } discantusLyrics = \lyricmode { Der Mey -- e der Mey -- e bringt uns der blüm -- _ _ _ lein vil der Mey -- e der Mey -- e bringt uns der blüm -- lein __ _ _ _ } % % SCORE % \score { \new StaffGroup = choirStaff << \new Voice = "discantusNotes" << \discantusNotes >> \new Lyrics = "discantusLyrics" \lyricsto discantusNotes { \discantusLyrics } >> \layout { \context { \Score % no bars in staves \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t } \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t } \context { \StaffGroup \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver" } } }___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: rearrange music flow
On 12/27/08 2:52 PM, "Johan Vromans" wrote: > "Carl D. Sorensen" writes: > >> intro = << >> \context Staff = "StaffOne" { >> \context Voice = "VoiceOne" { >> c''4 c'' >> } >> } >> \context Staff = "StaffTwo" { >> \context Voice = "VoiceTwo" { >> c'4 c' >> } >> } >> >> verseOne = << >> \context Staff = "StaffOne" { >> [...] > > Yes, this is what I referred to as "a cumbersome task" :( OK, so automate it with a music function: parallelStaffs = #(define-music-function (parser location firstStaff secondStaff) (ly:music? ly:music?) #{ << \context Staff = "StaffOne" { \context Voice = "VoiceOne" { $firstStaff } } \context Staff = "StaffTwo" { \context Voice = "VoiceTwo" { $secondStaff } } >> #}) intro = \parallelStaffs {c''4 c''} {c'4 c'} verseOne = \parallelStaffs {d''4 d''} {d'4 d'} chorus = \parallelStaffs {e''4 d'' } {e'4 e'} verseTwo = \parallelStaffs {f''4 f''} {f'4 f'} \score { { \intro \verseOne \chorus \verseTwo } } Carl ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: rearrange music flow
"Carl D. Sorensen" writes: > > Yes, this is what I referred to as "a cumbersome task" :( > > OK, so automate it with a music function: That's more like it :) -- Johan ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Compiling on Mac OS X
The problem you are seeing: Assertion failed: (pt->read_pos == pt->read_end), function scm_fill_input, file ports.c, line 978. has to do with a bug in the scheme code that was fixed yesterday afternoon. If you update your source from the git repository, it should work now. Also, a better way to handle the problem with configure finding the wrong FlexLexer.h file is to add the line: FLEXLEXER_FILE = /opt/local/include/FlexLexer.h to local.make. This way when you run the configure script, you will not need to edit config.make anymore as the value in local.make will override it. One other problem you will run into is that the Century Schoolbook fonts will not be found and you need to give configure some help. When I run configure, I use the following parameter: ./configure --with-ncsb-dir=/opt/local/share/ghostscript/fonts I have successfully built lilypond on 10.5 intel. To summarize the steps: 1. Get the latest sources from the git repository. 2. Edit local.make to set the FLEXLEXER_FILE variable. 3. Make sure that /opt/local/bin is in $PATH before /usr/bin 4. make distclean 5. ./configure --with-ncsb-dir=/opt/local/share/ghostscript/fonts 6. make all 7. sudo make install Kim On Dec 28, 2008, at 5:32 AM, August Lilleaas wrote: My $PATH looks like this: /usr/local/mysql/bin /Users/leethal/bin /opt/local/lib/postgresql83/ bin /opt/local/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin / sbin /opt/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/bin So that shouldn't be a problem. Also, the guide I followed told me to edit config.make like you say, so I've already tried that I'm afraid. On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Kim Shrier wrote: The problem is that the configure program finds the wrong FlexLexer.h file. Mac OS X comes with a version of flex that is older than the one needed for lilypond. If you have installed a newer version of flex, the FlexLexer.h file you want is not in /usr/include which is the one that configure will find. I installed a newer version of flex using the macports system and the file you want is /opt/local/include/ FlexLexer.h In order to use the correct flex program and include the correct header, you need to do 2 things: 1. Make sure that /opt/local/bin is in your $PATH environment variable before /usr/bin. This is so that the correct version of flex is run. Make sure this is set properly before running configure. 2. After running the configure script and before you run make, edit the config.make file. Change the line: FLEXLEXER_FILE = /usr/include/FlexLexer.h to FLEXLEXER_FILE = /opt/local/include/FlexLexer.h Then you can run make all. Kim On Dec 27, 2008, at 2:56 PM, Arjan Bos wrote: On 27 dec 2008, at 21:07, August Lilleaas wrote: I were doing this on HEAD. Changed to 2.10.9-1, and (for some reason) doing make, then make all (both yielding errors) and then make worked. After running a couple of minutes, though, this happened: out/ error: no 'int yyFlexLexer::yywrap()' member function declared in class 'yyFlexLexer' Am I the only person that wants to run lilypond on a modern intel mac, or have I overlooked something? I'm having the same problem. What I did to solve this is removing the line containing yywrap in FlexLexer.h. If you've been following Nicolas' guidelines, then that file is: /opt/local/include/FlexLexer.h and the line-number is arround 130 I tried this with HEAD and I get the following: Processing `/usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/ly/generate-' Parsing...[/usr/local/src/lilypond/lilypond/out/share/lilypond/ current/ly/init.lyAssertion failed: (pt->read_pos == pt->read_end), function scm_fill_input, file ports.c, line 978. /bin/sh: line 1: 21318 Abort trap /usr/local/src/ lilypond/lilypond/out/bin/lilypond --verbose /usr/local/src/lilypond/ lilypond/ly/generate-documentation And now I'm at a loss, because I don't have a ports.c file on my computer (according to locate) Can someone chime in here please? Or should I take my quest for Intel Mac OS X Lilypond to a developer list? Kind regards, Arjan Bos ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- Kim Shrier - principal, Shrier and Deihl - Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- August Lilleaas Tlf: (+47) 915 28 701 -- Kim Shrier - principal, Shrier and Deihl - Remote Unix Network Admin, Security, Internet Software Development Tinker Internet Services - Superior FreeBSD-based Web Hosting
Re: \lyricsto vs. \set associatedVoice
Am 28.12.2008 um 20:31 schrieb Wilbert Berendsen: Op zaterdag 27 december 2008, schreef james: What exactly is the difference between \lyricsto and \set associatedVoice? I think \lyricsto is a shorthand for \lyricmode { \set assosiatedVoice ... } so: text = \lyricsto "alto" { bla bla bla } is equivalent to: text = \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = "alto" bla bla bla } Then I have to ask, what is the difference between Text = \context Lyrics { \lyricsto "NumberOne" { Cee } \lyricsto "NumberTwo" { Ray } } TextTwo = \context Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"NumberOne" { Cee4 } \set associatedVoice = #"NumberTwo" { Ray4 } } I was under the impression that {} is a single musical expression, music expressions may be nested, and that music expressions enclosed in {} are sequential. So then, why does the example using \set associatedVoice work and the one using \lyricsto not? In fact, if \lyrics "voice context" {} is equivalent to \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice =#"voice context" } wouldn't my example be expanded as Text = \context Lyrics { \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice =#"NumberOne { Cee4 } } \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"NumberTwo" {Ray4} } } (Which also compiles as expected.) Also, since \set associatedVoice needs to have durations explicitly stated, they can't possibly be the same. … Most times I use \lyricsto and I put the lyricsto in the \score section, like: Except, when it is necessary to switch voices in the lyrics, that's not really possible. Unless somebody knows something I don't. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: avoid slur help
> Once I learned about outside staff-priority, everything was good. > Which for me is the usual situation: I get unexpected output, and > then learn that there's a perfectly acceptable reason for that > output. In this case: outside-staff-priority takes precedence over > avoid-slur. The learning manual and exra-offset were never needed. However, there are situations where you don't have access to the mailing list, and then you have to find it in the docs. Can you suggest where improvements shall be added so that your specific problem is covered? Werner ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: avoid slur help
Am 29.12.2008 um 00:17 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: Once I learned about outside staff-priority, everything was good. Which for me is the usual situation: I get unexpected output, and then learn that there's a perfectly acceptable reason for that output. In this case: outside-staff-priority takes precedence over avoid-slur. The learning manual and exra-offset were never needed. However, there are situations where you don't have access to the mailing list, and then you have to find it in the docs. Can you suggest where improvements shall be added so that your specific problem is covered? Well then I'd have to say that the easiest, and easiest to find thing would be an example in the section on slurs on using the avoid-slur property for Scripts and TextScrips, something akin to the script- priority example next to articulation. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Diatonic/modal transposition function
Hello, This email is a follow-up to I started a new thread because I'm finally not sure whether the code below answers the initial question. I finally managed to write, debug, clean up and document diatonic transposition functions. Here is the full code with some examples below. There are two end-user functions, the generic modeTranspose and a shortcut diatonicTranspose. All these functions except degree-transpose are currently limited to scales and modes of length 7; using scales with different length requires a pitch representation that separates notions of degree and note name, that is, it requires scales definitions different from those currently in ly/ and more complex functions for converting between LilyPond pitch representation and "modal" pitch representation. Please comment the function names and syntax, the Scheme code or whatever. If there is enough interest in using these, I'll write additional documentation and submit a patch for requesting inclusion in LilyPond 2.12.x; otherwise I'll add this on LSR. Enjoy! #(define (true-quotient n d) "Return the one true quotient in integer division of n by d, i.e. return the integer q so that there is a unique integer r that satisfies n = qd + r and 0 <= r < |d|" (if (>= n 0) (quotient n d) (- (quotient n d) 1))) #(define (ly-pitch->modal-pitch ly-pitch scale tonic-c-diff) "Convert ly-pitch to a list (octave degree depresentation) which represents the modal pitch in scale, with tonic-c-diff as the pitch diff from tonic to middle C. scale should be a notename->alteration alist of length 7 which represents the alteration of each note with C as first pitch of the scale." (let* ((normalized-pitch (ly:pitch-transpose ly-pitch tonic-c-diff)) (notename (ly:pitch-notename normalized-pitch))) (list (ly:pitch-octave normalized-pitch) ;; octave notename ;; degree ;; alteration (- (ly:pitch-alteration normalized-pitch) (ly:assoc-get notename scale) #(define (degree-transpose modal-pitch degree-delta scale-length) "Transpose modal-pitch (octave degree alteration) by degree-delta assuming scale-length." (let* ((octave (car modal-pitch)) (degree (cadr modal-pitch)) (alteration (caddr modal-pitch)) (relative-new-degree (+ degree degree-delta))) (list (+ octave (true-quotient relative-new-degree scale-length)) (modulo relative-new-degree scale-length) alteration))) #(define (modal-pitch->ly-pitch modal-pitch scale c-tonic-diff) "Convert modal-pitch -- a list (octave degree alteration) -- to a standard pitch using scale and pitch diff from middle C to tonic. scale should be a notename->alteration alist of length 7 which represents the alteration of each note with C as first pitch of the scale." (let* ((octave (car modal-pitch)) (degree (min 6 (cadr modal-pitch))) (alteration (caddr modal-pitch)) (abs-alteration (+ alteration (ly:assoc-get degree scale (ly:pitch-transpose (ly:make-pitch octave degree abs-alteration) c-tonic-diff))) #(define (lookup-music-property event type) "Return the first music property of the given type found in event, or #f is no such property is found. event should be music or a list of music." (if (null? event) #f (if (list? event) (or (lookup-music-property (car event) type) (lookup-music-property (cdr event) type)) (let ((p (ly:music-property event 'pitch))) (if (not (null? p)) p (let* ((e (ly:music-property event 'element)) (es (ly:music-property event 'elements)) (p2 (if (null? e) '() (lookup-music-property e type (if (not (null? p2)) p2 (lookup-music-property es type #(define (mode-transpose pitch-note1 scale1 degree-delta pitch-note2 scale2 music) (let ((tonic-diff1 (ly:pitch-diff (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0) (lookup-music-property pitch-note1 'pitch))) (tonic-diff2 (ly:pitch-diff (lookup-music-property pitch-note2 'pitch) (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0 (music-map (lambda (event) (let ((p (ly:music-property event 'pitch))) (if (ly:pitch? p) (ly:music-set-property! event 'pitch (modal-pitch->ly-pitch (degree-transpose (ly-pitch->modal-pitch p scale1 tonic-diff1) degree-delta (length scale1)) scale2 tonic-diff2))) event)) music))) modeTranspose = #(define-music-function (parser location pitch-note1 scale1 degree-delta pitch-note2 scale2 music) (ly:music? list? number? ly:music? list? ly:music?) "Transpose music from scale1 on tonic pitch-note1 by degree-delta to scale2 on tonic pitch-note2." (mode-transpose pitch-note1 scale1 degree-delta pitc
ANN: MIDI input plugin for jEdit
Good news, fellow LilyPond-ers! I have written a small jEdit plugin (attached) that converts MIDI key strokes to LilyPond pitches in relative mode. It is also available from Source code can be found at Instructions on manually installing a jEdit plugin are found at Features: - enharmonic resolution in any major/minor key or church mode - distinguishes very well between single pitches and chords, producing chord constructs where needed - supports all LilyPond pitch languages (nederlands, arabic, catalan, deutsch, english, español, italiano, norsk, portugues, suomi, svenska, vlaams) I have tested the plugin successfully with a Roland UM-1 USB MIDI adapter under Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows Vista. Some preliminary testing suggests that I am between 2 and 3.5 times faster at entering pitches with MIDI keyboard than by typing, so I am very happy to have this. The biggest improvements occur when entering keyboard music in keys with many sharps or flats. I believe that this is the first time that MIDI input is available across all three major platforms (but correct me if I'm wrong). Bertalan has expressed interest in including this as part of LilyPondTool at some point in the future, but in the meantime, I hope someone else finds this as helpful as I have. Feedback welcome. Happy New Year, Andrew MidiInput.jar Description: application/java-archive ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: ANN: MIDI input plugin for jEdit
2008/12/29 Andrew Hawryluk : > I believe that this is the first time that MIDI input is available > across all three major platforms (but correct me if I'm wrong). > Bertalan has expressed interest in including this as part of > LilyPondTool at some point in the future, but in the meantime, I hope > someone else finds this as helpful as I have. Feedback welcome. Wow, it's Christmas everywhere around here! I can't wait to see this added to LPT (unfortunately this had to come *after* I've typeset a 500-pages opera in plain code... :-) Cheers, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list
RE: GPF with 2.12
Yes, when I try your sample file using 2.12 on Vista I get: Processing `D:/Documents/Lilypond/test/' Parsing... Interpreting music... [8] Preprocessing graphical objects... programming error: vertical alignment called before line-breaking Processing time: 9 seconds And then a msg from Windows informing me that Lilypond has died: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: lilypond.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp:4950ee14 Fault Module Name:lilypond.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 4950ee14 Exception Code: c005 Exception Offset: 002a8394 OS Version: 6.0.6001. Locale ID:3081 Additional Information 1: fd00 Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160 Additional Information 3: fd00 Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160 Nick > -Original Message- > From: > [] On > Behalf Of Stefan Waler > Sent: Monday, 29 December 2008 07:37 > To: > Subject: GPF with 2.12 > > Hi, > > the attached example produces a GPF in lilypond 2.12. > > Once again there seems to be something wrong with Bar_engraver in the > lyrics context. > > Stefan > > No virus found in this incoming message. > Checked by AVG - > Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.1/1867 - Release Date: > 28/12/2008 14:23 ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: avoid slur help
> > However, there are situations where you don't have access to the > > mailing list, and then you have to find it in the docs. Can you > > suggest where improvements shall be added so that your specific > > problem is covered? > > Well then I'd have to say that the easiest, and easiest to find > thing would be an example in the section on slurs on using the > avoid-slur property for Scripts and TextScrips, something akin to > the script-priority example next to articulation. Sounds sensible. Can you cook up a small example which demonstrates the effect you've sought? We can easily add it to the documentation then. Werner ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: avoid slur help
On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 06:26:41AM +0100, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > Sounds sensible. Can you cook up a small example which > demonstrates the effect you've sought? We can easily add it to > the documentation then. Ideally add it directly to LSR; this greatly simplifies the process of getting it into the docs. Cheers, - Graham ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Compiling on Mac OS X
On 28 dec 2008, at 22:03, Kim Shrier wrote: The problem you are seeing: Assertion failed: (pt->read_pos == pt->read_end), function scm_fill_input, file ports.c, line 978. has to do with a bug in the scheme code that was fixed yesterday afternoon. If you update your source from the git repository, it should work now. Also, a better way to handle the problem with configure finding the wrong FlexLexer.h file is to add the line: FLEXLEXER_FILE = /opt/local/include/FlexLexer.h to local.make. This way when you run the configure script, you will not need to edit config.make anymore as the value in local.make will override it. One other problem you will run into is that the Century Schoolbook fonts will not be found and you need to give configure some help. When I run configure, I use the following parameter: ./configure --with-ncsb-dir=/opt/local/share/ghostscript/fonts I have successfully built lilypond on 10.5 intel. To summarize the steps: 1. Get the latest sources from the git repository. 2. Edit local.make to set the FLEXLEXER_FILE variable. 3. Make sure that /opt/local/bin is in $PATH before /usr/bin 4. make distclean 5. ./configure --with-ncsb-dir=/opt/local/share/ghostscript/fonts 6. make all 7. sudo make install Kim Kim, Many thanks for helping us out! I will try this later tonight. Arjan ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Issue 714 in lilypond: let the .ly file specify the output filename
2. Could I ask the developers that maybe this should be implemented as /outputfile "" As the name is likely to get used for the graphical score out .pdf, .png etc. and will probably also be used as the name for the .mid(i) file outputs. Or would you want to do this with properties, e.g. /layout { outputfile = "foo" } /midi { outputfile = "bar" } Sorry to be pedantic, but any solution would use backslashes (\) , not forward ones (/) :) Just my 2p worth, Cheers, Ian P.S. is there any way I could contribute to Lily if I only have a Windows only system, or do you have to run Linux to be a grown-up Lily developer? No prima facie reason why not, but Lilypond uses the git versioning system, which can be tricky to get running on Windows, or so I'm told. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Diatonic/modal transposition function
John Mandereau wrote: Hello, This email is a follow-up to I started a new thread because I'm finally not sure whether the code below answers the initial question. I finally managed to write, debug, clean up and document diatonic transposition functions. Here is the full code with some examples below. There are two end-user functions, the generic modeTranspose and a shortcut diatonicTranspose. [...] This is very fine piece of work; way better than the "loud and inelegant workarounds" suggested on that other thread. Thanks again. ___ lilypond-user mailing list