[libreoffice-l10n] Pootle meeting at Fosdem

2015-01-19 Thread Sophie
Hi all,

For information, Cloph and me will meet with Dwayne (Pootle developer)
at Fosdem. We will discuss (and hopefully be able to solve) the
performance issue and the update to new version. I'll give you feedback
on this meeting and the decisions made.

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle meeting at Fosdem

2015-01-19 Thread Cor Nouws
Sophie wrote on 19-01-15 10:54:

> For information, Cloph and me will meet with Dwayne (Pootle developer)
> at Fosdem. We will discuss (and hopefully be able to solve) the
> performance issue and the update to new version. I'll give you feedback
> on this meeting and the decisions made.

Thanks - Good :)
Last weekend performance was terrific, so it's not always bad (but that
is known of course)

Cor Nouws
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[libreoffice-l10n] Workflow between dev, UX and l10n teams

2015-01-19 Thread Sophie
Hi all,

[Please follow-up the discussion on projects@ list to keep the history
of the thread there and ease the discussion, thanks :-)]

I would like to open a discussion about the way developers team, UX team
and l10n team should interact and work together.

There has been a heavy discussion [see this thread 1] during this round
of translation. The l10n team was a bit frustrated that there were again
so many changes in the en_US version that does not concern the l10n
versions (like adding colon at the end or capitals in the middle of the

Each time, it seems part of this could be automated or a reflection
on how to avoid messing the l10n work should have been introduced before
those changes are committed. For example, if I decide to change FR
localization to have sentence capitalization in the menu entries, none
of the 100 other localizations won't and shouldn't be affected. It
should be the same for en_US version or if really impossible, try to
find a solution that lower the impact on all localizations.

None of the l10n teams is against changing or correcting the UI of the
en_US version and none is against the natural evolution of the suite.
What is not bearable is when you have 100 000 changes in en_US and only
a 1/3 concerns all the other languages and it is repeated over the

We are trying to change our workflow to work on master instead of
branches. That will allow us to review the strings earlier (to leverage
heavy unneeded changes if possible) and have more time to localize. But
that will work only if each taking part of the changes take care of the

To conclude, what l10n team would like to see is:
- a review process of the strings before they are committed and make
sure they respect the en_US standards (capitals, grammar, punctuation,
typography). Maybe adding the Gnome HIG book to our pages [like 2] if
not already.

- if there is a way to script changes, script them otherwise wait until
there is a script available to commit them

- any time there are heavy changes that pop up in someone's mind (like
changing ... for …) discuss it with the l10n team before committing
those changes.

I know it may lower the enthusiasm of some contributors, but it will
regain the one of our l10n teams for sure :)

[2] https://developer.gnome.org/hig-book/3.12/design-text-labels.html.en

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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[libreoffice-l10n] Help text for MIDB

2015-01-19 Thread Jesper Hertel
The help text for MIDB (
https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Text_Functions#MIDB) says this:



Returns a text string of a DBCS text. The parameters specify the starting
position and the number of characters.


MIDB("Text"; Start; Number_bytes)

Text is the text containing the characters to extract.

Start is the position of the first character in the text to extract.

Number_bytes specifies the number of characters MIDB will return from text,
in bytes.


=MIDB("office";2;2) returns ff.


But "office" is not a string written in a double byte character set (DBCS,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBCS), so the example is not helpful for the
main use of the function.

There should primarily be an example with a string in a language that
actually uses a double byte character set (DBCS), like Chinese. And then
the example would show that only 1 character is returned when asking for 2
bytes, i.e. the number of characters returned will be *half* of the number
of bytes asked for. It should also be noted that if you ask for 3 bytes,
you get 1 character, etc.

The given example only shows the rather special case when you are *not*
giving the function a DBCS string; in this case the number of characters
returned is the *same* as the number of bytes.

Secondly, the sentence "Number_bytes specifies the number of characters
MIDB will return from text, in bytes" is not very clear, because the number
does *not* specify the number of characters. The fact is that if you feed
the function a string in a single byte character set (SBCS,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SBCS), such as "office", the number of bytes
is the *same* as the number of characters. If you feed the function a
string in a double byte character set (DBCS), such as a string of Chinese
characters, the number of bytes is *double* the amount of characters.

I don't know if this is the right place to report this problem.

The problem is probably also known already, and I kind of expect to get the
reply "oh yeah, we know, the help is a big mess and really needs
improvement.". ;-) But maybe I am wrong, so I am reporting it anyway.


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[libreoffice-l10n] Untranslated strings in Calc formula

2015-01-19 Thread Sérgio Marques
The strings "Required", "Optional" and "Function Wizard" from function
wizard dialog arent localized.

I notice this for Portuguese (with 100% strings translated) so probably all
languages are affected.

Can someone confirm it and maybe commit a fix?

Test made in 4.4.0 RC2 on Windows


Sérgio Marques

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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Untranslated strings in Calc formula

2015-01-19 Thread Kevin Suo
Confirmed it affects Simplified Chinese UI.

In fact there are many other strings not localized in 100% pootle ones, for 
example Tools - Options - Libreoffice - OpenCL.

Kevin Suo

于 2015年1月19日 GMT+08:00PM9:31:52, "Sérgio Marques"  写到:
>The strings "Required", "Optional" and "Function Wizard" from function
>wizard dialog arent localized.
>I notice this for Portuguese (with 100% strings translated) so probably
>languages are affected.
>Can someone confirm it and maybe commit a fix?
>Test made in 4.4.0 RC2 on Windows
>Sérgio Marques
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Help text for MIDB

2015-01-19 Thread Kevin Suo
A1 = "中国"
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,1) returns ""
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,2) returns "中"
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,3) returns "中"
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,4) returns "中国"

I think it is better up to the localizer to translate this help text according 
to their needs, for example Japanese team may show how this works with Japanese 

Kevin Suo

于 2015年1月19日 GMT+08:00PM9:16:23, Jesper Hertel  写到:
>The help text for MIDB (
>https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Text_Functions#MIDB) says this:
>Returns a text string of a DBCS text. The parameters specify the
>position and the number of characters.
>MIDB("Text"; Start; Number_bytes)
>Text is the text containing the characters to extract.
>Start is the position of the first character in the text to extract.
>Number_bytes specifies the number of characters MIDB will return from
>in bytes.
>=MIDB("office";2;2) returns ff.
>But "office" is not a string written in a double byte character set
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBCS), so the example is not helpful for
>main use of the function.
>There should primarily be an example with a string in a language that
>actually uses a double byte character set (DBCS), like Chinese. And
>the example would show that only 1 character is returned when asking
>for 2
>bytes, i.e. the number of characters returned will be *half* of the
>of bytes asked for. It should also be noted that if you ask for 3
>you get 1 character, etc.
>The given example only shows the rather special case when you are *not*
>giving the function a DBCS string; in this case the number of
>returned is the *same* as the number of bytes.
>Secondly, the sentence "Number_bytes specifies the number of characters
>MIDB will return from text, in bytes" is not very clear, because the
>does *not* specify the number of characters. The fact is that if you
>the function a string in a single byte character set (SBCS,
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SBCS), such as "office", the number of
>is the *same* as the number of characters. If you feed the function a
>string in a double byte character set (DBCS), such as a string of
>characters, the number of bytes is *double* the amount of characters.
>I don't know if this is the right place to report this problem.
>The problem is probably also known already, and I kind of expect to get
>reply "oh yeah, we know, the help is a big mess and really needs
>improvement.". ;-) But maybe I am wrong, so I am reporting it anyway.
>To unsubscribe e-mail to: l10n+unsubscr...@global.libreoffice.org
>Posting guidelines + more:
>List archive: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/l10n/
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[libreoffice-l10n] [ANN] LIbreOffice 4.3.6 RC1 available

2015-01-19 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Dear Community,

The Document Foundation is pleased to announce the first release
candidate of LibreOffice 4.3.6. The upcoming 4.3.6 will be the sixth
in a sequence of frequent bugfix releases for our feature-packed 4.3
line. Please be aware that LibreOffice 4.3.6 RC1 has not been flagged
as ready for production use yet, however feel free to give it a try
instead of 4.3.5.

A work-in-progress list of new features in LibreOffice 4.3 can be
found at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.3

The release is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X from our QA
builds download page at


Developers and QA might also be interested in the symbol server for
windows debug information (see the release notes linked below for

Should you find bugs, please report them to the FreeDesktop Bugzilla:


A good way to assess the release candidate quality is to run some
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For other ways to get involved with this exciting project - you can
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A list of known issues and fixed bugs with 4.3.6 RC1 is available
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Let us close again with a BIG Thank You! to all of you having
contributed to the LibreOffice project - this release would not have
been possible without your help.

On behalf of the Community,


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Fwd: [libreoffice-l10n] Help text for MIDB

2015-01-19 Thread Jesper Hertel
2015-01-19 15:32 GMT+01:00 Kevin Suo :

> A1 = "中国"
> B1 = MIDB(A1,1,1) returns ""
> B1 = MIDB(A1,1,2) returns "中"
> B1 = MIDB(A1,1,3) returns "中"
> B1 = MIDB(A1,1,4) returns "中国"

Thanks for the examples, Kevin! I was afraid they wouldn't go through the
maling list system, so that was why I didn't supply any. But yours are even
better than the ones I would have thought of providing.

> I think it is better up to the localizer to translate this help text
> according to their needs, for example Japanese team may show how this works
> with Japanese chars.

I agree that the specific translation is up to the localizers. But even
people using a non-DBCS user interface language, such as English or Danish,
could want to use that function and could want to know what it is about and
how to use it; they could work with Japanese or another DBCS language
without having the user interface in that language. So I still believe the
English text could be improved. Both regarding the earlier mentioned
sentence and regarding the addition of several actual DBCS examples similar
to the good ones you provided. Maybe just worded and expanded like this to
show that the position argument is also counted in bytes and not in
character positions:

MIDB("中国",1,1) returns "" (1 byte is only half a character and it is
therefore discarded).
MIDB("中国",1,2) returns "中" (2 bytes are one complete character).
MIDB("中国",1,3) returns "中" (3 bytes are one character and a half; the last
byte is discarded).
MIDB("中国",1,4) returns "中国" (4 bytes are two complete characters).
MIDB("中国",2,1) returns "" (byte position 2 is not at the beginning of a
MIDB("中国",2,2) returns "" (byte position 2 is not at the beginning of a
MIDB("中国",3,1) returns "" (byte position 3 is at the beginning of a
character, but 1 byte is only half a character and is therefore discarded).
MIDB("中国",3,2) returns "国".

And yes, I do believe that this rather large amount of examples are
necessary to make it completely clear how this rather technical function
works, and that the Help should be the place for such an explanation.

Whether my explanations in parentheses are understandable or relevant I
don't know. It is an attempt to explain what is happening to the
not-so-technical users, but even also to technical users that want to be
sure they understood it right.


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Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Pootle meeting at Fosdem

2015-01-19 Thread Jesper Hertel
2015-01-19 10:54 GMT+01:00 Sophie :

> Hi all,
> For information, Cloph and me will meet with Dwayne (Pootle developer)
> at Fosdem. We will discuss (and hopefully be able to solve) the
> performance issue and the update to new version. I'll give you feedback
> on this meeting and the decisions made.

Good to hear that!


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Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-l10n] Help text for MIDB

2015-01-19 Thread Stanislav Horáček


I agree that these examples are really useful. Could you provide also 
some examples for the other functions dealing with DBCS (LEFTB, RIGHTB, 

If so, I will add them to the Help text.


Dne 19.1.2015 v 16:11 Jesper Hertel napsal(a):

2015-01-19 15:32 GMT+01:00 Kevin Suo :

A1 = "中国"
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,1) returns ""
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,2) returns "中"
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,3) returns "中"
B1 = MIDB(A1,1,4) returns "中国"

Thanks for the examples, Kevin! I was afraid they wouldn't go through the
maling list system, so that was why I didn't supply any. But yours are even
better than the ones I would have thought of providing.

I think it is better up to the localizer to translate this help text
according to their needs, for example Japanese team may show how this works
with Japanese chars.

I agree that the specific translation is up to the localizers. But even
people using a non-DBCS user interface language, such as English or Danish,
could want to use that function and could want to know what it is about and
how to use it; they could work with Japanese or another DBCS language
without having the user interface in that language. So I still believe the
English text could be improved. Both regarding the earlier mentioned
sentence and regarding the addition of several actual DBCS examples similar
to the good ones you provided. Maybe just worded and expanded like this to
show that the position argument is also counted in bytes and not in
character positions:

MIDB("中国",1,1) returns "" (1 byte is only half a character and it is
therefore discarded).
MIDB("中国",1,2) returns "中" (2 bytes are one complete character).
MIDB("中国",1,3) returns "中" (3 bytes are one character and a half; the last
byte is discarded).
MIDB("中国",1,4) returns "中国" (4 bytes are two complete characters).
MIDB("中国",2,1) returns "" (byte position 2 is not at the beginning of a
MIDB("中国",2,2) returns "" (byte position 2 is not at the beginning of a
MIDB("中国",3,1) returns "" (byte position 3 is at the beginning of a
character, but 1 byte is only half a character and is therefore discarded).
MIDB("中国",3,2) returns "国".

And yes, I do believe that this rather large amount of examples are
necessary to make it completely clear how this rather technical function
works, and that the Help should be the place for such an explanation.

Whether my explanations in parentheses are understandable or relevant I
don't know. It is an attempt to explain what is happening to the
not-so-technical users, but even also to technical users that want to be
sure they understood it right.


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[libreoffice-l10n] Most important folders (Guarani)

2015-01-19 Thread Giovanni Caligaris
Hello everyone,

I'm currently doing the translation for the Guarani (gn) language. So far
I've completed 10%.

I was wondering what are the most important folders to start with? And what
percentage of completion is needed to make the language available.

Thank you.


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Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-l10n] Help text for MIDB

2015-01-19 Thread Jesper Hertel
2015-01-19 21:30 GMT+01:00 Stanislav Horáček :

> Hi,
> I agree that these examples are really useful. Could you provide also some
> examples for the other functions dealing with DBCS (LEFTB, RIGHTB, LENB)?
> If so, I will add them to the Help text.

Hi Stanislav and others,

Here are my suggestions for examples for MIDB, LEFTB, RIGHTB and LENB.

I actually made a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Calc and tested each
expression to be absolutely sure of the results. The spreadsheet I made can
be found at [1]. I made it using the English (US) user interface and locale.

[1]: http://www49.zippyshare.com/v/YbkWBbkZ/file.html

It turned out that invalid requests (half DBCS characters) actually do
*not* result in empty strings but rather in a *space character*.

Therefore these suggested examples and explanations.

The return values are the *actual* return values using the actual mentioned
expressions and were therefore *not* typed by hand (check the spreadsheet
if you want to see how). Note the rather subtle spaces returned.

MIDB("中国",1,0) returns "" (0 bytes is always an empty string).MIDB("中国",1,1)
returns " " (1 byte is only half a DBCS character and therefore the result
is a space character).MIDB("中国",1,2) returns "中" (2 bytes constitute one
complete DBCS character).MIDB("中国",1,3) returns "中 " (3 bytes constitute
one and a half DBCS character; the last byte results in a space
returns "中国" (4 bytes constitute two complete DBCS characters).MIDB("中国",2,1)
returns " " (byte position 2 is not at the beginning of a character in a
DBCS string; 1 space character is returned).MIDB("中国",2,2) returns " "
(byte position 2 points to the last half of the first character in the DBCS
string; the 2 bytes asked for therefore constitutes the last half of the
first character and the first half of the second character in the string; 2
space characters are therefore returned).MIDB("中国",2,3) returns " 国" (byte
position 2 is not at the beginning of a character in a DBCS string; a space
character is returned for byte position 2).MIDB("中国",3,1) returns " " (byte
position 3 is at the beginning of a character in a DBCS string, but 1 byte
is only half a DBCS character and a space character is therefore returned
instead).MIDB("中国",3,2) returns "国" (byte position 3 is at the beginning of
a character in a DBCS string, and 2 bytes constitute one DBCS
returns "ffi" (byte position 2 is at the beginning of a character in a
non-DBCS string, and 3 bytes of a non-DBCS string constitute 3 characters).
LEFTB("中国",1) returns " " (1 byte is only half a DBCS character and a space
character is returned instead).LEFTB("中国",2) returns "中" (2 bytes
constitute one complete DBCS character).LEFTB("中国",3) returns "中 " (3 bytes
constitute one DBCS character and a half; the last character returned is
therefore a space character).LEFTB("中国",4) returns "中国" (4 bytes constitute
two complete DBCS characters).LEFTB("office",3) returns "off" (3 non-DBCS
characters each consisting of 1 byte).
RIGHTB("中国",1) returns " " (1 byte is only half a DBCS character and a
space character is returned instead).RIGHTB("中国",2) returns "国" (2 bytes
constitute one complete DBCS character).RIGHTB("中国",3) returns " 国" (3
bytes constitute one half DBCS character and one whole DBCS character; a
space is returned for the first half).RIGHTB("中国",4) returns "中国" (4 bytes
constitute two complete DBCS characters).RIGHTB("office",3) returns "ice"
(3 non-DBCS characters each consisting of 1 byte).
LENB("中") returns "2" (1 DBCS character consisting of 2 bytes).LENB("中国")
returns "4" (2 DBCS characters each consisting of 2 bytes).LENB("office")
returns "6" (6 non-DBCS characters each consisting of 1 byte).

If anyone else is curious, "中国" means China in Chinese – according to
Google Translate :-).


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