I'll add to (or repeat something) what Rimas wrote about Lithuanian.
2018-05-03, kt, 19:58 Németh László rašė:
> 1. Are these numbers correct in your language?
Seems to be correct for Lithuanian, however, gender issue arises for
ordinal numbers.
Moreover, dot is never used as an ordinal indicator in Lithuanian.
Instead, either "-as" (masculine) or "-a" (feminine) is appended to a
number as an ordinal indicator (again, dependent on the gender).
If a year should be spelled out in Lithuanian, it would require yet another
form - pronominal plural numeral.
2. Do we need to change the default format etc. according to the normal
> usage of your country/language variant?
> For example, in the recent implementation, British English and American
> English differ with the “and”
> 101 -> “One hundred and one”: en-AU, en-GB, en-IE, en-NZ
> 101 -> “One hundred one”: en-US etc.
If I understand the question correctly, then no. There's only one version
of Lithuanian language that suits everyone. And we don't add "and" in the
middle of spelled out numerals.
3. Is it enough to support only a single gender in Spanish etc. languages
> to cover common outline and page number usage in publishing?
> Book/Part/Chapter/Section/Page/Paragraph One, or simply One (normal usage
> in English outline numbering)
> First Book/Part/Chapter/Section/Page/Paragraph (less common in English, but
> default numbering styles cover this, too)
Numerals have to be adapted to the gender of the noun in Lithuanian.
Luckily, there's only two genders and only the last word of the numeral has
to be changed according to the gender.
Out of the few words that were listed, book, part, section, paragraph are
feminine: pirma knyga, pirma dalis, pirma sekcija, pirma pastraipa. Chapter
and page are masculine: pirmas skyrius, pirmas puslapis.
Numerals usualy go together with noun, I can't think of a common case where
there could be number alone.
Also, ordinal number always comes before noun, so it's always "first
chapter", and never "chapter first" or "chapter one".
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