RE: lmtp and over quota

2001-06-14 Thread Nick Ustinov

go to cyrus source dir and modify /imap/lmtpdengine.c and the recompile

Nick Ustinov


-Original Message-
From: Jean-Michel Doublet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 00:41
Subject: lmtp and over quota


I would like ltmp to send 5xx smtp reply when a user is over quota and not a
4xx reply.

How can i proceed ?

RE: howto for RH7?

2001-06-15 Thread Nick Ustinov

I've had some problems too, the easiest way is to install a clean RH7, then
install db3 from rpm and then the source compiles well.

Nick Ustinov


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 17:36
Subject: howto for RH7?

i've spent some time trying to get recent versions of cyrus-imapd
working on RH7, but from both source and rpm install, i've only run into
problems (the 'file descriptor' (if i use rpm) and 'signalled to death'
(if i install from source, even using the most recent db from sleepycay)
errors which have been oft reported but as far as i can see not odften
resolved, at least according to Google).

i've gotten CLOSEST, i guess, installing from source, but i can't get
past the 'signalled to death' error...the only suggestion i've found to
fixing that is to make sure sasl is compiled using the same version of
db as cyrus, but i admit i'm not quite sure how to do that, as
cyrus-sasl doesnt have a configure option similar to --with-dbdir on


short of spending a week of my life on this, does anyone have a
step-by-step howto build 2.0-series imapd with sasl/pam on a virgin
Rh7/7.1 system?

all help greatly appreciated


deleting old mailboxes

2001-07-16 Thread Nick Ustinov


Is there some script or anything, that would scan the imap/user dir, lookup
.seen file date and create a list or delete mailboxes which are X months


RE: Bind the daemon to a specific ip address

2001-07-25 Thread Nick Ustinov

I guess, that's done in cyrus.conf like that:


  imap  cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/imapd" listen="" prefork=0

and so on

-Original Message-
From: Norbert Sendetzky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:28
Subject: Bind the daemon to a specific ip address

Hi all

Does anybody know, if it is possible to bind the cyrus daemon to a specific 
ip address, e.g.


RE: Mailboxes with dots

2001-08-28 Thread Nick Ustinov

There is a dot patch available for 2.0.12 at

It's pretty simple and can be applied to 2.0.16 as well, just do it manually
(don't use patch command).

However, applying the patch disables direct mail sending to mailboxes with


-Original Message-
From: Sherpya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 17:27
Subject: Mailboxes with dots

I need to create mailboxes with dots e.g.: john.smith into cyrus, but .
is used for directory hierarchy, Altnamespace thread does not help me, I
find patch for this. Is a working solution? I need this for a production


user unknown

2001-09-26 Thread Nick Ustinov


Recently upgraded to cyrus from cvs (2.1.0pre), it shown a great improvement
in lmtpd, however, now I _sometimes randomly_ get the following:

>>> DATA

<<< 550 4.3.0 System I/O error. 
550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] User unknown

<<< 503 5.5.1 No recipients 

In sendmail log file it also shows User unknown error.

Sometimes mail goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED] well... Ideas? 

Nick Ustinov
Enterprise Solutions Group Director

Vide Infra Grupa SIA
40 Brivibas St, Riga, Latvia, LV 1050
phone: +371 7812294
fax: +371 7812297

just to track...

2001-09-26 Thread Nick Ustinov

Sep 26 16:14:12 satan sendmail[10059]: f8QEDc3x010059:
from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=34899, class=0, nrcpts=1, m
sgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, bodytype=8BITMIME,
proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, [159
Sep 26 16:14:13 satan sendmail[11198]: f8QEECoN011198:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=34899, class=0, nrcpts=1, msg
id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=root@localhost

Sep 26 16:14:13 satan sendmail[11175]: f8QEDc3x010059: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
delay=00:00:34, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=avpke
eper, pri=65730,, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent  
Sep 26 16:14:13 satan sendmail[11208]: f8QEECoN011198: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (0/0), del
ay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, pri=30763, relay=localhost,
dsn=5.1.1, stat=User unknown

AVP is Kaspersky antivirus, works fine with the rest

Nick Ustinov
Enterprise Solutions Group Director

Vide Infra Grupa SIA
40 Brivibas St, Riga, Latvia, LV 1050
phone: +371 7812294
fax: +371 7812297

[UNIX: /var/imap/socket/lmtp]

2001-09-26 Thread Nick Ustinov

Is it normal, that from some point I see relay=localhost [[UNIX:
/var/imap/socket/lmtp]] in my maillog file:

Sep 26 19:27:01 satan sendmail[31789]: f8QHR1WN031789: to=root,
delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, pri=30237, relay=localhost
[[UNIX: /var/imap/socket/lmtp]], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

What's that [UNIX: /var/imap/socket/lmtp] and wasn't it there before.

Nick Ustinov
Enterprise Solutions Group Director

Vide Infra Grupa SIA
40 Brivibas St, Riga, Latvia, LV 1050
phone: +371 7812294
fax: +371 7812297


2001-09-26 Thread Nick Ustinov

Concerning previous msgs --- the problem was that I've modified
lmtpdengine.c and changed

452 4.2.2 Over quota


550 4.2.2 Over quota

Basically, I always did that since I do not want overquota messages to stay
in queue. However, 2.1.0pre didn't like this change and now in case of
overquota issues both "550 4.2.2 Over quota" and then User unknown, which is
treated by sendmail as User unknown. Is there anything I should change in
sendmail config, is it a bug or a feature?


RE: lmtpdengine.c

2001-09-26 Thread Nick Ustinov

Yeah, well, the thing is that most of the users who are overquoted will
never ever come back anymore. I have a system with >100k users, so you can
imagine whats going on if I collect overquote e-mails. I guess
sends them back immidetely as well.


-Original Message-
From: Ken Murchison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 23:02
To: Nick Ustinov
Subject: Re: lmtpdengine.c

Nick Ustinov wrote:
> Concerning previous msgs --- the problem was that I've modified
> lmtpdengine.c and changed
> 452 4.2.2 Over quota
> to
> 550 4.2.2 Over quota
> Basically, I always did that since I do not want overquota messages to
> in queue. However, 2.1.0pre didn't like this change and now in case of
> overquota issues both "550 4.2.2 Over quota" and then User unknown, which
> treated by sendmail as User unknown. Is there anything I should change in
> sendmail config, is it a bug or a feature?

So you want messages destined for people who are overquota to be bounced
instead of queued locally?  Because you're sending back a 550 code, even
the sending MTA won't retry.

Cyrus 2.1 now checks the quota at the time of the RCPT TO: command, as
well as after the DATA command (in case the usage changed in between). 
I haven't thought about the consequences of what you are trying to do
with 2.1, but I'd guess that you're confusing your MTA by spitting back
a permanent failure to RCPT TO: (usually unknown user) because of an
over quota issue.

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--

back to lmtpd problems

2001-09-27 Thread Nick Ustinov

I've discussed this problem some time ago, known as forking problem. Turned
out to be db3 locking problem or whatever. Anyway, here's something I
experience right now:

Let me begin with my system description.

It's Linux RedHat 7.0 with kernel 2.4.2-0.1.28smp running at dual p3/550
with 768 mb ram and several scsi hdds. There are >10 registered users in
the system, however only half are active. Currently I am running:

1) cyrus-imapd 2.0.16
2) pam_mysql
3) libdb-3.3
4) sendmail 8.12.0
5) kaspersky avp for linux
6) poprelay

Sendmail works in queue mode, -q1m

During that minute it is queuing e-mails everything is fine -- e-mails are
checked for viruses and if everything is fine, placed in queue. At peak
time, the system receives up to 300-400 e-mails per that minute. Once it
starts to deliver the e-mails locally, the problems begin. sendmail opens
huge number of connections to localhost, which look like that:

sendmail: ./f8RAK8Jw015602 localhost: client DATA sta
sendmail: ./f8RAJ81C015613 localhost: client DATA sta
sendmail: ./f8RAJ8WU015726 localhost: client DATA sta
sendmail: ./f8RAJ8Vm015734 localhost: client DATA sta
sendmail: ./f8RAK372016522 localhost: client DATA sta
sendmail: ./f8RAK6pN016557 localhost: client DATA sta
sendmail: ./f8RAK6fs016567 localhost: client DATA sta

and the system launches approx the same number of lmtpds. 

The e-mails are being delivered, but EXTREMELY slow. I don't know where the
problem is, however the system is unable to deliver more than 100-200
e-mails per minute. As you understand, while it is delivering 100-200
e-mails from queue, 300-400 new e-mails come. At next minute it opens even
more lmtpds and within 30-40 minutes it just dies with memory overflow

I've tried everything, but don't know where the problem is. Here are my
config files:


  mboxlist  cmd="ctl_mboxlist -r"

  deliver   cmd="ctl_deliver -r"




  imap  cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/imapd" listen="imap" prefork=1

  pop3  cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=1

  sieve cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0

  lmtpunix  cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/lmtpd" listen="/var/imap/socket/lmtp"
prefork=1 maxchild=50 



  checkpointcmd="ctl_mboxlist -c" period=30

  #delprune cmd="ctl_deliver -E 3" period=1440


configdirectory: /var/imap

partition-default: /inbox1

partition-usr2: /inbox2

partition-usr3: /inbox3

partition-usr4: /inbox4

partition-usr5: /inbox5

admins: support

allowanonymouslogin: no

autocreatequota: 5000

quotawarn: 90

defaultacl: lrswipcda

sievedir: /var/imap/sieve

postmaster: support

reject8bit: no

sasl_pwcheck_method: pam

VERSIONID(`linux setup for Red Hat Linux')dnl





define(`confTO_CONNECT', `1m')dnl

define(`confBIND_OPTS',`-DNSRCH -DEFNAMES')dnl






define(`STATUS_FILE', `/var/log/')dnl



FEATURE(`mailertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/mailertable')dnl

FEATURE(`virtusertable',`hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable')dnl






FEATURE(dnsbl, `', `Rejected - see')dnl
FEATURE(dnsbl, `', `Dialup - see')dnl  
FEATURE(dnsbl, `', `Open spam relay - see')dnl  

Klocalip hash -a /etc/mail/localip

Kpopip hash  -a /etc/mail/popip







Mcyrus, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMnqA5@/:|SmXz, E=\r\n,

S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,

A=FILE /var/imap/socket/lmtp



Rbb + $+ < @ $=w . >$#cyrus $: + $1



# if there's a plus part, we want to directly deliver it


R$+ + $*$#cyrus $@ $: $1 + $2



# Put the address into cannonical form (even if it doesn't resolve to an
R$* $: $>Parse0 $>3 $1

R$* < $* > $*   $: $1 < $2 . > $3
Pretend it's canonical. 
R$* < $* . . > $*   $1 < $2 . > $3
Remove extra dots.  

# Allow relaying if the connected host is a local I

RE: back to lmtpd problems

2001-09-27 Thread Nick Ustinov


Thanks for the idea, however the tests show that disk speed is quite enough
(and I guess there are no much faster drives I can get on the market right
now :). The problem could be in db3 locking or something like that, which is
linux specific. As for sendmail-->postfix change -- I might want to try
that, however I am not experienced in postfix and the system is quite
critical, it's not that easy. Anyway, this looks like cyrus problem -- the
fact is that sendmail works FASTER than lmtpd causes the bottlenecks.


-Original Message-
From: Francesc Guasch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 13:20
Subject: Re: back to lmtpd problems

Nick Ustinov ha escrito:
> It's Linux RedHat 7.0 with kernel 2.4.2-0.1.28smp running at dual p3/550
> and the system launches approx the same number of lmtpds.
> The e-mails are being delivered, but EXTREMELY slow. I don't know where
> problem is, however the system is unable to deliver more than 100-200
> e-mails per minute. As you understand, while it is delivering 100-200

Hi Nick. I've had no such scenario but let me guess something (that
could be completely wrong).

My bet is your problem is in disk speed. You have a limit of concurrent
delivering caused by your drive. When it reaches that limit it
gets worse. I'd try to set a max number of concurrent delivering
lmtpd processes in sendmail. I'd also buy faster scsi drives.

Another thing you could consider is replace sendmail and start using
postfix. I've seen reports of incredible number of mails delivered
and I've been using it in many servers happilly. It supports cyrus,
lmtpd and avp.

In the postfix mailing list I've seen people who have a lot of
users like you. Maybe you should check the postfix archives or
subscribe to the list. ( low noise ).


RE: back to lmtpd problems (ot)

2001-09-27 Thread Nick Ustinov

Should I use avcheck instead of avpkeeper with sendmail as well, or that's
just for postfix?

-Original Message-
From: Tarjei Huse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 17:15
To: Francesc Guasch
Subject: Re: back to lmtpd problems (ot)

> and I've been using it in many servers happilly. It supports cyrus,
> lmtpd and avp.
Note however that you should not use avpkeeper, but instead the programe
made by Ralf Hildebrandt. It offers better performance and higher security.
Also, I only had problems combining avpkeeper and postfix, but using avcheck
with kavdaemon works like a charm. 

> In the postfix mailing list I've seen people who have a lot of
> users like you. Maybe you should check the postfix archives or
> subscribe to the list. ( low noise ).
> --
>  --Frankie

lmtpd locking?

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov

I am still investigating this many-lmtpds-in memory thing and running

sendmail -q -v -X shows the following:

05707 >>> Running /var/spool/mqueue/f91BZUx28683 (sequence 9 of 733)

05707 >>> >>> RSET

05707 >>> RSET

05707 <<< 250 2.0.0 ok

05707 >>> 250 2.0.0 ok

05707 >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Using cached ESMTP connection to localhost via
05707 >>> >>> MAIL From:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=263

05707 >>> MAIL From:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=263

05707 <<< 250 2.1.0 ok

05707 >>> 250 2.1.0 ok

05707 >>> >>> RCPT To:

05707 >>> RCPT To:

05707 <<< 250 2.1.5 ok

05707 >>> 250 2.1.5 ok

05707 >>> >>> DATA

05707 >>> DATA

05707 <<< 354 go ahead

05707 >>> 354 go ahead

05707 >>> Received: (from root@localhost)

05707 >>>   by (8.11.6/8.11.0) id f91BZUx28683

05707 >>>   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:35:30 +0200

05707 >>> Received: from ( [])

05707 >>>   by (8.11.6/8.11.0) with ESMTP id f91BYje27669

05707 >>>   for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:34:45 +0200

05707 >>> Received: from black-monster (unknown [])

05707 >>>   by (Postfix) with SMTP id 504B1655A1

05707 >>>   for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon,  1 Oct 2001 12:22:59 +0200 (EET)

05707 >>> Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 12:27:23 -0200

05707 >>> Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] nosuutiijis Tev zinju no

05707 >>> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

05707 >>> From: "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

05707 >>> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

05707 >>>

05707 >>> test

05707 >>> .

05707 >>> >>> . 

and freezes here.

Running strace on this, indicates, that it freezes on


so, I assume lmtp is not sending some response after . in DATA ?? Comments?

Nick Ustinov
Enterprise Solutions Group Director

Vide Infra Grupa SIA
40 Brivibas St, Riga, Latvia, LV 1050
phone: +371 7812294
fax: +371 7812297

lmtpd locking continued

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov

And that's the place, where lmtpd freezes:

Oct  1 14:27:09 satan lmtpd[5687]: duplicate_check:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  user.bforce  0 

Nick Ustinov
Enterprise Solutions Group Director

Vide Infra Grupa SIA
40 Brivibas St, Riga, Latvia, LV 1050
phone: +371 7812294
fax: +371 7812297

RE: lmtpd locking continued

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov


it's 2.1.0pre, pulled sep 26th.

concerning the problem -- i ran reconstruct on this mailbox (user.bforce)
and it went fine, however this doesn't always help (was it a coincedence?)

I enabled another config with avpkeeper, which works fine now
(non-local mails delivered). However, localmails which are delivered using
cyrus mailer are still freezing after issuing DATA (messages are being
delivered to mailboxes, by the way).

This happens when it tries to connect via UNIX: /var/imap/socket/lmtp
according to sendmail's log. 


-Original Message-
From: Amos Gouaux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 15:20
Subject: Re: lmtpd locking continued

>>>>> On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 13:22:27 +0200 ,
>>>>> Nick Ustinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (nu) writes:

nu> And that's the place, where lmtpd freezes:
nu> Oct  1 14:27:09 satan lmtpd[5687]: duplicate_check:
nu> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  user.bforce  0 

You should probably indicate what version of Cyrus you're using.
At one point you mention 2.1.0pre, but don't specify when you pulled
this from CVS.


RE: lmtpd locking continued

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov

Ken, just pulled latest cvs version, still the same. 

As for too many files open, I have echo 32768 >/etc/fs/file-max 

-Original Message-
From: Ken Murchison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 17:59
To: Nick Ustinov
Subject: Re: lmtpd locking continued

Nick Ustinov wrote:
> Sorry,
> it's 2.1.0pre, pulled sep 26th.

Try pulling it again.  I fixed a file descriptor leak (which I created)
in lmtpd.  Your lmtpd _may_ be running up against the fd limit.  Do you
get any complaints about too many open files?

Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--

RE: lmtpd locking continued

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov


just did that and it sent 48 out of 721 msgs in mqueue.. And froze here:

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f91HRse04091 (sequence 49 of 721)
>>> RSET
250 2.0.0 ok
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Using cached ESMTP connection to localhost
via cyrus...
250 2.1.0 ok
>>> RCPT To:
250 2.1.5 ok
>>> DATA
354 go ahead
>>> .

strace shows it's read(7,

Is it somehow related to alarm(300) I see in strace output as well?


PS. Pretty weird user name, however it exists, reconstructed and is
accessible via IMAP

-Original Message-
From: Lawrence Greenfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 19:46
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Nick Ustinov
Subject: Re: lmtpd locking continued

   From: Nick Ustinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 18:02:16 +0200 

   Ken, just pulled latest cvs version, still the same. 

   As for too many files open, I have echo 32768 >/etc/fs/file-max 

Did you nuke your existing duplicate delivery db and run ctl_cyrusdb -r?

As you noticed, the duplicate delivery code was reworked in 2.1 and
may still have some gotchas.


RE: cyrus/pam tutorial?

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov


I am using cyrus with pam_mysql. Let me know what are the problems you are
facing and I will try to help. In general, you compile pam module, create
entries in /etc/pam.d (files imap and pop) with settings pam modules require
and set in /etc/imapd.conf sasl_pwcheck_method: pam


-Original Message-
From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 21:40
Subject: cyrus/pam tutorial?

Hello , I am having a hard time getting cyrus to
use pam authentication. It only seems to want to work
with sasl. Any tuttorials or hints?
Vincent Stoessel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Linux Apache Mysql Php (JLAMP) Engineer
(301) 362-1750 Mobile (410) 419-8588

RE: lmtpd locking continued

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov

Larry, Ken,

I ran strace on lmtpd and noticed that it sticks with connecting to
notify_unix socket. I recompiled it with-notify=no and it seems to work fine
now (and much faster too :)  

Ken, ignore last email with strace, it was all right (my fault)


-Original Message-
From: Lawrence Greenfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 22:37
To: Nick Ustinov; Ken Murchison
Subject: Re: lmtpd locking continued

   Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2001 13:47:01 -0400
   From: Ken Murchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   > >>> MAIL From:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=538
   > 250 2.1.0 ok
   > >>> RCPT To:
   > 250 2.1.5 ok
   > >>> DATA
   > 354 go ahead
   > >>> .

   Hmm.  This *should* have given you:

   554 5.6.0 Message has no header/body separator

No, no, Sendmail never shows the body of the message when it sends
it.  (Ok, maybe on really high debug levels, but not normally.)
It sent a message between the DATA and the .

   > strace shows it's read(7,

   Could you please check to see which file its trying to read from?  Look
   for open() = 7.  If the strace is gone, please trace a new

I think this was an strace of Sendmail, not an strace of lmtpd.

I agree a trace of lmtpd and a gdb backtrace of where lmtpd is when
this happens would be more helpful.


RE: cyrus/pam tutorial?

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov


I have rh7 and exactly the same situation -- pam_mysql, mysql and web
interface for user creation, which inserts necessary records to mysql tables
upon user creation.

As for pam_mysql -- the tricky part here may be that you have unneeded line
break in end of /etc/pam.d/imap file (I was fighting this for a couple of
days :)

Also, what format do you use in /etc/pam.d/imap ?

I have

auth optional ...(params for pammysql)...
account required ...(same params for pammysql)...

and worked just fine. Did you check /var/log/messages file? also, i'd
recommend #define DEBUG in pam_mysql.c so you can see whats going on.


-Original Message-
From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 22:46
To: Nick Ustinov
Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?

This is great. I have been banging my head against the wall here.
Let me tell you what I want to do and you tell me if it even possible.

1. I moved to cyrus from UW because of the ability to create virtual
and sasl has worked fine

2, I also have a mysql database that contains user info and is also used to
users for various parts of the website including my web based imap

what I want to do is

1. combine the creation of cyrus mailboxes with record creation in the sql
2. have cyrus use pam_mysql to look up and authenticate passwords from the
sql database

are 1 or 2 possible ?

I have compiled pam_mysql as directed and tested it with pam module for the
and it definetely checks the database when I use it there. The same is not
true for imap,
no queries are made to the database and nothing seems to work except sasl

I am working on an intel redhat linux 7.1 system.

Thanks in advance.

Nick Ustinov wrote:

> Vincent,
> I am using cyrus with pam_mysql. Let me know what are the problems you are
> facing and I will try to help. In general, you compile pam module, create
> entries in /etc/pam.d (files imap and pop) with settings pam modules
> and set in /etc/imapd.conf sasl_pwcheck_method: pam
> Sincerely,
> Nick
> -Original Message-
> From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 21:40
> Subject: cyrus/pam tutorial?
> Hello , I am having a hard time getting cyrus to
> use pam authentication. It only seems to want to work
> with sasl. Any tuttorials or hints?

Vincent Stoessel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Linux Apache Mysql Php (JLAMP) Engineer
(301) 362-1750 Mobile (410) 419-8588

nfs and spool hash

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov

I am planning upgrading my system and switching to new IDE RAID 5 disks.
I've read that mounting imap spool over NFS is not a good idea due to NFS
locking problems, however the FAQ was pretty out-of-date. 

I've got several Q's:

1) Is NFS still locking on high-volume traffic?
2) If I add hashimapspool: true to my imapd.conf, then create all dirs like
a/ b/ c/ and so on and move user dirs accordingly, shall it work? Is there a
tool for doing that automatically? I have 5 imapspool partitions with total
of ~103.000 accounts.


RE: cyrus/pam tutorial?

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov

it should be sasl_pwcheck_method, not sasl_passwd_check


-Original Message-
From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 23:47
Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?

This what my  /etc/imapd.conf looks like:

configdirectory: /var/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
admins: admin
srvtab: /var/imap/srvtab
allowanonymouslogin: no
sasl_passwd_check: PAM
allowplaintext: yes

Like you , I am using the following params

 > auth optional ...(params for pammysql)...
 > account required ...(same params for pammysql)...

I am tail -f ing my mysql.log  (mysql is running in logging mode)

and I can see connections that I make from the command line but not
from the imap pam

I have the same config in sudo , sudo makes the connection but not imap.

Nick Ustinov wrote:

> Vincent,
> I have rh7 and exactly the same situation -- pam_mysql, mysql and web
> interface for user creation, which inserts necessary records to mysql
> upon user creation.
> As for pam_mysql -- the tricky part here may be that you have unneeded
> break in end of /etc/pam.d/imap file (I was fighting this for a couple of
> days :)
> Also, what format do you use in /etc/pam.d/imap ?
> I have
> auth optional ...(params for pammysql)...
> account required ...(same params for pammysql)...
> and worked just fine. Did you check /var/log/messages file? also, i'd
> recommend #define DEBUG in pam_mysql.c so you can see whats going on.
> Nick
> -Original Message-
> From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 22:46
> To: Nick Ustinov
> Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?
> This is great. I have been banging my head against the wall here.
> Let me tell you what I want to do and you tell me if it even possible.
> 1. I moved to cyrus from UW because of the ability to create virtual
> mailboxes
> and sasl has worked fine
> 2, I also have a mysql database that contains user info and is also used
> authenticate
> users for various parts of the website including my web based imap
> client.
> what I want to do is
> 1. combine the creation of cyrus mailboxes with record creation in the sql
> db
> 2. have cyrus use pam_mysql to look up and authenticate passwords from the
> sql database
> are 1 or 2 possible ?
> I have compiled pam_mysql as directed and tested it with pam module for
> sudo
> and it definetely checks the database when I use it there. The same is not
> true for imap,
> no queries are made to the database and nothing seems to work except sasl
> I am working on an intel redhat linux 7.1 system.
> Thanks in advance.
> Nick Ustinov wrote:
>>I am using cyrus with pam_mysql. Let me know what are the problems you are
>>facing and I will try to help. In general, you compile pam module, create
>>entries in /etc/pam.d (files imap and pop) with settings pam modules
> require
>>and set in /etc/imapd.conf sasl_pwcheck_method: pam
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 21:40
>>Subject: cyrus/pam tutorial?
>>Hello , I am having a hard time getting cyrus to
>>use pam authentication. It only seems to want to work
>>with sasl. Any tuttorials or hints?

Vincent Stoessel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Linux Apache Mysql Php (JLAMP) Engineer
(301) 362-1750 Mobile (410) 419-8588

RE: cyrus/pam tutorial?

2001-10-01 Thread Nick Ustinov

No, should be fine. Did you restart master after making changes in
imapd.conf? Did you enable #define DEBUG in pam_mysql? What is exactly in
your /etc/pam.d/imap file? 


-Original Message-
From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 00:15
To: Nick Ustinov
Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?

Changed but still no mysql connection. :-(

I compiled cyrus-imapd-2.0.16 with these flags:

  ./configure  --with-auth=unix --without-krb --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl

and cyrus-sasl-1.5.24 with :

./configure  --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl --enable-netscapehack
--with-sasl=/usr/local --with-pam --disable-krb4
--disable-gssapi --disable-cram

should I have included anything else

Nick Ustinov wrote:

> it should be sasl_pwcheck_method, not sasl_passwd_check
> Nick
> -Original Message-
> From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 23:47
> Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?
> This what my  /etc/imapd.conf looks like:
> configdirectory: /var/imap
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> admins: admin
> srvtab: /var/imap/srvtab
> allowanonymouslogin: no
> sasl_passwd_check: PAM
> allowplaintext: yes
> Like you , I am using the following params
>  > auth optional ...(params for pammysql)...
>  > account required ...(same params for pammysql)...
> I am tail -f ing my mysql.log  (mysql is running in logging mode)
> and I can see connections that I make from the command line but not
> from the imap pam
> I have the same config in sudo , sudo makes the connection but not imap.
> Nick Ustinov wrote:
>>I have rh7 and exactly the same situation -- pam_mysql, mysql and web
>>interface for user creation, which inserts necessary records to mysql
> tables
>>upon user creation.
>>As for pam_mysql -- the tricky part here may be that you have unneeded
> line
>>break in end of /etc/pam.d/imap file (I was fighting this for a couple of
>>days :)
>>Also, what format do you use in /etc/pam.d/imap ?
>>I have
>>auth optional ...(params for pammysql)...
>>account required ...(same params for pammysql)...
>>and worked just fine. Did you check /var/log/messages file? also, i'd
>>recommend #define DEBUG in pam_mysql.c so you can see whats going on.
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 22:46
>>To: Nick Ustinov
>>Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?
>>This is great. I have been banging my head against the wall here.
>>Let me tell you what I want to do and you tell me if it even possible.
>>1. I moved to cyrus from UW because of the ability to create virtual
>>and sasl has worked fine
>>2, I also have a mysql database that contains user info and is also used
> to
>>users for various parts of the website including my web based imap
>>what I want to do is
>>1. combine the creation of cyrus mailboxes with record creation in the sql
>>2. have cyrus use pam_mysql to look up and authenticate passwords from the
>>sql database
>>are 1 or 2 possible ?
>>I have compiled pam_mysql as directed and tested it with pam module for
> the
>>and it definetely checks the database when I use it there. The same is not
>>true for imap,
>>no queries are made to the database and nothing seems to work except sasl
>>I am working on an intel redhat linux 7.1 system.
>>Thanks in advance.
>>Nick Ustinov wrote:
>>>I am using cyrus with pam_mysql. Let me know what are the problems you
>>>facing and I will try to help. In general, you compile pam module, create
>>>entries in /etc/pam.d (files imap and pop) with settings pam modules
>>>and set in /etc/imapd.conf sasl_pwcheck_method: pam
>>>-Original Message-
>>>From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 21:40
>>>Subject: cyrus/pam tutorial?
>>>Hello , I am having a hard time getting cyrus to
>>>use pam authentication. It only seems to want to work
>>>with sasl. Any tuttorials or hints?

Vincent Stoessel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java Linux Apache Mysql Php (JLAMP) Engineer
(301) 362-1750 Mobile (410) 419-8588

RE: lmtpd locking continued

2001-10-02 Thread Nick Ustinov


I was using old notify_unix from 2.0.13 since I changed the format of the
output string a little bit; I will try to recompile with the new one and see
if it is any change. By the way, it locked on connect(.../var/notify_unix)
when the traffic was high and kept sendmail and lmtpd in memory. However, at
some point it went thru but could be hanging for 10-20 minutes


-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 04:21
To: Nick Ustinov; 'Lawrence Greenfield'; Ken Murchison
Subject: Re: lmtpd locking continued

> I ran strace on lmtpd and noticed that it sticks with connecting to
> notify_unix socket. I recompiled it with-notify=no and it seems to work
> now (and much faster too :)
> Ken, ignore last email with strace, it was all right (my fault)
I thought notify_unix.c was ignoring failure to connect to the notify
socket. Obviously not! Given we've had 2 problems with this code in the last
week, it sounds like someone who knows C a lot better than me should check
it thoroughly...

RE: cyrus/pam tutorial?

2001-10-02 Thread Nick Ustinov

I'd change it to

auth optional /lib/security/ ...

is user cyr without password? also, you need db= table= usercolumn=


-Original Message-
From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 00:59
To: Nick Ustinov
Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?

yeah ,killed and started master again.
here is the file wc reports 3 lines. My email may have broken it up

[root@web pam.d]# cat imap
auth   optional user=cyr host=securedb
passwdcolumn=Password crypt=2   
auth   required
accountrequired user=cyr host=securedb
passwdcolumn=Password crypt=2

Nick Ustinov wrote:

> No, should be fine. Did you restart master after making changes in
> imapd.conf? Did you enable #define DEBUG in pam_mysql? What is exactly in
> your /etc/pam.d/imap file? 
> Nick
> -Original Message-
> From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 00:15
> To: Nick Ustinov
> Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?
> Changed but still no mysql connection. :-(
> I compiled cyrus-imapd-2.0.16 with these flags:
>   ./configure  --with-auth=unix --without-krb --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl
> and cyrus-sasl-1.5.24 with :
> ./configure  --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl --enable-netscapehack
> --with-sasl=/usr/local --with-pam --disable-krb4
> --disable-gssapi --disable-cram
> --disable-digest
> should I have included anything else
> Nick Ustinov wrote:
>>it should be sasl_pwcheck_method, not sasl_passwd_check
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 23:47
>>Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?
>>This what my  /etc/imapd.conf looks like:
>>configdirectory: /var/imap
>>partition-default: /var/spool/imap
>>admins: admin
>>srvtab: /var/imap/srvtab
>>allowanonymouslogin: no
>>sasl_passwd_check: PAM
>>allowplaintext: yes
>>Like you , I am using the following params
>> > auth optional ...(params for pammysql)...
>> > account required ...(same params for pammysql)...
>>I am tail -f ing my mysql.log  (mysql is running in logging mode)
>>and I can see connections that I make from the command line but not
>>from the imap pam
>>I have the same config in sudo , sudo makes the connection but not imap.
>>Nick Ustinov wrote:
>>>I have rh7 and exactly the same situation -- pam_mysql, mysql and web
>>>interface for user creation, which inserts necessary records to mysql
>>>upon user creation.
>>>As for pam_mysql -- the tricky part here may be that you have unneeded
>>>break in end of /etc/pam.d/imap file (I was fighting this for a couple of
>>>days :)
>>>Also, what format do you use in /etc/pam.d/imap ?
>>>I have
>>>auth optional ...(params for pammysql)...
>>>account required ...(same params for pammysql)...
>>>and worked just fine. Did you check /var/log/messages file? also, i'd
>>>recommend #define DEBUG in pam_mysql.c so you can see whats going on.
>>>-Original Message-
>>>From: Vincent Stoessel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 22:46
>>>To: Nick Ustinov
>>>Subject: Re: cyrus/pam tutorial?
>>>This is great. I have been banging my head against the wall here.
>>>Let me tell you what I want to do and you tell me if it even possible.
>>>1. I moved to cyrus from UW because of the ability to create virtual
>>>   and sasl has worked fine
>>>2, I also have a mysql database that contains user info and is also used
>>>   users for various parts of the website including my web based imap
>>>what I want to do is
>>>1. combine the creation of cyrus mailboxes with record creation in the

pop3d auth

2001-10-03 Thread Nick Ustinov

Pretty strange -- I have tuned pam_mysql to be case insensitive for
usernames. If I telnet to imap port and do . login UsEr password it logs me
in. If I do the same with pop3 (user UsEr pass password) according to log it
says user UsEr logged in, however the response is -- ERR Invalid login



RE: Many domains, one Cyrus

2001-10-04 Thread Nick Ustinov

The idea is to bind each domain to separate ip address, set these ip
addresses to single machine, set up master to listen to different ips and
launch imapd, popd with -C paramters, that point to corresponding config
files, which contain different spool dirs. Dig this maillist archive, it has
pretty good instructions on doing this.


-Original Message-
From: djinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 17:47
Subject: Many domains, one Cyrus

I am looking for a way to set up cyrus (2.0.9) to deliver to mail boxes
that are unique within their domain but not necessarily across the
entire server.

For example, we have a client named Chris Primus, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We have another client, Christopher Secundus, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These are obviously not the same people, and their mail should go to
different mailboxes.  The obvious and oft-suggested method for this is
to create mailboxes named chris.client1 and chris.client2 and map,
either with aliases or LDAP, [EMAIL PROTECTED]>chris.client1.

This is fine and works well once you get it set up (I have).  However,
both Chris's have existing accounts with us, both Chris's pay us a lot
of money and both Chris's are not technically savvy and will get very
annoyed if I call them up and tell them that they have to change their
Outlook mail settings to log in as a new, harder to remember username to
check their mail.  I have read that Cyrus can handle this sort of
thing.  Can anyone who's faced a similar situation help me out?


sendmail vs. lmtp

2001-09-28 Thread Nick Ustinov

Here's what sendmail -q -v gives:

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8SA52LY010595 (sequence 1 of 322)
f8SA52LY010595: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9utK1032228 (sequence 2 of 322)
f8S9utK1032228: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9wCS5002185 (sequence 3 of 322)
f8S9wCS5002185: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9wiQ1003110 (sequence 4 of 322)
f8S9wiQ1003110: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9xPHr004028 (sequence 5 of 322)
f8S9xPHr004028: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9ppOE025946 (sequence 6 of 322)
f8S9ppOE025946: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9vKUr000525 (sequence 7 of 322)
f8S9vKUr000525: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9www2003521 (sequence 8 of 322)
f8S9www2003521: locked

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9vEOv000359 (sequence 9 of 322)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Connecting to /var/imap/socket/lmtp via
220 LMTP Cyrus v2.1.0pre ready
>>> LHLO
250 2.1.0 ok
>>> RCPT To:
>>> DATA
250 2.1.5 ok
354 go ahead
>>> .
250 2.1.5 Ok

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8S9vr2d001619 (sequence 10 of 322)
f8S9vr2d001619: locked

Basically, after each messages that "not locked" for him, sendmail freezes
for 1-2 minutes.. then goes ahead, skips 40-50 msgs and delivers one more..
then freezes again.




2001-09-28 Thread Nick Ustinov


Maybe this is not the right place to ask, but anyway.. I somehow came to the
point, when sendmail is not even connecting to cyrus in any case. cyrus.log
file keeps silence. I have 10 messages in /var/spool/mqueue, so I do
/usr/sbin/sendmail -q -v and what I see is:

Running /var/spool/mqueue/f8SFhVE14937 (sequence 1 of 8)

and that's it. It just stops here doing nothing. All debug levels are tuned
up to max values. 

I've tried to use lmtpunix socket and tried to use lmtp listener -- same
result. If I connect to lmtp listen manually, it issues promt, replies to
LHLO and behaves normally.

Any ideas? Here's my new "minimal" .mc file:

Mcyrus, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMnqA@/:|SmXz, E=\r\n,
S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix,
A=FILE /var/imap/socket/lmtp

Rbb + $+ < @ $=w . >$#cyrus $: + $1



2001-10-09 Thread Nick Ustinov

you can use pam_mysql or pam_ldap

-Original Message-
From: Robert McCallum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 20:09
To: info-cyrus

Which methods of authentication can be used if I do
not want to actually add user accounts to the server
that cyrus is running on, just mail accounts??
Thanks in advance

Do You Yahoo!?
NEW from Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just

RE: pam/mysql doesnt work

2001-10-12 Thread Nick Ustinov

and which pam_mysql? did you compile it enabling DEBUG option?


-Original Message-
From: Mark Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 14:40
Subject: Re: pam/mysql doesnt work

Hi! again

Thx for your answer. But i also tried to compile sasl with the follwoing 
$ ./configure  --prefix=/usr --with-passwd_method=PAM
$ ./configure  --prefix=/usr --with_pam=/lib/security

and as you can see in the log of my configure:
> >checking for pam_start in -lpam... yes
> >checking for security/pam_appl.h... yes
> >checking PAM support... yes

I also tried sasl_pwcheck_method: pam, pan??? and pam. Always "cannot find 

And i also removed the "pwcheck_method" from imapd.conf

And finally there are NO spaces at the end (i verified with vi).

Nothing worked. I'am getting frustrated.

Isn't there a how-to that i maybe didnt worked through, that you can tell me

I am using ( i forgot to mention last time):
Distro: SuSE 7.2 (Maybe next monday i try 7.3)

openssl-0.9.6a (and dev)
pam-0.74-39 (and dev)
mysql-2.23.37 (client and dev)

Mark Davis

Am Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2001 14:36 schrieben Sie:
> Mark,
> Try substituting --with-pam for --with-passwd_method=PAM when
> configuring sasl.
> Also try removing:
>  pwcheck_method: PAM
> from your /etc/imapd.conf . You should only require:
>  sasl_pwcheck_method: pam
> Mark Davis wrote:
> >Hi all...
> >
> >I want to authenticate the users via a mysql-db. So i compiled pam_mysql
> > and made the files pop3/imap in the /etc/pam.d/ directory.
> >
> >I read all the mailings about pam / mysql... But i still have problems to
> > get the thing to work...
> >
> >I always get the following message in /var/log/messages or
> > /var/log/auth.log:
> >
> >Oct 10 15:33:24 mail imapd[10949]: unrecognized plaintext verifier PAM
> >
> >It seems, that sasl doesnt know what PAM is ?!
> >
> >I compiled sasl with:
> >$ ./configure  \
> >--prefix=/usr \
> >--with-passwd_method=PAM
> >
> >and the result auf the configure-script looks as PAM should work (see
> > below).
> >
> >sasldb works fine... Any ideas ? All my configuration files are listed
> > below.
> >
> >Greets
> >Mark Davis
> >
> >$ ldd /usr/local/imapd/bin/imapd
> > => /usr/local/lib/ (0x40017000)
> > => /usr/lib/ (0x40026000)
> > => /usr/lib/ (0x40054000)
> > => /usr/lib/ (0x40115000)
> > => /lib/ (0x40196000)
> > => /lib/ (0x401a8000)
> > => /lib/ (0x401be000)
> > => /lib/ (0x402db000)
> > => /lib/ (0x402df000)
> >/lib/ => /lib/ (0x4000)
> >
> >
> >$ more /usr/local/sasl/cyrus.conf
> >pwcheck_method: PAM
> >
> >
> >$ more /etc/imapd.conf:
> >configdirectory: /var/imap
> >partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> >admins: root cyrus
> >sasl_pwcheck_method: PAM
> >srvtab: /var/imap/srvtab
> >allowanonymouslogin: no
> >pwcheck_method: PAM
> >allowplaintext: yes
> >
> >
> >$ ./configure  --prefix=/usr --with-passwd_method=PAM
> >...
> >checking for syslog... yes
> >checking for crypt... no
> >checking for crypt in -lcrypt... yes
> >checking for connect... yes
> >checking for pam_start in -lpam... yes
> >checking for security/pam_appl.h... yes
> >checking PAM support... yes
> >checking CRAM-MD5... enabled
> >checking SCRAM-MD5... disabled
> >checking for des_pcbc_encrypt in -ldes... no
> >checking for RSAPublicEncrypt in -lrsaref... no
> >checking for des_pcbc_encrypt in -lcrypto... yes
> >checking for openssl/des.h... yes
> >checking DIGEST-MD5... enabled
> >checking for res_search in -lresolv... yes
> >checking for krb.h... no
> >configure: warning: No Kerberos V4 found
> >checking KERBEROS_V4... disabled
> >checking for gssapi.h... no
> >checking for gssapi/gssapi.h... no
> >configure: warning: Disabling GSSAPI
> >checking GSSAPI... disabled
> >checking ANONYMOUS... enabled
> >checking PLAIN... enabled
> >checking LOGIN... disabled
> >checking SRP... disabled
> >checking X509... disabled
> >
> >
> >$more /etc/pam.d/imap (or pop3)
> >#%PAM-1.0
> >authoptional/lib/security/ user=test passwd=word
> >host=localhost table=user db=mail crypt=2
> >password   required /lib/security/ user=test passwd=word
> >host=localhost table=user db=mail crypt=2

RE: pam/pop3d problems...

2001-10-15 Thread Nick Ustinov

one of the problems could be that you didn't create mailboxes for users
using cyradm.  in that case imap auth works fine, but pop3 fails.


-Original Message-
From: Robin Ericsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 10:58
Subject: pam/pop3d problems...


I'm using the IMAPd with PAM and pam_mysql, and it works great, and as I
found need to have POP3 aswell, I though I could just enable that in
cyrus.conf and copy pam config.

But that didn't seem to work. I'm not using pam.d, but pam.conf, and the
lines for imap and pop3 are identical.

I'm using cyrus 2.0.16 on FreeBSD built from ports, so any help is very

Robin Ericsson /


2002-03-23 Thread Nick Ustinov


Is it possbile to disable BDB logging (or whatever that is --
 /var/imap/db/log.0x)? The system creates 10Mb files and under high 
traffic it's 100-150 Mb/day


This message contains no viruses. 
Guaranteed by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Re: Cyrus and IMP

2002-03-24 Thread Nick Ustinov

We are running cyrus 2.1.0 with imp 3.0 in a production environment. The 
system has about 150,000 user accounts and over 600,000 cyrus mailboxes. 
Apache server load is 50-100 reqs/second. Everything works excellent, 
basically I don't even look after it -- it just works :)


> Hi all,
> I'm a rather new Linux user and I have just started up
> my own server. The machine is right now running Debian 2.2 (potato),
> Exim, courier-imap and imp 2.2.
> My question is if anyone else on this list is running
> IMP (pref. 3.0) with Cyrus 1.5.19 or above?
> My goal is to upgrade to the much improved IMP version 3.0
> and it depends on that other programs be upgraded first. Potato
> includes a version of Cyrus that is reported to work with IMP 3.
> So by switching to Cyrus would mean one program less to upgrade
> manually.
> Thanks in advance for any tips or tricks.
> /jonas, Sweden.


This message contains no viruses. 
Guaranteed by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Re: Cyrus and IMP

2002-03-24 Thread Nick Ustinov

one athlon 1.4ghz 756Mb RAM running RH7.1,Cyrus2.1,sendmail,pam_mysql,kaspersky 

second athlon 1.4ghz 1 gb RAM running RH7.1,Apache, php+APC cache, mysql, IMP3

Works suprisingly well :) system load at peak times is up to 2, however this 
doesn't slow down anything at all.

i would recommend installing APC cache for PHP, which decreases load of webmail 
server dramatically (in my case at least it was over 400% improvement).


> what hardware do you use to support this load?
> David Lang
> On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Nick Ustinov wrote:
> > Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 11:52:32 +0200
> > From: Nick Ustinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Jonas Jacobsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Cyrus and IMP
> >
> > We are running cyrus 2.1.0 with imp 3.0 in a production environment. The
> > system has about 150,000 user accounts and over 600,000 cyrus mailboxes.
> > Apache server load is 50-100 reqs/second. Everything works excellent,
> > basically I don't even look after it -- it just works :)
> >
> > Nick
> >
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I'm a rather new Linux user and I have just started up
> > > my own server. The machine is right now running Debian 2.2 (potato),
> > > Exim, courier-imap and imp 2.2.
> > >
> > > My question is if anyone else on this list is running
> > > IMP (pref. 3.0) with Cyrus 1.5.19 or above?
> > >
> > > My goal is to upgrade to the much improved IMP version 3.0
> > > and it depends on that other programs be upgraded first. Potato
> > > includes a version of Cyrus that is reported to work with IMP 3.
> > > So by switching to Cyrus would mean one program less to upgrade
> > > manually.
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance for any tips or tricks.
> > >
> > > /jonas, Sweden.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Nick
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > This message contains no viruses.
> > Guaranteed by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
> >
> >


This message contains no viruses. 
Guaranteed by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Re: Please help with user problem

2002-03-25 Thread Nick Ustinov

You can either:


cd /usr/cyrus/bin
su cyrus
./reconstruct user.


go to cyradm,

sam user.  c
dm user.


> I am using Redhat 7.1 running cyrus 2.0.9 with Postfix.  I dame a
> mistake and deleted a user's directory and can't get it off a backup.
> When I go into cyradm and try to set my ACl list to c so I can delete
> the user, it gives me an I/O error.  When I just try to delete it using
> the dm command, it gives me a permission denied error.   I made a
> directory of the user's name in my user partition hoping it would get
> rid of the I/O error but that didn't work.  Anyone know how I can get
> rid of this error so I can delete this user and then rebuild him?


This message contains no viruses. 
Guaranteed by Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

oops, sorry for html mess

2002-03-25 Thread Nick Ustinov


SMTP server I had was adding ads to outgoing messages :)


Re: cyrus on compaq alpha

2002-03-27 Thread Nick Ustinov

worked on alpha :)

just to let you know:

small change was needed in imclient.c and imclient.h -- where those
functions are declared you have to put size_t instead of unsigned

- Original Message -
From: "Nick Ustinov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 23:01
Subject: cyrus on compaq alpha

> Has anyone tried to compile cyrus 2.1.3 on alpha? The result I get is:
> make[1]: Entering directory `/root/cyrus_2.1.3_nick/lib'
gcc -c -I.. -I/usr/include/db3  -I/usr/local/include  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I
> . -Wall -g -O2 \
> imclient.c
> imclient.c:628: conflicting types for `imclient_write'
> imclient.c:198: previous declaration of `imclient_write'
> imclient.c:1485: conflicting types for `imclient_writebase64'
> imclient.c:201: previous declaration of `imclient_writebase64'
> make[1]: *** [imclient.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/cyrus_2.1.3_nick/lib'
> make: *** [all] Error 1
> Sincerely,
> Nick

Re: Problem with cyrus: daemon not responding - ctl_mboxlist running

2002-03-29 Thread Nick Ustinov

Oh, also check /etc/cyrus.conf so you have

sievecmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0


- Original Message -
From: "Kennedy van Dam Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "info-cyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 18:43
Subject: Problem with cyrus: daemon not responding - ctl_mboxlist running

> Hi everybody.
> We suffer a problem with Cyrus-sasl.
> Taper (backup application) completly froze the server and we need to make
a hard
> reboot. Since this reboot, people are unable to connect to their mail
> (using imap4 or pop3).
> For a while, restarting cyrus service only seems to restart the pop3d
> Now the same command restart first pop3d and then imapd (a few seconds
> But we are stil unable to receive any mail (pop or imap). The only process
> seems to run continuously is the ctl_mboxlist.
> Does anyone have an idea about what happend or is happening.
> In the worst case, which files do we need to backup/verify/recover if we
need to
> reinstall the server ?
> thanks for any help you can provide.
> --
> Eric Kennedy van Dam
> Administrateur Système - Ingénieur Certifié RedHat
> url:

Re: Problem with cyrus: daemon not responding - ctl_mboxlist running

2002-03-29 Thread Nick Ustinov

Which version of cyrus are you using? And why do you say that the problem is
with cyrus-sasl? ctl_mboxlist is using cyrus-imapd mailbox database.

You can try to kill ctl_mboxlist, then go to /usr/cyrus/bin do su cyrus and
run ./ctl_cyrusdb -r. I guess in older versions it was ctl_mboxlist -r but I
am not sure.

If that doesn't help, you can dump mailboxes to a text file by
./ctl_mboxlist -d -f mailboxdump.txt, then rename /var/imap/mailboxes.db to
mailboxes.db.old and run ./ctl_mboxlist -u 
To: "info-cyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 18:43
Subject: Problem with cyrus: daemon not responding - ctl_mboxlist running

> Hi everybody.
> We suffer a problem with Cyrus-sasl.
> Taper (backup application) completly froze the server and we need to make
a hard
> reboot. Since this reboot, people are unable to connect to their mail
> (using imap4 or pop3).
> For a while, restarting cyrus service only seems to restart the pop3d
> Now the same command restart first pop3d and then imapd (a few seconds
> But we are stil unable to receive any mail (pop or imap). The only process
> seems to run continuously is the ctl_mboxlist.
> Does anyone have an idea about what happend or is happening.
> In the worst case, which files do we need to backup/verify/recover if we
need to
> reinstall the server ?
> thanks for any help you can provide.
> --
> Eric Kennedy van Dam
> Administrateur Système - Ingénieur Certifié RedHat
> url:

Re: Cyrus-Imap/Sieve/Postfix/SuSE7.3

2002-03-29 Thread Nick Ustinov

Make sure you have

sievedir: /usr/sieve

in your /etc/imapd.conf

- Original Message -
From: "Alain Barthélemy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cyrus-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "cassandre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 15:27
Subject: Cyrus-Imap/Sieve/Postfix/SuSE7.3

> Hello,
> Trying to install sieve but I am stucked
> I am looking for a good manual for Sieve but it is unfindable.
> Cyrus-Imap works without apparent problems
> With the SuSE 7.3 standard installation
> There is a directory /usr/sieve with cyrus:mail ownership
> In this directory: directories a => z
> I found long ago a script
> It is installed in /usr/sieve
> If I type /usr/sieve/ -u cyrus localhost (after #> su cyrus)
> OK I can work with the program (list, get, put, activate, etc ...) but
only with user cyrus, if I try another user => unable to connect to server
> I "put" a script => nothing happens
> Not even error message
> Is there somewhere a good manual?
> Example of script:
> require ["reject"];
> if header :contains "From:" "bibi@address" {
> reject "VTFF";
> }
> But nothing happens (after put script then activate script). If I sens a
mail from bibi@address nothing happens.
> Thus: a good manual somewhere?
> Thank you
> --
> Alain Barthélemy

Re: cyrus imapd 2.1.3

2002-03-31 Thread Nick Ustinov

man 5 imapd.conf

Bu the way autocreatequota 1 is pretty strange - this way you configure
cyrus to set 1 Kb quota to a newly created mailboxes. If you want 1 Mb, use
1000 instead of 1

- Original Message -
From: "Andreas Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "cyrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 12:15
Subject: Re: cyrus imapd 2.1.3

> Hello!
> Am 30 Mar 2002 12:53:05 + schrieb simon:
> > > logout
> > > * BAD Invalid tag
> > type in
> >
> > 1 login  
> > 2 select "INBOX"
> > 3 logout
> >
> > ( the numbers at the front are important and are required)
> Thank you! I need docu about the options I can write to the
> imapd.conf for Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.3
> I found that some options don´t work e.g defaultpartition and
> umask. When I use them I cannot telnet to cyrus.
> configdirectory: /var/imap
> #defaultpartition default
> partition-default: /var/spool/imap
> admins: cyrus
> #umask 027
> #srvtab: /var/imap/srvtab
> allowanonymouslogin: no
> #quotawarn 90
> #timeout 30
> #autocreatequota 1
> #cleartextloginpause 5
> sasl_passwd_check: sasldb
> #sasl_pwcheck_method: sasldb
> sievedir: /usr/sieve
> I cannot find any documentation about the imapd.conf :(
> regards
> --
>   Andreas Meyer

moving from 2.0 to 2.1.3

2002-04-03 Thread Nick Ustinov

We are planning to switch production server from 2.0.16 to 2.1.3/skiplist.
The system has about 60 mailboxes and is quite heavily loaded (seeing
alot of db lockers). Are there any hidden catches people i should avoid?
Besides converting mailboxes file using cvt_cyrusdb is there anything else I
should know about? How about sieve scripts? Are these compatbile? Also, is
it recommended to switch to skiplist only for mailbox file or for the rest
as well?


web info-cyrus archives

2002-04-03 Thread Nick Ustinov

If anyone is interested, there is a full searchable archive of info-cyrus at

It's a bit slow at the moment, however, it's apache+php+cyrus2.1.3 on 200
mhz pentium and very slow hdd with 16k messages in one mailbox :)   I
promise to upgrade it asap.


Re: web info-cyrus archives

2002-04-03 Thread Nick Ustinov

1) better search
2) you can download attached files :) (that was the main reason)
3) supposed to be faster :)

- Original Message -
From: "Ken Murchison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 04:01
Subject: Re: web info-cyrus archives

> Nick Ustinov wrote:
> >
> > If anyone is interested, there is a full searchable archive of
info-cyrus at
> >
> How is this different from:
> --
> Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
> Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
> 716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
> --PGP Public Key--

Re: web info-cyrus archives

2002-04-03 Thread Nick Ustinov

1) better search
2) you can download attached files :) (that was the main reason)
3) supposed to be faster :)

- Original Message -
From: "Ken Murchison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 04:01
Subject: Re: web info-cyrus archives

> Nick Ustinov wrote:
> >
> > If anyone is interested, there is a full searchable archive of
info-cyrus at
> >
> How is this different from:
> --
> Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
> Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
> 716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
> --PGP Public Key--

Re: web info-cyrus archives

2002-04-04 Thread Nick Ustinov

Upgraded hardware. Now it's usable and is located at

As for content, it's coming very soon. (anyone to

- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Ustinov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 09:36
Subject: Re: web info-cyrus archives

> 1) better search
> 2) you can download attached files :) (that was the main reason)
> 3) supposed to be faster :)
> Sincerely,
> Nick
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ken Murchison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 04:01
> Subject: Re: web info-cyrus archives
> >
> >
> > Nick Ustinov wrote:
> > >
> > > If anyone is interested, there is a full searchable archive of
> info-cyrus at
> > >
> >
> > How is this different from:
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
> > Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
> > 716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
> > --PGP Public Key--
> >

sendmail vs postfix

2002-04-19 Thread Nick Ustinov

Hey everyone,

Finally, I have upgraded to 2.1.3. I use skiplist for mailboxes and
duplicate db now. Cyrus works together with sendmail and the server is
pretty heavily loaded. mailboxes.db file is over 50Mb. The system receives
about 150-350 emails per minute, sendmail is set up it deliverymode=q with 1
minute interval.

At peak times load average was going to 15-20, now it's a bit less in
average, however sometimes goes even higher. Anyway -- isn't postfix
supposed to be better for such high loads?  I've tried to install postfix
1.1.7 (lmtp as mailbox_transport) however when load avg went to 50 I stopped
it and returned to sendmail. I know disk speed is essential here -- well, it
is fast.

Any comments? Maybe Exim will be better?  I guess I will have to put MTA on
another machine, otherwise it keeps getting even worse.


PS. sorry, maybe the message is not for this mailing list -- i just wanna
know which one works better with cyrus.


2002-04-19 Thread Nick Ustinov

I use PAM for auth, however, SOMETIMES i still see:

Apr 19 18:23:25 tom pop3d[23395]: unable to open Berkeley db /etc/sasldb2:
No such file or directory
Apr 19 18:23:25 tom pop3d[23395]: could not find password




2002-04-19 Thread Nick Ustinov

Also, I have quite a number (100 or 150) of lmtpd's handing in memory doing:

fcntl64(8, F_SETLKW, {type=F_WRLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}

if I do strace. 

Is this normal??


2.1.3 --> 2.1.0 sieve ?

2002-04-20 Thread Nick Ustinov

Since I was experiencing serious performance problems with 2.1.3,
particullary with lmtpd I had to downgrade to 2.1. Now everything seems to
work fine, however I get:

Apr 20 11:58:23 tom lmtpd[11976]: sieve runtime error for tatjanask id
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Redirect: Sendmail process terminated
normally, exit status 71

and so on. Sieve doens't work anymore. Any comments?


Re: 2.1.3 --> 2.1.0 sieve ?

2002-04-20 Thread Nick Ustinov

My fault, didn't put sendmail binary back.

Anyway, what's wrong with new 2.1.3? I guess it's lmtpd that is not doing
good. Now, when it's back to cyrus 2.1.0 the load is stable and is about 1.
Once I switch to 2.1.3 the load is ok (also around 1) till the moment
sendmail starts to deliver mails and calls lmtpd. After that point I get
about 100-120 lmtpd's in memory and load avg about 10. Mail is delivered
normally. After some time, if there is no new mail passing by lmtp processes
die and load stabilizies again. At peak time, when there are always messages
in queue, load is always around 30, which is not acceptable.

I've tried latest cyrus from cvs and also tried 2.1.3 with flock() patch. No


- Original Message -
From: "Ken Murchison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Nick Ustinov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 17:10
Subject: Re: 2.1.3 --> 2.1.0 sieve ?

> Quoting Nick Ustinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Since I was experiencing serious performance problems with 2.1.3,
> > particullary with lmtpd I had to downgrade to 2.1. Now everything seems
> > work fine, however I get:
> >
> > Apr 20 11:58:23 tom lmtpd[11976]: sieve runtime error for tatjanask id
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Redirect: Sendmail process
> > normally, exit status 71
> >
> > and so on. Sieve doens't work anymore. Any comments?
> AFAICT, nothing sieve-related changed in lmtpd.c from 2.1 to 2.1.3.  This
> is telling you that the 'sendmail' process has been spawned and exixted
with an
> error code.  My guess is that the MTA that you are using doesn't like
> the 'sendmail' command line that is being passed to it.  Are you using
> or some other MTA?  If its not Sendmail, then read the manpage for
> its 'sendmail' command and then look at send_forward() in lmtpd.c
> Ken
> --
> Kenneth Murchison Oceana Matrix Ltd.
> Software Engineer 21 Princeton Place
> 716-662-8973 x26  Orchard Park, NY 14127
> --PGP Public Key--

forking problem

2001-04-12 Thread Nick Ustinov


I use cyrus 2.0.12 + pam_mysql, sendmail 8.11.0 on a dual p3/550 with 1G ram
(linux redhat7, kernel 2.4.2). 
I've faced a very strange problem -- when the system is under heavy load
(however, there is ~300Mb of free memory and free ~50% cpu) master process
is not forking new processes or doing it in a very strange way. If i telnet
to port 143 it just opens the connection but no cyrus' prompt... it might
delay for 40-50 seconds. Meanwhile sendmail tries to deliver local mail and
opens many connections to localhost that eat memory, cpu, swap and then my
box dies. If I kill sendmail when there are 900 of them and then start it
again after 5-10 minutes it's ok... So i suppose there are very many
simultanous requests to master which it can't handle. 

Has anyone experienced something similar? Maybe it's a Linux problem, but I
have no clue what to do.

Nick Ustinov


RE: forking problem

2001-04-20 Thread Nick Ustinov

Basically, we are fighting that for some time already. I've set up sendmail
to delivermode=q and it helped a little, since sendmail is not forking tons
of lmtpds this way. Could you tell me what is the glibc version you have? 

btw, I've tried latest cyrus from cvs -- didn't really help.

Nick Ustinov


-Original Message-
From: Krzysztof Sierota [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 11:44 PM
To: Dori Seliskar; Nick Ustinov
Subject: Re: forking problem

I'd like to confirm, that while evaluating the cyrus 2.0.12 server for 
deployment of large intranet system, we have spotted exactly the same 

When we started pumping messages into the server, it wouldn't show the pop3 
prompt for 50 seconds. I'd like to ask if anyone of you have coped with the 
problem we all are seing. We have been seing this behaviour on both our test

platforms that is redhat 6.2 2.2.14 kernel and redhat 7 with 2.4 kernels.

this is first time we are trying cyrus imap server, and this is a little 

thank you.

On Thursday 12 April 2001 16:57, Dori Seliskar wrote:
> Nick Ustinov wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I use cyrus 2.0.12 + pam_mysql, sendmail 8.11.0 on a dual p3/550 with 1G
> > ram (linux redhat7, kernel 2.4.2).
> > I've faced a very strange problem -- when the system is under heavy load
> > (however, there is ~300Mb of free memory and free ~50% cpu) master
> > process is not forking new processes or doing it in a very strange way.
> > If i telnet to port 143 it just opens the connection but no cyrus'
> > prompt... it might delay for 40-50 seconds. Meanwhile sendmail tries to
> > deliver local mail and opens many connections to localhost that eat
> > memory, cpu, swap and then my box dies. If I kill sendmail when there
> > 900 of them and then start it again after 5-10 minutes it's ok... So i
> > suppose there are very many simultanous requests to master which it
> > handle.
> >
> > Has anyone experienced something similar? Maybe it's a Linux problem,
> > I have no clue what to do.
> >
> > Nick Ustinov
> >
> >
> Nick,
> just to confirm, we are seeing exactly the same with cyrus 2.0.9 &
> pam_ldap. We also tried 2.2 and 2.4 kernels but the problem doesn't go
> away.  We have about
> 70 k users and at rush hours cyrus slows down, there are many sendmail
> processes
> in "localhost user open" state and restarting cyrus & sendmail temporary
> solves the problem.
> There is no problem when there is only few concurent connections to cyrus.
> We are struggling
> with this problem quite for some time. Just for a tiny lead that we plan
> investigate - there
> was a discussion on linux-kernel list about some big delays on /dev/random
> in some cases
> Maybe somebody more familiar with cyrus internals could tell more about
> this.
> BTW. When this happens load is not high ( 2-3 ) only cyrus is completely
> stuck.
> Regards,
> Dori Seliskar

RE: forking problem cd..

2001-04-24 Thread Nick Ustinov

I have solved the problem my switching sendmail to DeliverMode=q with 1m

-Original Message-
From: Helmut Apfelholz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 19:04
Subject: forking problem cd..


here's some more info on 'forking problem'. We have 
experienced this again today. The server stopped
showing the prompt at imap/pop ports.

At that moment I was trying to run reconstruct,
it looks like it was unable to access
/var/imap/deliverdb/db/__db.005 file

the strace was showing timeouts on select() trying to
read from that file.
After restarting the master process, everything was
back to normal.

During this event the system was lightly loaded 1-2,
and only 100 processess where running. 

Maybe this might be of some help to ppl who also have
this problem and know a bit more c than we do ;)


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RE: Data format error

2001-04-25 Thread Nick Ustinov

I am experiencing the same. Sometimes instead of Over quota I get Connection
reset by localhost.

cyrus2.0.12cvs, sendmail 8.11 RedHat 7

Nick Ustinov


-Original Message-
From: Poliak, Uwe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 1:19 PM
Subject: Data format error


I have a problem with the interaction of sendmail and cyrus, I think
especially lmtpd.

When a mail arrives at sendmail and the user exists and the quota is not
exceeded, everything is ok and sendmail hands the mail to deliver to put it
in the user's mailbox.

The problems occur:

1.) User unknown
When the user doesn't exist, sendmail doesn't return the normal "User
unknown" error message. Instead, sendmail returns "Data format error".
Below, you find an sniplet from the maillog file:

Apr 25 12:56:39 msheas02a sendmail[9082]: MAA09082: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
size=1670, class=0, pri=31670, nrcpts=1, msgid=,
bodytype=8BITMIME, proto=ESMTP, relay=relay [relayip]
Apr 25 12:56:39 msheas02a sendmail[9095]: MAA09082:
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00,
mailer=cyrus, stat=Data format error
Apr 25 12:56:39 msheas02a sendmail[9095]: MAA09082: MAA09095: DSN: Data
format error

2.) Quota exceeded
If a user's mailbox exceeds the given quota, sendmail doesn't report this,
instead, sendmail puts the mail in his queue and tries to deliver it until
the queueinglimit of 5 days is over. After this time, the message is resent
with an error message. 
There is no "452 4.2.2 Over Quota" message or something else, the delivery
status is "Deffered".

Apr 23 12:26:32 msheas02a sendmail[19868]: LAA19832:
delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus, stat=Deferred
Apr 23 13:18:33 msheas02a sendmail[25735]: LAA19832:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=01:37:55, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus,
Apr 23 14:31:53 msheas02a sendmail[12345]: LAA19832:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=02:51:15, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus,
Apr 23 14:59:25 msheas02a sendmail[6822]: LAA19832:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=03:18:47, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus,
Apr 23 15:21:53 msheas02a sendmail[18633]: LAA19832:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=03:41:15, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus,
Apr 23 17:29:49 msheas02a sendmail[25189]: LAA19832:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=05:49:11, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrus,
and so on...

I think, there must be a way to make sendmail/cyrus to send the correct
status messages back.
Any ideas?

System data:
I'm using cyrus 2.0.12 and sendmail 8.9.3 / 8.11.3 on Redhat Linux 6.2.
sendmail 8.9.3 is the Redhat package, cyrus is compiled from the original
sources from CMU.
sendmail is configured to use cyrus for local delivery, The mailer
definitions are as follows:

#  @(#)cyrus.m4 8.9 (Carnegie Mellon) 5/19/1998  #

Mcyrus, P=/usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPqA5@/:|, S=10,
R=20/40, T=X-Unix,
A=deliver -e -m $h -- $u

Mcyrusbb,   P=/usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnP, S=10, R=20/40,
A=deliver -e -m $u

cyrus is compiled with 

Any other information needed?

Uwe Poliak 

MSH Medien System Haus GmbH & Co. KG 
Internet & Online-Dienste 
Plieninger Str. 150, D-70567 Stuttgart, Germany 
Phone: ++ 49 711 72007-348 

RE: forking problem cd..

2001-04-25 Thread Nick Ustinov

Haven't seen anything. I use latest cyrus2.0.12-cvs and the same problem
persists. As I said, temporary workaround is to limit number of lmtp
processes by setting sendmail to DeliveryMode=q 

Nick Ustinov


-Original Message-
From: Simon Loader [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 2:00 PM
To: Helmut Apfelholz
Subject: Re: forking problem cd..

> After some more testing we think that the main problem
> is between lmtpd processes accessing the
> /var/imap/deliverdb databases. While reading a source
> of imap/duplicate.c, there's a note next to
> get_db_name
> function saying that too many processes where
> contending for the locks on delivered.db and its a
> hack to distribute load among 26 files based on the
> first letter of the username. Maybe this hack isn't
> enough ?
> Maybe there should be more files to distribute load?

 Isnt there a different hashing algorithum for this in the 
CVS , or a patch in the mailing list archive ??


RE: forking problem cd..

2001-04-25 Thread Nick Ustinov

well, it seems that this problem is only experienced by redhat users. i
played with different kernels, same result. what was cyrus ver that worked
fine for you? i tried 2.0.9 - it was just like 2.0.12. 


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 19:55
Subject: forking problem cd..

Hello fellow listmembers,

We switched to a new version of the cyrus imapd (version 2.0.12) and i think
we have encounted the 'locking problem' that is being discussed here.

What we are seeing here is that it takes a long while for the greetings to
show even after the connection has been established. A whole lot of tracing
and debugging turned up that the process is waiting to get access to the
mailboxes.db (and related files like __db* and log.*). Carefull reading and
backtracking through the sourcecodes show that the problem probably is
located in the db3 lib somewhere. Following is a piece of the strace:

select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
open("/var/imap/db/log.02", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE, 0644) = 5
fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
_llseek(5, 9426640, [9426640], SEEK_SET) = 0
write(5, "\225\326\217\0a\316\"E;\0\0\0\215\0\0\0~5\0\200\0\0\0\0"..., 59) =
fsync(5)= 0

After adding some debug code in the pop3d we found out that the problem has
to be somewhere in the mboxlist_open function (mboxlist.c:1707) most likely
in the DB->open call. I suspect that the select in the strace is called by
the function __os_sleep in the sleepycat DB code.

We tried several things with amounts of prespawed processen and limiting the
amount of concurrent lmtpds etc. The best effective was disabling postfix
completely. Everything ran smoothly, unfortunately it is not really an
option. Possibly the problem is related to the lmtpd code somehow. By the
way, the proposed 'singeinstancestore' solution did not change anything

I hope this information is helpfull to anyone who is researching this
problem. If anyone has made any progress in solving this problem i would
greatly appreciate a posting on the list or to private email. I have to make
a descision whether we keep trying to solve this problem or downgrade to the
old mailserver again.

For the record, our setup:
  Compaq DL380
  512Mb mem
  Dual-PIII 933
  6x18.2 Gb disks (smartarray 2x3disks in raid5)
  RedHat 6.2
  Linux 2.4.2(smp)
  Sleepycat DB 3.2.9
  Cyrus IMAPD 2.0.12
  Cyrus SASL 1.5.24
  PostFix 19991231-pl13



"That i'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me!"
Hugo Trippaers (HT2-6BONE)  ISION Internet BV
System Engineer (RHCE)  

RE: forking problem cd..

2001-04-25 Thread Nick Ustinov

yep, 1.5 worked fine for me as well (except 40-minute long mailbox creation
in a 20Mb mailboxes text file ;-). I thought there is 2.x version that
works. seems there is no. so, that's db3 problem.


-Original Message-
From: NiekR [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 23:27
To: Nick Ustinov; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: forking problem cd..


we did not have the problem on Cyrus 1.5.14 (not using LMTP) on a Linux 2.2 
kernel (Linux RedHat 6.0)


Niek Rijnbout

At 21:46 25-04-2001 +0300, Nick Ustinov wrote:
>well, it seems that this problem is only experienced by redhat users. i
>played with different kernels, same result. what was cyrus ver that worked
>fine for you? i tried 2.0.9 - it was just like 2.0.12.
>-Original Message-
>Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 19:55
>Subject: forking problem cd..
>Hello fellow listmembers,
>We switched to a new version of the cyrus imapd (version 2.0.12) and i
>we have encounted the 'locking problem' that is being discussed here.
>What we are seeing here is that it takes a long while for the greetings to
>show even after the connection has been established. A whole lot of tracing
>and debugging turned up that the process is waiting to get access to the
>mailboxes.db (and related files like __db* and log.*). Carefull reading and
>backtracking through the sourcecodes show that the problem probably is
>located in the db3 lib somewhere. Following is a piece of the strace:
>select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
>select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
>select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
>select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
>select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
>select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {1, 0}) = 0 (Timeout)
>open("/var/imap/db/log.02", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE, 0644) = 5
>fcntl(5, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)   = 0
>_llseek(5, 9426640, [9426640], SEEK_SET) = 0
>write(5, "\225\326\217\0a\316\"E;\0\0\0\215\0\0\0~5\0\200\0\0\0\0"..., 59)
>fsync(5)= 0
>After adding some debug code in the pop3d we found out that the problem has
>to be somewhere in the mboxlist_open function (mboxlist.c:1707) most likely
>in the DB->open call. I suspect that the select in the strace is called by
>the function __os_sleep in the sleepycat DB code.
>We tried several things with amounts of prespawed processen and limiting
>amount of concurrent lmtpds etc. The best effective was disabling postfix
>completely. Everything ran smoothly, unfortunately it is not really an
>option. Possibly the problem is related to the lmtpd code somehow. By the
>way, the proposed 'singeinstancestore' solution did not change anything
>I hope this information is helpfull to anyone who is researching this
>problem. If anyone has made any progress in solving this problem i would
>greatly appreciate a posting on the list or to private email. I have to
>a descision whether we keep trying to solve this problem or downgrade to
>old mailserver again.
>For the record, our setup:
>   Compaq DL380
>   512Mb mem
>   Dual-PIII 933
>   6x18.2 Gb disks (smartarray 2x3disks in raid5)
>   RedHat 6.2
>   Linux 2.4.2(smp)
>   Sleepycat DB 3.2.9
>   Cyrus IMAPD 2.0.12
>   Cyrus SASL 1.5.24
>   PostFix 19991231-pl13
>"That i'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me!"
>Hugo Trippaers (HT2-6BONE)  ISION Internet BV
>System Engineer (RHCE)

RE: e with accent

2001-04-30 Thread Nick Ustinov

This is not a bug, it's a feature :)

This is done in accordance to some rfc I guess. You can try to edit
message.c and somewhere around line 270, change *p = 'X'; to //*p = 'X'; and
recompile. Might work :)


-Original Message-
From: Jean-Michel Doublet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 17:11
Subject: e with accent


i use cyrus-2.0.12 and when i send a mail with an "é" or "è" in the
suject, the é is replace with "X".

How can i fix this ?

Jean-Michel Doublet,
RSSI Universite Paris 10
tel +33 140 977 430
fax +33 140 974 761

RE: forking problem and SleepyCat

2001-05-02 Thread Nick Ustinov

I've recompiled 2.0.12 with the latest changes in cyrus_db3. It works much
better now, no problems so far. Before when there was 60-70 lmtpds master
was not forking new processes. I've seen a situation with 150 lmtpds +
imapds + pop3ds today and it worked very well and was able to manage all
processes. However, I still have DeliveryMode=q in my sendmail.

Nick Ustinov


-Original Message-
From: Spark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 2:01 PM
To: info-cyrus
Subject: Re: forking problem and SleepyCat


We spent most of the day trying to simulate the load on the server and 
trying to do some measurements. It's quite hard to get conclusive 
evidence to prove its faster or not. But most tests do show an increase 
in speed, on average about a 15% increase. When the server is heavily 
loaded we still have to wait around 6 seconds for a greeting from the pop3d.

We used postal to test the performance with various settings. After a 
lot of calculations we found out that we have ~7 concurrent smtp 
sessions inbound to the mailserver (all local deliveries) and ~25 
concurrent pop/imap users during normal hours. With those settings in 
postal we were not able to reproduce the problem to our liking.

What we really need is a live test, but i can't do that here. My users 
would kill me ;)  Maybe someone who didn't fallback to the old version 
(1.6.xx) can do some tests. Helmut maybe?

Thanks for the quick fix anyway!



Walter Wong wrote:

> Spark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Maybe somebody can comeup with change to the code that can implement
> ok, the change is in cvs. I also included a diff below.
> Please let us know if this makes things any better (or worse).
> Walter

RE: forking problem and SleepyCat

2001-05-02 Thread Nick Ustinov

I did try and had to switch it back to queue. Maybe my system is short of
resources at some point, however it has 1Gig of RAM and two 550Mhz
processors. Before it was not spawning new processes in case there was
plenty of alive lmpds even if I had free memory/cpu. Now it was spawning
well till it ran out of mem and out of swap. Then my box almost died, had to
restart sendmail and kill all connections to localhost. It is obvious that
it started to work much better and faster, since spawned lmtpds actually DO
work, but again, lmtpd is slower than sendmail and that causes problems.


-Original Message-
From: Helmut Apfelholz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 19:37
To: Nick Ustinov; info-cyrus
Subject: RE: forking problem and SleepyCat

Could you please try turning off the DeliveryMode=q
in sendmail for some time, so we could see if the diff
has really helped ?

--- Nick Ustinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've recompiled 2.0.12 with the latest changes in
> cyrus_db3. It works much
> better now, no problems so far. Before when there
> was 60-70 lmtpds master
> was not forking new processes. I've seen a situation
> with 150 lmtpds +
> imapds + pop3ds today and it worked very well and
> was able to manage all
> processes. However, I still have DeliveryMode=q in
> my sendmail.
> Nick Ustinov
> -Original Message-
> From: Spark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 2:01 PM
> To: info-cyrus
> Subject: Re: forking problem and SleepyCat
> Hello,
> We spent most of the day trying to simulate the load
> on the server and 
> trying to do some measurements. It's quite hard to
> get conclusive 
> evidence to prove its faster or not. But most tests
> do show an increase 
> in speed, on average about a 15% increase. When the
> server is heavily 
> loaded we still have to wait around 6 seconds for a
> greeting from the pop3d.
> We used postal to test the performance with various
> settings. After a 
> lot of calculations we found out that we have ~7
> concurrent smtp 
> sessions inbound to the mailserver (all local
> deliveries) and ~25 
> concurrent pop/imap users during normal hours. With
> those settings in 
> postal we were not able to reproduce the problem to
> our liking.
> What we really need is a live test, but i can't do
> that here. My users 
> would kill me ;)  Maybe someone who didn't fallback
> to the old version 
> (1.6.xx) can do some tests. Helmut maybe?
> Thanks for the quick fix anyway!
> Regards,
> Hugo
> Walter Wong wrote:
> > Spark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> >> Maybe somebody can comeup with change to the code
> that can implement
> this??
> > 
> > 
> > ok, the change is in cvs. I also included a diff
> below.
> > 
> > Please let us know if this makes things any better
> (or worse).
> > 
> > Walter
> > 

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sieve vacation

2001-05-08 Thread Nick Ustinov

Is it normal that sieve is not setting return-path? the from: field is
correct, however reply-to is "<>" instead of

Nick Ustinov


sieve vacation return path

2001-05-09 Thread Nick Ustinov

I wonder if it works fine for other people? My sieve vacation wasn't adding
return-path to outgoing messages, so I had to add 

   fprintf(sm, "Return-Path: <%s>\r\n", src->fromaddr);

to lmtpd.c, in send_response function. Am I missing something?

Nick Ustinov


RE: renm and subfolders

2001-05-09 Thread Nick Ustinov

Yeah, moving mailboxes is a pain :)  I had the same problem when I used to
run 1.5-style mailboxes and with 2.0.12. For me it was since my disks were
running out of space, so I had to create new partition on a new disk and
move mailboxes there. Not sure how to do that in case you are in need of
"selective move".

Anyway, here's what I did:

1) export to old-style mailboxes file using ctl_mboxlist -d (for 2.0x)
2) Open file in a good and fast text editor, for example UltraEdit, sort it
3) Estimate, approximately which mailboxes you want moved, lets say from
letter a to m
4) Cut them out from file to another text file
5) Do some regexp replaces (if someone wants it I might have ultraedit-style
regexps I used)
6) Merge files back
7) Produce shell script from the "cut" file with something like "mv user.dir
/another/partition"'s using regexp's
8) Stop mail system
9) Run  shell script with moves
10) Import back mailboxes file using ctl_mboxlist if needed

Took me 1 hour to produce all necessary steps from scratch.

Nick Ustinov


-Original Message-
From: Tuuli K Tuominen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 13:08
To: info-cyrus
Subject: renm and subfolders

we're using versions 1.5.19 and 1.6.25 still and have about 23000 user
mailboxes on lots of imap partitions. Some of these mailboxes need to be
transferred from one partition to another. I noticed that cyradm's renm
command doesn't move the mailboxes recursively, so the subfolders stay on
the old partition when the master mailbox moves to the new one. Is there a
way to use renamemailbox so that it will move the mailboxes and their
subfolders all at once or do I have to move each subfolder independently?
As there are something like 1500 mailboxes I have to move I'm really looking
for a better solution..

Tuuli Tuominen
University of Helsinki  IT Department


2001-05-10 Thread Nick Ustinov

is there anyone using pam_mysql for auth? it seems to not accept usernames
consisting only of numerals. Let's say there is a user 00100 and then when I
try to do auth it just dies and that's it. Can it possibly be because of
sprinf it is using has %s ? I am not into C much. Could anyone test that

Nick Ustinov


lmtpd vs sendmail

2001-05-17 Thread Nick Ustinov

I am confused. The forking problem is solved, but there is another one.

sendmail is much faster than lmtpd, what to do with that?   When the box is
down for some time, it is being flooded by e-mails once it's on and it just
DIES, because sendmail is receiving mail much faster than lmtpd can handle
it. Isnt anyone experiencing something like this?

Nick Ustinov


latest cvs lmtpd

2001-05-30 Thread Nick Ustinov

Concerning how many messages can it deliver per hour. 

Just installed lates cyrus from cvs today and it shows outstanding results.
About 9000 mesages/hour easily, especially if you take into account that the
same dual P3/550 computer with 768Mb RAM also is a smtp server (sendmail)
and it checks all incoming and outgoing msgs for viruses (avp), sends sms
notifications with mysql lookups on configuration, serves as a database
server (mysql), pop3/imap server and a webmail server for >80k users

i wonder if Windows could ever handle this :)

Nick Ustinov


RE: latest cvs lmtpd

2001-05-30 Thread Nick Ustinov

it works on the actual system with this load. the best test you can have :)

-Original Message-
From: Chris Beggy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 16:36
Subject: Re: latest cvs lmtpd

Subject: latest cvs lmtpd
>Concerning how many messages can it deliver per hour. 
>Just installed lates cyrus from cvs today and it shows outstanding results.
>About 9000 mesages/hour easily, especially if you take into account that
>same dual P3/550 computer with 768Mb RAM also is a smtp server (sendmail)
>and it checks all incoming and outgoing msgs for viruses (avp), sends sms
>notifications with mysql lookups on configuration, serves as a database
>server (mysql), pop3/imap server and a webmail server for >80k users

How did you generate the tests and test this way?


RE: latest cvs lmtpd

2001-05-30 Thread Nick Ustinov

definetely. before avg workload was 6-7 now it's 2-3 and when someone was
mail-flooding the system lmtpd was working slower than sendmail which
resulted in system crash. now i haven't had any situations like this.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 21:14
Subject: RE: latest cvs lmtpd

From: Nick Ustinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>it works on the actual system with this load. the best test you can have :)

Do you think the new lmptd improved performance?
