[libreoffice-l10n] Localized "Month of LibreOffice" campaigns

2016-08-18 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

Some of you may have seen the Month of LibreOffice campaign we ran in 
May this year: 

In short, contributors to various parts of the project could win badges 
(https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Badges/2016-05) and award other 
people barnstars for their work 

We plan to run the next campaign in November, but the idea of localized 
versions has come up. For instance, the Japanese community could run 
their own Month of LibreOffice at another time in the year, maybe with a 
specific focus on two or three badges.

The full campaign "pack" - images, blog posts, data sources (for 
awarding badges) and scripts (for updating the wiki) - is available on 
the wiki here: 

So it's complete and ready to be re-used at any point. If anyone is 
interested in running a Month of LibreOffice in their own native 
language community, let me know and I'll do all I can to help!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2016-08-23 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

Thanks to the awesome work of the community we now have subtitles in 11 
languages for our LibreOffice 5.2 videos at  http://tdf.io/52vids -- and 
I still have more to add from the wiki! Thanks to everyone for your 
contribution :-)

Also, we have a general-purpose promotional video called This is 


I've added the script to the wiki, so if anyone wants to make 
translations, I can then add subtitles to that video as well:



Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project video subtitles

2016-08-24 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

Another promotional video we have is for the Document Liberation 
Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSqU2Wp-neQ

I've put the script on the wiki here, so if anyone has time to 
contribute translations in another language, that would be really 
appreciated -- then I'll add subtitles to the video:



Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project video subtitles

2016-08-24 Thread Mike Saunders

Great work, thanks David! I've just added it to the wiki now.


On 24.08.2016 16:10, David Jourdain wrote:

Hi Mike, all,

here, a pt_BR translation:

1. Em um mundo digital, ter o controle sobre seus dados é essencial. 
Mas se

você criar um documento hoje, você pode garantir que você será capaz de
abri-lo daqui a 10 anos? O que acontece se o software que você usa hoje
deixar de ser atualizado, ou mudar para um formato de arquivo 


2. Isto é o que chamamos de “dependência do fornecedor”, isso é usado 
muitas empresas de software proprietário para controlar os usuários e 

dados. Isso é muito ruim para usuários domésticos e de escritório, mas
imagine as consequências para grandes arquivos de dados nas 


3. Bem... nós estamos mudando isso. O “Document Liberation Project“
fortalece os indivíduos, organizações e governos para que possam 

seus dados que estão em formatos de arquivos fechados e proprietários
migrando-os para formatos abertos, retornando o controle para seus

4. O projeto desenvolve bibliotecas de software para importar formatos 
arquivos proprietários de muitas aplicações distintas. Como estes 
são fechados e secretos, é difícil entender como eles funcionam, 

problemas ao tentar importá-los. Como este diagrama do Microsoft Visio.

5. Mas graças aos desenvolvedores do “Document Liberation Project“, 
podemos ler arquivos proprietários do Visio em aplicações de software 
e de código aberto, e depois salvar os dados usando padrões abertos, 
como o

Open Document Format.

6. bibliotecas do “Document Liberation Project“ estão sendo usadas em
muitas aplicações de software livre e de código aberto bem conhecidas, 

Scribus, Inkscape, Calligra e LibreOffice.

7. O projeto é apoiado pela The Document Foundation. Então junte-se a 

em documentliberation.org, e nos ajudem a construir um futuro onde os
criadores controlam seus dados.


David Jourdain

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project video subtitles

2016-08-24 Thread Mike Saunders

On 24.08.2016 16:53, Kolbjørn Stuestøl wrote:

Done for Norwegian nynorsk (nn).

Nice one, thanks!

But how am I able to see the translated text in the videos? They shows
up in English only.

There are a few more steps involved :-) I'll wait a few more days for 
further translations to be added to the wiki, then I'll add the 
subtitles to the YouTube channel via the video manager tool on that 


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2016-08-25 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi Cor,

On 25.08.2016 12:00, Cor Nouws wrote:

Now I've been looking for a possibility to spread a url that directly
shows subtitles in a certain language. Can only find url to start at
certain time..

This doesn't appear to be possible, sadly. This page explains that you 
can add a tag in the video manager to force subtitles to be on, but I 
think that'd just be annoying for most English native speakers who'd 
want to turn them off straight away.


Still, that page also suggests that enabling captions in a specific 
language is possible when embedding the video, so that may be useful in 
some cases.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Document Liberation Project video subtitles

2016-08-29 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi Leo,

On 26.08.2016 15:17, Leo Moons wrote:

 I have uploaded the translation for a Dutch subtitled version on the
wiki page

Great work, thanks!

 Could you please inform when we can have a look at the video?

Yes, when I get the time to import the subtitles (and sync them) in 
YouTube. It's not a big job but it takes a bit of time -- hopefully in 
the next few days :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2016-09-01 Thread Mike Saunders


Thanks to the efforts of the community, the "This is LibreOffice" video 
now has subtitles in Greek, Italian and Slovenian:


If anyone wants to add more, that would be awesome -- the script is 


On 23.08.2016 15:13, Mike Saunders wrote:

Hi everyone,

Thanks to the awesome work of the community we now have subtitles in
11 languages for our LibreOffice 5.2 videos at  http://tdf.io/52vids
-- and I still have more to add from the wiki! Thanks to everyone for
your contribution :-)

Also, we have a general-purpose promotional video called This is 


I've added the script to the wiki, so if anyone wants to make
translations, I can then add subtitles to that video as well:



Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] New video subtitles for translation: Join the LibreOffice community

2016-10-05 Thread Mike Saunders


Firstly, thanks to everyone who has contributed translations for our 
other videos! Great work, really appreciated :-)

I've put online a new video here, encouraging people to get involved 
with the LibreOffice community:


Here is the script, if anyone wants to contribute translations into 
other languages. Then I will add subtitles on the YouTube one:



Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New video subtitles for translation: Join the LibreOffice community

2016-10-06 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi Sveinn,

Thanks for your help!

On 05.10.2016 21:38, Sveinn í Felli wrote:

But the (automatically generated CC) .srt reads:
"leave office is used by millions of

Yes, it's much better to translate the hand-written text on the wiki 
rather than YouTube's attempt at automatic subtitles. Also, if you put 
your translation on the wiki, others can see it and make any necessary 
changes too!

There are other hilarious parts later in the file.
Imagine if you had, say, a Scottish accent?

Believe me, I had to tone down my northern English accent quite a lot as 
well... In real life I sound a bit different :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Re: New video subtitles for translation: Join the LibreOffice community

2016-10-06 Thread Mike Saunders

Thanks everyone, you've been amazingly quick with these!

I have a bunch of things to do this week and I'm away next week, but 
I'll add the new subtitles after that -- and then we can promote the 
video again :-)


On 06.10.2016 16:06, Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco wrote:

Hi Mike! Hi all! :)

 Great video Mike! Thanks!  :)
 I have added the translation to Brazilian Portuguese.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Video subtitles - srt files?

2016-10-07 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

On 07.10.2016 11:39, Sveinn í Felli wrote:

I see now that Mike has already uploaded the English .srt

Just to be clear -- I haven't uploaded any .srt files, or even ever used 
them :-) I simply pasted the original script into the YouTube video 
manager and asked it to sync up. So we have the original English now, 
and I've removed the automatic version.

I think YouTube allows .srt uploads, so I can do that if it's required 
for some languages, but it's still good to have the text on the wiki!

Thanks :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New video subtitles for translation: Join the LibreOffice community

2016-10-07 Thread Mike Saunders

Hey Sveinn,

On 07.10.2016 10:54, Sveinn í Felli wrote:

I have prepared my own .srt for Icelandic with proper timings.

Thanks -- I was curious to see if .srt files work on YouTube, so I've 
just tried adding yours and everything seems to be OK! Please check just 
in case, though :-)

And thanks again to everyone else for your contributions -- I'll add 
them when I get back from holiday after next week.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Video subtitles - srt files?

2016-10-07 Thread Mike Saunders

On 07.10.2016 15:24, Sveinn í Felli wrote:

Þann fös  7.okt 2016 11:06, skrifaði Mike Saunders:
Just to be clear -- I haven't uploaded any .srt files, or even ever 

them :-) I simply pasted the original script into the YouTube video
manager and asked it to sync up.

I have the suspicion that the YouTube video manager must prepare a
.srt file from your script; You are asked to do the timings, right?

No, I just paste in ASCII text and click "set timings" -- YouTube does 
it all automatically. And from my experience with the videos I've made 
in the last few months, it always gets them right (with English at 


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New video subtitles for translation: Join the LibreOffice community

2016-11-07 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

Just an update on this -- thanks to all of your efforts, our Join the 
Community video now has subtitles in 14 languages!


If anyone wants to add any more, here's the wiki page: 

Thanks again!


On 05.10.2016 13:43, Mike Saunders wrote:


Firstly, thanks to everyone who has contributed translations for our
other videos! Great work, really appreciated :-)

I've put online a new video here, encouraging people to get involved
with the LibreOffice community:


Here is the script, if anyone wants to contribute translations into
other languages. Then I will add subtitles on the YouTube one:



Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] TDF / LibreOffice Christmas card for translations

2016-12-14 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

As discussed on the marketing mailing list, we've made a Christmas card 
that we'll share on our social media channels close to the 25th of 
December. Here's what it looks like:


It's made in LibreOffice Draw, of course :-) And here's the ODG if 
anyone wants to translate it into another language and spread the word 
inside native language projects:


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.3 New Features video scripts for translation

2017-01-17 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

I have now finalised these scripts:


And I will work on the videos this week. If anyone wants to contribute
translations in other languages, that would be really appreciated and I
will add subtitles to the videos before we launch.

For those who've already started translations, I changed "own cloud" to
"private cloud" on line 11 of General for clarity, and also made this
change to line 10 of General:


If you could update your translations accordingly, that'd be great, thanks!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.3 New Features video scripts for translation

2017-01-23 Thread Mike Saunders

Thanks everyone for your contributions! So far we have subtitles in 9
languages (it will be 10 when Arabic is complete for the other
sections). I'll add them when I upload the videos, and if anyone wants
to add any others before the launch of LO 5.3, that'd be awesome!



On 17/01/2017 13:00, Mike Saunders wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have now finalised these scripts:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/5.3_New_Features_Script
> And I will work on the videos this week. If anyone wants to contribute
> translations in other languages, that would be really appreciated and I
> will add subtitles to the videos before we launch.
> For those who've already started translations, I changed "own cloud" to
> "private cloud" on line 11 of General for clarity, and also made this
> change to line 10 of General:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/index.php?title=Videos/5.3_New_Features_Script&diff=142266&oldid=142234
> If you could update your translations accordingly, that'd be great, thanks!

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.3 New Features video scripts for translation

2017-01-24 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Muhammet and Gökhan,

That's great, thanks! We're now up to 13 languages :-)


On 24/01/2017 12:03, Muhammet Kara wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> We (Gökhan Gurbetoğlu and I) have translated the scripts into Turkish.
> Cheers,
> Muhammet
> On 01/23/2017 05:26 PM, Mike Saunders wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Thanks everyone for your contributions! So far we have subtitles in 9
>> languages (it will be 10 when Arabic is complete for the other
>> sections). I'll add them when I upload the videos, and if anyone wants
>> to add any others before the launch of LO 5.3, that'd be awesome!
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/5.3_New_Features_Script
>> Mike
>> On 17/01/2017 13:00, Mike Saunders wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I have now finalised these scripts:
>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/5.3_New_Features_Script
>>> And I will work on the videos this week. If anyone wants to contribute
>>> translations in other languages, that would be really appreciated and I
>>> will add subtitles to the videos before we launch.
>>> For those who've already started translations, I changed "own cloud" to
>>> "private cloud" on line 11 of General for clarity, and also made this
>>> change to line 10 of General:
>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/index.php?title=Videos/5.3_New_Features_Script&diff=142266&oldid=142234
>>> If you could update your translations accordingly, that'd be great,
>>> thanks!

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.3 New Features video scripts for translation

2017-02-01 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

Just to say that the videos are now online, with subtitles in many, many


Thanks so much again for everyone who got involved! Great work. And if
anyone is looking to do some more translations, we also have this video
which currently has over 57,000 views:


Thanks again!

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.3 New Features video scripts for translation

2017-02-02 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Luca,

On 02/02/2017 00:54, "Luca Daghino"@Libero wrote:
> Hello!
> Italian translation added for all 4 videos; could you add it where missing?
> Thank you! :)

Yes, I've just added the Italian subtitles for Impress now, so it should
all be complete. Thanks muchly!

Also, I've just seen the Albanian translations and added those as well
-- good work Anxhelo :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.3 New Features video scripts for translation

2017-02-08 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Luca,

On 03/02/2017 23:30, "Luca Daghino"@Libero wrote:
> Actually... Italian subs are missing for Writer too... :)

Ah yes -- I've added them now! Apologies for the slight delay, as I was
at FOSDEM :-)

> I also made a little correction for Impress (2nd line only); I'd be
> grateful if you could change it in subs please... :)
> Thank you so much! :)

Yes, I've done that as well. Thanks for your work!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2017-02-13 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Kiyotaka,

On 12/02/2017 04:48, Kiyotaka Nishibori wrote:
> I've submitted Japanese script to wiki. However this submission is
> missing information on timing for the script.
> I created caption file (.sbv) for the youtube video[1]. I hope it help
> you to add Japanese script to the video.

Great, thanks for that! I'll add them today. No worries about the timing
-- because the sentences are numbered on the wiki, I can easily make
sure they match the English originals.


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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.4 New Features video script for translation

2017-07-19 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

I've been working on a New Features video for the upcoming release of
LibreOffice 5.4. I've put the script on the wiki here:


It would be awesome to get some translations, so that I can add
subtitles in other languages before release day (currently set for Weds
26 July).

For LibreOffice 5.3, we had translations in 17 languages (click Settings
> Subtitles/CC):


Thanks in advance for your help!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.4 New Features video script for translation

2017-07-19 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Gökhan,

Thanks very much for your translation! I'll add it to the video. And
thanks for your feedback, although the audio recording has already been
done so I don't want to change anything now.


On 19/07/2017 16:45, Gökhan Gurbetoğlu wrote:
> If the narration has not been made, may I have a small suggestion? I
> think in Writer's 2nd item, putting "pasting" before "exporting" makes
> the sentence more fluent, but I might be wrong because of thinking in my
> language. Also aren't "bulleted lists" just "bullet lists" (in the same
> sentence)? What do you think?
> Gökhan

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.4 New Features video script for translation

2017-07-25 Thread Mike Saunders
On 25/07/2017 17:59, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Sophie wrote on 25-07-17 17:16:
>> Hey all,
>> We now have translations in 12 languages!
> Added for Dutch ;)

Awesome, thanks Cor!

As the release has been postponed to Friday, we still have a couple of
days -- I'd like to add all of the subtitles to the YouTube video by
Thursday at the latest.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 5.4 New Features video script for translation

2017-07-26 Thread Mike Saunders
Fantastic -- thanks Serg, Martin, Kolbjørn and everyone else for your
help! We now have 17 translations. This should be a great release :-)


On 25/07/2017 23:03, Serg Bormant wrote:
> Hi,
> Added for Russian.
> --
> wbr, sb

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Minutes of Marketing Call

2017-07-26 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Rhoslyn,

On 25/07/2017 20:34, Rhoslyn Prys wrote:
> Will there be changes to the wording of the website? Could a copy be
> available for updating the Welsh website c.28/7?

The two pages that I will update on release day are:

* http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/new-features/
* http://www.libreoffice.org/download/release-notes/

If you think any other pages need updating, just let me know.


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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice website - 5.4 New Features page - HTML for translation

2017-07-26 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

Below is the HTML that I will make live on Friday for the release of
LibreOffice 5.4, for http://www.libreoffice.org/discover/new-features/
in case anyone wants to translate it for other languages...

New features to boost your productivity

In LibreOffice 5.4, file format
compatibility has been improved, with better support for EMF vector
images. In addition, imported PDF files are rendered with much better
quality, while a new colour palette has been added as well. On Linux,
you can use OpenPGP keys for signing your ODF documents.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/lBNWOWJul4w"; width="560"
height="315" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0">

Edit documents with

In Writer, you can now import AutoText
from Microsoft Word dotm templates. When you're exporting or pasting
numbered and bulleted lists as plain text, their full structure is
preserved. There's also a new watermark feature, accessible via the
Format menu, while new context menu items have been added for working
with sections, footnotes, endnotes and styles.

Work smarter with

Calc now includes support for pivot charts, which use data from pivot
tables – and when the table is updated, the chart is automatically
updated as well. Meanwhile, comments are now easier to manage, with menu
commands to show, hide and delete all comments. When you're applying
conditional formatting to cells, you can now easily change the priority
of rules, with up and down buttons. Then there are extra sheet
protection options, to allow insertion or deletion of rows and columns,
and when you're exporting in CSV format, your settings are remembered
for the next export operation.


In Impress, when you're duplicating an object, you can now specify
fractional angles. In addition, your settings are saved for the next
duplication operation. Finally, a new keyboard shortcut was added,
Ctrl+M, to insert a new slide.

LibreOffice online -
your office suite, anywhere

LibreOffice Online has been improved as well. Performance is better,
while the layout adapts responsively to mobile devices. In addition, a
read-only mode has been added, along with change tracking support,
native comment rendering and editing, and initial support for Asian
language input methods.

Further details

For a full list of new features in
LibreOffice 5.4, see our https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/5.4";>release

LibreOffice is Free Software that would not be possible without http://www.documentfoundation.org";>The Document Foundation and
its volunteer contributors. For this
release we would particularly like to thank the developers listed for
their tremendous work and effort https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/5.4";>inside our
release notes. You can contribute to the LibreOffice and http://www.documentliberation.org";>Document Liberation project
as well – see how you can get
involved here. 

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice website - 5.4 New Features page - HTML for translation

2017-07-27 Thread Mike Saunders

On 27/07/2017 02:42, Allan Nordhøy wrote:
> Linking to the whole "how you can involve yourself here"

Yes, the "here" at the end of the English version is redundant -- I'll
change the link to "see how you can get involved". That makes more sense
and the link is a bit bigger than just "here" and more prominent. Thanks
for the feeedback!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice website - 5.4 New Features page - HTML for translation

2017-07-29 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Luca,

On 28/07/2017 21:11, Luca Daghino @ Libero wrote:
> There's a little error in the page...
> The line
>  LibreOffice online - your office suite, anywhere
> does not show up; if you click on the plus sign you open the above menu
> of the Impress line.

Ah yes, a little glitch in the HTML -- thanks for letting me know! I've
fixed it now :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice website - 5.4 New Features page - HTML for translation

2017-08-02 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Rhos,

On 02/08/2017 11:06, Rhoslyn Prys wrote:
> Mike, I used your original code, what changes have you made? Thanks.

It was to do with the collapsable panels and anchors on the page, but
I've just fixed the code on the Welsh page as well.

On a related note, the link to the Welsh site isn't active here:


Is there a reason for that? I can only assume it was offline for a
while, but if the Welsh site is in production, I can put a proper link
in there if you like.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice website - 5.4 New Features page - HTML for translation

2017-08-02 Thread Mike Saunders
On 02/08/2017 12:08, Rhoslyn Prys wrote:
> Yes, please do that. Thanks

OK, done!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice website - 5.4 New Features page - HTML for translation

2017-08-02 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Gökhan,

On 02/08/2017 13:44, Gökhan Gurbetoğlu wrote:
> I have added the Turkish translation below. I also fixed the repeating
> link and div for collapseFour so you don't have to :)

Great, thanks! I've put it online:


And I'm learning some Turkish words too :-)


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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice timeline HTML code for localisation

2017-08-28 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

We recently added this page to the English site:


If anyone wants to translate it to another language, the HTML is here:


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] TDF donations infographic for translation

2017-09-11 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

We've made an infographic showing how donations to TDF were used in
2016. Here's the PDF:


I made it in Scribus, so here's the layout file for anyone who wants to
translate it:


Note that the fonts required are Vegur (bold and normal). German
speakers: I'll do a German translation today, and then post it to the
DE-discuss list for feedback.

For native language communities using the infographic, apparently Monday
is the day when people are more likely to spend online -- just something
to take into account!


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] TDF donations infographic for translation

2017-09-11 Thread Mike Saunders

On 11/09/2017 12:10, Sophie wrote:
>> Scribus 1.4.6 can't open the file with message:
> Same for me, I got version 1.4.6

Ah yes, sorry, I should've mentioned that I used Scribus 1.5.3. It is
the development branch, but the wiki says:

"Scribus 1.5.3 is very fast and has been thoroughly tested. Generally,
everything that works reliably in 1.4.x also works in 1.5.3"

If there's demand, I could remake it in Draw of course!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] TDF donations infographic for translation

2017-09-11 Thread Mike Saunders
On 11/09/2017 12:34, Krunose wrote:
> It's not about not trusting Scribus 1.5.3 but rather that lot of long
> term supported distributions are based upon Debian stable and lot of
> them will have Scribus 1.4. Installing from source is scary for majority
> of users and that majority will run 1.4.6.

Yes, that makes sense. I installed both in parallel and hoped I could
paste from one into the other, but 1.4.6 has serious problems trying to
handle the content: http://i.imgur.com/Zhdp44m.png

So it looks like I'll have to remake it from scratch...


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] TDF donations infographic for translation

2017-09-11 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

OK, here's a version made in LibreOffice Draw:


Just let me know if you need anything else!


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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice event calendar updates

2017-09-13 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

Just a quick reminder that we have a calendar on Nextcloud for upcoming
events where members of the LibreOffice community are attending:


If you're planning to create or attend an event for your region or
community, and want to add it to the calendar, just let me know!

And don't forget that we have stickers and other materials that you can
hand out as well. Thanks :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] TDF donations infographic for translation

2017-09-14 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Anxhelo,

On 13/09/2017 20:34, Anxhelo Lushka wrote:
> I translated the infographic to the Albanian (sq) language and exported
> it as PDF, where should I post it? I attached it here hoping this list
> accepts attachments.

Great, thanks for the translation! This list doesn't accept attachments,
but you can send me your translated ODG directly and I'll put it on the
wiki. In the meantime, you can spread the image on your Albanian social
media channels (I'm not sure what you have, but I know there's a
LibreOffice Albania Facebook group, for instance).


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[libreoffice-l10n] Updates to LibreOffice Viewer (Android) Play Store listings

2017-09-21 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

We recently updated the English description text for the LibreOffice
Viewer on the Play Store, making it a bit shorter and more lively:


We can add translations in other languages, so if anyone wants to
contribute, that would be awesome! I've made a wiki page here:


If you scroll down, you'll see that there already were translations in
various languages -- I've included links to the older text on the App
Store. So if you speak one of those languages, you could use the
existing text as a base to make the changes.

Thanks very much for all help!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Updates to LibreOffice Viewer (Android) Play Store listings

2017-09-21 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Adolfo,

On 21/09/2017 16:01, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote:
> I’d just make a small change in the English description: I’d include
> Office 2016 in the lists of supported formats. Instead of
> “2007/2010/2013” it could become “2007–2016”, and similarly with the
> previous format: “97/2000/XP/2003” → “97–2003”. I’ve done this for Spanish.

Sounds like a good idea, thanks -- but just to be sure, the Android app
as released on the Play Store definitely supports Office 2016 files,
yes? (I know various updates have been made recently, but some are
waiting to be rolled into the next release.)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Updates to LibreOffice Viewer (Android) Play Store listings

2017-09-27 Thread Mike Saunders
On 21/09/2017 18:57, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote:
> Based on my very limited tests (mainly consisting of opening university
> documents and my lesson plans), yes, there is 2016 support. YMMV!

Thanks Adolfo -- I've updated the wiki page for translations
accordingly, and will add them to the app store listings.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2017-09-28 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Gabor,

On 27/09/2017 21:13, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> I added a new Hungarian translation, could you please put it online?
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/This_is_LibreOffice_script#Hungarian

Great -- I've just added them to the video. Thanks!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2017-10-04 Thread Mike Saunders
Hvala Kruno, and thanks to everyone else -- I've now added:

* Albanian
* Turkish
* Bulgarian
* Spanish
* Croatian

Great work, everyone :-)


On 03/10/2017 11:44, Krunose wrote:
> On 30.09.2017 20:13, Mikhail Balabanov wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Bulgarian subtitles have been added,
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/This_is_LibreOffice_script#Bulgarian_.28bg.29.
> I've just added Croatian, too.
> Thanks,
> Kruno
>> Cheers,
>> Mihail
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>> From: Mike Saunders
>> Sent: 28 септември 2017 г. 11:15 ч.
>> To: Gabor Kelemen; Localization list
>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles
>> Hi Gabor,
>> On 27/09/2017 21:13, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
>>> I added a new Hungarian translation, could you please put it online?
>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/This_is_LibreOffice_script#Hungarian
>> Great -- I've just added them to the video. Thanks!
>> Mike

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[libreoffice-l10n] Video script for translation: Become a member of TDF

2017-10-04 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

We've made a new video, encouraging people in the LibreOffice community
to become members of The Document Foundation:


I've added English subtitles, and put them on the wiki as usual, in case
anyone wants to add a translation:


Thanks in advance!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Video script for translation: Become a member of TDF

2017-10-05 Thread Mike Saunders
Thanks Olivier, Sophie and Anxhelo -- I've added those subtitles. Great


On 05/10/2017 01:28, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> Hello Mike
> Brazilian Portuguese translated, thanks to Cassiano dos Santos
> Regards
> Olivier
> Em 04/10/2017 11:59, Mike Saunders escreveu:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We've made a new video, encouraging people in the LibreOffice community
>> to become members of The Document Foundation:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g54FPnBmvOs
>> I've added English subtitles, and put them on the wiki as usual, in case
>> anyone wants to add a translation:
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/Become_a_member_script
>> Thanks in advance!

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2017-10-23 Thread Mike Saunders
Thanks Leo and Yaron -- I've added the Dutch and Hebrew subtitles now!


On 10/10/2017 07:19, Leo Moons wrote:
> Hej,
> And language 21 is Dutch, Nederlands!
> Could somebody remind me where I can find the video, so I can promote it
> once the Dutch subtitles have been uploaded?
> Many thanks
> Best regards
> Leo Moons
> LibreOffice/nl
> Op 04-10-17 om 15:16 schreef Yaron Shahrabani:
>> Just added Hebrew, sorry for the trouble.
>> Yaron Shahrabani
>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 3:39 PM, Mike Saunders <
>> mike.saund...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
>>> Hvala Kruno, and thanks to everyone else -- I've now added:
>>> * Albanian
>>> * Turkish
>>> * Bulgarian
>>> * Spanish
>>> * Croatian
>>> Great work, everyone :-)
>>> Mike
>>> On 03/10/2017 11:44, Krunose wrote:
>>>> On 30.09.2017 20:13, Mikhail Balabanov wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Bulgarian subtitles have been added,
>>>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/This_is_LibreOffice_script#
>>> Bulgarian_.28bg.29.
>>>> I've just added Croatian, too.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kruno
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Mihail
>>>>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>>>>> From: Mike Saunders
>>>>> Sent: 28 септември 2017 г. 11:15 ч.
>>>>> To: Gabor Kelemen; Localization list
>>>>> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video
>>> subtitles
>>>>> Hi Gabor,
>>>>> On 27/09/2017 21:13, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
>>>>>> I added a new Hungarian translation, could you please put it online?
>>>>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/This_is_LibreOffice_script#
>>> Hungarian
>>>>> Great -- I've just added them to the video. Thanks!
>>>>> Mike
>>> -- 
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Video script for translation: Become a member of TDF - Italian added

2017-10-23 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Luca, Allan and others,

Thanks very much -- I've added those subtitles now! And if anyone wants
to translate into other languages:


Your help is really appreciated :-)


On 06/10/2017 23:47, Luca Daghino @ Libero wrote:
> Il 05/10/2017 10:39, Mike Saunders ha scritto:
>> Thanks Olivier, Sophie and Anxhelo -- I've added those subtitles. Great
>> work!
>> Mike
> Hello Mike,
> Italian added to the wiki page, thanks to Gabriele Ponzo.
> Greetings from Torino, IT, EU
> Luca :)
>> Hi everyone,
>> We've made a new video, encouraging people in the LibreOffice community
>> to become members of The Document Foundation:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g54FPnBmvOs
>> I've added English subtitles, and put them on the wiki as usual, in case
>> anyone wants to add a translation:
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/Become_a_member_script
>> Thanks in advance!

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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.0 New Features video: script for translation

2018-01-24 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

So LibreOffice 6.0 is due to be released on Weds 31 January, and as
usual I've made a video demonstrating some of the new features. I've put
the script on the wiki, so if anyone wants to make a translation, I can
add subtitles before the video goes public on release day:


Thanks very much in advance for your help!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.0 New Features video: script for translation

2018-01-24 Thread Mike Saunders
On 24/01/2018 15:39, Yaron Shahrabani wrote:
> Hebrew is done, thank you.

Great, thanks Yaron -- and thanks to the translators of the other languages!

> Please send updates here if the English version is updated.

Will do. Hopefully that shouldn't happen, though, as I've been checking
the script with various developers over the last few weeks.


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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-website] 6.0 release sys requirements on website

2018-01-31 Thread Mike Saunders
hi Core,

On 31/01/2018 12:28, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Version 6.0 does not support installation on Windows XP and Vista.
> Probably this info is useful for the page
>   https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/system-requirements/

Yes, good point -- I've updated the text, and also for the macOS section
as well (as LO 6.0 needs macOS 10.9 or newer).

Good work on the release, everyone!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.0 New Features video: script for translation

2018-02-01 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Gökhan,

On 01/02/2018 08:59, Gökhan Gurbetoğlu wrote:
> I have completed the Turkish translation.

Great, thanks for that -- I've just added the subtitles.

> Mike, also can you add the title translations for each language? YouTube
> supports title translations as well so for example "LibreOffice 6.0: New
> Features" becomes "LibreOffice 6.0: Yeni Özellikler" when viewing the
> video.

Do you mean, maybe with an annotation? I've not used those before but I
can investigate -- in the meantime, I've added "LibreOffice 6.0: Yeni
Özellikler" to the beginning of the first subtitle as a compromise :-)

Thanks again, and to everyone else for their translations! We now have
13 of them -- if anyone else wants to contribute, here's the script:



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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-website] l10n of LO website(s)

2018-02-13 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Martin,

On 08/02/2018 12:42, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> Please someone take care of these issues - if l10n and localized websites
> are of any priority to the website team.
> Internet and web are about being prompt and there seems to be a problem
> with handling the website l10n side at LO/TDF.

Just to say, thanks for bringing up these issues -- I appreciate some of
them have been on the table for a while. I'm going to meet Cloph soon
and learn more about Silverstripe, Pootle and other topics relating to
these issues, so hopefully I can tackle some of them in due time.

And as mentioned, I'll deploy Leto2 on the main site too. Thanks again
for all your localisation work!


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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice stickers - what do you need?

2018-03-08 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

We at The Document Foundation are going to order some more stickers
soon, to hand out at events. We have designs in English here:


Then there are the "Proud contributor" stickers from the Month of


But we'd like to hear from native-lang projects -- what do you need? Are
there particular stickers, designs or translations you'd like to have
for your local events and communities? You can see the .odg versions of
some stickers on the wiki page, but just let me know if you need more
for translations...


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Short URLs for local help and get involved pages

2018-03-09 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

As you may know, we have the domain "tdf.io" that we can use for short
URLs, redirecting to other pages. For instance, currently we have:

* http://tdf.io/joinus - goes to the English "Get involved" page
* http://tdf.io/unete - the same, but for Spanish
* http://tdf.io/hilfe - goes to the help page on the German site

These short URLs can be useful when you have limited space, especially
on printed materials like stickers. If anyone needs one for a native
language project, just let me know and I'll sort it out!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Short URLs for local help and get involved pages

2018-03-10 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Lera,

On 09/03/2018 20:23, Lera Goncharuk wrote:
> Could you update the http://tdf.io/helpru link to new online help for
> Russian community, please?
> https://help.libreoffice.org/latest/ru/text/swriter/main.html

Sure, done!


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[libreoffice-l10n] New question in English LibreOffice website FAQ

2018-03-14 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

We've just added this question to the English FAQ:


I know that some of you have translated the FAQ for the site in other
languages, so I just wanted to let you know about this change, in case
you want to add it to your site too.


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] l10n of LO website(s)

2018-03-16 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Martin,

On 08/02/2018 12:42, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> 1) There is a new (or updated) string on the download page(s), that is not
> localizable:
> "Older versions of LibreOffice (may be unsupported!) are available in the
> archive" 
> It should be added to pootle to be localized ASAP.

Yes, indeed, this needs to be translated. We've added another one to the
download page as well, so I'll send a separate email now...


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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice download page: Two short strings to translate

2018-03-16 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

We've added two new strings to the download page, and I've worked out
how to make them localisable in SilverStripe. (I will also investigate
linking it with Pootle but that may take some time!) So in the meantime,
if you want to translate these strings into your local language, just
reply here (and mention the language), then I'll add them to the
relevant file in SilverStripe:

To choose another language, click here.

Older versions of LibreOffice (may be unsupported!) are available in the


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.1 New Features video: script for subtitle translations

2018-08-01 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

I'm making a video about the new features in LibreOffice 6.1. It will be
made public on release day, but in the meantime, here is the script, if
anyone wants to make translations. Then I'll add the subtitles before
release day. Thank you very much!


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.1 New Features video: script for subtitle translations

2018-08-07 Thread Mike Saunders
On 07/08/2018 09:31, Cor Nouws wrote:
> Mike Saunders wrote on 01-08-18 11:15:
>> anyone wants to make translations. Then I'll add the subtitles before
>> release day. Thank you very much!
> Not sure if it's in time, but Dutch is translated (and corrected too
> just now.)
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/6.1_New_Features_Script

Brilliant, thanks Cor -- and indeed everyone else who contributed
translations! Great job. I'm going through them right now and adding
them to the video.


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[libreoffice-l10n] Text for "New Features" page for translation, after LO 6.1 release

2018-08-07 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

When LibreOffice 6.1 is released tomorrow, I will update this page:


The updated text is below, for those who want to translate it for their
own sites. Would it be easier if I paste the full HTML for the section,
from the SilverStripe interface?

Great new features developed by our community

LibreOffice 6.1 includes two fresh new icon themes: Colibre, which is
now the default on Windows, and Karasa Jaga. In addition, image handling
has been improved, making the software faster and more responsive, while
new fill gradients, help files and interface translations make this the
best LibreOffice ever.

Word processing at the next level

Writer's EPUB export filter has been improved, helping you to create
e-books from your documents. In the header and footer menus, new options
let you quickly add page numbers and page counts, while new chapter
numbering styles, which spell out cardinal and ordinal numbers, are now
available. Finally, it's now possible to generate a signature line using
Insert > Signature Line.

Take your spreadsheets further

In Calc, images that are anchored to cells can now be sorted. In
addition, there are now three anchor types: to a cell, as usual; to a
cell with resizing when the cell size changes; and to a page. When
linking a sheet to external data, CSV files can now be used as data
sources. And as an extra bonus, the options dialog lets you customise
cell highlight colours.

Pristine presentations and drawings

In Impress and Draw, new drawing styles have been added, while existing
ones have been cleaned up. Also, the menu in Draw was reorganised to be
more intuitive, and a new Page menu was added.

LibreOffice Online - your office suite, anywhere

In LibreOffice Online, the cloud-based version of the suite, many new
dialog boxes have been added, including spelling and grammar, cell
formatting and area fill. In Calc, it's now possible to collapse or
expand any group of columns or rows with a single click. Finally,
performance and security has been improved as well.

Further details

For a full list of new features in LibreOffice 6.1, see our release notes.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Text for "New Features" page for translation, after LO 6.1 release

2018-08-07 Thread Mike Saunders

On 07/08/2018 14:58, Rhoslyn Prys wrote:
> Yes, please :-)

OK :-) Here's the raw HTML for translating:


Two things to note:

1) Most of that text is the same as the New Features video script, so if
you've already translated that, you can re-use the text from:

2) There is a new video for LibreOffice 6.1; I'll provide the updated
URL tomorrow just before launch.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.1 New Features video: script for subtitle translations

2018-08-08 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Sergio,

On 07/08/2018 22:54, Sérgio Marques wrote:
> I want to update the wiki page, but it seems that I don't have access.
> Previously I could access wiki page just fine.

With "don't have access", what do you mean specifically please? What's
the exact error message when you try to log in? Then I can send it to
our infra team to investigate... Thanks!


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Text for "New Features" page for translation, after LO 6.1 release

2018-08-08 Thread Mike Saunders
On 07/08/2018 16:01, Mike Saunders wrote:
> 2) There is a new video for LibreOffice 6.1; I'll provide the updated
> URL tomorrow just before launch.

Here it is:



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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.1 New Features video: script for subtitle translations

2018-08-08 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Modestas,

On 08/08/2018 13:23, Modestas Rimkus wrote:
> I've just added translation to Lithuanian. Can this still be added to the
> video? Thanks!

Great, thanks! I've just added the subtitles now :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.1 New Features video: script for subtitle translations

2018-08-09 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Gabor,

On 08/08/2018 17:51, Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> I added text for a Hungarian translation, could you publish it please?

Yes, just done that now -- thanks for the translation!


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[libreoffice-l10n] New social media header image available for translation

2018-08-14 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone!

After some discussions on the marketing mailing list, we've just updated
the header image we use on these social media platforms:

* https://twitter.com/libreoffice
* https://www.facebook.com/libreoffice.org/

You can see that it's based on the new icons created by Andreas Kainz,
with a simple message underneath describing what it is, who makes it,
and with a call to get involved.

If anyone wants to make a translated version for their local social
media channels, here's a version without the text:


The font I used was Vegur Bold, 32pt, hex colour: #696969

There's deliberately quite a lot of space around the icons, but that's
because different social media platforms have different dimensions for
the header images, so there's room to crop it.

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-website] NLP websites: wrong link to Bugzilla

2018-08-28 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Sophie,

On 28/08/2018 14:06, sophi wrote:
> Could you check on your site that on the QA page, the link to Bugzilla
> is this one:
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided
> instead of
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/
> and correct if needed.

Sure, I was just doing some work on the site so I've updated the German
page: https://de.libreoffice.org/get-help/feedback/

"einen Fehler melden" (report a bug) now links to the longer URL that
you provided.


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[libreoffice-l10n] Infographic to localise: "Four ways to improve LibreOffice"

2018-09-11 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

I made an infographic encouraging people to get involved with
LibreOffice. The goal is to show four quick ways, with simple text, to
show that anyone can help to improve our software and community, even
without development knowledge. It's here:


It can also be printed in flyer form for events. I've spread the
infographic on our English-language social media, and here's the
original Draw file, if anyone wants to translate it for local communities:


Just let me know if you make a translation, and I'll add it to the wiki.
Cheers :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Marketing Conference Call - POSTPONED

2018-10-11 Thread Mike Saunders


I'm afraid we have to postpone the call by a week (a few of us who
wanted to attend have come down with colds, so we can't participate very

The marketing call will now take place:

* Thursday 18 October, 14:30 CET

Apologies for any inconvenience!


On 09/10/2018 01:17, Italo Vignoli wrote:
> Next Marketing Conference Call will be on Thursday, October 11, at 2:30
> PM Berlin time. Everyone is invited to attend.
> We will discuss several topics:
> 1. Increased use of social media
> 2. "What can I do for LibreOffice"
> 3. Next Month of LibreOffice
> 4. Fundraising
> Please add your topics before the conference call. Best regards, Italo

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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice Conference 2018 recap video: subtitles for translation

2018-10-18 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

The Albanian community has made a recap video for the recent conference:


They've also made an SRT file with the subtitles, in case anyone wants
to translate. It's just plain text, so all you need to do is replace the
English with your language (and leave the timings intact):


If you make a translation, just send it to me and I'll forward it to the
organisers. Thanks! :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Minutes from Marketing Conference Call, 18 October 2018

2018-10-18 Thread Mike Saunders

* Franklin Weng
* Sophie Gautier
* Mike Saunders
* Redon Skikuli
* Amhed Haris
* Jona Azizaj
* Sreekanth V K
* Italo Vignoli
* Sam Tuke
* Foad Vafaei

1. "What can I do for LibreOffice" site: help people to understand in
just a few clicks, how they can contribute. Need to get the design team
involved, make it available for translations, build a tree for the
information. Code here: https://github.com/jdm/asknot. AIs: Mike to find
out about domain, and talk to various sub-projects about questions to
use; Redon to work on the first tree map.

2. Increased use of social media: work on more focused Twitter
campaigns, and encourage native language communities to make their own
social media accounts. Become more active on Instagram and LinkedIn -
but do in a coordinated way.

3. Next Month of LibreOffice, coming up in November: Focus especially on
bringing in new contributors. Consider expanding data sources, and
linking to another event (eg a Reddit "Ask us Anything").

4. Open Badges idea: Mike and Sophie catching up with various jobs after
LibOCon, but will work on it soon. Redon offers to help out as well.

5. Sreekanth's topic: doing more in Indian community; converting
interested people into community members. Challenge with lots of
different languages. Organise a regular call and try to build a
community there, make it a focus for aggregation in 2019. Consider
funding someone to travel to India to help out, and a mini conference
(eg in Pune).

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[libreoffice-l10n] Non-English resources for content about LibreOffice

2019-01-08 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

There are various websites and blogs out there with useful articles
about LibreOffice, such as this one:


Some of the posts are translations of things from the TDF blog, but
there are also some extra tutorials there too, which we could consider
translating into English.

If anyone knows of other potentially useful sources of content -- like
articles and how-tos we could translate -- please let me know!

Thanks :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.2 New Features video script for translations

2019-01-28 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

I'm making a video showing off the new features in the upcoming 6.2
release. The script is here, for those who'd like to translate it:


Thanks in advance for all your help! We've had lots of translations for
the last two videos (LO 6.1, 50,000 views -- and LO 6.0, 209,000 views)

Cheers :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.2 New Features video script for translations

2019-01-29 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Yury,

On 29/01/2019 06:17, Yury Tarasievich wrote:
> Guys, please add the components names to the
> list points. E.g., I couldn't understand right
> away the importance of #24, and I still don't
> know what's #25 about.

Sure -- I've added full section names to the EN version:


> Not all features/changes are comprehensible
> without the context. E.g., #16: the
> personalization dialog, how can it be "faster"?
> was it "slow"?

Muhammet describes it here:


"After this commit: * The initial search time went down from ~40 seconds
to ~6 seconds"


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.2 New Features video script for translations

2019-01-29 Thread Mike Saunders
On 29/01/2019 11:16, Yury Tarasievich wrote:
> One good turn deserves another, could you please
> redo with continued numbering? :)

It looks like that's not possible with Mediawiki syntax -- any header in
between automatically resets the numbering sequence. I've looked around
and not found any solution, but if anyone has one, please feel free to
implement it :-)

>> "After this commit: * The initial search time went down from ~40 seconds
>> to ~6 seconds"
> So, it's, like, only "the search on internet
> site with themes" is now faster. "Options"
> dialog as such never was exactly "slow".

Right, but in an end-user-oriented video we have to be brief. The longer
the video is, the less attention people will pay :-) So we don't go into
lots of detail there -- that's what the release notes for. As far as the
end user goes, some things in the Personalization dialog are now faster,
and that's what we should highlight IMO...


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.2 New Features video script for translations

2019-02-04 Thread Mike Saunders
A huge thanks to everyone who has contributed translations -- we have 13
so far! This morning I've added them all to the video, which will go
public on release day (Thursday). Here's the script again, in case
anyone else wants to add another:


I'll spread the word on social media when it's live :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.2 New Features video script for translations

2019-02-05 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Martin,

On 04/02/2019 22:28, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> I started translating it into Slovenian - I noticed that in the first set
> of subtitles one is redundand, the mentioning of returning to regular user
> interface via View - Toolbars - Standard Toolbar is mentioned twice.

Do you mean these bits:

6. You can also open the full menu here. If you want to go back to the
regular user interface, simply go to View, User Interface, and choose
Standard Toolbar.

9. To return to the regular interface, click Menu, User Interface,
Standard Toolbar.

They're not redundant, as they're slightly different (one involves
opening the menu via the top-left as usual, and the other clicking a
button that's actually called "Menu").

So the ways to return to the standard layout from the two NotebookBar
variants are slightly different, hence why I included them both. We
don't want to get lots of complaints from people who try the NotebookBar
but can't go back to the older interface :-)

Thanks for the Slovene translation! Hvala lepa!


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[libreoffice-l10n] Donate page strings to translate: CoinGate digital currencies

2019-03-14 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

For some of the donate pages with the "modern" design, like
https://www.libreoffice.org/donate/ we have added support for CoinGate,
which lets us accept many other types of digital currency. We've also
put Flattr into that box to simplify the donate page.

So if your local site has the newer donate page design with CoinGate,
and you'd like it to be localised, you can just reply with translations
to these three strings. (I've already done German, and can look at
feeding these into Pootle, but to speed things up I can just add the
translations directly). Thanks! Here are the strings:

BitcoinHeader: Digital currencies (eg Bitcoin) and Flattr
CoinGate: Donate via CoinGate (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash and
CoinGateDesc: CoinGate is a payment gateway for blockchain payments,
supporting over 40 digital currencies. Simply enter an amount, choose a
currency, and your donation will be processed.

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Community Member Monday: Biraj Karmakar

2019-04-08 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

Here's my interview with Biraj Karmakar, who's involved in Bengali


If anyone wants to talk about localisation, marketing and events in your
local communities, and put it on the blog, just drop me a line!

Cheers :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] New screenshots for localised LibreOffice websites

2019-04-15 Thread Mike Saunders

For many of our websites in various languages, the images on the
screenshot pages look like this:


So they're old, English-only, and very low resolution. Today I've
created a whole new set of screenshots for these languages:

* DE, FR, IT, ES, PT, SL

(Nothing specific about the choices, but they're the first languages I
chose, and I can just about understand them all enough to move around
inside the software using them!)

The images are here:


I plan to upload them to the relevant pages in the coming days. If
anyone has other plans, though, just let me know :-) I can also help
with screenshots in additional languages, of course...

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New screenshots for localised LibreOffice websites

2019-04-24 Thread Mike Saunders

So I've integrated the new screenshots into the sites:

* DE: https://de.libreoffice.org/discover/screenshots/
* EN: https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/screenshots/
* ES: https://es.libreoffice.org/descubre/capturas-de-pantalla/
* FR: https://fr.libreoffice.org/discover/screenshots/
* IT: https://it.libreoffice.org/scopri/screenshot/
* PT: https://pt.libreoffice.org/descobrir/imagens/
* SL: https://sl.libreoffice.org/o-izdelku/zaslonske-slike/

If anyone wants to make similar screenshots for other localised
websites, just let me know and I can send the sample documents and other


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-l10n] New screenshots for localised LibreOffice websites

2019-04-25 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Hidayet,

On 24/04/2019 19:10, Hidayet Kurnaz wrote:
> Thank's for your work. I can take screenshots for Turkish.

Thanks -- I'll send you the sample files I used directly. Here's the
HTML I use for including them on the website, for sections where there
are two screenshots side-by-side (eg Writer and Calc):

For single screenshots (eg Impress and Draw):


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[libreoffice-l10n] Question re: Hungarian website

2019-05-14 Thread Mike Saunders

Someone sent us the following suggestion for the Hungarian site -- any
feedback from native speakers? If it looks like a good idea, I can try
to change it...


I just now found a SEO type in your hungarian download page url;
The "letoeltes" is not a valid hungarian word :) The correct word for
download is letöltés, so the correct SEO url can be this:


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
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[libreoffice-l10n] New site: "What can I do for LibreOffice" open for translation

2019-06-11 Thread Mike Saunders

Some of you may have seen that on Friday, we launched this site:


Currently we have available translations in Albanian and Italian, with
three more to come (French, Slovene and Brazilian Portuguese). If anyone
wants to translate into further languages, the site code is on Gerrit:


Specifically, here's the English file to translate:


You can do a pull request after
(https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/gerrit) or simply send
the translated .ini file to me, and I'll make sure it gets added to the
site. Thanks :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-marketing] REMINDER June Marketing Call

2019-06-13 Thread Mike Saunders
On 12/06/2019 09:05, Italo Vignoli wrote:
> June Marketing Call is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday June 13, at
> 2:30PM CEST (UTC+2). We will use the following Jitsi conference room:
> https://jitsi.documentfoundation.org/tdfmktg

Another topic to discuss: https://whatcanidoforlibreoffice.org is now
live. How can we promote it effectively? Should we link to it in the
main website menu? Can we combine it with
https://www.libreoffice.org/community/get-involved/ in any way?

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[libreoffice-l10n] Checking activity and translation status of websites and social media accounts

2019-07-03 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

We have this wiki page, listing all the different web site translations
we have, along with social media accounts:


Many of the non-English websites are using the old SilverStripe design,
and some of the social media accounts are abandoned.

So I'm going through them, seeing what could be updated, and making
notes on Redmine:


If anyone wants to help out that list, that'd be great! We can then
reach out to the wider free and open source software community, asking
for people to boost LibreOffice in their languages by updating the
website or reactivating social media accounts...

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.3 New Features video: script for translation

2019-08-05 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

As usual, I've made a video showcasing some of the new features in
LibreOffice 6.3. The video will be public on Wednesday, and meanwhile
here's the script, if anyone wants to translate into another language.
Then I can add the translated subtitles:


Also, for the first time, I've used the Mediawiki translation extension.
Hopefully I've done it right :-)


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Marketing campaign "NO" available for translation

2019-08-28 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

Some of you may have seen this:


I've put the ODG file I used to make the image on the wiki:


So you can translate it and use it on social media. You can also
translate the blog post if you like, or even turn it into a page on a
localised LibreOffice website. (I preferred to do it as a blog post, as
the English-language website already has so many pages...)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Websites in various languages that need updating

2019-10-20 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

I've gone through various language versions of our website, and made a
list of those that are using the older design. If anyone would like to
give us a hand and update them, we'd really appreciate it! That's a
great way to help the project and spread the word.

I can also reach out via the blog and social media for help here too,
but I wanted to start on our own lists. So, the sites:

Arabic: https://ar.libreoffice.org

Bodo: https://brx.libreoffice.org

Bulgarian: https://bg.libreoffice.org

Catalan: https://ca.libreoffice.org

Danish: https://da.libreoffice.org

Esperanto: https://eo.libreoffice.org

Estonian: https://et.libreoffice.org

Farsi: https://fa.libreoffice.org

Gaelic: https://ga.libreoffice.org

Greek: https://el.libreoffice.org

Scottish Gaelic: https://gd.libreoffice.org

Galician: https://gl.libreoffice.org

Hungarian: https://hu.libreoffice.org

Georgian: https://ka.libreoffice.org

Khmer: https://km.libreoffice.org

Lao: https://lo.libreoffice.org (doesn't appear to be translated at all
- it's just English)

Maltese: https://mt.libreoffice.org

Occitan: https://oc.libreoffice.org

Polish: https://pl.libreoffice.org

Russian: https://ru.libreoffice.org

Sinhala: https://si.libreoffice.org

Slovak: https://sk.libreoffice.org

Serbian: https://sr.libreoffice.org

Swedish: https://sv.libreoffice.org

Vietnamese: https://vi.libreoffice.org

Additional note: https://no.libreoffice.org is using the new design, but
is almost entirely in English

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice and macOS 10.15 "Catalina" - blog post about some issues

2019-10-29 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

As some of you may have seen, certain users of the new macOS "Catalina"
release have experienced issues running LibreOffice. It's hard to
reproduce and many users have no problems, but we've made a blog post here:


When people on social media or the download@ address ask about the
issue, we point them to this. I'm working on a German translation of it,
but everyone else is welcome to translate into other languages for
blogs, social media etc.!

The main thing is that we have something on search engines when people
search for "LibreOffice Catalina" or "LibreOffice macOS 10.15" etc.

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Websites in various languages that need updating

2019-11-06 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Michael,

On 20/10/2019 14:27, Michael Wolf wrote:
> I've been waiting for months that the new Donate page is enabled for
> Upper Sorbian ("Darić") and Lower Sorbian ("Pósćiś").

Thanks for letting us know -- I'm afraid I don't have the technical
know-how to implement it, but I'll ask the infra team...


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Websites in various languages that need updating

2019-11-06 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Mihkel,

On 20/10/2019 22:14, Mihkel Tõnnov wrote:
> What do I need to do to update the design of the site for my language?

Thanks for offering to update the Estonian page! Looking at the
SilverStripe admin interface, I can only see pages in English, so I'm
not sure how to switch this I'm afraid. But let me poke the infra team
who should have the technical know-how...


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[libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice social media accounts in various languages: help wanted, gain experience!

2019-11-07 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

I was going through the list of social media accounts for LibreOffice in
various languages and locations here:


It's great to see that most of them are active and up-to-date, so a huge
thanks to everyone who helps to maintain them.

A few pages/accounts have been relatively quiet for a while though, so
the maintainers could do with some help. I've posted the list below,
along with the date of the last update.

If you're interested in helping out, drop me a line and I'll try to put
you in touch with someone in those communities. And of course, if you
want to build up experience with managing social media accounts, this is
a great way to get started! So, the list:


* Argentina: https://www.facebook.com/LibreOfficeArgentina - October 2017

* Hungary: https://www.facebook.com/LibreOfficeHU/ - January 2019

* India: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LibreIndia/ - June 2017

* Kabyle: https://www.facebook.com/libreoffice.aqbayli/ - Page not

* Paraguay:
https://www.facebook.com/Libre-Office-Paraguay-107105419376157/ - March 2018

* Polish: https://www.facebook.com/LibreOfficePolska - August 2013

* Portugal: https://www.facebook.com/libreofficept/ - May 2018

* Russian: https://www.facebook.com/ru.libreoffice.org - March 2018

* Taiwanese:
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_174632695891483&ap=1 - Page
not accessible


* Argentina: https://twitter.com/LibreOfficear - April 2017

* Brazil: https://twitter.com/libreofficebr - February 2018

* Guarani: https://twitter.com/libreguarani - March 2017

* Russian: https://twitter.com/LibreOffice_ru - February 2015

* USA: https://twitter.com/LibreOfficeUS - October 2014

* Oklahoma: https://twitter.com/LibreOfficeOK - October 2010

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Updating "system requirements" page on LibreOffice websites

2019-11-26 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

This is about the system requirements for macOS:


They should be:

* LibreOffice 6.3.x: macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) or higher
* LibreOffice 6.2.x: macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) or higher

Someone pointed out that the English version had a mistake, and some
other pages didn't show the difference between LO 6.2 and 6.3. So I've
fixed some of the pages I can (kinda) understand: English, German,
French, Italian, Spanish and Slovene.

But for all other maintainers of native language sites, if you can
please check the system requirements page and ensure it matches the
details above, that'd be great, thanks! :-)

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Keeping system requirements up-to-date

2019-12-02 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone,

An Italian LibreOffice user on Facebook asked me if the software works
on Windows 10. I saw that the system requirements page here doesn't
mention Windows 10 (or Windows Server 2012):


If maintainers of native-lang sites can check that the requirements are
up-to-date, that'd be super appreciated :-) Here's the English version
for reference:



Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Keeping system requirements up-to-date

2019-12-04 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Rhoslyn,

On 03/12/2019 18:47, Rhoslyn Prys wrote:
> Done, but...
> According to
> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/cloud-platform/windows-server-comparison
> Microsoft also have more recent versions of Windows Server - 2016 and 2019.
> Does LibreOffice run on those, should they be included? Thanks.

Thanks for updating the site! I'll check that with the developers...


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