[GNC] Scheduled transaction: double-prompting for a variable

2022-05-04 Thread Stan Brown
My mortgage payment is a scheduled transaction of three splits:
Credit: Cash and Banks (always the same amount)
Debit:  Expenses:Mortgage Interest (variable)
Debit:  Liabilities:Home Mortgage (variable)

I set the transaction up with Interest set to a variable and Home
Mortgage set to the unvarying payment amount minus the variable
mentioned in Interest. But when the transaction fires, I get prompted
separately for each occurrence of the same variable. Have I missed
something, or is this just how it works?

I'm running GC 2.6.19, so maybe the behavior was changed in later versions?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Scheduled transaction: double-prompting for a variable

2022-05-04 Thread Stan Brown
Please disregard. I must have been doing something wrong when I tried
this before. Just now, in a copy of my database, I tried again, and it
worked just fine: I got only one prompt.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-05-04 09:30, Stan Brown wrote:
> My mortgage payment is a scheduled transaction of three splits:
> Credit: Cash and Banks (always the same amount)
> Debit:  Expenses:Mortgage Interest (variable)
> Debit:  Liabilities:Home Mortgage (variable)
> I set the transaction up with Interest set to a variable and Home
> Mortgage set to the unvarying payment amount minus the variable
> mentioned in Interest. But when the transaction fires, I get prompted
> separately for each occurrence of the same variable. Have I missed
> something, or is this just how it works?
> I'm running GC 2.6.19, so maybe the behavior was changed in later versions?

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Re: [GNC] Investment accounts - maintain ongoing balance only

2022-05-08 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-05-08 10:17, Scott Soderling wrote:
> Opening the investment accounts and giving them opening balances is easy.
> I'm now looking for suggestions going forward regarding updating the
> current value of each account monthly. That is, I don't want to set up sub
> accounts for every stock, mutual fund, etc and then have to track
> share/unit prices, just to come up with an account balance. I just want to
> enter one "adjustment" type transaction for each investment account, once a
> month, to make it balance to my monthly bank statements.

Debit  to Assets:Investment Account
Credit to Income:Investment Gains and Losses

(Some people, me among them, would put Investment Gains and Losses under
Equity rather than Income. I do this because investment gains and losses
can exceed the total of all ordinary income and expenses in a given
month; also, I budget my income and expenses but not investment gains
and losses, which are unpredictable. Since these adjusting transactions
are for your benefit and not your accountant's, you can do whatever
feels natural to you.)


Stan Brown

Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] How to record giving gift of shares

2022-05-22 Thread Stan Brown
Caution: I know Federal income taxes for my own situation, and I've done
some related reading, but I am not a tax practitioner. I suggest what I
_think_ the situation is, but you should verify this on your own or by
consulting a qualified lawyer or accountant.

On 2022-05-22 14:27, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> Some years ago (before I started using GnuCash), I bought some shares of a
> mutual fund (so have an Equity:Opening Balances transaction)
> Over the years, the dividends were reinvested to buy more shares.
> Now, I wish to give all of these shares to my son.
> How do I record both the basis price and the fair market value (FMV)?
> I assume that I record a sale of all the shares at the current basis price
> in my account (so I have no capital gain).

You're not selling the shares, you're giving them away. Why would you
record a sale?

> And I record a buy of the same number of shares at that basis price in
> my son's account (in the US, the basis price carries to the new
> owner).

Are you keeping books for your son? I don't see any reason why you would
record anything in someone else's accounts in _your_ books.

And again, this is not a buy; it's receipt of a gift of shares, as you
described it.


Your basis, as I understand things, is the amount you paid for the
original shares plus the amounts of all the reinvested dividends (since
you paid tax on the dividends in the year you received them).

The FMV is easy to determine: look up the price of a share on the day
when you make the gift, and multiply by the number of shares.

FMV may be more or less than your basis -- probably less, if you make
the gift in the near future. I have no idea whether the unrealized gains
or losses represent a capital gain or loss. If the FMV becomes your
son's basis, as you say, then you may well have a capital gain or loss.
(If FMV is more than your basis, but you don't have a capital gain, then
those gains would escape taxation, which I doubt Congress would have let

Anyway, moving on to your questions:

> How do I record the FMV of the gift?  Perhaps: Expense:GIft.
> A gift tax return in the US needs both the basis price and the FMV of
> the gift.
> Do I need to record unrealized gain?
> Do I need to adjust Equity:Opening Balances?

1. To me, Equity:Opening Balances means _opening_ balances. I would only
make an adjustment if I discovered an error in the figure I had
recorded. And, as Michael suggested, I would do it by an adjusting entry
dated when the error was discovered, not by changing the original

2. Yes, Expenses:Gift (or Gifts) seems like a good choice to record this.

3. You don't _need_ to record unrealized gains in GnuCash, but I would.
Otherwise you won't have an offsetting credit for the full debit
representing the value of your gift to your son.

4. Have you been recording your dividends as they occurred? That would
be in the amount of the market value on the day the dividend was
credited to you. So you should have a string of transactions like this
over the years:
Debit to  Assets:XXX Mutual Fund
Credit to Income:Dividends
If you have not been recording them, I think you need to pull out your
statements, add them up, and make the above transaction for the full
amount. (If you haven't been declaring them on your tax returns, I think
you have an IRS problem unless you know of some reason why you were
exempt from reporting them.)
Once you have recorded the dividends, the value in Assets:XXX Mutual
Fund is your basis (as I understand things).

5. After recording dividends if necessary, I would next bring the
balance in Assets:XXX Mutual Fund up (or down) to FMV:
Debit to  Assets:XXX Mutual Fund
Credit to Income:Gain on Investments
If FMV is less than your cost + dividends, reverse the debit and credit
accounts. (Or record a minus number, and let GC reverse them for you.)

6. Finally, you record the gift:
Debit to  Expenses:Gift
Credit to Assets:XXX Mutual Fund.
The amount is the (new) value of the XXX Mutual Fund account, so this
transaction reduces the value of XXX Mutual Fund in your accounts to
zero. But you still have the information about basis _and_ FMV in the
transactions in that account.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Export as text or CSV

2022-06-05 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-06-05 15:19, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> Is there a way to export either the Accounts main screen or an Accounts
> Summary report as either a plain text file or a CSV file?
> The best I have found so far is Select via mouse the text on the multiple
> screens,
> then Ctrl-C to copy to clipboard, then Ctrl-V to paste into a file in an
> editor.
> Unfortunately, that process ends up wrapping lines (to perhaps 80
> characters).

Isn't there an editor command to set line length? I'll bet if you set
line length to a large number before pasting, the lines won't wrap.

I don't know which release of GC you have, but in 2.6.19 I can click
into the Accounts tab, then click File » Export » Export Account Tree to
CSV. I don't suppose that capability would have been removed from later


Stan Brown

Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] Missing 2nd entry

2022-06-09 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-06-09 04:59, David Carlson wrote:
> The capability for zero value transactions with a single account line was
> permitted starting in release 3 point something iirc as hinted by
> Christopher.
> I  complained at the time, but it technically is not unbalanced.  The
> reason it is allowed is that it can function as a vehicle for a comment
> entry.

I create single-line transactions with zero value in 2.6.19, exactly for
the purpose of recording a comment.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-11 Thread Stan Brown
> On 6/11/22 6:29 AM, ja...@comcast.net wrote:
>> I would like to reorganize the order in which my bank accounts are
>> listed to make them in alphabetical order but I cannot find a way
>> to move the accounts in the account tree. I can go to the parent 
>> account but that does not give me control to move the accounts
>> around.

If you really want to sort by account name, in the Accounts panel click
on the "Account Name" header column header and notice the direction
arrow at the right of that header. You want it to be pointing up, to
sort in normal (increasing A to Z) order.

Personally, I find it easier to use the Account Code column. Giving
accounts numeric codes and then sorting in ascending order on that
field, when I add an account I find it easier to place that account in
just the position I want.

Also, GC accepts an account name or an account code when entering a
transaction, which simplifies data entry.


Stan Brown

Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] importing csv and negative numbers

2022-06-12 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-06-12 22:00, Kevin T via gnucash-user wrote:
> It seems that when importing CSV files, to a CC account, if the
> 'credit' column, which when imported is called the 'deposit' field,
> has a negative value in it, it is imported as a 'debit' transaction.
> I have to refer to the statement, to find which of these transactions
> are supposed to be credits.   IE i can't trust the import.> is there any way 
> to work around this behavior.

Can you clarify please?  Do you mean that
(a) a credit column in CSV contains minus $100.00, the import shows
POSITIVE $100.00 in the debit column and nothing in credit, or
(a) a credit column in CSV contains minus $100.00, the import shows
NEGATIVE $100.00 in the debit column and nothing in credit, or
(c) something else?

If it's (a), that's correct and consistent behavior. GC won't let you
manually enter a transaction with a negative number in credit or debit;
it changes that to a positive number in debit or credit respectively.
After all, a credit of minus $100 is equivalent to a debit of plus $100.
If this is what is happening, you _can_ trust the import. And while I
myself have had instances where I wanted to record something as a
negative credit rather than a positive debit, as far as I know there's
no way to do that. And after all, the two _are_ equivalent so it's
purely a matter of presentation and not of incorrect numbers.

If you mean (b), something seems off. I'll let others, who are more
familiar with the details of importing, ask you questions. (One thing
you could and should always do, when reporting a possible problem, is
state which version number of GC you're using, which operating system,
and whether you're using a prebuilt version or you compiled it yourself.)

If you mean (c), please explain all that is in the CSV file for this
transaction, and all that is in the transaction after import. Screen
shots might help; be sure to attach them, as opposed to including them
inline in HTML.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-13 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-06-13 07:31, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> As someone suggested, you could assign account codes and sort on them.  I 
> would use at least a four digit number, so you have room to add accounts in 
> between in the future.  I would suggest 1000s for assets, 2000s for 
> liabilities, 3000s for income, and 4000s for expense. 

I'm curious: why not 1000s for assets, 2000s for liabilities, 3000s for
net worth (equities), 4000s for income, and 5000s for expense?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-13 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-06-13 07:31, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> As someone suggested, you could assign account codes and sort on them.  I 
> would use at least a four digit number, so you have room to add accounts in 
> between in the future.  I would suggest 1000s for assets, 2000s for 
> liabilities, 3000s for income, and 4000s for expense. 

My old accounting system had three-digit account codes, which I used
when I created my GnuCash chart of accounts. As time went by and I had
to add more accounts, I ended up using decimals. They sot as I expected,
but it's ugly that most accounts have NNN codes yet some have NNN.N codes.

Gyle's suggestion of four-digit codes makes sense to me, in hindsight. I
almost wrote "if I had it to do over again, I'd use four-digit account
codes." But of course it's possible to change an account code at any
time, so I think I'm off to renumber my accounts now. :-)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] How to reorganize the account tree

2022-06-13 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-06-13 07:46, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> I use account codes in my file, and  like it quite a bit. You can add
> the Code to the Chart of Accounts (CoA) page and quickly sort on it as
> one would with any other displayed column. I'll note that the tree
> aspect of the CoA means that the sorting will still be
> hierarchical--that is, accounts will only sort in order at the same
> level of hierarchy.

For historical reasons I use 8NN for accounts receivable subaccounts and
9NN for accounts payable subaccounts. They are under main accounts
Assets:Accounts Receivable and Liabilities:Accounts Payable. I have
found, as David T says, that GV sorts the 8NN and 9NN subaccounts under
their respective main accounts, just as I wanted.


Stan Brown

Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] Trial Balance Help

2022-06-24 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-06-24 09:18, Jack Lockard wrote:
> How could I record a realized gain and only impact one side of the
> ledger? I don't think you can. Doesn't the imbalance have to be an
> improperly entered transaction?

If you're asking what I think you're asking, that's an impossibility --
not a feature missing from GnuCash, but impossible in terms of
double-entry bookkeeping even if you were doing it on paper.

In every transaction, total debits must always equal total credits. The
GnuCash software creates an "Imbalance" entry if you enter a transaction
where debits =/= credits.

And in the same way, in the totality of your accounts, total debits
(assets + expenses) must equal total credits (liabilities + equity +
income). That equation is also written in other ways, for instance
Assets =Liabilities + (Equity + Income - Expense), but all of them are

I think you were advised earlier in this thread to read the tutorial and
concepts manual, especially the part about double-entry bookkeeping.
Maybe another reading? Your question sounds like you may have read that
section but didn't really take it in.

> I think I'll just give up. It's my personal finances so I guess, at
> the end of the day, it doesn't matter if it is out of balance.
Of course you're free to do whatever you like with the software. But,
speaking as an old software programmer, I'm always nervous about
ignoring an error condition. The problem is, you can't be a little bit
pregnant.Once you start ignoring _some_ errors, you  ever know whether
an error message is showing you a new problem or just echoing the
pre-existing one.

My advice, for what it's worth, is to track down why you're getting an
imbalance, and fix it. Then you can enter new transactions, and if an
imbalance pops up you'll know instantly that it must have been from the
transaction you just entered, so you can easily fix it right away.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Duplicate Transactions

2022-06-27 Thread Stan Brown
IMPORTANT: Open the Accounts panel and _then_ select Edit » Find. GC
limits its search to the currently visible register. This is very handy
if you want to search within only one account, or within the past 30
days in the case of General Ledger, but when you don't know the date or
account you want to have GC search every single transaction. And as far
as I know, that happens _only_ when the Accounts panel is visible when
you select Edit » Find.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-06-27 14:03, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> Find it by using Edit/Find.  You can type the description, value, etc.  You 
> probably had a bad date and it is in some other year or month.  When you find 
> it, you can edit the date or delete if you reentered it.  Find opens the 
> transaction in a new tab, but your changes wil post to the original account 
> as well.
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Re: [GNC] Split ownership

2022-06-27 Thread Stan Brown
This is an accounting question rather than a GnuCash question. The
answer would be exactly the same if you were keeping your books in a
pen-and-ink paper ledger.

That said, presumably you had an Asset:Golf Cart account, with an
initial balance equal to half the purchase price. When you sell an
asset, you wipe out the value of that asset and replace it with a debit
to Cash and Banks.

Debit to Assets:Cash and Banks
(amount: your half of the sale proceeds)
Credit to Assets:Golf Cart
(amount: the balance in the account)

Those two will not be equal. The difference is the amount of gain or
loss. Therefore you have a third split in the transaction:

Debit to Expenses:Loss on Sale of Assets
(amount: the difference between what you received the your book
value of your half of the golf cart)
NOTE: Some people, including me, would use Equity:Gain or Loss
on Sale of Assets rather than an Expense. It's a matter of taste,
since you're not a public company.

CAVEAT: Even though you received less than you paid, you may have a
capital GAIN, not a loss, as far as the IRS is concerned. The reason is
that you had the use of the asset for a period of time. There are tax
schedules for depreciation, and your gain or loss is
(Proceeds of Sale) minus (Purchase price minus depreciation)
I am not a tax practitioner, and I don't know whether this particular
sale would be taxable even if you had a gain, and of course I don't know
whether you're subject to US taxes. But if the sale _is_ taxable where
you are, you'll need to find out the rules and compute what you owe.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-06-27 16:01, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> A friend and I bought a golf cart, each paying 1/2 of the price.
> Some years later, we sold that golf cart (for less than we paid, splitting
> what we got).
> How should all of that be recorded?
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Re: [GNC] Printing Chart of Accounts WITHOUT balances

2022-07-01 Thread Stan Brown
Re-sending to the list this time.

Somebody remind me why the list manager program doesn't set reply-to to
the list? :-)

Thank you, David.

Could you (or someone) enter a bug, please? (Accounts Summary report
displays account balances though that option is deselected in Report

I tried to enter it, but GnuCash Bugzilla rejected my login credentials
for some reason. And in any case, I wouldn't be able to attest from my
own knowledge that the bug still exists in the current version.

Yes, I have exported the report to HTML, opened it in Excel, deleted the
unwanted columns, and so forth. But that's kind of a pain, and if the
option is in the GUI it really ought to be honored.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-06-30 14:30, David H wrote:
> Stan,
> If it's available in 2.6.19 you could try File >> Export >> Export
> Account tree to CSV as a work around.  Then open in your spreadsheet
> program, remove columns (balances not included) you don't want and print
> from there ?
> Cheers David H.
> On Fri, 1 Jul 2022 at 06:58, Stan Brown  <mailto:the_stan_br...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
> I have GC 2.6.19 in Widows 10. I'm attempting to print a chart of
> accounts, showing account code and account title. I'm using the Account
> Summary report, because there does not seem to be a Cart of Accounts
> report. But I don't want account balances to show on this report.
> In report options, there's a tick box for Account Balance, and I have
> unticked it. I click on Apply to rewrite the report, but the account
> balances still appear.
> I'm attaching my selected report options. (I have not changed anything
> on the Commodities tab, because I don't have any commodity accounts.)
> I know I'm using an old version, so maybe GC 2.6.19 just has a bug that
> causes it to display account balances even though they're un-requested.
> But also I wonder if some option I selected has the side effect of
> showing balances. (On the Display tab, I did try changing Parent Account
> Balances to "Do not show". That suppressed the parent account balances,
> but all the other accounts showed balances.)
> Is there something I can do to get a chart of accounts without balances,
> apart from exporting HTML and hand editing? Thanks!
> -- 
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com
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Re: [GNC] Printing Chart of Accounts WITHOUT balances

2022-07-01 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-07-01 18:30, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> I remember this bug. I submitted it. As noted in the bug, I found problems 
> with the option, but was informed that it was behaving as expected. I didn't 
> agree, but never could determine how it actually was behaving in order to 
> explain how it ought to behave instead. That's why I marked it NOTABUG.
> As noted there, I found that certain selected balances disappeared, but not 
> all of them. Perhaps someone could better describe the behavior.

Thanks for the historical information. David.

I know everyone coding GnuCash is a volunteer, but I really, really,
REALLY don't understand how anyone can call this "not a bug". It seems
crystal clear to me: The option on the Display tab says "Account
Balance", I remove the tick mark, and it still shows account balances.
How can anyone _possibly_ say that is not a bug? Whether it leaves all
account balances visible, or only some of them, it's still not doing
what the option says.

If the intent was to have unticking this option suppress only _some_
balances -- and I must say that I cannot conceive how that might be
useful -- there is still a bug because the GUI text does not describe
what the option is actually intended to so.

In software, "software performance doesn't match GUI options" is a
common class of bug. "Well, the software does what I intended for it to
do, so there's no bug even though the GUI doesn't describe the behavior
correctly" seems like merest sophistry to me.

That said, the programmers are going to do what they're going to do, so
I won't post on this point again.

Stan Brown

Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] Terminology for Non-profits

2022-07-05 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-07-04 16:33, Paul Kroitor wrote:
> Most of the entities we use GnuCash for are non-profits, and here (at least)
> non-profits don't have "Equity". They have "Net Assets", which is the same
> thing but doesn't imply there are owners behind the internal value to the
> operation.
> The upshot is that every report we produce that shows Equity must be printed
> to a file, massaged to replace Equity with Net Assets, and printed again. 
> This is a longshot, but is there any way to have all the reports tweaked to
> do this once and for all? Ideally, something in the Book options (ie
> Properties menu) as not all the sets of books here are non-profits.

1. Bring up your Balance Sheet report.
2. Click Options (or Edit » Report Options).
3. Select the General tab.
4. Change Report Title to Net Assets. This is the one that appears in
the report.
5. Change Report name to anything you wish, though Net Assets is
probably easiest.
6. Look at all the tabs and change any other options you wish.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Save Report Configuration. A window will open showing the
Report name from step 5. Click Close to save this report configuration.

In future, click Reports » Saved Report Configurations and then click
the green dot to the right of your Net Assets report.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Blue line in checking account register window

2022-07-09 Thread Stan Brown
Hi, Barry!  Welcome to GnuCash!

On 2022-07-09 12:33, Barry G. Hall wrote:
> I am running GnuCash 4.6 on a 2011 iMac running OSX 10.14.6 and having 64 GB 
> of RAM
> My checking account register window looks like this

For the mailing list, you need to _attach_ an image, not _embed_ it.

In this particular case your description was enough for everyone to know
what you were seeing, but bear it in ind for the future: attach, don't
> Notice the bright blue line above the last 3 transactions.
> What is that line and how to I get rid of it?

The line represents the border between present and future. To get rid of
it, you have three options:

a. Examine the dates carefully, and correct them if they are not correct.

b. If the dates _are_correct -- if you really intended to enter future
transactions(*) -- then each transaction will move above the blue line
automatically when its date is reached. The blue line disappears when
there are no future-dated transactions.

c. (For the sake of completeness) Invent a time machine, jump forward
past the dates of the under-the-blue-line transactions, sync your
computer top a time source, and run GnuCash.

> When I enter a new transaction it appears immediately ABOVE that blue line, 
> and the balance is based only on the entries above that line. 

Yews, when you commit a transaction by pressing Enter, the transaction
automatically moves to its proper place based on the Date (and on Num
within date, if you use the Num column).

If you want to enter future transactions but not have them appear in any
register till their actual date -- for instance, you've set up your
credit card for automatic payments, so you get notice weeks in advance
that there will be a withdrawal from your checking account -- you can
enter a scheduled transaction (in the Actions menu).

Stan Brown

Tehachapi, CA, USA

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[GNC] Hidden accounts still visible

2022-07-20 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-07-19 23:40, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> If you set an account to Hidden, it will be... hidden in the chart of 
> accounts. 

That seems logical, but it doesn't work that way for me in 2.6.19. I
just checked, and all my hidden accounts still show in the Accounts
panel. They also show up if I click the drop-down arrow in a register
while entering a new transaction.

Is there some preference I need to set to make "Hidden" mean hidden?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Hidden accounts still visible

2022-07-20 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-07-20 06:57, David T. wrote:
> You have set your view preferences to display hidden accounts.
> View->Filter by {Other tab} Show hidden accounts

Ah, that was it!  Thanks, David!

> To hide an account in the drop down list, set the account to Placeholder.
> On July 20, 2022 4:03:40 PM GMT+03:00, Stan Brown
>  wrote:
> On 2022-07-19 23:40, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> If you set an account to Hidden, it will be... hidden in the
> chart of accounts.
> That seems logical, but it doesn't work that way for me in 2.6.19. I
> just checked, and all my hidden accounts still show in the Accounts
> panel. They also show up if I click the drop-down arrow in a register
> while entering a new transaction.
> Is there some preference I need to set to make "Hidden" mean hidden?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Find

2022-07-31 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-07-29 13:15, Diehard Bond via gnucash-user wrote:
> What version of GnuCash and on what operating system?
> I am using Gnucash 11.1 on Mac OS13
> The account does appear I the account Tree but it was quicker to find it 
> using the Find Account feature.
> Another option is *from the Accounts tab* use Edit >Find (the plain one, not 
> Find Account) to search for transactions.

If you are anywhere in the account tree on the Accounts tab and just
start typing, it will take you to the matching account.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Find

2022-07-31 Thread Stan Brown
> On 7/31/22 7:51 AM, Stan Brown wrote:
>> If you are anywhere in the account tree on the Accounts tab and just
>> start typing, it will take you to the matching account.

On 2022-07-31 12:19, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> That only works for me if that part of the tree is already expanded. I
> tested this myself before sending my initial reply because it was my
> first thought to try.

Thanks for the information. My accounts list is fully expanded, so I
didn't realize that made a difference.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Request for two new features in GnuCash

2022-08-07 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-08-07 00:44, flywire wrote:
> More cat skinning:
>> * the ability to have two separate (at least) GnuCash file systems:
> *
> In Windows (or probably any GUI) double-click file in data folder and it
> will use file association to open the file (in GnuCash).
> Alternatively, for each file: right-click file, create a shortcut, drag
> shortcut to desktop. Same as above from desktop.

>From desktop _or_ Start Menu, as a matter of fact. I choose the latter,
because I like to keep my desktop clean.

Buy there's another option, that I don't think I've seen posted yet.

The OP is presumably using those "multiple file systems" to keep books
on different entities. The user should give the files different names
even though storing them in different locations.

Then, if the user forgets to use the shortcuts you suggested, or just
doesn't like the shortcut idea, they can simply open GnuCash from the
regular program icon. GC will automatically open the last file the user
was working on. If that's the "wrong" one, click File and the last N
files worked on will appear in the menu; just select the appropriate one.

Unlike most Windows programs, GC doesn't show you the location of each
file, only its name. (At least that's true in the version I'm running.)
That's why it's important to give the data files different names even if
they're in different folders .

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Order of accounts, auto numbering transactions.

2022-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-08-09 00:55, John C Simpson via gnucash-user wrote:

> How do I set up my accounts in an order that I prefer rather than 
> alphabetical?

Use the Account Codes.  All reports (at least all the ones I use) will
be sorted by Account Code.

A recommendation I adopted from this list was to use four digit numbers.

The first digit is 1/2/3/4/5 for

The second, third, and fourth digits allow for three levels of accounts,
which I think is plenty, but there's nothing stopping you from having
two levels or four levels or even just one level. (Reports seem to
default to showing no more than three levels, so you'd need to change
that in Edit » Report Options.)

This may be different in more recent versions, but I've found that the
drop-down accounts list when I'm entering a transaction is still
alphabetical and does not follow account codes. However, when I type the
first few letters of the desired account name, GC auto-fills the full
name. You can also type the Account Code and GC will convert it to
account name as soon as you press Tab or Enter.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Order of accounts, auto numbering transactions.

2022-08-09 Thread Stan Brown

On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 11:31 AM UTC -800, Stan Brown wrote:> This
may be different in more recent versions, but I've found that
> the drop-down accounts list when I'm entering a transaction is still 
> alphabetical and does not follow [i.e. not in the order of] account
> codes. However, when I type the first few letters of the desired
> account name, GC auto-fills the full name.
On 2022-08-09 13:04, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> Stan,
> Just wanted to let you know that you don't even have to type the first
> few letters, any part of the account name will do, GNC will find the
> account name.

Not for me. I have an account called "AP Bank of America Visa", and no
other accounts with "America" in their names. When entering a
transaction, nothing happens if I type America in the account field,
until I press Tab. At that point the popup asks me if I want to create
the account America.

I thought maybe you might have been talking about accounts in the
Accounts tab. But there again, initial characters jump to the account,
but typing America does nothing.

I have GC 2.6.19. Which version do you have?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Order of accounts, auto numbering transactions.

2022-08-09 Thread Stan Brown
Actually there's a preference setting so that I need type only a few
characters of the account name, ignoring higher levels.

I believe it's associated with Register Defaults » Only display leaf
account names.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-08-09 15:48, David Carlson wrote:
> Version 2.6.19 only works the old way where you need to type a few
> characters of each level starting at the top.  You need at least 3.x to
> get the better autofill in the account field. 
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2022, 5:36 PM Stan Brown  <mailto:the_stan_br...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 11:31 AM UTC -800, Stan Brown wrote:> This
> may be different in more recent versions, but I've found that
> > the drop-down accounts list when I'm entering a transaction is still
> > alphabetical and does not follow [i.e. not in the order of] account
> > codes. However, when I type the first few letters of the desired
> > account name, GC auto-fills the full name.
> On 2022-08-09 13:04, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> > Stan,
> > Just wanted to let you know that you don't even have to type the first
> > few letters, any part of the account name will do, GNC will find the
> > account name.
> Not for me. I have an account called "AP Bank of America Visa", and no
> other accounts with "America" in their names. When entering a
> transaction, nothing happens if I type America in the account field,
> until I press Tab. At that point the popup asks me if I want to create
> the account America.
> I thought maybe you might have been talking about accounts in the
> Accounts tab. But there again, initial characters jump to the account,
> but typing America does nothing.
> I have GC 2.6.19. Which version do you have?
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com <https://BrownMath.com>
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Confusing and inconsistent headers in transaction entry and report forms

2022-08-16 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-08-16 15:23, David Cousens wrote:
> It may help if you can list the options you have selected in each tab of the
> Report Options dialogue to see if we can define the conditions that are
> producing your result.

Not just those, but also Edit » Preferences » Accounts » Reverse
Balanced Accounts. I have a hunch that setting may be interacting with
something else, but my version of GC is old enough that any tests I
might do would probably not be relevant.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Copy/Paste Transaction Issue

2022-08-18 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-08-18 09:12, Jack Slater wrote:
> When I tried to Copy a transaction from an account named Checking and Paste
> to the same account at a later date, the debit amount in the original
> Withdrawal column did not appear in the pasted transaction but the credit
> amount showed up in the Deposit column??
> I've copy/pasted transactions before and never noticed the problem.

Just a thought:

You might have better luck right-clicking on the transaction and
selecting Duplicate Transaction. That has always duplicated the entire
transaction for me, and it might even require fewer mouse clicks than

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Copy/Paste Transaction Issue

2022-08-18 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-08-18 10:49, Jack Slater wrote:
> I'm sure - it's hard for me to keep track too! Using my terms credit and
> debit and then the column heading names from GC

You might want to go into Edit » Preferences » Accounts and tick "Use
formal accounting labels". Like you, I find "Debit" and "Credit" easier
to understand than the "friendly" labels GC uses by default.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Copy/Paste Transaction Issue

2022-08-18 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-08-18 23:06, Gyle McCollam wrote:
> Just wanted to mention that if you post to cash ledger and meant to
> post to a card, instead of cutting and pasting, in the cash ledger, you
> could click on the transaction and then the split icon.  Then click on
> the line for the cash ledger.  You will then have the down arrow for the
> account selection.  You can then select the appropriate card account and
> it will move the transaction and your debits and credits will be
> correct.  This may sound more involved, but it is a lot easier than it
> sounds and you don't have to move between accounts when cutting and pasting.

This is what I do too, whenever I have a transaction in  the "wrong"

Just like when entering a new transaction, you can use the drop-down
account list _or_ you can just type the account code, or the first few
characters of the account name. Those of us who prefer using the mouse
and those who prefer the keyboard are both accommodated. :-)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Can someone tell me how A-L=Eq+(I-Ex) is correct?

2022-08-29 Thread Stan Brown
I agree with what Michael or Penny wrote, but I'm going to post anyway
because seeing it described in slightly different ways may be helpful
for the original questioner.

On 2022-08-28 15:38, W. Neal Lewis wrote:
> However, although (A+L)=Eq, (A+L)≠Eq+(I+Ex). I have added a term to the
> right side that is most decidedly not on the left ∴ they cannot be equal.
> ∴ A and L must be terms that include other factors.

First off, it's assets MINUS Liabilities, not plus, and the same for
Expenses. If you have a $500,000 house and a mortgage balance of
$150,000, with no other assets or liabilities. your net worth (Equity)
is not $500,000+150,000 = $650,000; it's $500,000-150,000 = $350,000.

Secondly, your two equations assume different conditions. The more
general equation
Assets - Liabilities = Equity + Income - Expenses
is always valid, so that's probably the one to think about until it's
second nature.

But what happens if(*) you "close the books"? This means to total up the
year's or month's income and expenses, post the total net income or net
loss into an Equity account such as Retained Earnings, and zero out all
the income and expense accounts. GnuCash has a menu item to perform this
closing for you. Since all income accounts and all expense accounts have
zero balances right after closing the books, the general equation
reduces to
Assets - Liabilities = Equity

(*) I say _if_ you close them, because there's no requirement to do so
in GnuCash. Some people including me like a fresh start each year;
others don't.

But that shorter equation is always valid, even when there are nonzero
income and expense account balances, if you interpret "Equity" in a more
general way. GnuCash actually does this for you when you run a balance
It adds up all income account balances and subtracts all expense
account balances, obtaining your net income or net loss to date. That
total is shown in the Equity section of the balance sheet as Retained
GnuCash doesn't change any account balances, and the computed
Retained Earnings don't get posted to any actual account in your
database; it's purely a rollup of the income and expense balances rather
than showing them individually on the balance sheet. If we interpret
Equity as "all equity accounts plus the net income (or minus the next
expense) since the books were last closed",(**) then once again you have
Assets - Liabilities = Equity

(**) This might seem like cheating, but it's not. All income and expense
amounts are logically part of your net worth, as the following example
will show.

Suppose you have earned $90K salary so far this year and spent $76 K of
it in food, clothes, and so forth. You still have a $500 K house with
$150 K mortgage.

Assets: $514 K ($500 K house, plus the $14K part of your salary that's
still in your in a bank account)
Liabilities: $150 K (mortgage balance)
Equity: $365 K (The $350 equity in your house, plus your $90 K in salary
income, minus your $76 K in expenses)

Once again, Assets - Liabilities = Equity: $514 K - $150 K = $364 K.

Suppose you want a balance sheet that doesn't roll net income or expense
into Retained Earnings, but shows the individual account balances? That
is called a Trial Balance, and GnuCash can create such a report for you.
Or of course you can run a Balance Sheet for the desired date and an
Income Statement (Profit and Loss statement) for the period starting the
day after the books were closed and ending the date of the Balance Sheet.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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[GNC] Best practices for mailing list

2022-08-31 Thread Stan Brown
Please help to keep the mailing list useful.

1. If you're starting a new topic, just start it. Don't quote anything.

2. If you're answering a question or commenting on something somebody
wrote, trim away _everything_ except what you're responding to, and the
line that says who write it. Never quote a whole issue of the digest.

3. Always use helpful and specific subject lines, not something like
"gnucash-user Digest, Vol 233, Issue 90".


Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-08-31 10:43, James Baxter via gnucash-user wrote:
>  Gnucash to do with buying stocks
> Ok, So stocks are called tickers. (I Think) So when enter tthem into Gnucash. 
> when the cost or price goes up. Does this happen with them on Gnucash.
> If so, How do you place it on the srceen. I have been reading about them of 
> this. but I don't see how this happens.
> thanksJames baxterkangaro...@yahoo.com

(155 completely irrelevant lines trimmed)
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[GNC] Mailing list options (was Re: gnucash-user Digest, Vol 233, Issue 90)

2022-08-31 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-08-31 15:15, Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> Robert, I am not interested in any of the business accounting or
> stock accounting questions. I followed your instructions to change my
> options which were already set as you suggested.  However, I was
> unable to find a list of topics to limit what I will receive, or a way
> to enter said topics once I find the list.

Please don't use the digest title as a subject line.

The mailing list doesn't offer that kind of granularity, Phyllis. (It's
pretty standard 1980s or 1990s vintage mailing list software, from what
I can tell.) There couldn't be "a list of topics to limit what I will
receive", because there's no way to predict what subject lines people
will use -- also, of course, because unfortunately a lot of people use
the digest title as a subject line, so there's no way to know what's in
the message without reading it.

If you set digest off, each message will be separate, and your own mail
program will probably let you filter out threads you don't want to see.

This kind of filtering would be child's play in Usenet. I've never
understood the objections to that approach, but they exist so I'm not
attempting to reopen the question here.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] Saved Reports Location Question

2022-09-05 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-09-05 15:26, butterands...@gmail.com wrote:
> On the "new" laptop it is looking for the saved reports in
> c:\users\butte\Appdata\Roaming\Gnucash.  I want it to look in
> c:\users\butte\Dropbox\Gnucash where the current Gnucash data file
> resides.  Can someone give me a clue how I redirect it?


Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Pre-Payments into Liabilities

2022-09-11 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-09-11 15:51, Vance Turnewitsch via gnucash-user wrote:
> I use GnuCash for a small school. One of our parents paid their entire 
> tuition amount at the beginning of the year. I have been fiddling with how to 
> record this.
> We bill monthly; therefore, for the payment that doesn't have a receivable 
> yet, shouldn't it go into a liability account? Using the "Process Payment" 
> dialog results in an accounts receivable with a negative balance. This seems 
> odd to me, but it has been some time since I took accounting. In GnuCash's 
> system, is an accounts receivable with a negative balance akin to a liability?

Hi, Vance!

A useful way to answer questions like this is to ask yourself, "What
would I do if I were doing all my bookkeeping with pen and ink in one of
those huge ledger books?" Once you've answered that question, you can
then take up the question of "How would I accomplish that in Gnucash?"
but usually once you answer the first question then the second one is

Have you ever overpaid a bill? The next month they send you a statement
showing a negative balance, right? I see no reason why you couldn't have
a negative balance in an account receivable. (Your bill is a liability
to you, but it's a receivable to your supplier, and they don't have a
problem with a negative receivable.) And one benefit of Keeping
everything in a normal receivable account is that when you accrue the
tuition for all the students, you don't have to do anything different
for _this_ student: the tuition will simply reduce the negative amount.

On the other hand, I would not create a liability account because (1)
you are then treating this student's accounting differently from every
other student's, both when recording this prepayment _and_ when
recording tuition accrued; and (2) liability accounts are almost always
for things you expect to have to pay off eventually.

That's how I would treat this transaction. I'm not an accountant. But I
suspect pretty strongly that nobody will give you any grief about which
way you handle it, as long as any reports or statements of parent
account that you generate make sense.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] End of year for taxes

2022-09-21 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-09-21 07:10, Richard Barmann wrote:
> After having covid and spending 4 months in a nursing home I have
> forgotten how to pull up the last year to do my taxes. It seems to have
> wiped my mind clear of how to proceed.  I nave to do the last taxes and
> then close the business as I am in a wheelchair and can no longer carry on.

Not sure what you mean by "pull up the last year". If you mean to make
reports for last year, then

1. Open the report.
2. Click Edit » Report Options.
3. On the General tab, select the period or date for your report.
4. Make any other necessary changes to options.
5. Click Apply.

If you mean account registers for last year, just scroll in the register
for older data, or use View » Filter By to filter by date.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] rounding of Invoice vs Accounts Receivable

2022-10-17 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-10-17 08:03, gnuc...@boeziek.nl wrote:
> I created a Sales Tax Table entry of 20%.
> When I create an Invoice of EUR 109,95 with tax included and select my Tax 
> table, GNUCash calculates EUR 18,33 tax and EUR 91,63 in net revenue.
> My Accounts Receivable however will not increase by EUR 109,95 but by 109,96. 
> So 1 cent difference. (the precise amounts are: sales is EUR 91,625 and tax 
> EUR 18,325 and thus both are rounded up)
> Is there a way to have the tax rounded down (by 0,5cent) so that the total 
> stays EUR 109,95?
> I really prefer to have accounts being 0 at the end of a period, instead of 
> all these loose cents adding up (makes reconciliation harder).

You may be able to force it; I can't speak to that because I've never
used reconciliation _or_ tax tables in GC. But as a matter of
mathematics, the process of starting from price including tax, then
computing tax and net, will inevitably yield cases like this one where
it is impossible to get a self-consistent result. Let me explain...

Given: Gross amount 109,95 including 20% tax on the net.
Tax = 109,95 * 0,20/1,20 = 18,325 --> 18,33
Net = 109,95 * 1,00/1,20 = 91,625 --> 91,63 or 109,95 - 18,325 --> 91,63
(I don't know which one GnuCash did, but it was almost certainly one of
those two.)
As you said, tax + net =/= gross: 18,33 + 91,63 = 109,96 =/= 109,95

The "obvious" solution is to subtract _after_ rounding:
net = gross - tax = 109,95 - 18,33 = 91,62. However, the obvious
solution is wrong (which is why I used sneer quotes). 20% of 91,62 is
18,324 --> 18,32 not 18,33, which means the total should be 109,94!

And whether you allocate the odd cent to tax or to net, you still have
an inconsistency. (If you make the net 91,63, then tax is 18,326 -->
18,33 and the gross sale amount is 109,96.)

Is it necessary, as a mater of regulation or of business practice, to
start with an amount including tax and work backward in this fashion? If
you do, such anomalies are going to arise from time to time, depending
on the numbers involved.

This problem vanishes if you start with the net amount, compute the tax,
and add the two to come up with the amount billed. That is the practice
here in the US, but I don't have any idea of whether the EU requires the
practice you described. If that is indeed required in the EU, there must
be a standard way of handling these one-cent differences, because you
are surely not the first vendor to run up against them. Hopefully one of
our European colleagues on the list will shed some light.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] rounding of Invoice vs Accounts Receivable

2022-10-17 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-10-17 09:53, gnuc...@boeziek.nl wrote:
> Thank you Stan,
> Indeed inside EU it is compulsory to advertise pricing including VAT. So I 
> have to work backwards.

Ah -- I'm guessing that's because VAT is imposed at several stages
between raw material and final sale? Here in the US, as you may know, we
have sales tax (different in every state, and in subdivisions of many
states), but it is paid only by the final consumer.

> It would be great if GnuCash will either (1) allow you to edit the tax
> or revenue amount in Invoice or (2) remove the odd-cent from the
> “largest” amount (percentage wise will be the smallest deviation), in
> this case the net revenue.

That seems like a reasonable enhancement request, but hopefully someone
will jump in to tell us how it can already be done in GC.

I'll mention in passing that I _wish_ it were compulsory here to
advertise the actual total price including sales tax and other taxes.
That is usual for gasoline (petrol) here in the US, but as industry
practice rather than by regulation. However, just about every other
product is advertised with a base price excluding sales tax. To make it
worse, many products -- air fares, hotel rates, and cable, Internet, and
telephone, to name just a few -- advertise an attractive low price but
then charge "fees" that add a substantial increment to the advertised
price. Such deceptive practice is unfortunately quite legal here in
California, and in every other state as far as I'm aware.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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[GNC] Valuation of multi-currency accounts

2022-10-20 Thread Stan Brown
Just a reminder to all ... PLEASE don't use non-descriptive subject
lines of the form GnuCash-user Digest Vol XXX Issue XX. If a newbie does
it, please change the subject line to something more helpful when
replying.  Thanks!

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-10-20 15:29, flywire wrote:
>> * - BUT: For income and expense accounts, multi-currency accounts seem to be
> *>* a total disaster. Why? Because all PAST transactions on both income and
> *>* expense accounts will be valued at the CURRENT exchange rates.*
> Simply recording value in local currency works for me. You can add a
> note/memo with original currency if required but I don't bother now.
> If conversion happens at a different date then a transaction is
> required for that date.
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Re: [GNC] Tracking Travel expenses

2022-11-14 Thread Stan Brown
Hi, Esteban!

I assume these travel expenses are going to be reimbursed by your
employer. In effect, you're making a loan to your employer, which
creates an account receivable. This is an asset account, not an expense,
so it is kept completely separate from your own expenses.

The simplest solution is to set up an account receivable,
"Assets:Accounts Receivable:Due from Employer" or similar.(*) Then when
you buy let's say airline tickets for an employer-required trip,
Debit: Due from Employer
Credit:(whichever credit card you used
When your employer reimburses you, it's
Debit: Cash and Checking Accounts
Credit:Due from Employer

(*) If you don't have any other accounts receivable, you can skip the
intermediate level and just create Assets:Due from Employer.

I assume your employer has some sort of form that you fill out for
reimbursement. While you _could_ complicate the above scheme to generate
reports for that form, in my opinion it's less work overall to just
write the expenses on your employer's form when they happen, and
separately record them in GC.

Where the simple scheme above will definitely help is at income tax
time. You'll be able to show that X amount of money received from your
employer was a non-taxable reimbursement for expenses, not a taxable
payment of salary.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-11-14 12:08, Esteban Maringolo wrote:
> What is the recommended account setup and procedure to track
> travel expenses (and refund of these) when I use my personal accounts
> (cash/credit card) to pay these?
> I don't want the travel expenses to mix with my regular "monthly" expenses,
> although I'd like to split them into different categories (food, gas,
> hotel, etc.).

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Re: [GNC] Tracking Travel expenses

2022-11-14 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-11-14 14:36, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> Yes would be under assets. But we are discussing personal books, not
> books of a business (accrual basis so can use business features like
> invoicing). Probably no "accounts receivable".

You do not need to issue invoices or use other business features to have
accounts receivable. I recorded my employer expense account as an
account receivable in my personal books, and it worked just fine.

You will note that I did however specifically make the point that the OP
could skip the "Accounts Receivable" name and level and just make the
expense account a top-level asset if he wished. (I _did_ use the name
and level Accounts Receivable, since I also had other amounts owing to
me, such as health insurance reimbursements and various merchandise

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Tracking Travel expenses

2022-11-14 Thread Stan Brown
Thank you!

I don't know how to update documentation, and don't have time to learn
just now. But if you'd like to use what I wrote for that purpose
(possibly modified), you have my blessing.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-11-14 14:56, flywire wrote:
> https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2022-November/103481.html
> Stan, that's well explained and tracking travel expenses is a common enough
> situation that would be a worthwhile example in the documentation. A brief
> explanation of the accounting makes all the difference.
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Re: [GNC] Tracking Travel expenses

2022-11-15 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-11-15 00:28, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> Note that both the A:AR:ToBeReimbursed and A:AR:Other accounts are of
> type "Bank", not of type A/R, since I'm not using the business
> features with those accounts.

Out of curiosity -- My AR accounts are just of type Asset. What was your
reason for choosing Bank type? I wonder if I missed something.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] General journal report: limit to a period of time

2022-11-16 Thread Stan Brown
The reports that I've used have a report option (Edit » Report Options)
to hyperlink or not. I'm surprised the Account Report does not.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-11-16 10:44, Murugan Muruganandam wrote:
> hi Brook
> you can disable the hyperlink from Edit->StyleSheets and edit the default .  
> use the following link to disable the links 🙂
> https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v4/C/gnucash-help/change-style.html
> 10.4. Changing Style Sheets - 
> GnuCash<https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v4/C/gnucash-help/change-style.html>
> To add a new Style Sheet click the New... button in the Style Sheet pane. The 
> New Style Sheet dialog will appear. Fill in the name field with the name of 
> the new Style Sheet and choose a template. To remove a Style Sheet select the 
> Style Sheet from the list and click Delete.
> www.gnucash.org
> Saludos Cordiales
> Murugan
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Re: [GNC] can't find gnucash on my computer

2022-11-20 Thread Stan Brown
It's a while since I installed GnuCash on Windows 7, but I think I
remember that the installation doesn't create an icon. (Or it does
create one, but only if that option is checked during the install, and
you didn't do that.)

Did you receive any error messages during installation? I'm assuming no,
but if you did then please tell us what they were.

If you received no errors, go to Control Panel » Programs and Features
and verify that GnuCash is in the list of installed programs. If it's
not, then reinstall GnuCash and watch carefully for any options during

If GnuCash is in the Programs and Features list, then you probably need
to create an icon yourself.

1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash. (If that doesn't exist, go to
C:\Program Files\GnuCash.) Double-click the "bin" folder.

2. In the file list, locate GnuCash.exe. If you don't see it, but see
one or more files called GnuCash, identify the one that has type

3. Right-click that file, and drag it to an empty spot on the desktop.
When you release the right-hand mouse button, select Create Shortcut
Here in the menu that pops up.

4. If you just want a desktop icon, you're done. Move it to wherever you
want it on the desktop.

5. If you want an entry in the Start Menu, copy this exact text with
Ctrl+C and then paste it into Explorer's location bar with Ctrl+V:
%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

6. That opens your Start Menu in a File Explorer view. Move or copy the
icon from your desktop to wherever you want it in your Start Menu.

The change in the menu should be effective immediately, but worst case
is you'd need to log off and log on again.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-11-20 12:00, Sally Abrams via gnucash-user wrote:
> I’m using windows 7.  I downloaded the one they said was for windows 7-10. 
> 3.11.  Thanks for any help. 
>> On Nov 20, 2022, at 11:46 AM, Stephen M. Butler 
>>  wrote:
>> What O/S?  Windows, Mac, Linux (flavor)?  Which version of O/S?
>> Which version of GnuCash did you download?
>>> On 11/20/22 11:29, Sally Abrams via gnucash-user wrote:
>>> I downloaded gnucash.  Ran the set up, even tried restarting my computer 
>>> but no icon and when I search my computer only the setup file shows up.  
>>> Its not showing up in programs.  When I ran set up again, it told me 
>>> program was on my computer and it uninstalled it so it could reinstall it 
>>> but my computer still can't find it.  i'm on windows 7.  I'm planning on 
>>> upgrading my computer but first want to move my data from quicken to 
>>> gnucash.  thanks for any help.
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Re: [GNC] Should one use Accounts Payable if a vendor is paid immediately ?

2022-11-27 Thread Stan Brown
What David says is true.

However, if you create two transactions:
  Debit to Expense:something
  Credit to AP:this vendor
  Debit to AP:this vendor
  Credit to Assets:Cash or bank account
then the vendor's account will show the whole history of your purchases
from that vendor.

I think either way is valid from a strictly accounting standpoint. The
choice comes down to what reporting you think you might want later.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-11-27 12:43, David Cousens wrote:
> If you receive payment immediately all you need is to create a transaction
> debiting your relevant bank account and crediting the appropriate income
> account. If there is some external record you can use the ability to associate
> an image file of it with the transaction.  Similarly if you pay a vendor
> immediately you can simply create a transaction crediting your bank account 
> and
> debiting the appropriate expense account and associate an image of the receipt
> with the transaction.
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Re: [GNC] Should one use Accounts Payable if a vendor is paid immediately ?

2022-11-27 Thread Stan Brown
It may be a failure of imagination on my part, but every way I can think
of to report a combination of transactions, some of which are in a
particular account and some of which are not, is a lot more work than
just having the desired transactions in the account in the first place.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-11-27 14:43, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Nov 2022 at 20:57, Stan Brown  <mailto:the_stan_br...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
> What David says is true.
> However, if you create two transactions:
>       Debit to Expense:something
>       Credit to AP:this vendor
> and
>       Debit to AP:this vendor
>       Credit to Assets:Cash or bank account
> then the vendor's account will show the whole history of your purchases
> from that vendor.
> I think either way is valid from a strictly accounting standpoint. The
> choice comes down to what reporting you think you might want later.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com <https://BrownMath.com>
> Being able to see all transactions from a vendor would be nice. Can I
> only get that if I post a bill, then pay it?
> Dave 
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Re: [GNC] Should one use Accounts Payable if a vendor is paid immediately ?

2022-11-27 Thread Stan Brown
I'm not comfortable with "best", because it depends on what reports you
want ultimately. But the two transactions I gave in my earlier mail
preserve maximum flexibility, and for that reason I personally do it
that way.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-11-27 16:32, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Nov 2022 at 00:05, Stan Brown  <mailto:the_stan_br...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
> It may be a failure of imagination on my part, but every way I can think
> of to report a combination of transactions, some of which are in a
> particular account and some of which are not, is a lot more work than
> just having the desired transactions in the account in the first place.
> So I think you are suggesting that posting a bill and immediately paying
> is probably best. Have I understand you correctly?
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Re: [GNC] Should one use Accounts Payable if a vendor is paid immediately ?

2022-11-28 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-11-27 19:37, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Personally, I use the Description field for *all* of my transactions as
> a Payor/Payee line. Actual descriptive info I put in the Notes and/or
> Memo fields.
> In that case, I can simply run a Transaction Report filtered on the name
> of the Payor/Payee and see the desired activity.

The trouble with that is that the text fields aren't validated. It's
fine if you never, ever, make a typo; but I'm not perfect. If I make a
typo in an account name, I know it immediately and can fix it. But if I
mistype "Some Vendor" as "SomeVendor" or "Some Vendoir" I may not
notice, and then any report that filters on Description will be incomplete.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Can I add to Equity?

2022-12-02 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-02 07:21, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:

> So my GUESS is you are asking us, what should be the other side of the
> transaction that enters this amount? << again, this is not really a
> gnucash question since would be the same question no matter how the
> books were kept >>
> Personally, I'd probably use Imbalance as the most logical. After all,
> you are in effect telling us that by convention, books for a business
> entity in the UK start out out of balance by 1.

With respect, I think that's a dangerous suggestion.

Imbalance does not normally appear anywhere, or if it does it appears
with a balance of zero. When it appears with a nonzero balance, that is
very useful because it points out that there was an unbalanced
transaction someplace, which you need to find and fix. That's a very
useful indicator, not to be given up lightly.

It's the same principle as writing code -- if your code compiles with
any error messages at all, you don't say "oh, this one doesn't matter,"
even if that's true. You eliminate whatever the compiler didn't like.
Otherwise a time will come when that message _does_ matter, in the same
situation or a different one, and you'll have a bug in your program.

Much better, in my opinion, is to create a balanced transaction. If the
pound is actually paid in, the transaction would be a debit to Cash or
Bank and a credit to Share Capital. If the pound is completely
fictitious, the debit would be to an Expense account (which could also
be used for other expenses of setting up the business) and credit to
Share Capital.

(And I am astonished that Kirkby's accountant would suggest having
unbalanced books. As far as I know, double-entry bookkeeping is standard
accounting practice in the UK as well. Perhaps the accountant just
assumed that Kirkby knew that and would select the appropriate account
for the debit side of the transaction, or perhaps the accountant did
suggest an appropriate debit account but Kirkby didn't tell us about it.)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Colum headers missing on all accounts

2022-12-04 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-04 13:06, Scott Traurig wrote:
> GnuCash 4.12 on Windows 10 Pro.
> I was rearranging the sizes of the columns in one of the account
> ledgers and now both the Transfer and Reconcile ("R") column labels
> are gone.

As you might expect, yours is a Frequently Asked Question. You'll want
to bookmark the FAQ at

Your specific question is answered at
It tells you how to restore a disappeared column.

While you're at it, you might want to bookmark the documentation portal:

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Same security, two namespaces

2022-12-06 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-12-05 22:17, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> If you are searching for Accounts and not Transactions use Edit > Find
> Account.

Or, click into the list of account names and begin typing the name of
the one you're looking for. I've found that a huge timesaver versus
scrolling through a long list.

(And anyway, my version of GC doesn't have Edit » Find Account.)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] Missing transactions

2022-12-07 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-12-07 10:27, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Keep in mind that on the Mac, GnuCash will *ALWAYS* open the most recent
> file you had open the last time you used GnuCash.  If you double-click on
> a file, it WILL NOT open that file (unless it happens to be the last file
> you used).

For Windows users who may be wondering: Double-clicking a *.gnucash file
_does_ open GnuCash on that file, without paying any attention to the
most-recently-used list.

(I know this is a side issue to the OP's question, but I thought out of
all the Windows users I couldn't be the only one who was curious.)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] URGENT: Fake gnucash website with fake download, most likely compromised file

2022-12-09 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-09 16:02, Vincent Dawans wrote:
> You need to go to the main.php page link to see the fake site. Full link is
> https://gnu-cash.org/main.php or possibly  https://www.gnu-cash.org/main.php

With both of those I see a completely blank page, in the latest Chrome
on Windows 10.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Not exactly a new question. Am I introductory screwing up by entering 0 balances in accounts.

2022-12-17 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-12-17 02:35, Jeff wrote:
[Editorializing snipped. I understand your frustration, but venting it
here just makes your question obscure.]

> ... I'm entering 0
> dollars in accounts that I know that there is money flowing though them,
> I just do not know what the other account would be ...

> I have a debits that must go to multiple accounts.  Problem is, I will
> not know which accounts for several weeks ( which may be after 2022 tax
> time ...  Then you have to adjust
> your books accordingly, which violates our double entry journal system (
> it may create accounts or tree accounts that are unneeded but required
> by the IRS).

Adjustments do not violate double-entry bookkeeping. You debit the
account where the amount should have been posted and credit the same
amount in the account where it was actually posted. (Or vice versa,
depending on the transaction details.)

And the IRS does not require you to keep any particular accounts or
structure. Any records that are sufficient to let you file a correct tax
return are sufficient for the IRS. (Of course you will want to save
receipts, especially for unusual items.)

Your main questions don't seem like GnuCash questions, rather accounting
and tax questions. If you were keeping your books in paper ledgers, you
would have exactly the same issue. So the short answer is "do in GnuCash
whatever you would do in a paper ledger."

Given that it's now almost four months to tax time (or ten months with
the six-month extension you can get for the asking), it's hard for me to
understand how you will not known what goes where by tax time. If that's
truly the case, your situation is almost certainly so complicated that
free help would be insufficient and you'd need to consult a tax

> Should I wait until they decide or just use in-balance usd until they
> decide.  Hopefully before tax time.

Do you mean "Imbalance"? I wouldn't do that. Nonzero Imbalance is a red
flag that I made an error somewhere in entering transactions. By opening
the register for the Imbalance account and examining the transactions
involved, I can easily find and correct my error. If you get in the
habit of accepting a nonzero Imbalance account on purpose, you lose that
and sooner or later will overlook a non-deliberate error.

Instead, if you really don't know what accounts your debits should go
to, I suggest an asset or expense account called "Suspense" or similar
and putting the unknowns in there. Then, when you find out, you can made
adjusting entries (see my first paragraph).

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Roth IRA conversion

2022-12-19 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-12-18 19:20, Fred Tydeman wrote:
> For a USA person, when I move cash from a regular IRA (tax deferred
> account) to a Roth IRA (tax free account), besides the movement of the
> cash, I need to also somehow show that the cash moved is considered
> income.  What should be the other side of the income pair?

Fred, I agree with Michael that this is an accounting question, not a
GnuCash question. I'm not a tax professional, but being retired I've had
occasion to research the rules about IRAs so that I can estimate my
taxes. Therefore ...

It's income as far as the IRS is concerned, but it's not income in any
accounting sense. You don't own any more money or assets after the
rollover than you did before. In your place, I would record this and
only this:
DR: Assets:Roth IRA $x
CR: Assets:Traditional IRA $x (same amount)

Do you just ignore the tax liability on the rollover, for GnuCash
purposes? Maybe. It depends on whether you're accruing your taxes or
recording them only when paid or refunded.

I accrue, but I suspect that I'm in the minority as far as personal
finance is concerned. A spreadsheet estimates my tax, and at the end of
every month I make these entries:
DR: Expenses:Income Taxes
CR: Liabilities:Federal Income Tax
DR: Expenses:Income Taxes
CR: Liabilities:California Income Tax
The withdrawal from the traditional IRA would show up on my tax
spreadsheet, so this month I'd be accruing larger-than-usual amounts of
tax, but the _structure_ of the entries would be what it always is.

What if you don't accrue your income taxes, just account for them when
they are paid? Right now, you would record only the withdrawal from the
traditional IRA and investment in the Roth IRA. When you actually pay
your income tax, you would account for it in the same way you always
have. The number will just be higher this year because of the rollover
being taxable, but again the _structure_ of the entries will be what it
is every year.

P.S. Be careful about estimated taxes. Depending on the size of your
rollover and the context of the rest of your tax return, the tax you
have incurred from the rollover might be big enough that you need to
make an estimated payment by January 15th. See Form 2210 to determine
whether that's necessary and how much you must pay early. Especially if
you made the rollover late in the year, you may want to use the
annualization method on Form 2210 to eliminate or reduce the penalty.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Splitting a Transaction (SOLVED)

2022-12-19 Thread Stan Brown
Sorry, Maf -- I mistakenly clicked "Reply" instead of "Reply List".

On 2022-12-19 03:32, Maf. King wrote:
> Or just start typing the account name.
> older vesrsions of GC would need you to type something like Ex:P:Do

> (for Expenses:Pets:DogFood)
> more recent versions will cope with something like typing "Dog" at
least as
> many letters as are needed to identify the account.

I'm running 2.6.19, which certainly qualifies as an older version. 😄

But I have the behavior you describe for recent versions: I just type
Do, not Ex:P:Do.  I suspect it's because, in Preferences » Register
Defaults, I have ticked the box "Only display leaf account names".

I know there's a fair number of us who haven't upgraded, for one reason
or another, so I mention this in case it could save time for others.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Best practice to change name of GnuCash file ("book")?

2022-12-20 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-20 08:48, Michael Novack wrote:
> On 12/20/2022 10:22 AM, Eric Chapman wrote:
>> I named my file incorrectly. I guess in GnuCash the data file is
>> called a "book". I'm using .xml.
>> Should I export and import with a new name (as discussed here in issue
>> tracker: https://github.com/codinguser/gnucash-android/issues/634)? 
> 1) You do NOT have to anything so complicated to rename a file. Just do
> a file rename.

I agree wholeheartedly.

> 2) The file extension has to be correct ONLY if you intend to "click on
> object and expect the computer to select the application associated with
> objects of that type".

Maybe you missed a later email where the OP disclosed that this is a
Mac. From what people have posted here, on a Mac you cannot just
double-click a file and expect GnuCash to open it, as you can on Windows.

> 3) After renaming the file, gnucash will not know how to find it until
> you :"tell" gnucash the nae. In other words, you start gnucash and use
> file=>open and enter the path/name of the file as renamed (and possibly
> relocated)

Right. And this may be a good time to tell the OP that GnuCash remembers
the most-recently-used file, and the next time GnuCash is opened it
opens that file automatically, or attempts to.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Do I need to set up multiple bank accounts for different currencies?

2022-12-22 Thread Stan Brown
The Tutorial and Concepts Guide has a longish chapter on multiple
currencies. Was that not of help to you?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-12-22 07:56, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> My Bank is a UK bank, but I sometimes buy things in $HKD, and fairly
> regularly receive payments in USD and EUR in addition to the obvious GBP.
> Should I set up accounts like this? (American's call them checking
> accounts, but we don't here).
> Assets: Current Assets: Bank Account (GBP)
> Assets: Current Assets: Bank Account (USD)
> Assets: Current Assets: Bank Account (EUR)
> Assets: Current Assets: Bank Account (HKD)
> It's the one bank account - I don't have different account numbers for
> different currencies, and can't hold balances in anything other than GBP.
> I initially assumed I needed 4 accounts for 4 currencies, but now I'm
> wondering if I can avoid that complexity, given I can only have a balance
> in GBP.
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Re: [GNC] Improvement suggestion

2022-12-22 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-22 16:34, Daryl Hillgrove wrote:
> Can a simple backup function be added to gnucash?
> I am very concerned that if my computer fails I will lose all my data. I
> want to store the backup data to external storage such as a memory stick.

You say "simple", but it would be complex to create some backup software
that would do what you want but also do the many things that other
people want. And it would have to work on both Macs and Windows PCs,
which would be pretty hard.

This is why backup programs are a class by themselves -- different
people choose the one that suits their needs.

Your concern about losing your data if your computer crashes is quite
reasonable. But surely your GnuCash data file is not the only thing you
would hate to lose? If you're like most people, you have other precious
records on your computer. The best approach is to look at backup
programs and choose a good one, then let it back up your GnuCash data
among all your other data.

On the other hand, if truly the only thing you care about is backing up
your GnuCash data, surely it's pretty easy to plug in the USB stick,
open File Manager (or whatever the Mac calls it), and drag your GnuCash
data file to the USB stick.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Add top-level account for both Income (Revenue) and Expenses (Other [Non-Operating] Income And Expenses)

2022-12-25 Thread Stan Brown
The new top-level account is for _Non-Operating_ income and expenses. As
such, I would make it an equity account. I agree with you, though, that
it should definitely be a placeholder.

What I'm not clear on is why it must be a top-level account. To me it
sure looks like what we called Extraordinary Income (in the accounting
sense, where "Income" is the net of income and expenses) -- for
instance, the gain or loss if they sell a piece of equipment that they
no longer need. That could have the main Equity account as its parent.

The OP could do some experimentation. But, like you, I'm concerned about
how well the reports would cope with a sixth top-level account.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-12-25 15:02, David Cousens wrote:
> Michael 
> If you select the Parent account as a "New top level account" in the New 
> account
> dialogue you can create a new top level account. You would select its type as
> Income and mark it as a Placeholder. You can then create Income and Expense
> accounts under it as required. Not sure how this would affect the reports
> however. Someone else may be able to comment on that.
> David Cousens
> On Sun, 2022-12-25 at 17:54 +, gnucash_2...@michaelaltfield.net wrote:
>> How do I create a top-level account in GNU Cash that can hold both Income
>> *and* Expenses in its subaccounts?
>> IFRS (and US GAAP) don't directly publish example Chart of Accounts, but I
>> find it common to use some standard top-level account number prefixes. For
>> example:
>>  * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chart_of_accounts#Example_Chart_of_Accounts
>>  * https://www.ifrs-gaap.com/universal-chart-accounts-0
>> 1.0.0 - Assets
>> 2.0.0 - Liabilities
>> 3.0.0 - Equity
>> 4.0.0 - Operating Revenue
>> 5.0.0 - Operating Expenses
>> 6.0.0 - Other (Non-Operating) Income And Expenses
>>  \_ 6.1.0 Other Revenue And Expenses
>>    \_ 6.1.1 Other Revenue
>>    \_ 6.1.2 Other Expenses
>> The GNU Cash docs say that an account must be one of five account types
>>> As we saw in the previous chapter, accounting is based on 5 basic account
>>> types: Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income and Expenses.
>>> ...
>>> A GnuCash account must have a unique name (that you assign) and one of the
>>> predefined GnuCash “account types”. There are a total of 12 account types in
>>> GnuCash. These 12 account types are based on the 5 basic accounting types;
>>> the reason there are more GnuCash account types than basic accounting types
>>> is that this allows GnuCash to perform specialized tracking and handling of
>>> certain accounts. There are 6 asset accounts (Cash, Bank, Stock, Mutual
>>> Fund, Accounts Receivable, and Other Assets), 3 liability accounts (Credit
>>> Card, Accounts Payable, and Liability), 1 equity account (Equity), 1 income
>>> account (Income), and 1 expense account (Expenses).
>> (source
>> https://gnucash-docs-rst.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/C/ch_accts.html?highlight=account%20types
>> )
>> While it's trivial to create the first five accounts in GNU Cash, I can't 
>> find
>> a way to add a top-level account for `6.0.0 - Other (Non-Operating) Income 
>> And
>> Expenses` -- which itself needs to hold both Income *and* Expense sub-
>> accounts.
>> How can I structure my GNU Cash Accounts with a top-level account named 
>> `6.0.0
>> Other (Non-Operating) Income And Expenses` that can contain *both* an Income
>> sub-account (eg `6.1.0 Other Revenue`) and Expenses (eg `6.1.2 Other
>> Expenses`)?
>> (see also
>> https://money.stackexchange.com/questions/154324/add-top-level-account-for-both-income-revenue-and-expenses-other-non-operat
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Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-27 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-12-26 16:27, David Carlson wrote:
> When entering more than one transaction in a session,  new transactions
> default to the same date last used, so the existing shortcuts metioned in a
> previous comment often work.

I think that should be "new transactions default to the same date last
used _in_the_same_register_ in that session." At least that's been my
experience with 2.6.19, though it could have changed in later GC versions.

> If it happens that you are editing multiple historical transactions,  they> 
> are likely close together as well.

And there is also the option to run a Ctrl+F query, then make any needed
edits right in the results register. That's a "live" register like any
other, not a static read-only view into the database.

> If I had that sort of switch,  I would be forgetting to reset it when done.

I agree wholeheartedly. Such an "switch" sounds to me like a classic
case of bloating the product with a feature of _very_ limited applicability.

A related feature I _would_ like to see is the ability to specify a date
range within which no new transactions could be entered. I would use
that to prevent myself from unintentionally changing transactions from
prior years. The existing mechanism, where the only form of date range
is N days before today, doesn't seem very helpful to me, since I have to
change the value of N every day.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-27 Thread Stan Brown
Not preferences, but File » Properties » Accounts » Day Threshold for
read-only transactions.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-12-27 13:58, David H wrote:
> Stan,
> There doesn't seem to be an option/preference to restrict txns entered
> using N days before today anymore - version 4.13 of Gnucash on
> Windows/MacOS - presumably it's been removed as it wasn't considered
> very helpful or age has caught up with me and I'm slowly going blind :-)
> Cheers David H.
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2022 at 02:44, Stan Brown  <mailto:the_stan_br...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
> On 2022-12-26 16:27, David Carlson wrote:
> > When entering more than one transaction in a session,  new
> transactions
> > default to the same date last used, so the existing shortcuts
> metioned in a
> > previous comment often work.
> I think that should be "new transactions default to the same date last
> used _in_the_same_register_ in that session." At least that's been my
> experience with 2.6.19, though it could have changed in later GC
> versions.
> > If it happens that you are editing multiple historical
> transactions,  they> are likely close together as well.
> And there is also the option to run a Ctrl+F query, then make any needed
> edits right in the results register. That's a "live" register like any
> other, not a static read-only view into the database.
> > If I had that sort of switch,  I would be forgetting to reset it
> when done.
> I agree wholeheartedly. Such an "switch" sounds to me like a classic
> case of bloating the product with a feature of _very_ limited
> applicability.
> A related feature I _would_ like to see is the ability to specify a date
> range within which no new transactions could be entered. I would use
> that to prevent myself from unintentionally changing transactions from
> prior years. The existing mechanism, where the only form of date range
> is N days before today, doesn't seem very helpful to me, since I have to
> change the value of N every day.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com <https://BrownMath.com>
> ___
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> gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org>
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Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-27 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-27 14:51, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> When entering transactions into gnucash I am always entering a date, the
> correct one for the transaction, rarely TODAY'S date. It is only a minor
> annoyance, but the default gnucash starts with, "today", is almost
> always going to be the wrong date.

That's you, and if it works for you there's nothing wrong with it.

On the other hand, I (and I'm sure some others here) try to enter things
in GC as soon as possible, because then it's one less thing to remember.
For me, entering a transaction after the day it occurred is the
exception, not the rule. So for me, the default to entering today's date
works far more often than not.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Feature request - prevent a transaction with todays date

2022-12-27 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-12-27 16:10, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

> One thing I discovered tonight is that if I enter the wrong date, then
> charge it on one side of the transaction (from account) then it doesn’t get
> changed on the other side (to account). This was a simple transaction - ie
> two splits.

Let me guess: you looked in the other register before you had committed
the transaction.

Until you commit thee transaction (typically by pressing Enter, not Tab)
the change is not in the database and therefore will not show up in any
register other than the one where you are editing the transaction.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Changing registers in the middle of entering or editing a transaction

2022-12-28 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-28 13:09, David Carlson wrote:
> Over the years I have filed more than one bug report looking at various
> aspects of the issue of not being able to ascertain which pending edit was
> preventing the manual file save action, but today I was only able to find
> this one:  https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=686051.  There should
> be another one where I enumerate possible work-arounds to find the lost
> pending edit(s)
> I recall one suggestion was to improve the warning by listing a link to the
> pending edit transaction in the warning.

Amen, brother! I would find that extremely helpful -- it would probably
be enough to get me to upgrade from my current 2.6.19.

It's a bit irritating to be told that something is preventing save, but
not told what that something is. (Reminds me of the story, hopefully
apocryphal, of a C compiler that had only one error message, "Syntax
Error", with no indication of where.)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

2022-12-29 Thread Stan Brown

On 2022-12-29 09:03, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Such restrictions would have no bearing as to if they should be separate
> or not. It has nothing to do with GnuCash or even accounting.
> If the respective governments simply treat them as equivalent to paper,
> coins, or other current digital blips, then they likely will not get
> separate currency codes.
> Since separate currency codes would be quite messy for the ISO group
> responsible, and thus for implementing CBDCs at all, I highly doubt they
> will be treated separately by authorities.
> However, none of that is of concern to GnuCash. Your question depends on
> what various governments end up doing in the future. Until they
> implement, there is little point in speculating, and zero point in
> altering code, or even thinking about it as there is no 'target'.


My first reaction was "what does this have to do with GnuCash"? I see
I'm not alone in that!

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Scary moment

2022-12-30 Thread Stan Brown
Good suggestions, Adrien. I have a fourth thought:

We don't know how Losey was doing the "workup", but if it involved a
report, and some of the relevant transactions were in accounts created
after the last time the report was saved, then transactions in those
accounts would not be picked up automatically. In that case, Losey
should open the saved report configuration, click Edit » Report Options,
select all relevant accounts, and save the new configuration.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-12-30 13:56, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Another possibility:
> The transactions ended up in a different account.
> Do a Find from the Accounts tab from all sides of the transaction and
> see if they pop up when you think they are missing.
> Also, check the Orphan and Imbalance accounts.
> And another possibility:
> You have a View Filter on the affected register(s).
> The status bar indicates on the far right, if you are using a filtered
> view.
> A third:
> The dates are way off and aren't where you are looking. This may or may
> not be combined with a filtered view. A Find using accounts, amounts,
> descriptions, et cetera should find them so you can correct the dates.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 12/30/22 10:43 AM, R Losey wrote:
>> I was doing preliminary tax workup earlier this week,
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Re: [GNC] Scary moment

2022-12-30 Thread Stan Brown
Are you using the current version? If so, it might be appropriate to
enter a bug report, mentioning each of the things you have checked for.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2022-12-30 17:23, R Losey wrote:
> Thanks, but I am aware of this. On Wed, after I entered the data, I
> re-ran the report, and verified that the checks now showed up.
> On Friday, the checks were missing again.
> The only thing I can think of that was different is that I was running
> price updates on Tue, Wed, and Thu via gnucash-cli.
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 7:11 PM Stan Brown  <mailto:the_stan_br...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
> Good suggestions, Adrien. I have a fourth thought:
> We don't know how Losey was doing the "workup", but if it involved a
> report, and some of the relevant transactions were in accounts created
> after the last time the report was saved, then transactions in those
> accounts would not be picked up automatically. In that case, Losey
> should open the saved report configuration, click Edit » Report Options,
> select all relevant accounts, and save the new configuration.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> https://BrownMath.com <https://BrownMath.com>
> On 2022-12-30 13:56, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> > Another possibility:
> >
> > The transactions ended up in a different account.
> >
> > Do a Find from the Accounts tab from all sides of the transaction and
> > see if they pop up when you think they are missing.
> >
> > Also, check the Orphan and Imbalance accounts.
> >
> > And another possibility:
> >
> > You have a View Filter on the affected register(s).
> >
> > The status bar indicates on the far right, if you are using a filtered
> > view.
> >
> > A third:
> >
> > The dates are way off and aren't where you are looking. This may
> or may
> > not be combined with a filtered view. A Find using accounts, amounts,
> > descriptions, et cetera should find them so you can correct the dates.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> > On 12/30/22 10:43 AM, R Losey wrote:
> >> I was doing preliminary tax workup earlier this week,
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Re: [GNC] new user, new file

2023-01-03 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-01-03 13:15, Jamie Tolbert wrote:
> Starting a new business. For the next month or so, what few bills I have
> will be paid by me, until I get my business checking set up. Its been
> years since I studied double entry accounting, but I thought if I paid a
> bill for lets say 100.00, I would credit my owner account for 100.00 and
> debit whatever expense account it is. I cant find how to credit my owner
> account, or opening balance.

Welcome to GnuCash!

I strongly recommend a quick review of double-entry bookkeeping, for
instance in GC's Tutorial and Concepts manual. Believe me, it'll save
you a world of pain. (GC just automates the big leatherbound ledgers of
traditional bookkeeping. The "rules" of using GC are just the same as
the rules of bookkeeping.)

In your example, you would not credit Equity ("my owner account") when
you pay a bill. Crediting an equity account increases its balance, and
you don't own anything more than you did before you paid the bill. Your
equity in the business is the net of assets minus liabilities, but it's
quite rare that you would make any transaction in an equity account
directly. (The net of current-period income minus expenses is a special
kind of equity, often called Retained Earnings.)

Liabilities, Equity, Income -- credits increase, debits decrease
Assets, Expenses -- credits decrease, debits increase

The bill is a liability, specifically in Accounts Payable, and credits
also increase liability balances. So you would _debit_ Accounts Payable
to reduce the amount you owe.

What are you paying the bill with? Presumably cash, or maybe a check or
bank transfer, possibly a credit card. You would _credit_ the account
for whatever method you used to pay the bill.

Your cash and bank accounts are assets, so a credit reduces their
balance. Your credit cards are liabilities, just like Accounts Payable,
so a credit _increases_ their balance.(*) Either way it makes sense: you
give up some cash or money-in-bank (credit an asset) to wipe out a bill
(debit a liability), _or_ you_ add to your credit-card balance (credit a
liability) to wipe out a bill (debit a different liability).

In every transaction, total credits must equal total debits.

(*)People often get confused about credits and debits when dealing with
a bank account or credit card, a credit on the bank's books is a debit
on yours, and vice versa. When you write a check, you are reducing the
amount in your bank account (crediting an asset). But to the bank, your
checking account is a liability, so when your check is cashed the bank
reduces the amount in your checking account (debiting a liability).
Similarly, when you return a purchase for a "credit", it's a credit on
the bank's books (reducing an asset, Accounts Receivable) but it's
really a debit to you (reducing your liability, Accounts Payable).

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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[GNC] Variables in Scheduled transactions

2023-01-04 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-01-04 14:20, David H wrote:
> Yes, forget the variables, I've never managed to get them to work 
> either by
> duplicating and modifying an existing transaction or creating one from
> scratch, so I found it wasn't worth persisting with at all !!!

My mortgage payment (say 900.00) is the same each month, but of course
every month interest (intamt) is a few cents less and principal
(900-intamt) the same few cents more. My scheduled transaction is:

Debit: Liabilities:Mortgage Principal  900-intamt
Debit: Expenses:Mortgage Interest  intamt
Credit:Assets:Bank Account 900.00

I would like to be prompted for the interest due when the transaction
fires, and then have GC compute the principal as 900.00 minus interest.
But GC prompts me twice.

Is there some way I've missed for how to use the same variable twice in
a scheduled transaction but be prompted for it only once?

(I also have a couple of dozen accruals at the end of every month, for
instance a debit to Expenses:Fixed Auto Expense and _equal_ credit to
Assets:Auto. I'd love th have GC prompt me for each amount so that I
wouldn't have to fill them ion in duplicate. The answer to my mortgage
question will show the answer to this no-formula question as well, I'm

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Variables in Scheduled transactions

2023-01-05 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-01-05 02:17, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Are you using GnuCash 4.13?
> I just tested this and I only get one prompt.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/4/23 10:53 PM, Stan Brown wrote:
>> Debit: Liabilities:Mortgage Principal  900-intamt
>> Debit: Expenses:Mortgage Interest  intamt
>> Credit:Assets:Bank Account 900.00
>> I would like to be prompted for the interest due when the transaction
>> fires, and then have GC compute the principal as 900.00 minus interest.
>> But GC prompts me twice.

I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that I'm using 2.6.19. Sounds like
this was fixed in a later version. Thanks for letting me know.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Where do I set the "Accounting Period" for reports?

2023-01-06 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-01-06 11:35, Chris Green wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 06, 2023 at 07:17:46PM +1000, David H wrote:
>> Chris,
>> Did you run a report then click on Options / General Tab - the reports I
>> run allow you to set the period for each report?
> That's absolutely the last thing I want to do, I want the same period
> for every report after entering it just once!

I don't think there's a global setting for time period in reports. It
would be nice if there were -- why not enter an enhancement request?

I know it's a pain to set up a time period for each individual report,
but you only have to do it once (per report). And if you are smart about
it, you'll use settings like "start of previous month" or "end of
accounting period".

When you click "Save Report Configuration As", be sure to use some
reasonable naming convention, one that makes sense to you.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Recommended Method of Entry for IRA Distributions

2023-01-11 Thread Stan Brown
How would you do it in a pen-and-ink ledger? The answer is the same for

So many people seem to be under the impression that GnuCash does
accounting ion its own special way. It's much more helpful, in my
opinion, to think of GnuCash as an automated version of the pen-and-ink
ledger methods that are taught in basic bookkeeping courses (or used to be).

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2023-01-11 14:35, Milton Stern wrote:
> Hi,
> What would be the recommended method of Entry for an IRA Distribution?
> The Distribution is for a personal IRA (not Roth).
> The IRA is of Mutual Funds.
> The Mutual Fund is in Assets > Investments - Retirement > Brokerage > etc.
>> etc.
> Since this is taxable income, I need to track withholding (Federal) + Net
> Distribution to a Checking Account (Assets > Current Assets).
> No Commission fees are applicable, but it would be nice to know where/how
> they would be tracked.
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Re: [GNC] Recommended Method of Entry for IRA Distributions

2023-01-12 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-01-12 09:41, R Losey wrote:
> Thanks; I know the information is out there, but intuitively, it doesn't
> make sense to me that depositing funds to my bank account is a "debit"
> transaction to the bank. It comes from the concept of credit being "added
> to" and debit being "substracted from", I suppose.

That principle is correct as far as it goes, but you are trying to
stretch it too far.

For liabilities, equity, and income, credits do indeed increase the
balance and and debits decrease it.

But it is exactly the opposite for assets and expenses: credits _reduce_
them and debits increase them.

Here's how to remember it: if somebody gives you $50, you have income,
which we all agree is a credit to your income account. But you have also
increased your cash account by $50. But ... debits and credits in a
transaction must balance, so that increase to cash must be a debit to
balance the credit to your income account.

> Is the "Debit on the left" and "Credit on the right" true in general
> accounting, or just GnuCash?

That's general. When Ernst & Ernst (as it then was) gave me a crash
course in accounting, the instructor said that "debit" and "credit" are
best thought of as meaning, respectively, simply "left" and "right".

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Recommended Method of Entry for IRA Distributions

2023-01-12 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-01-11 19:52, Milton Stern wrote:

> ** New for 2023. IRS requires the brokerage to withhold taxes from IRA
> Distributions. Last year you could specify 0% withholding.
> ** They don't make it so easy this year. It is sort of a double hit.
> Even if you get it back as a tax refund, you can't put it back (Rollover)
> into the IRA to earn tax free.

Are you having this distribution delivered outside the US? If not, where
did you get your information?

In these matters it's usually best to go back to the source. First, see
Quoting from the second paragraph,
"Generally, payees ... can choose not to have withholding apply to their
pensions or annuities (however, refer to Mandatory Withholding on
Payments to be Delivered Outside the United States below). The election
remains in effect until the payee revokes it. The payer must notify the
payee that this election is available."

If your broker is telling you that withholding is mandatory, they are
telling you an untruth--again, assuming you are a citizen or a resident
alien, and the money is not being delivered to a foreign country.

The first sentence of the fourth paragraph: "Payees of periodic payments
can give payers a Form W-4P in order to make or change a withholding
election, or elect not to have withholding apply, for their periodic

Form W-4P for 2023 is at <https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4p.pdf>
A quote from the instructions on page 2:

"Choosing not to have income tax withheld. You can choose
not to have federal income tax withheld from your payments by
writing “No Withholding” on Form W-4P in the space below
Step 4(c). ... Generally, if you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien,
you are not permitted to elect not to have federal income tax withheld
on payments to be delivered outside the United States and its territories."

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Recommended Method of Entry for IRA Distributions

2023-01-12 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-01-12 20:19, R Losey wrote:
> Let me write through a couple of cases.  In the first one, I'm selling
> $1000 worth (10 shares) of security A and having it go directly to my
> checking account with no income tax withholding. (some of these may be
> USA-centric terms; I apologize for that).
> If I can create a "Sell" transaction that sells 10 shares at $1000; the
> other entry would be to increase my taxable distribution category by $1000.
> But what next? My checking account doesn't have the $1000 increase, but
> then what is the "other" category to use for that transaction??

Please forget the notion of "category". Some accounting packages have
that, but it seems to be basically a confusing synonym for "expense-type
account" and maybe "income-type account).

GnuCash has _accounts_. You have an asset-type account for your checking
account, and another asset0type account for your security(ies).

When you sell shares for cash, you increase the balance in your checking
account and decrease the balance in your security account, like this:

Debit (left-hand number column) to Assets:Checking Account
Credit (right-hand column) to Assets:Security(ies).

Taxable distribution is not an account, and the distribution is _not_
_income_. Your net worth is the same after the sale and distribution as
it was before the sale.

Yes,I know that the amount of an IRA distribution must be reported as
taxable income on your form 1040, but in an accounting sense it is not

And speaking of distributions, did you miss the note I posted at 11:33
this morning (Pacific time)? I really don't know why you have no choice
about having withholding taken from an IRA distribution. You can
_choose_ to do it, or you can file estimated taxes, or maybe your income
is low enough that you don't even need to do that. But -- unless the
money is going outside the United States -- you have a _choice_ about
whether to have withholding. I gave citations and quotes from the IRS

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Recommended Method of Entry for IRA Distributions

2023-01-12 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-01-12 20:55, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> Two separate entries. In my mind, this would best be put in one transaction, 
> to make the association obvious. 
> CR - Assets: IRA $1000
> DB - Assets: Checking $1000
> DB - Income: Deferred Income $1000
> CR - Income: IRA Distribution $1000 *
> * Income: IRA Distribution is used to document the distribution for tax 
> purposes.

My only problem with that is that a distribution from an IRS is not
income, any more that the currency you receive when you cash a check is

It's simply moving a portion of your assets from one bucket to another.
And it seems very strange to me that the one event should be recorded in
a four-split transaction.
Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Request for Assistance with GnuCash Setup and Fundamentals

2023-02-02 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-02-02 12:42, Joel via gnucash-user wrote:
> Dear Support Team,
> I hope this post finds you well. We are posting to request your assistance 
> with setting up GnuCash for our new business and understanding its 
> fundamentals. I have already watched all the Busy Bee training videos on 
> YouTube, which were incredibly helpful, but I still have some basic questions 
> that I need help with.
> I would greatly appreciate any guidance or support you can offer, including 
> tutorials, walkthroughs, or one-on-one tutoring sessions. I am eager to get 
> started with Gnu Cash and ensure that I have a strong foundation for managing 
> my business finances.
> Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Welcome to GnuCash!

Please note: There isn't a "support team". Peer support is offered
through this mailing list, other users like yourself who try to help out
of the goodness of their hearts. Please bear that in mind and try to
solve things on your own before asking for help -- then if you do need
to ask for help, describe specifically what you've tried and in what way
the results you got aren't what you wanted. Don't expect the level of
hand-holding you would get with a purchased support contract for paid

As usual, the Internet helps those who help themselves. It's nice that
you've been through those videos, but have you worked through the help
manual, "Tutorial and Concepts"? It's really important to work through
that, the sections that apply in your situation anyway. If you aren't
pretty familiar with double-entry bookkeeping, you'll definitely want to
come up to speed on that: google for "double-entry bookkeeping".

Have you figured out what accounts will be in your Chart of Accounts?
With GC's hierarchical account structure, you can create placeholder
accounts that automatically roll up totals from their child accounts,
and it's simplest to plan those before you start entering transactions.
You can add or remove accounts later, but the more thought you give up
front the easier you'll make it on yourself for entering transactions.

Are you going to keep your books on a cash or accrual basis? Changing
between cash and accrual basis _can_ be done, but it would be pretty
difficult and error-prone, so it's important to make the right choice
for _your_ business up front.

Remember, GnuCash is basically just a labor-saving device -- there's
nothing different _in_principle_ from doing your accounting in ink in
big ledger books. Sure, GC automates the arithmetic and production of
reports, but at bottom it depends on your setting up your accounts as
they suit your business, and then on entering transactions properly,
just as you would do in a pen-and-ink ledger.

Lastly, you say you "have some basic questions". What are they? And have
you looked in the Tutorial and Concepts guide to see if they are
answered there?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] how to remove sqlite lock

2023-02-11 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-02-11 12:23, Mark Hedges via gnucash-user wrote:
> I seem to have a stuck lock in my SQLite GnuCash book.  Every time I open
> the file, it says:
> GnuCash could not obtain the lock for /Users/hedges/[...]/myfile.gnucash.
> That database may be in use by another user, in which case you should not
> open the database. What would you like to do?
> Open Read-only | Create New File | Open Anyway | Open Folder | Quit
> I tried "Open Anyway" but it apparently does not remove the lock.

"Open anyway" doesn't remove the lock, that's true. But it lets you open
GnuCash, and when you subsequently close GC -- either right away or
after entering some data -- GC removes the lock file at that point.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Interest Income

2023-02-20 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-02-20 12:16, Abe Sternberg wrote:
> I understand that part.  If I buy clothes, I debit (-) the checking
> account and credit the clothes (+) account.  It is when things are not
> obvious or go to something like an equity account that I am totally at sea.

I think you mean you _credit_ the checking account (which does indeed
reduce it) and _debit_ the clothes account (which does indeed increase
it). Your checking account is an asset, and your clothing is an expense
(assuming you're not the business of selling clothes).

Bookkeeping should not scare you. But as with learning anything new,
there's always a certain amount of memorization. Here it is:

1. ASSETS and EXPENSES: a debit increases them, a credit decreases them.
2. LIABILITIES, EQUITY, and INCOME: a debit decreases them, a credit
increases them.
3. The total of all debits in the books must equal the total of all
credits. The way you accomplish this is by ensuring that total debits
always equal total credits in each transaction.
4. (implied by 1 and 3):
People have their favorite versions of this equation, but any valid
version can be transformed to any other, simply by moving one or more
items to the opposite side of the equation and changing their sign. Thus:

Credit-card accounts and checking or savings accounts can be problematic
until you get used to them, because the bank's vocabulary is exactly
opposite to yours.

When you make a purchase with a credit card, your account is charged
(debited) on the bank's books, but you have increased your liability, so
you post a credit to your credit-card account on your books.

When you make a payment to your credit-card account from your checking
account, on your books that is a debit to your credit card (reducing
your liability) and a credit to your checking account (reducing an
asset). On the bank's books, it's exactly opposite.

My suggestion is, get BOOKKEEPING FOR DUMMIES or a similar book from the
library and read through it, pausing as need be to work through the
examples. (The "Dummies" label is quite insulting, but in my experience
the books themselves have been well done.)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Account Types -- what are the implications of getting them wrong?

2023-02-21 Thread Stan Brown
Just a reminder -- please quote just enough to give the context of your

It's easy to put a three-line comment at the top of a ten-screen article
and hit "send", but then everyone who receives it gets to scroll through
ten screens to find out whether there's anything new buried there.

And _always_ trim the list trailer before posting -- the list server
will put another one there, and one is sufficient.

Thanks for your consideration!

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2023-02-21 03:33, Tim Rohrer wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> I appreciate that perspective. 
> I have considered only only assigning only top level types, because if 
> someone is importing 25 or 30 accounts (INCOME/EXPENSES types should be much 
> easier for most users), going through and editing them isn’t that difficult.
> But as I said earlier, the challenge of getting them right the first time is 
> intriguing. :-)

 [ten screens deleted]
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Re: [GNC] credit account negative balance increases with payment

2023-03-04 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-03-04 10:26, Custom Shots wrote:
> I just noticed this. Something has changed. I keep 30 day backups and this
> has been going on in all my backups. When I add a payment transaction to my
> credit card account the negative balance increases instead of decreasing.
> Any clues to what is happening? I am using GnuCash Version: 4.8 Build ID:
> 4.8a+(2021-09-28) on Ubuntu 2022.04.2. The second half of the double entry
> transaction, the withdrawal from my checking account, works correctly.

Presumably by "correctly" you mean that the positive balance of the cash
or checking account goes down? If so, I agree with you that it's
correct: a credit to an asset account reduces the balance of that
account. (Paying someone is a credit to cash, and getting money from
someone is a debit to cash.)

To balance that credit, the other side of the transaction, the part
applied to your credit-card account, must be a debit. The credit-card
account is a liability, so a debit reduces its balance. If the balance
is already negative, then a debit will make it more negative.

You might take a look in Edit » Preferences » Accounts, under "Reverse
Balanced Accounts". I can't remember the details from when I set up my
data file a few years ago, but I do remember that on experimenting with
those settings the only one that _didn't_ give nonsensical results was
"Credit accounts".  (I mean nonsensical to me; I'm sure the developers
must have had some good reason for those other settings.)

So you might experiment with that setting. (You might also consider
ticking the box to use "formal accounting labels". Some people like the
informal ones, some don't. The formal labels require you to know what a
debit and a credit are, but that's easily learned and then at least one
layer of obscurity is removed when diagnosing unexpected behavior.)

But I'm trying to work out what you're reporting, and I don't understand
it. You say the credit-card account was negative before you made the
payment, and then it "increased". That doesn't seem right -- normally a
credit-card account would be positive, being your liability, the amount
you owe. (But the "Reverse Balanced Accounts" setting I mentioned above
could change that.)

Are you saying something like: the balance on your Visa account was
minus $200, and you paid $65, and now the balance is minus $265 instead
of the expected minus $135? That would be wrong under any circumstances,
as far as I can understand. Or did you mean it literally that the
account balance "increases", since minus $135 is greater than minus
$200? If that's what you meant, then everything is correct except that
the credit-card account is showing a minus sign in front of correct
balances, and for that I'd definitely have a look at "Reverse Balanced

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] credit account negative balance increases with payment

2023-03-04 Thread Stan Brown

> On Sat, Mar 4, 2023, 11:54 AM Stan Brown  <mailto:the_stan_br...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
> You might take a look in Edit » Preferences » Accounts, under "Reverse
> Balanced Accounts". I can't remember the details from when I set up my
> data file a few years ago, but I do remember that on experimenting with
> those settings the only one that _didn't_ give nonsensical results was
> "Credit accounts".  (I mean nonsensical to me; I'm sure the developers
> must have had some good reason for those other settings.)
> Are you saying something like: the balance on your Visa account was
> minus $200, and you paid $65, and now the balance is minus $265 instead
> of the expected minus $135? ...

On 2023-03-04 11:28, Custom Shots wrote:
> That's exactly what I'm saying.  I owe $500. That's a negative balance
> in my credit card account, showing in red with a minus sign. I enter a
> payment of $200 and the negative balance increases to -$700. The
> negative balance should decrease to -$300. Yet the other half of the
> transaction correctly withdraws $200 from cash.
> I did play with the settings when I decided I liked seeing what I owed
> as red negative numbers.

In that case, I don't have anything else to offer. I'll look forward to
seeing how this is resolved. I think it's unlikely to be a bug -- that
would have been caught long ago -- but I can't think of another explanation.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] credit account negative balance increases with payment

2023-03-06 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-03-06 09:45, Michael or Penny Nova ck wrote:
> Based on decades in the cypher mines (very senior analyst) might I point
> something out. If you have four credit card accounts and three of them
> are working properly as expected but one is not << the problem you are
> describing >> the problem isn't with the program. It is your settings or
> data entered. Look for what is different between the three that are good
> and this one that is bad. There IS something different.

That's a really excellent point, which I don't think anyone else has
made in this thread. I wholeheartedly agree.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] new user woes

2023-03-11 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-03-11 10:23, Jamie Tolbert wrote:
> Originally , I thought I would just pay each bill, and credit owner
> equity and debit the bill, but that seems very cumbersome and confusing,

I mean no disrespect -- every one of us GnuCash users had to learn these
things at some point, if we didn't already know them before coming to

Unless you just made a "thinko", writing the above shows that your first
step is not to get help with using GnuCash, but rather to learn about
double-entry bookkeeping. There are a zillion books, and one is as good
as another for teaching the basics, which is all you need. (But this is
section 2.1 of the Tutorial and Concepts Guide.
Did you skip over that section?)

GnuCash is very much the old pen-and-ink double-entry bookkeeping,
transferred to the computer. (This is different from most other
accounting programs, which seem to think they know a way to do
bookkeeping than the one that has survived for upwards of eight
centuries.) It's not hard to master the general concepts of double-entry
bookkeeping, but it _is_ absolutely essential. Otherwise you won't have
a prayer of getting your bookkeeping right in GnuCash.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-17 Thread Stan Brown

On 2023-03-17 14:16, Phyllis Bruce wrote:
> I did for many years retain my receipts for credit card charges and match
> every one to the statement.  Same with checks, etc.  The banks so
> seldom make a mistake that I find it a waste of time.  In recent years one
> of my banks has issued a correction.  That's good enough for me.

I would have said the same, until recently. But twice in two months, my
Bank of America Visa account has shown a smaller amount for a gas
purchase than was on my receipt issued at the pump. I can't imagine why.
It wasn't the cashback rebate program -- that's a lump sum at the end of
every monthly cycle.

I don't do a formal reconciliation in GnuCash, but I do check every
receipt on the statement against my GnuCash account. Most often the
errors I find are that I recorded a purchase against the wrong credit card.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Help with downloading transactions.

2023-03-18 Thread Stan Brown
On 2023-03-18 06:13, Simon Roberts wrote:
> I feel compelled to add my agreement with Alan. This kind of crime is on
> the rise and we're all vulnerable.

And that's why it's important to monitor accounts no less often than
every few days -- waiting till the end of the month gives fraudsters too
much time to operate.

Most banks these days (at least in US) let you configure your account to
send you an email or text notification with the amount every time your
card is used. All that I have used let you specify a minimum transaction
amount for such alerts. IMHO the proper choice of a minimum of one cent.

> Credit card companies insist on giving
> many fiscally prudent folks much higher credit limits than they actually
> use, and that just adds to the risk.

It does. But as long as credit scores are higher for people for utilize
a lower percentage of their credit limits, there is a good reason not to
turn down a higher limit if you can get one. (Credit scores can affect
not just loans you may apply for but also whether you can rent an
apartment or get car insurance at normal rates.)

> Debit cards are worse since the
> protections are far weaker (at least in the U.S.).

Many banks extend the same protections to their own debit cards that the
law mandates for credit cards, so protection is not necessarily worse --
in theory. But even in those cases, you're correct in practice since a
fraudulent withdrawal from your checking account via debit card takes
the money out immediately, which may cause legitimate checks or
withdrawals to bounce.

> I check my data twice monthly with downloads.

Better than not checking it at all, but IMHO not often enough.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Cut & Paste transaction problem

2021-05-04 Thread Stan Brown
>> On May 4, 2021, at 6:39 AM, Robert Stocker  wrote:
>> Yes, I'm sorry I didn't make that clear in my follow-up: the specific
>> problem I originally observed was in using Cut Transaction & Paste
>> Transaction to correct the problem of having entered a transaction on the
>> wrong register.

On 2021-05-04 04:35, R. Victor Klassen wrote:
> When that happens I just change the account in the offending register
and when I hit enter, hey presto! the transaction disappears from that
> ….And appears in the one where it should.

I do that too. just a note: if the current view is Basic, you need to
click the Split button in the toolbar to make all splits of the
transaction visible.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Discretionary taxes

2021-05-10 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-05-10 15:10, Martijn Heuts wrote:
> Hello trying to find a way to add discretionary taxes in GNUcash. 

"Discretionary taxes" sounds on a par with "deafening silence" or
"mournful optimist." :-)

> Descretionary tax in our county is a 1% fee on taxable revenue, paid monthly 
> and added by the IRS when you file the sales taxes.

Surely _not_ the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service is part of the
Federal government, and Federal taxes must be uniform throughout the
United States. (U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 8) There's no such
tax here where I live now, or in the three others states I've lived in,
so it can't be a Federal tax.

Maybe you meant the Florida (or county) tax or revenue department?

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash terminal commands not working & e-mail reply to all

2021-05-13 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-05-12 18:34, smad...@hotmail.com wrote:
> Second point is “reply to all” in an e-mail series on the mail list.  I’m 
> using the MAC mail program V13.4.  In normal e-mails I can hit reply to all, 
> but with the mail list when I double click to bring up an e-mail to respond 
> to, the reply to is greyed out.  In order to send to all in the string I 
> would have to copy and paste each e-mail address in my e-mail.  Again, what 
> am  I doing wrong?

I don't use that mail program. But when you say you "have to copy and
paste each email address," there is only one, the list address:

Surely your mail program has auto-complete, so that if you simply typed
the first few letters in the To: box it would fill in the rest? But if
not, it's still only one address to copy and paste.

Some people like to CC the person whose email they're replying to. But
it's never necessary, because that same recipient will be getting a copy
through the list in any case.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash terminal commands not working & e-mail reply to all

2021-05-13 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-05-13 16:30, smad...@hotmail.com wrote:
> Dave, 
...> I know you said you don’t use my e-mail program, but got to
thinking my interpretation of what is requested is wrong.  In other
words, does reply to all mean to everyone subscribed to the and not just
to those who are responding on the specific string for the specific
topic I am responding to?  If the former, it is an easy copy/paste of

Yes, it is everyone on the mail list. I sent an email to that effect
about ten hours ago; maybe you missed it?

On 2021-05-13 06:10, Stan Brown wrote:
> ... when you say you "have to copy and
> paste each email address," there is only one, the list address:
> gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> Surely your mail program has auto-complete, so that if you simply
> typed the first few letters in the To: box it would fill in the rest?
> But if > not, it's still only one address to copy and paste.
> Some people like to CC the person whose email they're replying to. But
> it's never necessary, because that same recipient will be getting a
> copy through the list in any case.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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[GNC] MRU in Windows (was Re: Frustration)

2021-06-07 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-06-07 09:30, John Ralls wrote:
> The MRU list size preference isn't exposed in the GnuCash UI.
> ...> Microsoft Windows users can get to it via regedit, it will be
> somewhere under IIRC HKCU\Software\GnuCash

This may have changed in later versions, but in Windows 2.6.19 GnuCash
stores my preferences under

I couldn't find any explicit setting for the size of the MRU list. Under
HKCU\Software\GSettings\org\gnucash\history are keys file0, file1, ...,
file9, and the first two of them are populated with the paths to my two
data files. Presumably that means the MRU list can have as many as ten

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Roundoff issues in amortized payments?

2021-06-09 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-06-09 00:20, Hong Xu wrote:
> Say I prepaid some expenses for $100 for 1 year. I can do
> $100/12=$8.33 for monthly expenses, but 8.33 * 12 = 99.96 < 100.
> Instead, I would hope gnucash can schedule transactions that
> automatically round these to $8.34, $8.33, $8.33, $8.34, $8.33...
> Is this currently possible?

Automatically? I'm pretty sure it's not possible.

But you can schedule them yourself. What I do in a similar situation is
make one regular transaction for $8.37, then create a scheduled
transaction of $8.33 a month for 11 months. That way I don't have to
remember to do $8.34 in some months and $8.33 in other months.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] GnuCash 4.6 Released

2021-06-27 Thread Stan Brown
On 2021-06-27 14:51, John Ralls wrote:
> The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.6, the sixth release in the 
> stable 4.x series
> Between 4.5 and 4.6, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

It's change logs like this that remind me what a massive effort GnuCash
is. My thanks to you and all the development team -- your work is very
much appreciated!

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Simple Update Question

2021-07-28 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-07-27 23:13, Geoff wrote:
> IMHO the biggest benefit you will get by upgrading is the reduced data
> entry work on transactions when choosing an account by being able to
> type in any part of an account name.
> To illustrate, consider this account:
> Expenses:Personal:Shoes
> At present, you need to type something like "Ex:Pe:Sh" to get a match.
> With this new feature, you only need to type "sho" or "oes".  Doesn't
> seem like much on paper, but in practice it is a huge convenience.

It _is_ a huge convenience, but it's not completely new. I have that
feature in release 2.6.19.

I believe that happened automatically after I checked (ticked) "Only
display leaf account names" in Edit » Preferences » Register Defaults.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Recording non-cash donations

2021-08-02 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-08-02 12:19, Rich Shepard wrote:
> While I've sent my account an email asking how to book non-cash donations
> I'm also asking here how folks do this. I can set up an Expense account for
> non-cash donations but cannot think of an appropriate off-setting
> account in
> Assets (since these are items and books I've owned but are now donating to
> Goodwill or the county library).
> Your thoughts?

Hi, Rich!

The usual caveat: I am not an accountant or a tax professional.

If you're donating items that have no value on your books, I'm not sure
I would call that a "donation" in accounting terms. You could keep a
record by entering a transaction that would have only one split, with
Account = your charity account and Debit and Credit both = 0.

If the item does have significant value but for some reason you never
entered them in your books, you would create one or more asset accounts
for them. Then you'd make two transactions for each item:
(1) Debit: asset account
Credit: Equity (I think this is a case for making a direct credit to
the main equity account, essentially a correcting item, because the item
is not new income but something that you've had all along but just not
in your books.)
(2) Debit: Expenses:Charity
Credit: asset account

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
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Re: [GNC] Mortgage & Loan Repayment Assistant woes

2021-09-16 Thread Stan Brown
On 2021-09-16 10:31, Chris Mitchell wrote:
> I recognize the values it asked me for, so that's good I guess. At no
> point thus far do I see anything that I recognize as a place to enter
> my *actual payment* amount, which strikes me as surprising.

The periodic payment amount can be computed from the principal amount,
payment frequency, loan term, and interest rate, so GC doesn't need to
ask for it.

>then specify the frequency (every 2 weeks, on Thursday, starting
> today). The "Amount" field is a non-editable display showing a
> formula that I don't understand, namely:
> pmt( [MyInterestRate/100] / 12.00 : [MyMonthsRemaining].00 :
> [MyPresentBalance] : 0 : 0 )

That divisor of 12 tells me that GC is treating your payments as monthly
rather than biweekly. I wonder if you've turned up a bug.

I don't think you said which version of GC you're using, and that would
be a relevant bit of information. I have an older version (2.8.19, I
think), which offers only monthly and annual payment options, so I can't
really help you with biweekly. But you will have seen the email from
Jean Laroche. Please be sure to mention your GC version number in your
follow-up to Jean's suggestion.


Stan Brown

Tehachapi, CA, USA


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Re: [GNC] "Gnucash.exe has stopped working"

2021-09-19 Thread Stan Brown

On 2021-09-19 16:50, David Cousens wrote:
> The File->Close menu item does not close the GnuCash program down. It only
> closes the currently open tab which has the focus in the GnuCash window.

True, but quite a confusing point. Like the "unable to obtain a lock"
message, this is quite confusing to new users. Naturally we expect that
File » Close will close the file, if not the whole window. It would be
much less confusing if the menu item was File » Close current tab.

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 222, Issue 51

2021-09-30 Thread Stan Brown
May I give a gentle reminder to everyone: "Re: [GNC] gnucash-user
Digest, Vol 222, Issue 51" is an absolutely terrible subject line.

Please, for the sake of everyone on the list, use a subject line that
describes the actual subject. There are a lot of messages on this list,
and it's a significant time-saver if we can use the subject line to
decide whether to open a message or delete it unread.


Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

On 2021-09-30 17:08, Steve Welch via gnucash-user wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> Thanks for the additional info and encouragement.  I’m still experimenting 
> here…  One puzzle:  what did you use for Client UID?  I do see what the Wiki 
> says about it but I still don’t understand.  FWIW, I’m on a Mac OS 
> environment…
> Steve
>> On Sep 30, 2021, at 12:57 PM, Colin  wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> David Cousins already posted the link to the Gnucash OFX Wiki page, but 
>> since you mentioned Citi I’ll add that I use OFX for a couple Citi credit 
>> cards and it’s worked for the last 15 months. I updated the Citi section of 
>> the Wiki page with the settings that work for me. 
>> A few weeks ago someone posted recently they had to use a different server 
>> address. I’ll include it below, but I haven’t found any change from the 
>> settings on the Wiki page necessary.
>>> The wiki entry at 
>>> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings#Citi_Credit_Card
>>> <https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings#Citi_Credit_Card>
>>> worked until about a month or so ago.  I figured they changed the OFX
>>> server url again but what I discovered is that when I set the field
>>> "HTTP User Agent" to "InetClntApp/3.0", it now downloads my
>>> transactions into my register as before.   The citi.com <http://citi.com/> 
>>> -> Profile ->
>>> Manage Desktop Apps website again lists Quicken Windows as an app
>>> allowed to use my Citi credentials.  I'm using Gnucash 4.6 on Linux.
>>> -- Nicholas Rood
>> A final note: after a fair amount of trial and error I found OFX not to work 
>> with most of the accounts I tried, even when others reported settings that 
>> worked for them. My Citi and Amex cards work fine, but I’ve given up for my 
>> other cards and credit union account. 
>> Also, be aware OFX appears to be going the way of the Dodo bird. You might 
>> weigh the amount of troubleshooting you do, or anticipation of using OFX 
>> with GnuCash, against that knowledge.
>> Best,
>> Colin
>>> On Sep 30, 2021, at 9:00 AM, gnucash-user-requ...@gnucash.org 
>>> <mailto:gnucash-user-requ...@gnucash.org> wrote:
>>> --
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2021 18:21:37 -0400
>>> From: Steve Welch >> <mailto:steve.welc...@icloud.com>>
>>> To: David Ellis >> <mailto:davidellis@comcast.net>>
>>> Cc: Gnucash-User >> <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org>>
>>> Subject: Re: [GNC] Problems setting up first OFX transaction download
>>> Message-ID: >> <mailto:a850035b-8743-4dd6-8e03-ec1a173ab...@icloud.com>>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=utf-8
>>> I?ll be following this with interest ? I just moved from Moneydance and am 
>>> trying to set up credit card transaction downloads from Citi.
>>> No problems doing so in MD, but I haven?t been successful yet in GnuCash.  
>>> I?m sure there?s something I?m not understanding here?
>>> Steve
>>>> On Sep 29, 2021, at 4:25 PM, David Ellis >>> <mailto:davidellis@comcast.net>> wrote:
>>>> I have been using Quicken for home and business for years to keep my one 
>>>> man
>>>> office books. It does everything I need, especially auto-population of bank
>>>> transactions in register for preparing financial statements. Now converting
>>>> to GnuCash and used the wizard to a) import to gnu from Quicken data file,
>>>> then b) set up OFX transaction download from bank directly to gnu. Got data
>>>> import great, but efforts to get OFX duds. I am a retired dba so I kind of
>>>> know what I'm doing, but didn't help much. I called the bank and worked 
>>>> with
>>>> a tech person there but a detailed review of ea

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