[Groff] About header and footer

2008-01-31 Thread Luke Huang
Who please teach me how to add the header (or footer) which is NOT shown
in the first page of each section.

P.S I am suing groff with -ms.

Thanks a lot

Re: [Groff] About header and footer

2008-01-31 Thread Luke Huang

But, it  seems not  to solve  my problem. I  guess you  misunderstood my
requirement. But,  that's my fault.Sorry  for my poor English  that make
you confused;)

My problem is that, I defined header with .CH, .LH ... macros, and use a
.bp to  start a section (or  chapter ) in a  new page. I  don't want the
header show in  the first page of each section,  in the following pages,
it's there.


Re: [Groff] About header and footer

2008-01-31 Thread Luke Huang
From: "Yu Zhao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Groff] About header and footer
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 00:55:34 +0800

> .de BP 
> .rn CH @CH
> .rn LH @LH
> .bp
> .rn @CH CH
> .rn @LH LH
> ..
> Then use .BP instead of .bp.

Thanks. That's exactly what I need.


Re: [Groff] How to draw a colorful circle/box with colorful text

2008-10-10 Thread Luke Huang

Both works. I prefer to the one  from Gaius. Anyway, thanks a lot to you


> > Quick and very dirty, and I'd hope there was a better way that someone
> > points out.  Over-print:
> > 
> > .PS
> > r=0.1
> > { circle rad r "\s-2A\s+2" shaded "red" outline "green" }
> > circle rad r
> > .PE
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > 
> > Ralph.
> Hi,
> here is another solution:
> .LP
> .PS
> r=0.1
> circle rad r "\m[green]\s-2A\s+2\m[]" shaded "red" outline "red"
> .PE
> regards,
> Gaius

Re: [Groff] How to draw a colorful circle/box with colorful text

2008-10-10 Thread Luke Huang

Hey, this looks not so ``official'', but smart;)

> How about:-
> .PS
> r=1
> circle rad r "\s-2A\s+2" shaded "red" outline "green" invisible
> .PE
> Cheers
> Deri

[Groff] How to draw a colorful circle/box with colorful text

2008-10-10 Thread Luke Huang
>From the manual, I learn a way like this,


circle rad r "\s-2A\s+2" shaded "red" outline "green"


This works, but is not satisfying  enough for me. In this case, it draws
a circle  with green  text (what I  need) and  green edge (*NOT*  what I
need). My question is: how to draw a circle with red shade and red edge,
while the text is green?

Thanks a lot for any reply.

[Groff] groff -mm output something I don't expect

2008-11-13 Thread Luke Huang
Hi all,

I ``troff'' a simple file, hello.mm whose content is:

.\" hello.mm
Hello World!

with the command line:

$ /usr/local/bin/groff -mm hello.mm > hello.ps

and opened it with ``evince'', then  I found there are two short bars in
topleft and  topright corners of the  page.  I searched  from google, it
seems that nobody  complained this yet so that I  was wondering I missed
something in the commandline or in hello.mm, could you please tell me.

BTW: I  tried this with groff  and Heirloom doctool  in both OpenSolaris
and Linux, the result are the same.

Thanks and all the best

Re: [Groff] groff -mm output something I don't expect

2008-11-14 Thread Luke Huang
Wow,  there were  so many  masters  of troff/groff  answering my  stupid
question. Thanks a lot.

You  are all  right,  ``mm'' macro  of  the newest  groff has  *NOTHING*
wrong. However,  current version of evince  does its job  as well. After
one  day's inverstigation,  I found  the problem  is caused  by  the old
``mmt'' macro shipped with OpenSolaris.

So, why  does groff use the old  ``mmt'' instead of its  m.tmac. I found
that  when I  run ``configure  ;  make ;  make install'',  if there  are
already  macros under  /usr/share/lib/tmac,  groff will  not generate  a
m.tmacfile,instead, italwaysuses``mmt''under
/usr/share/lib/tmac. As a workaround, I run ``groff -mgm hello.mm'' that
generate an expected postscript file.  The different between two ps file

$ diff hello.ps ~/tmp/hello.ps 
< %%CreationDate: Fri Nov 14 17:07:26 2008
> %%CreationDate: Fri Nov 14 11:24:46 2008
< /F0 10/[EMAIL PROTECTED] SF 524.18(-- --)0 10 R 2.5(-1-)277.006 58 S
< (Hello w)69.336 106 Q(orld!)-.1 E 524.18(-- --)0 801.5 R 0 Cg EP
> /F0 10/[EMAIL PROTECTED] SF 2.5(-1-)277.006 48 S(Hello w)69.336 96 Q(orld!)
> -.1 E 0 Cg EP

You can see that, the ``mmt'' version has a line:

/F0 10/[EMAIL PROTECTED] SF 524.18(-- --)0 10 R 2.5(-1-)277.006 58 S

this results in the two short bars I mentioned.

Another  workaround might  be ``mv''  or ``rm''  /usr/share/lib/tmac and
then  build groff,  from then  on, groff  will always  use its  mm macro

The ``mmt'' macro shipped with  Heirloom generates the two short bars as
well. To  me it seems that  this macro has  this issue for a  long time.
suprisingly,  nobody  has complained  about  or  asked  this issue.  

Thanks again

Re: [Groff] groff -mm output something I don't expect

2008-11-15 Thread Luke Huang
>   * groff produces wrapper macros for `ms' and friends which call the
> system's original macros.  Then, to get groff's ms macro package I
> have to use `-mgs' instead `-ms'.  Can I avoid this?
>   Yes.  Configure and compile groff as usual, but install it with
> make install tmac_wrap=""
>   Then no wrapper files are produced, and `-ms' uses groff's `ms'
>   macros.

Great, thanks!


Re: [Groff] groff -mm output something I don't expect

2008-11-15 Thread Luke Huang

> This is a feature of the original mm macro set, intended to show where
> to cut a continuous sheet of paper into individual pages!

Hi Nick,

Ok, I see, thanks.  Then, how can I disable this feature when I use
mm of traditional troff?\*F
Sorry for asking a question not about groff in a groff mailing list.


Re: [Groff] groff -mm output something I don't expect

2008-11-15 Thread Luke Huang
> This is a feature of the original mm macro set, intended to show where
> to cut a continuous sheet of paper into individual pages!

By the way, after reading code of  mmt macro, I have found an *ugly* way
to disable this feature, disabling macro )k that generates the output of
two short  bars. The problem is many  other macros use )k,  I don't know
what other feature  will be broken by doing this.  Could you please tell
me a correct method?
