Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 8 april 2019 01:04:39 CEST schreef Greg Feneis:
> John,
> I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the
> Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried this
> path and file name:
> C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official Working
> File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of
> Dropbox, Failure!)
> The error message reads:
> "You attempted to save in H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash
> or a subdirectory thereof. This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that
> directory for internal usePlease try again in a different directory.
> (close).
It's suspicious the error message suggests you're saving in a subdirectory of 
what gnucash understands as your GNC_DATA_HOME directory. So something odd is 
going on here. And probably the "giggerish" in there is a clue.

> Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you
> spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
> C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official
> Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128 chars, outside of
> Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
> So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving within
> the windows user folder?



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Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-08 Thread Greg Feneis

Kind regards, Greg Feneis
(Galaxy S7)

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019, 01:47 Geert Janssens 

> Op maandag 8 april 2019 01:04:39 CEST schreef Greg Feneis:
> > John,
> >
> > I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the
> > Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried this
> > path and file name:
> > C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official Working
> > File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of
> > Dropbox, Failure!)
> > The error message reads:
> > "You attempted to save in H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash
> > or a subdirectory thereof. This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that
> > directory for internal usePlease try again in a different directory.
> > (close).
> >
> It's suspicious the error message suggests you're saving in a subdirectory
> of
> what gnucash understands as your GNC_DATA_HOME directory. So something odd
> is
> going on here. And probably the "giggerish" in there is a clue.
> > Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you
> > spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
> > C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
> Files\Official
> > Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128 chars, outside
> of
> > Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
> >
> > So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving within
> > the windows user folder?
> Regards,
> Geert
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-08 Thread Jack Lockard
Windows 7 does not always show you the fully expanded path. There is a setting 
that must be made to force Win7 to give you it. I suspect that is why you are 
seeing some gibberish in the path. Here are the instructions to make the 
necessary settings to see the full path.

1.   Logon to Windows 7 computer with the account for which you want to 
configure the above mentioned settings.
2.   Open Windows Explorer and click on Organize menu.
3.   From the available list click on Folders and search options and on 
Folder Options box make sure that you are on General tab.
4.   Under Navigation pane section check both Show all folders and 
Automatically expand to current foldercheck boxes.
Show Full Path for Files or Folders
5.   Once done, click on Ok button to save the changes that you have made.

This came from the following website:


-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user  On 
Behalf Of Geert Janssens
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

Op maandag 8 april 2019 01:04:39 CEST schreef Greg Feneis:

> John,


> I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the

> Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried

> this path and file name:

> C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official

> Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars,

> outside of Dropbox, Failure!) The error message reads:

> "You attempted to save in

> H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash

> or a subdirectory thereof. This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves

> that directory for internal usePlease try again in a different directory.

> (close).


It's suspicious the error message suggests you're saving in a subdirectory of 
what gnucash understands as your GNC_DATA_HOME directory. So something odd is 
going on here. And probably the "giggerish" in there is a clue.

> Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you

> spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:

> C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash

> Files\Official Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash

> (128 chars, outside of Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)


> So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving

> within the windows user folder?




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Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-08 Thread Greg Feneis
Hi John,

Sorry I missed this yesterday.  The language is English (United States),
The Location is United States. The current language for non-Unicode
programs is English (United States)

Kind regards,

Greg Feneis 

On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 4:33 PM John Ralls  wrote:

> Indeed. I just tried C:\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash. No problem.
> What are your Language and Region settings? Have you set LANG and
> LANGUAGES in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment? Is
> your userid an Administrator?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Apr 7, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
> >
> > John,
> >
> > I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the
> Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried this
> path and file name:
> > C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official Working
> File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of
> Dropbox, Failure!)
> > The error message reads:
> > "You attempted to save in
> H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash or a subdirectory thereof.
> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that directory for internal
> usePlease try again in a different directory. (close).
> >
> > Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you
> spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
> > C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
> Files\Official Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128
> chars, outside of Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
> >
> > So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving within
> the windows user folder?
> >
> > Things are getting curiouser
> >
> >
> > Kind regards,¯¯
> > Greg
> >
> > On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:46 PM John Ralls  wrote:
> > Just to completely rule out Dropbox being somehow involved, could you
> create the same hierarchy in your home directory, i.e.
> c:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\Gnucash Files\
> >
> > I was able to successfully save
> > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash
> > and its log file
> > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash.20190407134124.log
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> >
> >
> > > On Apr 7, 2019, at 10:50 AM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
> > >
> > > Some more testing on the issue where 3.5 seems to want a shorter path
> than 2.6.x did:
> > >
> > > Just now, I exited Dropbox to see if that had something to do with it,
> but pretty much the same error for all three path variations, what worked
> historically with 2.6.x, no ampersand but some folder names used spaces,
> and no ampersand + no spaces.  It seemed purely to do with length, but it
> doesn't seem to be about total characters.
> > >
> > > With Dropbox back on, here are some more tests:
> > >
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\test.gnucash   (52 chars)
> Success!
> > >
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\GnuCashFiles\test.gnucash  (65
> chars) Failure!
> > >
> > > So I shortened the name of the last folder from GnuCashFiles down to G
> and still got the same problem
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\G\test.gnucash  (54 chars)
> Failure!
> > >
> > > So I shortened the name of the previous folder from GnuCash down to
> GnuCa, and it also failed even though it was 52 chars, the character count
> that seemed to work previously.  Also the error message for this is
> slightly different.
> > > "You attempted to save in
> [gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash or a subdirectory thereof.
> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that directory for internal
> usePlease try again in a different directory. (close)."  See screen
> shot here
> > > This was the actual attempted path:
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCa\G\test.gnucash   (52 chars)
> Failure! although same char count
> > >
> > > More testing:
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\G\G\test.gnucash   (48 chars)  Failure!
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCand\G\G\test.gnucash (47 chars) Failure!
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCan\G\G\test.gnucash (46 chars) Success!
> > >
> > > If I reduce the number of folders in the path, does the max character
> count go up?
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\G\test.gnucash   (46 chars) Success!
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\Gnu\test.gnucash (48 chars) Success!
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\test.gnucash (52 chars)
> Success!  (confirming results from beginning of this email)
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCashTestLongerPath\test.gnucash (66
> chars) Success!
> > >
> C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCashTestLongerPathAndEvenLongerPath\test.gnucash
> (83 chars) 

[GNC] CSV import lags and burns CPU; can't report bug

2019-04-08 Thread Mark Hedges via gnucash-user
Hi.  I'm trying to import transactions from a very simple CSV file, using a
default account and a single transfer account in a CSV field.  I get to the
stage to go from "Transaction Information" where it says "On the following
page you will be able to associate each transaction to a category."  Even a
1-line CSV test file takes about 10 or 15 seconds to get to the next page.
With 160 transactions, the program stops responding, though it is burning
>30% CPU.  I assume it will finish eventually, but this process seems to be
very inefficient.

I can't seem to report a bug anymore.  I just installed GnuCash 3.5.  When
I go to Start > GnuCash > Report a GnuCash Bug (Online), this takes me to  It says that most projects have migrated to GitLab,
but for GnuCash I should NOT go to GitLab.  When I try to log into
bugzilla, it says "Sorry, entering a bug into the product GnuCash has been
disabled."  However, the GitLab site linked from the BugZilla page does not
seem to have a GnuCash project.  Where should we report bugs these days?


Mark Hedges
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Re: [GNC] CSV import lags and burns CPU; can't report bug

2019-04-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
GnuCash’s Bugzilla database moved to several moons ago.

I can’t find any similar shortcut for bug filing on MacOS, so this is probably 
for the Windows version only. (I don’t ever recall seeing it with Linux 
versions either)

You should file a bug on that as well, since it needs to point to the correct 


> On Apr 8, 2019, at 1:51 PM, Mark Hedges via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Hi.  I'm trying to import transactions from a very simple CSV file, using a
> default account and a single transfer account in a CSV field.  I get to the
> stage to go from "Transaction Information" where it says "On the following
> page you will be able to associate each transaction to a category."  Even a
> 1-line CSV test file takes about 10 or 15 seconds to get to the next page.
> With 160 transactions, the program stops responding, though it is burning
>> 30% CPU.  I assume it will finish eventually, but this process seems to be
> very inefficient.
> I can't seem to report a bug anymore.  I just installed GnuCash 3.5.  When
> I go to Start > GnuCash > Report a GnuCash Bug (Online), this takes me to
>  It says that most projects have migrated to GitLab,
> but for GnuCash I should NOT go to GitLab.  When I try to log into
> bugzilla, it says "Sorry, entering a bug into the product GnuCash has been
> disabled."  However, the GitLab site linked from the BugZilla page does not
> seem to have a GnuCash project.  Where should we report bugs these days?
> Thanks.
> Mark Hedges

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Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread Eric Rathhaus office
Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office data, 
but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve looked, the 
only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find any newer files 
with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here and the tax man is 
breathing down my neck. 

Kind regards,

Eric W. Rathhaus
Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
Oakland, CA 94610
415.577.0920 tel
415.737.0603 fax

Confidentiality : 

The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named 
above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please be 
advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of the information in 
this message, and/or the name(s) of the person(s) it is addressed to, is 
prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please notify us by 
returning this email to us.  If that is not possible, we will reimburse you for 
any costs in returning this message to us through other means.

> On Apr 6, 2019, at 10:12 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
> Finder displays that option only when the current directory is your home 
> directory. That's the one in Users named after your user-id.
> I see that you've installed GnuCash and Finance Quote Update to the 
> MacintoshHD directory, aka root. This is unwise, you should move them to some 
> subdirectory. Applications is a common choice. That also applies to other 
> folders in MacintoshHD. Applications should go in the Applications folder and 
> everything else should be in subdirectories of your Home folder.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Apr 6, 2019, at 2:00 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
>> Hi John - when I follow your directions and use “show view options” I don’t 
>> find any option of show library file.  Perhaps I’m not looking in the 
>> correct place.  In Finder, I use the find command which open a box, which I 
>> presume is my home directory, click on the “gear”, and select “show view 
>> options.”  I attach a couple of screen shots of what I see
>> Kind regards,
>> Eric W. Rathhaus
>> Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
>> 484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
>> Oakland, CA 94610
>> 415.577.0920 tel
>> 415.737.0603 fax
>> Confidentiality : 
>> The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
>> confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named 
>> above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please 
>> be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of the information 
>> in this message, and/or the name(s) of the person(s) it is addressed to, is 
>> prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please notify us by 
>> returning this email to us.  If that is not possible, we will reimburse you 
>> for any costs in returning this message to us through other means.
>>> On Apr 2, 2019, at 8:13 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> Yes, I deliberately wrote them generically. Since you've now specified the 
>>> OS I can further explain that you'll find the book folder in 
>>> ~/Library/Application Support/gnucash and that TextEdit is perfectly fine 
>>> for examining the contents of the directories. In order to get Finder to 
>>> look in ~/Library you'll need to go to your home directory, click the gear 
>>> icon in the toolbar, select "Show View Options" and select "Show Library 
>>> Folder", the last checkbox.
>>> You'll have more success searching for filenames with Finder than with 
>>> Spotlight; the latter looks at file metadata and contents rather than file 
>>> names.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
 On Apr 2, 2019, at 5:39 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
 Thanks, John.  I’m using a Mac. Will your directions still apply? 
 Kind regards,
 Eric W. Rathhaus
 Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
 484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
 Oakland, CA 94610
 415.577.0920 tel
 415.737.0603 fax
 Confidentiality : 
 The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
 confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) 
 named above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, 
 please be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of the 
 information in this message, and/or the name(s) of the person(s) it is 
 addressed to, is prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, 
 please notify us by returning this email to us.  If that is not possible, 
 we will reimburse you for any costs in returning this message to us 
 through other means.

Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread Michael or Penny Novack

On 4/8/2019 5:44 PM, Eric Rathhaus office wrote:

Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office data, 
but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve looked, the 
only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find any newer files 
with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here and the tax man is 
breathing down my neck.

Kind regards,

Eric W. Rathhaus

 You say you found recent .log files? In what directory?(file folder)

Gnucash will be placing the .log files in the same directory as the main 
file. But what did you CALL (name) your main file? The name ends in 
.gnucash BY CONVENTION, you normally name them to do so, But there is 
nothing magic about file extensions. They are just a way that you can 
have your system know what application to use to open them when you 
click on them. And to make it easy for you to recognize them.

Understand what I just said? If I created a set of books and at the 
first save (the "save as") I chose a name that did NOT end with the file 
extension nothing terrible happens. Gnucash will still open that file 
correctly, either from the drop down list of "recently used" or if I 
choose "open" and then specify the file by path/name. What I CAN'T do is 
simply click on it because without the extension the s system doesn't 
know what to do with it << depending on operating system, you might get 
asked "what application do you want to use >>


PS: In the directory where you found the recent .log files look for 
another file with the same last changed date as the most recent .log file

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Re: [GNC] CSV import lags and burns CPU; can't report bug

2019-04-08 Thread John Ralls
Huh. Another corner of the Windows Installer I hadn't noticed before.

Fixed, will be in the next nightly build.

John Ralls

> On Apr 8, 2019, at 12:57 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> GnuCash’s Bugzilla database moved to several moons ago.
> I can’t find any similar shortcut for bug filing on MacOS, so this is 
> probably for the Windows version only. (I don’t ever recall seeing it with 
> Linux versions either)
> You should file a bug on that as well, since it needs to point to the correct 
> location.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 1:51 PM, Mark Hedges via gnucash-user 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi.  I'm trying to import transactions from a very simple CSV file, using a
>> default account and a single transfer account in a CSV field.  I get to the
>> stage to go from "Transaction Information" where it says "On the following
>> page you will be able to associate each transaction to a category."  Even a
>> 1-line CSV test file takes about 10 or 15 seconds to get to the next page.
>> With 160 transactions, the program stops responding, though it is burning
>>> 30% CPU.  I assume it will finish eventually, but this process seems to be
>> very inefficient.
>> I can't seem to report a bug anymore.  I just installed GnuCash 3.5.  When
>> I go to Start > GnuCash > Report a GnuCash Bug (Online), this takes me to
>>  It says that most projects have migrated to GitLab,
>> but for GnuCash I should NOT go to GitLab.  When I try to log into
>> bugzilla, it says "Sorry, entering a bug into the product GnuCash has been
>> disabled."  However, the GitLab site linked from the BugZilla page does not
>> seem to have a GnuCash project.  Where should we report bugs these days?
>> Thanks.
>> Mark Hedges
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
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> -
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Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
1. Navigate to your home directory.
2. View > Show View Options. (or CMD-J)
3. You’ll see the last option box to “Show Library Folder”
4. Check the box.

You might also be able to get to the Library folder directly via SHIFT-CMD-L


> On Apr 8, 2019, at 4:44 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
> Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
> believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
> files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office data, 
> but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve looked, the 
> only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find any newer 
> files with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here and the tax 
> man is breathing down my neck. 
> Kind regards,
> Eric W. Rathhaus

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread John Ralls

That's exactly what he hasn't been able to do.

John Ralls

> On Apr 8, 2019, at 3:57 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>  wrote:
> 1. Navigate to your home directory.
> 2. View > Show View Options. (or CMD-J)
> 3. You’ll see the last option box to “Show Library Folder”
> 4. Check the box.
> You might also be able to get to the Library folder directly via SHIFT-CMD-L
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 4:44 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
>> Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
>> believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
>> files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office 
>> data, but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve 
>> looked, the only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find 
>> any newer files with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here and 
>> the tax man is breathing down my neck. 
>> Kind regards,
>> Eric W. Rathhaus
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread John Ralls
Interesting. A little experimentation finds that it's not sufficient to just 
select the home directory, you must have the home directory as the primary view 
in Finder. If you're using Icon or List view you can double-click on your home 
directory to make it primary. If you're in column view you can either switch 
temporarily to one of the others or you can drag your home directory to the 
sidebar and then click on it there.

There's another way, though: Select Go>Go to Folder... from the menu and then 
type into the dialog box ~/Library/Application Support/Gnucash and click Go.

John Ralls

> On Apr 8, 2019, at 2:44 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
> Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
> believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
> files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office data, 
> but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve looked, the 
> only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find any newer 
> files with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here and the tax 
> man is breathing down my neck. 
> Kind regards,
> Eric W. Rathhaus
> Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
> 484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
> Oakland, CA 94610
> 415.577.0920 tel
> 415.737.0603 fax
> Confidentiality : 
> The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
> confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named 
> above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please 
> be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of the information 
> in this message, and/or the name(s) of the person(s) it is addressed to, is 
> prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please notify us by 
> returning this email to us.  If that is not possible, we will reimburse you 
> for any costs in returning this message to us through other means.
>> On Apr 6, 2019, at 10:12 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> Finder displays that option only when the current directory is your home 
>> directory. That's the one in Users named after your user-id.
>> I see that you've installed GnuCash and Finance Quote Update to the 
>> MacintoshHD directory, aka root. This is unwise, you should move them to 
>> some subdirectory. Applications is a common choice. That also applies to 
>> other folders in MacintoshHD. Applications should go in the Applications 
>> folder and everything else should be in subdirectories of your Home folder.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Apr 6, 2019, at 2:00 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
>>> Hi John - when I follow your directions and use “show view options” I don’t 
>>> find any option of show library file.  Perhaps I’m not looking in the 
>>> correct place.  In Finder, I use the find command which open a box, which I 
>>> presume is my home directory, click on the “gear”, and select “show view 
>>> options.”  I attach a couple of screen shots of what I see
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Eric W. Rathhaus
>>> Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
>>> 484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
>>> Oakland, CA 94610
>>> 415.577.0920 tel
>>> 415.737.0603 fax
>>> Confidentiality : 
>>> The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
>>> confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) 
>>> named above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, 
>>> please be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of the 
>>> information in this message, and/or the name(s) of the person(s) it is 
>>> addressed to, is prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, 
>>> please notify us by returning this email to us.  If that is not possible, 
>>> we will reimburse you for any costs in returning this message to us through 
>>> other means.
 On Apr 2, 2019, at 8:13 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
 Yes, I deliberately wrote them generically. Since you've now specified the 
 OS I can further explain that you'll find the book folder in 
 ~/Library/Application Support/gnucash and that TextEdit is perfectly fine 
 for examining the contents of the directories. In order to get Finder to 
 look in ~/Library you'll need to go to your home directory, click the gear 
 icon in the toolbar, select "Show View Options" and select "Show Library 
 Folder", the last checkbox.
 You'll have more success searching for filenames with Finder than with 
 Spotlight; the latter looks at file metadata and contents rather than file 
 John Ralls
> On Apr 2, 2019, at 5:39 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
> Thanks, John.  I’m using a Mac. Will your directions still apply? 
> Kind regards,
> Eric W. Rathhaus
> Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
> 48

Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Sorry, I thought I read from his description he was looking elsewhere. My 


> On Apr 8, 2019, at 6:01 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
> Adrien,
> That's exactly what he hasn't been able to do.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 3:57 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>  wrote:
>> 1. Navigate to your home directory.
>> 2. View > Show View Options. (or CMD-J)
>> 3. You’ll see the last option box to “Show Library Folder”
>> 4. Check the box.
>> You might also be able to get to the Library folder directly via SHIFT-CMD-L
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 4:44 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
>>> Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
>>> believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
>>> files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office 
>>> data, but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve 
>>> looked, the only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find 
>>> any newer files with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here 
>>> and the tax man is breathing down my neck. 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Eric W. Rathhaus

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Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I just noticed that myself. I was in column view and had navigated to my home 
folder, but the previous (higher level) columns were still visible and that 
option was not available. Only when I double-clicked my home folder did it 
appear.  Perhaps Eric was experiencing the same thing?


> On Apr 8, 2019, at 6:09 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
> Interesting. A little experimentation finds that it's not sufficient to just 
> select the home directory, you must have the home directory as the primary 
> view in Finder. If you're using Icon or List view you can double-click on 
> your home directory to make it primary. If you're in column view you can 
> either switch temporarily to one of the others or you can drag your home 
> directory to the sidebar and then click on it there.
> There's another way, though: Select Go>Go to Folder... from the menu and then 
> type into the dialog box ~/Library/Application Support/Gnucash and click Go.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 2:44 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
>> Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
>> believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
>> files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office 
>> data, but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve 
>> looked, the only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find 
>> any newer files with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here and 
>> the tax man is breathing down my neck. 
>> Kind regards,
>> Eric W. Rathhaus

gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see for more information.
Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-08 Thread Greg Feneis
Just a coupe of questions,

1.  Once the working file (xml) is saved by 3.5, does it remain backward
compatible with 2.6.21 in case I want to downgrade?

2.  Should I log this bug in bugzilla?

Kind regards,

Greg Feneis

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 7:27 AM Greg Feneis  wrote:

> Hi John,
> Sorry I missed this yesterday.  The language is English (United States),
> The Location is United States. The current language for non-Unicode
> programs is English (United States)
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis 
> On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 4:33 PM John Ralls  wrote:
>> Indeed. I just tried C:\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash. No problem.
>> What are your Language and Region settings? Have you set LANG and
>> LANGUAGES in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment? Is
>> your userid an Administrator?
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>> > On Apr 7, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> >
>> > John,
>> >
>> > I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the
>> Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried this
>> path and file name:
>> > C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official
>> Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of
>> Dropbox, Failure!)
>> > The error message reads:
>> > "You attempted to save in
>> H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash or a subdirectory thereof.
>> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that directory for internal
>> usePlease try again in a different directory. (close).
>> >
>> > Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you
>> spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
>> > C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Files\Official Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128
>> chars, outside of Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
>> >
>> > So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving
>> within the windows user folder?
>> >
>> > Things are getting curiouser
>> >
>> >
>> > Kind regards,¯¯
>> > Greg
>> >
>> > On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:46 PM John Ralls  wrote:
>> > Just to completely rule out Dropbox being somehow involved, could you
>> create the same hierarchy in your home directory, i.e.
>> c:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\Gnucash Files\
>> >
>> > I was able to successfully save
>> > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash
>> > and its log file
>> > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash
>> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash.20190407134124.log
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > John Ralls
>> >
>> >
>> > > On Apr 7, 2019, at 10:50 AM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Some more testing on the issue where 3.5 seems to want a shorter path
>> than 2.6.x did:
>> > >
>> > > Just now, I exited Dropbox to see if that had something to do with
>> it, but pretty much the same error for all three path variations, what
>> worked historically with 2.6.x, no ampersand but some folder names used
>> spaces, and no ampersand + no spaces.  It seemed purely to do with length,
>> but it doesn't seem to be about total characters.
>> > >
>> > > With Dropbox back on, here are some more tests:
>> > >
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\test.gnucash   (52 chars)
>> Success!
>> > >
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\GnuCashFiles\test.gnucash
>> (65 chars) Failure!
>> > >
>> > > So I shortened the name of the last folder from GnuCashFiles down to
>> G and still got the same problem
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\G\test.gnucash  (54 chars)
>> Failure!
>> > >
>> > > So I shortened the name of the previous folder from GnuCash down to
>> GnuCa, and it also failed even though it was 52 chars, the character count
>> that seemed to work previously.  Also the error message for this is
>> slightly different.
>> > > "You attempted to save in
>> [gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash or a subdirectory thereof.
>> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that directory for internal
>> usePlease try again in a different directory. (close)."  See screen
>> shot here
>> > > This was the actual attempted path:
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCa\G\test.gnucash   (52 chars)
>> Failure! although same char count
>> > >
>> > > More testing:
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\G\G\test.gnucash   (48 chars)
>> Failure!
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCand\G\G\test.gnucash (47 chars) Failure!
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCan\G\G\test.gnucash (46 chars) Success!
>> > >
>> > > If I reduce the number of folders in the path, does the max character
>> count go up?
>> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\G\test.gnucash   (46 chars) Success!

Re: [GNC] Downgrading to 2.6.21

2019-04-08 Thread John Ralls

2.6.21 and 3.x are supposed to be fully file-compatible. Earlier releases in 
the 2.6 series may not be depending on what 3.x features you use.

If you'd prefer to continue the troubleshooting in the bug tracker, file a bug.

John Ralls

> On Apr 8, 2019, at 5:40 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
> Just a coupe of questions,
> 1.  Once the working file (xml) is saved by 3.5, does it remain backward 
> compatible with 2.6.21 in case I want to downgrade?
> 2.  Should I log this bug in bugzilla?  
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 7:27 AM Greg Feneis  wrote:
> Hi John,
> Sorry I missed this yesterday.  The language is English (United States), The 
> Location is United States. The current language for non-Unicode programs is 
> English (United States)
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis
> On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 4:33 PM John Ralls  wrote:
> Indeed. I just tried C:\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash 
> Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash. No problem.
> What are your Language and Region settings? Have you set LANG and LANGUAGES 
> in C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\etc\gnucash\environment? Is your userid an 
> Administrator?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Apr 7, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
> > 
> > John,
> > 
> > I misread your instructions and only attempted to save outside of the 
> > Dropbox folder, but not in my ...\Users\Greg\... folder, so I tried this 
> > path and file name:
> > C:\Xobpord\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official Working 
> > File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (117 chars, outside of 
> > Dropbox, Failure!)
> > The error message reads:
> > "You attempted to save in H[gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash 
> > or a subdirectory thereof. This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that 
> > directory for internal usePlease try again in a different directory. 
> > (close).
> > 
> > Then I read your email again before starting a reply and realized you 
> > spec'd the home directory, so I tried the following path and file name:
> > C:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash Files\Official 
> > Working File After Testing Path Lengh Issues.gnucash (128 chars, outside of 
> > Dropbox, inside user folder, success!)
> > 
> > So, appears with 3.5 I can only have a generous path while saving within 
> > the windows user folder? 
> > 
> > Things are getting curiouser
> > 
> > 
> > Kind regards,¯¯
> > Greg
> > 
> > On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:46 PM John Ralls  wrote:
> > Just to completely rule out Dropbox being somehow involved, could you 
> > create the same hierarchy in your home directory, i.e. 
> > c:\Users\Greg\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\Gnucash Files\
> > 
> > I was able to successfully save
> > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash 
> > Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash
> > and its log file 
> > C:\Users\John Ralls\Dropbox\My Docs\Thorough C & D\GnuCash\GnuCash 
> > Docs\DeTradingWithExtraNoiseAdded.gnucash.20190407134124.log
> > 
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls
> > 
> > 
> > > On Apr 7, 2019, at 10:50 AM, Greg Feneis  wrote:
> > > 
> > > Some more testing on the issue where 3.5 seems to want a shorter path 
> > > than 2.6.x did:
> > > 
> > > Just now, I exited Dropbox to see if that had something to do with it, 
> > > but pretty much the same error for all three path variations, what worked 
> > > historically with 2.6.x, no ampersand but some folder names used spaces, 
> > > and no ampersand + no spaces.  It seemed purely to do with length, but it 
> > > doesn't seem to be about total characters.
> > > 
> > > With Dropbox back on, here are some more tests:
> > > 
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\test.gnucash   (52 chars) Success!
> > > 
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\GnuCashFiles\test.gnucash  (65 
> > > chars) Failure!
> > > 
> > > So I shortened the name of the last folder from GnuCashFiles down to G 
> > > and still got the same problem
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCash\G\test.gnucash  (54 chars) 
> > > Failure!
> > > 
> > > So I shortened the name of the previous folder from GnuCash down to 
> > > GnuCa, and it also failed even though it was 52 chars, the character 
> > > count that seemed to work previously.  Also the error message for this is 
> > > slightly different.
> > > "You attempted to save in [gibberish]\Users\Greg\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash 
> > > or a subdirectory thereof. This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that 
> > > directory for internal usePlease try again in a different directory. 
> > > (close)."  See screen shot here 
> > >
> > > This was the actual attempted path:
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\GnuCa\G\test.gnucash   (52 chars) 
> > > Failure! although same char count
> > > 
> > > More testing:
> > > C:\Dropbox\MyDocs\ThoroughCandD\G\G\test.gnucash 

Re: [GNC] help lost data file

2019-04-08 Thread Eric Rathhaus office
So I used the go to command and got the first screen shot.  opening the book 
folder and I get the second screen shot.  It’s odd that there are so few files 
as I’ve used this program since 2012.  And when I tried to open any of the 
recent gcm files, I get nothing or it says a suitable back up can’t be found.  
I getting concerned that something terriblest wrong happened and that I need to 
restore from archived cloud version, much data.  

Kind regards,

Eric W. Rathhaus
Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
Oakland, CA 94610
415.577.0920 tel
415.737.0603 fax

Confidentiality : 

The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named 
above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please be 
advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of the information in 
this message, and/or the name(s) of the person(s) it is addressed to, is 
prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please notify us by 
returning this email to us.  If that is not possible, we will reimburse you for 
any costs in returning this message to us through other means.

> On Apr 8, 2019, at 4:09 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
> Interesting. A little experimentation finds that it's not sufficient to just 
> select the home directory, you must have the home directory as the primary 
> view in Finder. If you're using Icon or List view you can double-click on 
> your home directory to make it primary. If you're in column view you can 
> either switch temporarily to one of the others or you can drag your home 
> directory to the sidebar and then click on it there.
> There's another way, though: Select Go>Go to Folder... from the menu and then 
> type into the dialog box ~/Library/Application Support/Gnucash and click Go.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Apr 8, 2019, at 2:44 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
>> Hi John - sorry to be so dense.  So those applications are old versions, I 
>> believe.  But I navigated to me as user and still no option of show library 
>> files appears.  I think I used to store the data in the fold err office 
>> data, but all the files in that directory or old.  No matter where I’ve 
>> looked, the only files I find that are recent are .log files.  I can’t find 
>> any newer files with the .gnucash or the .gcm extensions.  I’m lost here and 
>> the tax man is breathing down my neck. 
>> Kind regards,
>> Eric W. Rathhaus
>> Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
>> 484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
>> Oakland, CA 94610
>> 415.577.0920 tel
>> 415.737.0603 fax
>> Confidentiality : 
>> The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
>> confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named 
>> above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please 
>> be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or copy of the information 
>> in this message, and/or the name(s) of the person(s) it is addressed to, is 
>> prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please notify us by 
>> returning this email to us.  If that is not possible, we will reimburse you 
>> for any costs in returning this message to us through other means.
>>> On Apr 6, 2019, at 10:12 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> Finder displays that option only when the current directory is your home 
>>> directory. That's the one in Users named after your user-id.
>>> I see that you've installed GnuCash and Finance Quote Update to the 
>>> MacintoshHD directory, aka root. This is unwise, you should move them to 
>>> some subdirectory. Applications is a common choice. That also applies to 
>>> other folders in MacintoshHD. Applications should go in the Applications 
>>> folder and everything else should be in subdirectories of your Home folder.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
 On Apr 6, 2019, at 2:00 PM, Eric Rathhaus office  wrote:
 Hi John - when I follow your directions and use “show view options” I 
 don’t find any option of show library file.  Perhaps I’m not looking in 
 the correct place.  In Finder, I use the find command which open a box, 
 which I presume is my home directory, click on the “gear”, and select 
 “show view options.”  I attach a couple of screen shots of what I see
 Kind regards,
 Eric W. Rathhaus
 Law Office of Eric W. Rathhaus
 484 Lake Park Avenue, Suite 50
 Oakland, CA 94610
 415.577.0920 tel
 415.737.0603 fax
 Confidentiality : 
 The information contained in this message is legally privileged and 
 confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) 
 named above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, 
 please be advised that any dissemination, distribution, or cop