[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] REMIND: Documentation team call is today at 18:00 UTC

2020-12-17 Thread Peter Schofield
Hello Olivier

Need to know if we are going to store images on NextCloud and in what format. 
That is PNG and/or ODG format.
I take screenshots for user guides and use PNG format. Any editing is done in 
Draw and I save an ODG version of image as well as PNG format.

Chapter 2 of the Contributors’ Guide mentions storing images used. Whatever 
decision is made at the team meeting will appear in Chapter 2.

Do we have a limit on storage space on NextCloud? Images can consume storage 
space easily.

Not sure if I will be at the team meeting, but you know my thoughts.

Peter Schofield

> On 17 Dec 2020, at 13:28, Olivier Hallot  
> wrote:
> Hi Documentation Team (Guides, Help contents) !
> Our documentation team meeting will take place today at 18:00 UTC
> We will use the following jitsi  meeting room
> https://jitsi.documentfoundation.org/tdfdocteam
> The meeting room is supposed to work will all browsers without the need
> of a specific plugin. You can use a mobile app in your Android or Iphone.
> The documentation pad for the meeting minute is
> http://pad.documentfoundation.org/p/documentation
> Main topics:
> Please fill the topics you want to discuss in the pad.
> - Editorial on Calc Guide Chap 13. (Olivier)
>   + Chap 13 describe several database function/features accessed thru
> macros
>   + Macros are a necesssary evil to replace custom missing features
>   + but not in this case, macros listed replace UI (Uno) commands
>   + turns chapter hard to read, unecessary complexity
>   + suggest to drop macros and review chap 13
>   + suggest enhance DB functions description with good examples.
> - collecting images in Guides (Peter S.)
>   +
> - Our pt_BR experience with matecat.com for translating guides (Olivier)
>   + comments, do's and don'ts
> See you later!
> -- 
> Olivier Hallot
> LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
> Comunidade LibreOffice
> Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
> http://tdf.io/joinus
> -- 
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[libreoffice-l10n] Impress Guide 7.0

2021-02-02 Thread Peter Schofield
Chapter 7 OLE, Spreadsheets, Charts, and Other Objects of the Impress Guide 7.0 
is now in the Published folder on the NextCloud website.

Peter Schofield

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Impress Guide 7.0

2021-02-07 Thread Peter Schofield
Hello Martin

I am preparing the Impress Guide (master document) at the moment and will be 
published Monday or Tuesday. Also the PDF versions of all the chapters and the 
Impress Guide will be published and placed on NextCloud.

The only thing I do not know is how to publish the Impress Guide and the 
individual chapters onto the LibreOffice website. Some instruction on how to do 
it would help, or is there one person who looks after the LibreOffice website 
put the files onto the website???

Peter Schofield

> On 7 Feb 2021, at 09:44, Martin Srebotnjak  wrote:
> Hi,
> I see that now all chapters of the Impress 7.0 GS guide are published.
> Currently, the master document is still missing, maybe Olivier can help? 
> Also, master doc for Draw guide is also not available.
> Lp, m.
> V V tor., 2. feb. 2021 ob 12:13 je oseba Peter Schofield  <mailto:psaut...@gmail.com>> napisala:
> Chapter 7 OLE, Spreadsheets, Charts, and Other Objects of the Impress Guide 
> 7.0 is now in the Published folder on the NextCloud website.
> Regards
> Peter Schofield
> psaut...@gmail.com <mailto:psaut...@gmail.com>
> -- 
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[libreoffice-l10n] Draw Guide 7.1 front and back covers

2021-05-11 Thread Peter Schofield
I need a copy of the back cover with the text for the Draw Guide 7.1.

Can someone make a Draw 7.1 back cover with text available in Contributor 
Resources so that I can download it.

Peter Schofield
Technical Writer, LO Documentation Team

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