Re: Broken commit IDs in French translation

2022-11-08 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 06/11/2022 à 14:57, Jean-Charles Malahieude a écrit :
I would then adapt CG-5.9.3 to state that the ID to pick *must be* the 
latest on master, before any update and commit.

Sounds sensible, do you intend to open an MR for that?


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Re: string not clear for a translator

2022-11-08 Thread Federico Bruni
Il giorno mar 8 nov 2022 alle 00:16:11 +0100, Jean Abou Samra 
 ha scritto:

These are dashHat, dashPlus, etc. See "Modifying default values for
articulation shorthand notation" here:

Il giorno mar 8 nov 2022 alle 00:24:05 +0100, Lukas-Fabian Moser 
 ha scritto:
In plain English: If you want to re-define the meaning of commands 
like "--" (tenuto), "-." (staccato) etc., you formerly could set them 
to a string, which is not at all in line with current LilyPond syntax 
principles. This is now officially deprecated (but still supported).

So, dash%s is displayed as "dashHat", "dashDot", "dashDash" etc.

Thank you both, I got it

New Italian PO file for 'lilypond' (version 2.23.80)

2022-11-08 Thread Translation Project Robot
Hello, gentle maintainer.

This is a message from the Translation Project robot.

A revised PO file for textual domain 'lilypond' has been submitted
by the Italian team of translators.  The file is available at:

(We can arrange things so that in the future such files are automatically
e-mailed to you when they arrive.  Ask at the address below if you want this.)

All other PO files for your package are available in:

Please consider including all of these in your next release, whether
official or a pretest.

Whenever you have a new distribution with a new version number ready,
containing a newer POT file, please send the URL of that distribution
tarball to the address below.  The tarball may be just a pretest or a
snapshot, it does not even have to compile.  It is just used by the
translators when they need some extra translation context.

The following HTML page has been updated:

If any question arises, please contact the translation coordinator.

Thank you for all your work,

The Translation Project robot, in the
name of your translation coordinator.