Re: [GNC] Import Format

2021-05-29 Thread DaveC49
The developers' link looks interesting. It seems to be mainly about making
authorized payments for e-commerce functions on a quick look at it and
nothing about downloading transaction data, but it is a move in the right

The Python version of the API may provide a way of creating a payment system
which interfaces with GnuCash though the GNuCash Python API to automatically
record the transactions made in the books. The API uses OAuth2
authorisations so it  will be at least that secure.  The CBA seems at last
to be starting to catch up with the times.

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Re: [GNC] Transparent background on selected Transfer choice

2021-05-29 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 29 mei 2021 04:31:18 CEST schreef David Carlson:
> What are the disadvantages of the flatpak version?


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[GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions between accounts?

2021-05-29 Thread s310310

I want to re-organize my transactions into the correct accounts.
I know I can "CUT" from the original account and "PASTE" in the destination
It takes a lot of work.

Is there a way to select the required transactions and do a "move" instead?

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Re: [GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions between accounts?

2021-05-29 Thread DaveC49
To move one split of  a transaction from one account to another if you edit
the transaction in the register for the account of the split which is going
to be unchanged. A all you have to do is change the account in the Account
column. Delete the existing selected account and you should get a drop down
list which will allow you to select the new account for the split. There is
no bulk cut and paste type operation AFAIK.

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Re: [GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions between accounts?

2021-05-29 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 5/29/2021 5:02 AM, wrote:


I want to re-organize my transactions into the correct accounts.
I know I can "CUT" from the original account and "PASTE" in the destination
It takes a lot of work.

Is there a way to select the required transactions and do a "move" instead?


With double entry bookkeeping each transaction affects at least two 
account. Understand? A transaction is never "in" just one account.

"How do I change one of these accounts?" Open the transaction in the 
other account. In edit transaction mode, respecify the other account..If 
the error was in a slit transaction, find it in any of the other 
account, enter split mode, and respecify the one that is wrong.

"How do I change both accounts? Do the previous process twice, fix 
one, then from that account, fix the other.

"How do I do this according to more formal bookkeeping procedures?"    
In more formal bookkeeping, once entered, a transaction is never 
altered. I am not talking about wile you were working, but when 
correcting at some later date. Instead, you enter a transaction to 
correct the account making it clear what you are doing in the description.

Michael D Novack

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Re: [GNC] Transparent background on selected Transfer choice

2021-05-29 Thread David G. Pickett via gnucash-user
I never warmed to flaptak or snap with their huge repositories of historic 
files, or compile your own, which means you are off the standard update stream. 
 (I have compiled personal fixes into many distributed packages, know my way 
around configure and all that, but I should not have to go there to get basic 
good operation of current code.)  I wanted an update on the standard update 

The last bug report suggestion does fix it, so it could be distributed with 
3.8b and possibly other versions to fix this.

-Original Message-
From: David Carlson 
To: David H 
Cc: David G. Pickett ; 

Sent: Fri, May 28, 2021 10:31 pm
Subject: Re: [GNC] Transparent background on selected Transfer choice

What are the disadvantages of the flatpak version?

On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 6:30 PM David H  wrote:

You either compile it yourself or use the flatpak version -

Personally I've just gone to the flatpak version as it's a lot easier than
dicking around trying to compile it and it's kept up to date with each
Gnucash release - thanks Geert, John, et al - much appreciated.

Cheers David H.

On Sat, 29 May 2021 at 08:02, David G. Pickett via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> How do I force the install of a higher version than Software Updater
> allows?
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Coates 
> To: Chris Good ;
> Cc:
> Sent: Fri, May 28, 2021 7:07 am
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Transparent background on selected Transfer choice
>  Good Morning All
>  Hi David ( + Eric (,
> Can you please test the fix Geert found in
> and let us know how you go?
> Can you reconfirm the Linux distro and version too please so I can document
> in the bug.
> Regards, Chris Good
>  I'm running Ubuntu 21.04 with GnuCash 4.4 with Finance Quote 1.49.
>   I created the file
> $HOME/.var/app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/config/gnucash/gtk-3.0.css  and added in
> Geert's snippet. I was then able to choose the Yaru theme and the
> transparency issue was not apparent. I can also confirm Geert's assertion
> that the Adwaita theme is not affected. Thanks to all those who took time
> to investigate and fix this problem.
>   Take care Eric
> ___
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David Carlson
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Re: [GNC] Asset account, "Type" column

2021-05-29 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger
Hello Oliver,

Am 26.05.21 um 13:13 schrieb Oliver G. Parker:
> Hi,
> I'm new to this list and am a fairly new user of GnuCash.

Welcome here.

> I am not an
> accountant but am using the software to manage my company finances. I am
> trying to do most of the book keeping myself so I can hand stuff on to my
> accountant in a good state of readiness for him to produce full and formal
> accounts, thus saving his time and my money.
> I have a large quantity of data entered into GnuCash but am struggling with
> my 'Recoverable Costs' account. I run a lettings agency and if I spend
> money on behalf of a client then the amount is listed as a 'recoverable
> cost' in this account, which is then charged on to the customer.
> One of the headings at the top of this account is "Type", and for each
> transaction it will have either a "?", "P" or "I" in it. I can change these
> by clicking on them but they sometimes won't change back and there seems to
> be a relationship between these and other transactions elsewhere in
> GnuCash, whereby some of the transactions in the 'Recoverable Costs'
> account when given a particular "Type" then can't be changed elsewhere.

No, this is no asset account. Only A/P and A/R have this column and you
should usually not manually change them.

Please read
to understand the fundamentals of invoicing in GnuCash.

> At the moment this is a nuisance as I have some transactions which now seem
> to be fixed and not changeable. However I understand that this
> functionality probably relates to an accountancy practice and if I
> understood what was going on then I could make it work to my advantage.
> Is anyone able to help me by posting a link to an explanation of what is
> going on? Thanks!
> Oli.

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Re: [GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions between accounts?

2021-05-29 Thread David Carlson
The method described by DaveC49 is about the only practical way to do it.

However,  if you want to change the account for a split line from the
current account to a different account,  it is faster to first jump to one
of the other accounts in that transaction before changing.   Changing the
"home" is much slower, and waiting for the transaction to disappear is a
pain in the neck.

On Sat, May 29, 2021, 5:13 AM DaveC49  wrote:

> To move one split of  a transaction from one account to another if you edit
> the transaction in the register for the account of the split which is going
> to be unchanged. A all you have to do is change the account in the Account
> column. Delete the existing selected account and you should get a drop down
> list which will allow you to select the new account for the split. There is
> no bulk cut and paste type operation AFAIK.
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Getting Gnucash to recognize Finance::Quote is installed correctly on Mac OS 11.4

2021-05-29 Thread James Mauro
I made the changes and it looks like the gnc-fq-check script isn't even
firing from the gnucash-cliTrying to see if I'm tripping over some sort
of security settings somewhere that started in recently.  I also tried an
older Gnucash 4.4, with no change so I'm thinking it's some setting in the
computer and not Gnucash directly.   I'll let you know what I find.

jmauro@Wakarusa gnucash %










/System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.30("1.49" "adig" "aex" "aiahk" "alphavantage"
"amfiindia" "asegr" "asx" "aufunds" "australia" "bamosz" "bet"
"bmonesbittburns" "bourso" "bse" "bsero" "canada" "canadamutual" "citywire"
"cominvest" "cse" "deka" "dutch" "dwsfunds" "europe"
"fetch_live_currencies" "fidelity" "fidelity_direct" "fidelityfixed"
"financecanada" "finanzpartner" "finland" "fool" "france" "ftfunds"
"ftportfolios" "ftportfolios_direct" "fundlibrary" "goldmoney" "greece"
"hex" "hu" "hufund" "hungary" "hustock" "iexcloud" "indiamutual"
"known_currencies" "lerevenu" "maninv" "morningstar" "morningstarau"
"morningstarch" "morningstarjp" "mstaruk" "nasdaq" "nyse" "nz" "nzx"
"platinum" "romania" "seb_funds" "sixfunds" "sixshares"
"stockhousecanada_fund" "tdefunds" "tdwaterhouse" "tiaacref" "tnetuk"
"troweprice" "troweprice_direct" "trustnet" "tsp" "tsx" "uk_unit_trusts"
"ukfunds" "unionfunds" "usa" "usfedbonds" "vanguard" "vwd" "yahoo_json"
"yahoo_yql" "za" "za_unittrusts")


jmauro@Wakarusa gnucash %
/Applications/ --logto=stderr --log
gnc.scm=debug --quotes get  2021-Register.gnucash

Application Path /Applications/

(process:12281): gnc.gui-*WARNING* **: 08:22:07.973: [mac_set_languages()]
Language list: en:en_US:C

* 08:22:08 DEBUG  gnc:fq-check-sources results: #

No quotes retrieved. Finance::Quote isn't installed properly.

On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 9:14 AM John Ralls  wrote:

> Hmm. Your original question was about how GnuCash determines whether F::Q
> is installed. The answer is that it calls gnc-fq-check. So if works from
> the command line and fails when GnuCash calls it then something is
> different between the two perl environments. Running GnuCash from Finder
> won't read your shell environment, but running it from Terminal does. The
> gnc-fq-foo programs are all perl so you can edit them. It's helpful that
> running GnuCash from Terminal doesn't work because there's a place for the
> output to go. Try adding
>   print STDERR join "\n", @INC;
> to gnc-fq-check right after the line
>   # Runtime.
> Run `gnc-fq-check` and `gnucash-cli --logto=stderr --log gnc.scm=debug
> --quotes get ` from Terminal and compare the output.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On May 28, 2021, at 10:57 AM, James Mauro  wrote:
> >
> > Not that I remember. It's a clean MacOS install when I got this computer
> in November and it worked fine until the MacOS update last month which is
> why the behavior is confounding.
> >
> > The system perl in /usr/bin/perl is the only one on the system that I
> could see with a quick sweep with the terminal find for any others and
> nothing popped out as a different one I can see.
> >
> > Also the  "/Applications/ --quotes
> get"  throws "No quotes retrieved. Finance::Quote isn't installed
> properly." even though I confirmed with the 'which' command that it's
> pointing to the /usr/bin/perl like the gnc-fq commands do.
> >
> > James
> >
> > --
> > James Mauro  Phone: 785-979-1041
> > "Had I foreseen this, I would have gone into botany" -- Wolfgang Pauli
> >
> >> On May 28, 2021, at 5:51 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >>> On May 27, 2021, at 11:18 AM, James Mauro  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> How does Gnucash verify that Finance::Quote is installed correctly on
> MacOS
> >>> 11?  I followed the instructions in the list archives archives to fix
> Test2
> >>> in CPAN, rebuild Quote::Finance via gnc-fq-update and now both
> gnc-fq-check
> >>> and gnc-fq-dump work as expected, but Gnucash still grays out the "Get
> >>> Quotes" on the Price Database screen and editing a security indicates
> that
> >>> Finance::Quote isn't properly installed.  I've been using Gnucash
> for a
> >>> while and normally once gnc-fq-check and gnc-fq-dump start working
> there it
> >>> magically works, but this time no such luck.
> >>>
> >>> Any thoughts?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Might you have installed another instance of perl, perhaps with
> Homebrew or MacPorts?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> John Ralls
> >>
> >>

James Mauro  Phone: 785-979-1041
132 18th St SE Apt 3 Washingt

Re: [GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions between accounts?

2021-05-29 Thread Chris Good
Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 29 May 2021 10:32:25 -0500
> From: David Carlson 
> To: DaveC49 
> Cc: Gnucash Users 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions
>   between accounts?
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> The method described by DaveC49 is about the only practical way to do it.
> However,  if you want to change the account for a split line from the
> current account to a different account,  it is faster to first jump to one
> of the other accounts in that transaction before changing.   Changing the
> "home" is much slower, and waiting for the transaction to disappear is a
> pain in the neck.
>> On Sat, May 29, 2021, 5:13 AM DaveC49  wrote:
>> To move one split of  a transaction from one account to another if you edit
>> the transaction in the register for the account of the split which is going
>> to be unchanged. A all you have to do is change the account in the Account
>> column. Delete the existing selected account and you should get a drop down
>> list which will allow you to select the new account for the split. There is
>> no bulk cut and paste type operation AFAIK.

Hi David Carlson,

There is no waiting for the “transaction to disappear” on my i7 computer with 
an ssd and 16 GB ram.

Regards, Chris Good
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Re: [GNC] Transparent background on selected Transfer choice

2021-05-29 Thread Chris Good
Message: 11
> Date: Sat, 29 May 2021 13:46:14 + (UTC)
> From: "David G. Pickett" 
> To: "" 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Transparent background on selected Transfer choice
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I never warmed to flaptak or snap with their huge repositories of historic 
> files, or compile your own, which means you are off the standard update 
> stream.? (I have compiled personal fixes into many distributed packages, know 
> my way around configure and all that, but I should not have to go there to 
> get basic good operation of current code.)? I wanted an update on the 
> standard update stream.
> The last bug report suggestion does fix it, so it could be distributed with 
> 3.8b and possibly other versions to fix this.

Hi David,

I don’t understand your reticence to use flatpak. In my opinion, it is a 
wonderful way to be able to keep up with latest fixes and features, and also be 
able to run a specific older version if there is an issue that makes the latest 
and greatest no good for your situation, as occasionally happens. Admittedly, 
there are some known issues with flatpak, see

3.8B as in Ubuntu 20.04 repository is from Dec 2019.
There will be no re-release of such an old version.
It may be possible to ship a fix for this problem with the next 4.6 release, 
but I’m not sure there is a mechanism that would enable an update to an 
existing gtk css file.
Also, doing so may causes problems for users of other themes.

Regards, Chris Good
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Re: [GNC] question - how do I move one or more transactions between accounts?

2021-05-29 Thread flywire
If most transactions are to be moved to one account it can be worth renaming
the account and moving out the other transactions.

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