[libreoffice-l10n] Translation Uk Ru

2020-01-15 Thread Y.Sol.lei
I want to help Libreoffice Project with the Ukrainian and Russian
translation of websites, and also help-files.
Give me 'to-do's :)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Weblate documentation on the wiki

2020-02-20 Thread Y.Sol.lei
As I understand, we plan to use Pootle service ?

чт, 20 лют. 2020 о 16:48 sophi  пише:

> Hi all,
> For Pootle we had a guide here:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/PootleGuide
> because there was no documentation on Pootle at the beginning.
> Do you think it's needed to have the same level of documentation for
> Weblate? There is already a help provided with the product, so I think
> to detail only our settings when they are specific or not obvious.
> What do you think?
> Cheers
> Sophie
> --
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[libreoffice-l10n] Note about comments

2020-07-29 Thread Y.Sol.lei
It's rather a question for admins of "fullness" the LO project.
As I see, many translators put MANY comments to the English part of both
the UI and Help system. Comments concern the correctness of
terms, completeness of definitions, absence of menu items and so on...
Alas, none of them was reviewed at a recent time.
So, my question: is the situation have seasonal trait ?

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] L10n Stats

2020-09-29 Thread Y.Sol.lei
As for translators, I think the community should differentiate a type of
l10n contributor. So it must be only two types, as mentioned:
1. "the community";
2. "ecosystem companies".
Scoring these parameters, it might be a little statistics :)
Obviously, the work implies some site correction.

ср, 30 вер. 2020 о 01:45 Martin Srebotnjak  пише:

> Hello, l10n community,
> does someone have a clue how all the l10n efforts of LO could be
> numerically measured/represented?
> Like what amount of the l10n effort of LO project is contributed by "the
> community" and how much by the "ecosystem companies".
> Since at the time being only new/changed lines of code get measured and
> used in all the press releases - we might not have a proper view of the
> project and the role of the community and its volunteers - nor can the l10n
> effort be properly communicated in the press releases.
> Lp, m.
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Untranslated buttons

2020-09-30 Thread Y.Sol.lei

As I correctly understood, these buttons seem untranslated in the "Windows"
group of systems, so the buttons are similar to those present in a system.
I haven't seen such a problem in Linux.

ср, 30 вер. 2020 о 21:00 Milos Sramek  пише:

> Hi,
> Some buttons in dialogs, namely Revert, Apply, Cancel, Help (maybe
> others) are not translated. These 4 are for example in the Tools >
> Options dialogs, but also in many other.
> In some dialogs  Reset (e.g. in Tools > Modify) is translated.
> This problem has a quite long history (LO 6.4)
> Is it a known bug? Or, should I report it in Bugzilla?
> Milos
> --
> email & jabber: sramek.mi...@gmail.com
> --
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[libreoffice-l10n] To find translation in the UI

2020-10-05 Thread Y.Sol.lei
Hi, all!
I've decided to deepen the translational process, so ask you:
is there an exact way to find the location of the word in the UI ?
I suggest the "context" area may help, but don't know HOW...


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] To find translation in the UI

2020-10-12 Thread Y.Sol.lei
Thank you for the answer, Kees!
It seems very inspiring.
But I can't find a link to that version of LO. Could you share it with me?

Regards, Eugene.

пн, 12 жовт. 2020 о 09:16  пише:

> The easiest way is to install the key-id version of Libreoffice.
> Key-id versions exist for the alpha or beta versions of a release.
> It is the file with qtz instead of the language in the name, like
> LibreOfficeDev_7.0.0.0.beta1_Win_x64_helppack_qtz.msi
> You can find all the different versions of LibreOffice on
> http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/
> In this key-id version you will find codes before (almost) every
> UI-item.
> You can search for this code in Weblate.
> Choose the project and your language and click Search.
> Search criteria is “note: vwxyz”. (vwxyz is the code you found for the
> UI-item)
> This way you find your UI-item for translation.
> I hope this is what you like to know.
> Success, Kees
> Y.Sol.lei schreef op 05.10.2020 11:56:
> > Hi, all!
> > I've decided to deepen the translational process, so ask you:
> > is there an exact way to find the location of the word in the UI ?
> > I suggest the "context" area may help, but don't know HOW...
> >
> > --
> > ---
> > Regards,
> > Eugene
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] To find translation in the UI

2020-10-12 Thread Y.Sol.lei
Thanx a lot!

пн, 12 жовт. 2020 о 12:13 Ilmari Lauhakangas <
ilmari.lauhakan...@libreoffice.org> пише:

> The version Kees mentioned was just an example. You would not use an old
> beta version. Kees gave you the link to find all the released versions:
> http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/
> The directory listing is in ascending order, so just scroll down until
> you find the directory corresponding to the latest version.
> Perhaps you want to look at the unreleased version instead. In this
> case, you would navigate to a place like
> https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/master/Win-x86_64@tb77-TDF/current/
> install the main package and also
> LibreOfficeDev_7.1.0.0.alpha0_Win_x64_helppack_qtz.msi
> Ilmari
> Y.Sol.lei kirjoitti 12.10.2020 klo 11.06:
> > Thank you for the answer, Kees!
> > It seems very inspiring.
> > But I can't find a link to that version of LO. Could you share it with
> me?
> >
> > Regards, Eugene.
> >
> > пн, 12 жовт. 2020 о 09:16  пише:
> >
> >> The easiest way is to install the key-id version of Libreoffice.
> >> Key-id versions exist for the alpha or beta versions of a release.
> >> It is the file with qtz instead of the language in the name, like
> >> LibreOfficeDev_7.0.0.0.beta1_Win_x64_helppack_qtz.msi
> >>
> >> You can find all the different versions of LibreOffice on
> >> http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/
> >>
> >> In this key-id version you will find codes before (almost) every
> >> UI-item.
> >> You can search for this code in Weblate.
> >> Choose the project and your language and click Search.
> >> Search criteria is “note: vwxyz”. (vwxyz is the code you found for the
> >> UI-item)
> >> This way you find your UI-item for translation.
> >>
> >> I hope this is what you like to know.
> >>
> >> Success, Kees
> >>
> >> Y.Sol.lei schreef op 05.10.2020 11:56:
> >>> Hi, all!
> >>> I've decided to deepen the translational process, so ask you:
> >>> is there an exact way to find the location of the word in the UI ?
> >>> I suggest the "context" area may help, but don't know HOW...
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> ---
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Eugene
> >>
> >> --
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> >>
> >
> >
> --
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[libreoffice-l10n] How to translate the special Wiki-page

2022-07-17 Thread Y.Sol.lei
Hi, ppl!
I found the page https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing/Magazine
doesn't have an option to translate 'with a wizard', meaning the presence
of the link *Special:Translate.*
Is it a bug or do I need to create my own page 'from scratch'?


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[libreoffice-l10n] Language-code langpack

2023-03-17 Thread Y.Sol.lei
Hi, all!
As I remember, some time ago there was a langpack with QTZ abbreviation in
its name to see a 5-character coding for each item of LibreOffice UI.
For this reason I'd like to ask:
1. What name has that langpack got today?
2. What chapter of LibreOffice Wiki mentions dealing with it?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Language-code langpack

2023-03-20 Thread Y.Sol.lei
Thank you, Sophie!
I must admit that qtz addon is absent at the list of and
versions' langpacks.
When it will be available?

пн, 20 бер. 2023, 15:44 користувач sophi  пише:

> Hi,
> Le 17/03/2023 à 21:35, Y.Sol.lei a écrit :
> > Hi, all!
> > As I remember, some time ago there was a langpack with QTZ abbreviation
> in
> > its name to see a 5-character coding for each item of LibreOffice UI.
> > For this reason I'd like to ask:
> > 1. What name has that langpack got today?
> > 2. What chapter of LibreOffice Wiki mentions dealing with it?
> It's described here:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Language#KeyID
> Cheers
> Sophie
> --
> Sophie Gautier so...@libreoffice.org
> GSM: +33683901545
> IRC: soph
> Foundation coordinator
> The Document Foundation
> --
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