[libreoffice-l10n] Translation for 5.0, Android and Pootle version

2015-05-11 Thread Sophie
Hi all,

Christian has ran/updated the auto-translation script, so you can work
on Pootle now for the next version.

For the translation of the Android viewer description, I'm waiting for
the text from Italo and will let you know when it's available.

Last news about the upgrade to Pootle 2.7, the migration is over, but
there is still a displaying issue remaining which is a blocker, so for
the moment, the translation will go on on the previous version. I'll
keep you updated about that too.

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation for 5.0, Android and Pootle version

2015-05-11 Thread Mihovil Stanic

Should we wait for 5.0 project in Pootle or?
Split from master should be in 7 days, so that's how long we have to 
work on master?

Best regards,

11.5.2015. u 17:17, Sophie je napisao/la:

Hi all,

Christian has ran/updated the auto-translation script, so you can work
on Pootle now for the next version.

For the translation of the Android viewer description, I'm waiting for
the text from Italo and will let you know when it's available.

Last news about the upgrade to Pootle 2.7, the migration is over, but
there is still a displaying issue remaining which is a blocker, so for
the moment, the translation will go on on the previous version. I'll
keep you updated about that too.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation for 5.0, Android and Pootle version

2015-05-11 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *,

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Mihovil Stanic  wrote:
> Should we wait for 5.0 project in Pootle or?
> Split from master should be in 7 days, so that's how long we have to work on
> master?

If you have everything translated for 4.4 already / have time to spend
to translate for 5.0, you acn start on master.
The 5.0 files will be taken from the master ones, so if you start now,
that gives you a week where you can already do stuff.

Right now, there's another update-against templates running, so pootle
might be a little sluggish, so avoid if you need to search a lot/don't
jump around, but rather focus on one file at a time - that should give
a better experience.

So again: Master will be copied to 50 project. feel free to start
translating now. After that master will be kept for 5.1 (and later),
and you'll have separate 50 projects. (and by that time hopefully on
the new version/server)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation for 5.0, Android and Pootle version

2015-05-11 Thread Sophie
Hi Mihovil,
Le 11/05/2015 17:20, Mihovil Stanic a écrit :
> Should we wait for 5.0 project in Pootle or?
> Split from master should be in 7 days, so that's how long we have to
> work on master?

It's as you prefer, as Christian explained, when the branch will be
created in the code, he will copy the file to the 5.0 UI and help and
master will be for 5.1.
And as you said, we are not far from branching :)

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Translation for 5.0, Android and Pootle version

2015-05-11 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Sérgio, *,

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Sérgio Marques  wrote:
> Can you please explain me if we (PT team) don´t work on master, will strings
> translated in 5.0 branch land on master afterwards or not?

There is no server-side migration of 5.0 strings to master.

If you decide not to work on master, you'll have to sync files for 5.1
with local tools or on special request. There won't be automatic
merges back to master.


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