Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread aeg via gnucash-user
I am currently using version 2.6.16 so should I upgrade to 2.6.21 before 3.5 or 
is another intermediate step recommended?
Kind regards,Alan


Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
From: Adrien Monteleone 
To: GnuCash 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii

I think it was originally recommended to update to 2.6.19 or 2.6.21 first. 
(2.6.20 and .21 were snap fix releases for some critical problems with 2.6.19 
which was originally intended to be the *last* of the 2.6 series)


> On Apr 9, 2019, at 1:54 PM,   wrote:
> "The main time you may strike problems is in the initial switch between
> major versions e.g. from 2.6 to V3." Any problems updating from v 2.6.18?
> Thanks, Roger

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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Michael Hendry
> On 10 Apr 2019, at 08:21, aeg via gnucash-user  
> wrote:
> I am currently using version 2.6.16 so should I upgrade to 2.6.21 before 3.5 
> or is another intermediate step recommended?
> Kind regards,Alan

For what it’s worth, I can report no file incompatibility problems in making 
the transition from 2.6.1 to 3.4 a few weeks ago.

Your mileage may, of course, vary.

I had planned to run the two versions in parallel for a while (with separate 
directories for the data), but quickly got fed up with the rigmarole of 
switching between the two.


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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Maf. King
On Tuesday, 9 April 2019 19:21:16 BST wrote:
> If you create an invoice that later becomes uncollectible, there is no way
> to charge it off to a bad debt expense account from within the invoice.
> Suggestions?


haven't had to do this for a while (thnakfully!), but ISTR that I got numbers 
into expenses:bad Debt like this:

1. pay the invoice using the normal bank account

2. go to the bank register and manually edit the transaction so that the bank 
account split pointed to expenses:bad debt.

almost certainly not the formal way to do things, but got where I needed to 


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[GNC] Support for .IIF and .QFX formats for Data import

2019-04-10 Thread syed huq via gnucash-user
My Bank supports .IIF and .QFX formats for Data Import. 
Your documentations do not show support of these (yet). I have tried the
ASCII CSV and I get errors during import.

Any plans for these .IIF or .QFX format support ?


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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Justin Haynes
I think you have to pay it from an expense account like Expenses:BadDebt or 
wherever you want to record that expense.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 9, 2019, at 1:21 PM,   wrote:
> If you create an invoice that later becomes uncollectible, there is no way
> to charge it off to a bad debt expense account from within the invoice.
> Suggestions?
> ___
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Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-10 Thread Art Chimes
I have a general suggestion to the problem for Windows users.

The must frequently-used, helpful, can't-do-without utility I have on
my system is called Everything. In the blink of an eye it displays
every file matching your specified filename search criterion.

Type <*.gnucash> in the search box (without the brackets) and you'll
get every file on your system ending in .gnucash with the usual
directory information: size, date modified, path, etc.

Everything is not only my go-to tool to find a file when I don't
remember — or failed to notice — what directory it was saved in. It's
also valuable for navigating to a file when you know the location
since I can usually type the file name (or enough of it) faster than I
can click through the directory tree. Example: I'm looking for last
month's MegaCharge credit card statement. I type "2019 Mega" and with
no perceptible delay it will show me all the files on my computer that
have "2019" and "Mega" in their name. (Everything indexes filename
only. Content and some limited metadata searching, e.g. id3 tags, but
it's not indexed and can be very slow.)

Freeware at

(Information provided to assist fellow GnuCash users who have
misplaced their data or other files. I have no connection with
Everything or Void Tools except as a happy user.)

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Justin Haynes
That’s an interesting idea and it keeps the money moving within the billing and 
accounts receivable side as Roger had requested.  Now that Roger mentions it, I 
remember now not seeing expense accounts to pay with. 

Roger is this the roundabout way you are doing it now?:

I suppose there is no way to do it within the invoice other than having a 
negative line item?  (I have not tried this).  Or a credit memo as Greg said.  


> On Apr 9, 2019, at 3:21 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
> In similar fashion, a favorite customer shorted me $0.50 on a timely big 
> invoice payment.  Rather than hassle them about $0.50, I created another 
> invoice, but as I was creating the invoice I selected credit memo instead of 
> invoice.  I made a credit memo for $0.50 for that customer and job.  Then I 
> opened the invoice that was $0.50 short and went to pay that invoice.  The 
> invoice with the $0.50 due appears as well as the credit memo for $0.50.  I 
> selected them both and finished the payment.  
> If you went this way, perhaps you could set the account for the source of the 
> credit memo to an appropriate expense account?  I'm just a beginner, so what 
> I've done may not be allowed.
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 1:03 PM>> 
> wrote:
> Justin,
> That is the way you would do it by normal accounting rules as I understand
> them. However, you can't pay an invoice in GnuCash from an expense account.
> The only accounts available in the receive payment window are assets, equity
> and liability accounts. No income or expense accounts available therefore
> not allowed. I've done it in a round about way but never have been satisfied
> with the result. Keep looking for something better.
> Thanks,
> Roger
> -Original Message-
> From: Justin Haynes  > 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:40 PM
> To: 
> Cc: GnuCash>>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt
> I think you have to pay it from an expense account like Expenses:BadDebt or
> wherever you want to record that expense.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Apr 9, 2019, at 1:21 PM,>> 
> >>> wrote:
> > 
> > If you create an invoice that later becomes uncollectible, there is no 
> > way to charge it off to a bad debt expense account from within the
> invoice.
> > Suggestions?
> > 
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Tony Vanson
I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Windows 10. The upgrade
performed seamlessly with only one problem so far, it seems to have lost my
Saved Report Configurations from the previous version. Not too big a deal
as it's easily created again, or maybe someone has an idea if I'm looking
in the wrong spot?



On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 3:01 PM Michael Hendry 

> > On 10 Apr 2019, at 08:21, aeg via gnucash-user 
> wrote:
> >
> > I am currently using version 2.6.16 so should I upgrade to 2.6.21 before
> 3.5 or is another intermediate step recommended?
> > Kind regards,Alan
> For what it’s worth, I can report no file incompatibility problems in
> making the transition from 2.6.1 to 3.4 a few weeks ago.
> Your mileage may, of course, vary.
> I had planned to run the two versions in parallel for a while (with
> separate directories for the data), but quickly got fed up with the
> rigmarole of switching between the two.
> Michael
> ___
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> -
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*Tony Vanson*

*The older I get,*
*the better I was*
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Re: [GNC] Support for .IIF and .QFX formats for Data import

2019-04-10 Thread Derek Atkins

We do support QFX.  It is part of the OFX importer.

We do not support IIF or QXF.. Those are proprietary formats and we have no 
immediate plans to attempt to reverse engineer them.

Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
On April 10, 2019 5:42:39 AM syed huq via gnucash-user 

My Bank supports .IIF and .QFX formats for Data Import.
Your documentations do not show support of these (yet). I have tried the
ASCII CSV and I get errors during import.

Any plans for these .IIF or .QFX format support ?


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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The storage locations for some items moved between versions. I think saved 
reports are affected. Take a look at the wiki. You likely just need to copy 
them to the new location.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 4:57 AM, Tony Vanson  wrote:
> I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Windows 10. The upgrade
> performed seamlessly with only one problem so far, it seems to have lost my
> Saved Report Configurations from the previous version. Not too big a deal
> as it's easily created again, or maybe someone has an idea if I'm looking
> in the wrong spot?
> Virus-free.
> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Tony Vanson
It would greatly help my few remaining brain cells if specific location
advice is available. Waded through a lot of the Wiki but unfortunately made
no sense to me.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 6:20 PM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> The storage locations for some items moved between versions. I think saved
> reports are affected. Take a look at the wiki. You likely just need to copy
> them to the new location.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Apr 10, 2019, at 4:57 AM, Tony Vanson  wrote:
> >
> > I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Windows 10. The upgrade
> > performed seamlessly with only one problem so far, it seems to have lost
> my
> > Saved Report Configurations from the previous version. Not too big a deal
> > as it's easily created again, or maybe someone has an idea if I'm looking
> > in the wrong spot?
> >
> > <
> >
> > Virus-free.
> >
> > <
> >
> > <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> >
> ___
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*Tony Vanson*

*The older I get,*
*the better I was*
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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Greg Feneis
 Revenue is money you have collected.  I don't think an invoiced amount is
revenue until it has been collected. When a payment cannot be collected,
that uncollected payment is not an expense. An expense is revenue spent in
exchange for a good or service.

Kind regards, Greg Feneis
(Galaxy S7)

On Tue, Apr 9, 2019, 16:47 Adrien Monteleone 

> > On Apr 9, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
> >
> > Since people are trying to associate a non payment with an expense
> account, does not getting paid by a customer actually constitute an expense?
> Generally, yes, it is revenue earned, but needs to be deducted so as not
> to affect income because it wasn’t actually collected.
> Income = Revenue - Expenses (accounting text book definition)
> >
> > I imagine in business, the big concerns with expenses are tracking where
> the revenue that doesn't become profit goes, and (at least in the US)
> getting tax deductions for as many deductible expenses as possible to
> minimize  tax liability.
> Non-collectible receivables are reductions to Income in a similar way that
> Discounts and Allowances are. One way to do that is via an Expenses:Bad
> Debt account. (again, generally)
> >
> > As a sole proprietor, I think when I can't collect an invoiced amount,
> that's just income I can't receive.  I don't think it's an expense.  It's
> not revenue spent on something, and it's not tax deductible, AFAIK.
> Depends on your jurisdiction tax laws and the exact legal form of the
> business.
> >
> > Sorry, I don't mean to hi-Jack the thread, it's kind of related.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Greg Feneis
> Certainly, related, but the answer for any specific situation should be
> given by a competent local CPA. My recommendation was for the generic
> formal treatment of the situation.
> We don’t give actionable tax or accounting advice here, but rather how to
> accomplish accounting tasks using GnuCash.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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> -
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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread rmomxtx


This option makes the most sense to me in terms of accounting principles.
Only one problem, I set that account up as a sub of accounts receivable (in
Spanish for: Activo Diferido) but it does not show up in the list of
accounts in the receive payment window. You have to have an accounts
receivable asset account for the invoice module to work. That account does
appear in the dropdown list in the top right corner of the receive payments
window.  I think this list is called "post in" in English, contabilizar en
in Spanish. In the post window, you can select that account as well from a
similar dropdown list called "contabilizar en cuenta," I think "Post in
account" in English. I'm using version 1.6.18. Perhaps later versions allow
you to receive a payment to accounts receivable asset accounts.





Message: 5

Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:18:55 -0500

From: Adrien Monteleone> >

To: GnuCash> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

Message-ID: <

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


Probably the more formal method would be to create,


Assets:Current Assets:Accounts Receivable:Allowance for Doubtful Accounts


then ?pay? the original invoice with that asset account, then move that
amount (once determined you definitely won?t collect it) to Expenses:Bad


'Allowance for Doubtful Accounts' is usually a calculated estimation that
later gets written off to expenses at the end of the period, but I don?t see
why you can?t use it in this fashion all at once.






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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Elmar

On 4/10/19 11:15 AM, wrote:

Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
From: Adrien Monteleone 
To: GnuCash 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;??? charset=us-ascii

I think it was originally recommended to update to 2.6.19 or 2.6.21 first. 
(2.6.20 and .21 were snap fix releases for some critical problems with 2.6.19 
which was originally intended to be the *last* of the 2.6 series)


Heck, I am still running off the Mint repository version 2.6.12-1 built 
from rev ed11f6d+ on 2016-04-18.  Nothing is "broken" that I use, and I 
am being cautious, awaiting the repository to update. Anyone got any 
ideas on when that might happen? - Elmar

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Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-10 Thread Greg Feneis
Well, I upgraded to "Rebuild of the GnuCash 3.5 Windows Bundle", but
GnuCash still gives me the strange error when I try to save to the usual
location where I've saved in the past successfully with 2.6.x.

Kind regards,

Greg Feneis

On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 12:42 PM Greg Feneis  wrote:

> So far, nobody seems to be able to repeat this issue, so we haven't ruled
> out that it's a failure of my computer that's causing this.  So it's
> probably not worth adding to the bug tracker.
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis 
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 8:10 PM John Ralls  wrote:
>> Greg,
>> 2.6.21 and 3.x are supposed to be fully file-compatible. Earlier releases
>> in the 2.6 series may not be depending on what 3.x features you use.
>> If you'd prefer to continue the troubleshooting in the bug tracker, file
>> a bug.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>> > On Apr 8, 2019, at 5:40 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> >
>> > Just a coupe of questions,
>> >
>> > 1.  Once the working file (xml) is saved by 3.5, does it remain
>> backward compatible with 2.6.21 in case I want to downgrade?
>> >
>> > 2.  Should I log this bug in bugzilla?
>> >
>> > Kind regards,
>> >
>> > Greg Feneis
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 7:27 AM Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> > Hi John,
>> >
>> > Sorry I missed this yesterday.  The language is English (United
>> States), The Location is United States. The current language for
>> non-Unicode programs is English (United States)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Kind regards,
>> >
>> > Greg Feneis
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 4:33 PM John Ralls  wrote:
>> > Indeed. I just tried C:\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash. No problem.
>> >
>> > What are your Language and Region settings? Have you set LANG and
>> LANGUAGES in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment? Is
>> your userid an Administrator?
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > John Ralls
>> >
>> >
>> > > On Apr 7, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> > >
>> > > John,
>> > >
>> > > I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the
>> Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried this
>> path and file name:
>> > > C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official
>> Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of
>> Dropbox, Failure!)
>> > > The error message reads:
>> > > "You attempted to save in
>> H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash or a subdirectory thereof.
>> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that directory for internal
>> usePlease try again in a different directory. (close).
>> > >
>> > > Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you
>> spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
>> > > C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Files\Official Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128
>> chars, outside of Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
>> > >
>> > > So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving
>> within the windows user folder?
>> > >
>> > > Things are getting curiouser
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Kind regards,¯¯
>> > > Greg
>> > >
>> > > On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:46 PM John Ralls  wrote:
>> > > Just to completely rule out Dropbox being somehow involved, could you
>> create the same hierarchy in your home directory, i.e.
>> c:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\Gnucash Files\
>> > >
>> > > I was able to successfully save
>> > > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash
>> > > and its log file
>> > > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash.20190407134124.log
>> > >
>> > > Regards,
>> > > John Ralls
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > > On Apr 7, 2019, at 10:50 AM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > Some more testing on the issue where 3.5 seems to want a shorter
>> path than 2.6.x did:
>> > > >
>> > > > Just now, I exited Dropbox to see if that had something to do with
>> it, but pretty much the same error for all three path variations, what
>> worked historically with 2.6.x, no ampersand but some folder names used
>> spaces, and no ampersand + no spaces.  It seemed purely to do with length,
>> but it doesn't seem to be about total characters.
>> > > >
>> > > > With Dropbox back on, here are some more tests:
>> > > >
>> > > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\test.gnucash   (52 chars)
>> Success!
>> > > >
>> > > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\GnuCashFiles\test.gnucash
>> (65 chars) Failure!
>> > > >
>> > > > So I shortened the name of the last folder from GnuCashFiles down
>> to G and still got the same problem
>> > > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\G\test.gnucash  (54 chars)
>> Failure!
>> > > >
>> > > > So I shortened the name of t

Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread rmomxtx


You’re not hijacking the thread. Good question. Whether a bad debt is a simple 
loss of income or an expense depends on your method of accounting, cash or 
accrual. If the latter, the sale is counted as income the day you create the 
invoice. By the former, it isn’t income until it is paid. It is not uncommon to 
call a bad debt an expense. At least this is my understanding from my 
experience and what I studied in college. That was back in the late 60’s so 
what do I know? 😉




Message: 6

Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 16:07:18 -0700

From: Greg Feneis> >

To: Adrien Monteleone> >

Cc: GnuCash> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

Message-ID:> >

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


Since people are trying to associate a non payment with an expense account, 
does not getting paid by a customer actually constitute an expense?


I imagine in business, the big concerns with expenses are tracking where the 
revenue that doesn't become profit goes, and (at least in the US) getting tax 
deductions for as many deductible expenses as possible to minimize  tax 


As a sole proprietor, I think when I can't collect an invoiced amount, that's 
just income I can't receive.  I don't think it's an expense.  It's not revenue 
spent on something, and it's not tax deductible, AFAIK.


Sorry, I don't mean to hi-Jack the thread, it's kind of related.





Kind regards,


Greg Feneis 

[GNC] Please unsubcribe me

2019-04-10 Thread Teresa


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Re: [GNC] Please unsubcribe me

2019-04-10 Thread Derek Atkins

On Wed, April 10, 2019 12:30 pm, Teresa wrote:

If you look at the bottom of EVERY MESSAGE FROM THIS LIST:

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Just click on that URL and remove yourself.


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   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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Re: [GNC] Support for .IIF and .QFX formats for Data import

2019-04-10 Thread Ken Schneider

On 4/10/19 6:11 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:

We do support QFX.  It is part of the OFX importer.

We do not support IIF or QXF.. Those are proprietary formats and we have 
no immediate plans to attempt to reverse engineer them.


Dazed and confused here.
One line says QFX is supported, the other states QFX is not supported.


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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread rmomxtx


Excellent explanation of the standard accounting practice for handling bad
debts. I saved it. As you note, the problem is the limits of the invoice
module in GnuCash. I did create an income contra account for bad debts with
the idea of paying the invoice from that account and later entering a
transaction to move it to the bad debt expense account. A customer got a
case of the guilts and asked how much she owed after I had charged it off. I
received her payment direct to a cash account (dr) and a credit to this bad
debt income account. That works but I don't feel I have a handle on it yet,
that it is the best practice. Might be a useful feature/fix to add to the
program in the future.





Message: 9

Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 18:59:16 -0500 (CDT)

From: David Cousens> >


Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

Message-ID: <

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii




The conventional accounting procedure for bad debts is to have a contra sub-

account to the accounts receivable usually labelled "Allowance for Bad

Debts" as Adrien indicated earlier. The total of this account sums into the

Account Receivable account, i.e. it is a child account. It is called a

contra account  because the entries which increase its value are credits

(debits increase the balance of an asset account).


David Cousens

(Chose not to copy the entire post as it makes the thread very long and the
original is available in the earlier email. If I did wrong, someone will let
me know.)

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Re: [GNC] Support for .IIF and .QFX formats for Data import

2019-04-10 Thread Derek Atkins

On Wed, April 10, 2019 12:42 pm, Ken Schneider wrote:
> On 4/10/19 6:11 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> We do support QFX.  It is part of the OFX importer.
>> We do not support IIF or QXF.. Those are proprietary formats and we have
>> no immediate plans to attempt to reverse engineer them.
>> -derek
> Dazed and confused here.
> One line says QFX is supported, the other states QFX is not supported.

Look more closely..  QFX is supported.  QXF is not.

> Ken

> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Mileage varies when encountering bugs. If you want to see those known to affect 
to 2.6.12 you can search the Bugzilla db for that series, and/or time period. 
(not all bugs were specific to a particular release) *Many* improvements and 
fixes have been implemented since then.

If you only run what is available in the repo, that’s the most recent you can 
run without upgrading Mint itself and until 2020 when the Mint team re-bases 
their distro to a more modern version of Ubuntu.

The latest Mint, 19.1 - Tessa, is based off the Ubuntu 18.04 repositories which 
contains GnuCash-2.6.19. Tara (Mint 19) and Tessa (19.1) and the rest of the 19 
series are supported until 2023.

If you want more recent version like the 3.x series, you’d need to use the 
Flatpak version or build from source. (rather easy to do, especially with the 
new wiki instructions)


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 10:35 AM, Elmar  wrote:
> On 4/10/19 11:15 AM, wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
>> From: Adrien Monteleone 
>> To: GnuCash 
>> Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;??? charset=us-ascii
>> I think it was originally recommended to update to 2.6.19 or 2.6.21 first. 
>> (2.6.20 and .21 were snap fix releases for some critical problems with 
>> 2.6.19 which was originally intended to be the *last* of the 2.6 series)
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
> Heck, I am still running off the Mint repository version 2.6.12-1 built from 
> rev ed11f6d+ on 2016-04-18.  Nothing is "broken" that I use, and I am being 
> cautious, awaiting the repository to update. Anyone got any ideas on when 
> that might happen? - Elmar

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Be certain to set that sub-account as *type* `asset` not as *type* `accounts 
receivable`. There can be only one account with the type `accounts receivable`, 
and that one already exists. (and has the same name) I made the same error 
myself when I set up my sub-accounts.

You can have regular asset accounts as sub-accounts of the special Accounts 
Receivable account. They don’t all need to be of *type* `accounts receivable`. 
That’s what you are trying to accomplish here and then you should see it in the 
list. I don’t think you have to re-start GnuCash, but go ahead if it still 
doesn’t show up.

Also, I think you meant version `2.6.18` not `1.6.18`. Even 2.6.18 is a bit 
dated (the last of the series is 2.6.21) but even back then, you should be able 
to accomplish this. If there even was a version 1.6.18 it is ancient and 
probably won’t do much of anything we currently cover here on the list. (I 
don’t think it had the business features anyway at that point, so that’s 
probably a typo)


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 10:15 AM,   wrote:
> Adrian,
> This option makes the most sense to me in terms of accounting principles. 
> Only one problem, I set that account up as a sub of accounts receivable (in 
> Spanish for: Activo Diferido) but it does not show up in the list of accounts 
> in the receive payment window. You have to have an accounts receivable asset 
> account for the invoice module to work. That account does appear in the 
> dropdown list in the top right corner of the receive payments window.  I 
> think this list is called “post in” in English, contabilizar en in Spanish. 
> In the post window, you can select that account as well from a similar 
> dropdown list called “contabilizar en cuenta,” I think “Post in account” in 
> English. I’m using version 1.6.18. Perhaps later versions allow you to 
> receive a payment to accounts receivable asset accounts.
> Thanks,
> Roger
> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:18:55 -0500
> From: Adrien Monteleone 
> To: GnuCash 
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Probably the more formal method would be to create,
> Assets:Current Assets:Accounts Receivable:Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
> then ?pay? the original invoice with that asset account, then move that 
> amount (once determined you definitely won?t collect it) to Expenses:Bad Debt.
> 'Allowance for Doubtful Accounts' is usually a calculated estimation that 
> later gets written off to expenses at the end of the period, but I don?t see 
> why you can?t use it in this fashion all at once.
> Regards,
> Adrien

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread rmomxtx


I take it the context of your comments is how to allow for payment of invoices 
with services in kind. I think I follow you. It is ideal to create a sub 
account of accounts receivable so the roll up number give a more realistic idea 
of what you can expect to get paid. Paying for the service from a sub-account 
of accounts receivable is easy, just a transaction in the journal of one of the 
two accounts. However, if the asset you create is a sub-account of accounts 
receivable GnuCash does not give you the option of paying the invoice from any 
account classified as an account receivable. A liability account is a workable 
solution. That would work similar to buying the network switch charged to a 
fixed asset account. When I paid the client’s invoice, I credited the invoice 
for the full amount he charged me for the switch. Now in the invoice module, 
the balance in his favor always shows and is charged down as we provide our 
services in kind. Easy solution for us is to create a liability account for 
services of this type, pay for the expense from that account and then charge 
our invoice against the liability. That, GnuCash will allow you to do.


Challenge is to remember that’s what you decided to do. I write it down in 
OneNote so I can refer back to what I decided to do. Otherwise, ties my head in 
a knot trying to remember what I did and why. 😊


Thanks much,



Message: 1

Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 19:02:26 -0500

From: Adrien Monteleone> >

To: GnuCash> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

Message-ID: < 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8




You could create a sub-account of A/R something like ?B2BTrade'. When the 
client does work for you, you ?pay? the bill they send you by crediting the 
asset, and debiting the relevant expense. When you want to apply this to their 
A/R balance, then ?pay? their invoice from you using that account. You can use 
a single sub-account or keep separate ones for each business you trade with. 
You could instead place that account in Liabilities if you prefer. The 
advantage to making it a sub-account of A/R is to have a roll-up total reflect 
what is actually owed to you without having to do the math yourself with the 
liability section. The single account is certainly easier, especially if you 
don?t do frequent and regular business this way. And if you want to see a 
B2BTrade balance for any one entity, you can run a report filtering on the 
Payee Description or Notes/Memos, however you annotated the transaction.


So no need to issue credit memos in this case. Just pay their bill to you with 
a Trade asset account and then pay your bill to them with that same account. 
The business features will make the debits and credit work out properly.






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Re: [GNC] Support for .IIF and .QFX formats for Data import

2019-04-10 Thread Kenneth Schneider
Gets me every time. 😁

Ken Schneider 

> On Apr 10, 2019, at 12:53 PM, Derek Atkins  wrote:
> Hi,
>> On Wed, April 10, 2019 12:42 pm, Ken Schneider wrote:
>>> On 4/10/19 6:11 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> We do support QFX.  It is part of the OFX importer.
>>> We do not support IIF or QXF.. Those are proprietary formats and we have
>>> no immediate plans to attempt to reverse engineer them.
>>> -derek
>> Dazed and confused here.
>> One line says QFX is supported, the other states QFX is not supported.
> Look more closely..  QFX is supported.  QXF is not.
>> Ken
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek
> -- 
>   Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>   Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

You just missed my recent reply on account types.

The asset version needs to be of *type* `asset` not *type* `accounts 
receivable` but you can certainly place regular asset accounts as sub-accounts 
of that special Accounts Receivable account. I have this very setup and it 
works fine.

Certainly though, if you prefer the liability method for your use case, by all 
means, use that instead. It is perfectly legitimate to pay liabilities with 
other liabilities, that is what a credit card is — you are setting up an 
account to track a credit line you have with that vendor/client.

And yes, remembering how to make certain entries, especially when they are 
infrequent, can be a challenge. The only advice (other than a note app) on that 
front is I personally found I retain more of this info as I became more active 
on this list helping others. (of course, some things I still have to lookup to 
refresh my memory) My workflow includes creating a ‘how to’ sub folder in my 
mail client and archiving some important threads there which places them in 
quick proximity to reference when revisiting the topic in a new thread.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 1:26 PM,   wrote:
> Adrien,
> I take it the context of your comments is how to allow for payment of 
> invoices with services in kind. I think I follow you. It is ideal to create a 
> sub account of accounts receivable so the roll up number give a more 
> realistic idea of what you can expect to get paid. Paying for the service 
> from a sub-account of accounts receivable is easy, just a transaction in the 
> journal of one of the two accounts. However, if the asset you create is a 
> sub-account of accounts receivable GnuCash does not give you the option of 
> paying the invoice from any account classified as an account receivable. A 
> liability account is a workable solution. That would work similar to buying 
> the network switch charged to a fixed asset account. When I paid the client’s 
> invoice, I credited the invoice for the full amount he charged me for the 
> switch. Now in the invoice module, the balance in his favor always shows and 
> is charged down as we provide our services in kind. Easy solution for us is 
> to create a liability account for services of this type, pay for the expense 
> from that account and then charge our invoice against the liability. That, 
> GnuCash will allow you to do.
> Challenge is to remember that’s what you decided to do. I write it down in 
> OneNote so I can refer back to what I decided to do. Otherwise, ties my head 
> in a knot trying to remember what I did and why. 😊
> Thanks much,
> Roger

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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Read the section about where to find USER_DATA_HOME on your OS.

Find the saved reports in the location listed to be used in version 2.6 and 
then move them to the new location now used in 3.x and rename the file 
accordingly. (I seem to recall 2.6 used `saved-reports-2.4` and 3.x uses 

If you are still having trouble finding these locations, take a look at the 
very good diagrams under the "Diagrams of Configuration Locations” section for 
your OS. ( Note 
that the 2.6 chart is further down the screen. You’ll need to scroll for it.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 9:27 AM, Tony Vanson  wrote:
> It would greatly help my few remaining brain cells if specific location 
> advice is available. Waded through a lot of the Wiki but unfortunately made 
> no sense to me.
> Cheers
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 6:20 PM Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> The storage locations for some items moved between versions. I think saved 
> reports are affected. Take a look at the wiki. You likely just need to copy 
> them to the new location.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Apr 10, 2019, at 4:57 AM, Tony Vanson  wrote:
> > 
> > I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Windows 10. The upgrade
> > performed seamlessly with only one problem so far, it seems to have lost my
> > Saved Report Configurations from the previous version. Not too big a deal
> > as it's easily created again, or maybe someone has an idea if I'm looking
> > in the wrong spot?
> > 
> > 
> > Virus-free.
> >
> > 
> > <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> >

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
At this point I’ll simply suggest referencing an Accounting textbook and/or 
speaking to a CPA. I’m not getting into a debate about definitions of revenue 
vs. income and how to treat bad debts in *your* books. As I noted, I’m not 
dispensing accounting advice. I’m trying to help, best I can, with how to 
accomplish a task using GnuCash.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 9:50 AM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>  Revenue is money you have collected.  I don't think an invoiced amount is 
> revenue until it has been collected. When a payment cannot be collected, that 
> uncollected payment is not an expense. An expense is revenue spent in 
> exchange for a good or service. 
> Kind regards, Greg Feneis
> (Galaxy S7)

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

That is correct and likely the source of the discrepancy in understanding how 
to treat bad debts and the meaning of ‘revenue'.

Under accrual accounting, revenue is booked when it is earned, collection is a 
separate event.

The business features of GnuCash were designed for accrual based accounting.

There is at least one open bug as an RFE to modify them to be useful for 
cash-basis accounting but I don’t know if anyone has made any effort there.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 11:26 AM,   wrote:
> Greg,
> You’re not hijacking the thread. Good question. Whether a bad debt is a 
> simple loss of income or an expense depends on your method of accounting, 
> cash or accrual. If the latter, the sale is counted as income the day you 
> create the invoice. By the former, it isn’t income until it is paid. It is 
> not uncommon to call a bad debt an expense. At least this is my understanding 
> from my experience and what I studied in college. That was back in the late 
> 60’s so what do I know? 😉
> Roger

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread rmomxtx

That's the point, you can't receive a payment for an invoice from an expense
account. GnuCash won't let you do it.


-Original Message-
From: Justin Haynes  
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 1:40 PM
Cc: GnuCash 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

I think you have to pay it from an expense account like Expenses:BadDebt or
wherever you want to record that expense.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 9, 2019, at 1:21 PM,   wrote:
> If you create an invoice that later becomes uncollectible, there is no 
> way to charge it off to a bad debt expense account from within the
> Suggestions?
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> -
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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread aeg via gnucash-user
Thank you for your input; I've just downloaded 3.5.1 and I'll prepare to take 
the plunge!

  From: Tony Vanson 
 To: Michael Hendry  
Cc: aeg ; "" 

 Sent: Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 10:58
 Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Windows 10. The upgrade performed 
seamlessly with only one problem so far, it seems to have lost my Saved Report 
Configurations from the previous version. Not too big a deal as it's easily 
created again, or maybe someone has an idea if I'm looking in the wrong spot?

|  | Virus-free.  |

On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 3:01 PM Michael Hendry  wrote:

> On 10 Apr 2019, at 08:21, aeg via gnucash-user  
> wrote:
> I am currently using version 2.6.16 so should I upgrade to 2.6.21 before 3.5 
> or is another intermediate step recommended?
> Kind regards,Alan

For what it’s worth, I can report no file incompatibility problems in making 
the transition from 2.6.1 to 3.4 a few weeks ago.

Your mileage may, of course, vary.

I had planned to run the two versions in parallel for a while (with separate 
directories for the data), but quickly got fed up with the rigmarole of 
switching between the two.


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Tony Vanson

The older I get,the better I was

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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread rmomxtx


I did not know you could assign a different type account to a sub-account.
Tried that and it still does not show up in the receive payment window, even
after closing and reopening the program. When I added the bad debts account
as a sub of accounts receivable, GnuCash automatically assigned it the same
category as the parent account. What changing the type to asset did
accomplish was that it not longer shows up as an option in the dropdown
lists for account receivable account to charge in the invoice module,
sub-tasks: post the invoice and receive payment. 


I think if I selected the bad debt sub-account from that dropdown window it
would reflect the reduction in the rollup but I would have to come up with a
different asset, liability or equity account to receive the payment. 


The version of GnuCash I'm working with is indeed 2, specifically 2.6.17.
The version I use for my family finances and another business is 2.6.18, the
one on the computer I'm using to respond to these emails. I thought I had
updated the program on the other computer as well. I assume I can go from
2.6.17 to 2.6.21 to 3.5. 


As for services in kind, I think the easiest solution is to create an
unearned income liability account and pay for the service from there. The
income invoice is then paid in the invoice module from the liability
account, the entire amount, so the balance in favor of the customer will
show up in the receive payment window and in the reports. 





Message: 9

Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 13:21:27 -0500

From: Adrien Monteleone> >

To: GnuCash> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

Message-ID:> >

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8




Be certain to set that sub-account as *type* `asset` not as *type* `accounts
receivable`. There can be only one account with the type `accounts
receivable`, and that one already exists. (and has the same name) I made the
same error myself when I set up my sub-accounts.


You can have regular asset accounts as sub-accounts of the special Accounts
Receivable account. They don?t all need to be of *type* `accounts
receivable`. That?s what you are trying to accomplish here and then you
should see it in the list. I don?t think you have to re-start GnuCash, but
go ahead if it still doesn?t show up.


Also, I think you meant version `2.6.18` not `1.6.18`. Even 2.6.18 is a bit
dated (the last of the series is 2.6.21) but even back then, you should be
able to accomplish this. If there even was a version 1.6.18 it is ancient
and probably won?t do much of anything we currently cover here on the list.
(I don?t think it had the business features anyway at that point, so that?s
probably a typo)





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Re: [GNC] Posting a bad debt

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

My apologies for any time wasted. I use my sub-account with manual entries. I 
see now the business features will not expose them in that payment drop down, 
regardless of type. (but you can use those asset (not A/R) accounts from the 
business features in line-items in bills/invoices as this is what I do. You can 
do the same with `other A/P`.) I first set this up using 2.6.17, and I see it 
still works the same in 3.5, so there is no version issue.

For you, I’d say the liability account is the way to go.

Overall, it would be a nice RFE for the business features to have a function to 
charge-off a bad debt or more easily handle B2B trade type scenarios.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 4:05 PM,   wrote:
> Adrian,
> I did not know you could assign a different type account to a sub-account. 
> Tried that and it still does not show up in the receive payment window, even 
> after closing and reopening the program. When I added the bad debts account 
> as a sub of accounts receivable, GnuCash automatically assigned it the same 
> category as the parent account. What changing the type to asset did 
> accomplish was that it not longer shows up as an option in the dropdown lists 
> for account receivable account to charge in the invoice module, sub-tasks: 
> post the invoice and receive payment. 
> I think if I selected the bad debt sub-account from that dropdown window it 
> would reflect the reduction in the rollup but I would have to come up with a 
> different asset, liability or equity account to receive the payment. 
> The version of GnuCash I’m working with is indeed 2, specifically 2.6.17. The 
> version I use for my family finances and another business is 2.6.18, the one 
> on the computer I’m using to respond to these emails. I thought I had updated 
> the program on the other computer as well. I assume I can go from 2.6.17 to 
> 2.6.21 to 3.5. 
> As for services in kind, I think the easiest solution is to create an 
> unearned income liability account and pay for the service from there. The 
> income invoice is then paid in the invoice module from the liability account, 
> the entire amount, so the balance in favor of the customer will show up in 
> the receive payment window and in the reports. 
> Thanks,
> Roger

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[GNC] Wiki about where custom reports are stored

2019-04-10 Thread rmomxtx


I lost the link to the wiki about where the custom reports are stored. Would
you please send it again? 




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Re: [GNC] Wiki about where custom reports are stored

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

It’s part of the thread labeled: Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 4:27 PM,   wrote:
> Adrien,
> I lost the link to the wiki about where the custom reports are stored. Would 
> you please send it again? 
> Thanks,
> Roger

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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Stephen M. Butler
On 4/10/19 10:57 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Mileage varies when encountering bugs. If you want to see those known to 
> affect to 2.6.12 you can search the Bugzilla db for that series, and/or time 
> period. (not all bugs were specific to a particular release) *Many* 
> improvements and fixes have been implemented since then.
> If you only run what is available in the repo, that’s the most recent you can 
> run without upgrading Mint itself and until 2020 when the Mint team re-bases 
> their distro to a more modern version of Ubuntu.
> The latest Mint, 19.1 - Tessa, is based off the Ubuntu 18.04 repositories 
> which contains GnuCash-2.6.19. Tara (Mint 19) and Tessa (19.1) and the rest 
> of the 19 series are supported until 2023.
> If you want more recent version like the 3.x series, you’d need to use the 
> Flatpak version or build from source. (rather easy to do, especially with the 
> new wiki instructions)
> Regards,
> Adrien

Or, if your distro is Ubuntu based, you can download the *.deb files
from:  for
the 3.5 version.

>> On Apr 10, 2019, at 10:35 AM, Elmar  wrote:
>> On 4/10/19 11:15 AM, wrote:
>>> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
>>> From: Adrien Monteleone 
>>> To: GnuCash 
>>> Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
>>> Message-ID: <>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain;??? charset=us-ascii
>>> I think it was originally recommended to update to 2.6.19 or 2.6.21 first. 
>>> (2.6.20 and .21 were snap fix releases for some critical problems with 
>>> 2.6.19 which was originally intended to be the *last* of the 2.6 series)
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrien
>> Heck, I am still running off the Mint repository version 2.6.12-1 built from 
>> rev ed11f6d+ on 2016-04-18.  Nothing is "broken" that I use, and I am being 
>> cautious, awaiting the repository to update. Anyone got any ideas on when 
>> that might happen? - Elmar
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Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8

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Re: [GNC] CSV import lags and burns CPU; can't report bug

2019-04-10 Thread Mark Hedges via gnucash-user
It was super super slow... until it wasn't.  I tried the import over again
with the descriptions modified with an "x" so they don't stomp on
autocomplete for previously filed transactions.  It imported 160
transactions in about 2 seconds today.  So I don't know what was up.  Evil


On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 3:55 PM John Ralls  wrote:

> Huh. Another corner of the Windows Installer I hadn't noticed before.
> Fixed, will be in the next nightly build.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Apr 8, 2019, at 12:57 PM, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> >
> > GnuCash’s Bugzilla database moved to several moons ago.
> >
> > I can’t find any similar shortcut for bug filing on MacOS, so this is
> probably for the Windows version only. (I don’t ever recall seeing it with
> Linux versions either)
> >
> > You should file a bug on that as well, since it needs to point to the
> correct location.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> >
> >> On Apr 8, 2019, at 1:51 PM, Mark Hedges via gnucash-user <
>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi.  I'm trying to import transactions from a very simple CSV file,
> using a
> >> default account and a single transfer account in a CSV field.  I get to
> the
> >> stage to go from "Transaction Information" where it says "On the
> following
> >> page you will be able to associate each transaction to a category."
> Even a
> >> 1-line CSV test file takes about 10 or 15 seconds to get to the next
> page.
> >> With 160 transactions, the program stops responding, though it is
> burning
> >>> 30% CPU.  I assume it will finish eventually, but this process seems
> to be
> >> very inefficient.
> >>
> >> I can't seem to report a bug anymore.  I just installed GnuCash 3.5.
> When
> >> I go to Start > GnuCash > Report a GnuCash Bug (Online), this takes me
> to
> >>  It says that most projects have migrated to
> GitLab,
> >> but for GnuCash I should NOT go to GitLab.  When I try to log into
> >> bugzilla, it says "Sorry, entering a bug into the product GnuCash has
> been
> >> disabled."  However, the GitLab site linked from the BugZilla page does
> not
> >> seem to have a GnuCash project.  Where should we report bugs these days?
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >> Mark Hedges
> >
> > ___
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Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-10 Thread Greg Feneis
Installed 2.6.21 over the 3.5.1, and it was able to save as in the usual
location, that 3.5 and 3.5.1 have trouble

Kind regards, Greg Feneis
(Galaxy S7)

On Wed, Apr 10, 2019, 09:04 Greg Feneis  wrote:

> Well, I upgraded to "Rebuild of the GnuCash 3.5 Windows Bundle", but
> GnuCash still gives me the strange error when I try to save to the usual
> location where I've saved in the past successfully with 2.6.x.
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 12:42 PM Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> So far, nobody seems to be able to repeat this issue, so we haven't ruled
>> out that it's a failure of my computer that's causing this.  So it's
>> probably not worth adding to the bug tracker.
>> Kind regards,
>> Greg Feneis 
>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 8:10 PM John Ralls  wrote:
>>> Greg,
>>> 2.6.21 and 3.x are supposed to be fully file-compatible. Earlier
>>> releases in the 2.6 series may not be depending on what 3.x features you
>>> use.
>>> If you'd prefer to continue the troubleshooting in the bug tracker, file
>>> a bug.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
>>> > On Apr 8, 2019, at 5:40 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Just a coupe of questions,
>>> >
>>> > 1.  Once the working file (xml) is saved by 3.5, does it remain
>>> backward compatible with 2.6.21 in case I want to downgrade?
>>> >
>>> > 2.  Should I log this bug in bugzilla?
>>> >
>>> > Kind regards,
>>> >
>>> > Greg Feneis
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 7:27 AM Greg Feneis  wrote:
>>> > Hi John,
>>> >
>>> > Sorry I missed this yesterday.  The language is English (United
>>> States), The Location is United States. The current language for
>>> non-Unicode programs is English (United States)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Kind regards,
>>> >
>>> > Greg Feneis
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 4:33 PM John Ralls  wrote:
>>> > Indeed. I just tried C:\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash. No problem.
>>> >
>>> > What are your Language and Region settings? Have you set LANG and
>>> LANGUAGES in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment? Is
>>> your userid an Administrator?
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> > John Ralls
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > > On Apr 7, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > John,
>>> > >
>>> > > I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of
>>> the Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried
>>> this path and file name:
>>> > > C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official
>>> Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of
>>> Dropbox, Failure!)
>>> > > The error message reads:
>>> > > "You attempted to save in
>>> H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash or a subdirectory thereof.
>>> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that directory for internal
>>> usePlease try again in a different directory. (close).
>>> > >
>>> > > Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized
>>> you spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
>>> > > C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>>> Files\Official Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128
>>> chars, outside of Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
>>> > >
>>> > > So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving
>>> within the windows user folder?
>>> > >
>>> > > Things are getting curiouser
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > Kind regards,¯¯
>>> > > Greg
>>> > >
>>> > > On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:46 PM John Ralls 
>>> wrote:
>>> > > Just to completely rule out Dropbox being somehow involved, could
>>> you create the same hierarchy in your home directory, i.e.
>>> c:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\Gnucash Files\
>>> > >
>>> > > I was able to successfully save
>>> > > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash
>>> > > and its log file
>>> > > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash.20190407134124.log
>>> > >
>>> > > Regards,
>>> > > John Ralls
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > > On Apr 7, 2019, at 10:50 AM, Greg Feneis 
>>> wrote:
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Some more testing on the issue where 3.5 seems to want a shorter
>>> path than 2.6.x did:
>>> > > >
>>> > > > Just now, I exited Dropbox to see if that had something to do with
>>> it, but pretty much the same error for all three path variations, what
>>> worked historically with 2.6.x, no ampersand but some folder names used
>>> spaces, and no ampersand + no spaces.  It seemed purely to do with length,
>>> but it doesn't seem to be about total characters.
>>> > > >
>>> > > > With Dropbox back on, here are some more tests:
>>> > > >
>>> > > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\test.gnucash   (52 chars)
>>> Succ

Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Elmarts
Stephen M. Butler wrote
> Or, if your distro is Ubuntu based, you can download the *.deb files
> from: 
>  for
> the 3.5 version.

Downloaded!  Now, if I click on the deb and install with the gdebi
installer, will it automagically take care of fixing everything, or will it
simply install GC into a separate folder, leaving the old 2.6 version alone?
- Elmar

- Elmar
GnuCash 2.6.12
Linux Mint 18 Sarah 32-bit
Kernel Linux 4.4.0-34-generic i686
MATE 1.14.1
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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Stephen M. Butler
On 4/10/19 6:06 PM, Elmarts wrote:
> Stephen M. Butler wrote
>> Or, if your distro is Ubuntu based, you can download the *.deb files
>> from: 
>>  for
>> the 3.5 version.
> Downloaded!  Now, if I click on the deb and install with the gdebi
> installer, will it automagically take care of fixing everything, or will it
> simply install GC into a separate folder, leaving the old 2.6 version alone?
> - Elmar

I have not used gdebi.  I uninstall previous versions.  How you do that
depends on how the previous version was installed.  If you did a local
compile and install then you will need to use the same make file to
uninstall it.

Otherwise, I do:

sudo apt remove *gnucash*

cd Download (or appropriate folder for the 3 deb files)

sudo apt install ./*gnucash*3.5_*.deb

Please note the leading ./ on the file name pattern.  Otherwise, apt
will go looking in the repository instead of your hard drive.

Here is the output from doing the above on my system:

$ sudo apt remove *gnucash*
[sudo] password for steve: xxx
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree  
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'gnucash-docs' for glob '*gnucash*'
Note, selecting 'python3-gnucash' for glob '*gnucash*'
Note, selecting 'gnucash-build-deps' for glob '*gnucash*'
Note, selecting 'python-gnucash' for glob '*gnucash*'
Note, selecting 'gnucash' for glob '*gnucash*'
Note, selecting 'pythone3-gnucash' for glob '*gnucash*'
Note, selecting 'gnucash-common' for glob '*gnucash*'
Package 'pythone3-gnucash' is not installed, so not removed
Package 'python-gnucash' is not installed, so not removed
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer
  libclass-inspector-perl libclass-singleton-perl libcommon-sense-perl
  libdate-manip-perl libdatetime-locale-perl libdatetime-perl
  libdatetime-timezone-perl libdbd-sqlite3 libfile-sharedir-perl
  libfinance-quote-perl libhtml-tableextract-perl libjs-jquery libjson-perl
  libjson-xs-perl libsecret-1-dev libtypes-serialiser-perl locales-all swig
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  gnucash gnucash-build-deps gnucash-common gnucash-docs python3-gnucash
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 5 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
After this operation, 189 MB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
(Reading database ... 248347 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing gnucash (1:3.4) ...
Removing gnucash-build-deps (1:3.5) ...
Removing gnucash-common (1:3.4) ...
Removing gnucash-docs (2.6.19-1) ...
Removing python3-gnucash (1:3.4) ...
Processing triggers for mime-support (3.60ubuntu1) ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.23-1ubuntu3.18.04.2) ...
Processing triggers for libglib2.0-0:amd64 (2.56.3-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ...
Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.13.3-11ubuntu1.1) ...
Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...

$ cd Projects/GnuCash  # where I do the build on my box for uploading to
Google Drive.

$ ls -l *3.5*.deb  # The three files you should have downloaded.
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 3953180 Apr  4 09:46 gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 5127460 Apr  4 09:46 gnucash-common_3.5_all.deb
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve  269772 Apr  4 09:46 python3-gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb

$ sudo apt install ./*gnucash*3.5_*.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree  
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'gnucash' instead of './gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb'
Note, selecting 'gnucash-common' instead of './gnucash-common_3.5_all.deb'
Note, selecting 'python3-gnucash' instead of
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer
  libsecret-1-dev locales-all swig
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following additional packages will be installed:
Suggested packages:
Recommended packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  gnucash gnucash-common gnucash-docs python3-gnucash
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
Need to get 89.1 MB/98.4 MB of archives.
After this operation, 190 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] YGet:1
/home/steve/Projects/GnuCash/gnucash-common_3.5_all.deb gnucash-common
all 1:3.5 [5,127 kB]
Get:2 /home/steve/Projects/GnuCash/gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb gnucash amd64
1:3.5 [3,953 kB]
Get:3 /home/steve/Projects/GnuCash/python3-gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb
python3-gnucash amd64 1:3.5 [270 kB]
Get:4 bionic/universe amd64
gnucash-docs all 2.6.19-1 [89.1 MB]
Fetched 89.1 MB in 2min 48s (529
Selecting previously unselected package gnucash-common.
(Reading database ... 243886 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../

Re: [GNC] UK VAT and "Making Tax Digital"

2019-04-10 Thread Christopher Lam
3.5 is out and I promised to offer CSV output. Has anyone confirmed the
exact CSV (or JSON)  format desired by their *bridging* software?

Please be aware that direct communication to HMRC is best done by bridging
software outside gnucash. It'll be a nice project for anyone to do in
python or similar.

On Tue., 19 Feb. 2019, 22:33 Christopher Lam, 

> To all interested in beta-testing CSV export, for now I think it's safest
> to export CSV in carefully selected reports, because all reports do tables
> differently.
> After version 3.5 is out of the door (in a couple months) I'll provide
> some customized transaction.scm and income-gst-statement.scm which can
> export CSV, and could be finalised for 3.6 due mid-year. The current
> iteration of these reports depend heavily upon the supporting files which
> are undergoing heavy maintenance, and may not work for those using 3.4
> releases. Alternatively anyone comfortable buildling from maint can beta
> test now :)
> C
> On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 19:42,  wrote:
>>I am struggling to.understand at the moment the reporting language,
>>which I understand is a lisp variant. But what I can see from reading
>>the transaction report's source files, is that all logic is very nicely
>>compartmentalized, which makes me wonder if a more general solution
>>would not be to have parallel to the html render output csv output for
>>all reports which rely upon it. This would then allow a much wider use
>>and remove the accusation by another member here on the list that I (or
>>others) want something UK specific.
>>This would also improve in general interoperability on all kinds of
>>Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird
>> Original Message 
>>Subject: Re: [GNC] UK VAT and "Making Tax Digital"
>>From: "Maf. King"
>>  On Sunday, 17 February 2019 12:23:39 GMT Maf. King wrote:
>>  > On Sunday, 17 February 2019 11:57:58 GMT Christopher Lam wrote:
>>  > > I can amend Income-GST-statement, which is tailor-made for
>>  periodic
>>  > > GST/VAT returns, to output CSV or XML. But so far there's little
>>  demand
>>  > > nor willing beta-testers.
>>  >
>>  > *Raises Hand in the Air* I'll volunteer to test. With the caveat
>>  that my
>>  > VAT is not normally very complicated.
>>  >
>>  > The GST report I ran earlier this morning spat out numbers which
>>  matched my
>>  > last quarter's return (generated from customised options to
>>  transaction
>>  > reports), which is a good start!
>>  >
>>  > Maf.
>>  Further to this, I've found and downloaded a bridging spreadsheet
>>  for
>>  LibreOffice (for free, without even having to register an email
>>  address) from
>> (seems to be a "trading
>>  name" for CHM
>>  software, where you do have
>>  to
>>  register to download...)
>>  No endorsement or recommendation to use them, I'm not even a
>>  satisfied user
>>  (yet). Seems that it will cost £7.50 for each VAT return to be
>>  filed. But
>>  gotta make a start somewhere. If anyone else knows of other options,
>>  please
>>  do chime into this thread.
>>  According to their help file, all you need is a spreadsheet (or
>>  sheets) that
>>  contain the 7 relevant box totals that you link into the downloaded
>>  sheet. It
>>  may be possible to tweak it to (automagically) fill from a CSV file,
>>  I'll need
>>  to look at that next month when I have some more time.
>>  I will note that depending on how orderly the exit from the EU ends
>>  up, the 7
>>  box totals required may change - but we're not going to know how
>>  that
>>  particular cookie is going to crumble yet...
>>  Christopher: what sort of timescale do you think you'll need to
>>  tweak the GST
>>  report etc to give CSV out? There is a clear workflow to export from
>>  GC to
>>  Calc and munge the totals there so it isn't especially critical,
>>  despite the
>>  first digital filings being due early August. But it seems to me
>>  that if a new
>>  workflow can be figured out in time, why tweak the old way first
>>  then change a
>>  quarter or two later?
>>  I'm pretty busy the rest of this month, but will do more digging
>>  into this in
>>  March.
>>  Maf.
>>  ___
>>  gnucash-user mailing list
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[GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-10 Thread David Cousens
Just noticed this post.
Impact on the use of GnuCash for Tax preparation in the US could be
profound. Looks like the US government is trying to head the same way as the
Brits.  Australia has done something similar recently in that one has to
join a consortium of software developers (at a significant fee) to get full
access to the information needed to build in software communication to the
ATO. The ATO no longer publishes the protocols in use and has outsourced
developmemnt of the protocols to a non-government consortium

David Cousens

David Cousens
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[GNC] credit card opening balance

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user

Hi All,

On a credit Card account, they owe me $18.00 (I over paid).
What do I enter for opening balance?  $18 or -$18?

And do I put in Payment or Charge?

When I enter a charge, why does "Transfer auto enter
"Orphan-USD"?  What is "Orphan-USD" anyway?

How do I tell the "transfer" column to bugger off and leave
me alone, unless I specifically want to transfer something.

Is there a way to turn "Transfer" off?

Many thanks,

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[GNC] n and c?

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user

Hi All,

On a credit card account, in the "R" column, what is "blank", "n", and 
"c" stand for?

And does "R" stand for "reconcile"?

Many thanks,

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[GNC] two lines for every entry

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user

Hi All,

On a credit card account, when ever I enter a charge and press
enter, I get a second line with the charge amount entered into
the payments column.  If I delete the payment line, it deletes
the charge line too.


What the h***.  ("Heck", what did you think I meant?)

Many thanks,

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

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Re: [GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-10 Thread David T. via gnucash-user
While it may be lamentable that the US government is headed down this path, if 
is not necessarily the same disaster...
Since Gnucash is not tax software, and I am not a professional tax expert, I 
use Gnucash for tracking my finances (including using tax options extensively), 
and Turbotax to submit my taxes. I use Gnucash to verify the official documents 
that I receive from various agencies. 

  On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 10:05, David Cousens wrote: 
  Just noticed this post.
Impact on the use of GnuCash for Tax preparation in the US could be
profound. Looks like the US government is trying to head the same way as the
Brits.  Australia has done something similar recently in that one has to
join a consortium of software developers (at a significant fee) to get full
access to the information needed to build in software communication to the
ATO. The ATO no longer publishes the protocols in use and has outsourced
developmemnt of the protocols to a non-government consortium

David Cousens

David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-10 Thread Stuart McGraw

On 4/10/19 10:33 PM, David Cousens wrote:

Just noticed this post.
Impact on the use of GnuCash for Tax preparation in the US could be
profound. Looks like the US government is trying to head the same way as the
Brits.  Australia has done something similar recently in that one has to
join a consortium of software developers (at a significant fee) to get full
access to the information needed to build in software communication to the
ATO. The ATO no longer publishes the protocols in use and has outsourced
developmemnt of the protocols to a non-government consortium

I'm don't think will have any effect on Gnucash today because Gnucash
does not do tax preparation: filling out IRS forms and submitting them
electronically to the IRS.  I doubt it would, given the yearly changes
in the forms and regulations.

Never the less it is discouraging news.  The IRS could, and should
provide active forms, with the info they have on taxpayers pre-entered
and with interactive help for entering the rest of it.  The U.S. Democrats
and Republicans seem to have no problems coming together when the target
in screwing American tax payers to the benefit of large corporations.
Business as usual.
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Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5

2019-04-10 Thread Tony Vanson
Sorry, totally at sea on this one. Have created new reports. Thanks for
your time and effort.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 4:01 AM aeg  wrote:

> Thank you for your input; I've just downloaded 3.5.1 and I'll prepare to
> take the plunge!
> Alan
> --
> *From:* Tony Vanson 
> *To:* Michael Hendry 
> *Cc:* aeg ; "" <
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 10:58
> *Subject:* Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
> I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Windows 10. The upgrade
> performed seamlessly with only one problem so far, it seems to have lost my
> Saved Report Configurations from the previous version. Not too big a deal
> as it's easily created again, or maybe someone has an idea if I'm looking
> in the wrong spot?
>  Virus-free.
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 3:01 PM Michael Hendry 
> wrote:
> > On 10 Apr 2019, at 08:21, aeg via gnucash-user 
> wrote:
> >
> > I am currently using version 2.6.16 so should I upgrade to 2.6.21 before
> 3.5 or is another intermediate step recommended?
> > Kind regards,Alan
> For what it’s worth, I can report no file incompatibility problems in
> making the transition from 2.6.1 to 3.4 a few weeks ago.
> Your mileage may, of course, vary.
> I had planned to run the two versions in parallel for a while (with
> separate directories for the data), but quickly got fed up with the
> rigmarole of switching between the two.
> Michael
> ___
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> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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> --
> *Tony Vanson*
> *The older I get,*
> *the better I was*

*Tony Vanson*

*The older I get,*
*the better I was*
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Re: [GNC] two lines for every entry

2019-04-10 Thread David T. via gnucash-user


I strongly suggest you read the Guide-- especially the chapters that cover 
double entry accounting and other basics. 

  On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 10:45, ToddAndMargo via 
gnucash-user wrote:   Hi All,

On a credit card account, when ever I enter a charge and press
enter, I get a second line with the charge amount entered into
the payments column.  If I delete the payment line, it deletes
the charge line too.


What the h***.  ("Heck", what did you think I meant?)

Many thanks,

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

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Re: [GNC] two lines for every entry

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user


On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 10:45, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user
Hi All,

On a credit card account, when ever I enter a charge and press
enter, I get a second line with the charge amount entered into
the payments column.  If I delete the payment line, it deletes
the charge line too.


What the h***.  ("Heck", what did you think I meant?)

Many thanks,

On 4/10/19 10:43 PM, David T. wrote:


I strongly suggest you read the Guide-- especially the chapters that 
cover double entry accounting and other basics.

Should I attend a class in book keeping too?

I just want to know how to use the d*** thing.

I am starting to think I may be better off using a

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Re: [GNC] credit card opening balance

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If you enter negative numbers, it will flip to the other column. All numbers 
should be entered as positive. You choose to either enter them as payments or 
charges. (debits and credits respectively in formal terminology)

Payments (debits, left column) decrease the amount owed for a liability.
Charges (credits, right column) increase the amount owed for a liability.

Since they owe you, you want to enter that amount on the payment side.

The other account you want to use is Equity:Opening Balances (since you 
indicated this is the opening balance for that account at the point you are 
starting your books)

While ‘payment’ may sound strange to you, the math will work out.

Personally, I prefer formal accounting labels (debits/credits) as that is 
easier to keep straight in my mind. I also view all registers in Transaction 
Journal view and Double Line view. (Double Line view allows for a 
transaction-wide note field) This allows me to see all debits and credits at 
all times so I understand exactly what is happening with all transactions and 
nothing is hidden. (you can always toggle this as desired in the view menu, or 
set the preference globally) If you click the ’split’ button, you’ll see a 
similar view for a single transaction. (Auto-Split shows all splits only for 
the current transaction you are editing)

When you enter transactions, you aren’t entering them in only one account, 
every transaction records money moving from one account to another. The current 
register is one account, you have to specify the other. If you don’t, GnuCash 
will use either the Orphan-USD or Imbalance-USD accounts. (USD is different for 
each currency used) This is because all transactions must balance to net zero 
between two accounts, equal debits and credits.

’Transfer’ is merely a reference to the amount and other account you are moving 
the money to. (from the credit card, to somewhere else, likely an expense, as 
payments are usually entered from your banking register.)

If you choose Transaction Journal view, the Transfer column will go away 
because you don’t need it as you now see all debits and credits directly.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 11:58 PM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Hi All,
> On a credit Card account, they owe me $18.00 (I over paid).
> What do I enter for opening balance?  $18 or -$18?
> And do I put in Payment or Charge?
> When I enter a charge, why does "Transfer auto enter
> "Orphan-USD"?  What is "Orphan-USD" anyway?
> How do I tell the "transfer" column to bugger off and leave
> me alone, unless I specifically want to transfer something.
> Is there a way to turn "Transfer" off?
> Many thanks,
> -T

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Re: [GNC] n and c?

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone

The ‘R’ column is a reconcile flag.

You can click between ’n’ - "not reconciled", and ‘c’ - “cleared".

When you reconcile against your statement, the ‘c’ items will be pre-checked 
for you. When you finalize the reconciliation, all checked items will change 
their flag to ‘y’ - “yes, reconciled”.

Note, all accounts have this column.


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 12:01 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Hi All,
> On a credit card account, in the "R" column, what is "blank", "n", and "c" 
> stand for?
> And does "R" stand for "reconcile"?
> Many thanks,
> -T

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Re: [GNC] credit card opening balance

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user
>> On Apr 10, 2019, at 11:58 PM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 

>> Hi All,
>> On a credit Card account, they owe me $18.00 (I over paid).
>> What do I enter for opening balance?  $18 or -$18?
>> And do I put in Payment or Charge?
>> When I enter a charge, why does "Transfer auto enter
>> "Orphan-USD"?  What is "Orphan-USD" anyway?
>> How do I tell the "transfer" column to bugger off and leave
>> me alone, unless I specifically want to transfer something.
>> Is there a way to turn "Transfer" off?
>> Many thanks,
>> -T

On 4/10/19 11:03 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

If you enter negative numbers, it will flip to the other column. All numbers 
should be entered as positive. You choose to either enter them as payments or 
charges. (debits and credits respectively in formal terminology)

Payments (debits, left column) decrease the amount owed for a liability.
Charges (credits, right column) increase the amount owed for a liability.

Since they owe you, you want to enter that amount on the payment side.

The other account you want to use is Equity:Opening Balances (since you 
indicated this is the opening balance for that account at the point you are 
starting your books)

While ‘payment’ may sound strange to you, the math will work out.

Personally, I prefer formal accounting labels (debits/credits) as that is 
easier to keep straight in my mind. I also view all registers in Transaction 
Journal view and Double Line view. (Double Line view allows for a 
transaction-wide note field) This allows me to see all debits and credits at 
all times so I understand exactly what is happening with all transactions and 
nothing is hidden. (you can always toggle this as desired in the view menu, or 
set the preference globally) If you click the ’split’ button, you’ll see a 
similar view for a single transaction. (Auto-Split shows all splits only for 
the current transaction you are editing)

When you enter transactions, you aren’t entering them in only one account, 
every transaction records money moving from one account to another. The current 
register is one account, you have to specify the other. If you don’t, GnuCash 
will use either the Orphan-USD or Imbalance-USD accounts. (USD is different for 
each currency used) This is because all transactions must balance to net zero 
between two accounts, equal debits and credits.

’Transfer’ is merely a reference to the amount and other account you are moving 
the money to. (from the credit card, to somewhere else, likely an expense, as 
payments are usually entered from your banking register.)

If you choose Transaction Journal view, the Transfer column will go away 
because you don’t need it as you now see all debits and credits directly.


Thank you!  I will have to read it over several times to get
it to sink in.

Every time I enter a charge I get another equal lien with
payment.   This confuses the heck out of me as I make one
payment a month and have multiple charges that apply to it.

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Re: [GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-10 Thread Jeff Abrahamson
For those who use gnucash for personal finances, I don't see this being
important (to that goal).  As Stuart notes, gnucash provides a way to
understand your finances and prepare to file your taxes, but it doesn't
purport to know anything about tax law.

Probably the bigger issue in the U.S. is the complexity of the tax
system and the creation of an expectation that tax filing is and should
be hard, should require assistance.  (A huge fraction of U.S. tax payers
pay for tax preparation assitance.  In many countries, it is a rare
exception.)  In many European countries, for example, it's a non-event
for most people: either you don't have to file anything at all (assuming
an "uninteresting" financial life) or you just have to rubber stampe
what the tax authorities compute for you (e.g., click a button that says
"ok").  A very small fraction of people have "interesting" tax lives and
so have to do something.

The UK and France, probably among others, have rules that make the use
of FOSS accounting software difficult or illegal.  In France it's under
the guise of preventing people from cheating on VAT.  It's
anti-competitive, of course, but if we were going to start talking about
anti-competitive laws, this might not be the most influential place to

Jeff Abrahamson

On 11/04/2019 07:28, Stuart McGraw wrote:
> On 4/10/19 10:33 PM, David Cousens wrote:
>> Just noticed this post.
>> Impact on the use of GnuCash for Tax preparation in the US could be
>> profound. Looks like the US government is trying to head the same way
>> as the
>> Brits.  Australia has done something similar recently in that one has to
>> join a consortium of software developers (at a significant fee) to
>> get full
>> access to the information needed to build in software communication
>> to the
>> ATO. The ATO no longer publishes the protocols in use and has outsourced
>> developmemnt of the protocols to a non-government consortium
> I'm don't think will have any effect on Gnucash today because Gnucash
> does not do tax preparation: filling out IRS forms and submitting them
> electronically to the IRS.  I doubt it would, given the yearly changes
> in the forms and regulations.
> Never the less it is discouraging news.  The IRS could, and should
> provide active forms, with the info they have on taxpayers pre-entered
> and with interactive help for entering the rest of it.  The U.S.
> Democrats
> and Republicans seem to have no problems coming together when the target
> in screwing American tax payers to the benefit of large corporations.
> Business as usual.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
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> -
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Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255

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Re: [GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I’m not a fan of the corporate protectionism in the bill, but it doesn’t change 
anything practical-wise for anyone. It enshrines the status quo. The IRS 
currently does not have free tax filing software made available to taxpayers. 
This law prohibits the IRS from ever developing it. (a protectionist kickback 
to Intuit and H&R Block)

This will have no effect on GnuCash. The bill doesn’t prohibit free tax 
software from the private sector, it prohibits the IRS from developing it and 
making it available.

If the bill doesn’t pass, the IRS intends to proceed with plans to develop a 
free .gov filing system and to mail out pre-filled forms with the data they 
have on file about you. (essentially, a "check the box that’s correct and sign 
here, don’t forget to include your payment” form, for those who don’t want to 
file electronically)

There was an agreement in place that the IRS would not create such a system 
(undercutting the aforementioned companies) as long as those companies offered 
free filing to anyone making less than $66k per year. While they do offer such 
free filing, they tried to hide it and try to cross-sell/upsell other services 
so that only a small percentage of those eligible actually file for free. 
Because of this, the IRS has intentions not to continue the agreement.


> On Apr 10, 2019, at 11:33 PM, David Cousens  wrote:
> Just noticed this post.
> Impact on the use of GnuCash for Tax preparation in the US could be
> profound. Looks like the US government is trying to head the same way as the
> Brits.  Australia has done something similar recently in that one has to
> join a consortium of software developers (at a significant fee) to get full
> access to the information needed to build in software communication to the
> ATO. The ATO no longer publishes the protocols in use and has outsourced
> developmemnt of the protocols to a non-government consortium
> David Cousens

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Re: [GNC] n and c?

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user
>> On Apr 11, 2019, at 12:01 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 

>> Hi All,
>> On a credit card account, in the "R" column, what is "blank", "n", 
and "c" stand for?

>> And does "R" stand for "reconcile"?
>> Many thanks,
>> -T

On 4/10/19 11:06 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:


The ‘R’ column is a reconcile flag.

You can click between ’n’ - "not reconciled", and ‘c’ - “cleared".

When you reconcile against your statement, the ‘c’ items will be pre-checked 
for you. When you finalize the reconciliation, all checked items will change 
their flag to ‘y’ - “yes, reconciled”.

Note, all accounts have this column.


Hi Adrian,

I will be reconciling by hand from my bank's statements.
When I find an entry, do I manually change it to "c"?

Many thanks,

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Re: [GNC] two lines for every entry

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Read my other replies.

Every transaction has entries in two accounts (hence ‘double entry accounting’)

The first few chapters of the guide won’t take long and will alleviate much 
potential frustration that would ensue if you try to wing it.

GnuCash is not so complicated to use that you need to take a bookkeeping 
course, but you do have to abide its workflow, just like any other app. 
(including spreadsheets)

(knowledge of accounting doesn’t hurt, but you can just pay a CPA for that part 
if you like)


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 12:55 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
>>> David
>>>On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 10:45, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user
>>> wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>On a credit card account, when ever I enter a charge and press
>>>enter, I get a second line with the charge amount entered into
>>>the payments column.  If I delete the payment line, it deletes
>>>the charge line too.
>>> A 
>>>What the h***.  ("Heck", what did you think I meant?)
>>>Many thanks,
> On 4/10/19 10:43 PM, David T. wrote:
>> Todd,
>> I strongly suggest you read the Guide-- especially the chapters that cover 
>> double entry accounting and other basics.
> Should I attend a class in book keeping too?
> I just want to know how to use the d*** thing.
> I am starting to think I may be better off using a
> spreadsheet.

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Re: [GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-10 Thread David Cousens
One does have to account for the media's tendency to overdramatize things.  

We do have a web form based submission system  for indiviuals in Australia 
or you have the option of submitting through a tax agent. The business
reporting currently has also a similar web portal, but I did see a plan in
place to move business reporting towards all electronic reporting from
software enabled for it in the near future. Assumption is that businesses
will use and can afford products which are enabled for this. Not so good for
charitable, not-for-profit and small startup businesses perhaps.There are
software products similar to turbo tax  currently available and in
development here. 

It does seem that the information is available here in a series of
circularly self referncing documents. Last time I explored this I ended up
with 10-12 documents open in Libre Office and 2-3 instances of my browser
each with 10-15 tabs open. I came away very little the wiser in terms of how
I might write software to do this. It does seem to be a work in progress and
I have noticed a few new documents produced by the consortium are now
appearing which make it clearer and fill in gaps and available to the public
at no cost.

I think many countries have the common problem of governments governing for
the benefits of major corporations at the expense of their constituents and
handing off the reponsibilities of government off to private corporations to
profit from. Our major political parties also put aside their differences
here when it comes to turning the screws on the taxpayer so I think it is a
problem by no means unique to the US.


David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] n and c?

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
The ‘c’ flag is usually set when you are confirming the charge/payment is in 
fact real. Some people download transactions instead of entering them by hand, 
or they periodically check their account online to see if something went 
through. This is where you’d mark it ‘cleared’.

It is not reconciled until it shows a ‘y’ and the only way to achieve that is 
to use the Reconcile process in GnuCash. (there’s a button on the toolbar for 

You specify your closing date and closing balance from your statement.

You’ll get a window showing all payments and charges.

You check off each one that matches as you find them on your statement.

You then finalize the reconciliation. (which should show zero variance to the 
closing balance)

The first time might take a few minutes, but subsequent reconciliations will be 
a breeze.


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 1:15 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> >> On Apr 11, 2019, at 12:01 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> On a credit card account, in the "R" column, what is "blank", "n", and "c" 
> >> stand for?
> >>
> >> And does "R" stand for "reconcile"?
> >>
> >> Many thanks,
> >> -T
> On 4/10/19 11:06 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> Yes,
>> The ‘R’ column is a reconcile flag.
>> You can click between ’n’ - "not reconciled", and ‘c’ - “cleared".
>> When you reconcile against your statement, the ‘c’ items will be pre-checked 
>> for you. When you finalize the reconciliation, all checked items will change 
>> their flag to ‘y’ - “yes, reconciled”.
>> Note, all accounts have this column.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
> Hi Adrian,
> I will be reconciling by hand from my bank's statements.
> When I find an entry, do I manually change it to "c"?
> Many thanks,
> -T

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Re: [GNC] n and c?

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user

On Apr 11, 2019, at 1:15 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 

On Apr 11, 2019, at 12:01 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 

Hi All,

On a credit card account, in the "R" column, what is "blank", "n", and "c" 
stand for?

And does "R" stand for "reconcile"?

Many thanks,

On 4/10/19 11:06 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

The ‘R’ column is a reconcile flag.
You can click between ’n’ - "not reconciled", and ‘c’ - “cleared".
When you reconcile against your statement, the ‘c’ items will be pre-checked 
for you. When you finalize the reconciliation, all checked items will change 
their flag to ‘y’ - “yes, reconciled”.
Note, all accounts have this column.

Hi Adrian,

I will be reconciling by hand from my bank's statements.
When I find an entry, do I manually change it to "c"?

Many thanks,

On 4/10/19 11:25 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:> The ‘c’ flag is usually 
set when you are confirming the charge/payment is in fact real. Some 
people download transactions instead of entering them by hand, or they 
periodically check their account online to see if something went 
through. This is where you’d mark it ‘cleared’.

> It is not reconciled until it shows a ‘y’ and the only way to achieve 
that is to use the Reconcile process in GnuCash. (there’s a button on 
the toolbar for it)

> You specify your closing date and closing balance from your statement.
> You’ll get a window showing all payments and charges.
> You check off each one that matches as you find them on your statement.
> You then finalize the reconciliation. (which should show zero 
variance to the closing balance)

> The first time might take a few minutes, but subsequent 
reconciliations will be a breeze.

> Regards,
> Adrien

Hi Adrian,

"Breeze"?  Oh no doubt after I get past the learning curve,
which is about to drive me insane!

Thank you for all the help.  I am writing down every thing
you tell me in my GnuCash how to notes


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Re: [GNC] US Bans Free tax Software

2019-04-10 Thread randix
"Impact on the use of GnuCash for Tax preparation in the US could be 

With all due respect, that's a ridiculous conclusion, given what GnuCash is,
how it's used, and what it's used for...

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Re: [GNC] two lines for every entry

2019-04-10 Thread David Cousens

The conceptual bit behind double entry bookkeeping is that when you charge
something to your credit card you:
 1. Increase the balance of your credit card (a credit entry); and at the
same time
 2. Increase the balance of an expense account ( a debit entry).

Similarly when you pay your credit card you:
  1 Decrease the balance in your bank account (a credit entryand at the same
  1 Decrease the balance of your credit card account (a debit entry).

Many single entry account systems often hide one of these steps from you and
make assumptions about where the second entry takes place. 

The process is similar for other transactions as well. Two or more accounts
(e.g with Sales tax) are affected by each transaction, hence the two lines
(known as splits in GnuCash) that appear when an entry in an account
register is opened to reveal the splits. In the above the brackets identify
the colums the amount will appear in when using the formal accounting
labels. Each transaction must have at least one debit and one credit
component (it may have more than one of each) and the sum of the debit
entries must equal the sum of the credit entries. 

As Adrien suggested, reading the introductory material will introduce you to
the jargon used and provide the necessary background to effectively use

David Cousens

David Cousens
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Re: [GNC] two lines for every entry

2019-04-10 Thread ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user

On 4/10/19 11:18 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

Read my other replies.

Every transaction has entries in two accounts (hence ‘double entry accounting’)

The first few chapters of the guide won’t take long and will alleviate much 
potential frustration that would ensue if you try to wing it.

GnuCash is not so complicated to use that you need to take a bookkeeping 
course, but you do have to abide its workflow, just like any other app. 
(including spreadsheets)

(knowledge of accounting doesn’t hurt, but you can just pay a CPA for that part 
if you like)


Hi Adrian,

Do you have a link?

So, do I set up two account for every credit card?  Will
the link cover this?

Is this what you are talking about?

 7.2.1. Simple Setup
 If you do not want to track each expense made on the credit
 card, you can set up a simple account hierarchy like this:

-Credit Card
-Credit Card

 In this example, if you enter your total amount charged
 per month as a transaction between Liabilities:Credit Card
 and Expenses:Credit Card. When you make a payment, you
 would enter transaction between Assets:Bank and
 Liabilities:Credit Card.

 The obvious limitation of this simple credit card setup is
 that you cannot see where your money is going. All you
 credit card expenses are being entered in the Credit Card
 expense account. This is, however, very simple to set up
 and maintain.

"Liabilities:Credit Card" and "Expenses:Credit Card".  Huh.
Which one is charges I make and which one is payments I make?
And which one get the opening and closing balances?


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Re: [GNC] n and c?

2019-04-10 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You’re welcome.

When reading the Guide, for starters, get all the way through Chapter 7. (since 
you are tracking credit cards) You can read the rest as needed.

For the Help manual, get through Chapter 6.

I don’t recommend skipping around, at least not the first time through each one.

Also, don’t sweat the learning curve. It took me about 2 or more weeks to get a 
good grasp on things. Entering transactions each and every day as they occur, 
will help tremendously. (trying to do them in large batches once a week or less 
frequently will make learning more difficult and disjointed) It’s also a good 
habit to not get in the weeds with a pile of receipts and bills to enter.

As most people, I had this or that odd transaction or activity that I didn’t 
resolve how to enter properly for a few months and that wasn’t described 
straightforward in the documentation. (not a big deal, you can always change 
things later) I also edited and re-arranged my account tree several times as I 
began tracking expenses and assets. One important tidbit I learned from that is 
try to record as much info into each transaction as possible. Use the memos for 
each split line where possible. While it may seem like a lot of work now, try 
to avoid combining items on a receipt into a single split line. (I even record 
sales tax on its own line assigned to its own account - much easier than trying 
to pro-rate it across multiple expense accounts from the same receipt) If you 
later want to divide them up, and you don’t have enough info to do so, you 
might hamper your refinement of your account tree down the road. This also 
serves as a mini-check of the receipt’s math, and yes, I’ve caught a few errors 
over the years. (not that I could do anything about it usually after I left the 
store) GnuCash will auto-fill recurring transactions as you enter them. So 
after a few months, you will do little original typing.

Best of luck & welcome to GnuCash!


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 1:38 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
>>> On Apr 11, 2019, at 1:15 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
>>>  wrote:
> On Apr 11, 2019, at 12:01 AM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Hi All,
> On a credit card account, in the "R" column, what is "blank", "n", and 
> "c" stand for?
> And does "R" stand for "reconcile"?
> Many thanks,
> -T
>>> On 4/10/19 11:06 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
 The ‘R’ column is a reconcile flag.
 You can click between ’n’ - "not reconciled", and ‘c’ - “cleared".
 When you reconcile against your statement, the ‘c’ items will be 
 pre-checked for you. When you finalize the reconciliation, all checked 
 items will change their flag to ‘y’ - “yes, reconciled”.
 Note, all accounts have this column.
>>> Hi Adrian,
>>> I will be reconciling by hand from my bank's statements.
>>> When I find an entry, do I manually change it to "c"?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> -T
> On 4/10/19 11:25 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:> The ‘c’ flag is usually set 
> when you are confirming the charge/payment is in fact real. Some people 
> download transactions instead of entering them by hand, or they periodically 
> check their account online to see if something went through. This is where 
> you’d mark it ‘cleared’.
> >
> > It is not reconciled until it shows a ‘y’ and the only way to achieve that 
> > is to use the Reconcile process in GnuCash. (there’s a button on the 
> > toolbar for it)
> >
> > You specify your closing date and closing balance from your statement.
> >
> > You’ll get a window showing all payments and charges.
> >
> > You check off each one that matches as you find them on your statement.
> >
> > You then finalize the reconciliation. (which should show zero variance to 
> > the closing balance)
> >
> > The first time might take a few minutes, but subsequent reconciliations 
> > will be a breeze.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> Hi Adrian,
> "Breeze"?  Oh no doubt after I get past the learning curve,
> which is about to drive me insane!
> Thank you for all the help.  I am writing down every thing
> you tell me in my GnuCash how to notes
> -T

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