Overlapping printed chords

2002-06-16 Thread Carlos Garcia Suarez

I am using 1.5.60 under W2k.

The attached file produces a nice score for the Jazz song, except:

1) In bar 16 the E minor chord overlaps with the next printed chord A:7. Is
there a way to displace a chord to the right to avoid this, or to make the
measure width larger so the chords will be more separated ?

2) Does not the seventh indication is a bit too separated up from the chord
name ?



Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Chord 3-.5-.7- symbol

2002-06-16 Thread Carlos Garcia Suarez

1.5.60 Windows 2K, but might be the same for older versions

When you want to pring a chord like c:m5-.7- in the american stype, I think
one is supposed to get an overlapped " o /  ", however I only get a strange
character which I do not recongize. I am wondering if this routine is
calling a font that I do not have or something like that.

Can I fixit some how ?

The other problem (which mentioned in an earlier mail) is that in the banter
mode the supercripts end up being to much separated from the chord name and
it looks ugly. In fact, I resorted to the american style to avoid this.



Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Chord 3-.5-.7- symbol

2002-06-16 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen

"Carlos Garcia Suarez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1.5.60 Windows 2K, but might be the same for older versions
> When you want to pring a chord like c:m5-.7- in the american stype, I think
> one is supposed to get an overlapped " o /  ", however I only get a strange
> character which I do not recongize. I am wondering if this routine is
> calling a font that I do not have or something like that.
> Can I fixit some how ?

I think that chord names are broken in current 1.5.x development
series.  Robin Davies wanted to revise chord names, but I don't know
if this will be done before 1.6.  We may have to make some fixes.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien   | http://www.lilypond.org

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Sayýn lilypond-user ,

2002-06-16 Thread abdyesilkart.com
Title: abdyesilkart.com
Sayýn lilypond-user ,

Amerika 'nýn her
  sene yapmakta olduðu, sahiplerine devamlý oturma ve çalýþma izni saðlayan Green
  Card çekiliþi için kayýtlarýmýz baþlamýþtýr. 
Green Card sahipleri;
1.Amerika Birleþik
  Devletleri'nde süresiz olarak (hayat boyu) oturma ve çalýþma iznine sahiptirler.
2.Amerikan vatandaþlýk
  haklarýndan birçoðuna sahip olurlar.
3.Kartý aldýktan
  beþ sene sonra isterlerse A.B.D. vatandaþlýðý baþvurusu yapabilirler.
4.Ýþyeri açma imkanýna
  sahip olurlar. 
5.Ýþ bulma kurumlarý
  iþ bulmanýzda yardýmcý olur. 
Baþvurmak için
  lise mezunu olmanýz yeterlidir, kartý almak için Ýngilizce bilmeniz gerekmemektedir.
  Geçen yýl Türkiye 'den gönderilen, her eksiksiz ve hatasýz baþvurudan yaklaþýk
  100-150 kiþiden biri green card sahipi oldu. 
Green Card hakkýnda
  bütün bilgiyi sitemizden edinebilirsiniz. Baþvuru formunu doldurarak hemen çekiliþe
  katýlabilirsiniz. Ýmzalamanýz gereken belgeler adresinize posta ile gönderilecektir.

E-posta grubundan ayrýlmak
  ve bir daha e-posta almamak için [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  adresine boþ bir e-posta atmanýz yeterlidir.

Lilypond-user mailing list

Sayýn lilypond-user ,

2002-06-16 Thread abdyesilkart.com
Title: abdyesilkart.com
Sayýn lilypond-user ,

Amerika 'nýn her
  sene yapmakta olduðu, sahiplerine devamlý oturma ve çalýþma izni saðlayan Green
  Card çekiliþi için kayýtlarýmýz baþlamýþtýr. 
Green Card sahipleri;
1.Amerika Birleþik
  Devletleri'nde süresiz olarak (hayat boyu) oturma ve çalýþma iznine sahiptirler.
2.Amerikan vatandaþlýk
  haklarýndan birçoðuna sahip olurlar.
3.Kartý aldýktan
  beþ sene sonra isterlerse A.B.D. vatandaþlýðý baþvurusu yapabilirler.
4.Ýþyeri açma imkanýna
  sahip olurlar. 
5.Ýþ bulma kurumlarý
  iþ bulmanýzda yardýmcý olur. 
Baþvurmak için
  lise mezunu olmanýz yeterlidir, kartý almak için Ýngilizce bilmeniz gerekmemektedir.
  Geçen yýl Türkiye 'den gönderilen, her eksiksiz ve hatasýz baþvurudan yaklaþýk
  100-150 kiþiden biri green card sahipi oldu. 
Green Card hakkýnda
  bütün bilgiyi sitemizden edinebilirsiniz. Baþvuru formunu doldurarak hemen çekiliþe
  katýlabilirsiniz. Ýmzalamanýz gereken belgeler adresinize posta ile gönderilecektir.

E-posta grubundan ayrýlmak
  ve bir daha e-posta almamak için [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  adresine boþ bir e-posta atmanýz yeterlidir.

Lilypond-user mailing list

Fwd: Re: error message when running ly2dvi

2002-06-16 Thread DEBORAH LOWREY

Dear Lilypond,

I was previously using 1.4.12.jcn5 and upgraded to the
experimental 1.5.60.jcn1. But I am still having the
same problems (see inline text attached and error
messages below). 
So I decided to test out Coriolan which I was using as
a working template for my Magic Flute (Ouverture) full
score. I am getting the following messages (with both
mine and Coriolan):

First I get a windows box error message:
 Lilypond has caused an error in CYGWIN1.DLL.
 Lilypond will now close.
 If you continue to experience problems,
 try restarting your computer.

I've tried warm and cold boots, but same error. After
I hit the window error close button, I get the
following error now:

programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: No StaffSpacing wishes found
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
warning: Could not find line breaking that satisfies
paper output to `coriolan.tex'...
writing header field `title' to `coriolan.title'...
writing header field `subtitle' to
writing header field `subsubtitle' to
writing header field `footer' to `coriolan.footer'...
writing header field `composer' to
writing header field `instrument' to
writing header field `opus' to `coriolan.opus'...
writing header field `piece' to `coriolan.piece'...
writing header field `instrument' to
programming error: Spanner `MultiMeasureRest' is not
fully contained in parent s
panner `HaraKiriVerticalGroup'. (Continuing; cross
programming error: Spanner `MultiMeasureRest' is not
fully contained in parent s
panner `HaraKiriVerticalGroup'. (Continuing; cross
Signal 127
warning: lilypond: command exited with value 65280
Analyzing coriolan.tex...
Running LaTeX...
error: latex: command exited with value 256
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lilypond-1.5.60.jcn1-1/bin/ly2dvi", line
928, in ?
run_latex (files, outbase, extra_init)
  File "/usr/lilypond-1.5.60.jcn1-1/bin/ly2dvi", line
670, in run_latex
quiet_system (cmd, 'LaTeX')
  File "/usr/lilypond-1.5.60.jcn1-1/bin/ly2dvi", line
442, in quiet_system
return system (cmd)
  File "/usr/lilypond-1.5.60.jcn1-1/bin/ly2dvi", line
247, in system
error (msg)
  File "/usr/lilypond-1.5.60.jcn1-1/bin/ly2dvi", line
144, in error
raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
Exiting ...
LATEX output to `coriolan.latex'...
TEX output to `coriolan.tex'...
Default@COMPUTER ~/coriolan-lys$

I used convert-ly first on Coriolan and removed the
";" in the header because they were causing fatal
errors, but everything else was as converted and
looked fine on visual inspection.
The only real difference between the Magic Flute and
the Coriolan was the raw data of notes.
I have Windows ME on a Compaq 5838 500Mhz Athlon with
lots of hard drive space.
Additional information from previous email below...

Any suggestions?



--- Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Subject: Re: error message when running ly2dvi
> From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 11:53:24 +0200
> > I've been working on the full orchestration of the
> > Magic Flute. Everything was going great until I
> got to
> > the violins. I was adding each instrument to the
> score
> > as I went and ran ly2dvi -P after each to help
> edit,
> > etc. But now I'm getting the error:
> >
> > `MagicFlute.instrument'...
> > Signal 127
> > error: lilypond: command exited with value 65280
> It seems that LilyPond bombs out.  Why, that's hard
> to tell without
> access to the .ly's.
> > problem). I have Windows ME and a Compaq 5838 with
> a
> > 500Mhz Athlon with 256k ram.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> It would be helpful if you could post (or put on a
> website) the .ly's
> that give the problem.  We'll have to find out where
> the problem is,
> lilypond, li

Re: Fwd: Re: error message when running ly2dvi

2002-06-16 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen


> I was previously using 1.4.12.jcn5 and upgraded to the
> experimental 1.5.60.jcn1. But I am still having the
> same problems (see inline text attached and error
> messages below). 
> So I decided to test out Coriolan which I was using as
> a working template for my Magic Flute (Ouverture) full
> score. I am getting the following messages (with both
> mine and Coriolan):

That's a good trick.  I've tried the Coriolan, and it seems that
you've found a bug, that occurs in 1.4.12, 1.4.14 and in 1.5.60 as
well.  We'll look into it.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien   | http://www.lilypond.org

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