Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Geert Janssens
Actually as of gnucash 2.6 the preferences are managed via GSettings. On linux 
this means the settings are stored in dconf by default. We had a few cases 
early on where gnucash was installed on systems that didn't have dconf 
installed. In that case GSettings will only store settings in-memory and they 
will be reset each time you restart gnucash.

A few things to check:
1. Is dconf running properly on your system ?
2. can you edit the gnucash preferences using dconf-editor ? In the editor the 
gnucash preferences are found under /org/gnucash
3. When you try to alter a preference via gnucash, are there any messages in 
the gnucash trace file [1] ?

Finally as for the choice of account tree separator, you can choose anything 
you like. Full account names are not file names so there is no interference 
whatsoever between gnucash' interpretation of account names and the system's 
file management.




Op vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 03:55:55 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Ken, always use reply-all or reply-to-list so that others can participate in
> the conversation and offer assistance.
> I can’t get to the specifics at the moment for the preference permissions
> issue, but maybe someone else can in the interim.
> Your preferences I think should be stored in ~/.gnucash or a .gnucash
> directory that is a sub of ~/.config or ~/.local. (I don’t recall exactly)
> The FAQ on the website should have the details of where this is stored.
> (this changed recently with version 3.0, so be certain you are referencing
> info for the version you have installed)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Aug 16, 2018, at 6:49 PM, Ken Heard  wrote:
> > 
> > Adrien,
> > 
> > Thank you for your reply.  It arrived in my inbox just before I left
> > Canada for France.  I returned to Canada yesterday and saw it for the
> > first time today.> 
> > On 2018-07-26 02:11, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> >> Ken,
> >> Sorry, I saw this when you originally posted it (twice) but wasn’t able
> >> to reply at the time and I see you haven’t heard from anyone yet.
> >> Although seemingly unhelpful, the error message is telling you how to
> >> fix the problem. Apparently, after changing the separator to a backslash
> >> “\” (which is also a file path separator in Windows, not a safe choice!)
> >> you named about 50 accounts to include the old path separator “:” as
> >> part of the actual name. If you re-institute the “:” as path separator,
> >> GnuCash is going to freak out because it will appear you have a bunch of
> >> new accounts that don’t exist yet. (and likely attempt at some point to
> >> get you to create them as you tab/enter through transactions, if not
> >> just totally blow up or freeze as it seems to have done.) The solution
> >> is to FIRST, change all of your accounts names to NOT use “:” in the
> >> name itself, perhaps substituting hyphen “-“ or something reasonably
> >> similar. (Commas are unsafe choices also due to CSV import/export issues
> >> with various software - you don’t want to deal with comma delimited
> >> files if fields contain commas themselves unless specially handled)> 
> > Yes, today I did remove all the colons in the names and codes of my
> > account which had them.  Now when I open GnuCash the list of account
> > names and codes does not appear.  I still however have another problem,
> > see below.> 
> >> Once you’ve eliminated all instances of “:” in your account names, then
> >> the error/warning won’t appear and you can change the account separator
> >> back to it. As long as you stick to a single OS, you can choose to use
> >> either \, or / accordingly for separators, but commas are usually bad
> >> news. (Windows uses backslashes for file paths and *nix uses
> >> backslashes) Pipes and periods even can be an issue, though more rarely
> >> so. (Pipes redirect output and periods are usually extension separators,
> >> but this only an issue in Windows)> 
> > I only use Linux, currently the Stretch iteration of Debian; so I would
> > use only the backslash.  For the reason which you state using a slash --
> > or pipes or periods -- is not wise.  I think that if I were to abandon
> > the colon -- which I may not do in any event -- I would use the tilde,
> > single or double.  I would never use those symbols in an account name or
> > code.> 
> >> That really limits things a bit. But you can likely safely use hyphen
> >> “-“, underscore”_”, semi-colon “;”, tilde “~”, middle dot “•”, small
> >> middle dot “·”, double left arrow “«”, double right arrow “»”,
> >> equivalent “≈”, diamond “◊”, en-dash “–“, and em-dash “—“. (those last
> >> two are sometimes indistinguishable from each other or even from hyphen
> >> in some fonts) On that note, while you’re replacing your copious use of
> >> “:” as part of account names, consider hyphens “-“ and underscores “_”
> >> as replacements. Some coding conventions use underscores to separate
> >> words—e.g., “camel_case

[GNC] Problems with the backspace key

2018-08-17 Thread Alex via gnucash-user
In the last week I've updated to "Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24)". It has a 
different feel than before, I'm sure I'll get to love it!

However, I'm having a small problem with the backspace key.

I've been in the habit of duplicating a transaction each week and 
changing the last two characters of the Num field by pressing the 
 key twice and entering the new text, today I was attempting 
to change the characters 19 to 20. This no longer works - pressing the 
backspace key does nothing.

I have noticed that I can change the characters if I select the text to 
be replaced and overtype the text.

I've also noticed that if I close the gnucash session and restart 
gnucash the backspace key works on the text I was trying to amend in the 
previous session.

Any clues as to what the problem could be?

I could raise this as a bug.

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Re: [GNC] Problems with the backspace key

2018-08-17 Thread Richard Ullger
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, 08:57 Alex via gnucash-user, 

> In the last week I've updated to "Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24)". It has a
> different feel than before, I'm sure I'll get to love it!
> However, I'm having a small problem with the backspace key.
> I've been in the habit of duplicating a transaction each week and
> changing the last two characters of the Num field by pressing the
>  key twice and entering the new text, today I was attempting
> to change the characters 19 to 20. This no longer works - pressing the
> backspace key does nothing.
> I have noticed that I can change the characters if I select the text to
> be replaced and overtype the text.
> I've also noticed that if I close the gnucash session and restart
> gnucash the backspace key works on the text I was trying to amend in the
> previous session.
> Any clues as to what the problem could be?
> I could raise this as a bug.
> ___
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This is fixed in git.
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Re: [GNC] Error in Finance:Quote

2018-08-17 Thread Shokster
Hi John, 
That was awesome advice. I checked default currency, it was set to GBP (I've
installed GnuCash in the UK). Now I've set this particular GnuCash file to
INR, and the mutual fund price retrieval works great. 
Which also explains why the GBP <> INR currency would appear automatically
in the 'Price Database' window. Now that I've changed the currency to INR,
it longer appears in this window. 
Problem solved! 
On the topic of Alpha Vantage - why don't I feel comfy about requesting a
key (obviously not for my India mutual funds), but in future if I add on
equity trading price retrieval. Admittedly, Alpha Vantage doesn't charge for
the key, but why need a key in the first place? Anyway, this is off topic,
but for now, this is also my wall, which I can't get past. My ignorance
about Alpha Vantage also is the source of paranoia about this
confidentiality freak! 

John Ralls-2 wrote
> If you have only one currency in your book then GnuCash will never look
> for an exchange rate, so make sure that your book’s default currency and
> the currencies of all non-stock/mutual fund accounts are the same.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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[GNC] FW: [Gnucash-nl] FW: GnuCah reageert niet

2018-08-17 Thread Jannie Bos - Ploeg

Kan iemand mij aan een oplossing helpen? Zie onderstaand.



Van: Gnucash-nl []
Namens Jannie Bos - Ploeg
Verzonden: vrijdag 6 juli 2018 18:50
Onderwerp: [Gnucash-nl] GnuCah reageert niet


Wie kan mij helpen met het oplossen van de volgende melding: GnuCash
reageert niet meer. Dit gebeurt als ik een rapport wil printen en daar via
opties een keuze maak. Ik werk met Windows 10.


Alvast hartelijk dank,



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Re: [GNC] UK specific: any progress on MTD (Making Tax Difficult) ?

2018-08-17 Thread David Goodenough
On Thursday, 16 August 2018 17:00:29 BST Alain D D Williams wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 06:46:25AM +0100, Maf. King wrote:
> > > This should be on the devel list perhaps.
> I have just subscribed there.
> > it does seem to me from reading the link provided in the OP that a GC
> > report or two feeding into a spreadsheet containing the "api magic" HMRC
> > talk about might be a way forward.  GC doesn't have to directly submit
> > the return to HMRC, if I understood the notes properly.
> This seems to me the easiest way forwards: create a standalone ''file
> transfer'' program that could send a GC report (well defined format, maybe
> CSV - looking like a spreadsheet) to HMRC.
> A separate program would probably be easier to get up & running and should
> avoid any re-certification issues that might appear if these needed to be
> done with every new version of GC. Such a separate program could also be
> useful to others (ie non GC users) who need a means of submitting to HMRC.
> I would be willing to help in writing/debugging such a (hopefully small)
> beast. I have no doubt that it will be more complicated than I would wish.
> I have not looked at the GC code, but I am an experienced programmer.
> Sorry for the delay in replying - been on holiday.
The problem is that GC needs to be allocated a program ID which we have to keep 
but needs to be issued to any user.  No ID and GC users can not go through the 
process every 18 months.

GC could put the code on a web site and have the GC code retrieve it, which is 
the cabinet 
office solution to the problem, but given that the code to retreive it would be 
open source 
GC would have no control over how the code was used.  If HMRC decide that 
using the GC code is messing with their systems then they would ban that code 
and thus 
all legitimate GC users.


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Re: [GNC] Links in transaction reports

2018-08-17 Thread Nancy Tague
Found it!  (Under the General tab of Style Sheets.) I knew I’d seen links 
somewhere.  Thank you so much.

From: Christopher Lam 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 3:07 AM
To: Nancy Tague 
Cc: GnuCash users group 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Links in transaction reports

Hi Nancy, welcome to Gnucash user list! 

You can disable links but it's not obvious in the transaction report. You'll 
need to modify the style sheet used (edit menu) then reload the transaction 

On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 16:55 Nancy Tague  wrote:

  I’m a brand new GnuCash user trying to figure out its features.  This one has 
me stumped.  The numbers in transaction reports show as blue and underlined – 
they’re links to the register.  Is there a way to turn that off?  I don’t want 
my reports to have blue underlined numbers.  Thanks for your help.

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Re: [GNC] FW: [Gnucash-nl] FW: GnuCah reageert niet

2018-08-17 Thread Derek Atkins

The gnucash-user list is an English list, but we are happy to help you

As for why GnuCash is not responding on Windows 10 when you try to
print -- there could be lots of reasons.  Can you print from other

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"Jannie Bos - Ploeg"  writes:

> Kan iemand mij aan een oplossing helpen? Zie onderstaand.
> Van: Gnucash-nl []
> Namens Jannie Bos - Ploeg
> Verzonden: vrijdag 6 juli 2018 18:50
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: [Gnucash-nl] GnuCah reageert niet
> Wie kan mij helpen met het oplossen van de volgende melding: GnuCash
> reageert niet meer. Dit gebeurt als ik een rapport wil printen en daar via
> opties een keuze maak. Ik werk met Windows 10.
> Alvast hartelijk dank,
> Jannie
> ___
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   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   warl...@mit.eduPGP key available
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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Ken Heard

On 2018-08-17 03:27, Geert Janssens wrote:

Actually as of gnucash 2.6 the preferences are managed via GSettings. On linux
this means the settings are stored in dconf by default. We had a few cases
early on where gnucash was installed on systems that didn't have dconf
installed. In that case GSettings will only store settings in-memory and they
will be reset each time you restart gnucash.

A few things to check:
1. Is dconf running properly on your system ?

I think so, in that all packages relating to dconf are installed.  (This 
is my first encounter with dconf.)

2. can you edit the gnucash preferences using dconf-editor ? In the editor the
gnucash preferences are found under /org/gnucash

Directory ~/.gnucash contains three files and three directories.  the 
files are accelerator-map, expressions-2.0 and stylesheets-2-0.  The 
three directories are books, checks and translog. The last two are empty.

The first one, books, contains the following files which are not empty: 
ChartOfAccounts.gnucash.gcm, gca.gnucash.gcm. ken09.gnc, ken09.gnc.gcm, 
Kens.gnucash.gcm and pqtz.gnucash.gcm. Of these files, Kens.gnucash.gcm 
is dated 2018-08-16.  All the others are dated in 2014 or earlier.

None of these files appear to me to contain the preference selections.

3. When you try to alter a preference via gnucash, are there any messages in
the gnucash trace file [1] ?

For instance, I want to change the default date format from 'Locale 
31/07/13' to 'ISO 2013-07-31'.  I can select the latter from the 
drop-down list, but 'Locale 31/07/13' remains as the selected format. 
The same thing happens for all other preference options; nothing can be 
changed from the default.

I would expect that the default preferences and the changed preferences 
would be in the same file, not in a different file.  So the defaults 
must be somewhere where gnucash can find them.  Where would that 
'somewhere' be, and where would the changes be recorded?

No messages of any kind appear in the trace file.  It has been empty 
since I opened gnucash today.

Finally as for the choice of account tree separator, you can choose anything
you like. Full account names are not file names so there is no interference
whatsoever between gnucash' interpretation of account names and the system's
file management.

True, as long as the tree separator is never used in any account name or 

Regards, Ken

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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 16:52:32 CEST schreef Ken Heard:
> On 2018-08-17 03:27, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Actually as of gnucash 2.6 the preferences are managed via GSettings. On
> > linux this means the settings are stored in dconf by default. We had a
> > few cases early on where gnucash was installed on systems that didn't
> > have dconf installed. In that case GSettings will only store settings
> > in-memory and they will be reset each time you restart gnucash.
> > 
> > A few things to check:
> > 1. Is dconf running properly on your system ?
> I think so, in that all packages relating to dconf are installed.  (This
> is my first encounter with dconf.)

> > 2. can you edit the gnucash preferences using dconf-editor ? In the editor
> > the gnucash preferences are found under /org/gnucash
> Directory ~/.gnucash contains three files and three directories.

Please ignore ~/.gnucash for now. It's not related to the preferences you are 
trying to tweak.

Did you play with dconf-editor ? And what where the results ?

> > 3. When you try to alter a preference via gnucash, are there any messages
> > in the gnucash trace file [1] ?
> For instance, I want to change the default date format from 'Locale
> 31/07/13' to 'ISO 2013-07-31'.  I can select the latter from the
> drop-down list, but 'Locale 31/07/13' remains as the selected format.
> The same thing happens for all other preference options; nothing can be
> changed from the default.
> I would expect that the default preferences and the changed preferences
> would be in the same file, not in a different file.  So the defaults
> must be somewhere where gnucash can find them.  Where would that
> 'somewhere' be, and where would the changes be recorded?
> No messages of any kind appear in the trace file.  It has been empty
> since I opened gnucash today.

> > Finally as for the choice of account tree separator, you can choose
> > anything you like. Full account names are not file names so there is no
> > interference whatsoever between gnucash' interpretation of account names
> > and the system's file management.
> True, as long as the tree separator is never used in any account name or
> code.

Yes, indeed.


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[GNC] opening

2018-08-17 Thread
   I've been using GnuCash 3.1 for some time; yesterday it worked just
   fine. Today when I clicked on the icon on my desktop (Dell Inspiron) I
   got the usual splash screen and the icon appeared in the task bar as
   usual, but that's all. Nothing appeared on my desktop. I can point to
   the icon on the taskbar and see a screen in there like I expect to see
   on my desktop, but that is all that happens. I restarted my computer --
   no help. I re-installed GnuCash 3.1  --  no help.  How do I get my
   GnuCash back?
Thomas Marks
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Re: [GNC] opening

2018-08-17 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 17:39:25 CEST schreef
>I've been using GnuCash 3.1 for some time; yesterday it worked just
>fine. Today when I clicked on the icon on my desktop (Dell Inspiron) I
>got the usual splash screen and the icon appeared in the task bar as
>usual, but that's all. Nothing appeared on my desktop. I can point to
>the icon on the taskbar and see a screen in there like I expect to see
>on my desktop, but that is all that happens. I restarted my computer --
>no help. I re-installed GnuCash 3.1  --  no help.  How do I get my
>GnuCash back?

I suspect you are hit by this bug:
which is fixed for gnucash 3.2

So if you can, please upgrade to that version. If that's not an option, you 
can alter the .gcm file related to your book. Look for values of -32000 and 
change them to for example 50.
And then remember to not quit gnucash while the main window is minimized.



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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Ken Heard

On 2018-08-17 11:28, Geert Janssens wrote:

Please ignore ~/.gnucash for now. It's not related to the preferences you are
trying to tweak.


Did you play with dconf-editor ? And what where the results ?

After some research I opened dconf-editor and found 
/org/gnucash/general/date-format and found that the default format is 
value 4, whatever value 4 is.  I turned off the default format and 
selected value 1 instead of 4 and then closed dconf-editor.

I then opened gnucash preferences again and noted that the date format 
is still 31/07/13. I next reopened dconf-editor only to discover that 
the date default value is still 4; so it would appear that dconf-editor 
cannot be used to change gnucash preferences.

I hope you know the significance of the foregoing, because I don't.  How 
can I use dconf-editor to select preferences for gnucash if the values 
for each number are not explained?

Regards, Ken

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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 18:41:13 CEST schreef Ken Heard:
> On 2018-08-17 11:28, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Please ignore ~/.gnucash for now. It's not related to the preferences you
> > are trying to tweak.
>   ?
> > Did you play with dconf-editor ? And what where the results ?
> After some research I opened dconf-editor and found
> /org/gnucash/general/date-format and found that the default format is
> value 4, whatever value 4 is.  I turned off the default format and
> selected value 1 instead of 4 and then closed dconf-editor.
> I then opened gnucash preferences again and noted that the date format
> is still 31/07/13. I next reopened dconf-editor only to discover that
> the date default value is still 4; so it would appear that dconf-editor
> cannot be used to change gnucash preferences.
> I hope you know the significance of the foregoing, because I don't.  How
> can I use dconf-editor to select preferences for gnucash if the values
> for each number are not explained?

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the feedback. My request to try with dconf-editor was not meant as 
a workaround, but rather to determine if values can be changed at all.

>From your explanation I still can't infer this exactly, but I readily admit my 
instructions were very vague.

Can you try one more experiment:
- Make sure you don't have gnucash running
- Start dconf-editor
- Change /org/gnucash/general/date-format to 1 (just using your example here, 
any preference change is fine for this test)
- Be sure to click on the apply button that pops up
- Quit dconf-editor and start it again
- Navigate to /org/gnucash/general/date-format

=> What is it set to now ?



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Re: [GNC] Column widths again

2018-08-17 Thread Graham Balin
Sorry guys if there is any misunderstanding here. There is no account field
or rate field . in the basic ledger view i have
Double clicking the Balance header moves it right out of view! Description
takes up almost the whole screen.
This is in basic ledger view for asset accounts but the same thing happens
with expense and stock accounts as well. Balance is always off screen.



On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 10:53 pm GT-I9070 H,  wrote:

> Em qui, 16 de ago de 2018 às 13:34, David T. via gnucash-user <
>> escreveu:
> > Graham,
> >
> > If your problem is specifically that the Balance column is too narrow,
> > then you’ve encountered a Known Idiosyncrasy: the Balance column is a
> > challenge to resize. In fact, the only way I know to get it to resize is
> to
> > double-click the column heading. This is documented in a note in the
> Guide
> > at 2.3.3.
> >
> > David T.
> >
> I resize the Balance column with ease by dragging in the header its right
> divider to the right/left, I can even add/remove the "RATE" field in the
> records sheets so.
> Regads
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Ken Heard

On 2018-08-17 13:18, Geert Janssens wrote:

Thanks for the feedback. My request to try with dconf-editor was not meant as
a workaround, but rather to determine if values can be changed at all.

From your explanation I still can't infer this exactly, but I readily admit my 

instructions were very vague.

Can you try one more experiment:
- Make sure you don't have gnucash running
- Start dconf-editor
- Change /org/gnucash/general/date-format to 1 (just using your example here,
any preference change is fine for this test)

I got this far in the instructions above, but then no pup-up button 
popped up.  Did not go any further.

- Be sure to click on the apply button that pops up
- Quit dconf-editor and start it again
- Navigate to /org/gnucash/general/date-format

=> What is it set to now ?

Perhaps a bit of background might be in order.  I spend the months of 
May to September in Canada, and November to March in Thailand.  (October 
and April are migration months, spent partially in either location or 
anywhere in-between.)

I have desktops in both locations. So twice a year all my data files are 
transferred between the two computers.  Among them are of course my 
gnucash data files. Since 2009 when I started using gnucash I have been 
moving those files back and forth without difficulty in using gnucash 
after each move -- until the latest one at the end of last March.

Up until sometime between November 2017 and March 2018 while in Thailand 
I changed the account separator from the colon to the backslash and 
started to use the colon in file names and codes.  On opening gnucash in 
the computer after return to Canada last April I received the message 
asking me either to change the separator back to the colon or delete 
colons from account names and codes.

At the time I assumed that the situation described in the previous 
paragraph was caused be the fact that while all the files in my home 
directory were transferred, key setup files in my user dot directories 
were not.

I consequently thought that all I had to do to fix that situation would 
be to open the preferences in the Canada computer and change the 
separator from colon to backslash. It was at this point that I 
discovered that I no longer had access to the preferences.  In order to 
post transactions I removed all colons from account names and codes, but 
I am still denied ability to change preferences thereby limiting my use 
of gnucash.  So the objective now is to restore to me full use of gnucash.

Regards, Ken

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] File Format Documentation, v. 2

2018-08-17 Thread Frank H. Ellenberger

I almost missed this, because it is on the wrong list.

I would be more precise about dbi and dbd:

Am 16.08.2018 um 22:00 schrieb David T. via gnucash-user:
> The XML storage format is a text file that is compressed with gzip,
... can be compressed ...
> which is a preference that is set at Edit→Preferences→General→Use
> file compression. SQL storage is available via the DBI back end;
SQL storage is available via the DataBase Interface library libdbi,
which requires additional the installation of a DataBase Driver (dbd)
module for the desired formats.
For Macos and Windows libdbi and libdbi-dbd-sqlite are already part of
the official bundle.
[from footnote 1; check for the correct naming of the modules they vary
between distributions]
> use of MySQL and PostgreSQL requires installation of those DBMS
> packages as well as additional DBI drivers.
 packages and knowledge to manage them.
> Note: users can change the format at any time by using File→Save As.
> This will create a copy of the data file in the selected format.

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Re: [GNC] Column widths again

2018-08-17 Thread John Ralls

"Transfer" is short for "Transfer Account" and is the field where the "other" 
account--other than the one in the current register--is set. It's often called 
the "account" field in casual use.

I think GTI made a translation error, the "rate" field is probably "price" on a 
stock/mutual fund register, which has two more columns than the other registers.

John Ralls

> On Aug 17, 2018, at 11:08 AM, Graham Balin  wrote:
> Sorry guys if there is any misunderstanding here. There is no account field
> or rate field . in the basic ledger view i have
> date-num-description-transfer-R-receive-spend-balance.
> Double clicking the Balance header moves it right out of view! Description
> takes up almost the whole screen.
> This is in basic ledger view for asset accounts but the same thing happens
> with expense and stock accounts as well. Balance is always off screen.
> Cheerio
> Graham
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 10:53 pm GT-I9070 H,  wrote:
>> Em qui, 16 de ago de 2018 às 13:34, David T. via gnucash-user <
>>> escreveu:
>>> Graham,
>>> If your problem is specifically that the Balance column is too narrow,
>>> then you’ve encountered a Known Idiosyncrasy: the Balance column is a
>>> challenge to resize. In fact, the only way I know to get it to resize is
>> to
>>> double-click the column heading. This is documented in a note in the
>> Guide
>>> at 2.3.3.
>>> David T.
>> I resize the Balance column with ease by dragging in the header its right
>> divider to the right/left, I can even add/remove the "RATE" field in the
>> records sheets so.
>> Regads
>> GTI
>> ___
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -
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>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
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> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
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[GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Rich Shepard

  Perhaps I've missed something. If not I ask for a fix in the next release.

  When reconciling my bank accounts I sometimes need to go back to account
registers and fix an error so I elect to defer the reconciliation process
until later. However, when I return all previously checked transactions have
been cleared and I need to start over. It would save time and hassle to have
filled checkboxes saved as such when the reconciliation process is deferred.

  An alternative is to drop that option and either finish or cancel the


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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Adrien Monteleone

That might be a bug, not sure, you could file one or maybe a developer will 
chime in. But if you click the reconcile column in the transactions themselves 
until they change from ’n’ to ‘c’ they will be checked off the next time you 
attempt reconciliation and even cancelling that should not change their status. 
(unless perhaps you uncheck and re-check, I don’t know)


> On Aug 17, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Rich Shepard  wrote:
>  Perhaps I've missed something. If not I ask for a fix in the next release.
>  When reconciling my bank accounts I sometimes need to go back to account
> registers and fix an error so I elect to defer the reconciliation process
> until later. However, when I return all previously checked transactions have
> been cleared and I need to start over. It would save time and hassle to have
> filled checkboxes saved as such when the reconciliation process is deferred.
>  An alternative is to drop that option and either finish or cancel the
> process.
> Regards,
> Rich
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

That might be a bug, not sure, you could file one or maybe a developer
will chime in. But if you click the reconcile column in the transactions
themselves until they change from ’n’ to ‘c’ they will be checked off the
next time you attempt reconciliation and even cancelling that should not
change their status. (unless perhaps you uncheck and re-check, I don’t


  That's interesting. When a transaction clears the bank I change the
transaction code from 'n' to 'c.' Somehow, after the upgrade to 3.2 many
transactions from June and July were not recognized as cleared so I had a
whole bunch of credits and a few debits to manually check when reconciling
checking accounts. When I had looked at the checking account registers prior
to reconciling and scrolled up I saw no 'n' tags, only 'c' tags.

  Perhaps it was a one-off fluke here.


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Re: [GNC] Column widths again

2018-08-17 Thread Colin Law
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 19:11, Graham Balin  wrote:

> Sorry guys if there is any misunderstanding here. There is no account field
> or rate field . in the basic ledger view i have
> date-num-description-transfer-R-receive-spend-balance.
> Double clicking the Balance header moves it right out of view! Description
> takes up almost the whole screen.
> This is in basic ledger view for asset accounts but the same thing happens
> with expense and stock accounts as well. Balance is always off screen.

I wonder if there is an issue with how big gnucash thinks the window is.  I
don't think you replied to my question asking which version of Ubuntu you
are using and also why you can't unmaximise the window.  You should be able
to make the window any size you like but you said you could not do that.


> Cheerio
> Graham
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 10:53 pm GT-I9070 H,  wrote:
> > Em qui, 16 de ago de 2018 às 13:34, David T. via gnucash-user <
> >> escreveu:
> >
> > > Graham,
> > >
> > > If your problem is specifically that the Balance column is too narrow,
> > > then you’ve encountered a Known Idiosyncrasy: the Balance column is a
> > > challenge to resize. In fact, the only way I know to get it to resize
> is
> > to
> > > double-click the column heading. This is documented in a note in the
> > Guide
> > > at 2.3.3.
> > >
> > > David T.
> > >
> >
> > I resize the Balance column with ease by dragging in the header its right
> > divider to the right/left, I can even add/remove the "RATE" field in the
> > records sheets so.
> >
> > Regads
> > GTI
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > for more information.
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, wrote:

I've always been able to just edit the transaction while the reconcile
window is still open.  I just switch over to the register window, make my
changes and switch back.  I believe there might even be an option to edit
the transaction in the reconcile dialog.


  Hadn't thought to try that.


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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Matthew Forbis via gnucash-user
Resending my response since I sent from the wrong email address.

 I've always been able to just edit the transaction while the reconcile window 
is still open.  I just switch over to the register window, make my changes and 
switch back.  I believe there might even be an option to edit the transaction 
in the reconcile dialog.


On Friday, August 17, 2018, 3:02:21 PM CDT, Rich Shepard 

  Perhaps I've missed something. If not I ask for a fix in the next release.

  When reconciling my bank accounts I sometimes need to go back to account
registers and fix an error so I elect to defer the reconciliation process
until later. However, when I return all previously checked transactions have
been cleared and I need to start over. It would save time and hassle to have
filled checkboxes saved as such when the reconciliation process is deferred.

  An alternative is to drop that option and either finish or cancel the


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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Colin Law
I think there was a bug that caused that in one of the earlier 2.x
versions.  Which version are you using?

If you double click an entry in the reconcile window it will take you to
the corresponding transaction so you can modify it if necessary. It will be
immediately updated in the reconcile window.  Similarly you can switch to
the register and enter new transactions if necessary and they will appear
in the reconcile window.


On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 21:04, Rich Shepard  wrote:

>Perhaps I've missed something. If not I ask for a fix in the next
> release.
>When reconciling my bank accounts I sometimes need to go back to account
> registers and fix an error so I elect to defer the reconciliation process
> until later. However, when I return all previously checked transactions
> have
> been cleared and I need to start over. It would save time and hassle to
> have
> filled checkboxes saved as such when the reconciliation process is
> deferred.
>An alternative is to drop that option and either finish or cancel the
> process.
> Regards,
> Rich
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Colin Law
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 19:48, Ken Heard  wrote:

> On 2018-08-17 13:18, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Thanks for the feedback. My request to try with dconf-editor was not
> meant as
> > a workaround, but rather to determine if values can be changed at all.
> >
> >>From your explanation I still can't infer this exactly, but I readily
> admit my
> > instructions were very vague.
> >
> > Can you try one more experiment:
> > - Make sure you don't have gnucash running
> > - Start dconf-editor
> > - Change /org/gnucash/general/date-format to 1 (just using your example
> here,
> > any preference change is fine for this test)
> I got this far in the instructions above, but then no pup-up button
> popped up.  Did not go any further.

The apply button doesn't really popup (for me on Ubuntu 18.040) it just
appears in the bottom bar of the window.


> > - Be sure to click on the apply button that pops up
> > - Quit dconf-editor and start it again
> > - Navigate to /org/gnucash/general/date-format
> >
> > => What is it set to now ?
> Perhaps a bit of background might be in order.  I spend the months of
> May to September in Canada, and November to March in Thailand.  (October
> and April are migration months, spent partially in either location or
> anywhere in-between.)
> I have desktops in both locations. So twice a year all my data files are
> transferred between the two computers.  Among them are of course my
> gnucash data files. Since 2009 when I started using gnucash I have been
> moving those files back and forth without difficulty in using gnucash
> after each move -- until the latest one at the end of last March.
> Up until sometime between November 2017 and March 2018 while in Thailand
> I changed the account separator from the colon to the backslash and
> started to use the colon in file names and codes.  On opening gnucash in
> the computer after return to Canada last April I received the message
> asking me either to change the separator back to the colon or delete
> colons from account names and codes.
> At the time I assumed that the situation described in the previous
> paragraph was caused be the fact that while all the files in my home
> directory were transferred, key setup files in my user dot directories
> were not.
> I consequently thought that all I had to do to fix that situation would
> be to open the preferences in the Canada computer and change the
> separator from colon to backslash. It was at this point that I
> discovered that I no longer had access to the preferences.  In order to
> post transactions I removed all colons from account names and codes, but
> I am still denied ability to change preferences thereby limiting my use
> of gnucash.  So the objective now is to restore to me full use of gnucash.
> Regards, Ken
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> for more information.
> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I do the same, I understood you needed to cancel the reconciliation for a long 
period due to lack of info. Really, the only time I’ve ever cancelled a 
reconciliation, was when I was testing something.

If I’m not mistaken, if you enter other transactions while the reconcile window 
is open, they will appear there as well. If you don’t shut down GnuCash, you 
could conceivably leave the reconcile ‘in progress’ for as long as you need to.


> On Aug 17, 2018, at 4:12 PM, Rich Shepard  wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, wrote:
>> I've always been able to just edit the transaction while the reconcile
>> window is still open.  I just switch over to the register window, make my
>> changes and switch back.  I believe there might even be an option to edit
>> the transaction in the reconcile dialog.
> Matt,
>  Hadn't thought to try that.
> Thanks,
> Rich
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -
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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, Colin Law wrote:

I think there was a bug that caused that in one of the earlier 2.x
versions.  Which version are you using?



If you double click an entry in the reconcile window it will take you to
the corresponding transaction so you can modify it if necessary. It will
be immediately updated in the reconcile window. Similarly you can switch
to the register and enter new transactions if necessary and they will
appear in the reconcile window.

  This expands on what Matt wrote and I was not aware of these capabilities
before. Thanks for the lesson!

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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Ken Heard

On 2018-08-17 17:26, Colin Law wrote:

The apply button doesn't really popup (for me on Ubuntu 18.040) it just
appears in the bottom bar of the window.


I don't even see it there.  The bottom bar has this text "The change 
will be applied on such request or if you quit this view." followed by 
two buttons. The first is blue with a check mark in it.  The second is 
the same colour as the background with an 'x' in it.  Clicking on the 
'x' button closes the entire application.

Regards, Ken

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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread D via gnucash-user
I was going to note that one can edit transactions during the reconcile process 
by double clicking the transaction, making your changes, and returning.

On August 17, 2018, at 1:38 PM, Adrien Monteleone 


That might be a bug, not sure, you could file one or maybe a developer will 
chime in. But if you click the reconcile column in the transactions themselves 
until they change from ’n’ to ‘c’ they will be checked off the next time you 
attempt reconciliation and even cancelling that should not change their status. 
(unless perhaps you uncheck and re-check, I don’t know)


> On Aug 17, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Rich Shepard  wrote:
>  Perhaps I've missed something. If not I ask for a fix in the next release.
>  When reconciling my bank accounts I sometimes need to go back to account
> registers and fix an error so I elect to defer the reconciliation process
> until later. However, when I return all previously checked transactions have
> been cleared and I need to start over. It would save time and hassle to have
> filled checkboxes saved as such when the reconciliation process is deferred.
>  An alternative is to drop that option and either finish or cancel the
> process.
> Regards,
> Rich
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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Re: [GNC] Column widths again

2018-08-17 Thread GT-I9070 H
Em sex, 17 de ago de 2018 às 15:24, John Ralls 

> I think GTI made a translation error, the "rate" field is probably "price"
> on a stock/mutual fund register, which has two more columns than the other
> registers.

heheheh, 😀 it's possible that was it!

Excuse me, my English is not good, but besides my bad English, there is
also a doubt that I never found necessary to clarify.

Maybe I'm wrong here too:
For me, I have agreed that "rate" is the exchange rate between two
currencies and that "price" would be the price I paid for a share on the
stock exchange.

I said "rate" because the field that was added was the "rate" (exchange
rate between two currencies) and its values are exactly these and the most
curious is that this was in an asset account(Currency) register.

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Re: [GNC] Column widths again

2018-08-17 Thread David Carlson
I think that some installations of Debian and Ubuntu (and probably most
other flavors of Linux) default to 600x800 pixels if there is not a good
screen driver installed.  The Dell Inspiron may need a non-free driver.
That could cause what Graham is seeing.  I thought that GnuCash could deal
with that, but it would not look nice.  I am not sure in that case if it
would help to temporarily switch to two line view and drag the right edge
of the Description title leftward to see the Balance.

David C

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 4:00 PM, Colin Law  wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 19:11, Graham Balin  wrote:
> > Sorry guys if there is any misunderstanding here. There is no account
> field
> > or rate field . in the basic ledger view i have
> > date-num-description-transfer-R-receive-spend-balance.
> > Double clicking the Balance header moves it right out of view!
> Description
> > takes up almost the whole screen.
> > This is in basic ledger view for asset accounts but the same thing
> happens
> > with expense and stock accounts as well. Balance is always off screen.
> >
> I wonder if there is an issue with how big gnucash thinks the window is.  I
> don't think you replied to my question asking which version of Ubuntu you
> are using and also why you can't unmaximise the window.  You should be able
> to make the window any size you like but you said you could not do that.
> Colin
> >
> > Cheerio
> >
> > Graham
> >
> > On Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 10:53 pm GT-I9070 H,  wrote:
> >
> > > Em qui, 16 de ago de 2018 às 13:34, David T. via gnucash-user <
> > >> escreveu:
> > >
> > > > Graham,
> > > >
> > > > If your problem is specifically that the Balance column is too
> narrow,
> > > > then you’ve encountered a Known Idiosyncrasy: the Balance column is a
> > > > challenge to resize. In fact, the only way I know to get it to resize
> > is
> > > to
> > > > double-click the column heading. This is documented in a note in the
> > > Guide
> > > > at 2.3.3.
> > > >
> > > > David T.
> > > >
> > >
> > > I resize the Balance column with ease by dragging in the header its
> right
> > > divider to the right/left, I can even add/remove the "RATE" field in
> the
> > > records sheets so.
> > >
> > > Regads
> > > GTI
> > > ___
> > > gnucash-user mailing list
> > >
> > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> > >
> > > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > > for more information.
> > > -
> > > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> > ___
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> >
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> >
> > If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
> > for more information.
> > -
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread David Carlson
In earlier (2.6.x) versions of GnuCash one could highlight any transaction
in the reconcile window and either click the edit button i the title bar or
double click the transaction in the reconcile window to go directly to that
transaction in the register, edit it and return to resume reconciling.  I
doubt that has changed, it it has, it would be a serious regression in my

David C

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 5:59 PM, D via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I was going to note that one can edit transactions during the reconcile
> process by double clicking the transaction, making your changes, and
> returning.
> On August 17, 2018, at 1:38 PM, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> Rich,
> That might be a bug, not sure, you could file one or maybe a developer
> will chime in. But if you click the reconcile column in the transactions
> themselves until they change from ’n’ to ‘c’ they will be checked off the
> next time you attempt reconciliation and even cancelling that should not
> change their status. (unless perhaps you uncheck and re-check, I don’t know)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Aug 17, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Rich Shepard 
> wrote:
> >
> >  Perhaps I've missed something. If not I ask for a fix in the next
> release.
> >
> >  When reconciling my bank accounts I sometimes need to go back to account
> > registers and fix an error so I elect to defer the reconciliation process
> > until later. However, when I return all previously checked transactions
> have
> > been cleared and I need to start over. It would save time and hassle to
> have
> > filled checkboxes saved as such when the reconciliation process is
> deferred.
> >
> >  An alternative is to drop that option and either finish or cancel the
> > process.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Rich
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Re: [GNC] XLSM2QIF.rar

2018-08-17 Thread GT-I9070 H
Em sex, 17 de ago de 2018 às 11:47,  escreveu:

> Hi! I've found your app really useful, I have a question though.
> So in order to use it I need to open your file so the add-in menu appears
> and while open, open my file and use the plugin.
> Is there any wat to "install" the plugin so I dont have to open your file
> first every time I need to use it?
> Using both excel 2016.
> _
> Sent from

Thank you, I'm glad it was helpful to you.

XLSM2QIF was not made for this need and it has a lot of time that I do not
look under the hood of this, but that there is a way, there is, we just
have to find one that works.

One recommended way is for you to drag your worksheets into XLSM2QIF and
save XLSM2QIF with the name of your workbook.

Another laborious and very error prone way would be to faithfully copy the
entire project (ALT + F11) to your workbook.

Another one that I suppose works, and maybe the best, would be to save
XLSM2QIF in the correct folder for this as Supplement (.xlam) and try to
use it on any other workbook that you open. I'm not sure of the procedure,
it may be as simple as I said, try, if it does not work, look for
information at Microsoft.

Another way is to try to open XLSM2QIF as Supplement (.xlam or another
format) in your workbook.

Since I'm not an active developer on this project, all my suggestions need
to be tested.

Let us know if something worked for you and copy the GnuCash email
list because other people can help too.

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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Colin Law
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, 22:59 Ken Heard,  wrote:

> On 2018-08-17 17:26, Colin Law wrote:
> >
> > The apply button doesn't really popup (for me on Ubuntu 18.040) it just
> > appears in the bottom bar of the window.
> >
> > Colin
> I don't even see it there.  The bottom bar has this text "The change
> will be applied on such request or if you quit this view." followed by
> two buttons. The first is blue with a check mark in it.

That is the Apply button. My version has the text, apparently you have a
different version.

The second is
> the same colour as the background with an 'x' in it.  Clicking on the
> 'x' button closes the entire application.

That is the Cancel button.


> Regards, Ken
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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 16:52:32 CEST schreef Ken Heard:
> I would expect that the default preferences and the changed preferences
> would be in the same file, not in a different file.  So the defaults
> must be somewhere where gnucash can find them.  Where would that
> 'somewhere' be, and where would the changes be recorded?
I didn't answer this part.

As I wrote before gnucash uses GSettings, a part of glib. GSettings in turn 
uses dconf as storage backend. The defaults are compiled in the GSettings 
schema for gnucash which is typically installed in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

I don't know how and where dconf stores the changes. I never had to bother 
with that.

However by asking you to make changes with dconf-editor I'm trying to 
establish whether dconf itself is working correctly on your system.



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Re: [GNC] Cannot change preferences

2018-08-17 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 23:59:28 CEST schreef Ken Heard:
> On 2018-08-17 17:26, Colin Law wrote:
> > The apply button doesn't really popup (for me on Ubuntu 18.040) it just
> > appears in the bottom bar of the window.
> > 
> > Colin
> I don't even see it there.  The bottom bar has this text "The change
> will be applied on such request or if you quit this view." followed by
> two buttons. The first is blue with a check mark in it.  The second is
> the same colour as the background with an 'x' in it.  Clicking on the
> 'x' button closes the entire application.
> Regards, Ken

Ok what happens if you click on the blue check mark instead ?

And what's the value of the property after you restart dconf-editor ?



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Re: [GNC] FW: [Gnucash-nl] FW: GnuCah reageert niet

2018-08-17 Thread Jannie Bos - Ploeg

Yes, I can print from other programs. This problem happens only when I try
to print a rapport from GnuCash.

Sorry for my English.


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Derek Atkins [] 
Verzonden: vrijdag 17 augustus 2018 15:51
Aan: Jannie Bos - Ploeg
Onderwerp: Re: [GNC] FW: [Gnucash-nl] FW: GnuCah reageert niet


The gnucash-user list is an English list, but we are happy to help you

As for why GnuCash is not responding on Windows 10 when you try to
print -- there could be lots of reasons.  Can you print from other

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"Jannie Bos - Ploeg"  writes:

> Kan iemand mij aan een oplossing helpen? Zie onderstaand.
> Van: Gnucash-nl []
> Namens Jannie Bos - Ploeg
> Verzonden: vrijdag 6 juli 2018 18:50
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: [Gnucash-nl] GnuCah reageert niet
> Wie kan mij helpen met het oplossen van de volgende melding: GnuCash
> reageert niet meer. Dit gebeurt als ik een rapport wil printen en daar via
> opties een keuze maak. Ik werk met Windows 10.
> Alvast hartelijk dank,
> Jannie
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   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   warl...@mit.eduPGP key available

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Re: [GNC] GC 3.2 Import Price File CSV

2018-08-17 Thread Megagrumpy
Thanks for the response, Deva. I have tried every combination of date format,
and security ID with no luck. Unfortunately my screenshots were taken from
different times so I agree - if I had tried to use those particular settings
I would have had an error.  I have followed your instructions to the letter
and still I get the message "Commodity From could not be understood"! In
this case I have used the MDY date format. my input file reads: 

My commodity in the security editor is defined as ABF.L - see Scrrebshot:

I still get the same error and it is only that the security ABF.L cannot be
recognised - see Screenshot:


As you can see the date and all the other fields are OK and parse
successfully. Only the Stock ID is rejected.

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Re: [GNC] Reconcilliation deferal

2018-08-17 Thread mdforbis
I've always been able to just edit the transaction while the reconcile window 
is still open.  I just switch over to the register window, make my changes and 
switch back.  I believe there might even be an option to edit the transaction 
in the reconcile dialog.


On Friday, August 17, 2018, 3:02:21 PM CDT, Rich Shepard 

  Perhaps I've missed something. If not I ask for a fix in the next release.

  When reconciling my bank accounts I sometimes need to go back to account
registers and fix an error so I elect to defer the reconciliation process
until later. However, when I return all previously checked transactions have
been cleared and I need to start over. It would save time and hassle to have
filled checkboxes saved as such when the reconciliation process is deferred.

  An alternative is to drop that option and either finish or cancel the


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