[libreoffice-l10n] The "Standard" button

2019-11-11 Thread Martin Srebotnjak

maybe someone can help me (as I cannot remember where to find the codes of
strings - what lang-pack, it used to be xyz - in the UI to locate the UI

I am having a problem localizing the "Standard" button that appears in the
"Character" and "Paragraph" dialog as called with the menu command Format >
Character.../Paragraph... in Writer. It is positioned at the bottom of the
dialog, no matter which tab is selected, and is situated between the
buttons "Reset" and "OK".

This strings seems missing in po files (it tried searching for it, also
variants with _ and tilde in different positions in it), but to no avail.
It should probably appear in cui, but I am not sure.

I think the button appeared with 6.3 builds, but it might have been there


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The "Standard" button

2019-11-11 Thread Mihkel Tõnnov
Hi Martin, *,

Martin Srebotnjak (), 11. november 2019 kell 19:12:

> Hello,
> maybe someone can help me (as I cannot remember where to find the codes of
> strings - what lang-pack, it used to be xyz - in the UI to locate the UI
> strings).

"qtz" is the code for key-ID langpack.

> I am having a problem localizing the "Standard" button that appears in the
> "Character" and "Paragraph" dialog as called with the menu command Format >
> Character.../Paragraph... in Writer. It is positioned at the bottom of the
> dialog, no matter which tab is selected, and is situated between the
> buttons "Reset" and "OK".

Previously that button was only available when modifying a
character/paragraph/frame style, and has key-ID "fs5SN" - located in
I hadn't even realised it is now there also for direct formatting.

This strings seems missing in po files (it tried searching for it, also
> variants with _ and tilde in different positions in it), but to no avail.
> It should probably appear in cui, but I am not sure.

The button in the Format > Character dialog has key-ID "zyCoe" - located in
sw/messages.po, an appears as translated in Estonian version.
The button in the Format > Paragraph doesn't seem to have a key-ID
assigned, and is indeed untranslated/untranslatable also in Estonian

> I think the button appeared with 6.3 builds, but it might have been there
> previously.

Seems so, at least I don't see that button in the 6.2 appimage I had laying
Strangely enough, https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/6.3
mentions nothing of this.

Best regards,
Estonian team

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The "Standard" button

2019-11-11 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Mon, 2019-11-11 at 18:09 +0100, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> I am having a problem localizing the "Standard" button that appears
> in the "Character" and "Paragraph" dialog as called with the menu
> command Format > Character.../Paragraph... in Writer. It is
> positioned at the bottom of the dialog, no matter which tab is
> selected, and is situated between the
> buttons "Reset" and "OK".

The presence of the button in those dialogs was a bug:
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=128313 which should
be fixed in 6.3.4

> This strings seems missing in po files (it tried searching for it,
> also variants with _ and tilde in different positions in it), but to
> no avail. It should probably appear in cui, but I am not sure.

The translation string is the one of STR_STANDARD_SHORTCUT in 
but it not applied to the "Standard" buttons of the char and para
dialog because they're not supposed to be visible in that mode

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The "Standard" button

2019-11-11 Thread Michael Wolf

Hi Martin, hi Mihkel,
there is still a third string with the key wnFCt with context

..WriterCommands.UserInterface.Commands..uno:SelectionModeDefault Label 

It is in:


But I cannot see if it is translated into Sorbian because English and 
Sorbian string are identical here (~Standard).

The key zyCoe does not exist in master anymore. In LO 6.3 (on Pootle) it 
still exists.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The "Standard" button

2019-11-11 Thread Michael Wolf

Caolán McNamara schrieb:

The presence of the button in those dialogs was a bug:
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=128313 which should
be fixed in 6.3.4

Hi Caolán.

the button still exists in 6.4.0alpha1 as well.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The "Standard" button

2019-11-11 Thread Martin Srebotnjak
Thanks, everyone.

Yes, Caolan and Michael, I can still see it in 6.4.0a1 on macOS, but:
alpha1 was built on October 16, while the patch went into master and 6.3.x
on October 24, so it will be probably absent from 6.4b1 coming out this
week. That is why I cannot find the string as I am searching the strings in
my po files generated from pots from master of November 7.

Lp, m.

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] The "Standard" button

2019-11-11 Thread Heiko Tietze
Fyi, there is a request to rename these functions in 
Input is welcome as always, nothing has been decided yet.

On 11.11.19 18:09, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> Hello,
> maybe someone can help me (as I cannot remember where to find the codes of
> strings - what lang-pack, it used to be xyz - in the UI to locate the UI
> strings).
> I am having a problem localizing the "Standard" button that appears in the
> "Character" and "Paragraph" dialog as called with the menu command Format >
> Character.../Paragraph... in Writer. It is positioned at the bottom of the
> dialog, no matter which tab is selected, and is situated between the
> buttons "Reset" and "OK".
> This strings seems missing in po files (it tried searching for it, also
> variants with _ and tilde in different positions in it), but to no avail.
> It should probably appear in cui, but I am not sure.
> I think the button appeared with 6.3 builds, but it might have been there
> previously.
> Thanks,
> m.

Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Designer and UX-Mentor
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