[libreoffice-l10n] French locale display hosed on master OSX builds in Preferences - View

2015-04-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Hi all,

Just a heads up - the French UI display is well and truly messed up in
the Préférences - Affichage (Preferences - View) tab of the
configuration where one can usually select the icon set to be used.
However, it is currently overwritten by the OpenGL options which should
be located on the right hand side of that window.

I checked with the en-US version and it is fine, so the problem is
particular to the French translations / spacing ?


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibO 5.0: Additional languages for formatting

2015-04-27 Thread Sophie
Le 26/04/2015 18:57, jonathon a écrit :
> On 26/04/15 11:01, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote:
>> 2015-04-25 23:51 GMT-05:00 jonathon :
>>> Is it too late to include formatting for additional languages/locales in
>>> LibO 5?
>> No, but what does that have to do with this thread? 
> a) Going by the instructions, the first step to getting a L10N project,
> with UI translation, is having the language/locale listed as an option
> in formatting.
> b) You might not have noticed, but I did change the subject line. With
> some email clients, that automatically creates a new thread. In other
> email clients it doesn't.  Which of those is the preferred route has
> been debated ad nausum on the development & support lists of both
> programs that masquerade as email clients, and programs that really are
> email clients.
>> Have you filed a (detailed) bug?
> There are three or four language/locales in Bugzilla that appear to have
> fulfilled the instructions described in the L10N/i18n sections of the wiki.
> Chichewa is new (Feb 2015), but isn't listed as a new language/locale in
> the Lib 5.0 release notes.
> I didn't bookmark the others, but one was from circa 2013, and is not in
> LibO 4.x.
> I've also stumbled across three or four dictionaries for spell checking,
> that won't work until the language/locale in listed in LibO.  However,
> the language/local is not listed in Bugzilla. (I'm willing to file the
> Bugzilla RFE, but only if there is some assurance it will be included
> before real soon now.)

Could you do me a favor and list the languages that are in BZ and
waiting to be included? In return I'll push all of them to be included
asap :) If you don't have time, I'll do it but not before end of the
week/next week.


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice master Help and UI in Pootle

2015-04-27 Thread Sophie
Hi all
Le 25/04/2015 09:36, Mihovil Stanić a écrit :
> How this "work in master" thing will actualy work?
> If we don't want to work in master, will translations we do in 5.0 for
> example be overwritten with master when you switch to 5.1?
> Or we all have to work in master and not branches?

As explained before, that will be your choice to work on master or on
branches. For the moment Christian is preparing the 5.0 translation.
I've pushed the most I can the migration to the new Pootle version, but
unfortunately the testing period is not over and there is still some
tweaks to do.
We (Christian or me) will keep you informed when the string are ready
for translation for 5.0.


Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Android viewer

2015-04-27 Thread Sophie
Hi all,

TDF will provide soon an Android viewer for testing purpose only for the
moment. So there will be no localized version for the moment. But if you
want to advertise it in your language, the text description on GPlay can
be translated.
If you are interested, I'll collect the translation and will upload them.
We have open an issue on Redmine where the text original and
translations will be added:

I'll tell you when the source is available.
Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice master Help and UI in Pootle

2015-04-27 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Valter, *,

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Valter Mura 
> Hi All
> I noticed there are now "new" strings in LibreOffice subfolders "master"
for Help and UI.
> Can we start to work on them or do we have to wait?

You can start, but no auto-translation of the strings where only and ID or
the context-strings change has happened yet.

So feel free to translate if you wan't, but don't complain about "Hey, I
already translated that string" :-)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibreOffice master Help and UI in Pootle

2015-04-27 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *,

On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 9:36 AM, Mihovil Stanić  wrote:
> How this "work in master" thing will actualy work?

You have one master that will always be master. It is planned to
regularily sync the translations with the actual code repositories.

> If we don't want to work in master, will translations we do in 5.0 for 
> example be overwritten with master when you switch to 5.1?

Nothing ever gets overridden in master.
When 5-0 branch will be created in the code, the files from master
will be copied into new lib50_help/ui branches, and master will
continue to be used for 5.1

then when libreoffice-5-1 branch is created, the master files will be
copied to libo51_help/ui projects.

> Or we all have to work in master and not branches?

There still will be branches.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Android viewer

2015-04-27 Thread Valter Mura

Il 27/04/2015 19:21, Sophie ha scritto:

Hi all,

TDF will provide soon an Android viewer for testing purpose only for the
moment. So there will be no localized version for the moment. But if you
want to advertise it in your language, the text description on GPlay can
be translated.
If you are interested, I'll collect the translation and will upload them.
We have open an issue on Redmine where the text original and
translations will be added:

I'll tell you when the source is available.

Hi Sophie,

count on me for Italian, of course :)


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] LibO 5.0: Additional languages for formatting

2015-04-27 Thread jonathon
On 27/04/15 17:13, Sophie wrote:

>> I've also stumbled across three or four dictionaries for spell checking, 
>> that won't work until the language/locale in listed in LibO.  

> Could you do me a favor and list the languages that are in BZ and waiting to 
> be included?

Chichewa (Bug 89395) is the only one I wrote down.

I don't remember where I stumbled across:
* 25 or so French (Country in Northern Africa or Western Africa) locales;
* 2 or 3 German (Country in Southern Africa) locales;

[I can't fire up LibO to see if the French and German locales are
already included.  :(  Insufficient RAM.]

I'll hunt through Bugzilla for the next two or three days.

>If you don't have time, I'll do it but not before end of the week/next week.

Do you want me to go ahead and file Bugzilla reports for the
dictionaries that need language/locale to be listed, that aren't yet in

Assuming the people that created those dictionaries are moderately
prompt in replies, I should be able to file everything in Bugzilla by
Friday/1 May 2016.

All of the dictionaries are for minority languages. Some of the
languages are threatened/endangered/almost extinct.

As best as I can determine, the only potentially political issue, is a
complete lack of support of the existence of the language, by local
[city/province/country] government agencies and officials.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Android viewer

2015-04-27 Thread Michael Bauer

Thanks Sophie,

In terms of long-term l10n planning, can I use this opportunity to raise 
the issue of the need for manual locale selection in any such app? In a 
nutshell, the locales on offer vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, 
sometimes even from model to model (having just come out of an Irish 
debate about why two Samsung Androids which are only a year apart have 
Irish as a locale on the one, but not the other). Many locales are not 
on offer at all. So successful l10n for a great many locales which have 
localized desktop versions will fly or fall with the option (or lack 
thereof) of selecting your preferred locale manually.

Of course force-locale can still be the default to ensure ease of use 
for those who are lucky enough to have a localized phone but with a 
manual override for those of us less fortunate.


Sgrìobh Sophie na leanas 27/04/2015 aig 18:21:

Hi all,

TDF will provide soon an Android viewer for testing purpose only for the
moment. So there will be no localized version for the moment. But if you
want to advertise it in your language, the text description on GPlay can
be translated.
If you are interested, I'll collect the translation and will upload them.
We have open an issue on Redmine where the text original and
translations will be added:

I'll tell you when the source is available.

*Akerbeltz *
Goireasan Gàidhlig air an lìon
Fòn: +44-141-946 4437
Facs: +44-141-945 2701

*Tha Gàidhlig aig a' choimpiutair agad, siuthad, feuch e!*
Iomadh rud eadar prògraman oifis, brabhsairean, predictive texting,
geamannan is mòran a bharrachd. Tadhail oirnn aig www.iGàidhlig.net 

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] French locale display hosed on master OSX builds in Preferences - View

2015-04-27 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure
Hi Alex,

Le 27/04/2015 18:00, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Just a heads up - the French UI display is well and truly messed up in
> the Préférences - Affichage (Preferences - View) tab of the
> configuration where one can usually select the icon set to be used.
> However, it is currently overwritten by the OpenGL options which should
> be located on the right hand side of that window.
> I checked with the en-US version and it is fine, so the problem is
> particular to the French translations / spacing ?

I see that too. I need to compare translations for 4.4 and for 5.0 to
understand why it works in 4.4 (line break) and not in 5.0.

Best regards.

Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.
Disclaimer: my Internet Provider being located in France, each of our
Internet communications will be scanned by French spying services.

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