[lfs-dev] Kmod-4 test error, svn revision 9714

2012-01-26 Thread Firerat
I noticed a small problem with kmod-4 in the current svn ( 9714 )
the book details


to perform tests, however for me this fails ( no file found )
if I instead do

make check

the tests are performed

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Re: [lfs-dev] campaign to save su

2012-09-03 Thread Firerat
On Sep 4, 2012 4:50 AM, "Bruce Dubbs" @
gmail.com > wrote:
> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> > John Burrell wrote:
> >> coreutils no longer installs su.
> >
> > As others said, LFS now uses su from shadow.
> We've installed su from shadow for as long as I recall.  It's not new.
> > However, this doesn't help
> > you, because there is no chapter-5 shadow installation, and adding its
> > dependencies might be problematic.
> > What *may* help you is a return to the package-user hint as it existed
> > back before coreutils' version of su accepted UIDs, and also before we
> > installed glibc in chapter 5, when the hint had the same issue (because
> > usernames could not be resolved to UIDs either, without glibc):
> >
> > http://
> >
> > It used to replace su.c from sh-utils (...yes, sh-utils, before it got
> > merged with textutils and one other *-utils package that I don't
> > remember, into coreutils) with a custom .c file, in chapter 5.  Then it
> > built su from that, statically-linked, and installed it without the
> > setuid bit.  (Because the replacement binary never asked for a password,
> > it was totally unsafe to be setuid-root.  It was, however, safe for root
> > to run this binary targeting a different user.)
> >
> > That .c file should not require the rest of the sh-utils infrastructure;
> > you should be able to build a su binary from those sources directly
> > (probably with just "make su" and no Makefile, actually, though I
> > haven't tried it).
> I guess I don't understand.  When you enter chroot, you are root.  Why
> do you need su?  The only place it's used int he book is in the
> cureutils tests and the bash tests.  Shadow is now built before either
> of these.
They need it to switch from root to the package user, An unprivileged user
account with no password so only root can get at it.

> If you really need it for package users, then copy it from the host into
> /tools/bin.  You are not going to install it, just use it.

It has been too long since I last played around with it, but looking at my
scripts I

 ln -sv su-tools /tools/bin/su

I honestly don't recall where the su-tools came from.
It may have been included in the package users hint's blobs (
more_control_helpers.tar.bz2 )
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Re: [lfs-dev] campaign to save su

2012-09-04 Thread Firerat
On Sep 4, 2012 7:49 AM,  wrote:
> - Mail original -----
> > De: "Firerat" 
> > À: "LFS Developers Mailinglist" 
> > Envoyé: Mardi 4 Septembre 2012 07:14:34
> > Objet: Re: [lfs-dev] campaign to save su
> ...
> >
> > It has been too long since I last played around with it, but looking
> > at my scripts I
> >
> > ln -sv su-tools /tools/bin/su
> >
> > I honestly don't recall where the su-tools came from.
> > It may have been included in the package users hint's blobs (
> > more_control_helpers.tar.bz2 )
> > --
> su-tools was chap 5 coreutils su, not suid installed, so this is not a
well you are wrong, it is the solution

You need to understand why they need it.
Not for getting root but switching user from root to a non privileged user
and as such it need not be suid.


> Gilles
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Re: [lfs-dev] campaign to save su

2012-09-04 Thread Firerat
On Sep 4, 2012 9:36 AM,  wrote:
> - Mail original -----
> > De: "Firerat" 
> > À: "LFS Developers Mailinglist" 
> > Envoyé: Mardi 4 Septembre 2012 09:42:01
> > Objet: Re: [lfs-dev] campaign to save su
> ...
> > > >
> > > > It has been too long since I last played around with it, but
> > > > looking
> > > > at my scripts I
> > > >
> > > > ln -sv su-tools /tools/bin/su
> > > >
> > > > I honestly don't recall where the su-tools came from.
> > > > It may have been included in the package users hint's blobs (
> > > > more_control_helpers.tar.bz2 )
> > > > --
> > >
> > > su-tools was chap 5 coreutils su, not suid installed, so this is
> > > not a solution.
> > >
> > well you are wrong, it is the solution
> >
> no, it is not a solution.
> Look at http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/changeset/9810
> su-tools was chap5 coreutils su but as that was not convenient to report
coreutils tests issue in chap6 with su-tool used, it was changed in
changeset/9810 to be installed under su name (in chap5). So that can't
solve anything linking su-tools that no more exist under su-tools name or
su name as coreutils su has vanished since 8.19 upgrade.
Ahh, I see the problem now,

su-tools was not from the blobs, it came from coreutils and now it is no

Would have been easier to see if you wrote that su{-tools} simply didn't
exist anymore, I thought you were worried about it not being suid

> > You need to understand why they need it.
> > Not for getting root but switching user from root to a non privileged
> > user and as such it need not be suid.
> >
> I already understand the problem. Thank.
As do I now that I know that the su-tools I thought may have come packaged
with the helper scripts didn't, it was from coreutils and is now awol

well, like I said it's been a while, but I have acquired a couple of old
Dell d600 laptops so will play around.
My guess is simply grabbing from the host as Bruce suggested is the easiest


> Gilles
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Re: [lfs-dev] campaign to save su

2012-09-04 Thread Firerat
On Sep 4, 2012 6:58 PM, "John Burrell"  wrote:
> >> I already understand the problem. Thank.
> >>
> >As do I now that I know that the su-tools I thought may have come
packaged with the helper >scripts didn't, it was from coreutils and is now
> >well, like I said it's been a while, but I have acquired a couple of old
Dell d600 laptops so will play >around.
> >My guess is simply grabbing from the host as Bruce suggested is the
easiest option.
> >Firerat
> I intuitively don't like that solution because if someone grabs my script
to play around with it, they will likely have a different host and su could
be in a different location from my host.
True, but easy with a script, something like

install $(which su) /tools/bin/su

> I tried compiling shadow at the end of chapter 5 and using that su - but
it doesn't work. It doesn't appear to execute the bashrc file in the
package user directory. I went back to try coreutils-8.17 and that version
of su works okay. I don't understand why at the moment.
Shot in the dark,.but are you using login flag?
   su -l user
> What is likely to be the difference between the coreutils-8.17 version
and the shadow version of su, that I compiled, to make it behave this way?
If you are not using -,-l,--login it could be that coreutils defaults to
this BUT I don't see why it should?!1!

> jb.
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