[libreoffice-l10n] Account for Italian website

2015-05-21 Thread Marina Latini
Hi all,
can I have an account for translating the Italian[0] website?

preferred user name: deneb



Marina Latini 

Studio Storti Srl
Viale Leonardo da Vinci, 18 36100 - Vicenza (VI)
Piazza San Nazaro in Brolo, 15 20122 - Milano (MI)

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Account for Italian website

2015-05-21 Thread Marina Latini

- Messaggio originale -
> Da: "Sophie" 
> A: l10n@global.libreoffice.org
> Inviato: Giovedì, 21 maggio 2015 11:36:24
> Oggetto: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Account for Italian website
> Hi Marina,

Hi Sophie,

> What do you want to translate, the strings on Pootle (you need to create
> an account there) or the strings on the Website (you need to create an
> account there and ask for rights on the website list then).
> Note: you may want both ;)

I have an account on Pootle but I need an account to translate and update the 
Italian website.
Can you help me?


Marina Latini 

Studio Storti Srl
Viale Leonardo da Vinci, 18 36100 - Vicenza (VI)
Piazza San Nazaro in Brolo, 15 20122 - Milano (MI)

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[libreoffice-l10n] Italian Students Internship

2016-05-24 Thread Marina Latini
Hi all,

The students of the Italian high schools - between 15 and 18 years old - must 
spend from 200 to 400 hours working in a company for a kind of 
internship named "alternation school-work".
From June 13th, I'll mentor 5 students involved in QA and L10N. You should see 
them in IRC and mailing-lists soon. :)

QA tasks:
* MozTrap
* QA easy hacks (thank you Tommaso)

L10N tasks:
* easy hack on help content (thank you Olivier)
* Italian translation of UI (thank you Valter)
* Italian translation of user guides (thank you Luca)


Marina Latini 

Studio Storti S.r.l.
Via dell'industria 8 
36040 Torri di Quartesolo - VICENZA
Tel 0444-782140 int.38
Fax 0444-782141

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] issue in Table > Size > Distribute rows evenly

2016-05-27 Thread Marina Latini

- Messaggio originale -
> Da: "Sophie" 
> A: "LibreOffice-l10n" 
> Inviato: Mercoledì, 25 maggio 2016 11:32:24
> Oggetto: [libreoffice-l10n] issue in Table > Size > Distribute rows evenly
> Hi all,

Hi Sophie, All,

> Could you check this issue in your language?
> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13
> en_US is ok but it seems to appear in French and German. Thanks in advance

IT locale is ok.


Marina Latini 

Studio Storti S.r.l.
Via dell'industria 8 
36040 Torri di Quartesolo - VICENZA
Tel 0444-782140 int.38
Fax 0444-782141

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Welcome to the Italian team!

2016-06-14 Thread Marina Latini

- Messaggio originale -
> Da: "Sophie" 
> A: "LibreOffice-l10n" 
> Inviato: Martedì, 14 giugno 2016 10:43:26
> Oggetto: [libreoffice-l10n] Welcome to the Italian team!
> Hi all,
> And welcome to the Italian team :-)

Thank you Sophie,

> Let us know if you have any question, I'll be happy to help you where I
> can.

The students are ready to start with some translations of the Math guide.


Marina Latini 

Studio Storti S.r.l.
Via dell'industria 8 
36040 Torri di Quartesolo - VICENZA
Tel 0444-782140 int.38
Fax 0444-782141

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] info about faq n. 147

2016-06-24 Thread Marina Latini

- Messaggio originale -
> Da: "Sophie" 
> A: l10n@global.libreoffice.org
> Inviato: Venerdì, 24 giugno 2016 10:57:08
> Oggetto: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] info about faq n. 147
> This option doesn't exist any more. When you check Asian and CTL under
> Languages, this activates 3 more options under Language settings:
> Searching in Japanese, Asian Layout and Complex Text Layout. UI items
> will be activated once the language settings have been checked.

Thank you Sophie. :)


Marina Latini 

Studio Storti S.r.l.
Via dell'industria 8 
36040 Torri di Quartesolo - VICENZA
Tel 0444-782140 int.38
Fax 0444-782141

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation of 4 words for helponline.

2017-09-04 Thread Marina Latini
Il 04/09/2017 02:20, Olivier Hallot ha scritto:
> Hello l10n team

Hi Olivier, all,

> To have the new help online localized I need your assistance to
> translate 4 words: 'Index', 'Contents', 'Find' and 'Language'.

Done! :)

Thank you for taking care of this.


Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] English videos in help files

2018-04-26 Thread Marina Latini
It is not appropriate to have lots of amateur legal speculation on this
Please, don't discuss these issues here.

If you have a genuine concern around a legal issue please setup a call
with Simon or Eike who are responsible for legal topics on the board,
please provide only the briefest of rational for such a call.



Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0  F256 3DB8 2837 F010 C774
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why: https://evil32.com/

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[libreoffice-l10n] [REMINDER] about the 2023 TDF Board of Directors Election

2023-12-28 Thread Marina Latini

Dear Members,

The voting phase for the new Board of Directors is ending soon.
Let me remind you of some information and deadlines as already shared in 
my previous message[0].

The subject of the message sent on Wednesday, December 13th 2023 with 
the token for voting was:

"Your Document Foundation 2023 Board Elections Voting Token"

from the sender:


If you are a TDF Member and you didn’t get the message, please, check 
your inbox and the spam folder too!

In case you didn’t find the message, please, reach out to us as soon as 
possible at


According to the announcement[0], this is the relevant timeline for 

* Saturday, 2023-12-16, 00:00 CET/UTC+1: official start of the election
* Thursday, 2023-12-28, 24:00 CET/UTC+1: end of the election

You still have time to cast your vote but please, don’t wait until the 
last minute!

For what concerns our voting system, the foundation adopted the STV 
voting system with the Meek method.
Please realize that it tries to optimize to make your first choice most 
likely to be on the board, with subsequent choices being much less 
probable (unless your earlier choices are very popular). As such the 
order of your choices really is important.

For more details please read also the page on Wikipedia[1].

You can find more information on this election directly from the 
election website[2] that includes also the list of candidates with their 
affiliations and candidacy statements[3].

On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_transferable_vote

[2] https://elections.documentfoundation.org/2023-board/

[3] https://elections.documentfoundation.org/2023-board/candidates.html

Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
The Document Foundation, Winterfeldtstraße 52, 10781 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[libreoffice-l10n] Re: Need info on sd/source/ui/accessibility.po for l10n

2014-05-13 Thread Marina Latini
Hi All,
Thank you for your tip.

have a nice daay,

Marina Latini 

Studio Storti Srl
Viale Leonardo da Vinci, 18
36100 - Vicenza (VI)

- Messaggio originale -
> Da: "Caolán McNamara" 
> A: "Sophie" 
> Cc: "libreoffice-dev" , "LibreOffice-l10n" 
> Inviato: Martedì, 13 maggio 2014 14:58:37
> Oggetto: Re: Need info on sd/source/ui/accessibility.po for l10n
> Looking at where they get used, they are the accessibility descriptions
> for the things they describe, presentation pages and notes and so on. So
> you'd need an accessibility tool to hear them read out as you select
> them in the UI. Anyway, it looks completely safe to separate them with
> spaces and remove the capitals etc, and just format them as natural for
> your language. We should probably separate them in the English version
> too.
> C.
> ___
> LibreOffice mailing list
> libreoff...@lists.freedesktop.org
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice

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