Re: problem when producing parts (was: "different rehearsal marksettings...")

2008-06-19 Thread Gilles THIBAULT

Mats said

I don't really see the point of using
a separate MarkLine context for the individual parts

By curiosity, i simply test this MarkLine in an example (using Haipeng 
music) :

\version "2.11"
allegroassai = \markup { \bold \italic "Allegro assai" }
agitato = \markup { \bold \italic "Agitato" }
moltocresc = \markup { \bold \italic "Molto cresc." }

Imarks = \relative c' {
   \tempo 2=76 s1*4 |
   s1*11^\allegroassai \mark \default |
   s1*8^\agitato \mark \default |

IfluteI = \relative c''' {
   \clef treble \key f \minor \time 2/2
   R1*4 |
   aes2->\f f-> | ees'4-.-> c2.-> |
   bes16-> aes-> f8-.-> r4 r2 | R1 | R1 |
   aes2-> f-> | ees'4-.-> c2.-> |
   bes16-> aes-> f8-.-> r4 r2 | R1*3 |
   R1*8 |
\score {
 \new MarkLine \Imarks
 \new Staff
  { \set Score.skipBars = ##t \IfluteI }
\layout {
 \context {
  \name "MarkLine"
  \remove "Clef_engraver"
  \remove "Key_engraver"
  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
  %%\remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" %% Marks seems to need this 

  \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #0
  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-2 . 2 )
 \context {
  \accepts "MarkLine"

Well, ... i think that the traditionnal way :
\new Staff
 \set Score.skipBars = ##t

produce a nicer output, but perhaps it can be usefull in same 

Perhaps, some tweaks too, have to be done.


lilypond-user mailing list

syntax question

2008-06-19 Thread James E. Bailey
I don't quite understand what the difference between score and Score  
are. I'm sure this is discussed in some documentation somewhere, but I  
just don't know where to look. Can someone point me in the right  

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: syntax question

2008-06-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
A \score{...} block is a syntactical construct, which internally creates 
a Score context (among others).
It is also possible to explicitly instantiate a Score context, but I 
don't really see the added value of
doing it (even though I seem to recall that there was some specific 
reason to introduce this possibility).


James E. Bailey wrote:
I don't quite understand what the difference between score and Score 
are. I'm sure this is discussed in some documentation somewhere, but I 
just don't know where to look. Can someone point me in the right 

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: syntax question

2008-06-19 Thread James E. Bailey
Printing marks on every staff

Although text marks are normally only printed above the topmost staff,  
they may also be printed on every staff.

   \new Score \with {
 \remove "Mark_engraver"
 \new Staff \with {
   \consists "Mark_engraver"
 { c''1 \mark "molto" c'' }
 \new Staff \with {
   \consists "Mark_engraver"
 { c'1 \mark "molto" c' }
That's the only place I've ever seen a Score. But it's a context, I'll  
read up on it.

Am 19.06.2008 um 13:43 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:

A \score{...} block is a syntactical construct, which internally  
creates a Score context (among others).
It is also possible to explicitly instantiate a Score context, but I  
don't really see the added value of
doing it (even though I seem to recall that there was some specific  
reason to introduce this possibility).


James E. Bailey wrote:
I don't quite understand what the difference between score and  
Score are. I'm sure this is discussed in some documentation  
somewhere, but I just don't know where to look. Can someone point  
me in the right direction?

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
  Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Figured Bass - vertical position and symbol over rest

2008-06-19 Thread Arno Rog

I am trying to engrave a Bach cantata using lilypond (latest devel. version
on WinXP) So far no problems I can't handle (except for the sheer magnitude
of this 'job')

Until now, the figured bass.

Problem is that using the Staff context the figures/symbols are way to low 
beneath the notes (it looks like they belong to the notes on the staff below)

Using \new FiguredBass I am unable to print figures/symbols/extenders
below a rest. This is quite customary in figured bass and is becoming
somewhat of a show-stopper.

Digging through the mailing-list archive it looks like this has been
mentioned before, but I'm unable to find a solution/workaround?

Is there a solution?

Thanks in advance,

Arno Rog

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: not-so-ancient flags

2008-06-19 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008 schrieb madhg:
> Valentin Villenave wrote:
> > I'd be ready to add this as an Enhancement request; can you find a
> > better picture please?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Valentin
> Good, thank you.  These are all keyboard music, scanned from published
> facsimiles (which are clearly produced and don't need transcribing).
> C. P. E. Bach Fortsetzung ... Sonaten 1761

Actually, adding different flags in lilypond is quite simple: Simply use
\override Stem #'flag-style = #'flagstylename
and lilypond will use the characters "flags.flagstylename[ud][3456]" as flags.

Now, to implement straight flags, all one has to do is to create glyphs named 
flags.straightu3, flags.straightd3, etc.!

Attached is a first attempt to do this, plus a sample file showing the 
new "straight", the "mensural" and the default flag styles. The PDF of the 
sample file can be found at:

I'm encountering two problems:

1) The glyph "flags.straightd3" is not found by lilypond (although it exists 
and appears in the PDF!), so it cannot be properly positioned... The error 
message is: Warnung: Fähnchen »straightd3« nicht gefunden

2) I'm using y_mirror_char; to create the flags for downwards stems, but it 
seems that in this case the outlines are not properly merged (i.e. the stem 
and the flags are not AND'ed), but instead XOR'ed, as the attached screenshot 
of the glyph shows (I opened the otf file in fontforge). If I don't use 
y_mirror_char, all the outlines are properly merged...


Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",
<>diff --git a/mf/ b/mf/
index e3d5637..6e12b98 100644
--- a/mf/
+++ b/mf/
@@ -468,4 +468,115 @@ fet_beginchar ("64th (down)", "d6");
+% Straight flags (old, but not ancient, style)
+save straight_flag_angle, straight_upflag_length, straight_downflag_length, straight_flag_thickness;
+straight_flag_angle = -37;
+straight_upflag_length# = .65 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2;
+straight_downflag_length# = .833 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2;
+straight_flag_thickness# = 0.5 staff_space#;
+define_pixels (straight_upflag_length, straight_downflag_length, straight_flag_thickness);
+save straight_flag_path;
+path straight_flag_path;
+def draw_straight_flag (expr center, len, angle, thickness) =
+	clearxy;
+	pickup pencircle xscaled 7 yscaled thickness;
+	z1 = center;
+	z2 = z1 + len * dir(angle);
+	straight_flag_path := z1 -- z2;
+	draw straight_flag_path;
+def add_straight_flag (expr yoff, len, angle, thickness) =
+	save prev_center;
+	pair prev_center, center;
+	prev_center = point 0 of straight_flag_path;
+	center = prev_center + (0, yoff);
+	draw_straight_flag (center, len, angle, thickness);
+def create_straight_flag_char (expr flag_count, len, lenhash) = 
+	save flagspace, depth, width;
+	flagspace# = 0.9 staff_space#;
+	define_pixels (flagspace);
+	(width#, depth#) = lenhash * dir (straight_flag_angle)
+	 + (stemthickness# / 2, straight_flag_thickness#)
+	 + (0, flagspace# * (flag_count-1));
+	set_char_box (0, width#, depth#, stemthickness# / 2);
+	draw_straight_flag (
+		(0, -straight_flag_thickness / 2), 
+		len, straight_flag_angle, straight_flag_thickness);
+	for n=2 upto flag_count:
+		add_straight_flag(-flagspace, len, 
+  straight_flag_angle, straight_flag_thickness);
+	endfor
+	draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded, -flag_count*staff_space_rounded), (0, 0));
+fet_beginchar ("straight 8th Flag (up)", "straightu3");
+	create_straight_flag_char (1, straight_upflag_length, straight_upflag_length#);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 16th Flag (up)", "straightu4");
+	create_straight_flag_char (2, straight_upflag_length, straight_upflag_length#);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 32nd Flag (up)", "straightu5");
+	create_straight_flag_char (3, straight_upflag_length, straight_upflag_length#);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 64th Flag (up)", "straightu6");
+	create_straight_flag_char (4, straight_upflag_length, straight_upflag_length#);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 8th (down)", "straightd3");
+	create_straight_flag_char (1, straight_downflag_length, straight_downflag_length#);
+	y_mirror_char;
+fet_beginchar ("straight 16th (down)", "straightd4");
+	create_straight_flag_char (2, straight_downflag_length, straight_downflag_lengt

Re: not-so-ancient flags

2008-06-19 Thread madhg

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Actually, adding different flags in lilypond is quite simple: Simply use
> \override Stem #'flag-style = #'flagstylename
> and lilypond will use the characters "flags.flagstylename[ud][3456]" as
> flags.
> Now, to implement straight flags, all one has to do is to create glyphs
> named 
> flags.straightu3, flags.straightd3, etc.!
> Attached is a first attempt to do this, plus a sample file showing the 
> new "straight", the "mensural" and the default flag styles. The PDF of the 
> sample file can be found at:

Looks pretty good. Just one comment: in the 18th century prints, the
horizontal extent of the flag is comparable with the note-head, maybe
slightly smaller.  In your sample I think the flag is rather smaller (right
now my browser can't access the pdf file).  I think the note would look
better with a larger flag, as well as more like the 18th century examples,
from quite carefully engraved and elegant editions.

Anyway, congratulations and thanks for this quick response to my suggestion!

David Griffel

View this message in context:
Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Figured Bass - vertical position and symbol over rest

2008-06-19 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Am Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008 schrieb Arno Rog:
> Problem is that using the Staff context the figures/symbols are way to low
> beneath the notes (it looks like they belong to the notes on the staff
> below)

Yes, that's also a problem I'm encountering 

> Using \new FiguredBass I am unable to print figures/symbols/extenders
> below a rest. This is quite customary in figured bass and is becoming
> somewhat of a show-stopper.

Huh, the figured bass mode is not even aware of rests or notes in the staff, 
so there is realy no reason why it shouldn't work. See the attached example 
for how well it works...


Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",
\version "2.11.48"


  \new Staff = someUniqueName
  \relative c'' {
c4 c8 r8 r4 c

  \context Staff = someUniqueName 
  \new FiguredBass \figuremode {
\set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t
<4>4 <4>8 <4>8

<6>4 <4 6>

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: not-so-ancient flags

2008-06-19 Thread Tim Reeves

I noticed that on the second staff (downward stems), the eighth notes have 
their flags all in the C space, rather than at the end of their stems. Do 
you know why that happened?

Tim Reeves

original message:

06/19/2008 09:05 AM
Please respond to


lilypond-user Digest, Vol 67, Issue 68

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 07:50:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: madhg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: not-so-ancient flags
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Actually, adding different flags in lilypond is quite simple: Simply use
> \override Stem #'flag-style = #'flagstylename
> and lilypond will use the characters "flags.flagstylename[ud][3456]" as
> flags.
> Now, to implement straight flags, all one has to do is to create glyphs
> named 
> flags.straightu3, flags.straightd3, etc.!
> Attached is a first attempt to do this, plus a sample file showing the 
> new "straight", the "mensural" and the default flag styles. The PDF of 
> sample file can be found at:

Looks pretty good. Just one comment: in the 18th century prints, the
horizontal extent of the flag is comparable with the note-head, maybe
slightly smaller.  In your sample I think the flag is rather smaller 
now my browser can't access the pdf file).  I think the note would look
better with a larger flag, as well as more like the 18th century examples,
from quite carefully engraved and elegant editions.

Anyway, congratulations and thanks for this quick response to my 

David Griffel

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: not-so-ancient flags

2008-06-19 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> Attached is a first attempt to do this, plus a sample file showing
> the new "straight", the "mensural" and the default flag styles.

Attached is a patch which fixes the metrics and glyph shapes so that
the straight flags convert nicely to PS outlines.  IMHO, the shapes
are ready for inclusion now into lilypond.  However, the rest is
untested, and I don't have time to write the documentation.

> 1) The glyph "flags.straightd3" is not found by lilypond (although
> it exists and appears in the PDF!), so it cannot be properly
> positioned... The error message is:
> Warnung: Fähnchen »straightd3« nicht
> gefunden

No time to test this.

> 2) I'm using y_mirror_char; to create the flags for downwards stems,
> but it seems that in this case the outlines are not properly merged
> (i.e. the stem and the flags are not AND'ed), but instead XOR'ed, as
> the attached screenshot of the glyph shows (I opened the otf file in
> fontforge). If I don't use y_mirror_char, all the outlines are
> properly merged...

With the changed outline now everything seems to be fine (but I
haven't had problems before either).


--- ./ 00:13:51.0 +0200
+++ ./parmesan-macros.mf2008-06-19 21:53:16.0 +0200
@@ -70,27 +70,6 @@
-% Get subpath specified by `dir_in' and `dir_out' of `curve'
-% which is then shifted by `offset'.  Assure that result has
-% the same orientation as `curve'.
-def get_subpath (expr curve, dir_in, dir_out, offset) =
-   begingroup;
-   save t_in, t_out;
-   t_in := directiontime dir_in of curve;
-   t_out := directiontime dir_out of curve;
-   if t_in > t_out:
-   t_out := t_out + length curve;
-   fi;
-   (subpath (t_in, t_out) of curve) shifted offset
-   endgroup
 % Get point specified by `dir_' of `curve' which is then
 % shifted by `offset'.
--- ./ 17:08:23.0 +0200
+++ ./feta-banier.mf2008-06-19 22:24:45.0 +0200
@@ -468,4 +468,123 @@
+% Straight flags (old, but not ancient, style)
+save straight_flag_angle, straight_upflag_length;
+save straight_downflag_length, straight_flag_thickness;
+straight_flag_angle = -37;
+straight_upflag_length# = .65 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2;
+straight_downflag_length# = .833 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2;
+straight_flag_thickness# = 0.5 staff_space#;
+define_pixels (straight_upflag_length, straight_downflag_length);
+define_pixels (straight_flag_thickness);
+save straight_flag_path;
+path straight_flag_path;
+def draw_straight_flag (expr center, len, angle, thickness) =
+   clearxy;
+   save ellipse, T;
+   path ellipse;
+   transform T;
+   T := identity xscaled blot_diameter
+ yscaled thickness;
+   pickup pencircle transformed T;
+   ellipse := reverse fullcircle transformed T;
+   z1 = center;
+   z2 = z1 + len * dir (angle);
+   fill top z1
+-- get_subpath (ellipse, z2 - z1, z1 - z2, z2)
+-- bot z1
+-- cycle;
+def create_straight_flag_char (expr flag_count, len, lenhash) = 
+   save flagspace, depth, width;
+   flagspace# = 0.9 staff_space#;
+   define_pixels (flagspace);
+   (width#, depth#) = lenhash * dir (-straight_flag_angle)
+  + (blot_diameter# / 2, straight_flag_thickness#)
+  + (0, flagspace# * (flag_count - 1));
+   set_char_box (0, width#, depth#, stemthickness# / 2);
+   for n = 1 upto flag_count:
+   draw_straight_flag ((0, -flagspace * (n - 1)
+ - straight_flag_thickness / 2),
+   len,
+   straight_flag_angle,
+   straight_flag_thickness);
+   endfor
+   draw_square_block ((-0.5 stemthickness_rounded,
+-flag_count * flagspace), (0, 0));
+fet_beginchar ("straight 8th Flag (up)", "straightu3");
+   create_straight_flag_char (1, straight_upflag_length,
+  straight_upflag_length#);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 16th Flag (up)", "straightu4");
+   create_straight_flag_char (2, straight_upflag_length,
+  straight_upflag_length#);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 32nd Flag (up)", "straightu5");
+   create_straight_flag_char (3, straight_upflag_length,
+  straight_upflag_length#);
+fet_beginchar ("straight 64th Flag (up)", "straightu6");
+   create_straight_flag_char (4, straight_upflag_length,
+  straight_upflag_length#);

Re: not-so-ancient flags

2008-06-19 Thread luis jure

on 2008-06-19 at 16:21 Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:

>Actually, adding different flags in lilypond is quite simple:

great, actually i've been wanting to ask this for a long time, but not
related to old notation styles but rather to more "contemporary"
practices. it has been quite common for the last 50+ years to use
straight flags. see the attached image from stockhausen's zeitmasze
(1956). note also that the straight flag also applies to the

>Now, to implement straight flags, all one has to do is to create
>glyphs named flags.straightu3, flags.straightd3, etc.!

i guess i have to apply your patch (and werner's) to the sources and
recompile lilypond, right? is it OK to patch against 2.11.49 sources?

another question: i find your flags a bit small (and too slanted)
compared to the example from stockie's score (see attached image). how
can i modify the file to get what i want? i guess the relevant lines

+straight_flag_angle = -37;
+straight_upflag_length# = .65 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# /
+straight_downflag_length# = .833 black_notehead_width# +
stemthickness# / 2; 
+straight_flag_thickness# = 0.5 staff_space#;

how do you proceed? by trial and error, modifying those values,
compiling and looking at the results? please excuse my ignorance, but i
know nothing about programming.

thanks for your attention,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: not-so-ancient flags

2008-06-19 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> i guess i have to apply your patch (and werner's)

Only my patch.

> to the sources and recompile lilypond, right? is it OK to patch
> against 2.11.49 sources?


> how can i modify the file to get what i want?
> +straight_flag_angle = -37;
> +straight_upflag_length# = .65 black_notehead_width# + stemthickness# / 2; 
> +straight_downflag_length# = .833 black_notehead_width# +
> stemthickness# / 2; 
> +straight_flag_thickness# = 0.5 staff_space#;
> how do you proceed? by trial and error, modifying those values,
> compiling and looking at the results?

Usually yes.  If you find good values, we can still check that later
on to parameterize if needed.


lilypond-user mailing list

Is there a way to force a bar to have a smaller width?

2008-06-19 Thread Steven Weber
I'm writing some harp glissandos, where the first several notes of the gliss
are written out for accidentals, then the rest of the measure is just the
wavy gliss line to the next note.  I've got it looking right, except there's
way too much empty space at the end of the measure.


\version "2.11.49"

\include ""



\new Staff


\time 3/4

\clef bass

\override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag

as,32[ bf, cs df e ff \set
stemRightBeamCount = #3 gs] \glissando s32*17 |

e'4 r r |




I'm sure it's the s32*17 that's causing the problem, but I'm not sure what
to do to tell Lilypond to only take up 1 (or 2) additional 32's worth of
space.  Any hints?





lilypond-user mailing list

\transposition normalized

2008-06-19 Thread Jay Anderson
If I have a section like:

\relative c'
  \time 4/4
  \transposition f
  c e g c |
  \transposition ees
  c, e g c |
  \transposition d
  c, e g c |

Is there an easy way to change it all to the same key for printing?

Something like '\normalizeTransposition f \music' would be equivalent to:

\relative c'
  \time 4/4
  \transposition f
  c e g c |
  bes, d f bes |
  a, cis e a |



lilypond-user mailing list