Re: [GNC] dark theme on Linux

2021-06-26 Thread Aaron Laws
On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 5:21 AM Michael via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I have the following configuration: MX Linux 19.4 AHS, GnuCash 4.5, I
> have Adwaita-dark theme enabled by default in MX, when I start GNC, the
> buttons/menu has no dark theme enabled, tried the solution suggested in
> this post , still doesn't work,
> how can I enable dark theme in GNC? Please see the attached screenshot.

This likely isn't what you're looking for, but I thought I would chime in.
I fought with dark themes for a while, but could never get every single
application and website to "dark mode". Even if I could, I don't want to
spend that much time configuring everything, and there are always little
problems like unreadable hard-coded black text on a "themed" dark
background. I decided to go about the problem in a different way. A more
general approach is xrandr-invert-colors. I have super-m mapped to toggle
the inversion of all my screens, and other similar convenient mappings to
toggle the inversion of one screen or the other (xrandr-invert-colors -s
). I change the inversion when I need to see a video,
picture, or accurate coloration, but it has been a wonderful solution for

Microsoft Windows users can get
which, as I remember, uses the magnifying glass accessibility API to
preprocess the pixel colors through a matrix that can preserve the hue of
each color while modifying its brightness, so bright red -> dark red,
bright blue -> dark blue, etc. (White->black is a byproduct of those
transformations.) I don't know of anything this flexible for X or Wayland,
but I haven't seriously looked.

So far I haven't found any software that doesn't have a "bright" theme
(ardour still has one besides its many dark themes!), and sometimes there
are web pages that use a dark theme, so I un-invert the screen and
experience the intended dark theme.

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[GNC] Payroll Report

2020-05-02 Thread Aaron Laws
My accountant recently asked for a "payroll" report. I think he wants
something like this: (this is an image of the
attached PDF). What is the best way to create such a report? I'm hoping I
can do better than a set of Account Reports just showing the transactions.

One idea I have is to try to add this kind of report to Gnucash. I realize
I'm on the "user" list, so I'll stick to "user" solutions, and if nothing
compelling shows up, I'll go to the developer list and see if I can either
make something that will work for my needs or something I can contribute to

Description: Adobe PDF document
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Re: [GNC] Payroll Report

2020-05-04 Thread Aaron Laws
On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 11:11 AM Michael or Penny Novack <> wrote:

> On 5/2/2020 11:40 PM, D. via gnucash-user wrote:
> > Since each of the lines has its own account, that should be eminently
> possible with a transaction report. I have something just like this to
> track my personal wage situation--a W-2 in US tax parlance. It's just a
> simple transaction report for the proper time period, using only the
> accounts in question, showing totals only.
> >
> > I can forward a sample if you need more detail.
> >
> > David T.
> THAT is the key matter. Is the DATA for a report in the format shown
> available from gnucash.
> It would be possible for us programmer types to create a report from
> within gnucash to do this. But as I have pointed out many times, when I
> began with gnucash was advised "don't bother". Just export the DATA out
> of gnucash and use a favorite full power editor to create the pretty
> printed finished report as requested.
> The reason is that there will always be another special report wanted*.
> No end to the possibilities, which is why I was advised not to bother
> trying.
> Michael D Novack
> * Mind, in my working days, creating special reports wanted by a client
> was one of my specialties. This is not quite the same situation. There
> it was saving client time doing REPEATED work for the SAME report wanted
> over and over. The problem here is that would NOT be the same finished
> report. You have shown us how YOUR accountant wants it formatted (the
> final pretty printed report) . That won't be the same format somebody
> else's accountant wants it.

Thank you, Michael, Chris, and David. These are all helpful thoughts. I'll
kick these around a bit and see what comes.
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Re: [GNC] Record Loan Interest

2020-05-04 Thread Aaron Laws
On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 2:26 AM flywire  wrote:

> Sorry, another loan query. Going in circles and thoroughly confused by
> which seems
> to cut out before the interest is paid and flip to making a loan.
> I have a loan account (say $1000 Liabilities:Loan) and the interest is
> calculated and added to the loan annually (say 30 June 19 $10 interest is
> added to Liabilities:Loan). On 29 June I pay $9 from Assets:Saving and let
> the rest increase the loan. Using cash accounting I need to track the $9
> Expenses:Interest-paid, and the current loan balance which is a combination
> of principle and interest.
> Direction to the best place in the guide would be useful.

Most loans (certainly mortgages) aren't allowed to grow like this, so the
manual doesn't cover it. When your interest accrues, it will look like this:

Expenses:Interest  $10
Liability:Interest   $10

and since you don't pay off all the interest every month, your payment
looks like this:

Liability:interest  $10 (this reduces the account to $0
Assets:Checking  $9
Liability:Note $1

Does that sound right?
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[GNC] Tracking Reimbursable Medical Expenses

2019-01-04 Thread Aaron Laws
I have a Health Savings Account in the United States as part of a
high-deductible health insurance plan. It is an Asset account that holds my
income tax-deductible money for use on medical expenses only. Every so
often money is put into it:

Revenue:Employer   $10

When I incur a medical expense, I use my personal credit card to pay for it:

Expenses:Medical $5
Liability:Credit Card $5

After a while, I reimburse myself for the medical expenses that have
accumulated to date:

Assets:Chequing $5
 Assets:HSA $5

The trouble with this is it doesn't track the current amount of unpaid
claims. Is there a way to work in an Assets:Accounts Receivable:Outstanding
Medical Reimbursements or something like that? I would appreciate any
feedback about how to deal with this situation. Thank you!

In Christ,
Aaron Laws
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Re: [GNC] Tracking Reimbursable Medical Expenses

2019-01-05 Thread Aaron Laws
Thank you very much. Questions in line.

On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 5:46 PM David Cousens 

> Aaron,
> The Answer is yes but to use the inbuilt Accounts Receivable you would need
> to use the Business features Invoicing  and linking of payments to Invoices
> etc.
> An Accounts receivable is simply an Asset account with some additional
> reporting capability attached to it so you simple create an asset account
> Asset:MedicalReimbursable.
> The recording events are as follows When you pay a medical expense with
> your
> credit card use a multisplit(4) transaction as follows:
> Asset:Medical Reimbursable $5
> Liability:Credit Card $5
> Expenses:Medical$5
> Asset:HSA  $5

What is Asset:HSA? If it's the actual HSA account holding my money
earmarked for medical expenses, it should be funded by revenue:Employer HSA

> When you pay your credit card (this will be lumped in with other
> transactions):
> Liability:Credit Card $5
> Asset:Bank $5
> When you record your reimbursement:
> Asset:Bank$5
> Asset:MedicalReimbursable   $5
> The balance in the Asset:Medical Reimbursable account tells you how much
> you
> have outstanding. As there is no linking to payments it is a bit harder to
> identify which reimbursements are linked to which payments but you can
> always use the memo field to identify the date of the expense the
> remimbursment is associated with for example.
> David Cousens

Maybe what isn't clear is that the HSA account is "just" another asset
account in my books. It's mostly populated by my employer, but I add
pre-tax money to it, too.
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Re: [GNC] Tracking Reimbursable Medical Expenses

2019-01-05 Thread Aaron Laws
Thank you for your response; questions inline.

On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 5:29 PM Stephen M. Butler  wrote:

> At my previous employment (prior to retirement) the HSA account came
> with a charge card (used like a credit card) so the charges went
> directly against the HSA account.  Made tracking very simple and didn't
> have to send in reimbursement forms.  I presume that isn't the case with
> your employer's HSA processor.

I was issued a debit card with direct access to the HSA funds. I don't use
it because if I use my credit card, I get money back, and I don't want to
carry another card.

> I might be tempted to get a second credit card to use only for the
> medical items and pay that with reimbursement from the HSA. That way the
> balance on that card is what is still outstanding.

This is why I use double-entry accounting: so I don't have to do stuff like
that ;-)

> Thinking further.  If I as an employee charge something to my credit
> card that I will get reimbursed from my employer then things get trickier:

It's not reimbursed by my employer. If that was the case, then I think
things would get simple: it's not my expense. There would be no
expense:medical because the expense is actually my employer's expense. As
it is, the HSA money is *mine*, and the medical expense is *mine*. I think
what gets complicated is the rule that I can only transfer money from *my*
HSA to my chequing account in amounts equal to my medical expenses, and I
would like to track that accruing amount.

> 1.  I charge the item and enter a transaction between Liability:CC and
> Expense:whatever.
> 2.  I eventually (monthly) pay off the credit card from checking
> (Assets:Checking and Liability:CC).
> 3.  Somewhere in there I fill out an expense statement and send it in.
> That expense is no longer mine so I need to transfer it out of my
> expenses.  Assets:Reimbursement:MyEmployer and Expense:whatever
> (offsetting item #1)

Yeah, that's what I was saying above. In this case, step one can be a
transaction between Liability:CC and AR:MedicalReimbursable

> 4.  Finally I get paid and deposit the funds into my checking account.
> Assets:Checking and Assets:Reimbursement:MyEmployer
> In this case the HSA replaces the Employer.  And here you are acting on
> both sides.  So, to continue:
> 5.  Employer (HSA) gets the reimbursement request and sends out the
> funds.  (HSA:Expense:Medical and Assets:HSA).
> I really like the idea of a second CC and it gets paid only when
> reimbursed by the HSA (simplifies the accounts).
> --Steve

This sounds great except that the medical expense is mine. Any more
suggestions? Thanks again!
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Re: [GNC] Tracking Reimbursable Medical Expenses

2019-01-06 Thread Aaron Laws
I see. Responses inline.

On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 10:58 PM David Cousens 

> Aaron
> Asset:HSA is your savings fund. The payment of money into that account is
> exactly as you priginally proposed.
> The 4 way split
> > Asset:Medical Reimbursable $5
> > Liability:Credit Card $5
> > Expenses:Medical$5
> > Asset:HSA  $5

This all makes sense and makes the numbers work which is better than
anything I came up with! The only problem I have with it is: reconciling
the HSA account is difficult when the balance of the HSA bank account
represented in the books over two accounts, HSA and Medical Reimbursable.
Maybe that can be made easier in GNU Cash by making Medical Reimbursable a
subaccount of HSA. Then reconciliation can be done "with subaccounts". At
first review, this seems very good. I'll put it into practice and let you
know if there's something that's not working right. Thank you very much!
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Re: Unit Trusts assistance development

2017-09-21 Thread Aaron Laws
On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) <> wrote:

> John, whilst I respect your contribution i.t.o. development of GnuCash, I
> feel you certainly need to take a refresher course in customer service.

Whereas gnucash is Free Software (I'm not talking about cost), the
developers are volunteers, and there are no customers of GnuCash, I
strongly disagree. Nobody is entitled to receive help with Free Software.
Instead, the appropriate response to developers' and expert users'
responding to inquiries rather than spending their time sitting in a sauna
is thankfulness.
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Re: How to deal with the cash flow and the credit card.

2017-09-24 Thread Aaron Laws
On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Explorare  wrote:

> Just a stupid question:
> I have three credit cards which have different bill date. So how to know
> the
> amount of cash I have on a specific date? Is there a tool to calculate
> this?
> I didn't find a place to set the bill date and the repayment date.
> Sorry for my poor English :P

Are you wanting to know your current assets minus your current liabilities
to know how much "money" you have on hand? For this, you'll take your
chequing account balance and subtract all your credit card balances, right?
I use the "Net Worth Line Chart" for this purpose, and only select the
current assets and liabilities (chequing, cash, etc, and credit cards,
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Re: importing

2017-10-09 Thread Aaron Laws
On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 9:27 PM, frank raney  wrote:

> Just finished 6 hours correcting all the data i imported and before I
> could save it, the program crashed. All I have is the unchanged imported
> data fileWhen it crashed, the file was lost but there is a log
> file..what it is I don't know.  Guess I have to start all over?
> Frankie Raney
> 12454 Auberry Rd.
> Clovis, Ca.
> 559.297.8577 H
> 559.304.1751 C

Oh, that's so painful; know that we feel your pain!

If you use a sql backend (sqlite is certainly the easiest to set up), it
saves everything you do as you do it. This means two things: you won't have
the catastrophe that you described, and you can't back out of changes by
closing without saving. Either way, you'll want to take periodic backup
"snapshots" of your books.
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Re: importing

2017-10-11 Thread Aaron Laws
On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 3:31 PM, frank raney 

> I just answered my own question..The lck file is a temporary file
> when the main file is opened.  I opened my file read only, resaved it.
> closed it and the lck file went away.  I opened the file in a smaller
> window so I coiuld see my directory and the lck file appeared
> went away when I closed the was happening was,
> when the program crashed, it did not close the lck file, and when I tried
> to reopen it, it thought it was in usewala..Im back in
> business...
> Frankie Raney
> 12454 Auberry Rd.
> Clovis, Ca.
> 559.297.8577 H
> 559.304.1751 C

That lck file is the mechanism by which gnucash ensures that each file is
only opened once at a time. If that file is there, that means gnucash is
using the corresponding ".gnucash" file. Of course, if gnucash crashes and
is unable to delete that .lck file, it will superexist the gnucash process.
In this case, the correct choice is "open anyway", and copying everything
first is an excellent idea, too.
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Re: command line QIF import

2017-10-16 Thread Aaron Laws
On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Nelson  wrote:

> That's why I am saying that having some flags to tuneup the import process
> and detailed logging would help a lot.

It sounds like you've identified some areas for improvement. This is a
volunteer project, so the more you can do to make this happen, the more
likely it will happen. Creating a detailed bug report would be the first
step. If you have some quite specific ways to improve the process, that
would be very helpful. If you're comfortable with C++, feel free to
contribute a patch (it doesn't need to be perfect; we can work with you,
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Re: General Journal - history limit and search

2017-10-31 Thread Aaron Laws
On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 12:39 PM, Roger Oliver  wrote:

> I notice my general journal only goes back to the beginning of Octuber.
> Transactions from September don't show. A search by date doesn't find any
> transactions earlier than October either. Is there a setting I'm
> overlooking to include everything in the general journal?
> Also, when I search the general journal the results are shows in the same
> journal, not in another register. Don't know how to get the general journal
> back to showing all the transactions. I just close it and open the general
> journal again from the tools menu. Is there a better way? Something I'm not
> doing correctly in the search criteria window?
> Thanks,
> Roger

With the General Ledger open, click "View" then "Filter By..." and adjust
the filter to your liking. It doesn't remember this setting, so you'll have
to do it any time you close then reopen gnucash.
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Re: has GnuCash code been reviewed for security?

2017-11-09 Thread Aaron Laws
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 8:35 PM, Marcus Winston  wrote:

> I've searched the web and mailing list archives for this one, but didn't
> find it. I'm just curious if GnuCash has ever gone through a code review
> specifically for security? Perhaps something like what was done for
> TrueCrypt...?

There aren't many angles for Gnucash security. Data can be stored in xml or
SQL. The SQL storage security is up to the provider: mysql, sqlite,
postgres. XML is in plain text, so you'll need to secure it physically or
using your operating system.

As Derek asks: what else would you like to know?
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Re: has GnuCash code been reviewed for security?

2017-11-09 Thread Aaron Laws
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:24 AM, Buddha Buck  wrote:

> GnuCash also doesn't do any network access, either as a client or server.
> For things like financial quote lookup, it calls 3rd-party tools. That's
> another way that GnuCash minimizes its security footprint.

I was thinking along these lines, but I wasn't sure enough to actually say
it does no network access. For instance, it can access a remote mysql
database? But perhaps this is also delegation to a mysql driver so wouldn't
count? Anyway, delegation is truly the gist of it.
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Re: Enhancement Request for GNUcash

2017-12-05 Thread Aaron Laws
On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Jesse Cochran 

> To whom it may concern,
> Given how limited and un-free our monetary system is nowadays, I think
> GNUcash would make a great tool for the following freedoms below:
> 0 > The Freedom to modify your starting and ending balance. This means you
> can take a @200 balance (yes, I'm using the @ symbol for example use), and
> turn it into @20 without the need to transfer anything.
> 1 > The Freedom to add and subtract from your ending balance like a
> calculator.
> 2 > The Freedom to send and receive money in any amount you choose.
> 3 > The Freedom to exchange this currency for other currency of any amount
> or size.
> So I am generically requesting a feature that allows this  to be
> implemented into GNUcash, just to exercise this right.
> Thanks for understanding,

If you're feeling down on your luck and would like to change your balances
gratuitously, you'll still be constrained by the double-entry paradigm
embraced by gnucash. Try making a transaction earlier than any of your
other transactions (say, 2002?) debiting your chequing account for, say,
$100,000, and crediting your opening balance equity for the same amount.
This exercise is always a nice "pick-me-up" for myself, and maybe it will
help you realize your freedoms as well?

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Re: export general ledger

2017-12-18 Thread Aaron Laws
> Alternatively there are a number of scripts that can take gnc files of
> some flavour and produce ledger-cli / beancount compatible files which are
> generally mores useful than csv files for accounting data anyway.

It looks like ledger-cli dropped gnucash import support in 2009?

Also, and
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Re: Receipt scanners, recommendations?

2017-12-21 Thread Aaron Laws
> > On Dec 21, 2017, at 11:42 AM, jeffrey black 
> wrote:
> >
> > I am using GnuCash (Windoze version) to track multiple sets of books.
> > My personal, my farm, my wife's business, and for another family members
> > personal and business.  Needless to say I am buried up to my ears in
> > receipts and would like to go paperless by storing the images in
> > GnuCash.  My flatbed scanner works but; is not a reasonable option.
> >
> > Right now, my budget would have to be a maximum of about $400 USD.  I
> > need to scan everything from 2 inch wide thermal receipts up to to full
> > size 8 1/2 X 11  inch receipts.
> >
> > As soon as I can replace several legacy apps I intend to ditch Windoze
> > and move everything over to Unix (probably Ubuntu), so compatibility
> > would be an issue.
> >
> > I would like to hear your recommendations.

 How does this affect gnucash performance? We've heard several times that
gnucash loads everything into memory at startup and operates from there. I
assume that includes the receipt images? How many pages of images does it
take to get up to, say, 800 MB of receipts?
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Re: Church Use of GNUCash

2017-12-21 Thread Aaron Laws
On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 9:44 AM, Mike or Penny Novack <> wrote:

> PS: The strictly proper method of having a liability "donor restricted
> funds" can ALWAYS be used.

I have restricted funds in my personal accounts, and I thought the
"correct" way to deal with this was Asset subaccounts. For several reasons,
this was unsatisfactory, and pushed me to the discovery of using a
liability to represent the encumbrances. I always thought it was hacky
because that's not what others said to do, but it solved a number of issues
for me very nicely.

My question: can you say more about using a liability (rather than asset
subaccounts) for restricted funds? Perhaps a link or two, or (ideally) a
reference to some gaap? That would be excellent!

Thanks for your continued enrichment of the public at large through the
gnucash-user mailing list. You are a tremendous resource.
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Re: Church Use of GNUCash

2017-12-22 Thread Aaron Laws
Excellent; thank you. One more question:

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Mike or Penny Novack <> wrote:

> The idea is that the money was received into the regular banks accounts
> but sort of not there/available because a corresponding liability. If and
> when money has been expended for a reason which would qualify for the use
> of those funds an adjustment transaction is made for the amount no longer
> restricted. Not necessarily with each expenditure. Possibly only quarterly
> (for the total of qualifying expenses that quarter) but decisions like THAT
> depend on volume.
I'm guessing my liability encumbrances look a bit different from what
you're talking about. In my case, the encumbrance is made like this:

Expense:Discretionary Earningsx
  Liabilities:Discretionary x

And relieved by

Liabilities:Discretionary x
Assets:Checking   x

This way, discretionary purchases don't show up directly on profit and
loss, only what I care about: the expense of earning discretionary funds.
What you're talking about is probably populated more like

   Liabilities:Organ Fundx

Then some expense:

Expense:Organ   x
  Assets:Chequing  x

But then how is the encumbrance relieved?

<< an adjustment transaction is made >>  How does that adjustment
transaction look?
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Re: Tracking credit card points

2018-02-09 Thread Aaron Laws
On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 3:40 PM, AC  wrote:

> I've decided to start tracking my points on my cards because the monthly
> statements do a poor job of  showing me the activity.

Sounds like a good idea. For what it's worth, I don't track this sort of
thing until it shows up on my statement at which time I credit
Revenue:Credit Card Rewards. For instance, with Amazon, I can use these
points directly at time of purchase, so
Expense:CD Player $400
Revenue:Credit Card Rewards  $200
Liabilities:Credit Card   $200
but with other credit cards, they are applied as a statement credit betimes:
Assets:Chequing Account$200
Revenue:Credit Card Rewards   $200

I thought I would mention it in case it is helpful in any way. Your way
sounds more careful because you'll know how much of these points you have
before you spend them.
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Re: Newbie Question

2017-07-07 Thread Aaron Laws
On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Paul Leniston 

> I have just downloaded gnucash and am a little confused.
> I have two bank accounts, one in UK and one in Spain.   Do I need a
> differrent common account for each one?
> In the UK bank I have three accounts.   There is a current account, a
> deposit account and a credit card account. Do I need a different common
> account for each one.
> Finally I have two long term savings accounts at different banks.  Do I
> need a different common account for each one?
> thanks in advance
> Paul

The usual way to handle this is to have a root level account, Assets, which
is a parent of these accounts. It may also be helpful to you for reporting
purposes to create a subaccount of Assets named Current where you can put
your "current" assets. The credit card is not as asset since it accumulates
debt (liabilities), so it should not be found under the Assets root level
account. You will likely create another root level account, Liabilities,
and again might consider creating a subaccount thereof, Current, for your
"current" liabilities. So, something like this:

   --- UK Chequing
   --- UK Saving
   --- Spain Savings
   --- UK Credit Card
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Re: Newbie question .

2017-09-02 Thread Aaron Laws
On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 3:24 PM, George Laczko  wrote:

> Hello ,
> I have a question .
> I'm saving money on various accounts (pension ,  insurance , etc ) that
> will be used years later and which i currently  pay monthly .  Where should
> i put them in my bookkeeping ? Expenses or savings ?
> ( sorry i'm a new user and english isn't my native language )
> Your help will be appreciated .
> Regards
> George

These are assets. Savings is a type of asset. Be sure to read the users'
guide; it goes over much of this type of information.
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Re: GnuCash on ArchLinux

2017-09-09 Thread Aaron Laws
On Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 7:42 AM, B. Dielhenn  wrote:

> Hello Andres,
> On Sat, 2017-09-09 at 13:06 +0200, wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > It won't install
> >
> > $ yaourt -S gnucash
> >
> > gnucash 2.6.17-3  (2017-07-07 14:07)
> > ( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
> Means: Use it at your own risk. Archlinux does not officially support
> this package. (This applies to all AUR packages)
> > And if I continue there will lot of  this:
> >
> > (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
> A PGP signature could not be verified. I would need more information
> (the output of yaourt) to help you building gnucash.

This is an arch linux problem, but it's likely the case that you need to
"receive" the pgp signature in question. In the error output should be a
string of perhaps 20 hex digits. You'll need to run

gpg --receive-keys 


I'm using gnucash from the pacman repository, version 2.6.16-3. I didn't
know it got removed from official repositories until a few minutes ago.
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Re: GnuCash on ArchLinux

2017-09-11 Thread Aaron Laws
> >> :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/libdbi-0.9.0-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is
> corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
> >> Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
> >> error: libdbi-drivers: signature from "Balló György <>>
>>> >" is invalid
> >> :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-6-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
> is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
> >> Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
> >> error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP
> signature))
> >> Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
> >> ==> Restart building gnucash ? [y/N]
> >>
> >> And when I click Y, then the loop starts all over again till it finds
> that files are corrupted again etc.
> >>
> >> Does anyone have access to AUR repositories and can fix it? Would be
> awesome.
> >>
> >> Andres

The AUR isn't broken. Please run pacman -S archlinux-keyring; then try
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