This is a test

2008-02-04 Thread Daniel Tonda
This is a test...

Daniel Tonda C.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Solution for: 2.11.38 LSR Adding accidentals to a trillspanner

2008-02-04 Thread Risto Vääräniemi
Dear Paul,

On 04/02/2008, Paul Scott wrote:
> Can someone tell me how to fix this?

Sorry, I can't. I have a workaround, though. :-) I had to find a way
to make a pitched trill and came up with this. However, the solution
is not ideal. If you change the size of the trill mark, you have to
find new values for the stencil-offset.

The mail thread:


\version "2.11.37"

trstyle =
\override TextSpanner   #'style = #'trill
\override TextSpanner   #'edge-height = #'(0 . 1)

trflatstartI =
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-offset =
#'(-0.3 . 0.15)
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text =
\markup{\musicglyph #"scripts.trill"
\raise #1.0 \smaller \flat}

trflatstartII =
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-align-dir-y = #CENTER
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'stencil-offset =
#'(-0.6 . 0.85)
\override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text =
\markup{ \column{\tiny\smaller\smaller\smaller{\flat}
{\musicglyph #"scripts.trill"}}}

\relative c'
f2.. \startTrillSpan f8 \stopTrillSpan |
\trflatstartI f2..^\startTextSpan f8 \stopTextSpan |
\trflatstartII f2..^\startTextSpan f8 \stopTextSpan |

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondtool for linux

2008-02-04 Thread Stefan Thomas

Dear Nicholas,
I downloaded jedit 4.3 pre 9 and it works now!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: recorder fingering chart

2008-02-04 Thread Libero Mureddu
Thanks Mats,
so strange, I tried so many times to use slashed-digit, and I was
always getting some errors... now it works...

I post here the complete example of the chart I'm working on; I want
to post it to lsr, but I'd prefer to get some suggestion from the list

And I have also a question: I'd like to put the footnotes  (the
explanations about the notes marked with "1)" and "2)" below the
example, and keeping the same line-width, however, if I put a \book{}
around the score, and a \markup under the score, I lose somehow the
\paper settings.
Any suggestion?

Thanks a lot,

% range chart for paetzold contrabass recorder
% lilypond -dbackend=eps (for pdf fragment)
\version "2.11.38"
stemoff = { \override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t }
centermarkup = {
\once \override TextScript #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER
\once \override TextScript #'X-offset =#(ly:make-simple-closure
   ,(ly:make-simple-closure (list
   ,(ly:make-simple-closure (list

\score {
\new Staff \with {\remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
\clef bass
\set Score.timing = ##f
\stemoff f,1*1/4 \glissando
\clef violin
\stemDown a'4^\markup{1)}
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2
bes'1*1/4_\markup{\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.7) \column
{ \fontsize #-5 \slashed-digit #0 \finger 1 \finger 2 \finger 3 
\finger 4
\finger 5 \finger 6 \finger 7} }
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #2
\once \override Staff.HorizontalBracket #'direction = #UP
e''1*1/4_\markup{\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.7) \column
{ \fontsize #-5 \slashed-digit #0 \finger 1 \finger 2 \finger 4
\finger 5} }\startGroup

\layout {
 \context {
   \Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"

  bookTitleMarkup = ##f
  scoreTitleMarkup = ##f

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Choral lyrics assistance, please.

2008-02-04 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:59:17 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  ... there's no need to use 
> \book here. If you just remove the "\book {" and matching "}", you will 
> get exactly the same result. If there's any information left in the 
> current manual that indicates that you need to explicitly specify the 
> \book command, please tell us, so we can clarify this issue
> even further.

This was the route I took through the docs, once I had thought about using two 
separate scores to achieve what I wanted.
Docs versions 2.11.37 (but a quick check shows that they are the same in .38).

LM 3.1.1 : "The \book command allows several \score blocks to be combined into 
one output." and then a link to NR 3.1.3.

By this time (as others have said on the list) I was looking for 'how-to', 
rather than 'if necessary'.  However, consider also:

LM 3.3.2 : "There can be only one top level context: the Score context. This is 
created with the \score command, or, in simple scores, it is created 

So, the use of \book seemed to be the way to have two \score in one file.  I 
agree that NR 3.1.3 says quite clearly that \book is not necessary, but I 
didn't stay there very long. ;-)  The next step was to search LSR for '\book' 
(still looking for usage examples, rather than if it was necessary) and I found 
id=300, with example code for using \book.  I tried it and it worked, after 
some juggling with \paper.  I have to confess that I didn't search the list for 
\book because it was working by now.  If I had searched, I would have found 
that it wasn't necessary (I think that you have posted to two different 
questions just in the last couple of weeks -- sorry!) 

With this kind of forensic analysis, it's easy to see the silly mistakes and 
assumptions that I made.  I try to be reasonably diligent in researching as 
much as possible (hey, I'm the guy that never switches _anything_ on until I 
have read the instruction book!) but I could have done better, perhaps.  I'm 
not sure that I would ever have arrived at the solution offered by Trevor -- 
I'm not entirely clear why concurrent lyrics cannot be placed immediately after 
the Voice with which they are associated.  However, I will bank that experience 
now that I have met it.

More generally, I have found the tolerance of LilyPond with simple input, to be 
a two-edged sword.  It can be very useful for ease of entry and to get started 
with producing fantastic output, but it has lured me into a coding style which 
is not very robust for more complicated stuff.  After starting off using braces 
and angle-brackets very diligently, I found that many of them were not 
necessary, so they fell by the way.  Studying .ly output from NoteEdit, Canorus 
and LilyPondTool also led me to make assumptions when I should not have done, I 

Anyway, I'm not sure that there is any immediate document change to be made -- 
just put it down to newbie errors!  The existing documentation for LilyPond is 
undoubtedly the best I have found for any FOSS software.  Just don't expect to 
make it newbie-proof!

Best regards,

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext deleting half a GrandStaff

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Reinhold,

Or the hint in the last paragraph of
That way, none of the Staves of the GrandStaff will be removed, but  
the staff

for the feet will.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext deleting half a GrandStaff

2008-02-04 Thread Reinhold Kainhofer
Hash: SHA1

Am Montag, 4. Februar 2008 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
> Hi Steve,
> p.s. Another solution can be found at

Or the hint in the last paragraph of
That way, none of the Staves of the GrandStaff will be removed, but the staff 
for the feet will.


- -- 
- --
Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson

As you may have noticed, the system separators is not the only thing
that's not included when you use lilypond-book. Also such aspects as the
spacing between the systems is lost. The reason is that every system is
typeset as a separate .eps file, which LaTeX treats as a separate figure.
Of course, the reason is that LaTeX should take care of the page breaking,
but there are also clear disadvantages as you have noticed.

What you can do is to define the LaTeX command \betweenLilyPondSystem
to do whatever you prefer, for example to print a system separator. I don't
have any good suggestion for what LaTeX symbol to use, for the moment, 


Daniel Tonda wrote:
I don't seem to get the "//" systemSeparator when using latex and 

I've been searching and can't find any pointers.

I put this code in a lilypond file, and when compiled by itself it 
shows fine in the final pdf, but if I use it in latex I don't get the 

\paper {
  between-system-space = 1.5\cm
  between-system-padding = #10
  systemSeparatorMarkup = \slashSeparator

Daniel Tonda C.

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Piano Templates

2008-02-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Trevor Daniels wrote:


This looks really good, and I've registered.  But
I can't see any easy way to "just copy it" if I
want to suggest an improvement.  Any suggestions?

Click on "Snippet database". Search for the snippet you want to copy and
double click on that line, which should open a new window with all the
information from the database. Go back to the snippet database window,
click on "New element" which brings another new window with empty
fields. Now it's easy to copy/paste from the old to the new snippet.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
Now why on earth would I want to insert a \pageBreak inside a
score which is less than a single page?  :)

Again, I haven't tried this in four years (I just tried compiling
my old project, but it needs some manual convert-ly attention),
but it certainly works for multi-page files.  I think my longest
\book was eight pages.

- Graham

On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:38:07 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for reminding me! Yes, if your score is less than a single
> page and you want it to appear exactly the same as in a standalone
> LilyPond generated score, then the simple solution is just to add a
> \book{...} around the full example, which makes lilypond-book typeset
> the full score as a single .eps file.
> Graham Percival wrote:
> > Isn't this one of the only reasons to ever use \book?  I remember
> > using \book to get a \pageBreak inside a lilypond-book project...
> > but that was about four years ago, so things may have changed
> > since then.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > - Graham
> >
> > On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:22:49 +0100
> > Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> As you may have noticed, the system separators is not the only
> >> thing that's not included when you use lilypond-book. Also such
> >> aspects as the spacing between the systems is lost. The reason is
> >> that every system is typeset as a separate .eps file, which LaTeX
> >> treats as a separate figure. Of course, the reason is that LaTeX
> >> should take care of the page breaking, but there are also clear
> >> disadvantages as you have noticed.
> >>
> >> What you can do is to define the LaTeX command
> >> \betweenLilyPondSystem to do whatever you prefer, for example to
> >> print a system separator. I don't have any good suggestion for
> >> what LaTeX symbol to use, for the moment, though.
> >>
> >> /Mats
> >>
> >> Daniel Tonda wrote:
> >> 
> >>> I don't seem to get the "//" systemSeparator when using latex and 
> >>> lilypond.
> >>>
> >>> I've been searching and can't find any pointers.
> >>>
> >>> I put this code in a lilypond file, and when compiled by itself
> >>> it shows fine in the final pdf, but if I use it in latex I don't
> >>> get the separator.
> >>>
> >>> \paper {
> >>>   between-system-space = 1.5\cm
> >>>   between-system-padding = #10
> >>>   ragged-bottom=##f
> >>>   ragged-last-bottom=##f
> >>>   systemSeparatorMarkup = \slashSeparator
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> -- 
> >>> Daniel Tonda C.
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> lilypond-user mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>>   
> >> -- 
> >> =
> >>Mats Bengtsson
> >>Signal Processing
> >>Signals, Sensors and Systems
> >>Royal Institute of Technology
> >>SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
> >>Sweden
> >>Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
> >> Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
> >>WWW:
> >> =
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> lilypond-user mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >
> >
> > ___
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >   
> -- 
> =
>   Mats Bengtsson
>   Signal Processing
>   Signals, Sensors and Systems
>   Royal Institute of Technology
>   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>   Sweden
>   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
> Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>   WWW:
> =

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Piano Templates

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
And before anybody says anything, adding a simple button for this
this is already on the TODO list for LSR.

- Graham

On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:27:13 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Trevor Daniels wrote:
> > Valentin
> >
> > This looks really good, and I've registered.  But
> > I can't see any easy way to "just copy it" if I
> > want to suggest an improvement.  Any suggestions?
> >   
> Click on "Snippet database". Search for the snippet you want to copy
> and double click on that line, which should open a new window with
> all the information from the database. Go back to the snippet
> database window, click on "New element" which brings another new
> window with empty fields. Now it's easy to copy/paste from the old to
> the new snippet.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
Isn't this one of the only reasons to ever use \book?  I remember
using \book to get a \pageBreak inside a lilypond-book project...
but that was about four years ago, so things may have changed
since then.

- Graham

On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:22:49 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As you may have noticed, the system separators is not the only thing
> that's not included when you use lilypond-book. Also such aspects as
> the spacing between the systems is lost. The reason is that every
> system is typeset as a separate .eps file, which LaTeX treats as a
> separate figure. Of course, the reason is that LaTeX should take care
> of the page breaking, but there are also clear disadvantages as you
> have noticed.
> What you can do is to define the LaTeX command \betweenLilyPondSystem
> to do whatever you prefer, for example to print a system separator. I
> don't have any good suggestion for what LaTeX symbol to use, for the
> moment, though.
> /Mats
> Daniel Tonda wrote:
> > I don't seem to get the "//" systemSeparator when using latex and 
> > lilypond.
> >
> > I've been searching and can't find any pointers.
> >
> > I put this code in a lilypond file, and when compiled by itself it 
> > shows fine in the final pdf, but if I use it in latex I don't get
> > the separator.
> >
> > \paper {
> >   between-system-space = 1.5\cm
> >   between-system-padding = #10
> >   ragged-bottom=##f
> >   ragged-last-bottom=##f
> >   systemSeparatorMarkup = \slashSeparator
> > }
> >
> > -- 
> > Daniel Tonda C.
> > 
> >
> > ___
> > lilypond-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >   
> -- 
> =
>   Mats Bengtsson
>   Signal Processing
>   Signals, Sensors and Systems
>   Royal Institute of Technology
>   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>   Sweden
>   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
> Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>   WWW:
> =
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:23:08 -0500
"Palmer, Ralph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --
> My copy of The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers, Fourth Edition,
> (1996), under "Problems with that, which, and who?" says,
>   Understand that both essential (restrictive) and
> nonessential (nonrestrictive) clauses may begin with which. A clause
> introduced by that will almost always be essential. No commas are used
> around such clauses. . . . Context and punctuation, however, determine
> whether a which clause is essential or nonessential. If the clause is
> essential, no commas separate it from the rest of the sentence; if
> nonessential, commas enclose the clause. (Emphasis in the original.)

Interesting!  I must admit that I found nothing objectionable with
the "which"es that Kurt suggested replacing with "that"...
actually, in a few cases, I thought that "which" sounded better.
But I've always avoided learning anything about grammar[1], so I
didn't mind replacing them.

[1]  As a native English speaker, I don't see the point -- I can
speak and write perfectly well without knowing any formal rules of
grammar.  Actually, when I started learning Japanese, I was
confused when the lesson was talking about "subject" and "object",
and had to look it up.

For anybody who thinks that knowledge of formal grammar is
necessary to be a good writer, I have a challenge: sit down and
write the complete rule for pluralization in English.  At a
minimum, what is the general rule which tells you how to pluralize
"foot" and "boot"?  I bet that there's less than a hundred people
on the planet who could formalize anything approaching a complete
rule for English pluralization... yet millions of people can do it
perfectly, recognize and correct mistakes, etc.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Scheme: Is there a make-right-align-markup?

2008-02-04 Thread Risto Vääräniemi
Dear All,

OK. I must admit that there's no such thing. I just wanted to get your
attention. :-)

I've been searching for a scheme function that I could use for
aligning markups on their right edges. I found a solution for
centering them (below) and it uses a function / procedure called
make-center-align-markup. It centers the texts alright. If I use
make-column-markup I get a column thats aligned on the left edge.

How to get the texts aligned to the right? I tried to add
#:right-align and #:column to various places but they didn't work or
caused errors. I consider myself as a newbie scheme user and perhaps
this is still out of my league. :-)

Why I don't simply do that directly at the Staff.instrumentName?
Because I've got that song book I'm writing and I'd like to be able to
adjust the instrument name (and other) settings for all the songs in
one place (an .ily file).

Is there a complete list of Lilypond scheme functions and their usage
(an API)? I tried to search for the make-center-align-markup in the
docs but couldn't find any reference to it.


%%% Snip %%%
\version "2.11.37"

#(define-markup-command (instruments layout props markups) (markup-list?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
(#:override '(baseline-skip . 2.8)
(markup (make-center-align-markup markups))

\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \instruments { Soprano Alto }
%%% END %%%

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26

2008-02-04 Thread Palmer, Ralph
Greetings -

Kurt wrote:


Generally -- "which" and "that" have specific uses that we aren't
very well. "That" introduces a restrictive subclause and should not be
preceded by a comma. Removing this clause changes the meaning of the
sentence, usually by making it more general.  On the other hand, "which"
introduces an informative (but non-restrictive) subclause and should be
preceded by a comma.  I replaced which with that below (and in my
email) where the following clause was restrictive and couldn't be
without generalizing the meaning of the sentence.


My copy of The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers, Fourth Edition,
(1996), under "Problems with that, which, and who?" says,
Understand that both essential (restrictive) and
nonessential (nonrestrictive) clauses may begin with which. A clause
introduced by that will almost always be essential. No commas are used
around such clauses. . . . Context and punctuation, however, determine
whether a which clause is essential or nonessential. If the clause is
essential, no commas separate it from the rest of the sentence; if
nonessential, commas enclose the clause. (Emphasis in the original.)

That being said, I am not opposed to trying to maintain consistency.


Ralph Palmer, CEM
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Graham,

I bet that there's less than a hundred people

You mean "I bet there are fewer than..."  ;-)

In all seriousness, while it may be true that "knowledge of formal  
grammar is [not] necessary to be a good writer", it is undeniable  
that better grammarians make better writers, all other things being  

That is to say, content presented with bad grammar is less easy/ 
interesting/enjoyable to read than the same content written  
"correctly" -- and the content is therefore less effective at  
accomplishing its main purpose, which is communication.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Stan Sanderson

On Feb 4, 2008, at 9:19 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Graham,

I bet that there's less than a hundred people

You mean "I bet there are fewer than..."  ;-)

In all seriousness, while it may be true that "knowledge of formal  
grammar is [not] necessary to be a good writer", it is undeniable  
that better grammarians make better writers, all other things being  

That is to say, content presented with bad grammar is less easy/ 
interesting/enjoyable to read than the same content written  
"correctly" -- and the content is therefore less effective at  
accomplishing its main purpose, which is communication.


lilypond-user mailing list

Might not the same arguments be applied to the benefits of knowing  
Lilypond's "grammar?"

Ah, Cheers!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Scheme: Is there a make-right-align-markup?

2008-02-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson

I'm afraid the easiest solution is to copy paste from the file
.../scm/define-markup-commands.scm, where you can find the implementation
of all the standard markup commands. For example, the \center-align markup
command is implemented by
(define-builtin-markup-command (center-align layout props args) 

 "Put @code{args} in a centered column."
 (let* ((mols (interpret-markup-list layout props args))
(cmols (map (lambda (x) (ly:stencil-aligned-to x X CENTER)) mols)))

and even if you don't know anything about Scheme, I think it's fairly 

what you should modify to get right alignment instead. Just remember to
replace define-builtin-markup-command by define-markup-command.

Note also that the make-right-align-markup Scheme function is just an
automatically generated Scheme wrapper to the \right-align markup command,
see the end of "Markup construction in Scheme".


Risto Vääräniemi wrote:

Dear All,

OK. I must admit that there's no such thing. I just wanted to get your
attention. :-)

I've been searching for a scheme function that I could use for
aligning markups on their right edges. I found a solution for
centering them (below) and it uses a function / procedure called
make-center-align-markup. It centers the texts alright. If I use
make-column-markup I get a column thats aligned on the left edge.

How to get the texts aligned to the right? I tried to add
#:right-align and #:column to various places but they didn't work or
caused errors. I consider myself as a newbie scheme user and perhaps
this is still out of my league. :-)

Why I don't simply do that directly at the Staff.instrumentName?
Because I've got that song book I'm writing and I'd like to be able to
adjust the instrument name (and other) settings for all the songs in
one place (an .ily file).

Is there a complete list of Lilypond scheme functions and their usage
(an API)? I tried to search for the make-center-align-markup in the
docs but couldn't find any reference to it.


%%% Snip %%%
\version "2.11.37"

#(define-markup-command (instruments layout props markups) (markup-list?)
  (interpret-markup layout props
(#:override '(baseline-skip . 2.8)
(markup (make-center-align-markup markups))

\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \instruments { Soprano Alto }
%%% END %%%

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Thanks for reminding me! Yes, if your score is less than a single page and
you want it to appear exactly the same as in a standalone LilyPond
generated score, then the simple solution is just to add a \book{...}
around the full example, which makes lilypond-book typeset the full
score as a single .eps file.


Graham Percival wrote:

Isn't this one of the only reasons to ever use \book?  I remember
using \book to get a \pageBreak inside a lilypond-book project...
but that was about four years ago, so things may have changed
since then.

- Graham

On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:22:49 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


As you may have noticed, the system separators is not the only thing
that's not included when you use lilypond-book. Also such aspects as
the spacing between the systems is lost. The reason is that every
system is typeset as a separate .eps file, which LaTeX treats as a
separate figure. Of course, the reason is that LaTeX should take care
of the page breaking, but there are also clear disadvantages as you
have noticed.

What you can do is to define the LaTeX command \betweenLilyPondSystem
to do whatever you prefer, for example to print a system separator. I
don't have any good suggestion for what LaTeX symbol to use, for the
moment, though.


Daniel Tonda wrote:

I don't seem to get the "//" systemSeparator when using latex and 

I've been searching and can't find any pointers.

I put this code in a lilypond file, and when compiled by itself it 
shows fine in the final pdf, but if I use it in latex I don't get

the separator.

\paper {
  between-system-space = 1.5\cm
  between-system-padding = #10
  systemSeparatorMarkup = \slashSeparator

Daniel Tonda C.

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: GDP: NR 1.1 Piano Templates

2008-02-04 Thread Trevor Daniels

That's what I was looking for!


> -Original Message-
> From: Graham Percival [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 04 February 2008 13:34
> To: Mats Bengtsson
> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Valentin Villenave; 
> Lilypond mailing list
> Subject: Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Piano Templates
> And before anybody says anything, adding a simple 
> button for this
> this is already on the TODO list for LSR.
> Cheers,
> - Graham
> On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 14:27:13 +0100
> Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Trevor Daniels wrote:
> > > Valentin
> > >
> > > This looks really good, and I've registered.  But
> > > I can't see any easy way to "just copy it" if I
> > > want to suggest an improvement.  Any suggestions?
> > >   
> > Click on "Snippet database". Search for the 
> snippet you want to copy
> > and double click on that line, which should 
> open a new window with
> > all the information from the database. Go back 
> to the snippet
> > database window, click on "New element" which 
> brings another new
> > window with empty fields. Now it's easy to 
> copy/paste from the old to
> > the new snippet.
> > 
> >/Mats

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 16:58:35 -
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Graham Percival wrote 04 February 2008 16:27
> > 
> > On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:42:55 -0600
> > Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > On Feb 4, 2008, at 9:19 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> > > 
> > > >> I bet that there's less than a hundred people
> > > >
> > > > You mean "I bet there are fewer than..."  ;-)
> > 
> > *hmph*
> > In modern Canadian, an apostrophe followed by an `s' is
> > appropriate for singular or plural use.
> > :)
> >
> I think Kieren also meant the distinction between
> less and fewer :)

Whoops.  Guilty as charged.

Although I don't think that I'd ever write "... there are less
than...".  I think it's my use of the colloquial "'s" that messed
me up here.

> Well it certainly is not clear, but that is not due
> to the choice of "that" or "which".  Accidentals are 
> certainly printed in other places than this suggests.
> Perhaps it means, "Accidentals are printed on
> tied notes only when the note to which they are 
> tied is on the previous system." 

Good point!  (although I think a simple word swap suffices to
clarify this -- "Accidentals on tied notes are only printed at the
beginning of a new system: ")

You see, this is why I keep on asking everybody to read the same
section over and over again... we keep on finding things like

> Incidently, the MS Grammar checker -always-
> annoyingly recommends "that" for all restrictive 
> clauses.  That seems an excellent reason to use 
> "which" whenever possible :)


- Graham 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Trevor (et al.),

I think Kieren also meant the distinction between less and fewer :)

Indeed!  =)

Perhaps it means, "Accidentals are printed on
tied notes only when the note to which they are
tied is on the previous system."

Good point.

Incidently, the MS Grammar checker -always-
annoyingly recommends "that" for all restrictive
clauses.  That seems an excellent reason to use
"which" whenever possible :)



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:42:55 -0600
Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Feb 4, 2008, at 9:19 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> >> I bet that there's less than a hundred people
> >
> > You mean "I bet there are fewer than..."  ;-)

In modern Canadian, an apostrophe followed by an `s' is
appropriate for singular or plural use.

> > That is to say, content presented with bad grammar is less easy/ 
> > interesting/enjoyable to read than the same content written  
> > "correctly" -- and the content is therefore less effective at  
> > accomplishing its main purpose, which is communication.

Look, are we talking "horrible monstrocity, such that are,
commonly wrote, by non-English native speaker", or a minor word

I mean, does this sentence _actually_ bother anybody?  Or make it

Accidentals are only printed on tied notes which begin a new

I personally think that "which" makes the sentence flow better --
that's why I changed it from the "that" which was originally put
there by Valentin (IIRC).  When Kurt complained, I changed it back
to "that", but I still think which there's nothing wrong with
"which" in that sentence.  [sic :P ]

> Might not the same arguments be applied to the benefits of knowing  
> Lilypond's "grammar?"

Sure!  I am willing to go on record in stating that a native
LilyPond writer, who has been reading and creating lilypond code
every day for over twenty years, will have no need to know the
formal rules of LilyPond grammar.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Trevor Daniels

Graham Percival wrote 04 February 2008 16:27
> On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:42:55 -0600
> Stan Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Feb 4, 2008, at 9:19 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> > 
> > >> I bet that there's less than a hundred people
> > >
> > > You mean "I bet there are fewer than..."  ;-)
> *hmph*
> In modern Canadian, an apostrophe followed by an `s' is
> appropriate for singular or plural use.
> :)
I think Kieren also meant the distinction between
less and fewer :)
> I mean, does this sentence _actually_ bother 
> anybody?  Or make it
> unclear?
> Accidentals are only printed on tied notes which 
> begin a new system:

Well it certainly is not clear, but that is not due
to the choice of "that" or "which".  Accidentals are 
certainly printed in other places than this suggests.

Perhaps it means, "Accidentals are printed on
tied notes only when the note to which they are 
tied is on the previous system." 
> I personally think that "which" makes the 
> sentence flow better --
> that's why I changed it from the "that" which was 
> originally put
> there by Valentin (IIRC).  When Kurt complained, 
> I changed it back
> to "that", but I still think which there's 
> nothing wrong with
> "which" in that sentence.  [sic :P ]

I agree.  "which" is perfectly correct here, and
like you, I prefer it.

You have a choice for restrictive clauses.  You
may base your choice on style, on previous words
in the sentence, or simply your feeling for what
sounds best.

Incidently, the MS Grammar checker -always-
annoyingly recommends "that" for all restrictive 
clauses.  That seems an excellent reason to use 
"which" whenever possible :)

Trevor D

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PianoStaff adjustment (was: Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext deleting half a GrandStaff)

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Benedict,

I'll ask again - is there a way to limit this adjustment, so that,
for example, it never makes the staffs get closer than a certain  




lilypond-user mailing list

Crippled PS/RPM output on RHEL5

2008-02-04 Thread Ozgur Yuksel
Hi LilyPonders,

I am working with "GNU LilyPond 2.11.37" (the problem had existed with
2.10 too) on one RHEL5 box and a FC7 box. Although I have proper
output  with my FC7 box, I get crippled output (both PS and PDF) on
RHEL5. The attached files bad.* show the crippled pdf and ps files of where it looks like good.png with fc7.

Any ideas are welcome.


"Linux Rulez!..."
To send encrypted message

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Stan,

Might not the same arguments be applied to the benefits of knowing  
Lilypond's "grammar?"

I agree:

1. By using "poor Lilypond grammar", I can write an .ly file which  
compiles and outputs a "valid" score of Beethoven 9, but is  
essentially unreadable (as an input file) by any human, including  
well-trained Lily users.

2. I could also use "good Lilypond grammar", and produce an .ly file  
*also* compiles and outputs a "valid" score of Beethoven 9 --  
visually indistinguishable from the other version -- and yet is (much  
more easily) readable than the previous .ly file, and thus is more  
effective at communicating Lilypond-ness.

I think we should all be striving for #2.  =)

Best regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Graham,

I mean, does this sentence _actually_ bother anybody?  Or make it  

No... but there *are* things in NR 1.1 Pitches which *could* be clearer.
I'm teaching every week day, and have rehearsals every evening this  
week, but am hoping to get my NR 1.1 comments in soon.

I am willing to go on record in stating that a native LilyPond writer,
who has been reading and creating lilypond code every day for over
twenty years, will have no need to know the formal rules of  
LilyPond grammar.

Fair enough... but their code could easily be useless for "public  
use" (e.g., Mutopia), and that's not what we should be striving for  


lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Ralph Little

> Accidentals are only printed on tied notes which 
> begin a new system:

Each to his/her own I guess.

In this case "that" is correct and "which" is incorrect.
To me, "which" sounds strange in this context.
It implies to me that tied notes begin a new system
*which* is, of course, untrue. :)

What people think of as strange or normal depends on their 
common usage in spoken language I find.

That's why you still see people writing 
"there" instead of "they're" and 
"where" instead of "we're".

Don't even get me started on "its" :D


 All new Yahoo! Mail - 
Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane.___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Choral lyrics assistance, please.

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
Thanks for the detailed analysis!  Trevor might want to modify the
LM based on this -- I'm not certain if he knew how \book worked
when he wrote the sections... I know that *I* didn't (and still
don't) know how it works, and I'm the one who is theoretically
editing his work.  (that's why I always complain about getting
advanced readers to review the docs.  :)

One comment about the last point, that we shouldn't expect to
make it newbie-proof... while it's undoubtedly true that we can't
make the whole thing newbie-proof, the LM is most definitely
supposed to be newbie-proof.  The idea is that a newbie starts at
LM 1 and reads the whole thing; at each step of the way, we know
exactly what the newbie knows, and there should be no problems.
Once a newbie has finished reading the LM, he can progress to the
NR, and shouldn't have any difficulty reading any of those

My general observation is that new users get into trouble when
they try to skip over steps, or try learning about lilypond in
other ways (such as reading the computer-generated lilypond output
produced by NoteEdit... *shudder* ;).  This also applies to people
who started learning lilypond a year or more ago, and who think
that there's nothing of benefit to them in the LM.

Anyway, thanks again for the analyis!

- Graham

On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 11:51:02 +0100

> On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:59:17 +0100
> Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  ... there's no need to use 
> > \book here. If you just remove the "\book {" and matching "}", you
> > will get exactly the same result. If there's any information left
> > in the current manual that indicates that you need to explicitly
> > specify the \book command, please tell us, so we can clarify this
> > issue even further.
> This was the route I took through the docs, once I had thought about
> using two separate scores to achieve what I wanted. Docs versions
> 2.11.37 (but a quick check shows that they are the same in .38).
> LM 3.1.1 : "The \book command allows several \score blocks to be
> combined into one output." and then a link to NR 3.1.3.
> By this time (as others have said on the list) I was looking for
> 'how-to', rather than 'if necessary'.  However, consider also:
> LM 3.3.2 : "There can be only one top level context: the Score
> context. This is created with the \score command, or, in simple
> scores, it is created automatically."
> So, the use of \book seemed to be the way to have two \score in one
> file.  I agree that NR 3.1.3 says quite clearly that \book is not
> necessary, but I didn't stay there very long. ;-)  The next step was
> to search LSR for '\book' (still looking for usage examples, rather
> than if it was necessary) and I found id=300, with example code for
> using \book.  I tried it and it worked, after some juggling with
> \paper.  I have to confess that I didn't search the list for \book
> because it was working by now.  If I had searched, I would have found
> that it wasn't necessary (I think that you have posted to two
> different questions just in the last couple of weeks -- sorry!) 
> With this kind of forensic analysis, it's easy to see the silly
> mistakes and assumptions that I made.  I try to be reasonably
> diligent in researching as much as possible (hey, I'm the guy that
> never switches _anything_ on until I have read the instruction book!)
> but I could have done better, perhaps.  I'm not sure that I would
> ever have arrived at the solution offered by Trevor -- I'm not
> entirely clear why concurrent lyrics cannot be placed immediately
> after the Voice with which they are associated.  However, I will bank
> that experience now that I have met it.
> More generally, I have found the tolerance of LilyPond with simple
> input, to be a two-edged sword.  It can be very useful for ease of
> entry and to get started with producing fantastic output, but it has
> lured me into a coding style which is not very robust for more
> complicated stuff.  After starting off using braces and
> angle-brackets very diligently, I found that many of them were not
> necessary, so they fell by the way.  Studying .ly output from
> NoteEdit, Canorus and LilyPondTool also led me to make assumptions
> when I should not have done, I think.
> Anyway, I'm not sure that there is any immediate document change to
> be made -- just put it down to newbie errors!  The existing
> documentation for LilyPond is undoubtedly the best I have found for
> any FOSS software.  Just don't expect to make it newbie-proof!
> Best regards,
> Nick.
> -- 
> Nicholas WASTELL
> France
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext deleting half a GrandStaff

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Steve,

It is important to use a GrandStaff, not a PianoStaff, because
cross staff beaming is not in use and I want automatic adjustment  
of staff spacing.

I think PianoStaff now (~ 2.11.30+) auto-adjusts...?

Part of the GrandStaff being removed when only one of its staves  

notes in a system.  This is undesired.

Possible hint at

Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Choral lyrics assistance, please.

2008-02-04 Thread Jay Ricketts
I might just be adding to the noise level, but my quick-n-dirty workaround
to multiple verses that follow refrains is to paste in a bunch of empty
quotes - one pair per syllable.  And once you have the set for verse 2
(verse 1 will have the refrain, of course), you just paste the whole set of
quotes into the other verses.

I just put together an entire hymnal this way.

And thanks to Trevor for showing us the "right way".  Should I ever actually
wrap my brain around his approach, I know I will be a better lilypond coder
for it.



On Feb 4, 2008 6:59 AM, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the detailed analysis!  Trevor might want to modify the
> LM based on this -- I'm not certain if he knew how \book worked
> when he wrote the sections... I know that *I* didn't (and still
> don't) know how it works, and I'm the one who is theoretically
> editing his work.  (that's why I always complain about getting
> advanced readers to review the docs.  :)
> One comment about the last point, that we shouldn't expect to
> make it newbie-proof... while it's undoubtedly true that we can't
> make the whole thing newbie-proof, the LM is most definitely
> supposed to be newbie-proof.  The idea is that a newbie starts at
> LM 1 and reads the whole thing; at each step of the way, we know
> exactly what the newbie knows, and there should be no problems.
> Once a newbie has finished reading the LM, he can progress to the
> NR, and shouldn't have any difficulty reading any of those
> sections.
> My general observation is that new users get into trouble when
> they try to skip over steps, or try learning about lilypond in
> other ways (such as reading the computer-generated lilypond output
> produced by NoteEdit... *shudder* ;).  This also applies to people
> who started learning lilypond a year or more ago, and who think
> that there's nothing of benefit to them in the LM.
> Anyway, thanks again for the analyis!
> Cheers,
> - Graham
> On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 11:51:02 +0100
> Nicholas WASTELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:59:17 +0100
> > Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >  ... there's no need to use
> > > \book here. If you just remove the "\book {" and matching "}", you
> > > will get exactly the same result. If there's any information left
> > > in the current manual that indicates that you need to explicitly
> > > specify the \book command, please tell us, so we can clarify this
> > > issue even further.
> >
> > This was the route I took through the docs, once I had thought about
> > using two separate scores to achieve what I wanted. Docs versions
> > 2.11.37 (but a quick check shows that they are the same in .38).
> >
> > LM 3.1.1 : "The \book command allows several \score blocks to be
> > combined into one output." and then a link to NR 3.1.3.
> >
> > By this time (as others have said on the list) I was looking for
> > 'how-to', rather than 'if necessary'.  However, consider also:
> >
> > LM 3.3.2 : "There can be only one top level context: the Score
> > context. This is created with the \score command, or, in simple
> > scores, it is created automatically."
> >
> > So, the use of \book seemed to be the way to have two \score in one
> > file.  I agree that NR 3.1.3 says quite clearly that \book is not
> > necessary, but I didn't stay there very long. ;-)  The next step was
> > to search LSR for '\book' (still looking for usage examples, rather
> > than if it was necessary) and I found id=300, with example code for
> > using \book.  I tried it and it worked, after some juggling with
> > \paper.  I have to confess that I didn't search the list for \book
> > because it was working by now.  If I had searched, I would have found
> > that it wasn't necessary (I think that you have posted to two
> > different questions just in the last couple of weeks -- sorry!)
> >
> > With this kind of forensic analysis, it's easy to see the silly
> > mistakes and assumptions that I made.  I try to be reasonably
> > diligent in researching as much as possible (hey, I'm the guy that
> > never switches _anything_ on until I have read the instruction book!)
> > but I could have done better, perhaps.  I'm not sure that I would
> > ever have arrived at the solution offered by Trevor -- I'm not
> > entirely clear why concurrent lyrics cannot be placed immediately
> > after the Voice with which they are associated.  However, I will bank
> > that experience now that I have met it.
> >
> > More generally, I have found the tolerance of LilyPond with simple
> > input, to be a two-edged sword.  It can be very useful for ease of
> > entry and to get started with producing fantastic output, but it has
> > lured me into a coding style which is not very robust for more
> > complicated stuff.  After starting off using braces and
> > angle-brackets very diligently, I found that many of them were not
> > necessary, so they fell by the way.  Studying .ly output from
> > NoteEdit, Can

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext deleting half a GrandStaff

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Steve,

p.s. Another solution can be found at

Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Part 2 of 2 -- Re: GDP: NR 1.1 Pitches 2008-01-26 [OT]

2008-02-04 Thread Graham Percival
On Mon, 4 Feb 2008 14:34:43 -0500 (EST)
Ralph Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Accidentals are only printed on tied notes which 
> > begin a new system:
> Each to his/her own I guess.
> In this case "that" is correct and "which" is incorrect.
> To me, "which" sounds strange in this context.
> It implies to me that tied notes begin a new system
> *which* is, of course, untrue. :)

I think that's a different meaning of "which".  Hmm... if we had a
comma before the "which", I'd buy into your reading.

I think we're getting into silly territory here. (or rather, I
think we wandered into silly territory about 8 emails ago :)

> What people think of as strange or normal depends on their 
> common usage in spoken language I find.
> That's why you still see people writing 
> "there" instead of "they're" and 
> "where" instead of "we're".
> Don't even get me started on "its" :D

No, those are clearly just idiots.  Nobody whose [sic] intelligent
can possibly disagree over those things.  :)

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

PianoStaff adjustment (was: Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext deleting half a GrandStaff)

2008-02-04 Thread Benedict Singer
 On Monday, February 04, 2008, at 03:51AM, "Kieren MacMillan" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Steve,
>> It is important to use a GrandStaff, not a PianoStaff, because
>> cross staff beaming is not in use and I want automatic adjustment  
>> of staff spacing.
>I think PianoStaff now (~ 2.11.30+) auto-adjusts...?

It does - see my recent message about that. That got no reply, so I'll ask 
again - is there a way to limit this adjustment, so that, for example, it never 
makes the staffs get closer than a certain limit? I'm fine with the 
auto-adjust, but sometimes it's too aggressive with the spacing. Alternatively, 
I'd be fine with forcing it into the behavior from the stable version, if 
that's possible.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Forcing Piano Staff spacing in 2.11

2008-02-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson

I was sure that I had followed up on this email, but it seems that
the I never sent the email.

Exactly which 2.11.x version did you try. There have been some
very recent fixes, probably in 2.11.36 or 2.11.37, that should
affect exactly this issue. Could you please try with that latest
version and see if the problem remains.


Benedict Singer wrote:

Hi all,

I recently moved some of my piano and piano + instrument pieces to  
version 2.11, and the new spacing code is in some instances placing  
the two staffs of the piano staff closer than I'd like, often if 
there  are no dynamics. I'm fine with it widening the spacing if it 
needs to,  but is there a way to enforce a minimum spacing of the two 
staffs? In  2.10 I would tweak the forced-distance value to control 
the spacing on  all the piano staffs, but that option seems to have 
disappeared in  2.11; the compiler complains about it, and the 
equivalent section in  the 2.11 docs doesn't mention it. Thanks!


lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-04 Thread Trevor Bača

It took me some time this weekend to figure out how to use Adobe Caslon Pro
type in the score I'm just now finishing up. The secret turned out to be to
hunt down the font files in question on my filesystem and then to put a copy
of those files into the magic ~/.fonts directory. Full notes follow.

TOPIC: making application-specific fonts (like Adobe Caslon Pro) available
to fontconfig (and thereby LilyPond).

AUDIENCE: cross-platform users of LilyPond (Linux, OS X, Windows), though
tested only under OS X.

TAGS: fonts, fontconfig, ~/.fonts, pango, markup.

DESCRIPTION. NR "Font selection" reads, in part, "Any font can be
used, as long as it is available to Pango/FontConfig." This comes out to
mean that LilyPond depends on both the pango ( and fontconfig
( utilities for font-handling. (The benefits of doing
this are internationalization, in the first case, and OS-wide font
organization and centralization, in the second.)  But what happens when a
font you want is specifically *not* available to pango / fontconfig? And how
can you tell?

Running lilypond -dshow-available-fonts gives a complete list of those fonts
that fontconfig knows about, usually running several hundred lines:

  family Geneva
Geneva:style=Regular,Standard,Testo lig
  family STHeiti
STHeiti:style=Lightfamily New Peninim MT New Peninim
MT:style=Inclinedfamily Copperplate Copperplate:style=Light
  family Cracked

(The command writes to standard error rather than standard out; to capture
output to a file, try lilypond -dshow-available-fonts 2>fonts.tmp).

In my case Adobe Caslon Pro appeared nowhere in this output and so I knew
that fontconfig simply didn't know about the font I wanted to use. I knew
the font was installed on my system because (1) it showed up in InDesign and
(2) spotlight revealed the fontfiles ACaslonPro-Bold.otf,
ACaslonPro-BoldItalic.otf, ACaslonPro-Italic.otf, ACaslonPro-Regular.otf,
etc, in the /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/ directory.

My hunch was that fontconfig simply wasn't searching /Library/Application
Support/Adobe/Fonts/ and so was unable to make the font available to
LilyPond. This turned out to the be correct.

SOLUTION. The solution is to teach fontconfig the whereabouts of the
fontfiles in question. In this case all that was necessary was the following

  cp '/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/'ACaslon* ~/.fonts

(Make sure that the directory ~/.fonts exists first.)

As a sidenote, it seems like a more permanent solution would be to edit the
configfile /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to contain /Library/Application
Support/Adobe/Fonts/. On my system, that means changing ...


... to something like ...

   /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts

... so that now, presumably, fontconfig will know about all of the Adobe
application fonts.

I did in fact do this, but I haven't had time to figure out how to tell
fontconfig to rebuild the font cache (or whatever the equivalent action is).
If anybody knows (or can find) the correct way to kick off a font cache
rebuild, I'll test and post OS X results back to this thread.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

stopStaff combined with StaffGroup extents barlines

2008-02-04 Thread Toine Schreurs
I am typesetting a score, where one of the staffs contains an ossia section.
I started from the example in section 1.6.1 of the NR. The second staff
will contain the ossia section. In the resulting score it is not obvious
to which staff this ossia belongs.
To connect the staff with the ossia section, I combined them into a StaffGroup.
Now it is clear to which staff the ossia belongs. But, all barlines are
(wrongly) extended also.
This behaviour started with version 2.11.35

Any hints?

Toine Schreurs

%=== start =
\version "2.11.38"
musicOne =  \relative c' {
  \time 2/4
  d4 d |
  a' a |
  b b |

musicTwo =  \relative c' {
  e4 e |
  b' b |
  c c |

ossia =  \relative c' {
  s2*2 |
  bes'8^"ossia" g bes g |
  s2 |

\score {
\new Staff \musicOne
\new StaffGroup 
\new Staff \with
  \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
  fontSize = #-2
  \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2)
  firstClef = ##f
\new Staff \musicTwo

% end ==

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-04 Thread Trevor Bača
On Feb 4, 2008 3:55 PM, Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > If anybody knows (or can find) the correct way to kick off a font
> > cache rebuild, I'll test and post OS X results back to this thread.
> fc-cache -r -f

trevorbaca$ fc-cache -r -f
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-04 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> If anybody knows (or can find) the correct way to kick off a font
> cache rebuild, I'll test and post OS X results back to this thread.

fc-cache -r -f


lilypond-user mailing list

By-hand letter tracking: best with \line and \hspace?

2008-02-04 Thread Trevor Bača

Wanting to get rid of extra space between larger letter pairs, I've stumbled
on this method using \line and negative values to \hspace:

  \line { LID \hspace #-1.75 ER \hspace #-1.65 CFENY  }

Is this in fact the best way to adjust letter tracking by hand?

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-04 Thread fiëé visuëlle

Am 2008-02-04 um 22:55 schrieb Werner LEMBERG:

If anybody knows (or can find) the correct way to kick off a font
cache rebuild, I'll test and post OS X results back to this thread.

fc-cache -r -f

On my system one "fc-cache" lives in /usr/X11R6/bin/fc-cache and  
doesn't know the "-r" parameter.
The right one would be /Applications/ 
bin/fc-cache, but gives the same error as at Trevor. I guess  
LilyPond's fontconfig doesn't use my ~/.fonts.conf (nor ~/.fonts).

BTW I tried adding *all* my font directories (including TeX)  
to .fonts.conf before, but commented most of them, because font  
searching needed too much time or because LilyPond didn't find them  
anyway - can't remember.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: By-hand letter tracking: best with \line and \hspace?

2008-02-04 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Trevor,

  \line { LID \hspace #-1.75 ER \hspace #-1.65 CFENY  }
Is this in fact the best way to adjust letter tracking by hand?

I prefer

\concat { LID \hspace #-0.08 ER \hspace #-0.08 CFENY  }


lilypond-user mailing list

My messages don't get through

2008-02-04 Thread Daniel Tonda Castillo

My mails do not seem to be getting through, they do not appear in the list.

¿Am I blacklisted or something?

Daniel Tonda Castillo

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: By-hand letter tracking: best with \line and \hspace?

2008-02-04 Thread Trevor Bača
On Feb 4, 2008 7:15 PM, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Trevor,
> >   \line { LID \hspace #-1.75 ER \hspace #-1.65 CFENY  }
> > Is this in fact the best way to adjust letter tracking by hand?
> I prefer
> \concat { LID \hspace #-0.08 ER \hspace #-0.08 CFENY  
> }

Ah, very nice indeed.

Thanks, Kieren!

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-04 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> trevorbaca$ fc-cache -r -f
> Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file

Then try

  fc-cache -f



The `-f' option forces recreation even of apparently up-to-date cache


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-04 Thread Trevor Bača
On Feb 4, 2008 10:52 PM, Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > trevorbaca$ fc-cache -r -f
> > Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
> Then try
>  fc-cache -f
> or
>  fc-cache
> The `-f' option forces recreation even of apparently up-to-date cache
> files.

Hraban mentioned earlier that he might have two different fc-cache installs
on his machine. I get ...

  fonts$ which fc-cache

... so I'm pretty sure that commands are issuing to the correct (LilyPond)
instance of fc-cache.

However, I still get the following:

  fonts$ fc-cache -f
  Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file

The --help screen shows that both -f and -r should indeed work:

usage: fc-cache [-frsvV?] [--force|--really-force] [--system-only]
[--verbose] [--version] [--help] [dirs]
Build font information caches in [dirs]
(all directories in font configuration by default).

  -f, --force  scan directories with apparently valid caches
  -r, --really-force   erase all existing caches, then rescan
  -s, --system-onlyscan system-wide directories only
  -v, --verbosedisplay status information while busy
  -V, --versiondisplay font config version and exit
  -?, --help   display this help and exit

I'm in /etc/fonts when I issue the command; should I maybe be in some other

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-04 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> However, I still get the following:
>   fonts$ fc-cache -f
>   Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
> I'm in /etc/fonts when I issue the command; should I maybe be in
> some other directory?

Hmm.  On a linux box I would ask you to run

  strace fc-cache -f 2> fc-cache.log

Then asking you to check the output to find out where fc-cache is
actually searching.  Maybe there's a similar command on OS X.


lilypond-user mailing list

Error Message

2008-02-04 Thread George_

When I try to generate my .ly file, I get the following error message in the

# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to `C:/Documents and Settings/George/Desktop'
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/George/Desktop/Derbenko'
E:/Temp/Lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/ly/ error:
syntax error, unexpected SCM_TOKEN

#(if (and (ly:get-option 'old-relative)

error: failed files: "C:\\Documents and Settings\\George\\Desktop\\Derbenko"

What's happening, and how do I fix this?

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lilypond-user mailing list


2008-02-04 Thread George_

I just don't get how to make a file into a MIDI file.

For example, I have my input:

\relative c' {
\new PianoStaff \with {
  \override VerticalAlignment #'forced-distance = #12
  \override DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #2.8 }
  \time 6/8
  \new Staff { 
  \key d \major 
  \tempo 4.= 84



So what do I put where, and what else do I need to do with it to make it a
MIDI file?

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