[JIRA] (JENKINS-51539) A paused Workflow job does not resume after safeExit when parallel step is wrapped by a node step

2018-05-25 Thread ohad.da...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ohad David created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51539  
  A paused Workflow job does not resume after safeExit when parallel step is wrapped by a node step   


Issue Type: 
 workflow-cps-plugin, workflow-durable-task-step-plugin  
 2018-05-25 07:24  
 Jenkins LTS 2.107.3  durable-task:1.18  pipeline-input-step:2.8  pipeline-stage-step:2.2  workflow-api:2.25  workflow-basic-steps:2.6  workflow-cps:2.45  workflow-durable-task-step:2.19  workflow-job:2.17  workflow-scm-step:2.4  workflow-step-api:2.14  workflow-support:2.17   But it happens with older versions of plugins and LTS as well   
 jenkins pipeline docker durability parallel  
 Ohad David  


 Hi, We have a Jenkins running many pipeline jobs that waits for promotions using input step at the end of the pipeline. The input step is NOT tied to a node. We also use a docker based cloud plugin to spawn slaves and terminate them based on labels. So no executer is defined on the master and a node('label'){} declaration just do its thing and terminates the slave.   When we upgrade jenkins or restart it from time to time, all of our jobs that wait for promotion are resumed correctly and deployment to prod and staging can continue from where we left them. We do have several jobs tha

[JIRA] (JENKINS-50472) Doesn't work with AWS Beijing Region (cn-north-1)

2018-05-25 Thread j.bondare...@outlook.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Yuriy Bondarenko commented on  JENKINS-50472  



  Re: Doesn't work with AWS Beijing Region (cn-north-1)   


 I have the same problem. I tried to compile plugin with endpoint URLs corrected in the source code but unfortunately it doesn't work either.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51224) Pipeline Maven plugin's extension points do not load correctly when Pipeline: Job plugin is not installed

2018-05-25 Thread clecl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Cyrille Le Clerc assigned an issue to Cyrille Le Clerc  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51224  
  Pipeline Maven plugin's extension points do not load correctly when Pipeline: Job plugin is not installed   


Change By: 
 Cyrille Le Clerc  
 Alvaro Lobato Cyrille Le Clerc  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-45614) Activity tab is really slow

2018-05-25 Thread sverre....@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sverre Moe commented on  JENKINS-45614  



  Re: Activity tab is really slow   


 Olivier Lamy Very few of our projects have actually test results that are published by Jenkins with JUnitResultArchiver. Even projects without any tests results recorded by Jenkins take a long time to load initially.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-45614) Activity tab is really slow

2018-05-25 Thread sverre....@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sverre Moe edited a comment on  JENKINS-45614  



  Re: Activity tab is really slow   


 [~olamy] Very few of our projects have actually test results that are published by Jenkins with JUnitResultArchiver.  Most of our projects are C/C++ with Google Test, but few creates a test output to publish in Jenkins.  Even projects without any tests results recorded by Jenkins take a long time to load initially.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51243) Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.

2018-05-25 Thread aashishrajg...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Aashish Rajguru commented on  JENKINS-51243  



  Re: Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.   


 Hi Catalin, Thanks for the update. I cloned the branch issue/JENKINS-51243. And when i try to build the project i get compilation error. Below is the snippet of the error.   [ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR :  [INFO] - [ERROR] java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Users/aashish/Project_Stuff/JiraTestResultReporter-plugin-issue-JENKINS-51243/target/classes/META-INF/annotations/hudson.Extension [INFO] 1 error [INFO] - [INFO]  [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO]  [INFO] Total time: 11.569 s [INFO] Finished at: 2018-05-25T13:08:24+05:30 [INFO]  [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) on project JiraTestResultReporter: Compilation failure [ERROR] java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Users/aashish/Project_Stuff/JiraTestResultReporter-plugin-issue-JENKINS-51243/target/classes/META-INF/annotations/hudson.Extension [ERROR]  [ERROR] -> [Help 1] [ERROR]  [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR]  [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException   Can you please look into it.    



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51243) Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.

2018-05-25 Thread aashishrajg...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Aashish Rajguru edited a comment on  JENKINS-51243  



  Re: Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.   


 Hi Catalin,Thanks for the update. I cloned the branch [issue/JENKINS-51243|https://github.com/jenkinsci/JiraTestResultReporter-plugin/tree/issue/JENKINS-51243]. And when i try to build the project i get compilation error.Below  are the version details:admins-MacBook-Pro-2:JiraTestResultReporter-plugin-master aashish$ mvn -vApache Maven 3.5.3 (3383c37e1f9e9b3bc3df5050c29c8aff9f295297; 2018-02-25T01:19:05+05:30)Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.5.3/libexecJava version: 10.0.1, vendor: Oracle CorporationJava home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-10.0.1.jdk/Contents/HomeDefault locale: en_IN, platform encoding: UTF-8OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.13.4", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac" Below  is the snippet of the error.   [ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR : [INFO] -[ERROR] java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Users/aashish/Project_Stuff/JiraTestResultReporter-plugin-issue-JENKINS-51243/target/classes/META-INF/annotations/hudson.Extension[INFO] 1 error[INFO] -[INFO] [INFO] BUILD FAILURE[INFO] [INFO] Total time: 11.569 s[INFO] Finished at: 2018-05-25T13:08:24+05:30[INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.6.1:compile (default-compile) on project JiraTestResultReporter: Compilation failure[ERROR] java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Users/aashish/Project_Stuff/JiraTestResultReporter-plugin-issue-JENKINS-51243/target/classes/META-INF/annotations/hudson.Extension[ERROR] [ERROR] -> [Help 1][ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.[ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:[ERROR] [Help 1] [http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException] Can you please look into it.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51367) Add support of optional report names

2018-05-25 Thread zsy19980...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Share Cheng stopped work on  JENKINS-51367  



Change By: 
 Share Cheng  
 In Progress Open  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51364) Adopt Threshold conditions (e.g. from Cobertura) so that the reporter can fail the build depending on conditions

2018-05-25 Thread zsy19980...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Share Cheng started work on  JENKINS-51364  



Change By: 
 Share Cheng  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51540) Failed to serialize classes when executing Liquibase Changesets

2018-05-25 Thread kamil.kost...@comline.de (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 K KO created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51540  
  Failed to serialize classes when executing Liquibase Changesets   


Issue Type: 
 Keith Collison  
 2018-05-25 08:03  
 Jenkins:  Jenkins-Version: 2.107.3  Liquibase Runner: 1.3.0   System:  Windows Server 2012 R2 (master)  Several Slaves on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2   
 JEP-200 liquibase  
 K KO  


 Any missing informations? Please reply. Thank you!   Stacktrace: 


Mai 25, 2018 9:20:10 AM org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun saveWithoutFailing
WARNING: Failed to save ***/master #60
java.io.IOException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to serialize hudson.model.Actionable#actions for class org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun
    at hudson.XmlFile.write(XmlFile.java:200)
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.support.PipelineIOUtils.writeByXStream(PipelineIOUtils.java:30)
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.save(WorkflowRun.java:1256)
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.saveWithoutFailing(WorkflowRun.java:1236)
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.copyLogs(WorkflowRun.java:612)
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun.access$500(WorkflowRun.java:144)
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun$3.run(WorkflowRun.java:410)
    at j

[JIRA] (JENKINS-51243) Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.

2018-05-25 Thread aashishrajg...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Aashish Rajguru commented on  JENKINS-51243  



  Re: Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.   


 Hey Catalin, I tried to run mvn hpi:hpi directly it works fine with no errors. But, mean while mvn install, mvn package still fails. Can i use the .hpi file for installing the plugin even if mvn install and mvn package are failing?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-14489) Exclusion per slave

2018-05-25 Thread pr...@electromag.com.au (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Phil R commented on  JENKINS-14489  



  Re: Exclusion per slave   


 I'd like this feature as well. The Heavy Job plugin kinda works, but you have to keep the number of executors in sync. Which works ok just a bit a maintenance problem.      



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51137) Kubernetes plugin ignores "Max number of instances" when using yaml

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez updated  JENKINS-51137  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51137  
  Kubernetes plugin ignores "Max number of instances" when using yaml   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 In Review Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46379) withEnv mess with Job parameter (not case sensitive)

2018-05-25 Thread k...@shaiton.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Kevin Raymond commented on  JENKINS-46379  



  Re: withEnv mess with Job parameter (not case sensitive)   


 Coding a pipeline with environment variable (either job parameter defined or global jenkins configuration) and sh step is just a matter of try'n fix... I just avoid them as much as possible   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51353) In declarative pipeline, volumes and imagepullsecrets needed

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51353  
  In declarative pipeline, volumes and imagepullsecrets needed   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51522) Plugin not logging in to Jira

2018-05-25 Thread andrei.sta...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrei Staicu updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51522  
  Plugin not logging in to Jira   


Change By: 
 Andrei Staicu  
 Plugin not  loggin  logging  in to Jira  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51273) Inconsistent Declarative Behavior in Yaml File vs legacy podTemplate

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-51273  



  Re: Inconsistent Declarative Behavior in Yaml File vs legacy podTemplate   





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-50959) JEP-200 issue with plugin Kubernetes Plugin

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-50959  



  Re: JEP-200 issue with plugin Kubernetes Plugin   


 will be fixed in new core, 2.121+ IIUC  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-50959) JEP-200 issue with plugin Kubernetes Plugin

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Fix  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-50959  
  JEP-200 issue with plugin Kubernetes Plugin   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Fix  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51243) Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.

2018-05-25 Thread luta.cata...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Catalin Luta commented on  JENKINS-51243  



  Re: Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.   


 Hey Aashish Rajguru, the build works fine for me. You should check your maven settings and see that everything is correctly set. You can have a look at https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Plugin+tutorial for maven repos and other settings.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-45517) Support JobDSL without security check if called from a global pipeline lib

2018-05-25 Thread jenk...@ghenzler.de (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Georg Henzler commented on  JENKINS-45517  



  Re: Support JobDSL without security check if called from a global pipeline lib


 Just had this issue again on another Jenkins instance and needed to use [4] again - Daniel Spilker Do you know a way to determine if the job dsl is called from a safe context (e.g. global pipeline library)?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-50659) Different behaviour of "Working directory" in 1.4 vs 1.5

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Incomplete  



 please try a newer version  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-50659  
  Different behaviour of "Working directory" in 1.4 vs 1.5   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-50392) Use the right API to get process' exitcode

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez updated  JENKINS-50392  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-50392  
  Use the right API to get process' exitcode   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 In  Progress  Review  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51243) Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.

2018-05-25 Thread aashishrajg...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Aashish Rajguru commented on  JENKINS-51243  



  Re: Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.   


 Hi Catalin, With JDK version 8 it is working fine. I was trying to compile it with JDK version 10.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-50236) Add documentation on how to pass through docker configuration

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-50236  



  Re: Add documentation on how to pass through docker configuration   


 There is an example using docker registry secrets with kaniko https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin/blob/master/examples/kaniko.groovy if you want to open a PR on how to improve the docs...  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-50060) Workspace error when setting stage level agent when global agent specified.

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-50060  
  Workspace error when setting stage level agent when global agent specified.


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-49820) 'Do not allow concurrent builds' in pipeline sometimes fails

2018-05-25 Thread lch...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Hubert Li commented on  JENKINS-49820  



  Re: 'Do not allow concurrent builds' in pipeline sometimes fails   


 I got the same issue now and then. My DSL seed job is set concurrentBuild false. 




 The pipeline job configured correctly with "Do not allow concurrent builds" on, but it builds two jobs parallel.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-49956) Kubernetes agent fails to reconnect on master restarts

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Cannot Reproduce  



 This seems to work after increasing the liveness checks making the master not restart twice  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-49956  
  Kubernetes agent fails to reconnect on master restarts   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Cannot Reproduce  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-49820) 'Do not allow concurrent builds' in pipeline sometimes fails

2018-05-25 Thread lch...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Hubert Li edited a comment on  JENKINS-49820  



  Re: 'Do not allow concurrent builds' in pipeline sometimes fails   


 I got the same issue now and then. My DSL seed job is set concurrentBuild false.{code:java}pipelineJob(jobName){    concurrentBuild(false)...{code}The pipeline job configured correctly with "Do not allow concurrent builds" on, but it builds two jobs parallel. My environment: * Jenkins 2.60.1 * Job DSL 1.63 * Pipeline 2.5  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-49641) Add Secret files permissions

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Duplicate  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-49641  
  Add Secret files permissions   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51243) Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.

2018-05-25 Thread aashishrajg...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Aashish Rajguru commented on  JENKINS-51243  



  Re: Use JiraTestReporter plugin in Jenkins pipeline(Groovy) type of job.   


 Hi Catalin, After i install the JiraTestResultReporter.hpi file and reboot Jenkins will the snippet generator work?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-48713) pending node-fhv45 is offline in jenkins but pod is running succesfully in kubernetes

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Incomplete  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-48713  
  pending node-fhv45 is offline in jenkins but pod is running succesfully in kubernetes   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-49281) slaveConnectTimeout not applying to pipeline jobs

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Incomplete  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-49281  
  slaveConnectTimeout not applying to pipeline jobs   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-48612) Inconsistent Environment Variable interpolation in Declarative k8s agent

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-48612  



  Re: Inconsistent Environment Variable interpolation in Declarative k8s agent   


 what version of the plugin? can you try with the latest ?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-48261) io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException with kubernetes-plugin

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 I don't think there's much we can do about it if k8s api returns 500  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-48261  
  io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException with kubernetes-plugin   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-48189) Kubernetes Plugin - Reset Connection and Read Timeout to 0 and fails to change back

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Cannot Reproduce  



 I believe this is fixed in the latest versions, can you try?  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-48189  
  Kubernetes Plugin - Reset Connection and Read Timeout to 0 and fails to change back   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Cannot Reproduce  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-48142) declarative pipeline should be able to override a named podTemplate to change things

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-48142  
  declarative pipeline should be able to override a named podTemplate to change things   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51502) Lightweight checkout fails on Build Replica

2018-05-25 Thread pal...@perforce.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Paul Allen closed an issue as Won't Fix  



 Re-closing issue; please add comment if you wish to reopen.  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51502  
  Lightweight checkout fails on Build Replica   


Change By: 
 Paul Allen  
 Open Closed  
 Won't Fix  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-48142) declarative pipeline should be able to override a named podTemplate to change things

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-48142  



  Re: declarative pipeline should be able to override a named podTemplate to change things   


 this should be possible today with yaml property  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-48140) allow declarative pipelines to refer to a named podTemplate in the Jenkins Kubernetes configuration

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 this should be possible by either using labels or passing the yaml in declarative  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-48140  
  allow declarative pipelines to refer to a named podTemplate in the Jenkins Kubernetes configuration   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47591) Allow each Kubernetes slave pod to use unique Persistent Volume / Storage

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-47591  



  Re: Allow each Kubernetes slave pod to use unique Persistent Volume / Storage   


 I believe this should be possible to configure now with the yaml syntax  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46336) Sidecar docker containers for declarative

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-46336  



  Re: Sidecar docker containers for declarative   


 kubernetes plugin now supports Pods in declarative, using yaml definition  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47826) Connection between agents pods and jenkins master does not work with kuberenetes services?

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Incomplete  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-47826  
  Connection between agents pods and jenkins master does not work with kuberenetes services?   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47827) Support passing a user/uid into containerTemplate

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-47827  



  Re: Support passing a user/uid into containerTemplate   


 isn't this possible now with the yaml syntax?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47591) Allow each Kubernetes slave pod to use unique Persistent Volume / Storage

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-47591  
  Allow each Kubernetes slave pod to use unique Persistent Volume / Storage   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47771) Kubernetes Error: NPE: "Failed to count the # of live instances on Kubernetes"

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-47771  



  Re: Kubernetes Error: NPE: "Failed to count the # of live instances on Kubernetes"   


 have you tried newer versions of k8s plugin?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47507) Jenkins Kubernetes plugin incorrectly updates Jenkins podTemplate after image is built

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-47507  



  Re: Jenkins Kubernetes plugin incorrectly updates Jenkins podTemplate after image is built   


 newer versions of the plugin don't touch the pod template configuration when running pipelines, so maybe that fixes it  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47353) Create 'ConfigMapEnvVar' (ConfigMap equivalent to 'SecretEnvVar')

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 this is possible now with the yaml syntax  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-47353  
  Create 'ConfigMapEnvVar' (ConfigMap equivalent to 'SecretEnvVar')   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47178) Jenkins master in windows change the file seperator of "mountPath" wrongly

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez started work on  JENKINS-47178  



Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47178) Jenkins master in windows change the file seperator of "mountPath" wrongly

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-47178  



  Re: Jenkins master in windows change the file seperator of "mountPath" wrongly   


 PR at https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin/pull/308  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46926) Support http liveness probe

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 this is possible now with the new yaml syntax  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-46926  
  Support http liveness probe   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46733) secretEnvVar: Env vars missing inside container

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-46733  
  secretEnvVar: Env vars missing inside container   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46713) script returned exit code -2 when trying to switch to another Jenkins node inside the container block

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 node inside container should not be used  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-46713  
  script returned exit code -2 when trying to switch to another Jenkins node inside the container block   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46651) container step "script returned exit code -1"

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez updated  JENKINS-46651  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-46651  
  container step "script returned exit code -1"   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 In  Progress  Review  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51541) SlaveComputer should support creating channels with custom ChannelBuilder

2018-05-25 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Oleg Nenashev created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51541  
  SlaveComputer should support creating channels with custom ChannelBuilder   


Issue Type: 
  New Feature  
 2018-05-25 09:04  
 remoting gsoc  
 Oleg Nenashev  


 While working on the design for JENKINS-51413, I and Pham Vu Tuan noticed that SlaveComputer#setChannel() interface allows creating channels only based on I/O streams albeit the Channel logic itself and ChannelBuilders support other command transports. I propose to add a new API methods so that other channel implementations can be defined by ComputerLaunchers (see Option 2 in JENKINS-51413)  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51541) SlaveComputer should support creating channels with custom ChannelBuilder

2018-05-25 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Oleg Nenashev assigned an issue to Oleg Nenashev  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51541  
  SlaveComputer should support creating channels with custom ChannelBuilder   


Change By: 
 Oleg Nenashev  
 Oleg Nenashev  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46565) Steps not executed within the docker container part of the pod

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Incomplete  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-46565  
  Steps not executed within the docker container part of the pod   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51541) SlaveComputer should support creating channels with custom ChannelBuilder

2018-05-25 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Oleg Nenashev started work on  JENKINS-51541  



Change By: 
 Oleg Nenashev  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46651) container step "script returned exit code -1"

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez updated  JENKINS-46651  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-46651  
  container step "script returned exit code -1"   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 In Review Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-46253) Support subPath for volumes in the slave PodTemplates

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-46253  
  Support subPath for volumes in the slave PodTemplates   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-45635) Jenkins slave provisioned by Kubernetes plugin missing file in /home/jenkins

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-45635  
  Jenkins slave provisioned by Kubernetes plugin missing file in /home/jenkins   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Reopened Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-45635) Jenkins slave provisioned by Kubernetes plugin missing file in /home/jenkins

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-45635  



  Re: Jenkins slave provisioned by Kubernetes plugin missing file in /home/jenkins   


 See JENKINS-48067 for the ability to make the volume optional  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-44693) Kube 1.6 tolerations no longer an annotation

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 This is possible now with the yaml syntax  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-44693  
  Kube 1.6 tolerations no longer an annotation   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-44285) Kubernetes Plugin , Tool Location overwrites not preserved

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-44285  



  Re: Kubernetes Plugin , Tool Location overwrites not preserved   


 actually https://github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-plugin/pull/318  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-44150) Pipeline job not waiting for all triggered parallel jobs

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-44150  



  Re: Pipeline job not waiting for all triggered parallel jobs   


 can you try the latest version?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-43750) Support setting ENV variable from secret and configmaps

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Fixed  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-43750  
  Support setting ENV variable from secret and configmaps   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42763) Env var HOME for containers has regressed

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-42763  



  Re: Env var HOME for containers has regressed   


 can you try the latest version?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42422) Add support for directory caching in pod jobs

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-42422  



  Re: Add support for directory caching in pod jobs   


 This is easier now with the yaml syntax as you can create PVCs on demand  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42136) shared-library abstraction causing RejectedExecutionException when running sh() commands

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-42136  



  Re: shared-library abstraction causing RejectedExecutionException when running sh() commands   


 so this is an inheritFrom issue ?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41290) Timed out waiting for container to become ready!

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-41290  



  Re: Timed out waiting for container to become ready!   


 can you try the latest versions?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40838) kubernetes plugin 0.10 fails root directory not writeable

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-40838  



  Re: kubernetes plugin 0.10 fails root directory not writeable   


 can you try with the latest version?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51542) Git checkout is slower than the command line execution

2018-05-25 Thread oliver.pere...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Oliver Pereira created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51542  
  Git checkout is slower than the command line execution   


Issue Type: 
 Mark Waite  
 2018-05-25 09:20  
 Oliver Pereira  


 The git checkout is much slower even after using reference repositories, shallow clones etc. Running the same commands via the command line is much faster. I am using the latest version of all the plugins. If you look at the below output, it runs the fetch more than once. 


09:53:13 Cloning the remote Git repository
09:53:13 Using shallow clone
09:53:13 Avoid fetching tags
09:53:13 Cloning repository git@xxx:/xxx.git
09:53:13  > git init /srv/jenkins/workspace/shared-buck-2-master # timeout=10
09:53:14 Using reference repository: /var/lib/jenkins/reference-repositories/xx.git
09:53:14 Fetching upstream changes from git@x:/xxx.git
09:53:14  > git --version # timeout=10
09:53:14  > git fetch --no-tags --progress git@xx:/xxx.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/xxx/* --depth=1
09:54:15  > git config remote.xxx.url git@:x/.git # timeout=10
09:54:15  > git config --add remote..fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/xxx/* # timeout=10
09:54:15  > git config remote.xxx.url git@:x/xxx.git # timeout=10
09:54:15 Fetching upstream changes from git@:/xxx.git
09:54:15  > git fetch --no-tags --progress git@:x/.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/xx/* --depth=1
09:54:18  > git rev-parse 87dc72cf506dcf68

[JIRA] (JENKINS-39801) Waiting for next available executor

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-39801  
  Waiting for next available executor   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Reopened Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40294) Exec Failure: HTTP:404. Message:Not Found

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 so your pipeline is probably getting a different pod template because you have one in the global config with the same label. And that template doesn't have the container you are trying to exec into  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40294  
  Exec Failure: HTTP:404. Message:Not Found   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-39664) Docker builds do not work with Kubernetes Pipeline plugin

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez started work on  JENKINS-39664  



Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-39550) "Pipe not connected" with parallel steps

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Fixed  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-39550  
  "Pipe not connected" with parallel steps   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-39014) expose underlying host ip as environment variable

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Won't Do  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-39014  
  expose underlying host ip as environment variable   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-37643) kubernetes-plugin 0.8 gives javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: protocol_version

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Not A Defect  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-37643  
  kubernetes-plugin 0.8 gives javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: protocol_version   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-36263) Kubernetes pod deleted before BuildWrapper cleanup

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-36263  



  Re: Kubernetes pod deleted before BuildWrapper cleanup   


 can you try with the latest version?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-34380) kubernetes plugin creates an unbounded number of Netty I/O threads

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez resolved as Fixed  



 this should have been fixed  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-34380  
  kubernetes plugin creates an unbounded number of Netty I/O threads   


Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-47389) sh step within container step does not work when user is non-root

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-47389  



  Re: sh step within container step does not work when user is non-root   


 so this is the error, can you try making your image user be uid 1000 ? 


[non-root-container] Running shell script
sh: can't create /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
sh: can't create /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-result.txt.tmp: Permission denied
mv: can't rename '/home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-result.txt.tmp': No such file or directory
touch: /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
touch: /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406/jenkins-log.txt: Permission denied
process apparently never started in /home/jenkins/workspace/non-root-container@tmp/durable-bf906406




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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51273) Inconsistent Declarative Behavior in Yaml File vs legacy podTemplate

2018-05-25 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez started work on  JENKINS-51273  



Change By: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51543) "Remote Script" doesn`t work

2018-05-25 Thread btk3...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ilya Evseenkov created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51543  
  "Remote Script" doesn`t work   


Issue Type: 
 2018-05-25 09:47  
 core 2.89.4  
 Ilya Evseenkov  


 Hi, "Dynamic parameter" always runs at master. It doesn`t depend on unmark/mark "Remote Script" option at configuration page.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51544) Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents

2018-05-25 Thread juliensi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Julien Siems created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51544  
  Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents   


Issue Type: 
 Andrew Bayer  
 2018-05-25 09:52  
 docker pipeline-build-step-plugin pipeline agents tag tags  
 Julien Siems  


 When specifying dockerfile as agent in a jenkins pipeline e.g. : pipeline {     agent {     dockerfile {     additionalBuildArgs '-t image_name:latest'     label 'docker' {{    }}}     }}}{{...} The docker pipeline plugin executes the following to build the image: docker build -t 0c5e9a24b881c7c890b38ceb89cf26c5713e2c1e -t image_name:latest -f Dockerfile . How can I disable automatically tagging the image? In this case I would like to have just one tag (image_name:latest). Thanks a lot in advance!  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51544) Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents

2018-05-25 Thread juliensi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Julien Siems updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51544  
  Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents   


Change By: 
 Julien Siems  


 When specifying dockerfile as agent in a jenkins pipeline e.g. :{{pipeline \{}}{{    agent \{}}{{    dockerfile \{}}{{    additionalBuildArgs '-t image_name:latest'}}{{    label 'docker'}} {{    }}}  {{    }}}{{ ...  } }{{}}} The docker pipeline plugin executes the following to build the image:{{docker build *-t 0c5e9a24b881c7c890b38ceb89cf26c5713e2c1e* -t image_name:latest -f Dockerfile .}}How can I disable automatically tagging the image? In this case I would like to have just one tag (image_name:latest).Thanks a lot in advance!  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51544) Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents

2018-05-25 Thread juliensi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Julien Siems updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51544  
  Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents   


Change By: 
 Julien Siems  


 When specifying dockerfile as agent in a jenkins pipeline e.g. :{{pipeline \{}} {{    agent \{}} {{    dockerfile \{}} {{    additionalBuildArgs '-t image_name:latest'}} {{    label 'docker'}} ... }The docker pipeline plugin executes the following to build the image:{{docker build *-t 0c5e9a24b881c7c890b38ceb89cf26c5713e2c1e* -t image_name:latest -f Dockerfile .}}How can I disable automatically tagging the image? In this case I would like to have just one tag (image_name:latest).Thanks a lot in advance!  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51544) Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents

2018-05-25 Thread juliensi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Julien Siems updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51544  
  Option to disable automatic tagging of docker images with dockerfile agents   


Change By: 
 Julien Siems  


 When specifying dockerfile as agent in a jenkins pipeline e.g. :{{pipeline \{}} {{    agent \{}} {{    dockerfile \{}} {{    additionalBuildArgs '-t image_name:latest'}} {{    label 'docker'}} } The docker pipeline plugin executes the following to build the image:{{docker build *-t 0c5e9a24b881c7c890b38ceb89cf26c5713e2c1e* -t image_name:latest -f Dockerfile .}}How can I disable automatically tagging the image? In this case I would like to have just one tag (image_name:latest).Thanks a lot in advance!  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51165) i couldnot connect my jenkins slave node to jenkins master via web start

2018-05-25 Thread nico.debl...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Nicolas Deblock commented on  JENKINS-51165  



  Re: i couldnot connect my jenkins slave node to jenkins master via web start   


 Hello, I have the same problem on AWS, Which version have the fix ? I reproduce problem on v2.124 (latest of dockerhub jenkins/jenkins)  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-16705) Native support for settings-security.xml (i. e. encrypted passwords)

2018-05-25 Thread d...@fortysix.ch (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Dominik Bartholdi commented on  JENKINS-16705  



  Re: Native support for settings-security.xml (i. e. encrypted passwords)   


 no, there is no work going on on this one - PRs welcome...  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51496) Secure Error Telemetry Service

2018-05-25 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus updated  JENKINS-51496  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51496  
  Secure Error Telemetry Service   


Change By: 
 Baptiste Mathus  
 In Review Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-44292) Jcloud GCP network error

2018-05-25 Thread dennis.berna...@dumont.de (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Dennis Bernardy commented on  JENKINS-44292  



  Re: Jcloud GCP network error   


 I'm also affacted by this problem. Is this going to be resolved? As I saw there was already a git-commit in the related jclouds-plugin git-repo, but the plugin is still on version 2.14 in jenkins.    



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51469) Adapt Essentials configuration to CasC latest and add tests upstream to watch it out

2018-05-25 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus updated  JENKINS-51469  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51469  
  Adapt Essentials configuration to CasC latest and add tests upstream to watch it out   


Change By: 
 Baptiste Mathus  
 In Review Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51485) Warnings Plugin MSBuildParser does not handle hyphen or underscore in category

2018-05-25 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on  JENKINS-51485  



  Re: Warnings Plugin MSBuildParser does not handle hyphen or underscore in category   


 Code changed in jenkins User: Ulli Hafner Path: src/main/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/MsBuildParser.java src/test/java/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/MsBuildParserTest.java src/test/resources/edu/hm/hafner/analysis/parser/issue51485.txt http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/analysis-model/d1ca0112f56d42cfc7d352febbc491f944a8cec3 Log: [FIXED JENKINS-51485] Support '-' and '_' in category names. See https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-plugin/pull/128  *NOTE:* This service been marked for deprecation: https://developer.github.com/changes/2018-04-25-github-services-deprecation/  Functionality will be removed from GitHub.com on January 31st, 2019.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-51543) "Remote Script" doesn`t work

2018-05-25 Thread btk3...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ilya Evseenkov resolved as Not A Defect  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-51543  
  "Remote Script" doesn`t work   


Change By: 
 Ilya Evseenkov  
 Open Resolved  
 Not A Defect  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-45276) Provide an URL for jenkins-slave.exe or config files to create Windows service

2018-05-25 Thread justin.george...@halliburton.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Justin Georgeson commented on  JENKINS-45276  



  Re: Provide an URL for jenkins-slave.exe or config files to create Windows service   


 Where does windows-slave-installer jar reside within Jenkins, and how does it relate to the slave/agent/remoting jar files (SHA256 confirms they're the same, why three names for this file?) that can be downloaded from /jnlpJars? Rather than ability to download the exe and config files, I'd prefer that the agent.jar directly support a -install argument which does the same as clicking thru the service install in the JNLP GUI.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31755) Jenkins "Jira Issue Updater Plugin" pasrsing error when "Affects Version/s" is not empty

2018-05-25 Thread garl...@alumni.upenn.edu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Garland commented on  JENKINS-31755  



  Re: Jenkins "Jira Issue Updater Plugin" pasrsing error when "Affects Version/s" is not empty   


 Same here.   com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "releaseDate" (class info.bluefloyd.jira.model.VersionSummary), not marked as ignorable (6 known properties: "archived", "id", "description", "released", "name", "self"])  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-45719) Description for a pipeline run is not compatible and cannot be disabled

2018-05-25 Thread kjpopo...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Krasimir Popov updated  JENKINS-45719  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-45719  
  Description for a pipeline run is not compatible and cannot be disabled   


Change By: 
 Krasimir Popov  
 Reopened Open  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-37942) Build Failure Analyzer: No info added to api/json output for build page

2018-05-25 Thread gnu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 John Griffiths commented on  JENKINS-37942  



  Re: Build Failure Analyzer: No info added to api/json output for build page   


 If you go to job/number/api/json?depth=3 you get the actions hash. Somewhere in there there will be an entry with the _class = 'com.sonyericsson.jenkins.plugins.bfa.model.FailureCauseBuildAction'. You can get the failure information here.     



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-37942) Build Failure Analyzer: No info added to api/json output for build page

2018-05-25 Thread gnu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 John Griffiths updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-37942  
  Build Failure Analyzer: No info added to api/json output for build page   


Change By: 
 John Griffiths  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-50597) Verify behavior of timeouts, interrupts, and network disconnections in S3 storage

2018-05-25 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick edited a comment on  JENKINS-50597  



  Re: Verify behavior of timeouts, interrupts, and network disconnections in S3 storage   


 That would work for downloads, but not for uploads.Where the context is a build step running agent-side code, any whole-operation timeout is merely a final fallback in case you have neglected to use a general build timeout. The value should be chosen to be longer than any plausible legitimate operation—say, an hour.For cases where the artifact transfer is happening on the master-side then a shorter timeout is appropriate, to prevent accidental DoS. Anyway this case should be rare: for example, an HTTP service thread bundling a set of artifacts to handle a {{ \ *zip \ *}}-format URI, which cannot generally be supported by redirecting to an external URL.  



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