Problems with repeated download of messages from pop3

2006-09-26 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
Even here was many times reported, that outlook has bug, which prevents
users from using: leave message on pop3 server functionality.

The problem seems be really related to length of UID of message. Occures on
maiboxes, where are messages with mixed length, like:




It can be probably fixed on cyrus side. I have one idea, how to fix it and
not break current mailboxes by changing UID format. If cyrus will in every
NEW mailbox start with messages number 100., there will be possible to
deliver 900 messages without changing the length of UID.

Is it good idea? Will be possible to insert new configuration parametr like
first_uid and fix the problem this way?


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Re: Problems with repeated download of messages from pop3

2006-09-26 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
Dne Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 04:09:54PM -0400, Joseph Brennan napsal:

> According to our field support here, this bug is fixed by downloading
> and applying all of the Service Pack updates.  That is a really good
> idea anyway so harm done.

You will never get updates for outlook 97, 2000 and XP an they are widely
used, at least in developing countries. Oulook 2003 really seems not have

> Cyrus is not doing anything wrong.  Not only does the protocol allow
> numbers to vary in length, but the example in the RFC shows numbers
> of different lengths!

Yes I agree, this is not cyrus problem but Microsoft problem. But users
aren't interested in problem of Microsoft and theyr impotency to make correct
implementation of pop3 and imap client. In fact I don't expect that
Microsoft will ever be able to follow RFC rules. But until there is
somethink better than outlook, we have to live with broken client software.


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Message IDS

2003-11-20 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
I have following problem, I have recovered IMAP server from backup. We 
have lost about 10 hours of emails.

Now arriving emails are getting IDS, which are already used and are known 
to imap clients. For example there was already message 1234. and is lost, 
after recovering from backup the system starts on nuber 1230., and new 
emails get 1231. 1232 and so on.

The problem is, that I have email number 1234 already in client cache and
client wont download email 1234 from server, or worst, when the cached
copy is flagged as deleted, the server version of 1234 message gets
deleted too.

Is posibble to say cyrus to shift all message ids by some number? It will 
help, when new email are getting numbers above 1, I am sure, there was 
not a message with such a big id in any mailbox.


Re: Message IDS

2003-11-20 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
Dne Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 10:25:03AM -0500, Ken Murchison napsal:

After a day of work I can say somethink more.

> Did you reconstruct the mailbox?  If not, you should so that the 
> cyrus.index file gets updated.

Yes, didn't help.

> If this doesn't solve the problem, then you might want to try removing 
> the cyrus.index file from a test mailbox and then reconstructing it. 
> This should update the UIDVALIDITY value which will force your client to 
> refetch messages, even if it has seen a given UID already.

This we didn't try and it won't be probably possible do now, I will look.

I can say, the problem we have seen only on Outlook 2000 and Outlook
Express 6, mozilla mail and thunderbird are OK. But we have only about 5
users of mozilla on 100 outlook users. But about 1/2 of users didn't
reported the problem at all (no one knows if they didn't have problem, or
didn't cared about it).

I have tried o remove [username].seen file and recosntructed mailbox. This
didn't help and all flags of messages are lost. Not very good solution. I
have returned original file.

Good solution was to alter account settings in outlook and then agree to
refresh mailbox subscription and reload of all mesages. Outlook 2000 need to
remove Personal Folders .pst file. But it was very annoying to do it whole

I see one potential problem. Or two, first server side, backup takes some
amount of time, there are about 25GB in mailoboxes. We are backuping
/var/lib/imap and /var/spool/imap (mailboxes). I am sure, that when I am
backuping last mailbox, there are many messages delivered, which arent'
reflected in /var/lib/imap/user/*.seen, I dont know if it is critical. I
expect this incosistency is solved by running recover -r -f for every

Second problem, the client is broken. I will try do reproduce it.
