Re: [Groff] Mission statement

2014-03-18 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Peter,

> Serving PDF manuals from the web has drawbacks, possibly serious ones:
> it assumes an installed PDF reader, and there's significant latency
> involved with firing one up.

I think the first assumption is reasonable these days, and the second I
only notice if it's Adobe Reader.

> [Deri's] demonstration is excellent.

Yes.  It would be nice to have a ¶ by some of the destinations, e.g.
"BUGS" on the left of the line with ¶ on the right, with the aim of
doing a Copy Link Location for passing on to others?  .../groff.pdf#BUGS

Cheers, Ralph.

Re: [Groff] Mission statement

2014-03-18 Thread Ingo Schwarze

James K. Lowden wrote on Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 12:03:33AM -0400:
> On Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:49:49 -0400 Peter Schaffter wrote:

>> Serving PDF manuals from the web has drawbacks, possibly
>> serious ones: it assumes an installed PDF reader, and there's
>> significant latency involved with firing one up.


> In 2014, is there a single web browser remaining not configured to
> display PDFs?  

Yes, mine for example.  I have never installed any PDF plugin to
any browser on any of my machines, and i only very rarely set up a
browser to spawn an external PDF reader; and if so, only a very
basic one, certainly not implementing clickable hyperlinks.
Almost always, i'm working with the "offer download window" option
for PDF content, which means that i mostly ignore all PDF content
on the web except in very special cases where i'm *really* interested
in a specific document *and* somewhat trust the source.

The attack surface of the browser is already much larger than i'm
confortable with.  I'm certainly not going to expand it yet more
by accepting PDF documents to my machine.  Security-wise, PDF is
one of the most dangerous file formats, nowadays.

> Is the latency significant, really?  For an interactive application,
> a second or two matters.  For documentation that takes time to read
> anyway, I'm not sure it's that important.  

For looking up an option, it matters; for reading half a manual, it
does not.  So i wouldn't configure man(1) to run

  groff -mandoc -Tps /usr/share/man/man1/ksh.1 | gv -

it causes noticable delay even on a reasonably modern machine.
Even though

  mandoc -Tps /usr/share/man/man1/ksh.1 | gv -

would be fast enough, i don't use it because less(1) lets me search
the content.


Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Joachim Walsdorff

Am 17.03.2014 22:44, schrieb Peter Schaffter:

On the subject of implementing Heirloom troff's paragraph-at-once
formatting and associated goodies, I wrote Gunnar about it.  Here's
what he had to say:

  "Sorry, but I haven't done anything related to those topics for
   several years.  I've never looked much into the groff code.  From
   what I remember, the fact that it was in C++ alone made it so
   different though that there were few if any similarities at a
   superficial glance.

   Implementing paragraph based line breaking took me several weeks
   back when I was intimately familiar with the surrounding code.
   The algorithm itself is complex and takes some time to understand.
   And then there is the task of rewriting large portions of an
   existing environment that assumes line based formatting."

Which is by way of saying it's going to be a big job, and we *must*,
as a group, figure out how to attract programmers interested in
tackling it.  Line-by-line formatting is, IMO, the single biggest
stumbling block to more widespread adoption of groff as a
typesetting system.






The biggest challenge facing groff is the implementation of
paragraph-at-once formatting based on the Knuth-Plass algorithm.
Already present in Heirloom troff, this is a high-priority next step
in groff's evolution, along with the addition of typesetting
features modelled after Heirloom troff.



it would be fine if you could provide an example text, formatted both 
with groff and Heirloom troff, to demonstrate us the typographic gain by 
`paragraph-at-once formatting´ against `line formatting´. And, as you 
seem to be the expert, please comment the visible differences. -- Thanks 
in advance.


Dr. Joachim Walsdorff • Hauptstraße 225 • D 69117 Heidelberg •
Tel. 06221-28680

Re: [Groff] Mission statement

2014-03-18 Thread Deri James
On Tue 18 Mar 2014 12:58:09 Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>  Security-wise, PDF is
> one of the most dangerous file formats, nowadays.

That is true if the pdf reader you are using is configured to action all the 
extra bits which Adobe added to the standard (i.e. forms, flash and 
javascript). Without these "extras" it has the same risks as any other 
application consuming input from the web with regard to buffer overflows 

I certainly would not use Adobe's Reader, slow and dangerous.
Without these extras it is simply instructions to place marks on a canvas, 
much like svg, except that allows javascript. If you use gv to view postscript 
from the web you are actually running a postscript program in ghostscript 
so the attack surface is likely to be larger.



Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Pierre-Jean
Hello folks,

Peter Schaffter  wrote:

> Here's the second draft of the mission statement, incorporating
> suggestions from Ingo, Eric, Pierre-Jean, and others.  It's starting
> to come into focus, although a third pass will probably be necessary
> before we commit to it.

I mostly agree with that second mission statement.

Nonetheless, I think that if the goal is to publish this
mission statement in the hope that it encourages people to
join the groff community, a bit more of « writing art » will
be needed: words that encourage someone to come and work on

Werner spoke about the clean codebase of groff, we could
also mention our experienced community and the precedence of
Knuth and Kernighan algorythms. The mention of some
"mentors" might also be important if some students whish to
work on groff. Last but not least, the Gnu project might
have some kind of help to give to groff developpers.

That kind of literacy should probably be part of another

> 2.  Ingo's strategy...
> 3.  Eric's strategy...

We all have a strategy here. I've got mine: find a path to
minimize conflicts between heirloom troff and groff. These
different strategies are part of our recent difficulties,
and hopefully, we're gonna solve them.

It's important that we do not discover in a few month that
groff is a "cheval de Troie" for a goal that is finally not
dedicated to the groff project.

And I need some insurance that the man project is not such a
"cheval de Troie". These insurances might be:
- Don't forget the existing mdoc markup,
- Study several solutions,
- Don't use tricks to force the usage of that new markup
  but only arguments,
- Show a draft of the whole project.

This is a kind of literal hygiene mode for that discussion.



Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Kristaps Dzonsons

The section dealing with manpages had me hemming and hawing for
days.  The original wording wasn't vague; it stated the matter
clearly--the intention to improve the semantic usefulness of
manpage markup.  Details of strategy/implementation were omitted
because the issue is a minefield, and part of our mission will be
to navigate through it gracefully.  Whether, as Eric proposes, we
tinker with man(7) so it plays nice with DocLifter, or, as Ingo
proposes, we advocate a migration to mdoc, the goal remains the
same: semantically clearer manpage markup for easier conversion to
xml.  (Ingo spotted the reason for my general wording right off that
bat, as did a few others.)

Nevertheless, I've rewritten that section of the mission statement
outlining Eric's strategy for dealing with the manpage-markup=>xml
challenge.  I don't expect it to be final, but here are my reasons.
(I'm non-partisan, merely trying to clear things up for a mission

Hi Peter,

In the spirit of debate, I thought I'd dwell a bit more on the mdoc(7) 
question.  I think it's worth it!

My agenda is just to have good manpages.  To me, good means portable 
across systems and media, adhering to a common style, and having 
human-readable source.  Good on GNU systems, BSD, HTML, PS... "good".

We agree that man(7) doesn't cover that, I think.  There's no standard 
way of formatting non-trivial pages, resulting in a mix of roff(7) and 
man(7) to compensate.  The results are messy.  What's worse is that the 
community doesn't have a reliable, standard way of documenting works. 
Everybody suffers.  In other words, man(7) is *already* dead from the 
perspective of good manpages.  The proposal to extend it would be a new 
macro package that shares some existing macros.  But any non-trivial 
manpage would effectively need to be re-written to take advantage of 
these extensions.

Here are a few salient points in favour of mdoc(7), instead:

 - mdoc(7) is the language for thousands upon thousands of manpages. 
On my OpenBSD machine alone, the base system consists of >5000 
semantically-searchable, HTML-renderable mdoc(7) manuals.
 - mdoc(7) has been around for over twenty years, with continuous 
attention to macros, behaviour, rendering, and so on.  Twenty years of 
real-world usage.
 - It has considerable semantic power.  Function names, variables, 
standards compliance, and so on.  I can search for variable types in all 
manpages, or manpages adhering to a given standard.  (What I'd give for 
mdoc(7) versions of LAPACK's manuals...)
 - It has mature tools for rendering and analysis, from the reference 
implementation in groff(1) to full semantic search in mandocdb(8).  (I 
can't speak for other troffs... did Heirloom put out an mdoc package?)
 - It has a thriving community of authors.  Developers and users on 
OpenBSD and NetBSD's misc@ lists use the languages on a daily basis.

Yes, mdoc(7) has cons.  The macros themselves can be confusing.  This 
boils down to documentation: we've done a sucky job of documenting the 
language itself.  I've put a bit of effort into solving this with, but there needs to be more to make it easy for 
new manpage writers to get down to business.

And if some macros are hopeless, well that too, is a problem that can be 
solved.  First by careful documentation, then slowly, if absolutely 
necessary, by way of deprecation.  mdoc(7) isn't set in stone: its tools 
are actively maintained and can be updated.

Peter, you'd mentioned that a new man(7) would give specific tasks to 
developers.  But you don't mention that mdoc(7) would require developers 
to do nothing at all!  The tools already exist and are mature.  There's 
no need for more work, unless to fit the underlying roff(7) in 
groff(1)'s macro definition file to be more www-friendly.  That would 
need to happen anyway with a new man(7).

You also mention that Ingo's strategy, versus Eric's, involves social 
engineering.  How would this not apply to a new man(7)?  Either way, 
manpage authors will need to be educated, or re-educated, for the new 

I hear bits and pieces about how doclifter could help.  Why can't 
doclifter be taught to emit mdoc(7) instead of DocBook or this new 
format?  Wouldn't this solve everybody's problem?  And if it can't, why 
should those failings be relevant to a choice of manpage language?

Most significantly, the proposed format just doesn't exist.  And there's 
a lot of speculation on what it could be or wants to be with little tos 
how for it.  ("Semantics" has been thrown around a lot, but has been 
left undefined.)  Why not focus on mdoc(7), then consider a new man(7) 
when it has had a few years in the field?  A little competition is a 
good thing, but at this point, you're stacking a known, stable product 
against an idea.  Especially since this idea could end up having the 
same cons as mdoc(7)--maybe more.  We just don't know.

1.  No matter how successfully mdoc/mandoc have repla

Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014, Joachim Walsdorff wrote:
> it would be fine if you could provide an example text, formatted
> both with groff and Heirloom troff, to demonstrate us the
> typographic gain by `paragraph-at-once formatting´ against `line
> formatting´.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Pierre-Jean

Peter Schaffter  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014, Joachim Walsdorff wrote:
> > it would be fine if you could provide an example text, formatted
> > both with groff and Heirloom troff, to demonstrate us the
> > typographic gain by `paragraph-at-once formatting´ against `line
> > formatting´.

I've attached another postscript example produced by
heirloom troff.

Look at the blanks in the first paragraph, and how we can
remove them so that the "color" of the paragraph seems more
uniform. We can also use some tricks to increase or
decrease the size of the whole paragraph and avoid orphans.

Some art is still needed to adjust everything correctly.
These features only offer the possibility to practice that

Here is the code I used:

.\" set heirloom extensions:
.do xflag 3
.de lorem
.sp 1v
.\" text from wikipedia "microtypography".
Microtypography is the name given to a range of methods for
improving the readability and appearance of text, especially
justified text. The methods reduce the appearance of large
interword spaces and create edges to the text that appear
more even.
Heirloom Troff, the OpenType compatible free and open-source
version of UNIX troff also supports protrusion, kerning and
.vs 15
.ps 11
.ll 10v
.po 3v
.\" Historic troff behaviour
.\" Paragraph at once adjustment
.sp |0
.po 16v
.\" lightly use glyph size
.letadj 99 99 15 101 101
.\" Define default interword space
.ss 10 0
.\" Define minimal interword space
.minss 9


Description: PostScript document

Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Denis M. Wilson

On Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:29:50 -0400
Peter Schaffter  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014, Joachim Walsdorff wrote:
> > it would be fine if you could provide an example text, formatted
> > both with groff and Heirloom troff, to demonstrate us the
> > typographic gain by `paragraph-at-once formatting´ against `line
> > formatting´.

That is one interesting document...showing clearly the quality gain
with paragraph-at-once formatting, as well as other things. The shaped
paragraph facility is one that would greatly benefit groff. I did
suggest it many years ago, but it wasn't taken up. I believe that it
could be done with line formatting as well.

Oh, and the PDF document above was beyond my version of Firefox's
ability. I downloaded it: gv fails, finding errors and showing all the
wrong glyphs; evince showed it fine but a page at a time. I regret to
say that Adobe reader was the only one that correctly rendered as

This also relates to the question of OTF and the need for a more
sophisticated way in groff of referencing glyphs. For example I have a
font with both regular caps and small caps, but the latter are called
A_sc etc, so different encodings are required in the same font.



Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014, Pierre-Jean wrote:
> Nonetheless, I think that if the goal is to publish this
> mission statement in the hope that it encourages people to
> join the groff community, a bit more of « writing art » will
> be needed: words that encourage someone to come and work on
> groff.

I agree with you about the need for something less dry.  See further
on.  For the purposes of a mission statement, I tacked a note beside
my monitor that said, "Avoid hucksterism."  IOW, don't use the
mission statement as selling job.

> Werner spoke about the clean codebase of groff, we could
> also mention our experienced community and the precedence of
> Knuth and Kernighan algorythms. The mention of some
> "mentors" might also be important if some students whish to
> work on groff. Last but not least, the Gnu project might
> have some kind of help to give to groff developpers.
> That kind of literacy should probably be part of another
> document.

Which document I will write, if others support the idea, and add to
the groff page along with the mission statement.  For all our
discussions, our real mission right now is to get coders.  We're all
very good at our own bits and pieces of the groff picture,
but none of us, I believe, is prepared to do the kind of C++
open-heart surgery we're proposing.  As both Gunnar and Werner have
reminded us, it's a BIG job.

If I may muse here, briefly...

I'm sick to death of groff always being the "also ran" to TeX.

As every one of us knows, groff is terrific typesetting system,
capable of tremendous flexibility and, with the right set of macros,
wonderfully writer-friendly.  Yet I'm fairly certain we've all
encountered the "You did *that* with groff?!" reaction a time or

Ignorance about groff as a complete typesetting system is
practically pandemic.  After five editions, O'Reilly's _Running
Linux_ still demonstrates groff usage with a tutorial on writing
manpages.  And recently, I came upon this parenthetical comment at
the Simon Fraser University site:

 "(I have a weirdly retrotech idea that we could do typesetting with
   groff.  For regular prose, groff is every bit as powerful as TeX,
   while being about one tenth the size and complexity.)"

If groff is as powerful as TeX while being one tenth the size,
why on earth does the author dismiss it out-of-hand as weirdly

My feeling is that if groff can go head-to-head with TeX
typographically, specifically wrt paragraph formatting, then we're
in a much better position to combat the attitude implicit in
comments like the one above and promote groff as a *contemporary*
solution for typesetting needs.

> And I need some insurance that the man project is not such a
> "cheval de Troie". These insurances might be:
> - Don't forget the existing mdoc markup, [a]
> - Study several solutions,   [b]

[b] entails [a], methinks, and [b] is already taking place.

> - Don't use tricks to force the usage of that new markup

That's not going to happen.

> - Show a draft of the whole project.

Since Eric's taking leading on this, I imagine he'll do just that
once debates are resolved and ideas have finished percolating.

Peter Schaffter

Re: [Groff] Add --with-doc configuration option

2014-03-18 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
I wrote..
 |find below something that adds the mentioned options and also
 |tweaks the make system a bit -- 'make install' and 'make
 |uninstall' seem to work again after the patch series is applied.
 |There are still problems ('make install' with DESTDIR set results
 |in some errors along the way, mostly contrib/hdtbl, 'make
 |uninstall' still leaves some stale directories laying around)

For simplicity (i.e., passing by the GNU copyright scan :) i'll
attach the necessary add-on patch to make install and uninstall
completely error free, and without no stale directories laying

The mentioned `contrib/hdtbl' problem is on the Apple Snow Leopard
side, however:

  i am here 0: "/Volumes/UDF/arena/code.extern/groff.git/font/devps"
  i am here 1: "all" *f is ""
  i am here 1.5
  i am here 2
  i am here 3
  i am here 4:, 22
  i am here 4.5
  examples/fonts_n.roff:153: Font  not found.
This because '.if !F \\*[*$1] \{\' -> '!F "\.."'
  elapsed time: 0 seconds


  examples/fonts_x.roff:153: name expected (got `\{')
  listing font `'...
  examples/fonts_x.roff:153: warning: can't find font `='
  elapsed time: 0 seconds

That is, tr(1) is buggy, and the command
(from `hdtbl/examples/fonts_[nx].in')

  .  pso sh -c \
 "echo -n .ds *f\ ; \
  ls \\*[fontpath]/dev\*[.T] \
  | tr '[:cntrl:]' ' '"
  .  \" This dummy line is necessary; the preceding line eats it.

doesn't work; if i do

  0[steffen@sherwood groff.git]$ (cd font/devps/; ls| /usr/bin/tr '[:cntrl:]' ' 

then i get

  r.pfa ?0[steffen@sherwood groff.git]$

however if i append `;echo' to the above it's fine.  This doesn't
work in the code above, yet i decided not to look further since
this is Snow Leopard from i think 2009 and noone but me seems to
have complained about that?  It's fine on the tested Linux and
BSD systems anyway.

From 1345e758f55a5d883931eefdcfcb211778c23995 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Message-Id: <>
From: "Steffen (Daode) Nurpmeso" 
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:43:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] src/roff/grog/Makefile.sub: fix typos missed in [3b934e4]

 src/roff/grog/Makefile.sub | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/roff/grog/Makefile.sub b/src/roff/grog/Makefile.sub
index 91153af..b49d535 100644
--- a/src/roff/grog/Makefile.sub
+++ b/src/roff/grog/Makefile.sub
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ uninstall_sub:
 	-for f in $(GROG_); do \
 		$(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(grog_dir)/$$f";\
-	-test -d "$(DESTDIR)$(grog_dir)" ||\
-		-$(rmdir) "$(DESTDIR)$(grog_dir)"
+	-test -d "$(DESTDIR)$(grog_dir)" &&\
+		$(rmdir) "$(DESTDIR)$(grog_dir)"
 # Emacs settings

From ef0bbed95b3290ec47600a579f42b7da39936ff1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
From: "Steffen (Daode) Nurpmeso" 
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:45:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Tweak '$ make uninstall' to be free of errors

 Makefile.comm   | 23 --- |  2 +-
 contrib/chem/Makefile.sub   |  4 +---
 doc/Makefile.sub|  1 +
 font/devpdf/Makefile.sub| 16 
 src/roff/groff/Makefile.sub |  5 +++--
 src/roff/grog/Makefile.sub  |  6 +++---
 7 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.comm b/Makefile.comm
index d6f8df2..7de58bb 100644
--- a/Makefile.comm
+++ b/Makefile.comm
@@ -292,22 +292,23 @@ install_dev:
 	-test -z "$(DEVFILES)$(DEVSCRIPTS)" ||\
 		for f in ""$(DEVFILES) $(DEVSCRIPTS); do \
-			$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/$$f;\
+			$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/$${f};\
 	-test -z "$(OLDDEVFILES)" ||\
 		for f in ""$(OLDDEVFILES); do \
-			$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(oldfontsubdir)/$$f;\
+			$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(oldfontsubdir)/$${f};\
-	-test -d $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/generate &&\
-		$(rmdir) $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/generate
-	-test -d $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/enc &&\
-		$(rmdir) $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/enc
-	-test -d $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/map &&\
-		$(rmdir) $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/map
-	-test -d $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/util &&\
-		$(rmdir) $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/util
+	-d="$(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/generate";\
+		if test -d "$${d}"; then $(rmdir) "$${d}"; fi
+	-d="$(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/enc";\
+		if test -d "$${d}"; then $(rmdir) "$${d}"; fi
+	-d="$(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/map";\
+		if test -d "$${d}"; then $(rmdir) "$${d}"; fi
+	-d="$(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)/util";\
+		if test -d "$${d}"; then $(rmdir) "$${d}"; fi
 	-$(rmdir) $(DESTDIR)$(fontsubdir)
-	-$(rmdir) $(DESTDIR)$(oldfontsubdir)
+	-d="$(DESTDIR)$(oldfontsubdir)";\
+		if test -d "$${d}"; then $(rmdir) "$${d}"; fi
 .PHONY: depe

Re: [Groff] Add --with-doc configuration option

2014-03-18 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Steffen,

> That is, tr(1) is buggy

tr(1) seems to be behaving as I'd expect.  The \n is a control character
and is being turned into space so you have to add another with echo.  It
thinks 0-0x1f and 0x7f are cntrl.

$ recode /test8  tr -c '[:cntrl:]' - |
> tr '[:cntrl:]' c |
> fold -32; echo



> This doesn't work in the code above

I can get an additional echo to work here, Linux, so I'm not quite sure
what you're trying that fails?

$ printf '%s\n' foo '.pso sh -c \' ' "echo -n a | tr a b"' bar |
> nroff -U | grep .
foo bbar
$ printf '%s\n' foo '.pso sh -c \' ' "echo -n a | tr a b; \' ' echo"' bar |
> nroff -U | grep .
foo b bar

Cheers, Ralph.

Re: [Groff] Add --with-doc configuration option

2014-03-18 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
Heya, Ralph,

Ralph Corderoy  wrote:
 |Hi Steffen,
 |> That is, tr(1) is buggy
 |tr(1) seems to be behaving as I'd expect.  The \n is a control character

oh yes, compilation on CRUX-3 Linux succeeds without any problems,
the font listing is worked from top to bottom.

Now the only problem that remains for me is that

  $ ./configure --without-x --with-doc=examples; make

fails with error if `gnu.xpm' cannot be converted because of
missing tools.  I'm still the opinion that this is not acceptable
behaviour and that the `touch gnu.eps' should be automatic in such
cases (after a warning message).

 |and is being turned into space so you have to add another with echo.  It
 |thinks 0-0x1f and 0x7f are cntrl.
 |$ recode /test8  tr -c '[:cntrl:]' - |
 |> tr '[:cntrl:]' c |
 |> fold -32; echo
 |> This doesn't work in the code above
 |I can get an additional echo to work here, Linux, so I'm not quite sure
 |what you're trying that fails?
 |$ printf '%s\n' foo '.pso sh -c \' ' "echo -n a | tr a b"' bar |
 |> nroff -U | grep .
 |foo bbar


  ?0[steffen@sherwood groff.git]$ printf '%s\n' foo '.pso sh -c \' ' \
"echo -n a | tr a b"' bar |nroff -U | grep .
  foo ‐n b bar

 |  $ printf '%s\n' foo '.pso sh -c \' ' "echo -n a | tr a b; \' ' echo"' bar |
 |> nroff -U | grep .
 |foo b bar


  ?0[steffen@sherwood groff.git]$ printf '%s\n' foo '.pso sh -c \' ' \
"echo -n a | tr a b; \' ' echo"' bar |nroff -U | grep .
  foo ‐n b

Ok but allow me to think a bit about those.. until at least
tomorrow.  :)

 |Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [Groff] Mission statement

2014-03-18 Thread Ingo Schwarze

Deri James wrote on Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 01:26:02PM +:
> On Tue 18 Mar 2014 12:58:09 Ingo Schwarze wrote:

>> Security-wise, PDF is one of the most dangerous file formats, nowadays.

> That is true if the pdf reader you are using is configured to action
> all the extra bits which Adobe added to the standard (i.e. forms,
> flash and javascript).

I certainly don't trust my browser to keep all that disabled.

> Without these "extras" it has the same risks as any other 
> application consuming input from the web with regard to buffer
> overflows etc.

Except the PDF format is more complex than most, offering much
opportunity for bugs.

Just saying, not everybody accepts PDF as a web document format,
not only for lack of support in the tools, but also as a conscious


Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Ingo Schwarze
Hi Peter,

Peter Schaffter wrote on Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 05:44:21PM -0400:

> Here's the second draft of the mission statement,

It is clearly maturing.

> The section dealing with manpages had me hemming and hawing for
> days.  The original wording wasn't vague; it stated the matter
> clearly--the intention to improve the semantic usefulness of
> manpage markup.  Details of strategy/implementation were omitted
> because the issue is a minefield, and part of our mission will be
> to navigate through it gracefully.  Whether, as Eric proposes, we
> tinker with man(7) so it plays nice with DocLifter, or, as Ingo
> proposes, we advocate a migration to mdoc, the goal remains the
> same: semantically clearer manpage markup for easier conversion to
> xml.

Thanks for providing this summary; it helped me see more clearly.

Actually, there are four questions that are somewhat separate
but also influence each other a bit:

 (1) What are we to do with man(7)?
 Eric proposes to carefully evolve it to introduce a small amount
 of semantic markup.
 I propose to provide continuing support for backward compatibility
 and refrain from adding new features.

 (2) What are we to do with mdoc(7)?
 I propose to carefully maintain and polish it, of course without
 any substantial upheaval.
 If i understand Eric correctly, he is largely indifferent
 regarding mdoc(7).

 (3) What is our recommendation for manual writers, right now?
 I propose to tell them:  If they want semantic markup right
 now, they can switch to mdoc(7), lightweight tools are ready
 for use.
 If i understand Eric correctly, he is telling them to
 continue writing their manuals with purely presentational
 man(7) markup for now and just rely on doclifter.

 (4) What is our vision for manual markup in, say, five years?
 Eric says, tell people to use new man-ext(7) features to be
 developed in the meantime.
 I say, just the same as today.  If people don't care that much
 about semantic markup or don't mind heavy toolchains, they can
 leave their existing stuff in man(7) and use doclifter.  If
 they do care, they can switch to mdoc(7) and use much simpler
 tools, just as today.

Now, items (3) and (4) really need no decision in a groff mission
statement.  In item (2), i sense little potential for conflict.
The fix is with item (1), really.

What are the consequences of implementing Eric's plan regarding (1)?

 (1a) Whatever we do in groff_man(7), i have to re-implement it
  in mandoc(1).  That will burn some of my time, and i don't
  relish the idea, but it's not a huge problem for me, either.
  mandoc(1) already supports a couple of man-ext(7) macros,
  .EX .EE .OP .UR .UE.  Only .MT .ME .SY .YS .TQ are missing,
  simply because i never encountered them in any real-world
  manual so far.  Usually, macros of Eric's design have been
  very easy to implement; well, .SY may be slightly tricky,
  but not that much worse than .TP, i guess.

 (1b) Whether or not we advertise new man(7) features, some authors
  will inevitably start using them, part of them *NOT* being
  aware that these are not portable.  As long as the end-users
  run the software on platforms having groff(1) or mandoc(1),
  that's not a problem.  However, users running on platforms
  having neither groff nor mandoc will suffer because these
  documents will misformat.

That said, i'm not happy with a mission statement promoting man(7)
feature additions, and i don't see the point, but i can grudgingly
live with it.

> GROFF MISSION STATEMENT, 2014, 2nd draft
> As the most widely-deployed implementation of troff in use today,
> GNU troff (groff) holds an important place in the Unix universe.
> Along with TeX, it plays a leading role in the development of free
> typesetting software for Unix systems.  While maintaining backward
> compatibility, it continues to evolve as a sophisticated typesetting
> system with the advantages of small size, portability, and speed.
> Future groff development will focus on these areas:
> - improvements to the backend
> - active development of general-purpose frontends
> - the man(7) macros

By your own argument (4) above, "I favour active development of
both, letting evolutionary principles determine which is the more
fit for an xml-based ecosystem", you might wish to say here:

 - the man(7) and mdoc(7) macros

Or, if you prefer less technical wording:

 - ongoing development of manual page frontends

or something similar.

> The man(7) macros

Following your argument (4) above, you might wish to say something like

  Manual page macros

instead, which would also make the subtitles more uniform.

> The need for Unix manuals to render cleanly to multiple output media
> favours the use of structural rather than presentational markup, but
> the classical, widely-used man(7) macros are largely presentational.


Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Peter Schaffter :
> Ignorance about groff as a complete typesetting system is
> practically pandemic.  After five editions, O'Reilly's _Running
> Linux_ still demonstrates groff usage with a tutorial on writing
> manpages.  And recently, I came upon this parenthetical comment at
> the Simon Fraser University site:
>  "(I have a weirdly retrotech idea that we could do typesetting with
>groff.  For regular prose, groff is every bit as powerful as TeX,
>while being about one tenth the size and complexity.)"
> If groff is as powerful as TeX while being one tenth the size,
> why on earth does the author dismiss it out-of-hand as weirdly
> retrotech?  

That's not a mystery to me.  If it stays one to you, we have a problem; 
you can't plan to do anything effective against that perception if
you don't understand it.

Here are several reasons groff gets written off as "weirdly retrotech":

* The [nt]roff markup design has a lot of tells that it was designed
for very old machines that were ridiculously underpowered even by the
standards of, oh, 1990, let alone today.  Line-by-line formatting,
short request names, limited number of font positions, no color
support, a hole where embedded image support ought to be, things like
that.  Don't counter that groff fixed some of these things; that would
be missing the point, which is that the core design screams "legacy!"

* Sheer calendar age - a lot of people not sophisticated enough to spot
those tells know it was written 40 years ago.

* Strange, irregular, archaic-seeming markup design compared to XML or
even TeX.  Brian Kernignan called it "rebarbative" in *1979*.

* Weak support for HTML output, no support for ePub.  People on this
list may think it's just fine that groff is so printer-oriented, but I
promise you nobody else who was out of diapers by 1996 shares *that*
quaint opinion.

To put it more directly, groff seems like retrotech because it *is*
retrotech. This creates a bit of a problem in trying to convince
anyone otherwise.
--";>Eric S. Raymond

Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Ingo Schwarze :
> Actually, there are four questions that are somewhat separate
> but also influence each other a bit:
>  (1) What are we to do with man(7)?
>  Eric proposes to carefully evolve it to introduce a small amount
>  of semantic markup.
>  I propose to provide continuing support for backward compatibility
>  and refrain from adding new features.
>  (2) What are we to do with mdoc(7)?
>  I propose to carefully maintain and polish it, of course without
>  any substantial upheaval.
>  If i understand Eric correctly, he is largely indifferent
>  regarding mdoc(7).
>  (3) What is our recommendation for manual writers, right now?
>  I propose to tell them:  If they want semantic markup right
>  now, they can switch to mdoc(7), lightweight tools are ready
>  for use.
>  If i understand Eric correctly, he is telling them to
>  continue writing their manuals with purely presentational
>  man(7) markup for now and just rely on doclifter.
>  (4) What is our vision for manual markup in, say, five years?
>  Eric says, tell people to use new man-ext(7) features to be
>  developed in the meantime.
>  I say, just the same as today.  If people don't care that much
>  about semantic markup or don't mind heavy toolchains, they can
>  leave their existing stuff in man(7) and use doclifter.  If
>  they do care, they can switch to mdoc(7) and use much simpler
>  tools, just as today.

I'm quoting this to confirm that it is a fair summary of my position.  
A few minor amendments:

1. I am at least as interested in narrowing and simplifying the man markup 
language (decoupling it from groff peculiarities) as I am in extending it.

2. What's in man_ext now may be enough extension already. I'm more
inclined to think that than I was last week, 

3. Wearing my "person who has to cope with interpreting it" hat, mdoc(7)
annoys the crap out if me. But it is fair to say I am indifferent about its
future relationship with groff.

> What are the consequences of implementing Eric's plan regarding (1)?
>  (1a) Whatever we do in groff_man(7), i have to re-implement it
>   in mandoc(1).  That will burn some of my time, and i don't
>   relish the idea, but it's not a huge problem for me, either.
>   mandoc(1) already supports a couple of man-ext(7) macros,
>   .EX .EE .OP .UR .UE.  Only .MT .ME .SY .YS .TQ are missing,
>   simply because i never encountered them in any real-world
>   manual so far.  Usually, macros of Eric's design have been
>   very easy to implement; well, .SY may be slightly tricky,
>   but not that much worse than .TP, i guess.

It is not an accident that they're easy to implement.  I wanted them
to be easy to understand.
--";>Eric S. Raymond

Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014, Kristaps Dzonsons wrote:
> My agenda is just to have good manpages.  To me, good means
> portable across systems and media, adhering to a common style, and
> having human-readable source.  Good on GNU systems, BSD, HTML,
> PS...  "good".

That puts us on the same page. :)

> There's no standard way of formatting non-trivial pages, resulting
> in a mix of roff(7) and man(7) to compensate.  The results
> are messy.  What's worse is that the community doesn't have a
> reliable, standard way of documenting works.  Everybody suffers.
> In other words, man(7) is *already* dead from the perspective of
> good manpages.


> The proposal to extend it would be a new macro package that
> shares some existing macros.

Or "an existing macro package with additional macros."

> But any non-trivial manpage would effectively need to be
> re-written to take advantage of these extensions.

As would converting man(7) formatted manpages to mdoc(7).

As I see it, there are three strata of manpages:

- legacy manpages  =>those without a maintainer
- current manpages =>those with an active maintainer
- future manpages  =>those yet to be written

  Unless someone undertakes rewriting legacy manpages, they stay
  man(7) formatted forever and need DocLifter to output xml-ized
  versions.  Think of DocLifter in this case as a kind of -Txml.
  (Eric was quite right when he accused us of "not being old-school

  If maintainers re-write current manpages, they use whatever
  solution we come up with for "good manpages".  If they don't
  re-write, we have a legacy condition.

  Future manpages use mdoc(7) or the revamped man(7).

If we subtract "current", we have a relatively straightforward
situation (though not one free of debate): use DocLifter to get
xml-ized versions of legacy manpages, and institute a policy shift
toward a better markup system, whatever form that may take.  In this
scenario, your arguments in favour of mdoc would probably carry the

However we do have current to deal with, and it's the crux of the
debate.  Which of "fix man(7)" or "switch to mdoc" puts the least
burden of re-write on current manpages, and is therefore the most
likely to receive community-wide acceptance?

Let's imagine, for a moment, that man(7) is modified in such a
way that backward compatibility with existing documents is fully
supported, no presentational richness is lost, and extensions to the
macro set permit clearer semantic structuring.

With this imaginary man(7), authors who wished to make their
manpages conformant wouldn't have much re-writing to do at all.
Mostly it would involve replacing presentational clichés with
semantic tags; in cases where there's a compelling need for
presentational markup, groff would handle it as it always has.
Hold-outs on rewrites wouldn't present much of a problem since their
documents would render to -Tascii/-Tps/-Tpdf the same as always, and
given the percentages Eric's provided about DocLifter, xml from the
same documents would be >90% clean.

Contrast that with converting manpages using man(7) to mdoc(7).  I
foresee considerable resistance and a very long slog ahead.  While
groff and mdoc are one place where a fruitful alliance exists
between BSD and GNU, partisanship is factor that can't be ignored,
however much I personally wish it could.

> Peter, you'd mentioned that a new man(7) would give specific tasks
> to developers.  But you don't mention that mdoc(7) would require
> developers to do nothing at all!

Ah.  I didn't express myself clearly.  I consider it an *advantage*
to have a project for developers to work together on right now.  I
truly believe groff is at a turning point, and honing our ability to
function as a team is crucial.

> You also mention that Ingo's strategy, versus Eric's, involves
> social engineering.  How would this not apply to a new man(7)?
> Either way, manpage authors will need to be educated, or
> re-educated, for the new format.

I mentioned that Eric's strategy involved social engineering, too.
My point was that he has a lot of experience with this.  He knows
the players and they know him.  A substantial percentage have been
responsive to his suggestions.  His success rate is good.  He can be
very persuasive. :) These are x-factorish qualities we need in the
quest for "good manpages."

> I hear bits and pieces about how doclifter could help.  Why can't
> doclifter be taught to emit mdoc(7) instead of DocBook or this new
> format?  Wouldn't this solve everybody's problem?

Not following you here.  DocLifter takes man(7) and mdoc(7) as
input and spits out DocBook xml.  It wouldn't be emitting the "new
format"; that would be its input.  Or are you suggesting using
DocLifter as a man(7)=>mdoc(7) converter?  (I can see the blood
draining from Eric's face.)

> Most significantly, the proposed format just doesn't exist...
> you're stacking a known, stable product against an idea.

I'm aware.  Just to be clea

Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Peter Schaffter
On Tue, Mar 18, 2014, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > Peter Schaffter :
> > If groff is as powerful as TeX while being one tenth the size,
> > why on earth does the author dismiss it out-of-hand as weirdly
> > retrotech?  
> That's not a mystery to me.  If it stays one to you, we have a
> problem; you can't plan to do anything effective against that
> perception if you don't understand it.

The question was more one of those lift your hands to heaven and
cry "Why, god, oh why?" ejaculations than a real question.

I know the reasons for groff's reputation.  And I know a thing or
two about combatting it.  It's called mom. :)

Peter Schaffter

Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft

2014-03-18 Thread Steve Izma
I am jumping in here, for which I apologize, because I have
not had enough time over the last couple of months to become
inovled in this discussion. All my spare time outside of my
regular work during this period has been spent typesetting with
groff: two newsletters, and a 200-plus-page book with over thirty
graphs (using grap), and a program for a play, all using XML as
markup and the best typesetting engine in the world (groff) for
producing the output.

> Peter Schaffter :
> > 
> >  "(I have a weirdly retrotech idea that we could do typesetting with
> >groff.  For regular prose, groff is every bit as powerful as TeX,
> >while being about one tenth the size and complexity.)"
> > 
> > If groff is as powerful as TeX while being one tenth the size,
> > why on earth does the author dismiss it out-of-hand as weirdly
> > retrotech?  

Peter is quoting John Maxwell, who has been trying for years now
to get the publishing industry to think along the lines that
Eric has been espousing (use structured markup). John and I
have met several times to work out some methods and principles
for typesetting XML documents, and he's very familiar about my
arguments in favour of groff. His "weirdly retrotech" comment is
tongue-in-cheek, and he's essentially making the same point as

I agree with Peter that there's something very odd about the
preference for TeX. I think it's likely just because that's what
the vast majority of math and computer science students around
the world have been told they must use in their documentation
(theses, journal articles, etc.). About ten or so years ago,
I produced about twenty books of computer science conference
proceedings with TeX and LaTeX, and I think the system is
overrated. The idea of the paragraph optimization is good,
but the practice is a pain. When TeX fails in its efforts to
justify a line, it fails spectacularly -- it oversets the line
(i.e., into the margin). (Perhaps I'm ignorant about how to turn
this "feature" off.) Trying to fix this is far more painful
than in groff, because the kerning commands are very imprecise
(e.g., "sloppypar"). The track kerning facility in groff allows
adjustments, obviously, in 1/1000th of a point. I've always been
able to fix problem paragraphs faster with groff.

Anyone concerned with quality typesetting has to scan and make
human judgements throughout the text. You can't rely on
algorithms, although obviously they can reduce problems

But even besides this, TeX is not a filter (so it does play well
with other filters) and is very noisy. Groff is clean and agile
compared to it.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 06:13:11PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> Subject: Re: [Groff] Mission statement, second draft
> Here are several reasons groff gets written off as "weirdly retrotech":
> * The [nt]roff markup design has a lot of tells that it was designed
> for very old machines that were ridiculously underpowered even by the
> standards of, oh, 1990, let alone today.  Line-by-line formatting,
> short request names, limited number of font positions, no color
> support, a hole where embedded image support ought to be, things like
> that.  Don't counter that groff fixed some of these things; that would
> be missing the point, which is that the core design screams "legacy!"

I don't think this is fair commentary. The command structure
(request names, etc.) is irrelevant to the underlying algorithms,
which were completely re-vamped by James Clarke circa 1989
(presumably on his Sun Workstations, hardly underpowered for
1990), with help from the intense work that SoftQuad did on the
original AT&T code in the mid-eighties. As I've said above, my
practical experience is that the line-by-line formatting does not
make a big difference. As for "legacy", what about "ls", "cat",

> * Sheer calendar age - a lot of people not sophisticated enough to spot
> those tells know it was written 40 years ago.

Quality typesetting requires not just good tools but lots of
experience. That hasn't changed since Gutenberg. I don't think
the idea is to create a typesetting tool that looks fashionable.
Adobe's got that market cornered.
> * Strange, irregular, archaic-seeming markup design compared to XML or
> even TeX.  Brian Kernignan called it "rebarbative" in *1979*.

Groff is a filter. The input language, the markup, etc., is
entirely arbitary. I've been feeding groff SGML and XML since
1988 or 1989 and SoftQuad was doing it for sqtroff long before
> * Weak support for HTML output, no support for ePub.  People on this
> list may think it's just fine that groff is so printer-oriented, but I
> promise you nobody else who was out of diapers by 1996 shares *that*
> quaint opinion.

I have always agreed with your encouragement of creating
documents in a structured markup language. There's nothing
intrinsic to groff that prevents this. With a structured document
you go straight to HTML or ePub through scripts; groff is
irrelevant to this, ex