[libreoffice-l10n] Uploaded po files are not processed by Pootle

2015-09-02 Thread Gabor Kelemen

I finished translating the 5.0 help in Pootle, downloaded the full zip of
all the files, then uploaded it to master[2].
Seems like that was a mistake, as Pootle has not imported it, neither does
it import individual po files if I try to upload them one by one - it gives
no error messages, just returns the same stat page without any change.

Can anyone take a look at Pootle and unbreak it for Hungarian?

[1] https://translations.documentfoundation.org/hu/libo50_help/
[2] https://translations.documentfoundation.org/hu/libo_help/

Thanks in advance
Gabor Kelemen

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] 4.3 and 4.4 projects removal from Pootle

2016-04-19 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Sophie

hu may go as well.

Gabor Kelemen

2016-04-18 17:56 keltezéssel, Sophie írta:
> Hi all,
> To help Christian doing this once instead of a per language basis, who
> is willing to have 4.4 and 4.3 projects removed from Pootle? Please, add
> your language in this thread:
> -
> Thanks in advance!
> Cheers
> Sophie

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Discrepancy between Help and UI

2016-10-13 Thread Gabor Kelemen
2016-10-13 20:12 keltezéssel, Valter Mura írta:
> Please, amend this part and tell me if it is necessary to open a bug
> for this issue, thank you.
It is a known bug: https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96496


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Getting rid of 'oldref' in the help files

2016-12-16 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi all

2016-12-16 16:13 keltezéssel, Jan Holesovsky írta:
> The idea is to get rid of the 'oldref' attribute in the help files; ie.
> change
>l10n="U" oldref="13">Heading
> to
I did not realized oldref being part of msgctxt, so in my recent help
commits removed a lot of these from the files I touched, even from
otherwise untouched strings. So I probably made quite a few fuzzy
strings - sorry about that.

With that being said, I fully support this move, like right now :).

Also if possible, please kill the l10n attribute along it. These two
make my eyes bleed while editing the original xml.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Some measurements are hard-coded in inches

2016-12-24 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Yuri

This is on the new Page side pane. Under the Header and Footer sections
you can set the spacing using these preset values from the dropdown
list. There are similar values under the Format section for the page
margin (like Normal 1").

However when you set the spacing like this and then open the Page style
panel you see the spacing value represented in cm.

I'd suggest to change these in the original strings to cm units, or even
to drop them entirely.


2016-12-23 13:07 keltezéssel, Yury Tarasievich írta:
> That would be 4.5 points, in typographic measure, so no, shouldn't
> convert that (and please nobody start on there being two kinds of
> typographic points )).
> Only I wonder what's measured that precisely, in UI?
> On 22/12/16 22:39, Olivier Hallot wrote:
>> I found some measurements in inches in the UI. For example:
>> spacing.src RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING Extra Small (1/16") itemlist.text
> ...
> -Yury

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Master update against template

2016-12-26 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Martin

2016-12-26 01:34 keltezéssel, Martin Srebotnjak írta:
> 2) 1 item in Writer - Format - Rotate submenu:
>> - Rotate 180º
> Can't see this in LO53RC1, probably this is a new menu entry after RC1? How
> come? Doesn't RC1 mean string and UI freeze?

It was added on the 23rd:

This is why it's not in Pootle yet. It is correctly marked for
localization, so a new upload of templates will solve that part.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Master update against template

2016-12-26 Thread Gabor Kelemen
2016-12-26 11:33 keltezéssel, Martin
  Srebotnjak írta:
Hi, Gabor,2016-12-26 11:03 GMT+01:00 Gabor
kelemenkelem...@ubuntu.com:Hi Martin2016-12-26 01:34 keltezéssel, 
Martin Srebotnjak írta:2) 1 item in Writer - Format - Rotate submenu:- Rotate 
180ºCan't see this in LO53RC1, probably this is a new
menu entry after RC1? Howcome? Doesn't RC1 mean string and UI 
freeze?It was added on the 
 is why it's not in Pootle yet. It is correctly marked
  forlocalization, so a new upload of templates will solve that
The sl team is not using Pootle, I am using pot zipped
  files to update translations. As stated 
here:https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104914=Andras made an 
updated pot zip for 5.3 on 25th (after RC1,
  so it should contain this string) 
And this zip does not contain this new string. It
  should probably be 

HiI see it now: the patch was added to master but not to the
libreoffice-5-3 branch.So this is exactly how it should be: "Rotate
  180º" is 5.4 material.RegardsGaborStrange.
Lp, m.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Probable typo in Writer Help Master, Pootle #2

2017-01-09 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Valter

This was fixed in master a few days ago:



2017-01-08 21:36 GMT+01:00 Valter Mura :

> Hi All
> Comment: CkzGB
> File: 0211.xhp
> Context: 0211.xhp\n par_id3155852\n 20\n help.text
> Now it reads:
> Is the full stop correct? In other ahelp hid a slash is present ( hid="modules/swriter/ui/navigatorpanel/up"> or  hid="modules/swriter/ui/navigatorpanel/save">)
> Ciao
> --
> Valter
> Open Source is better!
> LibreOffice: www.libreoffice.org
> KDE: www.kde.org
> Kubuntu: www.kubuntu.org
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[libreoffice-l10n] File upload to Pootle stopped working

2017-02-19 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi all

Yesterday I tried to upload some po files I translated offline to


The first one succeeded (though not for the first try) but since then I
see my uploaded files disappearing without the stats changing or an
error message.

I tried to upload autopi.po and explorer/database.po here.

Also tried to upload a 01.po file to
https://translations.documentfoundation.org/hu/libo_help/smath/ and that
action gives me "504 Gateway Time-out" error and no change of stats.


Gabor Kelemen

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fonts in "Book" style

2017-06-21 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Olivier

2017-06-21 15:50 keltezéssel, Olivier Hallot írta:
> Hi Experts...
> Last update of Pootle brought translation of font styles (Bold, Italic,
> COndensed...), including "Book" font style.

That was bug#107700[1]

On one hand, it is possible in the code to display the same string for
different font weights.
So that terminology differences in font files are hidden from the user
if the different names mean the same thing.
For example the "standard", "regular" and "medium" styles coming from
font files are all displayed as "Normal" in the UI[2].

On the other hand, I know nothing about the font industry, so I just
made every unique font style name that came up translatable.
There is certainly room for a bit of improvement here.

[1] https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=107700
[2] http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/s?refs=aCompareStyleName&project=core


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Errors in help found in Pootle

2017-07-16 Thread Gabor Kelemen

Thanks for notifying us.

I just pushed some fixes for 1 and 2:

However I do not agree on #3:

2017-07-16 18:37 keltezéssel, Jean-Baptiste Faure írta:
> 3)
> Comment M3zv5. It says "The title of this page is Insert address
> block for letters and Select address list for
> e-mail messages."
> In fact the title is the same in both cases : "Insert Address Block"

If you select E-mail message document type in the second step of the
Mail Merge Wizard then in the left pane of the wizard you will see
"Select address list" as the name of the third step.

Moving onto the "Select address list" step shows indeed a right side
pane titled "Insert Address Block", where you can only select an address
I think this in itself is a UI problem and not the half-correct
documentation should be changed in the long run.

So, I'd open a bug about this and leave that sentence unchanged until
the UI catches up with it.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] This is LibreOffice promo video subtitles

2017-09-27 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Mike

I added a new Hungarian translation, could you please put it online?


Thanks in advance!
Gabor Kelemen

2016-08-23 15:13 keltezéssel, Mike Saunders írta:
> Hi everyone,
> Thanks to the awesome work of the community we now have subtitles in
> 11 languages for our LibreOffice 5.2 videos at  http://tdf.io/52vids
> -- and I still have more to add from the wiki! Thanks to everyone for
> your contribution :-)
> Also, we have a general-purpose promotional video called This is
> LibreOffice:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KC0ZdcA6s8
> I've added the script to the wiki, so if anyone wants to make
> translations, I can then add subtitles to that video as well:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/This_is_LibreOffice_script
> Cheers!

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Updated templates for master

2017-10-06 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Sveinn

It seems like the empty sting was marked for translation:



This RID_UPDATE_BUBBLE_DOWNLOADING was an empty string before the gettext
migration too:

But I think now the gettext framework would retrieve the mo file header
here, which is probably not the expected behavior.

Could you file a bug report please?


2017-10-06 10:12 GMT+02:00 Sveinn í Felli :

> Hi,
> (not going to rant about all the 7000+ unnecessary fuzzies and false
> positive checks - but still...)
> There is a weird string in LibreOffice master – UI -->
> extensions/messages.po --> Unit #137750341
> Seems there's no translatable text and thus no translation possible.
> Can someone check in their language?
> Sveinn í Felli
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Updated templates for master

2017-10-06 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Sveinn

I see that string in git has only normal \n sequences:

Just like on the Pootle UI.

But the downloaded file contains double backslashes for Hungarian too.

So this one may be a Pootle issue, not a source code one.


2017-10-06 11:04 GMT+02:00 Sveinn í Felli :

> Hi Gabor;
> There are more creepy things circulating:
> For example in LibreOffice master – UI --> wizards/source/resources.po -->
> Unit #137767072 I get this in the downloaded PO-file:
> #. zRGEs
> #: resources_en_US.properties
> #, fuzzy
> msgctxt ""
> "resources_en_US.properties\n"
> "RID_COMMON_21\n"
> "property.text"
> msgid ""
> "The wizard could not be run, because important files were not found.\\n"
> "Under 'Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - Paths' click the 'Default' button
> to "
> "reset the paths to the original default settings.\\n"
> "Then run the wizard again."
> msgstr ""
> "Ekki tókst að keyra leiðarvísinn, þar sem mikilvægar skrár fundust
> ekki.\n"
> "Farðu í 'Verkfæri - Valkostir - %PRODUCTNAME - Slóðir' smelltu á "
> "'Sjálfgefið' hnappinn til að endursetja slóðirnar á upprunalegar
> stillingar.\n"
> "Keyrðu svo aftur leiðarvísinn."
> You see the double backslash in the newline entities, compared to the
> "normal" ones in my older translation. There's a bunch of similar issues;
> possibly my download got somehow fubar-ed, will try again later.
> But possibly this is a more serious server-side matter!
> Will file a bug once someone else confirms the behaviour for other
> languages.
> Best regards,
> Sveinn í Felli
> Þann fös  6.okt 2017 08:52, skrifaði Gabor Kelemen:
>> Hi Sveinn
>> It seems like the empty sting was marked for translation:
>> https://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/core/extensions/inc/strings.hrc#320
>> This RID_UPDATE_BUBBLE_DOWNLOADING was an empty string before the gettext
>> migration too:
>> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/extensi
>> ons/source/update/check/updatehdl.src?id=00657aef09d85
>> 4c74fb426a935a3e8b1fc390bb0
>> But I think now the gettext framework would retrieve the mo file header
>> here, which is probably not the expected behavior.
>> Could you file a bug report please?
>> Regards
>> Gabor
>> 2017-10-06 10:12 GMT+02:00 Sveinn í Felli :
>> Hi,
>>> (not going to rant about all the 7000+ unnecessary fuzzies and false
>>> positive checks - but still...)
>>> There is a weird string in LibreOffice master – UI -->
>>> extensions/messages.po --> Unit #137750341
>>> Seems there's no translatable text and thus no translation possible.
>>> Can someone check in their language?
>>> Sveinn í Felli
>>> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle: source file paths not available anymore

2017-12-16 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Stanislav

I'd miss the paths too.

Fortunately it is possible to restore them, a first patch is here:

I still need to look at the code a bit more for a full solution that
covers all file types.

Gabor Kelemen

2017-12-14 17:33 keltezéssel, Stanislav Horáček írta:
> Hi,
> I found out that the information about paths to source code files with
> the strings to translate is now missing in Pootle. This is a drawback
> of the (surely necessary) migration to gettext - strings are now
> stored in messages.po files which does not correspond anymore with the
> structure of the source code.
> (In some cases, the path can be derived from file name, e.g. .ui files
> lives in uiconfig/ui/, but this is not 100%.)
> This broke my workflow, as I am used to jump often to the Github
> history of the file corresponding with a translated string (its URL is
> created by a JavaScript bookmarklet using data from a current Pootle
> page). By that, I got very useful overview of the change (e.g. if it
> is cosmetic or not), I could check related bugzilla reports to see
> what a new feature should do and where to find it in UI etc.
> Does anyone else miss the paths? And would it be possible to give them
> back, i.e. to save them together with file name when generating .po
> files?
> Best regards,
> Stanislav

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice 6.1 New Features video: script for subtitle translations

2018-08-08 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Mike

I added text for a Hungarian translation, could you publish it please?

Thanks in advance!
Gabor Kelemen

2018-08-01 11:15 GMT+02:00 Mike Saunders <

> Hi everyone,
> I'm making a video about the new features in LibreOffice 6.1. It will be
> made public on release day, but in the meantime, here is the script, if
> anyone wants to make translations. Then I'll add the subtitles before
> release day. Thank you very much!
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Videos/6.1_New_Features_Script
> --
> Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
> The Document Foundation
> --
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] translation of keyboard key names

2019-08-18 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Jean-Baptiste

Those key names come from the vcl

You may want to modify the arrayaImplReplacements_FrenchBest regards
Gabor Kelemen
2019. 08. 17. 22:17 keltezéssel,
  Jean-Baptiste Faure írta:
Hi,Considering the bug 
reporthttps://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126999, I need
  to know where is defined the translated name of each key of the
  keyboard. Does LibreOffice have its own translation or the
  translation is taken from the OS ?Exploring Pootle, I see translation of 
several key names in the
  terminology. Is it enough to modify the translation at this point
  so that it is repeated for each keyboard shortcut?Best regards.JBF

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] translation of keyboard key names

2019-08-18 Thread Gabor Kelemen
Hi Jean-Baptiste

Of course: no Pootle for these. This in itself might worth a separate
bug report as well.

And to make things funnier: there is a similar file for Windows too:


You probably want to keep in sync these for a platform independent user

Best regards

2019. 08. 18. 20:17 keltezéssel, Jean-Baptiste Faure írta:
> Hi Gabor,
> Le 18/08/2019 à 20:10, Gabor Kelemen a écrit :
>> Hi Jean-Baptiste
>> Those key names come from the vcl
>>    source:
>> https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/vcl/unx/generic/app/keysymnames.cxx
> Do you mean this file is not generated from Pootle ?
> Best regards.
>> You may want to modify the arrayaImplReplacements_FrenchBest regards
>> Gabor Kelemen
>> 2019. 08. 17. 22:17 keltezéssel,
>>    Jean-Baptiste Faure írta:
>> Hi,Considering the bug
>> reporthttps://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=126999, I need
>>    to know where is defined the translated name of each key of the
>>    keyboard. Does LibreOffice have its own translation or the
>>    translation is taken from the OS ?Exploring Pootle, I see
>> translation of several key names in the
>>    terminology. Is it enough to modify the translation at this point
>>    so that it is repeated for each keyboard shortcut?Best
>> regards.JBF

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translations of the help.libreoffice.org main page

2013-01-16 Thread Gabor Kelemen


Hungarian is here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/hlo-hu.txt

Gabor Kelemen

2013-01-15 20:27 keltezéssel, Jan Holesovsky írta:


I got a report that


is not translated - which is true.  In order to be translated to your
language (one of CA, CS, DA, DE, ES, FR, HU, IT, JA, KO, NL, PL, PT,
PT-BR, RU, SL, SV, VI, ZH-CN, ZH-TW), I'd like to ask you for the
translation of its source, that is of


If you can do it, please send it to me as a reply to this mail - I do
not want to do Wikihelp editable, as all the pages except the Main_Page
are still just generated from the LibreOffice Help, and it might lead to

Thank you a lot,

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] localization of converted dialogs for 4.3

2014-02-22 Thread Gabor Kelemen
2014-02-20 20:56 keltezéssel, Mihkel Tõnnov írta:
> 2014-02-20 21:25 GMT+02:00 khagaroth :
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 5:00 PM, Cor Nouws  wrote:
>>> The idea is that the people that work in pootle, having to translate
>>> dialogs that are sometimes strange to them, can look at how it was
>>> before the conversion to ui.
>> A much better idea would be if someone actually converted the current
>> strings to the new format, so that we don't have to retranslate tons of
>> stuff just because of minor changes like a different accelerator character.
> + a million!!!
> Before 4.2, I was pretty frustrated by having to retranslate previously
> translated strings, because "~" had been changed into "_", thereby creating
> some 6000 (IIRC) "untranslated" words. Sometimes TM helped, but with one or
> two-word strings, there were often several alternatives, so I had to chase
> the previous translation down in my 4.1 installation.

I avoided this problem the following way:
- Saved a zip of the previous version
- find . -name "*po" | xargs sed -i -e 's/~/_/g'
- fed the resulting files to a new TM in Lokalize and asked for
automatic substitution.

The "multiple translations for the same short expression" problem stayed
(and probably resulted in regressions I don't even know of), but the
longer expressions clicked into place like a charm, I only had to
unfuzzy them :).

Maybe you all could do something like this next time.

Gabor Kelemen

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[libreoffice-l10n] Can't download zip from pootle

2014-07-03 Thread Gabor Kelemen

As of now, I'm unable to download a zip archive of translation files
from https://translations.documentfoundation.org/hu/libo_ui/export/zip

Error message says that there was a timeout.

Is this just me, or if not, can it be repaired?

Thanks in advance
Gabor Kelemen

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